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these chats are dead which is sad
i remember 5-6 years ago
these chats were popping
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
@holdenweb Still trying to figure it out. It doesn't happen often and only happens on a subset of my data. The matter it bleeds also differs. I saw a value in a column where they shouldn't be and I also saw columns where values had blanks after a certain column (it was the only row with no values on those columns)
1 hour later…
needs details/ no MCVE/ taking givemetehcodez to new lows stackoverflow.com/questions/68341775/…
I'm trying to unparse some operaters but am stuck on encoding precedence. For example, unparsing an operation like Mul(Add("a", "b"), "c") to (a + b) * c requires to encode that "Mul > Add". Any ideas on how to do that efficiently?
I've pondered making a precedence mapping, e.g. {Add: 0, Sub: 0, Mul: 1, ...} but it's a tad unwieldy to repeat magic numbers so often.
if you want this mapping to be generated without you having to write it all, you could perhaps just make a list of operator precedences.
so either a list of list or something along those lines. each index becomes a level essentially. then you just write code to make the mapping from your list. all you need to maintain is the list itself
Good point. Should be doable with a dict comprehension.
@MisterMiyagi it doesn't?
Perhaps swap the operators for your example
Op1(Op2("a", "b"), "c") is always (a op2 b) op1 c, right?
oh yeah, AD just made me realise i imagined a requirement you never stated you needed. Are redundant paranthesis fine? if so, just put paranthesis everywhere
Redundant parentheses are the root of all evil!
so if you dont mind writing a + b + c as ((a + b) + c) then you won't even need to deal with anything
The expressions are rather lengthy, so avoiding redundant parentheses is indeed important for me.
So swap your example
Ask about unparsing Add(Mul('a', 'b'), 'c') into a * b +c.
with that spacing? nevah!
Fair enough
In my defence I'm on mobile and still very sleepy
you had me at mobile. There are days where i swear that device is actively trying to sabotage my messages.
Truth be told, now you got me thinking whether precedence is enough to comprehend something like Sub("a", Add("b", "c")) should be a - (b + c) and also Sub(Add("a", "b"), "c") should be a + b - c.
i think for division and subtraction, there will be left-to-right precedence also
maybe others, but i can't think of more right now
Just convert to parentheses and use sympy to simplify :P
Only half joking
sounds like a good idea to me
At least I now get why so many people just implement LISP.
commutative..that was the word
@ParitoshSingh I'm not sure that's the key here
It's more about - being -1* which distributes over +
Perhaps one can actually rewrite sub as add o mul
(And convert back at the end)
hmm. other than no longer retaining the original expression we wanted to retain (ie. sub itself), this doesn't quite work for division either right?
@ParitoshSingh you could just replace all -1*s with -
yeah, i believe you're right. subtraction can be handled this way
any place where a subtraction paranthesis is redundant could be delegated to addition and mul precedences.
The obvious solution is to implement div with mul and pow
You could probably feed the original tree into sympy directly
It's probably worth pointing out that I don't just have math-like operators... :P
2 hours later…
that was fast
Anybody here who is familier with django able to explain whats wrong with dpaste.com/C9LLB6VBJ for it to produce errors: dpaste.com/FEALPMYJ3
trying to learn django
I think the solution is in the error message: Reverse accessor for 'auctions.Bid.item' clashes with reverse accessor for 'auctions.Comments.item'.
HINT: Add or change a related_name argument to the definition for 'auctions.Bid.item' or 'auctions.Comments.item'.
@Arne done
thanks =)
@Kwsswart This would be the same with SQLA. You have multiple backrefs across many relationships that all share the item name.
morning cabbages, folks!
I've a theoritical question to ask based on django vuejs .
cabbage patch!
@MisterMiyagi I think precedence eliminates half of unnecessary parens, but you also need commutativity to get the other half. Proof of concept: pastebin.com/QmMquqwe
What is difference between simple-jwt and pyjwt?
what do you think guys, should it be great building things.
