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@PM2Ring I still sit sometimes and play the old joanna (well a keyboard - another form of I guess)... harder these days than it use to be because the paws aren't quite what they use to be. I'm pretty much able to do youtube.com/watch?v=35VE9WykH1c - just need to master it at some point
5 hours later…
@JonClements That's pretty fast! I think you've shown me that one before. I just discovered an incredible musician named Rachel Flowers. She started on piano when she was two years old, but she plays a lot of instruments, and is a gifted composer as well. She plays a diverse range of styles: classical, jazz, prog, R&B. She was born 15 weeks premature and was blind by the age of 3 months.
wow - that's quite some talent
and then there's little old me thinking - I'm doing okay? :p
Here are a few examples of her playing. Piano: Debussy's Gardens In The Rain. Organ: Boston's Foreplay / Long Time. Clavinet: a little snippet of Stevie Wonder's Higher Ground.
Guitar & vocals with Zappa Plays Zappa: Montana. Everything: Her own composition A B, dedicated to Adrian Belew. It's kind of a funky combination of King Crimson & Frank Zappa. She's quite fond of Frank, and was born on his birthday. There's a short bio on IMDB. Also see rachelflowersmusic.com
More prog: Argent's Hold Your Head Up. That bass line isn't a loop. She's playing it on the pedals.
Will check it out - thank you.
Got my head stuck in a Stacey Ryan thingy today - got youtube.com/watch?v=oKxoZ80djoQ playing on loop :p
@JonClements I love Stacey. I wish she did more collaborations. Did you see her cover of September with Scary Pockets?
nope - but will bookmark it and check it out later
Scary Pockets is one of the projects of Jack Conte, founder / CEO of Patreon. Jack plays keys, bass, guitar, and occasionally sings. I've posted some of his stuff before, mostly with Pomplamousse, which features his wife Nataly Dawn on vocals (& sometimes on bass).
That's probably one of my favourite ever Billy Joel songs - and that cover is really really good...
It's superb. I love how Stacey brings out every harmonic nuance.
Pomplamousse: Tainted Love
What was the other one you linked to that was Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters"? - was that Stacey and the the younger one?
Chiara's latest, a Bob Seger cover: Her Strut
@JonClements I don't think I did. Maybe Jadyn's done it. I'll check in a minute. But I did post some Harp Twins, who do a lot of Metallica, and other metal.
Oct 8, 2021 at 21:45, by PM 2Ring
The Harp Twins, with their arrangement of Enter Sandman. They're classically trained, but they prefer to play metal.
Nov 7, 2015 at 13:34, by PM 2Ring
You may enjoy this fairly new piece: it's vaguely reminiscent of Metallica's Nothing Else Matters. Chantel McGregor - Walk On Land. Chantel is one of my favourite young blues / rock guitarists, and Walk On Land is one of her original compositions. I can't wait to hear the album version.
Here we go. Sina & Jadyn: Nothing Else Matters.
Yup that's the one - was just searching my YT watch history - but beat me to it :)
Did you see the latest clip from Sina that I posted a few days ago? She wanted to attract attention to an all-girl band from Ukraine, The Sixsters. And it looks like they now have a whole bunch of new fans. :)
I hadn't but I'll have a scroll back through the transcript - thanks.
In a totally different direction, here's another of my favourite singers, Allison Young, collaborating with the prolific multi-instrumentalist / singer / composer Josh Turner. They're doing a beautiful arrangement of Stardust by Hoagy Carmichael & Mitchell Parish. Allison's currently on tour with Post-Modern Jukebox.
oh wow - that's quite the voice
Allison also plays piano, guitar & uke.
will check that out in a mo'. Forgotten how much I quite like Evanescence
Here's her latest with PMJ Happier
arghghgh... who's the other one that has a remarkably haunting voice (that I'm trying to think of)
Emily did a nice piano version of Whiter Shade of Pale.
@PM2Ring @AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні youtube.com/watch?v=TAWx6k8ZQnU
not quite Gollum :p
@JonClements Ok. Speaking of haunting vocals: Sandy Denny, Crazy Lady Blues (not actually a blues song).
not sure if it does it for me... but definitely a "tingle"
The earliest recorded version of Sandy's classic, Who Knows Where The Time Goes?, which she wrote when she was still a teenager.
need to get crooked tree off an ear worm first
@JonClements :) Molly's most haunting song is probably the traditional number, Cold Rain and Snow.
