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"Don't have super deeply indented code" is another design consideration
@MisterMiyagi Indeed, but as I understand it there's no way for a single Python interpreter to use other than its preconfigured (at compile time) representation. However you define a text character, ALL strings in a given Python process are sequences of exactly the same kind of character.
@Kevin yep, well said :)
@MisterMiyagi The simplicity REALLY pays off when you start to work with higher-order functions. No syntactic sugar, since code is just a Lisp data structure anyway ...
@holdenweb The str type choses its internal representation to match its content. E.g. if you store a pure-ASCII string, str stores it as an array of 1-byte characters. None of that is exposed at the Python level, but at the C-level there are different calls to work with same-kind data and different-kind data.
eeew! I stand corrected.
I'm not exactly sure when they changed it from the compile-time character width. (Though IIRC the PEP linked above might contain that.)
By the way, I'm about to break my 100 LOC estimate. ^^
It's a yamming good job strings are immutable or they'd never have got away with that. All I can add is that it wasn't like that in 2004 ...
@MisterMiyagi [smiles beatifically]
@Hakaishin for me, it would probably depend: I usually try to comment as much as possible, unless I don't know the codebase 100% or plan to refactor a lot, and since I already know part of it, don't see the point of commenting...
meaning 1/10 or around what?
I guess? it kinda depend if I'm using Class and function or not
sometimes I don't use either if I'm debugging or refactoring a lot
does anyone here know Bash? I want to use an analogy here but not sure of the right terms, so want some opinions on it (eg: to compare something it does to Python)
you mean poor mans python? don't touch it even with a pole
@Hakaishin Ah! I'm actually coming from Unix/Shell scripting, which is why I wanted to ask something python related to someone who know it :)
sorry can't help you. The only few times I tried bash, I was in a delirium and forgot about python. I quickly got healthy again and threw away the bash and did the task in python
ah, fair enough
@NordineLotfi I'm just going to vaguely nod, without committing in writing.
@MisterMiyagi I see :) Do you know about the "debug" flag in Bash? (either using -x or set -x). I essentially want to do something very similar (in term of output/result) but in Python. I tried pdb and gdb but none of them give similar output when it come to debugging...
one thing that bash does when you use the debug flag is that, it goes into each function and print what exact line it run, and append the right amount of ++ sign to show the order of execution
but I don't know how you could do the same in Python for debugging purpose
I find that very useful myself, which is why I'm curious about it
Here I know pdb kinda does something similar, except I don't know/think it actually print each line while executing them when they're inside a function (it does this when it's outside of a function though)
i think youre looking at the wrong term for the job, just because bash decided to call it debugging
or well, never mind, maybe it is called debugging
@ParitoshSingh yeah, you're right; that's why I mentioned earlier "not sure of the right terms". Do you perhaps know the term that could relate to what Bash does, based on my description of it?
if you want that, just try any respectable editor/ide, it will keep highlighting the line while you "step through" the code
hmm, didn't think of that yeah
so i suppose python doesnt need to take the bash route because we can use editors/IDEs instead
wanted to do it without having to use an IDE but I guess it's better than nothing
@ParitoshSingh true
@NordineLotfi Seems like you are looking at tracing. The sys module allows to install trace hooks. But ultimately that is what pdb and such also use.
The other day I wrote a function decorator that prints "calling {function name} with {arguments}" and "returning {value} from {function name}" at the appropriate times
@MisterMiyagi I didn't know that :o nice. I'll try that, thanks
@Kevin that sounds like what I want yeah. Is it on your github or? :D
@holdenweb Eh, 91 lines it is. No case-insensitive keywords and no matching of names/attributes defined in regular files, though.
# sample.pyf
class AAA:
    def Greet(self):
        a = "Hello World!"
        PRINT(self.__CLASS__.__NAME__, "says", A)

@Kevin Thanks, much appreciated.
@track_calls is built on top of with logger.context("whatever"):, which is also useful on its own for indicating when you've entered and exited an arbitrary block. So you can still have useful diagnostics even if you decide to write a program with no functions
@MisterMiyagi I see, so that's another way to do it :O Thank you for the example
@NordineLotfi If that was actually in response to that code block, I recommend to immediately forget it again. :P
@Kevin that's nice yeah. Sounds like what I always needed
@MisterMiyagi Ah, is it because it does something non-recommended or?