Delete my while COMMUTATIVE... block, and test cases with multiple nested adds will have more parens than required
i have a very not theoretical and applied question for pandas:
I have a timezone column I want to parse in pandas. the format is `(UTC+00:00)` for example
Like I'm stuck at pyjwt , when activating email, found tones of libraries , djoser only works for token based and simplejwt.

I'm thinking what can i use for pyjwt based .
I tried using pd.to_datetime('(UTC+00:00)',format='(UTC%z)',errors='coerce') but still end up with an "object" series which cant use .dt accessors
i've also checked that there are no NaT values created either
Strange, when I run pd.to_datetime('(UTC+00:00)',format='(UTC%z)',errors='coerce'), I don't get an object series, I get a Timestamp instance.
@Kevin same
Ok, the vote is 2 to 1, that the problem is solved. Who wants lunch?
This might be pandas version dependent, I know they did some changes a while back
@Kevin Gonna have to look into that. Most of my operates are not commutative, but would expand the same as in your example.
@roganjosh so essentially I need to have each backreferenc3 with different name even if it's pointing to the same table from different classes?
@MisterMiyagi Let me double check my terminology... Oops, I meant "associativity". The property I care about is "a+(b+c) == (a+b)+c", not "a+b == b+a"
@Kwsswart I would say that's the case. Otherwise there would be conflicts/ambiguity in the queries that the ORM generates
i guess I'll double check the inputs again for any formatting issues
@Kevin Nice! That's about the only property I can reliably offer!
@Kevin is this each element btw, or is this when you do df.dtypes for that col
this is a value count of the inputs:
(UTC+01:00)    47
(UTC+02:00)    29
(UTC-04:00)    26
(UTC+00:00)    24
(UTC+03:00)    20
(UTC-05:00)    11
(UTC-03:00)    10
(UTC+08:00)     9
(UTC+04:00)     9
(UTC+12:00)     7
(UTC-06:00)     7
(UTC+07:00)     6
(UTC+05:00)     6
(UTC+06:00)     5
(UTC+09:00)     5
(UTC+10:00)     5
(UTC+11:00)     4
(UTC+13:00)     3
(UTC-11:00)     3
(UTC+06:30)     2
(UTC+05:30)     2
(UTC-10:00)     2
(UTC-08:00)     2
(UTC+05:45)     1
(UTC-04:30)     1
(UTC+04:30)     1
(UTC+03:30)     1
(UTC-01:00)     1
@Skyler I don't know what you mean by element or col. When I import pandas and enter exactly pd.to_datetime('(UTC+00:00)',format='(UTC%z)',errors='coerce') into my REPL, then I get Timestamp('1900-01-01 00:00:00+0000', tz='UTC') back out. And type(_) gives <class 'pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp'>
@Kevin when i apply this on a column of inputs though the dtype of that column I get is object
which messes up series wide operations
Hmm, I'm not too familiar with the lingo here. Can you provide an MCVE?
I can repro:
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': ['(UTC+01:00)', '(UTC+02:00)'],
                   'b': ['x', 'y']})

df['a'] = pd.to_datetime(df['a'], format='(UTC%z)')
df['hour'] = df['a'].dt.hour
That's.... odd. It must be falling back the Python datetime module to get the default date
I'm not quite sure why you need the timezone info parsed in isolation btw?
