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I am training a decision tree with high class imbalance
and every iteration I am running it, it's giving different values of parameters of precision recall
Any possible reasons?
1 hour later…
Surprised there wasn't already a suitable candidate for stackoverflow.com/questions/68751074/…
guess that can be tacked on as a canonical thread for f-string equations
4 hours later…
is there a short code that shows this? "if the name’s value has other references, it will live on beyond the function call."
like a=1, def func1(variable): print(variable) ?
@SAJW not sure what you are asking, please show the whole code snippet you are trying to understand and format it with Ctrl+K
It would be nice if all del operations just silently failed instead of throwing. Like I want del x["foo"] to just continue if foo doesn't exist. Because obviously I wanted to delete it so I don't care it's not there. But I guess that would be cumbersome to implement
if its a dict, you can use x.pop('foo', None)
that is what I usually use, maybe others will have better solutions
Anyone good at pyqtgraph?
@jie please don't ask for help here with fresh questions on the main site as per our rules
@AndrasDeak What Can I here?
@jie if you read the rules I just linked you can get a rough idea. This room is for chatting, mainly about python. Or if you don't get an answer to your question in 2 days, ask about it here. Or you can ask here if you don't ask on the main site.
Whats the coolest python library you know of
Hey I'm just new to programming & python. Can anyone help me with this question?
2 hours ago, by Andras Deak
@jie please don't ask for help here with fresh questions on the main site as per our rules
@Hussey please see ^ that message
@SecretSoldier Too many to choose from: how do you compare numpy with pyparsing?
But FastAPI is pretty cool among stuff I learned lately.
1 hour later…
Cbg guys, any idea on a good way to store dictionary with keys and values as objects into a file?
json is usually my first choice, but also consider docs.python.org/3/library/persistence.html
I did try shelve, pickle, json. I got errors with all 3 of them, which I think was because they cannot store objects as keys and values?
json basically only works on dicts, lists, strings, and numbers. Pickle supports far more types, and i think shelve does as well.
I don't often see pickle errors, so if you can provide an MCVE, I would be quite interested
tuples, lists, sets, and dictionaries containing only pickle-able objects. I think my objects are not pickle-able. Which could give the error
@Kevin Hmmm let me try if I can make a MCVE
The final two bullet points there are particularly important because they let you pickle classes that you defined yourself, and instances of those classes. Which is IMO the killer feature that pickle has over json
Finally, compassion was done to verify the efficiency and accuracy of the method in this paper :D
The method was patted on the head and told that it was a good method
@Kevin Hmm, it works in the MCVE...
Then it's not an MCVE ;-)
@CoolCloud and this is how kevin gets you. asking for an MCVE was a ploy all along! Now you're forced to investigate
i dare say, we all need a little kevin voice in our head
Maybe I will explain what I need better. I am making this bot, so I am mapping the message the bot gives out with the person that requests it, both of these are objects given out. So each time I re run the code, the dictionary is reset to empty and hence old messages are lost track of. So I thought of storing these in a file so I can read the main one back. Is storing the better way to go here?
@Kevin Fair enough :P
@ParitoshSingh I fell for it..
IME, things that aren't pickleable tend to represent resources with a limited shelf-life. Like, an open file object, or a socket connection. If you have any of those, then make sure they're not surreptitiously attaching themselves to the non-ephemeral objects you want to serialize
@ParitoshSingh I like to mix it up. Half the time, it's a ploy to force the help-seeker into solving the problem themselves, and the other half the time I just want something that can run on my machine so I can fix it for them
Now I have TypeError: cannot pickle 'weakref' object error.
Time for more research
I'd say weakrefs fall into the "limited shelf-life" category. They basically exist just so they can check whether some object is still alive or not.
Oh, but trust me, what I am trying to pickle is a dictionary itself.
Ok, I trust you
A dictionary of ... ? Sounds like your objects are pretty complex, hence a study of the final two bullet points @Kevin mentioned above might allow you to make them (more easily) pickleable.
E.g. if they hold weakrefs you'll have to try and resolve the reference, replacing stale weakrefs with some sentinely value. But you will probably find that the weakrefs are used specifically so they can be thrown away before pickling.
Hmmmm maybe it is because I do not understand what causes weakrefs, these are just dictionary and even when I try a simple dict['name'] = 'key' it still throws the error. But when the above line is removed, the error is no more.
you're telling me you're getting that message on assigning strings inside this dict?
O.O are they really strings?
