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https://stackoverflow.com/questions/136097 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68645

Ugh, both of these are really messy. No real way to disentangle at this point, though :(
I almost feel like creating artificial signposts rather than artificial canonicals.
10 hours later…
How bad is it, really, to use http.server in production?
Are we talking "your personal enemy crashes your server once they know what software you're using", or "within seconds of deployment, your site will be crawled by vulnerability-scanning spiders, and gain full control of your system"?
It only implements basic security checks, so
Security checks for what? What does the server do that an attacker could exploit?
> SECURITY WARNING: DON'T USE THIS CODE UNLESS YOU ARE INSIDE A FIREWALL-- it may execute arbitrary Python code or external programs.
Ah, I guess this warning is about the CGI server
TIL you can't use f-strings as docstrings :(
def foo():
    f'Is this a {"doc"}string or not?'

print(foo.__doc__)  # None :(
I don't think I'd trust SimpleHTTPRequestHandler in production, for fear that a bad guy could access files higher up in my path. On the other hand, BaseHTTPRequestHandler doesn't seem particularly vulnerable, since it's basically a stub
>>> ast.dump(ast.parse("""f'I am a {"doc"}string'"""))
"Module(body=[Expr(value=JoinedStr(values=[Constant(value='I am a '), FormattedValue(value=Constant(value='doc'), conversion=-1), Constant(value='string')]))], type_ignores=[])"
That file path is going through quite a convoluted set of processing steps... wonder why they didn't just abspath it and then check if it startswith the root directory
Unfortunately, a JoinedStr can't be a docstring. It can only be an expression statement containing only a constant string
I'm a bit surprised that the optimizer doesn't try to turn simple f strings into constant strings. Even f"I am a docstring" remains a JoinedStr
I sense an opportunity for a PR. Fame and glory could be yours, intrepid reader
A friend of mine want computer to learn speech. Is there any theory where one can learn that? Should one use neural networks or genetic algorithms for that or is it hopeless to try that?
@JaakkoSeppälä define "learn speech". Speech recognition and speech-to-text are existing things.
I meant speech recognition.
So presumably you'd want to search for that.
2 hours later…
In a QTableWidget i have as cell widget a QGroupBox. After the fill table operation, i call resizeRowsToContents but the rows are resized based on cell text of other columns
I tried to set manual with qss the stylesheet of QGroupBox. I tried something like QGroupBox{height:250px!important;} it works but not clear good. Any suggestions?
Ok i solved!

I feel like this one is better as a canonical and that the duplicate closure should be the other way around. Thoughts?
neither version of the question goes into motivations in the question, though.
maybe there should also be some signpost titles, like something about "variable name based on string" or "use string in variable name" or something
But also, I kinda feel like canonicals that answer "how do I do X?" with "X is unreasonable; do Y instead; here is how" are an awkward approach to common XY problems, even if the advice is good. I would rather that the canonical were phrased in terms of Y, and then there were signposts covering the Xs. (of course, that doesn't leave a good home for the "if you REALLY want to X" answers...)
in the specific variable-variables case, I think perhaps we're just missing canonicals for questions like "how do I organize related variables/data"? (yesterday I saw a question where the apparent goal was to take four existing variables and put them into a list, and OP was massively overcomplicating it), alternately "how do I arrange my variables to allow for iteration?" (more beginner friendly: "how can I make a for loop work with separate variables instead of a list?")
I was just musing on where companies would store things like cryptographic keys and found this answer. So the movies weren't lying - I wonder if each of the two USB sticks have to arrive in black suitcases to be extra secure; they didn't mention that part :(
the answer are obvious when the questions are asked like that, but the point is that it builds the intuition needed to do things properly, rather than wanting dynamically named variables.
Soliciting opinions:

Which is the better canonical?
The first one, and by a long shot
I'll let others weigh in, but thank you. I do agree that code in a canonical shouldn't look appear specific to the OP's original task

separately: considering https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7771011/how-to-parse-data-in-json-format I know I've seen Martijn Pieters comment like this on other Python canonicals, and others attempt to use the comments similarly. It's useful, but I think not optimal. I like the idea of intentionally creating "signpost" duplicates to gather groups of slight variations on a question, so that:
I'm only vaguely aware of what you've been doing, but I like the enthusiasm, and I think they should let you do anything you think is in the site's best interest
I'm a bit more strict: I prefer if doing the thing is actually in the site's best interest :P
in general I don't mind "intentionally creating" new posts as long as the old references are left alone
Are there any new canonicals in python for old features that have gained legs? For example, a match statement canonical, or a new pandas canonical don't count because they're evolving targets
The most recent I can think of is Kevin's asking for user input and that was 2014 :O
Now I do feel old when that sticks in my head as "recent". It was when I was learning and started joining the room. Apparently that "recent" flag has embedded in my brain
How an answer turns in a wiki-answer?
The answerer elects for it
Not sure if that counts, but I have an answer about the use of super that's approaching 200 upvotes
Basically - "I give this to the community and I don't care about rep on it any more - the community can maintain it". It doesn't happen these days
Wow, interesting
@Aran-Fey 2018 is definitely ahead of 2014 :)
@roganjosh or when the question is community wiki, for what it's worth
@Marco There's more nuance to it than that, I think, in that there have been several developments on the use of the wiki title but I'm not most-qualified to describe that part
Fair point, Andras :)
And in old days posts would turn into community wiki after "n" edits. That's probably all the remaining nuance there is. These days only mods can make questions CW.
Hmm... what is the "n" value?
the number of edits needed to turn the post into community wiki
It's what I'm asking
I know
You are welcome to search on meta to find out.
I think I just checked the "make into community wiki" button at some point
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Ok, but it does not matters to me anymore, as you said that happened in old days...
All right
Information that does not matter is my favorite kind
I thought it was the opposite, Kevin
I contain multitudes
Following up on that link, I've seen the word "nerfed". It's been so long since I've seen it. All the old MMORPG arguments I used to peruse are such a distant memory
@roganjosh for old features, I don't think there has been anything, but I'd like to change that
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні "These days only mods can make questions CW": I think it's fair.
Raymond Hettinger does a great job providing high-quality Q&A pairs for new stuff. Most recently: stackoverflow.com/questions/72225191/…
He sure posts a lot of weird workarounds instead of just using a bunch of ifs
Add/approve a counterintuitive feature, gain rep self-answering questions about it
@KarlKnechtel "*input(_*(...)" (from stackoverflow.com/questions/72225191/…): this is a typo?
It's literally the first line of his answer "The grammar for the match/case statement treats the _ as a wildcard pattern." :/
No; _ is a function that is being imported as that name from gettext. The result of calling the function is used for the prompt message.
@vaultah cynicism > 9000! :P
Ok, roganjosh and Karl, I did not pay attention, sorry and thanks
(BTW, I was sure it wasn't a typo)
chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/54677712#54677712: (I had tried to make the part between asterisks bold, after I saw that I should use 2 asterisks around the text. I didn't find this in the chat guide, I just discovered it myself just now :( )
Where is there a complete formatting guide?
There isn't one
Or a basic one
In the faq maybe
Yeah, there's there, thanks!! :D
@KarlKnechtel Did you also look at the other stuff he's doing like this? That's not exactly teeing SO up on the canonical side when set differences have been around from the start. Nice to see Samwise in the mix. I've missed him obliterating every attempt I made at canonicals
Well, not making canonicals, but he answered faster than I could find the dupes and then just spent the rest of the time arguing with me about it
