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@Mikhail That's correct, because sleeping doesn't prevent messages from being handled. In addition, sleeping a process will avoid turning your computer into a heater (whereas a busy loop will heat your room and drain your battery).
when i have a dict with dict lists as values and e.t.c. how can i delete certain item?
I tried to del sub_item but in the original variable the sub_item is not deleted.
@CodyGray actually sleeping can prevent the Windows message pump from being serviced which will have your program shown as "not responsive". For example, if you do something bad like have a mutex unlock failure inside a call back. In this case you're likely asleep because the mutex puts the thread into sleep.
1 hour later…
here mutex failure means the thread is just waiting on a condition variable.
5 hours later…
@ChrisP you need to go up a level: foo = bar['baz']['quux']; del foo['potato']. If you do spam = foo['potato']; del spam python has no way to know that you meant to delete the key from the dict.
@Mikhail I guess it depends on how you "sleep".
And... eeek, yes! If you deadlock inside of a callback, you did something very wrong.
Is there an established way to ctrl + c a script that started a database query that you want to terminate?
Literally asking for a friend - the query went on to go through 1.6 trillion rows, but killing the script doesn't necessarily send a kill signal to the database
I'd say the "established way" is Ctrl+C. If the script doesn't handle that and do proper clean-up, well.... caveat emptor.
This would imply wrapping every function that calls a potentially-bum query in something that can tell the db to quit?
I think SQL Alchemy should do this. I just wanted to avoid trawling the source on a Saturday morning. You've done this to me, Cody :P
I think I just told you to trust that all code you execute is well-written. That... is probably the worst advice I've ever given.
Ok. It's worse than I thought. The sqlalchemy library is actually really well written but I have absolutely no idea where I should be looking
But... databases are supposed to be transactional, right? If you abort the current transaction, shouldn't it abort your changes safely?
They are. But if you abort a script with ctrl + c, how will the database know that you're not waiting on its answer?
I'm not convinced that it can terminate the job you sent to the db just by killing the process that launched the query
In my mental model, the script would, upon termination, terminate its connection to the database, which would, obviously, tell the database to abort any pending transactions and terminate the connection with the client (i.e., the script).
In that mental model, though, you'd need to pre-emptively make sure that every one of your queries are wrapped in something that handles a tear-down and actively stop the query
Isn't there a global object that represents the connection to the database? Termination of the script would terminate that connection via the object.
the context manager responsible for the transaction should handle that
I thought the issue was not crashing the whole program on ctrl+c
This is what I'm thinking. For sure if we start a connection with psycopg2 then we're responsible for the query. I'm hoping that SQLA wraps all of this for us, but I don't know where to look
The point of context managers is to do tear-down even if exceptions were raised. Just make sure you're using one that cleans up.
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Even better - the context manager for databases only closes the cursor and not the connection. I already yammed up on that one by telling people to do something that left a lot of dangling connections
Doesn't closing the cursor clean up the interrupted transaction?
Closing the connection sounds like a different issue
I don't know anything about databases, mind you
Actual code:
with psycopg2.connect(
    ) as conn:
        c = conn.cursor()

        c.execute(f"""CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {schema}""")
        c.execute(f"""GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON schema {schema} TO {users}""")
conn.close() is bonkers, but you actually need it
I would have expected the with to implicitly ensure close is called. Is that not how Python works?
Because it won't otherwise close the db connection when you leave the context
@CodyGray it usually is, but not DBs for some reason
@CodyGray you and me both
We talked about this recently
That's probably a bug in psychopg2 or whatever library/implementation you're using... It probably has to specifically designate/annotate the close function as something that should be implicitly called on clean-up, and it probably doesn't do that.
It's not a bug, it's how it was designed. I can't say for sure whether it goes across the whole database API in python
But, yeah, the context only closes the cursor, and I don't think it kills the db job
@CodyGray see docs.python.org/3/library/…, stdlib
# Connection object used as context manager only commits or rollbacks transactions,
# so the connection object should be closed manually
Huh, okay
Although in that case the context manager seems to replace a cursor object, so it makes a bit more sense.
