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I have a pandas series with continuous data values and I plan to create a boxplot out of it. I'm usually confused when it comes to which data structure I should use as an argument to the boxplot. Should I feed in the series as is? Or do I better convert it to a numpy array or to a python list?
hey guys
Why are some "older" releases coming after newer ones
3.5.10 was released on Sept 5
3.8.5 was release on July 20
3 hours later…
@MalikBrahimi Because older versions of python still get bugfixes and security updates
2 hours later…
@MalikBrahimi Those updates of old releases don't contain new features, only backports of security fixes. See the 3.5.10 Release Notes
1 hour later…
is the recommended way to work with timezones still pytz? it looks very old
hmm I got stuff to work with datetime.timezone so that's cool
@Pherdindy why would you convert it?
if I have a string like 7:00 pm and I know the date and other stuff, how would I go about using strftime to convert it to a datetime object?
@aadibajpai you wouldn't. You would put the date and other stuff in a string and call strptime (not strftime) on it with an appropriate format.
ah my bad I meant strptime when I wrote strftime, so I'll just make like formatted string and simply use that then?
wait the docs say tz specifier works but I'm getting an error
bugs.python.org/issue22377 still open I cri, very misleading
Hey I want to get rid of the "insert", "normal","replace" etc mode in Visual Studio Code as I am unable to cut and copy a part of my code as before. Can anyone help?
@Pherdindy if your data already is of a valid type, use that. Do not forcefully convert to another valid type. If the framework internally prefers another type, it will do the conversion by itself.
@MisterMiyagi pyplot knows about Series I think, at worst it's just another sequence. And ser.boxplot is probably a thing.
You think I should add that to the Gospel of the Cult of Cargo?
GCC1: Thou SHALL NOT cast thy typeth unless thy typeth MUST be cast.
Future generations MAY wage war on which type to cast to.
And whether calling it a cast is appropriate :P
When saving a sql select query into a variable does it behave like a list or how?
After yesterday's cleanup the desk looks much better underneath now the vertical panel hides all cabling. Still some work to do on the desktop, though ...
is there a way to set the "default" timezone for datetime.now() calls and such?
I'm currently having to pass a tz variable to each call
why not just wrap the call?
Just write a function that calls datetime.now() with the right time zone for you
ah yeah good point
with functools.partial if you're feeling fancy
just went with a normal function, was tempted to use a lambda tho
ooh functools.partial actually looks very inviting
does the "freezing" thing it does help with speed or memory?
It's just a convenience tool for a bit more functional code. Same thing as currying your function yourself with a wrapper.
3 hours later…
Firstly, I apologise for missing the hangout. My new job start date changed by 2 weeks on Friday and left things pretty hectic over the last couple of days :(
On the plus side, I now have something approaching broadband in my own house as of a few hours ago. Seems they've bumped a lot of 4G router plans up to unlimited access. So I sincerely hope to be able to join the next one
(8 months late, but hey. I'll take it :P)
Cool. You don't owe anyone an apology.
What kind of speed are you getting on 4G?
The apology is as much to myself because I had quite looked forward to it, and then found out my new start date is tomorrow and I needed a connection today
5 Mbps at the moment
But this is in the context of an old brick cottage out in the Derbyshire hills, so this is a big win
Well I'd say it was sensible to treat that as a priority. 5Mbps is quite enough for Meet and the like.
Zoom looks to have a suggested connection of 1.5 and their minimum is far lower. I don't know whether each new participant is totally additive. I suspect they start lowering the overall quality of each participant to even things out
I'd think any videoconference platform only channels the main speaker at a time. The zoom calls I've been in had small windows for the rest of the participants. No reason to drown everyone with data.
Hey guys, my yesterday problem was not solved, deploying ml app. those memory leaking problems.
I am looking to alternatives, free. found, and trying it
@nerd Did you make sure that you have a memory leak and not just regular high memory need?
I think it is not of memory leak , i see logs after first time it works and after second time it gaving memory error.
i think solution is only i have to pay,
It wouldn't be surprising.
that webhost00 does only support for php
@AndrasDeak, actually i had also tried using free tier aws account , Yes it was working but after 5 6 trials, it also gets down, might be same error.
is best solution is hosting offline on github
@nerd it wouldn't be surprising because server farms don't grow on binary trees
Ternary trees, then?
guys i want to ask another topic, How do you get those 11k 22k votes, i've got only 39 , want to reach more.
