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7:01 AM

This is a clear duplicate of one of our most important canonicals (the `UnboundLocalError` one); it has the incredibly unhelpful title "Coursera issue for me"; it doesn't show a complete error message; it copied and pasted an assignment question and the entire code; and there is no question (it just says "please help me").
Nobody hammered it, someone actually upvoted it, and it got fifteen answers (two deleted).
(actually, no - it's another "not all paths assign a value" logical error, in turn caused by printing rather than returning)
Oh, and it was even additionally tagged php for no reason at all.
... And java, too, in the history! Someone removed that tag, but missed the php tag!
And someone else edited to remove a stack trace!
@Aran-Fey outscoring Mr Hettinger, no less. that should be a badge of its own 👏
Yeah, it's a surprisingly bad answer for him
oh, there's a logical error too, since fraction doesn't change in the loop. That part could be considered a typo, tho; I can't add a dupe for that
and then, several of the answers completely lack any attempt at proper formatting
@Aran-Fey btw, want to see just how terrible Stack Overflow's site search is?
if you search for alling parent class __init__ with multiple inheritance, what's the right way? (missing the C on Calling) it will not find that question
7:17 AM
Wow. And I actually thought that it's improved recently!
I actually used it to find some dupes
(I think your answer would be improved with an example of how multiple inheritance "breaks" with bases that inherit object and call super)
(that said, I barely even use single inheritance any more, because duck typing and composition are both so good)
oh, this must have been written for 2.x - since there are examples explicitly inheriting from object and others that don't show a base, with the implication that it matters
I'll be honest, I don't have the motivation to edit that answer, even though there are a few things I'm not super happy with
@KarlKnechtel Ah, I see explicitly inheriting from object backfired... Makes sense, now that I think about it
well, the point is well taken that if the bases don't use super and you don't get to fix them, then you have to do something to accomodate that
I just thought since I'm talking about classes that inherit from object, it would be a good idea to explicitly do that. Didn't think further than that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
oh. Heh
right, you show super without arguments, so it has to be 3.x, ay?
7:33 AM
Python 2 does not exist in my brain
@tripleee stackoverflow.com/questions/73944415 were you unaware of the canonical btw?
@KarlKnechtel no, you just beat me to it
by less than two seconds, I should say
heh :)
(I tend to dupe first, then explain)
(because the FGITWs are very F)
I'll keep that in mind (-:
but my impatience is a sign of a sour mood. I should probably just go sleep
hopefully tomorrow I can find a moment to write the "install it to the correct python installation" canonical I've been planning.
7:41 AM
I still struggle to keep the Python canonicals in my brain, even with sopython.com and your efforts
(more signposts! more work on sopython!)
2 hours later…
9:18 AM
@KarlKnechtel yep, it's pretty bad. I think I complained quite a bit about it in this chat room before. As others pointed out, using other search engine works far better.
5 hours later…
2:17 PM
The fact that dash won't take an absolute path as a prefix has to be one of the dumbest regressions in webapp development that I've encountered in a long time. Fighting this for the last 10 hours :'(
All it takes in Flask (though you manually have to use it in templates). I'm tempted to just fork dash at this point
Dash as in dash.plotly.com? What part of it requires paths?
It's when you deploy it behind ShinyProxy (not that I'm anything of an advocate of this **** setup)
In theory you should be able to prefix all its internal routes github.com/openanalytics/shinyproxy-dash-demo but this just doesn't play ball no matter how many of the other options I'm using in combo with it to try get it working on our platform
It only takes relative paths but I really don't understand why absolute paths would be so bad (and no, sadly I can't trick it by forcing it to strip path details :( )
Hello, I am trying to combine two data frames but for some reason I am getting the error "cannot join with no level specified and no overlapping names"
i've tried using .join .merge etc
my labels are in the index and are the same in both data frames so not sure what the issue would be
Provide an MCVE please
2:33 PM
df = df.join(df1)
If I run that exact code, will I get exactly the error "cannot join with no level specified and no overlapping names"? If I get a different error, it's not an MCVE.
@Kevin it'll be challenging without the underlying data
but that is the code to combine two data frames
It doesn't have to be real data, if that helps.
that produces the error
Ok maybe it will be better to post as a question then and show the data frames
If the error occurs when you put in the real-world third quarter earnings of Asics LLC, then it should also occur when you make up a number for the third quarter earnings of Asics LLC
2:38 PM
got it
Here are some tips for writing MCVEs that happen to use pandas matthewrocklin.com/blog/work/2018/02/28/minimal-bug-reports
3:09 PM
Ah I found the actual thing i wanted to link stackoverflow.com/questions/20109391/…
3 hours later…
5:52 PM
In the code base, a comment: #don't worry, it only folds and spindles, and doesn't mutilate, followed by a call to fold_and_spindle_and_mutilate. Testing indicates that the object is not only folded and spindled.
Coworkers say this is probably the work of {ex_coworker}, who was... Whimsical.
6:03 PM
Does this mutate the object or return a new kind of object? Because if it's the former, then that's just an accident waiting to happen. It has to be a nightmare to properly keep track of what state(s) the object is in
6:18 PM
It mutates. I'm at least fortunate that the properties is_folded, is_spindled, is_mutilated give true information about the object's state.
management plans to meet with other management to determine if a task force needs to be formed to spearhead the initiative to roll-out a committee for the changing of the method so it doesn't mutilate any more. I'm ready to comment out the one line needed to fix this, just gotta wait for their permission.
...what if they don't give permission?
Maybe it will stay broken. Maybe a stealthy coder will fix it without anyone noticing in code review.
What a whimsical ex-employee can break, a whimsical current employee can fix
4 hours later…
10:05 PM
I couldn't find anything, but idk if that's our canonicals being bad, or me being indecisive about what's a good enough match, or me being bad at searching.

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