Simplifications I glossed over because they confuse me: locals are magically stored in both a dict and an array, and I don't know which one is the "real" one. I don't know when frames are actually created, when they're zombified and later revived, and which of its attributes are still valid after this process. I don't know where closures go when you're not looking at them.
Don't use spaces around the = sign when used to indicate a keyword argument, or when used to indicate a default value for an unannotated function parameter:
# Correct:
def complex(real, imag=0.0):
return magic(r=real, i=imag)
# Wrong:
def complex(real, imag = 0.0):
return magic(r = real, i = imag)
@inspectorG4dget yeah but that indentation looks suspect to me. But it might be correct because the indentation rules are forgiving
@inspectorG4dget The examples at keep the closing parenthesis on the last kwarg line. Either that or they use a hanging indent where the first kwarg is on a new line. Not sure about what's allowed, though.
My personal preference for multiline bracket closing is "or it may be lined up under the first character of the line that starts the multiline construct"
Suppose I want to iterate through something a certain number of times, think islice, but I want to repeat the last thing if I run out of things. Is there already a better wheel out there? Or does anyone have a better wheel than this:
from itertools import islice
def repeat_last(things):
for thing in things:
yield thing
while True:
yield thing
[*islice(repeat_last([1, 2, 3]), 5)]
# [1, 2, 3, 3, 3]
fwiw, I've been using "closing bracket aligns with opening bracket +1 char -> (i.e. the same column it would have been on if the list were empty", and "no spaces around = in function args unless in a multiline call (in which case spaces are required)"
I'm quite liberal with spaces around = because it did not occur to me that there would be different rules for the assignment statement and named arguments
def repeat_last(x):
return iter(lambda g = iter(x): next(g, x[-1]), object())
x = [1,2,3]
i = 0
for item in repeat_last(x):
i += 1
if i > 10: break
Been a while since I wrote a proper coding horror :-)
I had a brilliant idea for a repeat_last that works with finite non-indexable iterables, but the core devs have foiled me by not implementing nonlocal walrus assignment inside lambdas
Included the limit but I still don't feel like it's golfed enough.
def repeat_last(things, times=None):
count = 0
for thing in things:
if times is None or count < times:
yield thing
count += 1
while times is None or count < times:
yield thing
count += 1
[*repeat_last([1, 2, 3], 9)]
I'm confused. The first time I run the lines below in a jupyter notebook, nothing is written to the file. The second time I run it, the content gets written:
import itertools
def repeat_last(x):
return (g:= iter(x)) and (r:=None) or (r:=next(g, r) for _ in iter(lambda: 0, 1))
x = itertools.islice(itertools.count(), 0, 5) #sample iterable with finite length but no indices
i = 0
for item in repeat_last(x):
print(item, end=" ")
i += 1
if i > 10: break
#result: 0 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
ive hit this interesting snag with my desire to learn how to mock tests properly, how do you do this when you are performing some kind of function that doesnt return anything.
(g:= iter(x)) and (r:=None) create two local variables, g and r, without us having to use an assignment statement. for _ in iter(lambda: 0, 1) iterates over an infinite number of zeros until it reaches a one, and binds the value to a variable we never use. next(g, r) calls next on the actual iterator of x, returning either the next value, or the most recent value of r if x's iterator is out of values. r:= binds that returned value so we can use it in the next loop.
I haven't ruled out the possibility of doing it without a walrus, but I don't have a clear idea on it. It would be easier if iter(x).__next__ accepted a sentinel argument like next() does.
but yea, I wanted to mock df functions to return some output I could run a test against, but since im dont even returning any values in the function i can't pull my mock stuff back out
If I use __next__(), I can preserve mutable state for a useful period of time. If I use next(), I can escape from StopIterations without a try-except. I need both of those but I can only have one.
@Aran-Fey My intermediate goal is to acquire a callable that returns a successive value of x every time it is called. callable = iter(x).__next__ works, (until it crashes with StopIteration), but it's not so easy to create an equivalent callable with just next. If you do something with iter-within-lambda, for example callable = lambda: next(iter(x)), then it just returns the first element of x forever.
If I had full freedom to use statements, I could ofc do g = iter(x); callable = lambda: next(g). But my abomination is expressions only. And I don't want to use walrus operators because I already did that and got bored.
callable = lambda g=iter(x): next(g) may or may not work depending on its surrounding context and how long you need g to stay alive. My first try, it had to go in a comprehension, so it kept getting collected too soon.
If none of this makes sense, I assure you that you aren't the only one that thinks so
btw is list(map(...)) the pythonic way to do said iterating, in my case I dont actually want a list and you cant use the starred expression at the start of a map
I don't fully understand the goal here, so I'll just say you can usually refactor for whatever in whatever: pass into something more meaningful, and leave it at that
(though it might not be obvious unless you're Dutch)
In fact you can't implement subtests with map at all, since the map will call the function you're trying to test before you have a chance to do a with subTest
(Technically it's "fine" as long as your assertions are inside the with, but ugh)
yea, that's kind of the problem with these loops in the first place, you are doing all the logic then asserting to make sure things were called inside to_file
but there isnt really a clean way to do the assert inside the for loop here
so it kind of implies you really should just do each test in sequence
@Aran-Fey i dont think the mock.assert_called_with works here though because I'm basically testing for different mock functions that get called inside to_file
so its like mock.to_csv.assert_called_with for one and mock.to_excel.assert_called_with
and that's pretty ugly to try and setup unless i do something like make a list of function references
ah, never actually used getattr before but that could work. in your opinion is that better then just defining something right before the for loop like:
def repeat_last(x, n=None):
g = iter(x)
r = None
i = 0
while n is None or i < n:
r = next(g, r)
yield r
i += 1
[*repeat_last(iter(range(5, 8)), 6)]
# [5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7]