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you'll forgive me if I don't shed too many tears for that :)
I couldn't find evidence it was ever discussed prior, so I wanted to attempt making the case and see what the answer was.
Goodnight Guys
@AaronHall charging one of very few unary operators with a binary meaning sounds like asking for trouble. And the two operators I can think of that are both unary and binary, namely + and -, don't really have to be both. a - b == a + (-b) etc.
I've been using Sympy and R lately - I think it would be really cool to write something like Z ~ N(0, 1) and have that be legal Python.
For sympy you can do something like: Z = N(0, 1), though
I have a text file, its row is divided by a new line, in each line, there are two strings separated by a comma, let say string1 and string2, Im trying to create a list from it, making the two strings as values, lets say it would look like this {key1:string1, key2:string2}, now, when I loop through each line, I wanted to change string2 to another value, a boolean, is it possible?
R has "formula" notation, e.g. lm(y ~ X1 + X2 + X3) - sympy could work with statsmodels to pull that off as well...
But we've got a lib called "patsy" that lets us do lm('y ~ X1 + X2 + X3') which is close enough...
Already matmul was a stretch to introduce in python, at least with this name.
I'm glad they squeezed it in, I used it with sympy a good bit.
And I use it with numpy a lot. Still not a good reason to have something like matmul in the core language.
might as well add math.tau (...)
How scoping is achieved in python(in the case of nested functions)?
Im thinking, it is not exactly changing, since I am just creating a new list, Im thinking if condition is more appropriate, lets say if string1 is equal to a something then put new value instead of the string
Are there any particular data structure which provides efficient "lookback"?
@iaeliyen Inner function > outer fn > global. If you need to edit outside of the inner function's scope you need to use nonlocal or global
Like collections.ChainMap?
Sorry, I am not asking question of usage, but about implementation. Actually, I am writing a tiny interpreter which has to deal with scope, I am storying function in the dictionary, and if there are nested function I am storing them as a value of those function_name, like:
    function1: [function1_name, {function1_nested_function1: [name, {}]} ]
    function2: ...................

@iaeliyen the inner function is a "closure" because it "closes over" the outer scope. It's an object with a __closure__attribute. see this:
Kinda like this ^, in this data structure, it is not obvious how to do immediate check-up(like see if the called function is in the set of parent function sibling first, and checking in the set of grandparent sibling later)
>>> def foo(a):
...     def bar(b):
...         return a + b
...     return bar
>>> add1 = foo(1)
>>> add1(1)
>>> add1.__closure__
(<cell at 0x7f96746a2d30: int object at 0x7f96750cbd80>,)
>>> add1.__closure__[0]
<cell at 0x7f96746a2d30: int object at 0x7f96750cbd80>
>>> add1.__closure__[0].cell_contents
Sorry, but I know about these what I don't know is how they are implemented. If I write a python code, how the interpreter knows which function is supposed to be called?
You provide the interpreter a name that is "bound" to the object/function (i.e. the name points at it.)
Sometimes a non-technical description sounds mystical :D
calling foo(1) does a global lookup for foo - it finds the function and passes 1 to it. the bytecode in it is executed. the executed bytecode is this:
>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis(foo)
  2           0 LOAD_CLOSURE             0 (a)
              2 BUILD_TUPLE              1
              4 LOAD_CONST               1 (<code object bar at 0x7f967437e500, file "<stdin>", line 2>)
              6 LOAD_CONST               2 ('foo.<locals>.bar')
              8 MAKE_FUNCTION            8 (closure)
             10 STORE_FAST               1 (bar)

  4          12 LOAD_FAST                1 (bar)
             14 RETURN_VALUE

Disassembly of <code object bar at 0x7f967437e500, file "<stdin>", line 2>:
and there are dicts that store the mapping information
>>> globals()['foo']
<function foo at 0x7f66e9557cb0>
@AndrasDeak yup, that's what I was asking, and wondering how the "immediate lookbacks" are implemented.
>>> add2 = foo(2)
>>> add1
<function foo.<locals>.bar at 0x7f967436d5e0>
>>> add2
<function foo.<locals>.bar at 0x7f967436daf0>
@iaeliyen You'll have to explain what you mean by "lookbacks", immediate or not
add1 and add2 are different function objects that share the same code but with different closures.
