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this is maybe a weird question, but can i associate a variable w/ a class instance that is a) independent of the class and b) specific to that instance?
like if i have an instance u = user() and, for this specific u, i want something like u.magical_number_of_wonder = 8888... is that something i can do?
ignore my question
3 hours later…
this well-titled, well-asked question (stackoverflow.com/questions/11328312/…) is marked as a dupe of a question with a substantially worse title and body (stackoverflow.com/questions/10607293/…)
what is the usual remedy for this situation? try to canonicalize the main one pointed to with a better title/body? ignore since both posts point to one question anyways?
1 hour later…
@alkasm In this particular case, since the 2nd question has a good answer (and only 1 answer), I'd just edit the question into shape.
Although, the first question+answer have surprisingly many upvotes considering it was closed in 2014. Might be worth closing the 2nd as dupe of the 1st after all
Yeah. Generally I know the answer is ignore since this is the whole point of marking as a dupe anyways, but can't help but feel like the better question should be the canon with all others pointing to it (since that's really the spirit of marking as dupe anyways)
I'm pretty sure visitors who don't have an SO account are immediately redirected without ever seeing the closed question. Is this also true for low-rep users?
(This only applies to questions closed as duplicate AFAIK)
Wait, I am a low-rep user.
wait what? I can't repro that behavior in an incognito tab
Yeah I was also going to suggest that your alt still only has 41 points
Ok never mind, it must've been a fever dream
Also as an answerer, I can't help but feel like I'd rather answer the better question, but can't since it's the one closed as a dupe. And the main question isn't really asked in a way to provide a general answer, so it feels weird to add it.
Anyway, I'd say the only "wrong" thing to do here is to do nothing. Hardly anyone ever bothers fixing old questions like these, so it's unlikely that anyone will care what you do. Whether you reverse the duplicate or you modify the worse question with a chainsaw, either way the result will be better than the status quo
Oh wow, I just noticed: 66k views vs 5k views. Probably not worth putting much effort into improving that 5k question.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Is it possible to flip which one is the dupe?
@Aran-Fey i.e. what you suggested here?
@alkasm We could make the newer question the target, but in their current states I'd prefer to not do that. The title of the newer one inplies that the problem is about lambdas, but it actually affects all functions. So the better target is the more general one.
I agree that it could use a better title, but there's a danger changing ancient titles of common dupe targets. It can be confusing when you go looking for a target you know exists and it's disappeared. OTOH, there is also the problem that the suggested fix for def functions (explicit unpacking) can't be used with lambdas.
FWIW, I wasn't happy when tuple args got removed, but I grudgingly admitted it was a complicated feature that wasn't used much, and made it harder for newbies. These days, I wouldn't expect many newer Python coders to even know it used to exist, unless they're working on some legacy code that uses it.
@alkasm Sure, it's possible. And easy, with a dupe hammer.
Ah I'd just reopen the first then close the second as dupe
@PM2Ring FWIW I have rarely spent time with Python 2 code (only as a student, not professionally ever) and still accidentally do it every time I try to use a key=lambda ... when filtering through some dict.items()
But in this case, let's discuss a better solution. Let a few more room regulars look at those questions, and give their input.
Yeah I don't have to edit it right now, was more curious on the thoughts overall!
I think my new go-to here is to define a wrapper function unpack which splits the args for you, so you can use e.g. key=unpack(lambda k, v: ...)
Also, Martijn Pieters is generally a pretty good judge of dupe targets. ;)
@alkasm That sounds a lot operator.itemgetter. It can take a tuple arg.
@PM2Ring That's a bold thing to say about someone who constantly posts answers before closing as dupe!
@PM2Ring err, isn't that basically the opposite of what I'm suggesting?
Exactly this is right
@Aran-Fey Think of it as a way of adding some supplementary info tailored to the new OP to the existing target. ;)
my question from yesterday (6h ago) had only 2views right now. I think they were both my own. how come? Is the question bad?
Q: pynput and GlobalHotKeys on linux vs windows

Andreas SchuldeiThis code works on Windows 10, but not on Linux. Linux does not seem to receive any keyboard events at all. When interrupting the program on Linux with Ctrl-C, this is the stacktrace: File "/home/andreas/src/magnetfeld-aux/keyboard_events.py", line 22, in <module> key = kbd_q.get() File "...