You mean reputation?
I am not saying to upvote me, just asking for idea,
Look at the count and quality of answers, and the time it took to get that rep
waste a lot of time reading bad questions on SO, to find the few questions that are answerable. Then answer them quickly and well. Then pray for upvotes
repeat for a few years
but @Aran-Fey you have only 21, how is it possible
He's lazy
this is my smurf, my (former) main account has 27k
I personally think , you've got some kind of hidden power, or geniusim in someting , that lead you guys to master level.
@AndrasDeak you have great knowledge of mathematics, shows in your answer, thats great
Intermediate knowledge, but thanks
the answers that take actual skill/experience/knowledge to write usually don't earn you nearly as much rep as horrible one-liners and answers to easy questions that have already been asked a bajillion times
^ truth :(
@AndrasDeak are you computer vision expert
haha yeah, most of my highest effort answers (spanning pages) rarely get more than a handful of votes, if any
@metatoaster you seems heavily know flask,
@Aran-Fey When you've answered enough questions, one will become an "answer magnet", which keeps your rep ticking up. This answer has brought more rep than it deserves.
how can i solve , memory leaking problems when deploying ?
@holdenweb likewise for this answer
@nerd difficult to really say, because with Python, especially when in conjunction with other frameworks, there isn't really levers for micromanaging memory usage
oh, thanks
@nerd Do you actually HAVE such problems, or is this an academic inquiry?
@holdenweb ML code hosted on free server gets killed
24 mins ago, by nerd
@AndrasDeak, actually i had also tried using free tier aws account , Yes it was working but after 5 6 trials, it also gets down, might be same error.
yes, it is my own project, academy isdown since 6 month
so true
@AndrasDeak Ah, right. Hence your "hardly surprising" remark earlier.
@AndrasDeak You might just need to pop to an optician. I can see my computer just fine when I put my contacts in
I will make big project to give paid to awsand things, but for now, it will help for some extent
@AndrasDeak c'mon now. I know you at least smirked :P
He may have, but he can't admit that in public :P
cbg guys :)
cbg :)
@holdenweb Yeah, once in a blue moon you're lucky enough to answer a question that becomes popular
@Aran-Fey unless you go for dumb questions that go HNQ
I tried to search cbg meaning?
IIRC when I was moaning about the sloth with which 10k was approaching, somebody here told me that. But of course you can't plan these things: you just have to keep plugging away. If everyone's only motivation were a high rep number I imagine that could threaten SO's integrity in a number of ways.
@nerd cbg = "cabbage". Don't ask me why ...
hehe, english-stackexchangesays Chill Black Guy, and have 2 votes
but watching the timing of which your own questions suddenly started getting a decent stream of upvotes can give an indication on which libraries or thing started to become more popular
@nerd Yeah, it's quite unfortunate, but that definitely isn't what people are saying here
oh yea, i got it,
ok guys, I am going to answer questions , see you later
@nerd One thing I think that would be really important to grasp here - why do you care what reputation someone has?
I suspect we all have our own reasons - I'm not suggesting that it isn't something to care about - but why do you care?
@nerd didn't you figure out earlier that your problem is in fact not a memory leak?
2 days ago, by Andras Deak
@roganjosh I've discovered xz (as in .tar.xz). Gives 5-10% the size of .tar.gz in my use cases
Regarding ^ that, today I noticed that a binary file I use as a cache goes from 600 MB to 22 MB if I compress it. So I've added lzma to my program to compress that file. Same is 88 MB with gzip.
I needed the nudge from an hpc cluster telling me that I'm using 80% of my hard disk quota. I thought, that's a small quota. Then I saw that I had 60 GB of such cache files :D
Pffft. Still 20% good to go. :P
Tough crowd...
<pulls out the flower brooch that squirts water>
@AndrasDeak I did really mean Microsoft. That's quite a bit for me to chew through to understand properly, but it looks like it'll be worth it. Thanks :)
Or maybe it can be done by Cygwin et al. Hmm, I'll add "compression" to my list
decently sure lzma is available on Win as well.
oh, it is. via 7zip. :/
I'm not professing to know really what I'm doing, btw. I can just click buttons and find out
@AndrasDeak such a small quota. Even Kapsi internet users gives 500+G quota.