FWIW it's not me that downvoted that particular answer. But it's not exactly helping with the noise when he could just hammer something... and it's so brittle as an answer anyway
"hammer something"?
People with gold badges on a tag can close questions as a dupe single-handedly - "hammering"
Right, so you are saying that him could hammer that post because his answer was downvoted?
chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/54677792#54677792: (wow, the help link in the footer opens directly a popup with the formatting help :P)
No, I'm saying that a core developer could have found an existing answer to that question (i.e. a canonical) and closed the question without making any answer
You've mentioned "he"
I'm honestly not sure what you're asking me
About "But it's not exactly helping with the noise when he could just hammer something..."
15 mins ago, by roganjosh
People with gold badges on a tag can close questions as a dupe single-handedly - "hammering"
Raymond, being both a gold badge holder and a core developer, could have just found the canonical to the question and hammered it. He didn't. Instead he added a weak answer.
Now it's clear
I was specially confused with this part: "But it's not exactly helping with the noise (...)"
@roganjosh It's not clear to me why OP has the specific "use a set comprehension" requirement. If it's an arbitrary constraint from outside, it's homework, and the question is too trivial to answer except with a code dump.
It doesn't help with the "noise" because it's now just another answer that doesn't really provide any proper context. That's the whole point of canonical answers - you try to link all the different ways people can ask the same question to a single source of truth - the canonical answer
if you mean that the question should be closed as a duplicate of one of the set-intersection questions, then no: OP already explicitly acknowledges that solution and finds it unacceptable.
If you can't rely on the rest of the community to follow this goal then you're <insert NSFW analogy here>
this isn't the same question as any ordinary canonical because of the constraint OP wants to impose.
if there isn't a good reason to have that constraint, then we don't answer the question at all.
@roganjosh Ok, thanks for clarifying
on the other hand, if the canonical includes answers that don't use the set comprehension, then go ahead and hammer away. Possibly comment with an explicit link to one of the answers, too.
at any rate, I agree about Samwise, having run into those answers a lot
I also agree that Hettinger's answer there is not a good one, because it does not address OP's objection to the normal way.
Can someone recommend me a library that takes care of the OAuth flow for a client app? (For example, the whole "open this url in the browser, then start a http server and wait for the redirect" thing, and/or other forms of authentication)
@roganjosh I added a comment to the question and voted to close as unclear (the goal of using a set comprehension, in particular, is unclear).
@KarlKnechtel I fully agree, Karl.
@KarlKnechtel on a slightly different note, you new answer led me to this which was something I didn't know
@KarlKnechtel It's fair.
yes; I added my new answer because I found that question when I was examining all the "mutable default argument" search results to assess the situation with such canonicals.
Congratulations on the work you've done, Karl.
I, too, had not seen it before.
I think I need to take a break from Stack Overflow before the next round. Or at least, as long as I am in the habit of writing stuff about coding: I should work on my blog.
Right :D
What is your blog?
Despite the criticism you've had, keep doing what you think you should do to make the SO a better site.
@roganjosh seems like technical debt
> If you are thinking of using your own unique not-None sentinel object, these days you'd probably want to use object(). But object() didn't exist yet in the Python language when the deepcopy() function was written.
Very much don't use a list as a sentinel.
I guess you'd probably also want to not use a function parameter at all. Just a _nil = object() in an enclosing scope.
It was 2357112 that corrected me about deepcopy a few years back in that it's actually implemented in python. At some point I meant to do some digging on why that is, and not in CPython, but never got round to it. I've just been reminded that I don't really know what deepcopy is actually doing
Or, on a more basic level, it's not clear to me why all the copying couldn't be done in C. I naively and blindly just assumed that was what it did
I think in the general case there are magic steps like a pickle -> unpickle cycle.