That's MisterMiyagi's custom language, MiyagiThon, which looks similar to Python, but doesn't actually produce useful output if you run it in a Python interpreter
In MiyagiThon, PRINT("Hello, World!") prints "Hello, World!". In Python, it crashes with NameError: name 'PRINT' is not defined
And rightfully so!
MiyagiThon just needs to let off a little steam, that's all
Now back to inventing my actual custom language. Task one: Punny name.
name it "punny name". easy. next.
@Kevin I see. I was about to say "But that print looks weird..." though I guess I would have noticed If I tried it on Python.
@ParitoshSingh Must admit, punny-lang has charm...
@MisterMiyagi Would love to look at your design paper/specification if you have one written
(for ideas/inspiration though I don't plan to write my own lang)
@NordineLotfi okay. context. Kevin was joking, MiyagiThon is not real. im sorry for breaking your dream.
(or is it?! insert ominous music here) :P
Erm, it's actually runnable
oh dear
well, CG would be happy
I'm 75% joking because I believe that MisterMiyagi has truly written a program that reads sample.pyf and converts it into an executable form. This, arguably, counts as a language, even if the "executable form" is just a python file that gets passed to python
holdenweb made me do it.
Well, holdenweb made me start it. As for finishing it, welll... maniacal laughing
i would only be happy with a case insensitive language if the caps lock key itself was forcibly broken for everyone using said language.
On the topic of languages, I'm kicking around the idea of a very simple custom language that can easily transpile to both Python and Javascript. If I can turn (Call print (StringLiteral HelloWorld!)) into both print("HelloWorld!") and console.log("HelloWorld!");, then I'm already halfway to my goal.
@Kevin inb4 you use regex for this
unless there a better way hmm
well no, regex is not the tool for transpiling stuff
@Kevin hy can do the first at least.
I'm planning on using regex for the lexer (i.e. the thing that understands that "(" and "Call" should be considered separate syntactical elements despite having no intervening whitespace), which is a fairly uncontroversial approach
regex is absolute rubbish at balanced parentheses though, so that's getting a proper recursive wossname
i must admit, transpiling to python seems like a..uhm..questionable..choice.
Yeah, no one in their right mind would ever want to do that...
I'm sorry, what? I was distracted by the pink dinosaur above your left ear.
@ParitoshSingh I'm sure it isn't, but some transpiler/whatever it's called technically use it, even if not entirely, and even if they didn't use it and that wasn't recommended...the fact it can be used is still probably enough to do so :P
@Kevin Say, what kind of parser do you use for KevinScript?
I have long since forgotten, but github.com/kms70847/KevinScript/blob/master/ks/parser/… boils down to "an LR parser that has been fed an SLR table"
Hey folks what are some good resources for beginners who want to get their hands dirty with web development?
python specific is fine, but not strictly necessary
All you need for web development is a bookmark to developer.mozilla.org, and a user script that removes W3schools from google results
@cs95 language agnostic? I'm confused where you're coming from because I could have sworn you've linked me to some mega blocks of react/JS in the past
Ah, so this is on behalf of someone else?
it might help to pick specific tech stacks to make it manageable.
I had a brain fart there; yeah, it would be helpful to understand more of the specifics of who you're going to direct this to
@cs95 i do think this (a series of 2 videos on the web in general) will definitely help a lot
@MisterMiyagi since you mentioned encoding before and you seem more knowledgeable than me about it; do you think the following snippet is enough to cover/support all encoding or I'm I right in thinking I missed some?:
    def guess_encoding(self, file_name):
        csv_file = file_name
        with io.open(csv_file, "rb") as f:
            self.data = f.read(5)
            if self.data.startswith(b"\xEF\xBB\xBF"):  # UTF-8 with a "BOM"
                return "utf-8-sig"
            elif self.data.startswith(b"\xFF\xFE") or self.data.startswith(b"\xFE\xFF"):
                return "utf-16"
            else:  # in Windows, guessing utf-8 doesn't work, so we have to try
                    with io.open(csv_file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
I think I probably missed some, maybe ascii but not sure...
uhm. first things first, dont guess encodings. :P you should ideally know what you get. then, secondly..i need to come up with a good name for this, but when programming you should get like a "sixth sense" of when someone may have already solved a problem.