@AndrasDeak Don't they have those annoying auto-cleaning workspaces at your cluster?
We've specifically created our own policy for recycling workspaces to have rolling caches that get cleaned up every month.
@MisterMiyagi it's not that kind of cache. It's a "speed up the next time you run something similar" cache, so it's in my home :)
Does someone know a proper tutorial on sending signed emails using flask-mail?
there's a /scratch but I never use that
almost all my work is in memory
@AndrasDeak Just pondering whether it is similar to the... things we do. ahem We host our repository cache on a temporary workspace shared across all nodes. Since the cache cannot clean up in this operation mode (it might not have been designed for this...) we recycle the cache regularly.
The cache dies late enough to be worth it, but not long enough to become an obvious villain.
@MisterMiyagi I don't think I understand that, but probably not
The /scratch is a probably shared partition that probably gets wiped after a while. And in my case I just have a pickle file that lets my code skip some of the work next time.
Our HPC clusters run a variant of workspace which lets you create limited-lifetime directories on the shared filesystem. Good performance for shared caches, and we don't get yelled at for clogging the filesystem.
@MisterMiyagi Aren't you on the admin side there?
Only on the HTC cluster, not the HPC clusters. I consider myself a slightly overambitious yet unobtrusive guest on the latter.
@MisterMiyagi stupid question: as in, they can do the silly signature in a font and pretend that's an actual signature? Or cryptographic signing?
@roganjosh signing as in X509/SSL/GPG digital signatures
How can i parse a dictrionary which has spaces in key?
For example:
dictionary_1 = {"aa aaa":1,"bb bbb bbb":2}
How can i parse: dictionary_1."aa aaa" ;
I tried dictionary_1["aa aaa"] but that's an error.
@ChrisP first ask yourself how you can do dictionary.key with a regular key
@ChrisP is it? MCVE please.
@MisterMiyagi There is no tutorial I know of, and I've got myself in a rabbit-hole with mailchimp. Sorry :/
At least, not that is directly related to flask
@MisterMiyagi from github it looks like the project is abandoned?
@ChrisP Not seeing a problem with this:
dictionary_1 = {"aa aaa":1,"bb bbb bbb":2}
dictionary_1["aa aaa"]
Out[6]: 1
I believe @ChrisP want to use attribute-style access.
I'm pretty sure that's already an XYZ problem. Regular key lookup failed, so for some reason they thought that attribute access would work better, with a key that has spaces inside.
a) that would require something like a SimpleNamespace instead of a dict, and b) attributes with spaces can only be accessed using getattr, not '.' notation.
There are libraries that allow that, but if the keys aren't Python names attribute-style access will give a syntax error.
note that Chris P is a regular asker here...
Does that mean I should be more polite, or less?
hehe, I'll refrain from answering that
I'll just say that the people who regularly keep asking various questions here for months tend to have weird and confusing problems.
@ChrisP Are you sure? As PaulMcG points out, it works!
"through months" was a weird Hungarianism
Also note that I asked for an MCVE the moment Chris P posted "that's an error". Still waiting for one.
It seemed fairly clear to me: they posted a dict with the key "aa aaa", but then claimed it didn't work using regular dict access.
I'm beginning to notice a particular smell ...
So yes, we await further insights from the OP here
Jul 7 at 22:08, by Andras Deak
Jun 14 at 18:25, by Andras Deak
@ChrisP with your track record you are required to come with an MCVE when you ask for help. Have the shortest amount of code necessary to reproduce your issue, with a clear problem statement and question.
@AndrasDeak Did not realise it had got to that stage!
There was a bit of a downtime. Looking at chat.stackoverflow.com/search?user=5067311&q=chrisp you can see that June-July was more active. Since then I've mostly seen Chris drop some random question about tkinter or qt I couldn't tackle.
...aaaaaaaand they've left
Too bad
2 hours later…
@AndrasDeak Reading back over that search I remember some of the occasions. A persistent HV.
Did a code review for a guy on reddit and he said he'd work on it and send it to me for a "pike review". Half of my brain is telling me it's a typo, while the other half is panicking because I don't know anything about weapons and medieval warfare
perhaps it's a pike review
Oh, good. In that case I can be like "yup, it's a fish". That ought to be good enough

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