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>>> import numpy as np
... rng = np.random.default_rng()
... arr = rng.random(10000)
... s1 = set(arr)
... s2 = set(sorted(arr))
... print(s1 == s2)
... print(s1.pop() == s2.pop())
@PaulMcG ^ regarding 1.
I'd expect it to depend on insertion order
1 hour later…
My limited experiments with varying insertion order say "no".
1 hour later…
@PaulMcG I got <stdin>:1: DeprecationWarning: Sampling from a set deprecated since Python 3.9 and will be removed in a subsequent version.
when I did random.sample({1,2},1) maybe its worth pointing if you have forgotten, it did work though
@python_learner good one :D
@python_learner that would be worth asking on the main site... answer would probably be random.choice(list(s), 1) unfortunately.
@python_learner pretty sure most of us haven't even touched Python 3.9 yet :(
@AndrasDeak does and doesn't. Sets are backed by unordered hash tables. If you manage to get a collision, then...
>>> hash(8)
>>> hash(2 ** 64)
>>> s1 = {8, 2 ** 64}
>>> s2 = {2 ** 64, 8}
>>> s1
{8, 18446744073709551616}
>>> s2
{18446744073709551616, 8}
in your case there are some collisions... even though the table is large
hmm interesting...
doesn't quite work as expected...
1 hour later…
hey guys im back
im bored can we chat pls?
Hey :) Sure what you wanna chat about?
@expressjs123 no
@expressjs123 This is not your playground. Please respect the inhabitants of this room who might have better things to do than entertain you. Go browse reddit.
I don't see the problem. He is respecting us by asking if someone wants to chat
Three consecutive messages whining?
Whining? Where?
just read the first three :P
Doesn't sound like whining to me
is there any way to know that python is calling a __dunder__ method when some operation is done? eg: calling len(seq) must tell me __len__ is called
If I subclass a builtin like list I can use print before I do super() but for other classes can this be done?
@Aran-Fey I apologize, they weren't whining. They were being needy which amounts to the same thing in my head so I misspoke.
Alright, but still. I don't see why asking "can we chat please" would be a problem in a chat room
If someone wants to chat, they're free to do so. And if nobody wants to chat, well, that's that.
@python_learner no, there is no general way to hook into special method invocation. Just read the docs to see when which method is used.
will read up on that
Closed question eddited:

Moderation review needed.

@ChrisP I reviewed the moderator's actions. They are right, your question is too broad.
Does anybody know what -m means in python -m pip install <packagename>?
@ChrisP Those design questions, e.g. "What prioritries should i use", look distinctly like decisions that you have to make. The rules 2. and 3. mean there are many cases that have no single well-defined solution, and many cases that have no solution at all. We cannot tell you what you want to happen in these cases.
@Kevin I keep wondering... is there free lunch at your secret software fixing site?
@MisterMiyagi You are right.
I will thought about it.
are re-open requests here in chat also subject to the 48h rule?
@MisterMiyagi I don't think so, it's a meta issue
the point of the 48 rule is to prevent parallel discussions that's a waste of energy
Alrighty, that makes sense.
Ah, here is this chat room. I thought I imagined this thing exists. Would someone lend a reopen vote to this matplotlib problem? Possible bug identified. stackoverflow.com/questions/64561779/…
@MisterMiyagi there's also
Spooky coincidence. Halloween-related, I assume.
right, that's around the corner
Is there a link to this chat room on SO? If it were not for MisterMiyagi's user profile, I wouldn't have found it. Or maybe I just need reading glasses.
Thank you for reopening, btw. I was working with the user for the last day to narrow down the source of the problem.
chat is notoriously hard to find :/
The url for so chatrooms in general is chat.stackoverflow.com But i dont know if it's advertised somewhere
I think once you enter a chatroom it shows on the side when you are viewing a question
@Mr.T Thanks for working with the user. ;) Got the notifications from following the question, so the frustration from lacking reopen votes was very relatable.
@ParitoshSingh I could have sworn there was a link to it in the burger on the top right of the main site but it seems absent
Honestly, come to think of it i cannot recall how i found this chatroom.