trying to deal with data with unknown encodings is common enough that people have tried tackling this in the past, and there's solutions ready for you to use
@ParitoshSingh yeah, I see what you mean. I still kinda need to "guess" or know the encoding in advance for a file, since this is for a text editor/viewer iirc. (it already kinda works but wanted to make sure I was supporting all encoding)
@ParitoshSingh I did checked on SO but I only found a single Post that tackled this, unless my search-foo is lacking :)
make sure you let the text viewer/editor user choose an encoding if they see fit
@ParitoshSingh that's something I didn't thought of, thanks, I'll keep that in mind :D
@NordineLotfi got one! "sixth sense" needs a better name i swear. chardet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html
@ParitoshSingh that's actually nice, and seem to cover encoding I didn't even thought of o-o , Thank you.
@NordineLotfi as for ascii specifically, i dont think you'll ever need to detect ascii anymore since utf 8 is a proper superset.
well, at least not for a text editor/viewer. perhaps if you were forced to collaborate with a system downstream that only took ascii. sounds miserable
@ParitoshSingh hmm, you're right, didn't thought of that either ^^
@roganjosh yup that's right
@ParitoshSingh nice this looks promising!
hm, come to think of it..i think its nothing short of a miracle i managed to get a somewhat working understanding of websites. i can't think of a single resource that really got me there, it was a slog of cargo culting my way through typing js in literally the browser console... how even did i learn html. its a mystery to me.
my editor of choice was notepad.
no ++. i didnt even know about notepad++ at the time.
@ParitoshSingh I think (as someone who tried his best not to learn html or js, but sometimes fail) that html is much easier than js when it come to learning it. Of course, there a lot of undocumented/under-documented stuff for both of those, so if you take those into account, I guess you can only truly learn it by experimenting
notepad, lol :D
notepad isn't that bad if you don't care about debugging or if you're working with less than 1k LOC tbh
@ParitoshSingh MySpace?
notepad++ was, in many ways, life altering.
@roganjosh haha nah. i didn't start my journey on the web till very recently. roughly 4 years ago
I thought I forgot HTML from making my MySpace super-dazzly but it probably all stuck in my head.
dinosaurs like myspace went extinct by then :P
Oh no, so you didn't have Tom as your friend?! ... I'm lost
didn't even know about Tom. sorry tom!
No, sorry Paritosh... It's you that missed out
looking back, it was rather strange circumstances really
tbf I only learned Flask to prove a point and make some people look stupid. Kinda glad it stuck and I kept going, though :P
For me, i was hired as an intern in a very small team, where one guy had started trying to build a solution on solr. great person, he had probably done a lot of legwork figuring a new technology out by himself. no one else in the team knew this at all, except one guy who did know about inspect element. (to be fair, we were not a web dev team, so eh. i dunno)
well, i joined, got assigned to the work, and i think it hadn't even been 1 week, i was going through solr manuals and the experienced person met with an accident. It was bad. (he's fine now!)
we didn't see him for 4 months, and my internship was due in 3. i basically took up everything and worked on it, just me and the internet.
that one guy who taught me inspect element was a life saver. i dont think i would have made it without that initial help.
A happier origin story than mine, then :P
The end result was a solr server serving up a custom html (something i didnt even fully understand at the time) via velocity, with some kind of compressed css i don't even know what tool i used to make anymore, and because this was served by solr, it didn't have php. So i had a xampp stack running with a php script just to fetch some extra information from the solr itself (but not as an independant script.), and then i had it called form js inside the html (ofcourse, it was all in the same file)
and with cors enabled across all ports (heck if i know what any of that meant) so that the php script would run
i thought it looked quite good at the end though :P
i swear that codebase is most likely a walking security vulnerability if its still in use
Half-tempted to ask which company this is, but based on the main feed, it'll be a drop in the ocean of people handling my data, so... I can probably live with it
heh. nah i'd be really surprised if you had any interaction with this company, since it's sorta local to where i live, and the poc (i guess it was a poc? im not actually sure) was for a different company altogether
oh not to mention, i even had a zookeeper setup going at the end. with 3 "sessions?", "managers", not sure on terminology anymore...running, from the same machine.
because ofcourse. i was coding on my machine, that's all i understood :P
@roganjosh hmm, someone with almost no knowledge of programming in general, except maybe some html/css work they did in high school 10 years ago, lol
i think paritosh’ link was a great start. After that I’d probably recommend some general python tutorial for beginners followed by something on flask or eagle (?)
