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Hello guys,
Ever used module linkage in Python please?
@PM2Ring. How are you?
4 hours later…
@Avv What is module linkage?
from a quick search, only two results this yielded are "hierarchical linkage" and "record linkage"
don't think this is the right term unless it's about normal python modules
@Code-Apprentice I see, that's great :D I never tried making one but it's somewhere inside my todo list
maybe they mean "how to use installed packages in scripts". In C-type languages, that's the linker's job, and setting up venvs is a common enough problem in python too
What's all this guessing in front of ambiguity, guys ?!
I'm just teasing, and cbg everyone ( :
stackoverflow.com/questions/4421706 I just got a look at what the C++ tag's FAQ looks like. Would love to be able to create stuff like this now for Python
I feel like the C++ tag is more active than the C one...maybe just me
@Arne that would make more sense then :o
I asked this a couple days back, but did not get a response (unless I missed) so wanted to try one last time here, can anyone look at this library suggestion? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/55089221#55089221
Can't you just test it out yourself?
In the days since asking that question you could have had a whole benchmarking suite running
I know this works, I wanted to know the general consensus
the way most would recommend requests over urllib, both get the job done, but requests is ok for the majority of the cases
I guess the general consensus would be that people haven't used the library but it's possible people missed the question, too, I guess
Well I would always recommend requests but you're asking specifically about a cache layer over it. You can determine yourself whether it improves speed in your use case
@roganjosh could be, but like I said, I wanted to try one last time here, if you feel it was not needed, do feel free to trash it
@Jake I never had to cache at the request level. Either I cache data using Redis, or nginx takes care of static pages
It's not really that it bothers me - more that I'm just curious about whether you are sitting and waiting on a reply rather than just setting up your own benchmarks
my recommendation: only use caching if you're sure that it gives you a significant upside. it introduces a level of uncertainty into debugging that can really suck.
not sure if I conveyed my intent properly, I do not care about the benchmark? not sure where I made it appear like so, I just wanted an opinion on what people use
any decent cache library would outperform a network IO, and by "I know this works" I confirmed that
@Arne True + caching things like get request equates to a headache induced anxiety
@Jake well that's fair enough, I did inject that context myself as often that would be why one would turn to a cache
@dhiaagr thanks for the reply, do you have any public repo I can look into?
@Jake Oh my no, I onlŷ create small scale APIs that get probably 20 concurrent request at most
@Arne I make approx 10000 calls to an API (in around an hour) and most of the time its the same JSON request, I get charged based on the calls I make, so even if isn't for the speed I get from caching I am saving cost here
that qualifies as "significant upside"
If you're confident that the json objects don't change per user basis, then I'd say go for it
if it's that simple, something like this might also work though:
from functools import cache

def get_user_data(id_: int) -> dict:
    return requests.post("expensive-api.com", json={"id": id_}).json()
one less install
@dhiaagr yeah I am using the library I linked to, but I got questioned for using something that is not version 1, which to me does not matter as I heard (it was Kevin?) once mention me some devs are just lacking confidence or some such (non verbatim)
@Arne if my server restarts I lose the cache here right?
it's all in memory, and not shared between threads
so if your server has workers, they'll each fill their own cache as well
@Jake I agree with that opinion. The frequency of repo update + the source code in itself should be the reference to decide whether to use a library or not
given that your linked library supports persistence, giving that one a try sounds like a good idea
I guess its staying in the repo then
thanks all
I was just curious what others used
I understand ( :
the library has been around for 10 years now, I kinda get why it raises eyebrows if its still sub version 1
I guess people really do roll out their own caches
2 hours later…
Some projects intentionally never reach v1.0, despite lots of development time 0ver.org
"I heard (it was Kevin?) once mention me some devs are just lacking confidence or some such" -- that sounds like something I might have said. I endorse this sentence.
The "Zeroverview" section could use a little more work. Also, I'm not a big fan of using sequence indices as a reason. Next element has 1 as an index, not 0.1 . Python and Linux got their versioning right, imo
Generally, suits are the ones who get hang up on such an arguably trivial detail. "2.0 mut be better than 1.0 which must be the bug-free version of 0.1".
honestly, I'm the kind to not care much about versioning style, as long as it's incremented (so, either x.x or x.xx or xx.x, or x etc).
