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Regex gotcha of the day: [*-.] also matches + and , although it doesn't match anything else.
While * and . are literal inside a character class instead of having their special meanings, - creates a character range. It just so happens that * is Unicode code point 42, followed by +, ,, - and ..
1 hour later…
hi just i have small question
def test(num):
here is num is list and in python list is passed by reference and in the function i changed it to be reversed , but why it didn't modify the passed list
3 hours later…
@MohamedFathallah Because you didn't modify the list. Modifying the list means doing something like num.append(3) or num.reverse() or num[0] = 3. You threw the old list away and assigned a new list to the same variable.
@MohamedFathallah For the same reason that if I do a = 1 and then b = a and then b = 2, a doesn't become 2.
The num inside the function is a separate name for the list that was passed in, and reassigning it just changes what that name refers to. It doesn't change the underlying list (we created a new list and gave it the name), and it doesn't affect anyone else's names (even if they're spelled the same way).
@MohamedFathallah OTOH, try this:
def test(num):
    num[:] = num[::-1]

num = [1, 2, 3, 4]
For some important info on how names work in Python:
Oct 17, 2019 at 8:44, by PM 2Ring
@djsmiley2k Have you seen and Facts and myths about Python names and values by Ned Batchelder? Also see Other languages have "variables", Python has "names" for a briefer version of the same stuff, with cute diagrams.
@KarlKnechtel Oh, that may explain some regex weirdness I had with python these few months. I noticed some of my regex expression kept matching stuff that it wasn't supposed to match. (I don't have the code at hand, so only speaking from memory here)
I'm guessing it's because python use utf8 by default, which also supports unicode, and make regex also use that somehow?
utf-8 has nothing to do with it, but yes, a-b matches all unicode characters between a and b
Based on the unicode code point, that is
@NordineLotfi Back in 2003, Joel Spolsky wrote a pretty good article on Unicode. joelonsoftware.com/2003/10/08/… He'd probably write it a bit differently these days, but it's still worth reading. IMHO.
Text consists of Unicode code points (functionally: integers which semantically represent a unit of the text). Unicode is the authoritative rule that tells you what each of those code points means. UTF-8 is one possible rule that tells you how to represent a code point as one or more bytes.
"using utf8 by default" refers to two totally separate things for Python: interpreting the contents of text files that are opened with open, and interpreting Python source files themselves.
In 3.x, since str represents actual text, regexes compiled from a str similarly are set up to parse actual text. This entails, for example: \w matches Unicode code points that are conceptually part of a word, not just the ASCII ones; and you can build a range of Unicode code points with - inside a character class.
However, [*-.] in a str regex still represents the Unicode code points with values from 42-46 inclusive, just as [*-.] in a bytes regex represents the bytes with values from 42-46. This should be treated as a coincidence; bytes and text should be treated as though they have nothing to do with each other, unless an encoding is explicitly used.
The weird thing is that bytes literals essentially have an encoding built in. If you write b'*.', how does python convert that to the bytes 42 and 46? Ascii.
saunters vaguely downwards into rooms/6 S'up, y'all?
saunters, what a lovely new word you just taught me :)
Doing amazing, my weekend was so good it felt like a week of holidays :)
@Aran-Fey I mean, I'm speaking from a linux user perspective here, because, on the shell/terminal there is the LANG environment variable, where you can just set utf8 like so: export LANG=C.UTF-8. If it happens that it's set to say C which will not take into account unicode chars/symbols, then no unicode chars will be displayed on the current opened shell.
something similar can be seen if you disable utf8 on your python script (eg: encoding errors when parsing string, etc)
Ok, but regex has no need for an encoding because it doesn't need to encode text
that's true. I just meant that in the sense of "didn't thought I had to take into account unicode could be matched by my regex"
I should have been more detailed, my bad
@PM2Ring Thanks, I think I already saw it a while ago when a post from Joel's blog was linked on meta, but probably forgot
@Hakaishin Nice! Have more weekends like that!
@KarlKnechtel Didn't know you could do this with - although I did use [] before.