If that is not string, then my entire childhood was a lie..
that is some color scheme :O
I suspect file is not a dict
I could stare at that code all day long
I bet 10 quatloos that neither bot nor msg.author are strings
make it 20
Right now I'm leaning towards author being a string, but bot being a not-string
Okay you guys win 20 quatloos, but just a minute. I am PRETTY sure I used strings, I think with pickle and got the error..
If it motivates you any, I promise that my request for an MCVE isn't an elaborate ploy for me to look socratic and wise without actually doing anything useful
I will in fact try to fix the problem this time
@CoolCloud Yep, it works with strings. Don't know what I was doing previously....
@Kevin I think its the objects and I cannot give an MCVE without spoiling the auth code of the bot too
oh shoot i missed the betting round :(
Easy quatloos :)
i suppose for the sake of giving you a suggestion without an mcve...perhaps throw dill at it.
dill is capable of pickling...(wait a sec...dilling?...) complex objects that pickle fails to handle
Let me give that a try then
While "find a library that is even better at serializing complicated data" is a valid approach, I will also advocate for "simplify the data you want to serialize until your available tools can handle it"
@Kevin Wow I just had this idea, I am thinking to use strings now, basically message id and author id as strings and then use some tool to get the object corresponding to these id.
Yeah, it's certainly worth trying
@Kevin Yup that fixes it :D
Thank you all for helping :)
And you are all welcome for the free quatloos :P
1 hour later…
Today's pet peeve is googling a problem and the top result is "you should not want to do this"
I'm double peeved because I know they're right -_-
This shouldn't be a pet peeve ;P
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Kudos to answer #3, which says "to be fair, if you're trying to do [the exact thing that Kevin wants], then this isn't a totally insane approach".
If there are any frequenters here, I couldn't even think how to search for a duplicate for this question. It feels like there is, if anyone want to help the poor guy :)
that seems very specific, i don't think you'd easily find a dupe for something that narrow. could just answer it but it's closed atm
@ParitoshSingh Do you believe it is reopenable? I tried to fix-it-up as much as I could...
honestly, i only understand it because of your edits. which makes me conflicted because i half suspect the OP will see an answer, than then come back 15 minutes later and say "oh but this doesnt do what i wanted"
so. question is clear to me now. i don't fully know whether the OP wanted what the question states as the ask
2 hours later…
@ParitoshSingh did you find a neat solution to this?
@roganjosh i went with "a" solution, don't know about neat :P
Does it take 2 passes?
i did a left join with an indicator on my top priority column. then i subsetted the rows that were not matched, and did a left join on that subset with second priority column. then i concatted the two outputs.
That's exactly what I was thinking, but I know SQL could do that in 1 pass. I was hoping for something eye-opening in your approach but I think that's what we're stuck with :/
just for my own curiousity, how is this done well in SQL?
Well, 1 pass is a lie. I think redshift, at least, can do it asynchronously
You just need a CASE statement that will check the first join for NULL and, in that case, populate it with the result from a separate join. I'll try see if I can extricate an example from my code, or I'll have to make an example for it
ooh i see, i didn't know SQL had CASE statements. That's good to know
For context (I've ripped this out of a giant query), we get data from the customer's database but when things move quickly, the customer can override settings on a dashboard. IFF there is an override from the dashboard, we should take that value, otherwise fall back to the raw data we received in the daily upload
        WHEN _active_overrides.active IS NOT NULL
        THEN _active_overrides.active
        ELSE _base_data.active
        END as active,
    (site_name, product_name)
oh, even USING is new to me
okay, i think i understand the query. but to me it seems like i would still have to do two joins to make the variable selection available for "CASE" right?
CTEs will blow your mind, then :P That's why the table names have a preceding _ (that's just my convention for my own comprehension). They're not even real tables, you can just alias subsets of tables from a query and pretend they are an actual table
yeah, my knowledge of SQL is basically all self taught on a need-to-know basis. the bare minimum to get things working essentially.
@ParitoshSingh it does have to do multiple joins. But, like I said, at least in the case of redshift, this can all be handled asynchronously. In theory you get multiple workers, with one looking for NULL and fixing that while another worker keeps scanning the table and finding more NULLs
gotcha, ok cool
You can plough queries with 5/6/7 CTEs through redshift in crazy speed. At the same time, don't ask for a single record. Too many cooks :P
I think postgres now supports this kind of async functionality but I've not had chance to put it through its paces. I actually think it could go even faster on the smaller projects I'm on. But not when we have billions of entries. Sadly, I don't have a choice right now
@CoolCloud Damn, was thinking about suggesting you serialise yourself, but thought "No, Steve, he has objects to handle" ...
@holdenweb Laurel, I TBH did not know what serializing was but I knew it was the cause of the issue, at least.

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