I might cater to someone/or a popular one though if I ever make a project that more than one person (that one person being me) is using, but that's it
As long as you don't use candy names as version codes, lol
lol yeah. I still get confused about how Android does whatever they are doing
well they stopped now it seems, just version numbers I think. Either from Android 12 or 13 on
I put version numbers on code I share in here, if I think the help-seeker is going to ask for additional features and/or tell me I misunderstood a requirement. Really, I just need a unique identifier for each version, so I could probably use candy names without much trouble.
Speaking of code you share, I'm just having a blast with your Pipeable class. . The resulting one liner is way more readable and beautiful than what I used to do. I might use it in my 0.2 boilerplate for some piped functions
yeah, I played around with it too. Really surprised this works so well, and also use a decorator (which I didn't think of using at the time)
(meant that because I thought it should have been more complicated)
@PeterT Not sure how later versioning work, but I think they still continued for 12 and 13, see here: xda-developers.com/google-android-13-t-tiramisu-dessert-name
even on older version, they had the formatting of "candy_name version_number"
(nvm, its "version candy", mixed it up)
The decorator is perhaps unnecessary. Most/all of my sample cases are just variations on map or filter, so it might have been cleaner to just create a factory function for pipeable maps and pipeable filters.
Pipe-enabled things, Candy Corn Edition v0.2 dpaste.org/mWHno
I have decided that I like the decorator enough to keep it, even though I factored out 75% of its usages
really nice stuff, thanks
I'm still not sure whether the entire concept is a silly idea. Not that it's going to stop me.
I feel the same (especially since I wanted to do it too a while ago)
I recall seeing a library that did basically the same thing using >> instead of |, but I can't remember the name.
how do i do bitplane slicing nicely in numpy
i.e. get a bit array of msb->lsb
The other day someone linked a github project that does basically what I'm doing. I don't recall what operator it used. It's easy enough to switch operators, just have to replace __ror__ with the reversed dunder of your choosing. I guess for ">>" that would be __rrshift__
yeah, I think I linked a couples, although I don't recall if it was doing it the same way you did (think most of them used AST, probably)
@AnttiHaapala--СлаваУкраїні can you define "nicely"? Also, don't know numpy enough, but there this: dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/41635/…
@NordineLotfi I can google too :D it was not that nice :(
@AnttiHaapala--СлаваУкраїні what do you mean? I never told you to "google", that wouldn't have been nice...and I did mention not knowing numpy enough to help (and I don't really know what you mean by "nicely", which is why I said what I said earlier)
sorry if that offended you
bad-ideas' grep module, for example, uses __ror__
I see, the more you know
Now I feel bad for taking such a patronizing stance against modifying the behavior of |
Hi @AnttiHaapala--СлаваУкраїні long time no see, I hope you're doing alright ( :
We used to talk in this room back in the good old days. My nickname was randomhopeful
Disclaimer: I haven't actually used Apache Beam I just saw they overrode those operators and tucked it away in memory because I thought it was a bit interesting. stackoverflow.com/questions/43796046/…
@dhiaagr aaah :D still alive
@dhiaagr why new acco?
randomhopeful is removed user nnnnnnnn now
Daring diamond heist went a bit sideways, had to ditch the identity and lay low in the Maldives for a while
I might need to write recursive SQL today. Pray for me.
Worse yet, I may need to explain recursive SQL to someone else
God, have mercy on this child :P
@AnttiHaapala--СлаваУкраїні Still alive, [un?]fortunately : P And for the new account, long story short is: I got fed up with some personal stuff and purged everything that I could think of, including my stack profiles. Then several months later, I stoped getting fed up, lol, and had to climb my way back to enough rep to talk in the chat room.
+ Upside: Now you get to see my beautiful mug when I say stuff : P
@Kevin Somewhere buried in your system you should still have the birthday cake BOM I wrote for you :P
I think it was a birthday cake... That seems far too inane for a Kevin recipe
Wait, no, the opposite of inane. Long day :(
Ah yes, I remember the birthday cake problem. I'll probably dig up your proposal and use it as a reference.