Why addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/colorzilla would need to access my pws is very shady
that's why it's a good idea to use an external/third party pass manager. I like password-store
Firefox PWs manager is pretty good, I'm said they discontinued lockwise it was a nice app, but now it's all bundled into firefox which is ok. I just installed a snap instead of the shady extension
Found a use case for assignment expressions. They make hacking someone's insecure eval much nicer
(lambda: [
    type := [].__class__.__class__,
    ABCMeta := [cls for cls in type.__subclasses__(type) if cls.__name__ == 'ABCMeta'][0],
    builtins := ABCMeta.__instancecheck__.__globals__["__builtins__"],
] and 123)()
It's all been worth it, then
@NordineLotfi I knew, I just didn't think of it because I was trying to match a bunch of specific punctuation
@Aran-Fey well, on some level everything is an encoding. How does Python know to translate the symbol 1 followed by the symbol 0 into the number ten? but yes, bytes have an unfortunate false-friend representation for historical reasons.
I don't think I can get my head around ABCMeta.__instancecheck__.. Why should that have a __globals__ property?
I'm rather surprised that it's not pulling globals from somewhere more "standard". oO
Function objects cache their __globals__ namespace.
I'm more interested that type has a __subclasses__, and that abc.ABCMeta is in it even if you haven't imported abc.
@MisterMiyagi interesting. That makes sense, it's just not something I've considered like this before
@roganjosh All functions have that
... and abc.ABCMeta has its __module__ set to 'abc' (a string) even though you haven't imported it
Functions defined in different modules have different globals. So the globals associated with each function must be stored somewhere
oh it is in sys.modules, presumably imported at startup via site etc
or at least some kind of bootstrapping.
@roganjosh I thought it worked differently in earlier Python versions but apparently this is in since at least 3.5.
also: you can't get a __globals__ directly from, say, [].append because the builtins are special
Does this suggest that .__globals__["__builtins__"] is always going to give you the full set of builtins? You don't have to target something as fundamental as ABCMeta to get the full set. I can't think of a case where only a subset of builtins would be available to an object
Despite the fact that you're relying on the function cache
Well, strictly speaking, there are two cases:
1. If your globals are only restricted because you were called via `eval(..., {'__builtins__': {}})`, then you just grab the real ones via `.__globals__["__builtins__"]`
2. If you're dealing with a psychopath who actually modified the builtins (like `vars(builtins).clear()`, you need to jump through a few additional hoops
@KarlKnechtel abc is imported by io, apparently
FWIW, in 3.10 function objects seem to store __builtins__ directly.
In a weird way I feel like this has demystified the data model for me. I used to look at "eval really is dangerous" and my eyes glazed over at the witchcraft but actually it's a bit more tractable for me now
@MisterMiyagi what do you mean "directly"?
@Aran-Fey is there perhaps a tool that can be used to check this efficiently?
(also, the next level of the challenge is to do it without dunder attributes ;) )
"efficiently" would be an overstatement, but there's gc.get_referrers
@KarlKnechtel As an attribute on the function object.
2 hours later…
ok weird thing: but didn't ubuntu 20 come bundled with python?
why is python command not found a thing in ubuntu 20?
@paul23 it's installed but it's not named python but instead python2 or/and python3.
oh ok
for different version, it also format it like so python2.X, etc
@NordineLotfi I wonder why they decided for that option instead of just symlinking python to python3
@Hakaishin that's a good question. I think it's because not everyone is using/ or defaulting to 3.X but still keep or even use actively 2.X
I can think of some companies doing this, but I guess it could still be useful for some people outside of the corporate setting, maybe for testing purposes (or porting libraries to 3.X)
@NordineLotfi yeah i know
I'm just terribly annoyed at synology dsm
in some way at some update in the past it change /usr/local/bin and that no longer has paths to python/python3. Destroying all my virtual environments.
yep, had that happen to me too on debian-based systems :)
But even worse: it seems pip isn't working at all?
and even easy-install seems to not be available as package
@paul23 ah, for that one, I have a trick, one minute
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py && python3 get-pip.py
yeah I tried that
and then it complains even more :P
define "complain"? what is the trace/error
(also please, post the error/log on an external paste and link it here incase it's too long)
  WARNING: The scripts pip, pip3 and pip3.8 are installed in '/var/services/homes/PaulWeijtens/.local/bin' which is not on PATH.
  Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.
Another option: Use python -m pip instead of pip
something happened to my user settings at the update
It's generally not a good idea to fix pip discovery since you shouldn't be using the bare pip in the first place.
Especially not to install packages for the system Python.
@NordineLotfi yeah but main question is: "why" why do I have to suddenly
Sorry, why does this destroy virtual envs?