That strikes me as a weird design. In what case would you not want to call close?
If the context manager handles the transaction then probably not
I can't answer that because it's also a weird design to me and I gave a lot of advice out to my company about context managers to fix our problems, only to run straight back into it
As a DB ignoramus I'd expect two context managers: one for a connection and one for a cursor. Latter does a single transaction.
@roganjosh looking at this it would need two with blocks for the two transactions, so perhaps it was deemed too verbose
In any case, I don't think any of this sends a kill signal to the db to stop doing the bad thing you asked it to do. Is tearing down the connection, even, enough to make it stop?
I'm sure there's Q&A about this
Where should we look, Codidact?
I don't understand the explanation given here, unless it's just "ugh, let the garbage collector handle it".
I guess the key is "With autocommit turned on, each statement is committed as it occurs, so there is no reason to use a context manager"?
@CodyGray seems so, yeah. Refcounting kills objects instantly.
so question is if there can be references to the connection deep down where the troublesome work is progressing...
> I was careful to design the objects so cursors refer to connections but not vice versa so there are no cycles.
Probably not in pyodbc
But autocommit sounds like a strawman, that sounds like a degenerate case of using transactions
Last comment on the github issue says SQLAlchemy does close the connection
SQLA does
Just to be clear, I wasn't asking about any of this stuff, but was happy to join the conversation on how weird context managers are with db connections
51 mins ago, by roganjosh
Literally asking for a friend - the query went on to go through 1.6 trillion rows, but killing the script doesn't necessarily send a kill signal to the database
SQLA does kill the connection once it leaves a context manager, I just don't know where to find out if it can kill a query once you abort the script that launched it
well then you shouldn't have brought up ctrl+c :P
Maybe I'll grep for KeyboardInterrupt or something to see whether it handles it
that seems like a red herring
What matters is the initiating program closing down in any (unexpected but graceful) way, right?
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні of course I should. That's the whole situation. I launch a script that sends a query to a database that's going to take it a year to solve - the script initiated it, but in panic, I killed the script. Does that mean the database stops processing the request?
If the query takes that long it should be easy enough to find out, shouldn't it?
assuming there are ways to diagnose a database
Well, it didn't kill the request in the case I'm investigating, which is why I was asking for best practice. I perhaps phrased my original question incorrectly
"Will sqlalchemy also kill a query if you ctrl + c the script mid-way?"
"Also"? As in "in addition to closing the connection"?
The connection is cheap. We can have 500 of those. Once you lock the DB on some monster query, it's foobar'd to everyone if it takes days to chew through it
Looks like to me that you can call cancel() on the connection object to, well, cancel/terminate a query.
So I guess the question is whether your script does that in response to a terminate signal.
scoped_session is probably the correct way of doing this
4 hours later…
@KarlKnechtel my answer in the duplicate literally links to "create an app password" which is not "use less secure app feature which no longer works". This is a duplicate. Of course, now someone has created an answer based on that which is just a wordier version of my answer.
7 hours later…
stackoverflow.com/questions/72587383 Do we have a canonical for "expressions in a script don't cause a result to be displayed"? Or... whatever you want to call the underlying misconception here?
That's a weird question
I guess people who ask things like this have subtly different expectations from one another, so it's just unclear
I can't imagine the plausibility of these questions, it all depends on a simple print, right? Unless the user is using IPython and it's the last line in the cell, then the result is actually displayed without print in any case, if I'm not mistaken
I'm sorry, and logically if it is typed directly into the console, there will be the display of the desired result, but certainly the OP did not use the console, otherwise the desired result would be displayed
I want to live in a world where there are ready-made high-level OAuth libraries, and not a world where an uninformed incompetent hobbyist (me) has to write one :(
I'm sure I've seen many high-level OAuth implementations for many web frameworks
Anything for the client side though?