Ah, no, it's still there, just diddy
@python_learner So, the first rule of the chat room is that you know where it is when you are inside? Interesting concept.
you dont appreciate things that are handed over to you :p. pretty much all answers on low effort questions
@roganjosh Now that I know where it is, SO displays it to me as well. Perfidious code.
Oh, one place the site does advertise chat is when you unlock the chat privilege.
I suspect that's probably how i ended up finding this place, or at least it let me mentally register that there was a chat on SO
@MisterMiyagi Do you get notifications for all questions you vote to close? Never thought of this but seems the responsible thing to do.
@Mr.T no. It gets suggested every now and then but there are more cons than pros. At least with the new "follow" feature you can opt in to that on a case-by-case basis.
@Mr.T with 5k rep I'd think you'd have noticed by now if this were a feature :P
Nah, not as a general feature, just for my own behavior. Responsibiltiy and such. And I haven't even noticed the chat room sign. So, there is that.
when I see non-hopeless questions that I vote to close I usually follow them
@MisterMiyagi You get a stipend to cover basic expenses. Plus a punch card entitling you to a free yogurt after fixing ten issues.
@AndrasDeak That's what I meant. Never crossed my mind but yeah, will adopt this now. [Translation: I will have forgotten about it this very evening.]
Attempting to game the yogurt system by creating trivial issues earns you a visit from the Angry Orb
@Mr.T evening?
@AndrasDeak Well, at my timezone, it is now 12:01. What were we talking about?
@Mr.T I just made it a habit to follow all question that I vote to close. It's good to see the occasional question that actually improves. ^^
@MisterMiyagi Yup, although I assume a lot of disappointment lies that way.
The chat room structure amuses me. "4 hours later…" I hear it in my head with the voice of the SpongeBob narrator: "4 hours later…"
@Kevin Do I get the yogurt anyway?
If you can fend off the orb long enough to eat it, sure. He's going to fight you for it though.
Rover gets a sour tummy if he eats too many troublemakers and the probiotics are good for his digestion
@Mr.T your profile says London :P
The other 12:01
Nevermind, I misread. "Will have forgotten". Sorry.
I don't know how I read it, though
It's interesting to see that two prolific voters are following questions voted on - that must be quite a list. Do you unfollow after a while? I only follow questions that I find answer a repeated question that I can't commit the answer to memory for (for whatever reason)
Hi all
I need your help with coverage command
I have folder name `tests` which include the below:
now I'm trying to run the coverage run command, but it doesn't fund anything: Ran 0 tests
I tried to use the command `coverage run -m xmlrunner discover -s ${workspace}/tests -o testreport
can any tell me what is wrong with that?
@roganjosh Most questions just go silent after a while, so unfollowing is not needed.
@A.Man Why are you still asking about coverage if the issue is consistently with your unittests?
it is not with my unitests, the coverage commands are not clear for me
again, coverage does not run unittests. It runs applications. If your "coverage command" says "Ran 0 tests", then you ran an application that attempted to run tests but did not find any. Investiage that application, not coverage.
I sure hope this code works because I used all my cleverness to write it, leaving nothing for debugging
@roganjosh I said "non-hopeless"...
I forget, is there an idiomatic way to determine whether a for loop executed at least once?
x = None
for x in f(): #f is guaranteed not to yield None
if x is None:
    print("warning: stuff was not done")
I follow 60
Even if f can yield None, it's easy enough to create a flag
But if there's some trick I can do with for-else or something I'd prefer that
I can't think of one
it's literally for else no?
a = []
for x in a:
...     print(x)
... else:
...     print("wow")
@Hakaishin no
try with a = [2]
huh, ok i got some reading to do
And that right there is why you test both code paths ;-)
If I wanted to dynamically create form values depending on the amount of students with
for i in range(studentcount):
attendance[i] = AttendanceForm()
haha, right. Yeah I rarely use for else as you see
what is the best way to send these dynamically created forms to through the rendertemplate() function?
@Kevin you have to write a wrapper or test for NameError on the iteration target.
There is nothing straightforward for it.