@paul23 I wish I could answer this but I don't know the specifics in your case. One way to really know is to look at the detail of the post-install script of each update for each package. There a lot of bugs in there that slip through (eg: just look on debian bug listing for example)
@NordineLotfi actually after fixing problem first by cleaning and starting a new account I get this error
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils.cmd'
but apparently that's linux wide, it also happens on my local ubuntu distro
yeah, that's normal. some debian-based distro don't install distutils by default and you need to install it from their repo
yeah but SO is really confusing
Q: ImportError: No module named pip

David LuOS: Mac OS X 10.7.5 Python Ver: 2.7.5 I have installed setuptools 1.0 with ez_setup.py from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools Then I download pip.1.4.1 pkg from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip/1.4.1. Run (sudo) python setup.py install in iTerm shows that running install running bdist_...

I don't see an "answer" that makes sense there
the package name for 20.04 is python3-distutils (that's if you want 3.X) install that and see if the error is still there
@paul23 each answer don't necessarily fix the exact same issue that OP/title mention, but it converge toward that.
I see some people probably answered because they had a similar issue and thought it might help someone, so they post it anyway
@paul23 everything can be confusing if you only look at the cons. If you only look at the pros you'll say "better than nothing"
yeah but I don't really fancy just testing and installing lots of packages
just to see what works
Half-serious suggestion: Switch to Windows
@paul23 ah, I used to think like that too, but now it's not that big of a deal. Then again, I'm somewhat of a distro hopper, so don't take it from me
@Aran-Fey I think they technically can't in this case, because the device where linux is installed is for managing disk/hard drives (based on their previous replies, it seems to be from synology)
Can we get back for a moment to what you are actually trying to achieve? Presumably, you want to install some software and for that you need pip?
I used Ubuntu since 16.04; Borked Python in that version like only a stubborn novice can. Since then, never had a problem. First thing first, you install install venv via sudo apt install python3-virtualenv and leave the system wide python bin alone
^ This. Sadly, it doesn't seem like there is any such answer on the Q&A linked above.
@NordineLotfi my understanding is a little different: for historical reasons it has been the default on ubuntu that python refers to 2.x and python3 to 3.x, but more recent ubuntus don't provide 2 out of box any more because a) it's EOL and b) they managed to migrate everything that depended on it in the system
mint 20.3 here and there wasn't a 2.x install out of box afaict; there was a /usr/lib/python2.7 with like one symlink and one script that had been 2to3'd, and no stdlib or anything
(perhaps manually converted rather than 2to3)
@paul23 my understanding is the system python generally doesn't include pip and resists (via folder permissions) having one added. if you make a new venv, venv should automatically fetch a pip for it from the internet
I don't think /usr/local/bin would ordinarily have any python install, physically or symlinked, unless you explicitly installed one. my understanding is that the recommended shebang is /usr/bin/env python
True, it came to my understanding that Python kept referring to Python 2 for system critical scripts. Once these scripts were ported to Python 3, and to ease up backward compatibility, they "retired" the python alias so that maintainers will have to explicitly refer to the needed binary by it's version
basically yeah
but then it became such a problem explaining the situation and getting people to do the symlinks, that now you can apt-get install python-is-python3 x.x
I guess migration is like that sometimes. (It was too slow for my taste, honestly. By 3.4 release or so I was already kinda sick of 2.x quirks)
(pretty sure my distro had venv out of box. mint 20.3)
but yeah we really (plugging my chat room ;) ) need canonicals that can actually just guide through that kind of best-practice stuff, except you can't just flat out say that because something something POB, so you have to invent the right questions
oh right, all of that reminds me. Does apt-get have any concept of per-user installs?
Oh yeah, the migration from 2 to 3 was something to behold. I started learning Python around 3.5/3.6 and still there were people trying to convince new learners to focus on 2.7
@MisterMiyagi but hasn't it always been like that? Or at least for quite some time?
@KarlKnechtel What distro/package manager has per-user installs? O.o I thought that was pretty much fundamentally impossible
@KarlKnechtel I believe it's system wide by default since you must use sudo. But there must be a work around, how hacky that would be, though, I don't know
I mean, are there not "portable" applications for linux that you can just unzip somewhere and run? if you can go that far, then surely the intermediate step of installing per-user is feasible. Although I guess the stumbling block is defining where they're installed
I would recommend focusing on user groups and user access
@dhiaagr there are still people clinging to 2.7. there are still people stuck in the hell of even older versions in custom environments, probably
someone tagged a question as 2.6 just a few days ago
In a world where Cobol is still mission critical for some code bases, that wouldn't surprise me, lol
as recently as march, someone asked a new question for 2.4
About once I month I tell someone "consider upgrading to Python 3" and they reply "I can't :-("
I guess there are some apps that you can just download and run, but what do you do if the app requires dependencies? Those would have to be installed for the current user only; so then you have a mess where some programs are installed locally and others globally and the whole dependency management becomes hell
A better reply at least than, "why? Convince me of Python 3's merits, in great detail"
comments: "Are you certain you need to be using 18 year old Python version?" "yes :("
and the poor fellow is trying to do something with pyspark (the oldest version I can find on PyPI is from 2017)
(and current versions require 3.7+)
@Aran-Fey the cheeky answer is "it can't be worse in practice than flatpak"
@KarlKnechtel The __builtins__ attribute is new since 3.10.