@alkasm Maybe. ;) I don't know what your unpack function does. Your use of key triggered my itemgetter / attrgetter reflex.
I don't need itemgetter to get a tuple if I'm iterating over dict.items()---it's already a tuple. I want the opposite, two args so that I can define a more natural lambda k, v
@AndreasSchuldei Step 1: Add the python tag
@alkasm Rightio
i swaped the python3 tag for the python tag
def unpack(f):
    def wrapper(args):
	    return f(*args)
    return wrapper
maybe there's a built-in way to do that
@AndreasSchuldei I don't think it's a bad question, though I'm not familiar enough with pyinput to know if it's answerable. You probably scared off a lot of people with your title - how many people do you think are familiar with pynput and GlobalHotkeys and windows and linux?
well, i guess that can scare people off. i could change it to look like a linux only problem.
I'm not saying the title is bad, mind you. I'm just saying it's not an easy question to answer
yeah, right. lets try the "dumb down the title to attract the linux crowd" approach
Well I will say the title is kinda bad. It's not a question, just a listing of technologies
but agree the question body is succinct and to-the-point, would help if I knew the answer!
@alkasm fixed the title. Thanks for your willingness to help!
@AndreasSchuldei If I wasn't a Windoze user I'd find this offensive! :P
hahaha, i didnt mean to offend linux users, i am one myself. but BOTH can be tricky, you are right.
Lets say I want to create 5 variable: a1 , a2, a3, a4 ,a5. instead of doing in manually is there a way to do it in for loop?
I was thinking of creating 5 strings in for loop, and convert string to variable names.r
But that is discouraged for some reason?
Use a list instead.
What you are looking for are "variable variables" and they are generally discouraged because what you are creating is a cheap knockoff of a proper datastructure..
@Aran-Fey The automatic redirect only happens if there are no answers.
@user541396 Yes, it's discouraged. See stupidpythonideas.blogspot.com/2013/05/…
Use a list or dict
@MisterMiyagi huh
There's more info on this topic here: stackoverflow.com/questions/1373164/…
@AndrasDeak See the help center: "If the question closed as a duplicate has no answers, then anonymous users will be automatically redirected to the question it is marked as a duplicate of."
@MisterMiyagi yeah, I tested it
@AndreasSchuldei see my comment on your question. Feel free to reply here if you need help investigating (since I've been poking around keyboard's related modules myself so I'm used to problem like these)
@AndreasSchuldei honestly it's not so much as dumbing it down, but using click "worthy" syntax (wrong term I know) for your title and body on your question: I learned the hard way how to get the most out of my own question, mainly on some SE sites, like Unix.se (feel free to look at my profile for some examples question)
@NordineLotfi yes, thank you. I will need to try that with python 3.7.
@AndreasSchuldei it should work with 3.8 too btw (that's what I'm using right now).
ah, thank you.
also, it might be obvious already, but if it still fail on 3.7 or even 3.8, try to reinstall pynput using pip on the same version as your python version (it sometimes does the trick for me). You might need to install/reinstall pip too to do that, although you could just do it with your distro too, I prefer to do the following instead:
curl bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py && python<your_python_version_here> get-pip.py
then you just do, either in a virtualenv or not: pip<python_version_here> install <module>
if you trust your distro repo to handle that, then by all mean; but given some distros use older repo (eg: Debian, CentOS, etc) I prefer to do this method instead when I can
btw, think you might know something about it or find this interesting but: I think i found out that certain key cannot be bound to an event/action in Tkinter unless you do it in tcl instead of python :/ @Kevin
I think this might apply to Alt/Super/or even Ctrl key combination, but I'm not sure yet
Do not presume to press The Forbidden Keys!
oh right, just now know why this happen: Basically, most key combination can be bound, except for when the OS (eg: Gnome distro, etc) has a specific key combination it catch/listen to, then you'll need to force it to catch it (or delegate it?) to Tkinter by doing it in tcl, so that it doesn't get interpreted by the OS keybinding first.
for example, the Control+F key on Ubuntu is set to a specific action, so you'll either need some hackery in python or tcl to bind it to your app
I hear that Windows tries very hard to make ctrl-alt-del undetectable to programs
yeah, sadly this issue isn't just linux specific :/
@MisterMiyagi Aha!
