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10:00 PM
sorry for sending the question earlier, I did not read the rules before sending the message :S. Just in desperate to find an answer haha
For R, when I ask any type of question I have an answer in less than 5 min, almost always. I guess for python is not that simple
There's an open 3-year-old PR that adds python 3 support, the only open PR on the project github.com/ArnaoutLab/Recon/pull/5
@rodrigarco that's what being new is like, don't worry about it
cool, thank you :)
I will see if it helps
Probably not... it's one enormous commit that does a bunch of other things
but unless the project works with strings a lot in nontrivial ways it wouldn't be too much work to port from 2 to 3
In the documentation for this project it looks so simple to plot the damn graph haha
I am thinking if the documentation it's bad written, or something is wrong in the code, or I am just too newbie to use it (probably the last one).
@AndrasDeak I see :s
@rodrigarco it doesn't seem like a well-designed and well-documented and well-maintained project, so don't be so sure that you're the one doing it wrong
one of the 5 open issues is about someone being completely off (trying to run "python ..." in an ipython shell), and there's been no reply for months
Also, this is probably not the best task for someone very new to python. It's usually better to learn the basics of the language before moving on to advanced frameworks and problems. Especially if you see potentially bad code before seeing reliably good code.
10:10 PM
That's one of the reason I prefer R haha
I think in general the projects are better documented. Do you have some preference for python for any specific reason?
@AndrasDeak thank you for the comments, I guess it's that simple as I thought it would be to run that
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@rodrigarco mainstream python packages tend to have excellent documentation. The more niche your package is, the more of a gamble it is whether its documentation is up to par.
@AndrasDeak hmmm it makes sense.
Cbg all, PEP 622, anyone? Seems anti-pythonic to me.
@holdenweb I'm scared to look...
10:15 PM
I was just writing a long paragraph about that
Match statement.
Hey @Aran-Fey, since you're playing around with isinstance again - did you have a look at this PEP for 3.10 already? I tried to get the idea behind it, but with modest success. Looks interesting though, and if GvR and Ivan back it, then chances are good it's gonna get in, right?
def is_tuple(node: Node) -> bool:
    match node:
        case Node(children=[LParen(), RParen()]):
            return True
        case Node(children=[Leaf(value="("), Node(), Leaf(value=")")]):
            return True
        case _:
            return False
@holdenweb generic switch-case??
Allegedly. Title is "Structural pattern Matching"
10:17 PM
can't wait to see dispatch dicts be replaced by this new one obvious way...
And there's fallthrough with no break?
_ is a wildcard yes
match input:
    case [x, y] if x > MAX_INT and y > MAX_INT:
        print("Got a pair of large numbers")
    case x if x > MAX_INT:
        print("Got a large number")
    case [x, y] if x == y:
        print("Got equal items")
    case _:
        print("Not an outstanding input")
.. is it so bad?
I don't mind the generic matching, but this implicit unpacking thing creeps me out. Yet again huge potential to write unreadable code, with execution jumping back and forth on a line.
Does anybody know the chances of this becoming python?
> The match statement uses a soft keyword, and it is one of the first major Python features to take advantage of the capabilities of the new PEG parser. This means that third-party parsers which are not 'PEG-compatible' will have a hard time with the new syntax.
ah, yes
looking for a round hole for the square PEG and all that
10:25 PM
> we believe the proposed syntax significantly improves readability for a wide range of code patterns, by allowing to express what one wants to do, rather than how to do it.
so now we will not only see "make my python code functional", we'll have to deal with "make it declarative"
@Arne you'll love it :P
goo goo g'joob
can also be combined with := btw
I'll try it out for sure, but honestly it looks a tad too complicated for my taste. I don't think I write the kind of code where it would be super useful
python 3.8+, a.k.a. "the one where I don't actually want to write python code"
Thank you for the chat and tips, @AndrasDeak, good night!
good night
10:41 PM
11:01 PM
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