@iaeliyen You need to have a way to get to function1's list from function1_nested_function1. This is called __closure__ in Python, and 'parent' in tree theory.
def f1():
    def f2():
        def f4():
            #f3 which is in f1 would be called(I am not sure though)
            #This is what I mean by immediate lookback

    def f3():

def f3():
    #do something
pandas for reading CSV's is like asking Wes McKinney to open a ketchup bottle - who has opened millions of ketchup bottles in his lifetime, whereas I've only opened a few and the docs for the builtin csv module are in tiny print on the label and my hands are slippery... and I was going to put the ketchup into a pandas dataframe anyways... hmm... the analogy got away from me a bit...
@AaronHall Seems like assembly code(if it is, I wonder the difference between interpreter and compiler is not large)
I see you have two definitions of f3 - I recommend you don't do that.
I ain't doing that :D (what I was trying to do is to somehow build an analog to the programming language(esoteric) that I am supposed to implement in this kata)
To highlight expand on the my previous comment if you add a third item that points to the parent then [2] is parent and [1] is scope. So you can do bar.parent.scope[name]:
>>> s = {'foo': ['foo', {'baz': 1, 'bar': ['bar', {}, None]}, None]}
>>> bar = s['foo'][1]['bar']
>>> bar[2] = s['foo']
>>> bar[2][1]['baz']
@iaeliyen I think you're in good hands with Peilonrayz and Andras so I'll beg my leave of you now. Cheers!
don't look at me
Is this the right place to ask a n00b question?
As long as it's python, sure
I'm in the shell of my virtual environment and typed python(), which sent me to a line saying function>
I typed in echo hi
you typed in python with parentheses?
now whenever I try to run a script in shell (e.g. python test.py) it prints "hi" instead of running the script
Yes! What on earth have I done?
you confused your shell (maybe bash)
Is there a way to undo it?
I don't know how that gets parsed
@GregSéguin just start a new shell?
Thanks Andras, that fixed it!
no problem
maybe guys you have some time to look at this bpa.st/YAKA
$ python()
> {
>     echo "no snake for you"
> }
$ python
no snake for you
I don't know if they are using bash though
the "function>" bit suggests otherwise. In my bash I also only see >
$ type python
python is a function
python ()
    echo "no snake for you"
"unset python" will get rid of it, no need to restart your shell
because bash's syntax is all about straightforwardness
@GregSéguin that's a really funny failure mode actually
adding the echo was a nice touch
"my first hello world program in python"
for n in ["Andras","Wim"]: print("rbrb",n)
1 hour later…
@aaa28 Go to the line where you are setting the value of 'key2', and set it to what you want.
how would I do that?
is it before the iteration or after?
Which line creates the dict and appends it to the list lst?
i mean how would I set the value of "key2", how would I know if the value of "key2" should be True or False, how would I set the condition?
I'm assuming that you can read Python code, and know how to use variables like the ones in this script.
im thinking I would set it like this line[1] = True, how would it know if it should use True or False, should I make a variable, let say status = True if condition
Go to the room I just started, we don't need to clutter up the Python chat with this.
@AaronHall mostly "code challenge" style questions (like coding dojo, leet whatever it was, and others): few people coming to Python for data mining (lot of web scrapping....not even APIs) & a few math based analysis style questions (including machine learning/AI stuff - but at very "I understand the concept but not how any of it actually works" level)
Based on my count (11/2/1 in last 10 days)
+1 for the one happening tonight (which I would classify as a "data structure" question)
A lot of my Java students are reaching out to me about Python (over summer when I don't teach, through other sites like LinkedIn) so they can polish their resume. So I would guess it is related to that but I only have empirical evidence
2 hours later…
stackoverflow.com/questions/62317647/… I really hate it when OP clearly didn't read all the answers in the duplicate candidate thread...
1 hour later…
@metatoaster FWIW, there are many inapplicable answers. The one answer that applies is hard to find if one does not know the solution already, and presents a sub-optimal solution first.
How can I unpack and return a single list from a nested structure like: [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 1, 5, 2, 5]
I'd typically use list(itertools.chain(*x)) but that would only work in the case of [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 5, 2, 5]] two nested structures
which list do you want to unpack? seems like x[0] or x[1:] should work.
or do you want to flatten the list?
@MisterMiyagi Sorry yeah, flatten the list
I'd probably just go for a for-loop with a try: result.extend(item) except TypeError: result.append(item) body.