I'll just use a flag, then
NameError checking would be especially perilous because it's a loop within a loop so the previous iteration's value may be hanging around
Nothing a del couldn't handle I suppose
Preliminary results are looking good although I'm not confident I can generate languages for all unambiguous grammars
no factorial
Does this make sense to you?
if not request.user.is_superuser:
    raise Http404()
It's super annoying my colleague is throwing a lot of 404 when something is not right, but mostly they should be 403 or other codes. And it makes it hard when testing to tell if I mistyped something or if 404 is a supposed error code. Is there a good reason to throw a 404 on a url that actually has a view associated with it?
I'm sure code review will catch that
Got the output I wanted: ((square(((1+1)+1))+1)+1) = 11. Only took like two minutes.
@AndrasDeak lol, it's a codebase that was develop by a sole developer in the last 3years. I am just starting to unravel it. But so you would agree that this shouldn't be like that, good.
Problem is, it's O(num_tokens ^ num_rules), and I need to throw in two additional rules for factorial and sqrt
x = _empty = object()
for x in data:
    ... # process x
if x is _empty:
    print("uh oh")
That kind of stuff i guess
Call it O(num_tokens ^ (num_rules ^ k)), where k is an abstract "branching factor" between 0 and 1. I think I can compose a grammar with ten times as many rules, but with a much lower k.
@Hakaishin I'm an end user of web dev. But yeah, "you don't have permission to view this" sounds like 403 rather than 404 to me. Although my main background comes from http.cat
@ParitoshSingh Yeah, using a sentinel value is probably what I'd go with if I was dead-set against using a separate boolean flag. I do really dislike flags if they're not mandatory...
I wonder how hard it would be to write a grammar guaranteed not to have any superfluous parens. So square(1+1+1) rather than square(((1+1)+1))
Maybe if I take a page out of python's book and have separate add_expr and mult_expr...
@AndrasDeak haha that site is great, how to browse cat pictures and if somebody asks you can say. No I was just checking error codes :P
@Kevin ask yourself if you could write a regex for that
@Kevin are you turning into Paul with all this parsing stuff? :p
Paul is sparkling champagne, I'm hillbilly moonshine
moonshine works for me... cheaper and more potent :)
Hmm I can probably toss 90% of this out and make something simpler with reverse polish notation...
Parsing arithmetic is a million times easier if you don't have infix operators, you don't say...
cbg, is there a way I can create a custom function so doing my_print(foo(4)) will give the same result as print(f'{foo(4)=}')?
or should I just use an IDE that has those tables for names and values?
I want to be able to call my_print with different functions and values, I find f{...=} difficult to type for every print
@python_learner why not put the latter in the definition of the former?
(psst, you could even shadow built-in print with your wrapper, if you're guaranteed to be the only person using the code)
it is for my debugging purpose only
oh, you want the expression foo(4) to be preserved in text
I don't think you can do that without serious black magic. As far as python is concerned foo(4) no longer exists in this form by the time the print function is called.
I had an idea of passing the callable and the args to the callable as args to my_print
that's an option but seems more trouble than it might be worth
but that changes my_print signature
(((you could also pass the expression as a string and eval/exec it, although getting the right namespace might be non-trivial)))
let me try "expression as string and eval" approach, I am not aware of namespaces so I will have to check if my naive approach fails
I've experimented a little bit with inspecting the call stack so a function can see how it's being called. It's easy to get the upper frame object, but it's hard to find the code object corresponding to the function call, and AFAICT impossible to recreate the exact syntax used by the caller.
As a simple example, after compilation to bytecode, the expressions f(1.5) and f(1.50) are 100% identical. There's no way to tell how the float literal was originally typed.
Similarly, f(x + y) and f(x+y) are indistinguishable
maybe its a stupid question, but will it be able to differentiate between f(2) and f(3)?
@python_learner only if you do it right
If you can find the ast node corresponding to the function call, then yes, there will be a Number node with a value that contains 2 or 3.
finding the ast node falls under the "hard" category. Last time I tried, I was able to find all nodes in the code object corresponding to the function call I cared about, but if there was more than one, I couldn't figure out which one was executing.
I was about to ask if this stuff is doable, laurel, guess not
Well, keep in mind to not confuse "Kevin couldn't do it" with "it can't be done". I have a short attention span.