For ctrl-alt-del specifically it's understandable because letting programs intercept it is a security risk
Although perhaps a distinction should be made between "detect" and "detect and suppress so the OS never handles it"
yeah, and I mean, you can still intercept ctrl-alt-del anyway (eg: grabbing the keyboard input directly, etc) but I digress; It's still frustrating overall
2 hours later…
I need help naming something again. In my AST, I had a base class `ContainerElement` for AST elements that contain other AST elements. (For example, a paragraph could contain some text and an image.) But now I've realized there are actually 2 kinds of container elements:
1. Ones where child elements have no inherent meaning, like a paragraph. They're just a sequence of elements.
2. Ones where child elements *have* an inherent meaning, like a bullet list.
So I need 2 base classes, and a name for each one :(
It matters because of my AST.simplify() method, which flattens the AST by eliminating pointless container nodes. For example, Paragraph([ElementGroup([Text('foo'), Text('bar')])]) can be simplified to Paragraph([Text('foo'), Text('bar')]). But you can't do that with a bullet list.
Are you sure flattening depends on the container and not the containee? I guess you wouldn't want to flatten either of a bullet list that is part of a paragraph, would you?
You're right, it depends on both. Each AST element has a meaning and can't be optimized away, except for ElementGroup
Perhaps just special-case ElementGroup, then.
Special-case it where? In my simplify() method?
TBH I haven't really found a nice way of saying "these are redundant" when working with non-trivial ASTs/flow-graphs.
@Aran-Fey Yes, wherever you actually attempt the simplification..
Well, I've already done that. It's the only AST element that simplify() removes from the AST. But the problem is that it shouldn't be removed if its parent is a BulletList or NumberedList
So BulletList.simplify() needs to have different behavior from Paragraph.simplify(). Which is why I need different base classes for them
Special-case all three, then. :P
For unparsing PEG ASTs, I used a helper that had the precedence rule baked in and checked parent and child to see whether it needed to add parentheses for grouping.
My AST is supposed to be extensible, so it's not like I can hard-code a list of "special" container elements in my simplify() method. I do need my 2 base classes
Well, actually, an alternative solution is to get rid of the simplify() method.
How else are you going to simplify things, then?
It's ok. I'm only competing with sphinx and docutils, and they implement a complicate() method.
I'm only 50% confident that was a joke...
Hahaha, it was (:
1 hour later…
github.com/pyenv/pyenv no one asked, but this seems to be a good way of installing several python versions in parallel
Usually if i want to let programs communicate I use json, but what is the standard for cli programs?
@AndreasSchuldei I just use the default venv. Never got why people like these global tools. Any advantage you can think of?
also what would I google? CLI interfaces seems to not yield much. I want my cli to be human and user readable. Currently it is human readable, but the parsing of that is not so nice for other prorgams, I would love some tips
@Hakaishin I don't think there's any standard for CLI, not even on a single OS.
When working with CLI programs, I prefer those with an explicit "make it machine readable" switch.
Well I guess it doesn't have to be a widely adopted standard, it can be whatever, it should just be nice to use :P
@MisterMiyagi meh
I am on Debian, and try to not mess with the system in general. And I looked for instructions on installing several python versions (not just different venvs) in parallel and found that. i hope this is simple and somewhat user-friendly and compatible with pycharm.
If you have structured data, csv is rather pleasant both for humans and machines.
@AndreasSchuldei ah yes, I did wanted to advice you this too, but thought I would either be nagging or over-advice haha (I use it myself since 3 months now) ^^
@AndreasSchuldei yeah, it works fine with Pycharm since the pyenv command set the default python binary
@Hakaishin If I have no other choice, I use an expect implementation
@AndreasSchuldei ah, one minor nitpick though: you need to add the "new" interpreter in Pycharm by going into the .pyenv directory in the settings (unless you install it on another one)
beside that, it'll work fine
@AlexandreMarcq Interesting thanks, I might give it a shot
@Hakaishin I had to talk to a firewall that had no API, so I used an implementation of expect to send commands to the CLI. Be careful because you'll have to handle all the output of the CLI, it can get painful
If you're the author of both programs, perhaps it's better to get them to communicate via something other than the CLI
I've seen a few too many people using subprocess.run("myOtherScript.py") when they could have just done import myOtherScript
hmm I control both programs and one is an update_program the other is a dashboard. I use fabric and make an ssh connection and run the update_program. Maybe I'm going all wrong about this, but this is about it
@Kevin there are rare times when doing subprocess.run("myOtherscript") is a decent solution, eg: you use a third party library that is half broken when using either subprocess, threading or multiprocess, and you need a client-server or 2-daemon approach, because that same third party library that is broken, is needed for another thing that can only be used in a communicating approach.