Non-uniform types are generally a design problem and worth handling explicitly.
Ahh ok, that works. Thanks
Yeah it feels a bit hacky. Maybe i should rethink the whole thing
If you can avoid having this jagged data layout in the first place, that is vastly preferrable.
It's better if you use if in this case (judging by the sample list) instead of try-except. More explicit and readable and probably faster.
@MisterMiyagi Yeah, thats what im thinking. I need to go back up the chain
@shad0w_wa1k3r The costly part of try:except: is that it basically runs isinstance(exc, TypeError). Using an if switch also with isinstance can easily be slower, since the check runs every time.
Thought so, hence the "probably faster" at the end, after the explicit & readable :)
@Code-Apprentice chaining the lists wouldn't work in this case, i dont think
What do you mean "chaining"?
@Code-Apprentice It's not exactly a uniform list of lists, there might be individual elements than nested lists.
22 mins ago, by Sam
@MisterMiyagi Sorry yeah, flatten the list
@shad0w_wa1k3r Well, we're down to preference, then.
@shad0w_wa1k3r I'm not sure how that is relevant if Sam wants to flatten the list. A recursive algorithm deals easily with whatever nesting there is.
@Code-Apprentice The recursion doesn't work if there are individual elements
@Sam non-list items are the base case of the recursion
We're aware, it's just that it's not a usual case, and it's not as easy to search with the subtle google search you pointed at.
All existing answers are explicitly for nested lists that are almost uniform in nature. Sure, there are a couple answers that do it with recursion nicely, but we got to this part at the end -
11 mins ago, by Sam
@MisterMiyagi Yeah, thats what im thinking. I need to go back up the chain
ok, the first hit assumes a list of lists, not arbitrary nesting (or lack thereof). Still it gives an idea of how to start.
you need to check the chat history, we've been over this.
What Code-Apprentice said. If you want to flatten a list that can contain various levels of nested lists as well as individual elements, then a recursive algorithm is the way to go.
prime_list = []
def get_prime_factors(num):

for i in range(2,num+1):
if num%i == 0:
num = num // i

You could write a function that returns a flat list. But I find it easier to write a recursive generator.
In the above code if I use break then the output is [3, 7]
If break is not used, then the output is [3, 7]
[3, 7]
[3, 7, 7]
[3, 7, 7]
Point is, now that the term "flatten" has been thrown out there, googling will find some potential solutions. stackoverflow.com/questions/12472338/… shows how to do it recursively
17 mins ago, by MisterMiyagi
If you can avoid having this jagged data layout in the first place, that is vastly preferrable.
Unable to get how the control flow is with without break
@SSN We cannot either, unless you properly format the code. There are at least two distinct variants that would look like this without indentation.
Is this fine?
No, obviously not.
Please check out the code formatting guide, it has a link to a sandbox for practice.
@SSN BTW, you can find all the prime factors with plain looping. You don't need recursion.
@SSN If the input is 40, do you want the output to be [2, 5] or [2, 2, 2, 5] ?
@PM2Ring - Any clue for me without recursion
prime_list = []
def get_prime_factors(num):

    for i in range(2,num+1):
        if num%i == 0:
            num = num // i

#Output with break:
[3, 7]

#Output without break:
[3, 7]
[3, 7]
[3, 7, 7]
[3, 7, 7]
Why do I see multiple lines of output without break
Is there any documentation about which dundermethods are implemented by object? There are some surprises there, like __lt__ and friends. I need to know which of them are guaranteed to exist
@SSN are you aware of what for-else does? Note that it is not if-else.
@SSN Sorry, I was searching for my own prime factors code, but it looks like I haven't posted any on Stack Overflow. But here's a nice one by jfs that's pretty similar to my code: stackoverflow.com/a/16996439/4014959 Instead of recursing, we just use a while loop that keeps looping while the current i divides the current num.
@Aran-Fey __lt__ and friends don't exist by default, do they?
They do :(
>>> object.__lt__
<slot wrapper '__lt__' of 'object' objects>
Ah. I think the slot wrappers always exist, don't they?
Oops, apparently not. Curse you, object.__enter__!
I wanted to implement a simple "does class X implement dundermethod Y" function, and now I have to make a design decision that involves interpreter internals :(
From what I can tell, "does object X support operation Y" is equivalent to the halting problem.