I forget the other one, there’s quite a few but Antti endorses one specifically. Eagle? Falcon?
if you end up picking flask, i think the flask mega tutorial is amazing. my issue though, is that i think if you say "web dev", it's probably more important to be front-end focused rather than backend
I keep banging on about the Flask Mega Tutorial but that probably puts some bias into the mix
ha, kevin'd
so i would hesitate to pick backend frameworks for someone wanting to learn web dev. i think the html css and js side of things is probably more important for someone starting out. specifically it's more actionable
(just imo)
I think "someone with almost no knowledge of programming in general" is going to have an awful time at this, btw
yeah, html is probably the most accessible baby step they should take first
just crank out static websites that need nothing more than just double clicking a file, and it's magic!
Like, really awful. Full-stack (I'm using that term loosely) is gonna be an off-putting nightmare for them if they don't understand programming
Yeah lol good point. Where do I start, then. Mdn docs? Of course I shall avoid w3schools like the plague
honestly, mdn docs look daunting to me. im sorry haha
@ParitoshSingh glad I'm not the only one to think that :P
Probably backend? I've had 2 people that I've tried to pass a project over to that are well-versed in SQL and R, but as soon as they see the Flask dashboard, they poop themselves. In reality, it's super-simple and cookie-cutter but it just overwhelms them. I'd suggest they need a stronger grasp of a single language before you try anything
So, either JS or Python. But they need to be strong enough in one before you introduce the other
hm, i take a different mindset. i think someone wanting to understand web dev should go frontend first. you take a lot of knowledge for granted when using a backend framework, that might be terrible for a beginner to cope with. by frontend i dont mean you start cranking out react. i mean literally just interacting with barebones html and css without thinking that "jinja does this for me" kind of deal
one assumption im making is that cs's target audience is actually a lot more beginner than you're thinking of when you think of colleagues. probably a lot younger too
I assume that was typed before my second message. If they can't get one language down and feel comfortable about it, it's a waste of time trying to teach web dev at all, and probably quite upsetting for the person, tbh
I think we take for granted our ability to reason about errors. If you don't have a solid foundation in at least one language then everything is just nonsense
yeah i suppose being able to reason about code logic is important
but i dont know whether thats just an acquired ability or a natural one
on msys os.path.abspath("../filename.pdf") returns case insensite path which produce file not found error while trying to open the file.
(sorry for the semi-lecture. I got a reality check about understanding only a few hours ago from someone in my team that utilises Python all the time to great effect, but didn't follow an error about generators)
On windows the same path works good.
Uh, paths on Windows are always case insensitive, even inside msys
@ChrisP you should probably always use full path, and if you want to include a similar logic as .. do, where it just go to the upper directory, then you can do that in python too (eg: by using os.system('cd ..') as an example, etc). There probably a more Pythonic way however
i mean, everything path related just use pathlib
yeah, that too
@NordineLotfi Sorry?
also, using os.system and changing the working directory seems like a bad idea to me.
i dont even know what that would do to be honest
@roganjosh I mentioned what I said because they're using msys and wasn't sure if they wanted a Pythonic way or a weird method using local Linux msys tools :)
>>> a = os.path.abspath("../../disket_box/weather_news/1.mp3")
>>> a
'C:/python/scripts/Papinhio player/src/disket_box/weather_news/1.mp3'
But the correct path is C:/Python/Scripts/Papinhio player/src/disket_box/weather_news/1.mp3
Those paths are equivalent on Windows. Why do you care about the capitalization?
So what cause this error:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:/python/scripts/Papin
hio player/src/disket_box/weather_news/Ηχητικό δελτίο καιρού (07/02/2021) Αθήνα.
@NordineLotfi This MP3 player must be is the ~18 month margin in the making. It's best to not to make confusing statements
07/02/2021 should be 07-02-2021
@roganjosh So you mean I shouldn't have mentioned what I said or should have explained in more detail without sounding confusing? :)
@NordineLotfi you can, I think (from what I know of you), make that judgement yourself by what's unfolding and will continue to
@ChrisP How are we supposed to know? We can't see your files
I want to download in this path
@roganjosh I think most people using msys already know what the cd command is, and since they demonstrated the .. syntax, then they probably know what it does too...but I guess your reasoning strike true here, so I'll keep it in mind
i open the file
in wb mode
Then yes, the slashes must be the problem
ok now works!
cbg folks
cbg pup :)
@MisterMiyagi also, you were right for the correct term of what I wanted to do earlier :D the set -x command/flag is actually a short version of set -o xtrace...so it is indeed a tracing method.