I can find several bad versions of the question, but nothing like a canonical. What do we use for "I tried to assign to the iteration variable, and it didn't update the underlying sequence"?
This is a start but there's probably a base
@KarlKnechtel didn't you run into that recently?
this is better but the question code is not good
I barely started the blog by writing something a few months ago and abandoning it, so it isn't worth linking
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні I am pretty sure I did, and I don't recall finding a good answer
May 4 at 20:02, by Karl Knechtel
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72107971/why-is-list-of-dataframes-not-being-assigned-in-python there's a canonical for this, isn't there? The problem where OP expects reassigning an iteration variable to modify the original iterable?
@KarlKnechtel FWIW I think your blog would be a lot more impactful than your quest to fix up SO (at this point). At least it's moderated content, and your answers are insightful. Apart from the alteration of canon titles on SO, I think your quest is admirable. I'm just concerned that you won't now get critical mass to make the difference
in other words, it's a dumpster fire that will only be put out by the sea into which it is sinking rapidly
But indeed, it can't hurt to try plug up the holes and put out some of the fires, if you have the bandwidth for it.
@KarlKnechtel Ok, no problem :D
I don't think the fact that it's a complicated task it should be discouraged. Little by little, things get better.
Certainly moderators help a lot, too.
a drop in the ocean is a little by little
I'm not that pessimistic
"What is an ocean if not a multitude of tears?"
But yeah, none of us are discouraging per se. Just expressing that we personally find the task hopeless and thankless.
I'm even hopeful that the Stack Exchange's chats will improve (of course I think this one is perfect)
you're by far the only one who thinks it's perfect
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Make yourself comfortable, your opinions have been given, I have given mine
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Really? :D
Assuming you mean the chat implementation you're using. If you mean something else I don't know what to make of your earlier message.
No, I'm talking about the communities
What earlier message?
But as I said, the community from this chat is perfect
Is there a type annotation for "this argument must be the class str or the class bytes"? As in, the two valid ways to call the function are my_func(str) and my_func(bytes)
But I've noticed that moderators do fabulous jobs to improve the Stack Exchange's communities
@Aran-Fey what else does str | bytes do?
Something about subclasses?
I'm bored of you. You were given free reign to discuss this in the meta room which you just keep declining. Everyone can join that room @Marco, you're just an agitator at this point and I'll treat you as such
type[str | bytes]?
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні That means the argument must be an instance of str or bytes. I want to literally take the classes str or bytes as input
@Aran-Fey aah, you really did mean that. Sorry.
@vaultah huh, does that work with the union on the inside?
Apparently docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#typing.Type "The only legal parameters for Type are classes, Any, type variables, and unions of any of these types."
guess we can mypy sandbox that thing
@vaultah weird, thanks
@vaultah Unexpected, but that's probably the closest thing we've got. It's not exactly what I want though, because that also accepts subclasses of str and bytes
Can't you add some invariant magic sauce?
@Marco anyone who cares to look can see your last reaction to your messages being moved to the meta room, where you just say "bye". They can make their own judgements. I'm not debating this anymore here
I've been (ab)using Literal[str, bytes] up til now, but mypy and pylance really aren't liking it
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Not sure how
Can't you use, like, a TypeVar with both contravariant and covariant as False?
2 messages moved to MetaPython
1 message moved to MetaPython
From the docs: A = TypeVar('A', str, bytes) # Must be exactly str or bytes
99% sure the variance of TypeVars is only relevant if they appear in the class definition (like class MyGeneric(Generic[T]):). I'm still gonna test that though
Don't know if it works/helps
type[TypeVar('A', str, bytes)] says "type variable is unbound", and so does everything else I can come up with
I'll just go with the Type[Union[str, bytes]] I guess
from typing import TypeVar