oh, builtins directly on the function, not globals
It's certainly about time that someone figured out how to do per-user installs. It's 2022 and linux is still practically unusable with multiple people on one PC
I mean, I'm managing to use it
I'm even managing identities that way
@KarlKnechtel that's much more detailed, thanks
@KarlKnechtel kinda, askubuntu.com/a/350/1093568
@Aran-Fey you can do it but most ways either need to do massive symlinking, or compile everything and use a folder inside your home dir (or folder of your choice) for the apps you installed
neat that dpkg offers that power. I don't understand what a chroot is, though.
I feel like "massive symlinking" is not that bad. it works for venv?
I mean, when I say massive, I mean like, you use it not just for binaries but even for .so libs and other critical stuff
except maybe the kernel but there probably a distro or some package manager that does it for that too, I reckon
Either way, it's not exactly user friendly
it really does seem like something that should be more possible than it is.
windows manages it, but I guess most windows executables are much more self-contained overall and less dependent on shared objects
@KarlKnechtel this is decently detailed: wiki.archlinux.org/title/chroot
there a lot of hack that you can do to access files outside of it though, so not meant to be secure
@KarlKnechtel the closest to the "windows experience" on linux is .AppImage
they are too self contained, although you can easily extract them and use them as in (by either symlinking or using chroot, etc)
@Aran-Fey I agree. There are some package manager or distro that try to make this better, but most are buggy, moreso than existing distro. So it's not fully fleshed out yet
eg: linuxbrew, but it compile everything...
I stopped hoping for Linux distros to be as handy desktop-wise as Windows or Mac are. I mean, the desktop manager in itself is just a graphical application as removed from Linux as Photoshop would be from Finder or Explorer, if I'm not mistaking.
And if I'm not mistaking, then it's probably for the best.
@dhiaagr there so much to say here that I don't really know what to say...so I'll make it less verbose and say "it depends" :P But on a more serious note, what matters is that it works for you, that's what I'd call handy :)
True. Although, in this case it would be : "Whatever you can make work, at least at some decent level, so you can go on with your day without worrying about mistakes that aren't your own (for most cases, and considering not following bug reports and making sure that your system is up to date as your own mistake)", lol
windows otoh has such a terrible docker integration support
alot of my tools i run inside docker to allow easy switching and tooling
@dhiaagr sum it up well, yep
honestly, the things I miss from windows are pretty minor. stuff like how Cinnamon doesn't do right-dragging
I've had more docker issues with macOS than I've had with Windows, but I guess that's mostly because I was just using it in the WSL context anyway
1 hour later…
I've been thinking about pass-by-value vs pass-by-reference vs pass-by-assignment too much. I can't even tell the difference between the three anymore. I think it all boils down to different ways of thinking about variables
Like... think of a language that passes arguments as pointers, like C. Most people would call that pass-by-reference, but how is that different from pass-by-assignment? The pointer is a mutable object; if you mutate it, it changes for the caller as well.
The only difference is how you mutate it. In C you can mutate the pointer with an =, in python you can't
I don't believe pass-by-reference is different than pass-by-assignment, in your C example. Also doesn't assignment mean making an identifier (that is mostly meaningful to the code reader) reference an object/object's memory address?
Not necessarily an identifier; you can also do things like a[0] = 3. But for the most part I'd agree
I see what you mean, in that case, that identifier is as meaningful to the code reader as it is to the interpreter.