Not kidding this time.
All I care about is whether a function with name X exists somewhere in the class's MRO
@PM2Ring Thank you
(and if X is __hash__, then I care whether the function is None)
@Aran-Fey That sounds rather straightforward. What's the problem about that? Do you also want to remove the default dummy-dunders that just raise an error?
@SSN To add to what Mr Miyagi said, the else: part of a for..else (or while..else) loop only gets executed if the loop terminates normally. If the loop finishes early because of a break, the else stuff doesn't get run.
@MisterMiyagi I'm still undecided on that part, but I might
Depends on how hard it is, I guess :D
If you know (via experimentation?) which dunders are dummies, you can easily check for them.
@MisterMiyagi@PM2Ring Strangely, else is executed even if I use break
>>>> object.__lt__
<function object.__ge__ at 0x00007f579fabade0>
O.o wat. (pypy btw)
@SSN No worries. As JFS said, you can make that code more efficient by not testing every d value, only testing potential primes, but that does make the code a little more complicated.
getattr(my_class, '__lt__') is object.__lt__, for example
@Aran-Fey did you shadow object? :P
@SSN No, it only looks that way. ;) It's a bit complicated because of the recursion.
@MisterMiyagi I'd prefer to go by the docs rather than experimentation, but if there's no other choice...
@Aran-Fey It might be buried somewhere, but I don't know any such documentation.
@shad0w_wa1k3r congratz!
:D thanks!
@SSN Here's an old question about for..else loops. Note that the accepted answer is not the highest scoring one. stackoverflow.com/q/9979970/4014959
The edit tags feature is sweet, and I can finally participate in del stuff.
@shad0w_wa1k3r Congrats :)
@Aran-Fey The docs on object are scarily empty, and the data model just lists all possible methods.
@roganjosh thanks thanks :D And godspeed to you too :-p
@Aran-Fey Just seen that this was a PyPy test. If they don't do the same as CPython, you can be 99% sure it is not part of the language specification.
@shad0w_wa1k3r the 2-day rule can be very annoying, so chop chop get to 20k ;)
in the meantime you can look at stackoverflow.com/tools for stuff you can delvote on
nice to know, thanks
You can also waste a couple of hours reading some fun old deleted questions. Andras has a few bookmarked, if I remember
@shad0w_wa1k3r Thanks :) I had a bit of a spurt a few weeks back but started stalling a bit recently. Hopefully not too long, now!
@Aran-Fey I don't think it'll just be the couple of hours :-p
@MisterMiyagi Seems like all the comparison methods simply return NotImplemented for any input, so I guess pypy just decided to reuse one implementation for all of them
@shad0w_wa1k3r The good thing about 10k is you can see deleted posts. The bad thing about 10k is you can see deleted posts. ;)
I think I'll take the easy way out and give the user the option to exclude methods defined in object
Jun 27 '17 at 22:34, by Andras Deak
in CHATLAB and Talktave, Jun 17 at 21:21, by Andras Deak
time to party https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58640/great-programming-quotes https://stackoverflow.com/questions/164432/what-real-life-bad-habits-has-program‌​ming-given-you
Thanks, although it's a shame that all I see is "page not found" :D
it's for the better
@Aran-Fey Good spot!
3 hours later…
hmmm seems like Wing 101 isnt the best IDE after all. I am forced to use mouse to run the program and to toggle between py and shell. What are your recomendations? I am looking for something with zero mouse use and Template that can be black in Win Enviroment?
maybe GitHub
Zero mouse use? Only for coding or for other things (version control, unit tests, debugging, etc) as well?
@aran-fey no only by coding. I mean its ok to use sometimes the mouse but by Wing 101 there is no shortcut for run and i have to toggle the py code window and pyshell by mouse
i am trying to work it out with repl.it.
The internet tells me that Wing Personal has "custom key bindings". Maybe that includes a shortcut to run the program.
hmmm repl.it seems to be okay for the time
Not in 101 you have to hack it
Right. So upgrade from 101 to Personal, and you're good. Maybe.
hei hei hei repl.it is great. I can have a black template. Super fast super good. Wing 101 has to much "mousing" involved. Im switching
is it bad to use an error handler like an if else statement?
Can you give an example?