If you have the datetime portion then you should just be able to concat the two columns together and get it parsed into a native timestamp (whether that relies on numpy or pandas itself, I'm not overly sure about. The datetime functionality of pandas is... messy)
It's still probably my favourite opening line from a library creator in an answer :P Still, it's a lot better than back in those days, I just don't follow it all :/
@roganjosh i did not have it at the time, was seeing if I could convert to something like %Z inputs (this was a list of countries and their UTC offsets) then someone else could just take this and apply the timezone to the time data they actually have
IMO, then, it doesn't have any utility other than being a string value that you can concat to an actual timestamp when it's needed
yea, just adding the remove everything outside +/-00:00 seems simple enough
I don't think I follow that
@roganjosh basically this
I'm not suggesting that you can't make use of the timezone data. Only that you're currently forcing pandas to create python datetime objects when that timezone data is not associated with an actual timestamp
Ah ok, I think I got wires crossed
I think on a conceptual level it's probably not a good idea to convert a timezone into a datetime, because that's not what it is
Perhaps one could argue that a time zone is effectively a timedelta... But maybe that doesn't help us on a practical level, because I don't think pd.to_timedelta understands how to parse '(UTC+01:00)'
But a datetime is also effectively a timedelta... the plot thickens
Hmm, partially agree. Certainly datetimes can often be represented as a timedelta, applied to some well-known epoch such as Jan 1 1970. But I don't think this is sufficient to declare that a datetime "is" a timedelta
One must also consider whether they're interested in an "is" relationship that captures the true essence of the concepts in the platonic realm of pure forms, or whether they're interested in an "is" that makes one's pandas code work without a lot of frustration
If the pandas dev team is less interested in platonic realms than you are, then there may not be much overlap there
I had the same quandary but I think I resolved myself that a datetime cannot be anything other than a timedelta because it can only exist with some datum.
There are no time zones in the platonic realm because Plato lived before time zones were invented. [citation: I just made this up]
@Kevin it's not wrong
or is it? Now I wonder when timezones were invented
@Hakaishin Scottish-born Canadian Sir Sandford Fleming proposed a worldwide system of time zones in 1879. Btw I'm new here so hello
Hi, also I don't mean the current one we have. I meant more like any version of a timezone system
My gut tells me that there must have been some concept around this, if only in philosophical circles. At the same time, I can't convince myself of any example where it would even have been necessary. You wouldn't be able to do much with it on the sea because boats are very slow and we barely had maps, let alone some system for time zones?
@ROGUE Welcome :)
Let me just look up real quick and confirm my completely unfounded assumption that Plato lived before Eratosthenes, who invented the thought experiment that two obelisks at different points on the earth would cast shadows of different sizes at the same time because their "local noon" would differ... Phew, [428 BC - 348 BC] and [276 BC - 194 BC], no overlap there
Well I guess the idea of timezones were there way before Sandford proposed it. Almost just after globe Earth was accepted (no wish to offend flat-earthers), the 'time moving differently' concept arose just then. My idiotic version
Possibly it was already well-known for a long time that the obelisks at Alexandria and Syene cast shadows of different sizes on the solstice, but only Eratosthenes took the time to sit down and do the trig to determine why that was. But now I'm just speculating.
Aren't you always? ;P
Speculation is one of the many states that I rapidly oscillate through, certainly
Eratosthenes discovered the latitude and longitude for sure, but I'm not quite sure he had anything to do with timezones. Idk really, a noob here
@Kevin I wish to speculate things but suddenly reality strikes and... oh well :')
Oops, now that I actually read the wikipedia article all the way through, I see that the method calculates the size of the earth by comparing the angles of shadows for two points with identical latitudes. Alexandria and Syene are nearly on the same meridian, so their effective time zone would be the same
This makes sense because it becomes much easier to confirm that your obelisk shadow measurements are happening at the exact same time, if you can look up at the sun during the solstice and see that it is at the apex of its arc.
@Kevin Now identical latitudes were taken for the sake of convenience by Eratosthenes. I would rather say he took Alexandria and Syene because of there geographical positions, latitudes were down back then.
So even after the Greeks came up with the idea of "the earth is a ball and the sun is a point-like light source that casts shadows in a geometrically sensible way", they might not have come up with the idea that time zones could be useful for record keeping or commerce or whatever
Did I say latitude? I think I meant longitude. The one that draws a line north-to-south.
Greeks came up the idea of globe Earth, but Sun as a 'point-like light source' is rather offending term even back then. I mean, Greeks knew that the Sun was far away from us and there's possibly no way it can be taken as 'point-like'
Longitude would be possible, if it's from north to south.
Ok, it's plausible to me that the Greeks thought the sun was a sphere. I only say "point-like" in the sense that it's small enough to cast hard-edged shadows that are conveniently easy to measure
@Kevin Thinking about it, is it really thaaat useful?