@PeterT well compared to linux :P
Interesting, all the C folks in this question seem to agree that C is actually pass-by-value
Seems I had a bit of a wrong idea about how C works. That actually makes sense
But now I really have no idea what pass-by-reference is supposed to be anymore
Once I'm done splitting this hair, it'll be the frickin' best split hair the world has ever seen
Maybe the expression pass-by-reference is applicable to languages that seem to differentiate between variables and pointers. I'm thinking this after reading Chris Dodd's comment under the question you linked
Because now, I'm happy thinking of Python as a pass-by-assignment language
How do I put this... Chris's comment sounds like it makes sense. I can read it and nod along. My intuition agrees with Chris. But if I think about what pass-by-reference means, I draw a blank
Hahaa, I know that feeling. And I feel that you're detecting some nuance that I'm not detecting
Could be, or maybe I'm just dense
If the sun starts getting attracted to earth, let me know
Hahaa, will do
If it's only Venus or Mars, I don't care
This makes me think of Artemis, precisely a gif animation of its planned course. i find the slingshots scientists use to travel through space so beautifully thought of
I can never fully comprehend the behavior of any pass-by-whatever system. Python makes perfect sense to me, though. I think it transcends the pass-by-wossname paradigm.
Pass by args or kwargs or both : P
I think part of the problem is that it's very easy to mix up the concepts of "object" and "variable", even for experts
python is very clearly pass by reference?
Consider: in Python, it is impossible* to change the type of an object. And yet, x = 1; x = "foobar" is completely possible. (*give or take a cosmic ray, or irresponsible usage of ctypes)
yes but that's because in principle python doesn't have variables
@paul23 in what is normally considered "pass by reference", one can do the equivalent of def change(x): x = 3 and call it like y = 1; change(y) and expect y to actually change. (This does entail restrictions on how the function can be called, something something "lvalue" something something byzantine c++ standards)
I think I agree with your point and I believe we are on the verge of discovering that we should look at this from the other end
Do functions access values or references?
On the flip side, in what is normally considered "pass by value", a copy of each argument is made whenever you call a function. But Python does not make copies of a function's arguments.
@dhiaagr First, define "reference"
If arguments are values, then python doesn't copy them. If arguments are references, python does copy them
@Kevin Hmm, I'm stuck at choosing the referenced object or the referring name/pointer for this context
Probably the referenced object given my well documented bias, lol
@Aran-Fey This is perhaps correct, depending on your definition of "value" and "reference" and "copy" and "are"
This may or may not be useful information. When you see PyObject in the CPython source, it is almost always followed by an asterisk. In other words, pointers to PyObjects are far more common than actual PyObjects.
This is the ol' "does python have names or variables" debate, it's escaped from under the rug and put on a fake moustache
Python does have variables, only we call them classes
Now that's a take I've never heard before
From robertheaton.com/2014/02/09/… Python is “pass-by-object-reference”, of which it is often said: “Object references are passed by value.”
@PM2Ring This man was thinking about pass-by-reference in a strip club. Hats off to his dedication to his craft
Personally, I don't think it's particularly useful to try & squeeze Python into the whole "pass by value" / "pass by reference" paradigm. It's a bit like asking if a pizza is a kind of sandwich.
Yeah, I see what you mean. Instead of splitting hairs, just try and understand python for what it is. Don't bring along your mental model from your previous programming language; throw that out and start fresh
No, I want to stay stuck in the muck :-) Here is where the positional arguments for a function are loaded into the function's local namespace. localsplus[j] = x; assigns the PyObject pointer x to the array of PyObject pointers localsplus.
The number of PyObject instances stays the same, but the number of PyObject pointers increases. This is consistent with "object references are passed by value". Or at least, my interpretation of it.
@Aran-Fey Exactly! Coming from C, it took me a little while to get used to Python. But when I stopped trying to analyse it in terms of references & pointers, etc, it got a lot simpler. :) I guess my experience with PostScript helped a bit. PS doesn't even pretend to have assignment statements.
Sinking into the tarpit of implementation details, I give a thumbs up until my upraised arm vanishes beneath the surface
Here's Andrew Barnert's take, which I like better than the previous article I linked: stupidpythonideas.blogspot.com/2013/11/…
Before Kevin's hand vanishes completely, I rush in and high-five him
Somehow my hand moves into high five position even though I could not possibly have seen your approach
Lately I've been playing with SKI combinator calculus, which allows function calls but not function definitions. You don't have to worry about pass-by-whatever, because there's no such thing as assignment.
And everything is immutable?
Yeah :-) no need for mutation, the program is already perfect
Natural selection has run its course
5 hours later…
stackoverflow.com/questions/73535373/… the FGITW problem here is so bad that OP has already accepted an incorrect answer for an elementary and common logical error.
oh wait, no, I think I read it wrong. The code is even more of a logical mess than I thought, to where the accepted answer might actually do something useful.
stackoverflow.com/questions/73535579/… Could someone else hammer this, I just realized I need to head out and won't be here when vote quotas refresh
Looks like another gold badge came along. really gotta run now :)

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