Random observation of the day: I've just seen the third question today using a global to track function-local state. By this rate, we're doomed tomorrow at 12 PM.
Example: for i in lst: try: print(int(i)) except: print(i,'is not a number!')
that is perfectly fine.
But even if we don't see it, it still triggers an error, right?
you may want to search for LBYL (look before you leap) and EAFP (easier to ask for forgiveness than permission).
@AnnZen yes, that's the point.
@MisterMiyagi 12 PM is a bad time, can we postpone it by an hour so I have time to eat lunch?
...wait, is 12 PM noon or midnight?
I recommend to use the word "exception" instead of "error", it better captures that things aren't wrong.
@Aran-Fey I've never found out. Was hoping someone takes the bait and enlightens me.
Would it be better to use isdigit()?
int can handle a lot more than digits
I guess I forgot to add that it's a list of strings.
>>> int("-1")
>>> "-1".isdigit()
>>> '¹'.isdigit()
>>> int('¹')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '¹'
compare ' 1'.isdigit() and int(' 1')
What's this: ¹
it's a superscript 1
In my experience, the easiest way to determine whether int(whatever) will work, is to call int(whatever) and see if it crashes.
as in "something to the power of 1"
python recognizes little numbers?
Python only recognises the unicode for superscript 1. Humans would recognize it as a power. Well, depending on context...
In that case, i knew what it was, i wanted to know what it meant in python.
It doesn't mean anything, other than "a unicode character with ordinal value 185"
If it appears outside of a string, it's a syntax error
I'm still torn on Python rejecting so many characters for names. Could be useful at times.
can you modify the source code to allow them?
Clarification. I, personally, can't modify the source code, because I don't know how to do that. A hypothetical competent programmer could do it though.
Just add an import hook with textual macro preprocessor. What could possibly go wrrrrrrrrng?
@ExoticBirdsMerchant Have you looked at Sublime Text? It has a nice dark-mode editor, and can be configured to run Python programs.
Hmm, I'm getting a flashback to a conversation I had a while ago about the difficulty of writing a language that has both unary prefix and unary suffix operators. If a = -b² is supposed to do the same thing as a = -(b**2), that might be harder to hack in than it looks.
@Kevin True, that.
@holdenweb nope gonna look at it. i mean i loved repl but something on desktop might mbe of advantage
Have you ever defined a class and used def __add__(self):, def __sub__(self):, etc.?
i am downloading it cause atom i didnt like nope
@AnnZen did you mean __add__ instead of __sum__?
The logic for turning a string into an integer is fairly complex. You know you're in for a fun time when there's a ninety line comment in the middle.
@ExoticBirdsMerchant The repl is OK but it becomes a little limiting when you want to work with chunks of code.
They were referring to repl.it, I think
@holdenweb that i didnt knew but its fremium its logic. I ve downloaded Sublime. Instead of looking it up on old videos what IDE to get ill get tips from the front here
@aran-fey correct
@Kevin I need pen and paper for that.
That doesn't necessarily mean turning a string into an integer.
Increase the difficulty by double if _PyUnicode_TransformDecimalAndSpaceToASCII isn't publicly accessible, in which case you'll have to figure out how to turn ² into 2, and likewise for all other digit-looking unicode characters
@AnnZen Here is a blog post of mine on parsing superscripts
To be clear, "writing your own logic for determining whether int(x) will crash, without using try-except" and "altering Python so that a = -b² is valid syntax" are separate topics
If one of my messages seems nonsensical in the context of one of these, I'm probably talking about the other one
@PaulMcG great
Hey guys I am having a slight issue with my code, I cant quite understand why I am seeing None at the bottom when I print?