This time the problem isn't quite as fancy. I still need to iterate over a tree, but I only want to call a function on each node. I'm not aggregating the return values this time.
Just wanted to know, would there be any extra reason so as to use indexing here. I feel like using get(n, None) and returning a fallback value would be better and it not throw an error if such widget does not exist
Raising a KeyError when the name is invalid definitely isn't the pinnacle of good design
@Aran-Fey Ah, I was suggesting as to tkinter not throwing an error instead the user can handle it themselves
Maybe there's some scenario where it makes sense for nametowidget("foo.bar") to have the same behavior as nametowidget("foo.bar..nonsense.qux")
Oh, I misread the question. I was looking at a different weird thing in the code.
@DelriusEuphoria How is the user supposed to know that the name is wrong if tkinter doesn't throw an error? Are you saying it should return None?
tkinter methods that interact with the underlying TCL engine are a bit "here be dragons". If you want to drill down to the bare metal, you lose some QoL features, like sensible exception types/messages. Not that I'm defending the practice, I'm just describing what I see
@Aran-Fey Yep
Anticipated response: "Given the state of its documentation, all of tkinter is 'here be dragons'"
Yeah, well, hypothetical responder... The TCL bits are "here be double dragons"
Returning None is a bad way to signalize an error. That's what exceptions are for.
@Aran-Fey Oh okay, what about -1 like the str.find ?
I do like my errors to be signaled as loudly and un-ignorably as possible. Exceptions are good for that.
Also bad. I suspect that was adopted from C
str.find is a deviant and must be exiled into the trackless wasteland
@Kevin yep, alot of dragons
@Aran-Fey Oh okay, so exceptions are better than returning None or any other stuff right?
At least the double dragons protect us from the triple dragons that live in the collective window management APIs of all major OSes
Not entirely sure what "other stuff" is (monads?), but yeah
"one obvious way to do it" and all that
I mean, I would consider the C binding that TCL uses "triple dragons", but who knows at this point
Aleph-null dragons live in the cable that carries electrons to and from your monitor
I always raise an exception during exceptional circumstances. Except when I don't, but that's the exception.
Honestly, "exception" is a weird name. You're not trying to say "this is a rare occurrence", you're trying to say "something went wrong". A normal person would call that an "error".
@Aran-Fey cool, thanks
@Aran-Fey That's true too
Maybe it is an exception, because thats not how it was supposed to be run
yeah, but how can anyone using whatever made such "exceptions" even know the details about "how it's supposed to work"?
Anticipated answer: "it's inside the docs"
I bet it is
probably for simple stuff, but for most things, I like to think not everything is documented (looking at tkinter here as example) but still just enough that you will get a decent amount of errors, and find a way, at some point
One particular example of a non-exceptional exception: every generator expression that you run to completion will raise a StopIteration, which is typically caught and silenced by whatever is iterating the generator. If you expect a particular exception to be raised in 100% of possible scenarios, it's arguably not exceptional.
StopIteration also doesn't have the word "Exception" or "Error" in its name, so it's double unexceptional.
can someone help with this python code?

def animalfunc():
cat= [12,3,4]

want to assign a generated string to a df
it worked for reading/creating a df but for some reason it returns a name error now. makes no sense
You can't dynamically create variables inside of a function
nobody told me that lol
Well, you kinda can
But it doesn't make much sense. What's the point of a dynamic variable that only exists in the function? Just use a dict
@dhiaagr :D
@dhiaagr well, I do prefer faces over rando' pics or gravatars :D
@CAOB1 Wait, were you trying to create a global variable?
What is a "df"?
@Kevin It's a backwards "fd". I thought everyone knew that.
@Kevin French: Descripteur de Fichier
df = panda dataframe
@Kevin It means, don't forget :p
@Kevin data frame
@Aran-Fey i was trying to return a df with a generated name from the function
function takes a list of dfs, evaluates them, joins them and returns 1 big data frame with a name generated from the list.
@CAOB1 if you just want to create a df from a generated string (or a string in general), this might work: stackoverflow.com/questions/22604564/…
Maybe if you fix the indentation, it will be easier to help
that too ^^
the column and row logic in tkinter is so confusing. Especially when you want to map multiple buttons in certain ways
I thought it was straightforward, what is confusing?