@JonClements cbg, been a while I saw you here
@roganjosh bought a load of copies of Duke Nukem 3D (the 20th anniversary edition - it was offer from £1.49 intstead of £14.99) - have you got a stable 'net connection and up for a game at somepoint? :p
@NordineLotfi I pop in now and then - how's things?
@JonClements It's 4G but I'll only need a few secs to blast you to oblivion, so the answer is "yes"
@JonClements fine here, and you? :)
<needs to remember everything about the game>
@NordineLotfi as always SSDD - but won't complain... :p
@JonClements ah, yeah I see what you mean (and sometimes relate to that myself)
talking about Duke Nukem 3D, I did play it a while back, but this was the GOG edition (which, like most GOG games, except a few, don't support multiplayer...) but it was a lot of fun offline I recall
@JonClements anyway, yeah, the connection is much more stable than the last time we tried games :P It's still 4G so I can keep the lag excuse in my pocket...
@roganjosh doubt it... but you should have a gifted copy now...
Saturday... playground...
Still got a copy of Trine 2 to gift at some point... it's been sitting there for ages now...
last time I played Duke was with @poke and he completely thrashed me :(
mind you... have practiced slightly... so still rubbish... but was good fun...
oh gosh, games reminds me i was due for a lesson in dungeon keeper. :P
i dont think i even have it anymore. oh well, whelp.
DK2! We're still due that match, @ParitoshSingh!
@ParitoshSingh I loved that game... I just keep "buying" all the free games on epicgames whether I want them or not, and got "Dungeons 3" which I've played a little bit of, and I really like it...
@JonClements yeah, Duke is like that...it's a lot similar to Doom in that aspect, where just pressing the attack button won't always work, and you have to dodge, jump, etc a lot.
i've actually never played it before, but basically roganjosh got me excited to try it sometime
@NordineLotfi and strafe etc... etc...
i dunno how it fell off the radar to be honest haha
@JonClements oh yeah, I recall there was a huge wave of free stuff on epicgames a couple months ago...it's still going? wow
I don't think you'll have lost the game, Paritosh. The server just gets unstable on larger maps
@JonClements yep ^^
@roganjosh oh i meant from my system itself
lemme try and dig it up if its still lying around
But you'll still have it on your GOG account
was that how i'd gotten it?
@roganjosh wait, a multiplayer game on GOG? that's rare
I don't see those often tbh
It's also ancient
(unless it's a custom server or smth)
that's surprising then hmm
@NordineLotfi and I check up on steam sales occasionally... sometimes you get games - like this one was £14.99 - for £1.49... I'd not buy a copy at the full rate, but quite happy to get 3/4 copies for £1.49
And yeah, it's a custom server. I had a go at hosting it, but the fake LAN just starts kicking people
@JonClements yeah, I see what you mean. I used to do that myself back when I was still playing stuff. good memories
@roganjosh Ah, then yeah, it's not too surprising then :P since it's really rare to see a game company releasing on GOG and supporting their own server like most steam's games would do
When I was playing an insane amount of Duke 3D - it was dial-up... and we had to get cut short because our parents wanted to make a phone call :p
No, it's a hacky affair to host the server and the game craps itself too, all the time. 90s tech :/
@JonClements we had a separate line for dial-up. Ahhh, the summer when I racked up something like an £800 bill playing EverQuest. Memories.
@JonClements ah yeah, I remember when I still had dial-up myself...it's funny how fixed phone have the most spam/missed calls compared to normal ones
@roganjosh yeah, I know a bit about that. Most servers for most games aren't just "click and it's done". eg: TF2, etc. It's especially true for custom ones where the game company doesn't support multiplayer anymore or there some other reasons where it need to be done
Or it's a game that came out in 1995...