    lives = 6
def hangman_lives(lives):
    lines = {0:'*****', 1:'|', 2:'********', 3:'|   |', 4:'|   o', 5:'|   @', 6:'|  /@', 7:'|  /@\\', 8:'|  /',9:'|  / \\'}
    image = { 0:[0,3,4,7,5,9,1,2], 1:[0,3,4,7,5,8,1,2], 2:[0,3,4,7,5,1,1,2], 3:[0,3,4,6,5,1,1,2], 4:[0,3,4,5,5,1,1,2], 5:[0,3,4,1,1,1,1,2], 6:[0,3,1,1,1,1,1,2], 7:[0,1,1,1,1,1,1,2],}
    for line in image[lives]:
99% of the time, when you see "None" in your output that you didn't expect, it's because you're calling print on a function that is already printing its own output
For example, perhaps your main code is doing print(hangman_lives(lives)). No need for that, just do hangman_lives(lives)
ah I see I was completely unaware that happens
Works perfectly thankyou
print(whatever()) prints the return value of the function whatever. If a function does not contain an explicit return statement, then it returns None
I see what you mean thank you
This behavior can seem a little quirky to programmers coming from a C++/Java background. In those languages, a function with no return statement doesn't return anything at all; a subtle distinction from "returns something, and that something is the value None"
Yeah I am coming from JavaScript and only started to learn Python for the past 3 weeks its very confusing to me
Javascript is closer to Python than C++/Java in this regard, since a JS function always returns something. Their default is undefined rather than None.
Ah yes the good old undefined I see where my mistake is now
Current task: use telepathy to determine the maximum message size of the SMTP server whose administrators I can't contact directly
Send larger and larger emails until something goes wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Me: what should we use for the maximum message size?
Client: I don't know how much the server can accept, but the documentation here says we never send more than 1 MB.
[flashback to me writing the documentation, one week ago]
Me: I'll need to ask the client what they actually want, but as a placeholder I'll say we never send more than 1 MB.
They warned me about circular references in school, but never like this
@ExoticBirdsMerchant just remember that repl.it has limitations placed on it: both purposeful ones based on how much you pay (free has a great many) and inherent ones from being an online VM & Repl (use it a ton for teaching but when I get into heavy processor requiring stuff, like teaching Spark or NLP, its not the tool for the job)
@Aran-Fey It's a bit tricky to control the size of the email in this context, so all we know is that the limit is somewhere between 8 MB and 10 GB.
that's... quite a gap
I'll just split the difference and make the limit 5.004 GB.
@linkberest I have already some problems by short interuptions of connenctivity it is not responsive. Since i am writing simple scripts i have not dealt with any limitations yet. I assume by heavy processor requiring stuff a lott of data is meant or the processing backend of a lot of data. (I ll check on Spark and NLP)
not really, those are ones I move out of Repl.it (even just for teaching) with: I've had problems with simply reading csv files before (depends on their servers & your internet connection stability)
Oh just simple csv files. Then i need to get into searching from something desktop based
@ExoticBirdsMerchant is there a reason why you don't run Python on your own machine? You seem to be working enough with Python to warrant having it permanently installed.
I also live in an area with a lot of thunderstorms so.....power issues don't help (I actually have my students use PyCharm, Sublime, or gVim/Emacs/Notepad++ depending on the class but Repl.it during lectures - so shared environment - and for submission with unit testing built in)
well in the MOOC-Course the professor told to install an IDE as the Python IDLE has mmanyu limitations
I installed Wing 101 as he said but i find a program with no Run key rather a bit dissapointing.
AFAIK most people here use PyCharm or VSCode
most students like PyCharm best (they come from an Intellij or CLion background so Jetbrains is familiar to them)
Can't really comment on being mouse-free, I quite like using my touchpad + touchbar for things only needed every now and then.
@MisterMiyagi are those programs free or fremium? Says trial in the web
the PyCharm community edition is free, and I'm pretty sure you can also get VSCode.
if your a student the PyCharm Ultimate Edition is free with the Github education pack
nice l ll look them up
sadly i am not a student .. snif
I have discovered a function in this project whose parameter, bool this_is_always_false, is indeed always called with the value false. I congratulate them for their truth in advertising.
@Kevin seems like someone was feeling paradoxical...
Fortunately the value is never used in the function, so its paradoxical nature is self-contained
could be to ensure job security when the machine overlords take over.
@ExoticBirdsMerchant VSCode is free and will work with a lot of languages
Not that the machine overlords would have the desire to take over. Or exist. No, no.
@roganjosh yup i opened that up too. Is seems prommising
Say I got started writing a very complicated function and couldn't complete it. I have a 10%-finished implementation of the function, and a whole bunch of tests. I don't want to delete the whole thing, because I still dream of completing it eventually. How do I clean up my code? Leave the function in and mark the tests as xfail? Move the function + tests to a branch?
I suspect the author had just learned about multiple dispatch that day and was excited to try it out. There's another function with the same name and no this_is_always_false parameter.