Yeah it's one of them "don't do this... Unless you know you have a good reason" ruless of thumb
for context, it happened to me a while back when I was working with a java library through pyjnius which let python communicate with a java library, and turn out, it's half broken (in lot of ways, but yeah). The java library was for sending commands to an android device
that same java library was also broken! but it was the only one I could find at the time that had specific features I wanted
1 hour later…
I use bisect for the first time in my life, and...
bisect.insort([], 1, key=lambda _: None.foo)
# (program exited with code: -1073741819)
It seems the key parameter is new as of 3.10. Maybe it needs some ironing out.
Here's your chance to submit a PR for a hot fresh feature
I'm not touching any C code that silently crashes the whole program, no sir
@Aran-Fey you're why we can't have nice things, always breaking stuff :P
I wasn't aware I'm "always" breaking stuff, but hey, I don't dislike having that kind of reputation
I'm guessing bisect.py isn't at fault here, since it would likely raise a simple AttributeError. So it's probably using the faster C implementation: github.com/python/cpython/blob/…
I don't see anything flagrantly wrong here, looks pretty much like the Python implementation. Maybe they're supposed to verify the key's type signature before calling PyObject_CallOneArg?
Oops, the type signature probably isn't involved. Disregard that.
It's time for a new installment of everyone's favorite kind of riddle: What's the output?
def func(x, y):
    print(x, y)

p = functools.partial(func, y=3)

p(1, y=2)
p(1, 2)
NameError: name 'functools' is not defined
Surely it must be 1 2 and then 1 2. Now I will take a long sip of water while you reveal the correct answer.
Ah, I missed these loophole answers (:
Alright, I should have guessed it. Seems obvious in retrospect
Answer for the lazy: view spoiler. Bonus question: What does inspect.signature(p) return?
Game master Aran :P
[I perform a comical spit-take when I discover I was wrong]
[it goes on for quite some time, since I had been sipping continuously for two minutes]
Bonus answer: view spoiler
@vaultah not so obvious to me
I could argue for multiple contradictory choices here
Spoiler obfuscator is broken for me: "An invalid form control with name='message' is not focusable"
There's a good number of stdlib functions that deal with arguments this way, so it's not that surprising
Notably, functools.lru_cache. Always great when your expensive function doesn't use a cached return value because you called it wrong
@Aran-Fey Obvious for people who know Python? Hmph!
@vaultah It's been b0rked for years, use Kevin's userscript
@Aran-Fey I think it's pretty standard error, even for user-defined functions
func(1, 2, y=3) throws it
In that case the error makes sense, but partial(func, y=3)(1, 2) is arguably different from func(1, 2, y=3)
I agree
> If more arguments are supplied to the call, they are appended to args. If additional keyword arguments are supplied, they extend and override keywords.
The documentation makes it clear what to expect
Yeah, and it's honestly not a bad design choice. But I sure wish they had put some more effort into lru_cache...
lru_cache is surprisingly headache'y. I get why TPTB intentionally keep it simple.
I'd imagine it will complain that there are two arguments named y, but I'm prepared to be wrong.
[checks spoiler and remains silent thereafter]
I hope there's a MiyagiCache that does things right ;)
@AndrasDeak I've only managed to bolt on one feature before hitting the universal Miyagi Limit of the universe.
@MisterMiyagi pyenv manages python versions, not virtual environments, so it's more accurately competing with your package manager, not venv.
@Calculate please see our room rules, particularly in terms of waiting 48 hours before bringing a question from main to here
@alkasm Ah, makes sense. Well, I got that one covered as well, so...

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