2 hours later…
I have a problem with my video player. If I render into a tkinter window, everything works as expected. But if I render into a Gtk window, the background becomes transparent. (For example, if the window is 100 pixels wide but the video is only 50 pixels wide, the video is rendered in the center and the left and right 25 pixels will become transparent.) I have confirmed this with both VLC and GStreamer, so it must be a difference between tkinter and Gtk. Any idea what that difference could be?
Gtk doesn't set a default background?
Well, it's not like the window is transparent per default. It only turns transparent when the video starts playing. And given that the video player is completely unrelated to Gtk, how would Gtk know when it has to re-render the background?
My thoughts exactly
What does it display before starting the video?
Just a solid dark grey background color
Actually, let me elaborate: I'm creating a Canvas widget and rendering the video into that. The widget itself doesn't have a background color, but the window does
Quacky question: if you resize/fullscreen-unfullscreen the window does it stay transparent?
Yes, even if the video is paused, the frame is re-rendered at the new size
@Aran-Fey I didn't try gtk yet (only tkinter and qt) but did you try checking the opacity level? maybe it's set by default/manually somewhere on the window
Pretty sure Gtk doesn't have something like that
you mean it doesn't have opacity level? that's weird
usually there always something called like that on most gui framework, but then again I didn't try gtk yet
@Aran-Fey That does sound odd. I did some animation in GTK, but that was years ago, and my memory's ptetty hazy. And I wasn't doing anything with video streams, and I was using GTK2+, so my old knowledge (& code) is probably irrelevant or obsolete anyway. However, IIRC, Tkinter has some quirks re transparency, and you can get different behaviour on Windows vs non-Windows systems. Ironically, the transparency is allegedly less flakey on Windows, despite the *nix origins of Tcl/Tk.
yep, Tkinter has all the quirks >:)
if you ever plan on doing anything more than displaying a simple window with one or two widget, you'll end up noticing so much inconsistencies and bugs...then you end up having to learn Tcl to be able to work around those problems
I vaguely remember some issue with OS-level desktop settings for stuff involving window widgets & transparency. Eg, if the user has set windows to have default transparency attributes, the GUI library is supposed to respect that. But different libraries interpret that in different ways...
@PM2Ring for me I mostly noticed those for Threading and also keybinding. Talked about it a while ago (at least for the latter)
@Aran-Fey Sorry in advance if it's a bad suggestion but: did you check the HDR option on your windows settings? might be relevant.
HDR is turned off
Here's an ancient answer of mine that talks about window manager issues with GTK, but it doesn't mention transparency. stackoverflow.com/a/25850438/4014959
Thanks, mystery upvoter. ;)
You're welcome ;)
@PM2Ring I've found a function in the winapi that seems to enable transparency, but I can't see anything related to disabling it :(
there this but you probably seen it i think?
the attribute/value used in win32 are really badly/under-documented to be honest. (thankfully Xlib has more documentation on it's windows attribute)
Yeah, I've seen that. I haven't mustered the courage to try and convert that code to python yet, but if all else fails, I might...
maybe if you fear you might trigger a BSOD, do it on a windows vm
I recall I had one when I was fiddling with win32 and python 4 months ago or so (but maybe it's because I didn't know what I was doing)
Whew, wasn't easy to find a widget that has its own window (as in, a window manager window) and a background color, but evidently even that becomes transparent
what's the version of gtk lib you're using? gtk3?
The state of software in the 21st century: Everything's complicated, nothing's documented, and nothing works
@Aran-Fey back to tribal society where knowledge is transmitted orally over the campfire or the watercooler :D
On the plus side, I don't have to worry that getting a job in IT will suck the fun out of programming for me, because that has already happened
I'm looking at one or two non-directly relevant link (eg: github issues abiout a C project that use gtk) and another one on SO (also C) but it seems like other had a similar problem, where part of their windows is always transparent. Seems like it could happen depending on the colors (RGB) combination you're using
did you try a test/example project with gtk and python that had some color (and maybe one or two widget)? if there no problem on that one, maybe it's something else
It only happens if the video player is involved
1 hour later…
Hi, I need some guidance on using the real-time python socket data to plot in an app. Will it be a good idea to use the same script to receive the data via socket and then plot in a streamlit app? Please let me know if there are better ways. Thank you.