@roganjosh bet you were popular that month :p
@JonClements My dad was "not happy"... I think that's the best precis of what happened
I got like 20 levels on my beastlord, though, so we have to take it all in perspective
£20 per level... yeah... can't see how anyone could not have understood that one :p
That's possibly below the market rate when accounts were being sold on eBay. It was tough to articulate the investment my parents had unknowingly made
ugh... forgot it's a 1gb download for the game... has your 4g got enough data allowance for that?
1Gb? A doddle! (actually, the 4G router does a pretty good job and I haven't stressed about not having broadband)
Except, of course, if I lose. Connection can be patchy...
I wonder if python has any facilities for automatically unboxing arrays. I got this guy but its fugly

things = things[0] if hasattr(things, "__iter__") and len(things) == 1 else things
may even break down for numpy arrays :-)
@roganjosh I recently switched to fiber... it's double the speed (but nowhere near what they say it would be - but oh well, on the end of the exchange and not being fiber to fiber - it's not surprising) - but it's £7 cheaper a month!? So even if it was the same speed, I'd switch to that regardless
@Mikhail so you want the first of "something" if possible?
or rather when its a singleton
could you give a practical example?
yeah, sometimes I need to return a List[MyObject] sometimes its just MyObject
@Mikhail Are you sure you are looking for unboxing? Python doesn't really have boxing like other languages do.
Can't change the API :-/
I call it unboxing :-)
but yes, python doesn't have the Java style unboxing
@Mikhail pretty sure the list comp already did that for you
I don't understand what you're defending against, actually
You're just checking whether something can be indexed? just index it?
I'd probably just write a helper that uses try-except if you need that often.
def unbox(candidate):
         return next(iter(candidate))
     except TypeError:
         return candidate
But only in the case when its singleton aka foo = (0) gets unboxed, but foo=(1,2,3) won't
By "singleton" you mean "list of one element"? That sounds like a very weird API.
dude its not my fault
but yeah its pretty screwed up design
"here is this thing that nobody asked for"
@MisterMiyagi I don't think I understand what this buys me as a helper function?
@roganjosh It hides the ugly.
@MisterMiyagi umm... shouldn't that be a except StopIteration?
From my experience, ugly things in your code tend to invite friends and spread all over your code base. Locking them in the attic is a public service.
@JonClements Both, I guess.
But if it's really just for len(things) == 1, then it needs a different kind of ugly.
I think we need to reset Aran's counter for the number of days passed before we over-complicated things
Isn't this a prime candidate for your single-dispatch, MM?
Looks like a job for the fluffy murder beasts, TBH.
Is that part of the standard library?
@MisterMiyagi it's not massively uncommon in quite a few systems... for instance on most ecommerce systems you can do /product/123 and you'll get a single result, while if you do /products?q=123, you get a list
@JonClements But then it's still clear which gives which, right?
@MisterMiyagi yup
As far as I understand, this API gives either 1) a thing, 2) a thing in a list, 3) a list of things. And it's impossible to say up-front which it is.
what you normally do is for the single fetch (where you're expecting one or no result) is to wrap that in a list and then pass it to the one that can handle multiple ones
Those I know, but this request seems to be the other way around. :/
must be mis-reading then... lemme read back...
late dinner, brb
There literally is no cause for alarm. Very Douglas Adams.
@smci Ah, I remember reading this post myself two days ago :)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/deployment-scripts/beanstalk_deploy.py", line 21, in <module>
import boto3
ImportError: No module named boto3
any help
Install boto3?
yes installed
I am trying to deploying code from bitbucket to AWS Elastic beanstalk. While deploying code from bitbucket i am facing import boto3 problem. in Python2.7 everything working fine. when i am upgrading python version from 2.7 to 3.7 getting this import boto3 error.
RUN apk --no-cache add python3 py3-pip\
&& python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip \
&& python3 -m pip install --upgrade boto3
Ok, I can't help with that
@RameshRaj are you using what I think you're using? apk is it? I vaguely recall this is used on Alpine if I'm not wrong...what's the os/distro you had that error on?
(it's not a VM right?)
yeah, this is Alpine alright -- either you're using it raw (directly installed), in ram, in Docker (since that's the goto distro on Docker these days), VM...
it would help more if you could show the exact error you had (preferably on a paste site like pastebin or termbin if it's visually too big)
Given you're using the RUN keyword at the start, it's probably Docker
yes RUN for docker only
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