I expect the shadows on Mercury have a rather fuzzier penumbra, for example
Also looking at the 3 code line, do I just dump this simpleisbetterthancomplex.com/packages/2016/08/11/… into my settings file? IMPORT_EXPORT_USE_TRANSACTIONS = True
@Kevin I get you now. Yeah Greeks thought Sun was spherical only for getting shadows that were measurable.
seems a weird way to configure things
@Hakaishin Honestly, probably not. If you're traveling from one time zone to another by donkey, then it probably doesn't matter if the return trip seems to take two hours longer than the original trip.
@Kevin Great example, bruh.
rogranjosh had similar concerns with boat trips
@Hakaishin Yes its better to dump the IMPORT_EXPORT_USE_TRANSACTIONS = True directly
@Kevin No idea on boat trips so no comments
Odysseus got lost in the Mediterranean for like thirty years, so I'm guessing boats were pretty slow
Even when you're not being continually harassed by Poseidon
The only thing I could think of is potentially pigeons but they might have been too range-limited for anyone to care there, either. Now I need to know how long they've been used in the Middle East
@ROGUE Since it seems you have used the lib before. I have model A, B, C. B has a foreignkey to A and C to B. Now I want to export A and include all foreign key data, like include the B of A into it and the C of B into B which gets added to A. I hope this is clear enough
I hoped this would happen automatically but it doesn't
@ROGUE flat Earthers need to be offended
everyone knows the earth is shaped like a noodle
anyways take care guys, hear you tomorrow
I continue to wish that there was a moderately convincing way to prove the roundness of the earth using $50 of materials from the hardware store, and one's backyard toolshed
Not everybody can afford a plane ticket to Alexandria and Syene on the solstice
i'll do you one better. all you need is a mobile phone and the internet, and half a brain cell.. ah crap, this will be harder than i thought
I've seen a video of a super simple experiment... can't remember the details, but it was something about how the angle of the sunlight changes during the day
@Kevin is there a really great shot there?
If you're going to compare the angles of shadows of obelisks, you may as well go with the O.G.s
I got very close to trying a local school competition while I was at Uni (we had outreach funds to encourage kids into STEM) to get a a camera up in a weather balloon and back down safely. IIRC the budget was only like £200 and I didn't know it was actually perfectly fine to just launch weather balloons (in the UK).
@Kevin big river and laser pointer potentially
let me think about how tight the angle tolerances you need are
and not river really
You can get them high enough that the curvature of the Earth would be pretty undeniable (not like that distorted glass in aeroplane windows that tricks all us sheeple)
The Netflix documentary on flat-earthers used a big body of water (swamp?) and a strong light source. The result was convincing to the audience at home, but not so much the flat-earthers onsite.
if nobody cared about flat earthers there'd be a lot less imo
Pretty sure that's a non sequitur
too many trolls getting to fan some flames
I think the light source was more than $50, and you can't fit four miles of swampland in your shed. But compared to plane trips to Alexandria, or hundred meter tall pendulums, etc, a swamp and a lamp is pretty cheap
@roganjosh responding why the people at home were convinced vs onsite. Mixture of skepticism and trolling, there was a bball player who said he was a flat earther just because if he said that he knew the press would be vultures and publish that hollow husk of a story, and right he was
Also one should take into account whether the experiment convincingly distinguishes "the earth is round" from "the earth is a circular disk, and is close enough to the sun that shadows are not always parallel"
There will always be cases like that. But I don't think people fly half way (across?) the world at great expense for conferences that'll probably get a column in some local paper just because of the attention aspect
Experiments involving angles of shadows or rotational periods of pendulums may give the same outcome on disk earth, if you don't specify your parameters closely enough
You send the flat-earther up in the high altitude balloon, and they call you and say "I'm looking down, and the horizon is definitely circular... Exactly what I would expect to see if the earth were flat and circular"
You get a call from your backup balloon, carrying the flat earther that thinks the earth is not a flat circular disc, but a flat plane that extends infinitely in all directions. He tells you he was completely wrong, but the fella in the balloon next to him has some exciting ideas
Probably. But if their spacial orientation is that far off, your $50 experiment is doomed
Yeah, I think the best I can hope for is that my $50 experiment will convince a small margin of flat-earthers that weren't all that convinced by either side and just went with their gut
Just a tiny poke to nudge them off the fence
I'd probably rather invest the money in making a Rubens Tube and impressing the random people I could get round to visit at my sick equalizer for my radio
My favorite "flat earth proof" was when a guy took a globe and a toy airplane, put the airplane on the northern hemisphere and moved it towards the southern hemisphere... then he went "As you can see, the plane would have to be upside-down", and I thought "yeah, sure, where are you going with this?" and it turned out... he wasn't going anywhere with it. That was the entire argument. It would have to be upside-down. Therefore the earth can't be a globe.