I don't think there is much point splitting the script; it would only mean that now you have to move data from the socket-script to the plot-script. That's basically where you are at already.
@MisterMiyagi Thank you. I will try that. So far, I only tested with a shiny app in R that required me to put the socket data in a database first. But in python, as I understand now, I don't need to do that.
1 hour later…
Hello, I want to ask about Sphinx, about how to make it so that only the type of the parameter of a function is displayed and not the path for the definition of the type. Is there a way to do this?
99% sure the answer is no
Wait, sorry. I got it. The solution was autodoc_typehints_format = 'short'
Thanks for the response!
Does that also work for nested annotations, like List[Any]? I assume it turns that into List[typing.Any], right?
I think it works correctly.
Still looks pretty ugly for anything nontrivial.
@Aran-Fey how's the sphinx replacement coming along?
It's not looking good. I've barely written any code in the last 2 weeks or so, and now I'm facing my biggest enemy: Design decisions
Have you tried, like, just implementing all choices?
That seems to be the way the big libraries do it...
The source code lies somewhere in the digits of pi
What Would JS Do? (Do the opposite.)
Honestly, I should probably stop worrying too much and just get something off the ground. But I'm a notorious over-thinker and it's not easy to resist my primal instincts.
Protip: Start building a compiler for the framework first.
I usually spend enough time over-thinking the design for my motivation to fade away before writing any code
I prefer overthinking to coding, so losing interest before writing anything is a beneficial optimization
I'm with Kevin on this. overthinking is nice
Here's a problem I've been overthinking all morning. Do I have enough information to find any other side lengths or vertex angles?
My extremely fuzzy guess is "yes, because something something inscribed angle theorem"
Which ones are p and q? The edges or the intersecting line?
Or are those angles?
So when will SURF patent expire? SURF came two years after SIFT and SIFT expired 2020, So SURF should be expiring soon enough. Any one know exactly when?
Seems ill-defined. Imagine moving C with fixed p, q angles.
@Kevin Clearly length on BC is not defined.
Hmm. I think you guys are right. As proof, consider A = (0,0); D = (1,0); C = (1,1); p = 45 degrees; q = 45 degrees. I can place B anywhere due west of C, and all constraints are still obeyed.
Exactly because of inscribed angle theorem you can move C on the circular arc over AD.
Even with known AB it would be ambiguous I think
I suspect that a known AB would give you at most two possible solutions, ambiguously. Because something something a line never intersects a circle more than twice.
I'm not sure whether that counts degenerate solutions where you place B on top of C and declare it to be a triangle with angles 0, q, 180-q
@MisterMiyagi They're angles. In other words, p is the angle between segments AC and DC; q is the angle between segments BC and AC.
@Kevin but for each C point you have a CB line to be intersected with the AB circle
I think you're on to something
"Print it out and measure" doesn't count, I guess?
Only if p and q happen to be precisely the angles that I drew at random in Paint
Well, you wrote p and q there, so that's a given!
qed, and pəb for the symmetry of it
that should normalise to pdb, and we're back to python
3 hours later…
I'm trying to render a sphinx theme and I'm getting this error:
> jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError: Encountered unknown tag 'trans'.
I am searching an image like this one: https://audiotrimmer.com/css/images/handle.png
for custom QRange timeline slider purposes. Any good alternatives?
I assume this is a custom tag that sphinx added, but I'm unsure because I've looked through the code and couldn't find anything. Can anyone give me a clue how I could find the relevant code?
The search results for "trans" are quite meager
I figured it out, it's coming from jinja2.ext.i18n
@ChrisP couldn't find direct single image with the slider handle there (usually it contain more than just that, like the actual slider, etc) but why not: just use gimp and crop the part of the handle you'd like (by using slider handle images, etc) or you could directly make one if you have a geometric form in mind?
1 hour later…
hello! this is probably a really quick q — currently requesting data from REST apis on a flask app (no sql backend, just real with json data straight from request.get()). do you need to have a sql backend to paginate api responses?

also, in apis that do have a `per_page` endpoint, i'm guessing passing in `per_page=40` doesn't count as pagination?

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