The classic beginner pitfall is: If you try to do for i in range(10): Button(root, command=lambda:print(i)).pack(), then each button will print "9" when you click it
It can also be tricky to get widgets in a grid to resize properly when the window resizes.
yep, my problem is that I think I'm using column= and row=. If you have one or two elements displayed like that, it's easy, but somehow, the previous ones have their position changed when you add more elements (eg: button or text, etc).
The command pitfall is not, strictly speaking, tkinter's fault. The same thing would happen with any library where you might want to register callbacks in a loop. But tkinter gets the most flack for it, because for many people, tkinter is the first time they've ever seen a callback.
The command pitfall also happens if you use grid instead of pack, fwiw
nvm what I said earlier, my problem is mostly because I was using grid...think I figured it out
@Aran-Fey. No idea, I just saw the term above source code.
@NordineLotfi It's certainly possible for one widget to get moved around when you add a new widget to the grid. As a simple example:
Start with a simple grid of two short labels, side by side.

| a | b |

Now suppose I create a very wide label and want to put it below "a".

| a                          | b |
| lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |   |

Just by adding this new element to the grid, the "b" label has been moved.
@Kevin. Ever heard of module linkage in Python please?
One thing that makes grid a bit tricky is that you can't see the gridlines. If my ascii chart didn't have those hyphens/pipes/plusses, I think it would be less apparent why b should move.
I mean link multiple classes together to form sort of pipeline?
Strange coincidence, I just wrote a pipeline thing this morning
4 hours ago, by Kevin
Pipe-enabled things, Candy Corn Edition v0.2 https://dpaste.org/mWHno
@Kevin I see, makes sense (especially when using grid). Any way around it? I want to make a sort of tkinter window that has elements placed one after the other, like this: dpaste.org/G5sC8
I don't mind using grid or pack or anything else, as long as this format work
In general I find that columnspan and rowspan let you bend the rules of the grid in useful ways
@Kevin I'm dying because of the strikethrough xDD Thank you for taking your user feedback into account
@Kevin I meant this chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/54689097#54689097 though its not exactly the same
For instance, giving the wide label a columnspan of 2 would give you:

| a | b                      |
| lorem ipsum dolor sit amet |
hmm, intriguing. I'll try this out, thanks
It might be "colspan". I can never remember which words are abbreviated.
@Jake Ah, now I remember.
same. I think columnspan works, didn't know there was also an abbreviation :P
@Kevin the chat search is uhm not the best, had to read thru a couple older messages to get what you said
Once a thread finishes execution in Python, it will automatically be idle or stop and be removed from CPU please?
I am talking about Threading module in Python
@Kevin very true
@Avv Removed, if I recall correctly
@NordineLotfi fwiw there isn't, yet
thanks kevin
@NordineLotfi Simply packing the item will cause them to be stacked below each other
There is a discord server dedicated to tkinter, don't know if I can share its invite link here (will it break any rule?)
@DelriusEuphoria Ooh, nice one. I didn't use it because I knew it didn't work with sticky="w". I guess I'll use that for now, thanks!
@NordineLotfi Ah, sticky is only for grid, for pack there is fill option
Ah, managed to do it using a mix of anchor="w" and for two buttons next to each other, side="left", anchor="nw".
@AnttiHaapala--СлаваУкраїні How about doing an outer product of bitwise_and?
when calling super.__init__ in Python from child class, it will call super class constructor to initialize child object, right?
@Jake Chat search has never been great, but IIRC something happened a little while ago which has made it worse. I just tried to find Antti's message using a search for bitplane and Search didn't find it.
@Avv You put the super.__init__ call in your child class's __init__ so that the parent __init__ gets called in addition to whatever the child's __init__ is doing. If your child doesn't need to do anything special and you only need the parent __init__ to run, then the child doesn't need to over-ride the parent __init__.
@NordineLotfi Ah, though I would almost always recommend using grid, really easy and flexible
If I put up a discord server invite link in here, will it break any rule? Python related
Hmm, I'll allow it
Me too
But thanks for asking. We generally treat stuff like that as spam-ish.