I did take in your 69k rep in my decision :D
Hey guys, I am always in a dilemma whether I should name my class "Calory" or "CaloryCalculator" (in a calory calculation webapp), "Temperature" or "TemperatureScraper" (in a webscraping program), if you understand what I mean. Is there any guideline?
If you don't care about whitespace or literal formatting, and if you crack the riddle of the ast node, then you could create something quite useful
if your doc states its a calculator or scraping program I would rather name it just Calory
Let's say the goal of the script is to scrape the temperature of a webpage.
Would the object be Temperature or TemperatureScraper?
That confuses me.
Perhaps is not very important, but I want to make up my mind and be in peace
I just want to trace some recursive functions thats all, laurel, saw this github.com/Bishalsarang/Recursion-Tree-Visualizer but felt overkill so I wanted to make my own low level print version of it
Incidentally "Calorie" is the more conventional spelling
Funny I was going trough similar issues. I think for smaller projects it should be Temperature and for larger TemperatureScraper. Because you don't have to repeat yourself a lot. But in biggger projects naming issues might become more of an issue, I guess. So I would go with the shorter one
TemperatureScraper seems to be the same like naming a list something_list or a tuple something_tuple and I hear thats Hungarian notation and its not used in python
Nah, Hungarian notation would be like naming it CaloryClass
@python_learner you meant TupleMaker and ListMaker maybe?
ahh my bad, forget what I said @multigoodverse
I have it on good authority that Hungarian notation is best notation
I might make a class called Temperature if I wanted to store data about a temperature and that's it. So it would perhaps have a value attribute and a unit attribute. I might make a class called TemperatureScraper if the class' main goal was to scrape a value out of a webpage and return a Temperature object.
<span> "Air is 19 Celsius degree"</span>
If we name the class that scrapes "19" "Temperature" then how do we name the superclass of Temperature which scrapes the span content "Air is 19 Celsius degree"?
In other words, think about whether the class' main responsibility is to hold data, or perform an action using data
I wouldn't bother to make separate scraper classes for the span and the text inside the span.
@multigoodverse if you have two different classes, the sole purpose of which is to get those two overlapping substrings, you have other problems
@AndrasDeak what's a good solution then? Should I have a class that extracts the number "19" from "Air is 19 Celsius degree", or do that in a method of Temperature?
"create a custom function so doing my_print(foo(4)) will give the same result as print(f'{foo(4)=}')" is this worth asking in main or will I get downvoted?
most likely the latter
I just crossed 300 :/ I dont think the discord channel will be of use either, there are so many people there asking homework questions
also Aran-Fey did you forget you login or something?
I saw some of your answers and that account had 28k or something
I made this alt account so that I wouldn't browse SO all day (I have no self control)
ahh, so this is just for SO chat? but still thats a cool rep to not flex
@python_learner it will be downvoted because SO is not a code writing service. Find someone who's bored on reddit, or pay someone for a quick consulting gig.
@multigoodverse I wrote exactly one scraper in my life, so I'm not the one to tell. That being said, I would probably separate the scraping logic from the parsing logic. Once I have the page I can parse whatever I want in it. And yes, I would start with parsing out the full string, and then using that result to extract the number. And I would probably use zero classes to do the parsing, unless there's additional state to be considered (like some kind of config that determines what to extract)
@Kevin What if the class has both responsibilities you mentioned? So, the class's responsibility is to get as input the country, and the city as strings, create the URL, make the request to the webpage, and return the temperature. So, it does both contain data and does scraping.
@python_learner is there a so discord?
If you are using a library what do you find more convenient a method for doing different things or a boolean? Like I wonder if I should do: get_notifications(active_only=True/False) or make two methods one get_notifications and another get_active_notifications
@Hakaishin python discord, it gets more traffic than this chat room and hence there are more questions (low and high effort)
I see, sounds a bit spammy I will stick to the so python chat
it is also worth noting they have separate channels for specific python concepts, eg : Data Science, Advanced Python etc
Is it possible to use struct arrays in ctypes?
I know of a high profile python user who is a member of that discord, davidism (sorry if I spelled it wrong) he is associated with flask if you are not aware
struct sd {
int a;
int b;
struct sd records[3]
= { { 1,0 }, { 2,8 },
{ 4,6 } };
I think I've seen nedbat there too. I've been a few times, but it is higher volume than I can deal with.
how to code that in ctypes in python?