BytesOrStrType = TypeVar('BytesOrStrType', str, bytes)

def f(x: type[BytesOrStrType]):
mypy doesn't complain about this (default settings)
but it accepts instances of str and bytes
still doesn't complain :P
but I really don't know what I'm doing
Ha, you're right, it works if it's a function parameter. I tested it with a global variable
In other news, there is a bullet-shaped hole in my foot for some reason
I hope you aren't doing anything... python-2-friendly!
class mystr(str): pass

class mybytes(bytes): pass

f(int) # Value of type variable "BytesOrStrType" of "f" cannot be "int"
For some reason it doesn't warn about subclasses of str/bytes :/
Who even has str/bytes subclasses? Right? ...Right?!
QTableWidget size problem here: when i display one one line row size is ok. When i display two rows the first row height is ok, but the secod not. When i display three rows any row height are wrong.

The problem is that in one cell of every row i put a QWidget with setCellWidget method.

Every row is created and display as cell with the same repeated function.
I use resizeRowstoContents method with no luck.
In Qt Designer there was a property: sizeAdjustPolicy.
It was AdjustIgnored, so i set it to: AdjustToContent.
Now i will test to post the results.
pyuic5 process here (it takes some time because it also back ups the project).
no difference.
@vaultah does MyPy allow arbitrary callables as "types"? because then you could do something like
def str_or_bytes_type(x):
    assert x in (str, bytes)

def f(x: str_or_bytes_type)
Nope. You could mark the function as a TypeGuard and then use it in an if statement, but you can't use it as an annotation
I was wondering, Karl, wouldn't it be nice to have a link on SO site that harbor canon questions? Or are wiki questions considered this way?
Hi can anyone tell me why this is false?
float(2e32)-1 == 2147483647
Why don't you test yourself?
@Marco SO is that site that collects canon questions. Every question on SO should be a canon question or closed as duplicate of one
At least in theory. It didn't work out so well in practice
@Marco I tried...
they should be the same number
but the output is false when I tried to see if they were the same
@Aran-Fey Wow, your answer is surprising and impactful :D
meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/417932 are they serious about this project? seems like a huge leap forward
@Kevin because 2e32 does not mean 2 to the power of 32; it means 2 times (10 to the power of 32). The base of 10 is hard-coded into the e notation.
@Kevin So it's because is false :D
@Kevin why should they be the same number?
for example, try just 1e5 at the interpreter prompt
Thanks @KarlKnechtel I completely forgot that it was a x10
Ah, OK. But there's another problem here, Kevin
well I tried to do 2e32-1 and get an int
2e32 is too large to represent integers exactly
its weird
but aside from that: if you are trying to compare large floating-point numbers to large integers, you are probably doing something wrong.
except there is a "long" in py3
@Kevin all integers are "long" in python 3.
in Python, I mean. Python 3's int type is arbitrary precision, the same as long in 2.x.
@Aran-Fey this. So my question makes sense, right?
the problem is not with ints, the problem is with float, which has double precision.
yes thank you so much
The value of 2e32 certainly can be represented by an integer. However, the literal syntax 2e32 creates a float, whether you like it or not. And that has limited precision, yes
have you printed it?
I could not
>>> int(1e32)
yeah its not correct tho
>>> 2*10**32
what code did you try to print it?
@Aran-Fey Are the wiki questions the "ideal" canon questions?
idr something like int(float(2e32-1))
@Marco No. Why would they be?
Why wouldn't they?
Because wiki has nothing to do with quality
I thought they had something to do with it.
@Kevin because of the floating-point imprecision, trying to subtract 1 from 2e32 won't make a difference. Calling float after that also doesn't make a difference, because it already is one. Calling int after that gives an imprecise result because of the imprecision.
Since only moderators can create them.
The (God) moderators.
The wiki is there to hold miscellaneous useful information relevant to the tag. Any FAQ questions there are some fairly arbitrarily picked suggestions, drowning in the middle of many other links (including to off-site resources).
The wiki is exactly a place where things can be put that don't fit into questions... including the most common recommendations on subjective stuff.
I thought we were talking about community wiki questions
Wouldn't it be nice to have a link on SO site that harbor canon questions? Since the SO failed to achieve the ideal goal of having only canon questions (according to Aran-Fey).
Then again, I don't care and I'm going to bed to preserve my sanity. Good night
@KarlKnechtel I could well be wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Aran-Fey Isn't that about it? Are there different types of wiki questions?
@Aran-Fey Ok, good night.
two concepts here:
1. questions (and answers) on the main part of the site that are marked as "community wiki" (usually, by the author volunteering it).
2. the *tag wiki*, e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/tags/python/info
I am talking about the community wiki questions.
oh. aran was right and I was wrong, then. :)
But wiki tags are relative and interesting, too, I didn't remember them. Now that I remember that they contain links to questions that I believe are considered canons (but there are little questions).
I believe this matter relates to your recent quest in finding (the best) canons questions, Karl. :D

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