Haha, melon guys
So there is this tkinter discord server that me and some random stranger who knew tkinter started out a year back. Now it has over 200 members. The reason it was created was because python discord server had a #user-interface channel to ask about UI but it was so slow or people wouldn't care and there wasn't much control over it. And the existing tkinter server has been owner less and inactive for a long time. Feel free to join in: discord.gg/WvGHQPsa
If the discord is secretly a means of advertising your freelance programming business, I'll set up a parallel discord and undercut you by one dollar
Not stonks 📉
hmm, using pack work fine if I use three successive elements, but it breaks after the fourth. This example works, but this one don't.
There's actually a lot of useful Tkinter info hiding in its docstrings. Unfortunately, it does tend to assume a fair amount of familiarity with TCL. It was written when Python was still very new, and I get the impression that its intended audience are TCL coders who are starting to dabble in Python.
@PM2Ring yep, I had the same impression too after a lot of experimenting.
I recall I had a similar argument at lenghts when discussing tkinter with Kevin here
@NordineLotfi I see, looks like trying to put the two buttons together messed up the flow of pack
@NordineLotfi Here's a grid-based approach. dpaste.org/UFuBG
@DelriusEuphoria yep, works with two or three elements, but any more and it breaks. I tried different combination of side and anchor to no avail :/
@Kevin Thanks, I'll try this
I don't actually know what pack is trying to do in your second example because I've never used it for complex layouts
^ same
grid is much easier for your case
I see, I played around with grid earlier but got confused with the row and column (I think it started to break after the third layer of button + label). For some reason, it works using Kevin's code as basis
Thanks to everyone, think I got it now
I can confirm that it's easy to get confused with grid
Also worth considering: nested geometry managers. If you have a Frame widget inside your root window, the root's packing/gridding logic will work largely independently of the Frame's packing/gridding logic.
@Kevin This method is hugely advantageous in making some nice layouts easily
@Kevin Oh, that sounds nice. I think I recall seeing this being mentioned on some SO's tkinter question/answer, but can't recall which
Like you can have some complex layout inside the frame using grid and then outside just combine two different sections using pack because pack for simple layout is easier
yeah, it does sounds easier
Yep. You just can't mix pack & grid in the same parent container.
@Kevin Only if tkinter had the grid lines that dev tools in chrome uses, life would be easier
Another fun thing to explore is the use of StringVar. Here are a couple of old examples of mine: stackoverflow.com/a/38792997/4014959 & stackoverflow.com/a/46916811/4014959
A simple example of nested packing: dpaste.org/FMig2
@PM2Ring trace is really useful, but I usually avoid these control variables. We can do almost everything we need without them, like settings the text of label using configure method
One of the good situation to use these variable is if you want to have the same value shown across multiple widget, then assigning the same control variable to them will ensure each widget updates when the value of the control variable changes
@DelriusEuphoria Fair point.
@Kevin wow, this is much much easier now. And you're using only side="left" and Frame(root)...amazing
@Kevin Ah yes, this was my initial approach too
When deciding whether to use grid or a nested approach, consider what should happen if the labels of the buttons were significantly different in width. The overall alignment varies between the approaches.
frames really help to group things up
I didn't know frames could be helpful here, so that's a new thing to learn
There aren't much quality tutorials about tkinter in the internet, very less quality creators
yep, couldn't be more true.
| width                                                    |
| up                             | approximately downwards |
| height                                                   |
| ascend! ascend to the heavens! | down                    |
Frames are awesome, and quite efficient. Use lots of them! :)
N.B. In the grid approach, you can make "width" and "up" and "height" and "down" elements stick to the right side of their boxes instead of the left. Or they can stay in the middle. I forget specifically how to do it.
We can use the sticky argument for that, if I get what you are saying
ah, for that one, I think using side and maybe anchor would work. (think this is mostly applicable for pack, but don't know for grid)
sticky only work for grid afaik
@DelriusEuphoria It's surprisingly annoying to get the contents of an Entry widget without using a StringVar.
I must admit my Tkinter knowledge is getting a bit rusty. I haven't used it much in ages, since I mostly code on my phone these days. Sage does have Tkinter, but it's pretty useless on SageMathCell.