This link docs.python.org/3/library/ctypes.html#arrays actually shows how to do an array of structs.
@python_learner You need Macros for that (or at least something that is equivalent). Haven't used it myself, but the MacroPy library looks very mature and useable.
I recommend against manually mucking with the AST, it is notoriously unstable between Python versions and has a poor API.
Hello Im looking for some group of work about python programming project
slack or other projects
@MisterMiyagi I will try MacroPy, thanks for the suggestion
(Just trying out the chat to see how it's used)
@MisterMiyagi I was wondering if you could elaborate on what you mean with your comment at: stackoverflow.com/questions/64595936/…
@David542 Feel free to ping me on the question. Duplicating/splitting the discussion in chat is not that useful.
Well, my RPN generator works, but it slows to a crawl by 7 operators + 5 operands, and the expression I'm looking for has 10 operators and 5 operands
Is there any reason why you are doing this in the first place, by the way?
I'm trying to solve puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/35268/… computationally
Generating all infinitely many strings to find one well-defined one seems... wasteful.
It can find the solutions for 3 and 5, but not for 0. I haven't tested the others.
I'm decently sure there are more goal-oriented approaches than creating every possible source code combination... :P
I'm going to toss some memoization in so it doesn't make dupes like (1+1)+1 vs 1 + (1+1)
It seems as if you are restricted to five digits [0-9], 4 binary operators [7 choices], 5 unary operators [2 choices] plus grouping via braces.
Is there a reason why you generate three digit expressions?
Send the angry orb in case I am asking too many top-of-the-mountain questions.
I have some yogurt to discuss with it...
My real code uses five digits.
FWIW, I'd be very interested in how to express (a + b) + c == a + (b + c) without hardcoding it.
I think I've got a decidedly unpretty working solution: pastebin.com/Rt29v37W
Basically I treat two expressions as equivalent if they contain the same number of operators and operands, and have the same numerical solution
Basically memoize_rpn_generator is responsible for putting only one of each in the cache
I'm being quite lazy by not bothering to evaluate expressions whose intermediary values might be non-integers, for example (1 / 2) * 2. It just so happens that there are always solutions with only integer intermediary values, but I know for a fact there are other puzzles of this nature that don't guarantee that.
I'm also cutting off factorial if it gets remotely large. I think that's safe here because it's hard to get back down to a small integer from an astronomically large number, given a finite number of operands and an unlimited number of operators
So it's very unlikely that there are any solutions with huge factorials
@Kevin that means you still have to evaluate them once, doesn't it?
The needle is pointing between "it's complicated" and "yes"
To use imprecise terms, I'm touching every component of every possible solution, but I'm not combining all of them. If I knew more about group theory I think I could give a more lucid answer.
So basically you need to only evaluate the sub-expression for equality, because once you know that a and b have the same value, you know that a + c and b + c are the same?
Seems like exploiting the algebraic convergence of the application of the functor between latices of homological computations and their representatives.
At least, that should keep people confused long enough to kill the alligator and run.
Well uh I'm certainly exploiting algebra and applying functions and keying expressions by their result so I think we're on the same page
Hey everyone
I have a numpy array NxN. And i want to have the sum of the elements of opposite diagonal(top right to bottom left). Is that possible in a nice one-liner?
Thanks in advance
Have you looked at np.diag ?
Yes, but I think for using this i have to flip the matrix first
Ah, ignore my interjection, I misread sorry
In my understanding the param k is in numpy array is only to change the considered diagonal up and down
In any case, this is what you want, isn't it?
Hmm, maybe someone fluent in numpy should evaluate whether one of these should be dupe hammered :-P
yes it is, than flip is oviously best solution
I am but a simple functor holomorphism smith and cannot decide such things
@roganjosh hey man just a quick one back from our discussion the other day why would one send a form using ajax what would be the aim doing this? At first I considered it but then noticed that was unneeded as it is rather simple to submit multiple forms using a single wtforms submit button, while validating it with a separate .validate() method from the library and I am curious as to the benefit of submitting through ajax
@Kwsswart To not reload the entire page
Pretty much the same as every other purpose of AJAX :P
In order for Flask-WTForms to clear all the entries on a form submission, it expects a redirect. Well that's all well and good, but what if I have other content on the page that's really heavy to load and has nothing at all to do with what's being entered in the form?
