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Ah, I better reserve judgement till tomorrow and I've gone through wim's articles because it just caught my eye as I was about to try sleep. Rbrb :)
2 hours later…
@roganjosh But they only made a few thousand profit in a company with losses of ~ $13bn. That's negligible.
3 hours later…
I'm writing a python package, and during development I need to install its dependencies to run the tests, how do I install the these dependencies into my own environment? They're listed in setup.py under install_requires.
I can put them into a requirements.txt file of course, but then I would be listing the same packages in 2 different locations.
@jigglypuff create a virtual environment, then pip install -e .
in the directory where setup.py exists
wow that's awesome, thanks!
does it also work for extra_requires? e.g. I have black in there
if you have a test section in extra_requires and you want to install that, pip install -e .[test]
if you have funny file names like .t or .e you might need to quote that from the shell, like pip install -e '.[test]'
and of course the -e isn't strictly required, but usually makes sense in this scenario
extras_require actually, without an s at the end, but one before the underscore
ah yes, extras_require
@PaulMcG What value did you set your maximum_formula_depth to? I thought of a way to potentially bypass it, but I've now created over 20 variables and still haven't hit it...
TFW you read your own SO answer and you say "I never new that".
Specifically, I'm reading stackoverflow.com/questions/26788179/… and have no idea how I knew that git checkout @{-1} is legal syntax.
3 hours later…
one question about relativ paths
configfilename = "./config.ini" works
but` configfilename = ".configuration/config.ini" ` dont
is this not the same ?
./ is the current directory
.configuration/ is some directory called .configuration
@MisterMiyagi what is the correct path if the ini file is in the subfolder configuration then ? I tryed configfilename = r"configuration/config.ini"
Based on your description, ./configuration/config.ini should work
Note that only literal . (current directory) and .. (parent directory) have special meaning. A leading dot such as .configuration is just part of the name. Unix systems conventionally treat such files as "hidden", the same way Python conventionally treats leading underscore names as "private".
./configuration is equivalent to just configuration
there is no need to use raw strings here (they help for Windows paths where you don't want Python to mess with the backslashes)
(but friends don't let friends use Windows)
so "configuration/config.ini" or "./configuration/config.ini" should both work
@tripleee the problem lays within the logger i use ; I did not write the logger
config = None

def load_logger():
    # logging
    conf_logging = config["logging"]
    loglevel = conf_logging.get("level", fallback="DEBUG")
    logfilename = conf_logging.get("file", fallback="./logs/%s.log"%__name__)
    logdirname = os.path.dirname(logfilename)
    logfilesize = conf_logging.getint("size",fallback=1e6)
    rotatewhen = conf_logging.get("rotatewhen",fallback='midnight')
    if not os.path.exists(logdirname): os.mkdir(logdirname)
    if logger.handlers:
when I change in the def load_config(): function the directory a get `an Key error
raise KeyError(key)
KeyError: 'logging'
from configfilename = '.config.ini' to configfilename = '.config_file/config.ini'
when moving the config.ini
does .config_file/config.ini actually exist and contain a valid ini-style configuration?
Note that .config_file/config.ini does not match the pattern you were asking us about so far – ./config_file/config.ini or config_file/config.ini would.
the logger works only when the config file is in the same directory as the logger configfilename = './config.ini'
moving the ini file to configfilename = '.config_file/config.ini' gives me an key error
did you actually move to configuration? You are only showing that you change the path where the program looks for the configuration.
do you mean moving the ini file to the path ? , yes
the ini files contains file=logs\\logcontainer.log is this maybe wrong ?
 logfilename = conf_logging.get("file", fallback="./logs/%s.log"%__name__)
    logdirname = os.path.dirname(logfilename)
should find the file there
os.mkdir will only attempt to create the final component; you need to use a different function if you wish to create logs and logs/configs so that the log file can be stored in ./logs/configs/config.ini
but there are several moving parts here which we have to guess about
what you are attempting seems to be going against the grain of what that code seems to want to enforce anyway
Hey everyone, I have a small Django-related question. In my app, given that I am able to give each user an option to have their own timezone and I also have a middleware to activate that, should I perform my datetime operations using timezone.now() or timezone.localtime()?
I am asking because Django states that we should always try to use timezone.now() but since it uses UTC, I will not be able to give all my users their own local timings. So I was wondering if using timezone.localtime() to store datetime information would be bad practice or not?
@ArafatKhan Is there a reason why you want to change your internal time calculation if a user requests a different time display?
Let me clear this, my app is a to-do list app. So whenever someone creates or completes a task, a datetime object has to be added to attributes like "date_created" or "date_completed"
1 hour later…
hi! I have a Flask web app on Google App Engine and I want it to be used only by my server
it only has one cron job that launches some updating rutines
who can I avoid from somebody typing the URL of my web app and launching the updating rutine?
I feel obligated to suggest "don't make a page for the cron job at all, simply run it as a cron job on the server", even though you probably have a good reason for doing it this way
can you do that on GAE?
I don't know, I've never used it.
@DanielGarcíaBaena Authentication and authorization. Have a password that has permissions to run the cron job.
@Kevin but it's only for Python 2.7
Many features of Python 2.7 are forward-compatible with Python 3. I didn't read the document very carefully, but I have a feeling it works for both
not this one...
@Peilonrayz that could be a solution but I was wondering if GAE had something for this
I would assume GAE would have some idea of accounts. But I've never used it, so IDK
One sneaky way to do this, if you have SSL enabled, is to require a secret to be sent in a POST request and that way only the person with the secret can trigger you cron (kinda similar to authentication)
Hmm, I see that the 3.X equivalent page, cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python3/…, does not mention administrator accounts by name. I'm not fully convinced that this means access can only be controlled by administrator accounts using 2.7 and not 3.X. It could be the case that the paragraph was removed from the documentation because the author thought it was obvious and not worth mentioning.
Or they didn't consider it obvious, but considered it not specific to Python 3, and so moved it to some other page
I think this is what you have to do in 3.X
I'll try later and let you know
@DanielGarcíaBaena Google App Engines have a built-in Cron service which makes yamls for them so yes
Also there's a way with the Cloud SDK but I rarely use that method
I moved to Cloud Scheduler a while ago (its like .05$ extra a month) for my scheduling so there's always that option if you are running a lot of tasks (database updates :P)
@LinkBerest-GoodbyeSE so it like they say in my link?
@metatoaster thanks but I would prefer a built in yaml configuration option
That's one way sure, really not a "here's some quick code to do that" type question there's a bit of configuration to be done....I think I had a question from last year about it....
Q: Adding dynamic cron jobs to GAE