@Kevin your play on words is on point btw. I now can make a fully working 1x1 window, much appreciated! (this is a half-joke, because this isn't the end goal of what I'm trying to do, hopefully)
@PM2Ring it does? interesting
I've had a few projects where just getting the window to show up on the screen counted as a supreme victory
I can relate to that
Sage has all the standard libraries. Plus Numpy, Pandas, etc.
What's Sage?
@Kevin Why so? Isn't it the same? var.get() and entry.get()
@DelriusEuphoria sagemath.org
oh wow, and they support tkinter? nice!
@DelriusEuphoria Well sure, if you actually install Sage on your desktop machine.
Im using th Eel framework, can anyone please advise me on how to make the app open "maximized"? (eel.start('index.html'))
I use SageMathCell, which accesses a Sage server via a Web browser. sagecell.sagemath.org
@DelriusEuphoria You're right. Possibly I was thinking of setting the value. There's no set method. Most likely you can get the same effect using entry.delete and entry.insert, but the extra effort might make StringVars look a bit more attractive
Especially if, like me, you can't remember the syntax for tcl's indexing mini-language and/or tkinter's index-related constants, and have to look it up every time. "was it tkinter.END, or tkinter.end? ... tkinter.End?"
@Combobulated related? (not used Eel) github.com/ChrisKnott/Eel/issues/233
I occasionally create a child class of Entry called EntryEx, and the only difference is an added set(self, value) method
I don't know what the "Ex" is short for. In the distant past, one of my teachers used the "Ex" suffix for any class that was just a slight improvement over its parent. I let myself have a little cargo-culting, as a treat.
I can't really do normal interactive GUI stuff on SageMathCell in Sage / Python. (But I sometimes write JavaScript & run it via SageMathCell). But I can do stuff like this:
The script is compressed & encoded in the URL.
this is nice. it would take me more code to do the same on pygame or tkinter
@NordineLotfi I dont think either of those help
But thanks
The 3D stuff uses a very powerful JavaScript library: three.js. Sage only exposes a tiny bit of it, enough to do simple 3D plotting.
Here's some 4D graphics using three.js mikelortega.github.io/tesseract
I've done simple 3d wireframes with just tkinter and determination. It would be hard to do solid polygons, and harder still to do directional lighting.
binary space partitions and z fighting and maybe a bit of gimbal lock... The mind boggles
@Combobulated hmm, I guess they don't help when it comes to maximizing (I think I read the whole pages but it only mentions kiosk, fullscreen or borderless mode...)
I've got a project that involves finding the intersection of two cones... Maybe I should try Sage for that
three.js has comprehensive lighting support, but Sage doesn't let you touch it. Even its opacity support is flaky if there's more than one object.
@NordineLotfi yes
I'm told that overlapping semitransparent layers is very hard to get right
Raytracers be like "what's the big deal, just make the material absorb the correct wavelengths and intensities", but everybody else has to do extra scary math
@Kevin I guess you could do that using cones that are defined parameterically.
I tried getting a cone in Sage by switching out your cosh with lambda x: x, but it gave me a five hundred line long stack trace
@Kevin Yeah. I guess my experience with POV-Ray gives me high expectations.
@Kevin 'end' :P
@Combobulated if you have a MRE, maybe me or others will be able to help more? also, since Eel let's you use the options/argument of the Electron/browser layer it use, you can pass --start-maximized if you plan on using chrome/chromium and it might work
@PM2Ring wow, pretty cool
I've got a bitplanar 1-dimensional array in numpy so that we have all the bits from msb to lsb like M1M2M3M4 ..... L1L2L3L4....Ln, how to get it back to uint32s nicely :P
@PM2Ring ah yes, three.js is pretty dope. Alot of awesome looking websites are made using it
@Kevin I'd rather give up :P
sth like calculate 32 slices and and together shifted but...
can't be arsed to make it the dummy way :P
wireframes are easy if you squint your brain until you understand 4 dimensional affine transformations
brain has left the chat
@AnttiHaapala--СлаваУкраїні Ah. Sorry. I thought you wanted to slice a plane of bytes up into multiple planes of bits. :)
The actual math is just multiplying matrices together, which is done just by adding and multiplying a bunch of regular numbers
No square roots or logs or lambert's W function required
@PM2Ring I already did that, now need to reverse :P
@Kevin I'll take a look at it. In the mean time, here's a superquadric, which morphs from a cube (q=0) to an octahedron (q=2), via a sphere (q=1).