@Aran-Fey for incomplete changes, a branch seems appropriate
Even if my memory sucks and I'm likely to forget about it?
I'll use shelve sometimes for partially completed work
Not the python module, the git/mercurial/pycharm version control feature
Is that the same thing as stash?
Hmmm. The thing is that I also have a bunch of changes that I want to commit. What would be the easiest way to create a commit without the unfinished function, and then a branch off that commit with the unfinished function?
When did I ask about how to properly make commits? Was that yesterday? Karma sure caught up with me fast
use git add -p to pick only some changes for commit
I would shelve/stash, then use Pycharm "Compare with Local" to manually apply changes I wanted to commit, leaving the rest in the shelf
That sounds better than the -p option, thanks. That way I can make sure everything works before I commit
Ugh, I might have to refactor my Widget and Sprocket classes into BlueWidget and RedWidget and BlueSprocket and RedSprocket
There are other possible designs but each one is uniquely ugly
reload() helps you reload a module. How ca I reload a a library instead, is there any way?
I don't suppose reload(the_library) works?
yeah I guess so to.
If I reload an entire module it will reload all the libraries and will take time hence I thought if I could only reload one library that requires sessions to work maybe that'd work.
Obligatory finger wagging: it's pretty rare that reloading a module is the best way to accomplish something. try to avoid reload() if an alternative approach would work.
what's a library? do you mean package? (reload works at package level)
@Kevin I have almost read all of the support available for getting a thing to work, I even had posted it here but I found no way to solve that problem and ended up searching for reload temporarily.
Also reload(scipt_name) isn't working, I guess modules means python .py files right?
@LinkBerest you mean .py files right?
@AshwinPhadke what are you trying to do? reloading a module is rarely what you want to do or not well defined.
I'm guessing this problem is related to stackoverflow.com/questions/62179517/…
So I want to reload a library is my primary concern after processing.
@Kevin well yeah
that problem has been bugging me a lot
Q: What's the difference between a Python module and a Python package?

DaveWhat's the difference between a Python module and a Python package? See also: What's the difference between "package" and "module" (for other languages)

@Kevin ugh, I remember. And it still starts with a SyntaxError...
Skimming through it, the tensorflow session somehow retains details from its previous session, which is undesirable. Presumably calling reload() fixes this, albeit somewhat crassly.
use a subprocess with the above question (and with any type of training like this) it will save your sanity (you can kill the process if it gets borked, you don't have to keep reloading just respawning processes, and other things)
I was just about to say, subprocess might be a little bit cleaner than reloading.
(although I still get chills using subprocess to startup another python program)
You can also use piping but the dataflow can get ugly
I use subprocess all the time with multiple scripts (py or sh or otherwise) when I build dataflows so you get used to it
However, if speed is a concern, then I don't expect subprocess to be any faster than reload(). AFAIK, the only way to avoid library loading overhead is to have exactly one process that loads the library exactly once.
@Kevin I'm fine with it when it's a third-party application.
You can do it another way (by building a ton of code into the model, make it a full class, with error handling, checking, network stuff, etc) but subprocess is just faster for cleaning/pre-analysis batch style scripts (so I only do that after proving its the model I want)
@Kevin true, I'm assuming this is more "batch" work though
In other words, the solution that works the fastest will probably be the one that fixes the tensorflow session problem directly
@MisterMiyagi Reasonable.
yep, thankfully I don't have to use tensorflow anymore (we moved to PyTorch cause it was a pain)
The classic solution to "this library doesn't work for me": "use a different library"
that was our answer :) (took about 3 years mind you)
But doctor, I am Pagliacci, the core maintainer of the next best alternative
...unless you count the stuff still using MATLAB which is significantly more years we've been "switching it" (we're trying, darn it! there's just so much!)
to be fair, MATHWORKS Deep Learning toolkit is pretty good (we're just running out of people who know how to use it)
Hmm, when this program fails to send an email, it sends an email indicating that the previous email failed to send. I see no way that this could possibly go wrong.
@Kevin Third option "write a different library until the original one is mature"
I could see Kevin picking the third option
I can also see future Kevin cursing past Kevin for his poor decision making
I enjoy reinventing the wheel, but I'm not particularly good at it
how the heck does git manage to produce conflicts between a stash and my working directory when the working directory is literally the same as the stash with some stuff removed -.-
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