Speaking from experience, not reloading pages is very good when your customer's VPN takes 10 seconds to load any website
Ahh lol ok I see hmmm might be fun to work on and see how i would go about it with wtf i believe if you were to send the details back via ajax as a success surely you could just use the .empty() jQuery method to clear the fields
Same can be said about dashboards. Maybe you have a set of high-level summary graphs that are the result of aggregating millions of records and making a pie-chart that people seem to think is pretty and informative (bonus points if it fills itself in a 360deg sweep rather than appearing whole when you land on the page btw)
Think I may play and see if there is a nice way to do this... p.s if I were to be trying to get a graphical representation of a 'cell spreadsheet' similar to excel with single cells being coloured as filled time slots which library would be good for forming this
@Kwsswart mmm, I hadn't thought of that. I don't think I like the idea of clearing out a form filled by the backend on the frontend, but I can't say for sure until I meditate on it. Still +1 for suggesting something I hadn't considered
Double bonus points if the user can disable those juicy animations in their user preferences. I know of at least one industry pro with real sensitive motion sickness, who rejoices whenever they can get simple static text and images
@roganjosh used this for this ajax call the other day and works nicely although only for a single field in this case before filling the field with new data to clear it then on flask side it checks the new data entered on submit dpaste.com/CALHMH8MZ
@roganjosh Common for forms where you can do a "Save and add another" operation without reloading the a blank form page itself again...
Where's that one website that declares the best site design to be "<div>, <a>, and <li> only. <img> if you absolutely have to"...
There is a certain crispness to a page that is literally just hypertext
@Kevin meh... no web page deserves to call itself a web page if it doesn't have a <marquee> in there (and preferably blinking...)
Perhaps a custom cursor and an unpausable midi
@JonClements True, and I did find a way to clear the form out on the backend after a successful submission. My argument all along was just me thinking "why am I even bothering with this extension?" so that's why I dropped it
oooo yeah... cursor has to leave a trail behind and the midi has to be a really annoying theme tune to something no one links and then you've got the recipe for a perfect site!
@Kevin I don't think so, cc @roganjosh. Your link asks for the antidiagonal, which is a well-defined thing (starting from top right). The other link wants an arbitrary antidiagonal with a shift, I think
I mean they are related and I guess the latter contains the former as a special case, but I'd have to look real hard on the answers to make sure that a dupe in that direction doesn't lead to loss of better specialized answers
And, as you may guess, I will not look real hard now :)
No hurry, whenever you're ready :^)
I'm on hour three of testing set intersections between any vaguely numeric values across two spreadsheets of data that were pulled from a database. So far, 0 matches in every pairing. It's gonna be a long night. :'(
@roganjosh are they supposed to match?
One would hope their database had some linkage between orders placed and orders delivered
This image is a distraction, isn't it. When I look up, I'm going to see a scarecrow dressed like you where you were standing, aren't I. You're already three towns over, aren't you.
*strawman noises*
Every time!!!
@Kwsswart waiiit a minute. I've only just gone through that code. Why are you pulling the values in JS and sending the data in text format?
It's a form so you can just serialize the form, surely?
I sent the data so I can use the values to run queries in this dpaste.com/GHPJ6399E returning the lessons available
I understand the intent of what it does, but I don't understand the way you've executed it
how would you have executed it
For just a form submission I would use this
well this isn't happening on form submission
this is happening on form select changes to grab the options and choose the lessons available as they change
Actually, looking through that cheatsheet there's a number of broken things. I best put some time aside to rebuild it, even if it's for my own sake
2 hours later…
Hello guys I just found about this chat thing
@Krapnix welcome
It is a bit obscure
dupe (anyone suggest a good target?) of thousands of pandas melt/pivot questions stackoverflow.com/questions/64599227/… .
@roganjosh Best to use private github, Google drive, Dropbox, or whatever else works, sir...

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