I suspect I could troubleshoot the long stack trace by reading the manual, but that hasn't yet reached the front of my priority queue
Ooh, octahedrons, this one gets priority 1
You can give it higher q values to get concave octahedral things. You can even give it negative q without crashing it, but you get weird spiky things.
@PM2Ring Nice, I like this thing already
@Kevin That revolution_plot3d function is a bit odd. It calls parametric_plot3d to do the work, but it makes some funny assumptions. I haven't used it much, but I use parametric_plot3d quite a lot. It's very versatile. You can give it a list (or tuple) of functions, or a function that returns a list (or tuple, vector, Numpy array).
Let's look at the docs for revolution_plot3d... "revolution_plot3d(f,trange), where f is a function located in the xz plane." I'm guessing cosh can map imaginary numbers to reals, but "lambda x: x" can't
The x in my catenary code isn't a normal Python variable. It's a magical Sage symbolic variable. So it's kind of like a function.
def bit_unslice(bit_array):
    length, = bit_array.shape

    result_length = length // 32

    # must be true.
    assert result_length == length / 32

    result = np.zeros(result_length, dtype='int32')

    for i in range(32):
        bit_plane = bit_array[result_length * i: result_length * (i + 1)]
        result |= (1 << (31 - i)) * bit_plane.astype('uint32')

    return result.astype('int32')
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні ^
Ah, P = revolution_plot3d((lambda r, theta: r), ... gives me a nice 90 degree cone
@Kevin You don't need a lambda. Just give it x or 2*x as the function.
Ooh, I like this magic.
But that revolution_plot3d thing is pretty limited. It's probably not much use for making the intersection of 2 cones.
Looks like doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/plot3d/sage/plot/plot3d/… can composite shapes together. And there's a picture of a funny little man, which makes it less intimidating.
Image mapping onto a sphere, with the help of PIL:
It's a bit slow. Pure three.js can do it much faster, and with higher quality.
Not as beautiful as it could be, but useful for my purposes sagecell.sagemath.org/…
Looking at the cones from below, I can get a moderately good view of the curve where they intersect
A globe with latitude & longitude lines, and stuff, using parametric_plot3d
I am contemplating the orb
doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/plot3d/sage/plot/plot3d/… doesn't seem to have the teapotahedron... Quite the oversight
There might be one hiding somewhere. ;)
Like any universal constant, it pops up when you least expect it
I quite like the "A bunch of random cubes". Might reuse that on some plotting project
BTW, you can make your cones translucent with (eg) opacity=0.7
When all else fails, dazzle them with cubes while you escape
@PM2Ring It's a little flaky. Just as you predicted!
Apr 15 at 13:57, by PM 2Ring
An RGB colour cube in Sage.
this is beautiful
@Kevin Possibly somewhere between Earth and Mars.
@NordineLotfi Thanks! Try doing that in Tkinter. ;)
That's where I'd most expect it. But now that I expect it, it won't bother to be there, so I won't expect it...
@PM2Ring yeah, that'd take a decent amount of time (knowing me, probably more than 3 weeks)
@Kevin and then it'll appear again because you don't don't expect it
also, the zoomin/out mechanics will be a pain to do in tkinter...might be easier to do in pygame though
Just one of the reasons I try to stay out of interplanetary space
We recently had a question on Astronomy.SE asking if the Webb telescope could see Russell's teapot.
But speaking of interplanetary space, I wrote a program that can plot orbits in 3D of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and numerous spacecraft. See the final section of astronomy.stackexchange.com/a/49823/16685
I wouldn't be surprised if the Webb telescope isn't particularly good at photographing things within, say, 2 AU of itself. For the same reason that I can clearly see a car on the road a mile away, but I can't focus on the end of a q-tip that's half a centimeter from my pupil
Not a perfect metaphor, since the ratio of the size of my eye's lens to its ideal focusing distance, is hugely different from Webb's
Oh, it could see something that close, if it's big enough. But a teapot at an AU or 2 is way too small. astronomy.stackexchange.com/q/49976/16685
I think you can do your cone intersection using an implicit plot. Unions are pretty easy, but intersections may require creative algebra. doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/plot3d/sage/plot/plot3d/…
In the best case scenario, Russel's Teapot could be directly in front of the Webb telescope. The Sun-Earth L2 point lies within the teapot's stated territory of "between Mars and Earth". Worst case scenario: it's directly behind the telescope. And it's got a knife!