You mean JS? No, you don't
No, for client apps. There's a user, a service provider (for example Dropbox), and the client program interacting with the service on the user's behalf (my code). I need to open the authentication page in the user's browser, then launch a web server to wait for the authorization code, then exchange it for an access token, etc
Google has something like this, but specifically for google apps. And it's not async. And it's written by google. Lots of issues there.
By the way, does anyone know if that process is called "authentication flow" or "authorization flow"? Should I just play it safe and call my class AuthFlow?
this is both oauth and talks about auth vs auth oauth.com/oauth2-servers/openid-connect/…
unless that page doesn't answer your question
The thing is, as far as I understand it, the flows do a bit of both. Heck, maybe even more than a bit. You go through the process of authenticating yourself (i.e. proving your identity by logging into the service) and then afterwards you authorize (i.e. give your consent for) the client app to act on your behalf
Haha, it sounds better and better the more you think about it, doesn't it? :D
Python packaging sucks, want to rip out my hair rn, and I don't have any, so ripping out my skull.
My bad
@Pylyr please don't ask for help with fresh questions on the main site as per our rules
Anyway, I think python packaging is actually not bad. The problem is that it has changed a lot and now most information you find is outdated. And a lot of people actually struggle with imports and structuring their project properly, which aren't problems of the packaging system
And figuring out the right tools to use together with pyproject.toml etc.
Hi everyone, does anyone know of a way to end a while loop without actually editing the code of the loop; to clarify, I am using a function from an imported module (pylsl - resolve_streams) which runs a while loop infinetly, which I need to stop after 5 seconds. So in summary I have [streams = resolve_stream('type', 'EEG')], which will infinetely search for a stream, and I need to terminate the function after n seconds. Sorry for the complicatedness, Thanks
I don't see any endless loops in there. Quite the opposite, I see a whole bunch of returns
@Aran-Fey Yeah I found the official docs/site and its pretty much working.
Seriously, please don't flag "merely annoying" messages.
@Aran-Fey What do you mean?
I mean that that function shouldn't run forever, and if it does, then you should find out why
@Aran-Fey It seems to search for setreams forever untill one is found
Do you know of a way to deal with this, besides editing the module?
Can't hypothetically one run the function in a thread which is murdered after n seconds?
You can't murder threads
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні like how?
@Aran-Fey huh
Right, I guess all mortal threads have tasks that are aware of their mortality. Existentially dreadful tasks?
You could use resolve_bypred or resolve_byprop, those have a timeout parameter
Or open a PR to add a timeout to resolve_stream?
Isn't resolve_stream ending up calling resolve_byprop through github.com/labstreaminglayer/liblsl-Python/blob/…?
resolve_byprop seems to solve the problem, can anyone explain to me the difference between resolve_stream, resolve_byprop and resolve_bypred?
Depends on how you call it. And if it ends up calling resolve_bypred, then you can't give it a timeout even thought resolve_bypred would accept it
@Aran-Fey I assumed the resolve_stream('type', 'EEG') in their example
String first arg, string second arg, two args.
Oh, I totally missed that
@Combobulated resolve_stream is a paper-thin wrapper (a front-end, if you will) that determines which underlying function to call depending on the inputs.
If I read correctly then resolve_stream('type', 'EEG') should directly call resolve_byprop('type', 'EEG') so then it's a no-brainer to use that instead and slap on a timeout argument.
running in a debugger should verify that call chain
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні so what is the point of it then?
@Combobulated the point of resolve_stream()? That you can call resolve_stream('type', 42) and call a different function, or call resolve_stream(42) and yet another one.
It's probably meant as a convenience function.
The thing with convenience functions is that they are convenient for a very specific (but expected to be common) set of situations. If your use case is outside those situations you have to get your hands dirty, often just a little bit.
youtube.com/watch?v=jO6qQDNa2UY is a great tutorial for pygame beginners and idiots like me xD
E.g. the new functools.cache is a thin wrapper for functools.lru_cache with a default that suits many needs. If that default doesn't work for you. you have to use lru_cache.
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Oh right. Thanks

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