I award him the "there was an attempt" star
Not sure what you mean? I'd never thought about it like that before. Well, I'm sold! :P
If you're on a planet with no atmosphere and you put an airplane into orbit while ensuring it has zero rotational momentum, then it will indeed turn upside down during its orbit.
Unfortunately, Earth has an atmosphere.
Firing planes out of a tremendous cannon and then applying no additional thrust for the remainder of its journey, is impractical thanks to air resistance.
i get the strange feeling you're imagining something a lot more complex than what the guy did :P
Not for this guy, no, but I've seen some arguments come up with totally new and complex models of the behavior of light, in order to explain why it isn't daytime all the time, and why that one picture of the Lake Pontchartrain power lines aren't really bending down below the horizon, etc
See, after light travels a certain distance, it gets tired, and starts to bend
light has never been more relatable
For those of y'all who've grown tired of entertaining FE's ridiculous ideas, I recommend checking out CoolHardLogic to have a laugh at the flat earthers' expense. (Warning: Lots of swear words)
@Aran-Fey Philosophy 101, don't argue with irrational people.
@Zeerx7v hello :)
2 hours later…
Is indexing into a string O(1) or O(n)?
I'm 95% sure it's O(1)
I recall a brief discussion in here about how dynamic-width character sets are lame because you can't determine the address of the Nth character using dead simple int arithmetic, but I think Python does some magic to make that not be a problem
Secretly using UTF-32, or secretly using an array of pointers to UTF-8 chars, or something of that nature
Seems like you're right, timeit gives me two near-identical results for different indices
github.com/python/cpython/blob/… suggests that internally there are four different kinds of unicode strings. Two of them are "compact", and I believe have fast indexing because they're essentially arrays of fixed-width UTF-<number> characters. The other two are "legacy" and they "use one block for the structure and one block for characters"
import perfplot

    setup=lambda n: 'áíűőüőúóéaie' * n,
        lambda s: s[-1],
    n_range=[2 ** k for k in range(25)],
My proposed array-of-pointers-to-chars design could be implemented with two blocks, so maybe that's what it's doing
(I just repurposed the example code block on pypi)
I think that maybe possibly sometimes a legacy string gets converted to a compact string the first time the user tries to do something with it that is only efficient for compact strings. This may flummox your testing, if you're creating the string once and indexing it a million times
yeah, no idea what it does under the hood
I'm looking under the hood and I too have no idea what it's doing
"check engine". Yep, the engine is still there, now what
Reminds me of the web novel Fine Structure, where a team of scientists discover a signal in the cosmic background which turns out to be the complete source code for reality. With great effort, they reverse-engineer enough of the data format to determine that the first ten gigabytes translate to, effectively, "real numbers exist"
Which is nice, but we kind of knew that already. So one guy says, "I'm just going to jump to a random chunk halfway through the signal and see if I can find anything cool there". A month later, he thinks he's found an undiscovered property of physics that may have practical applications. He constructs a device to make use of this property, and... Accidentally teleports a small town into the seventh dimension. Oops.
That's how I feel when I jump into the middle of the unicode object specification, and start making generalizations about the efficiency of operations

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