The JWST is built to handle small sharp things. But hot things can damage it.
This post has a great photo showing the number of micro-meteoroid hits to Hubble's WFPC2 radiator astronomy.stackexchange.com/a/49534/16685
Although the mystical force that powers the teapot could easily keep it hot, I think it would be reluctant to give off any more infrared light than necessary.
Hmm, can a thing be hot, but not give off any infrared light? Not sure how that works.
Nope. I mean, you can insulate it, or put it inside something mirrored, but eventually the insulation or mirror will warm up.
The best you can do (in space) is to slow down the rate of heat loss & have large radiator fins.
@roganjosh I took a quick look at DataTables and seems like this is exactly the thing I am looking for. Thanks.
Glad it helped
I'm a big fan of Kevin 'n' all, but is there a reason that this has been pinned?
for once, I'm not responsible for pinning/starring a Kevin message
I kinda felt Kevin's star status flows a bit like a stream, ever replaced by more content upstream. This Kevin quote is now trapped in some eddy and given extra importance of some kind
@NordineLotfi I... don't quite know how to break it to you but <deep breath> You can't actually pin messages, Nordine. It was all just an elaborate experiment to see whether you would try find the button that never existed
I see, I guess I thought this was like starring or something. My bad
The button that never existed pinned the pot that never existed
And worst case scenario, they both have a knife
I wasn't the one who starred the message, but I like it. And now, I don't know me starring it would create some kind of kerfuffle
Star it all you want. Pinning is a little different - it's something that only Room Owners (ROs) can do and it will stay at the top of the star board. You'll see that the top two are different to the normal black stars
You can't put a star that close to the teapot, it'll melt. Can you live with that responsibility?
"Sorry folks, I found Russell's teapot, but I melted it. My bad."
@roganjosh Oh I see! Thank you for explaining
Well then, I won't star it since it already has been in our hearts and minds
Since I don't think the comment is of national importance to the room, I'm inclined to think it doesn't quite need the status it currently has
Sorry Kevin
@Aran-Fey Technically, there must be at least one Russel teapot. The one that he used for tea
Therefore, god, at least one, must have existed
3 hours later…
@Aran-Fey. I was asking actually about a Messenger class that acts as a notification center for all listener classes. This is how we can provide somehow a module linkage (modules communicating with each other)
@Aran-Fey. Do you think this is a good approach to follow to allow classes objects to communicate with each other please?
Can you please use directed responses if you're picking up something from a while back? None of us except the obsessive people know what this is about, otherwise
It starts here, for others:
21 hours ago, by Avv
Ever used module linkage in Python please?
Also, I've never heard of "module linkage" either, and the best guess was from Arne and that doesn't seem relevant, either, so I think you've just invented terminology
Maybe look into kafka? It's totally unclear what you're asking
@roganjosh. Hello Rog
Hello A
You are right
It seems invented name that has no source in Python community
I was trying to find a way to let classes talk with each other once a central class has a new output
so I was thinking similar to Subscriber-Publisher methodology
Well that's what kafka is, it's a pub-sub broker
Any class that wants to get new update has to listen to the class publishing a new message
but rog this is not over network but internally between classes
that is why I was referring to it as "modules linkage"
Something that's bothering me is that "classes" don't listen to each other in any scenario here. You mean instances of classes, surely, and even that sounds a bit formal
yeah instances for sure
So, one last question please. Suppose we have 2 instances for 2 different classes A and B. Can I pass an instance A method to another instance B and call the instance A method from instance B ?
I think I want a bit more of the context of what you're trying to do overall
My immediate answer to that question is "no" because you're asking to pass some class-bound method over a broker to some other instance and ... <head explodes>

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