cheritIn GAE we can add cron job manually by editing the cron.xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <cronentries> <cron> <url>/cron/addCount/1</url> <description>Add count + 1 every 1 minutes</description> <schedule>every 1 minutes</schedule> </cron> </cronentries> Is ther...

^ This was Java but APIs are the same
You can also just use from google.cloud import something; something.Client() to directly login and schedule/run the cron job if there is no reason for it to be Web-facing (easier with Scheduler but possible as just a script)
i.e. the thing Kevin said first (and yes @Kevin was right once again)
Among my three trains of thought, one of them was correct, which means I have as much predictive power as a magic 8 ball
two were correct - you just had the wrong API on one of them :P ;)
@Aran-Fey Gah, copy-paste code, fixed recursion test but not max-depth test. Should be fixed now.
Um, not quite yet...
I have this statement
from configparser import ConfigParser

config = ConfigParser()

configfilename = "configfile/config.ini"
when I execute it in pycharm I get en empty list
doeing the same thing for exampe in jupyter notbook gives me the correct output
what is going on here ?
Are you certain that you have a file named "config.ini" in a directory "configfile" that lives in your current working directory?
print(os.path.isfile(configfilename)) is a simple way of verifying this
it returns false but the file is there
On the left I see a directory named "config_file", but not one named "configfile"
old screenshot
configfilename = "config_file/config.ini"
same output
Ok. Perhaps the current working directory is something other than the directory being displayed in the left panel. Try print(os.getcwd()) and see where it's pointing.
@Kevin the directory is correct
Hey guys stackoverflow.com/questions/61953071/… i would love some advice here if possible I am trying to make a few decisions at the minute...
@roblox Maybe it's a permissions issue. I wonder if you can read the file as an ordinary file. Does open(configfilename) execute without crashing?
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'config_file/config.ini'
Hmm, that's surprising. I expected either "permission denied" or a success.
@Kwsswart See the Rome Rules linked at the top left: First entry under "Asking a Question": Don't ask for answers to your recent Stack Overflow questions. Those who can answer are already watching the queue on the main site.
In this case, your question has nothing to do with Python so its not good to ask in here either way
also, the new flags reasons are really weird to go through
Sorry linkberest
@Kwsswart I think that question is quite a bit too broad and opinion-based for the main site, so I voted to close. As a mea culpa, here's some answers based on my experience.
1. The best way to transition to a new IDE is to download it and start using it.
2. Sure. Learning how to deploy projects to the web is a worthwhile pursuit.
3. If CS50 is designed for students and teachers, you should probably aim at using a different IDE by the time you're no longer a student. The kinds of languages you're using don't erally factor into that.
4. I don't know the answer to this one, besides "there are a lot of potential hosts, and a lot of potential frameworks"
5. The built-in Python debugger `pdb` is worthwhile to learn. Whatever IDE you use will probably also have its ow
7: contribute to github, contribute to github, contribute to github (and apply for internships if possible) - doesn't have to be github but the more work I can see of someone's the less I look at degrees when hiring
@Kevin it only works with the absolut path
@roblox Interesting. So it's probably not a permissions issue.
@Kevin for 2. I meant where could I learn to deploy websites, 3. I was refering to visual studio code, 4 I was planning to use the python flask framework,
My primary suspicion is now "the current working directory isn't what it's supposed to be, but it looks a whole lot like it upon casual inspection"
Like maybe it's pointing to "c:/projects/mycoolapp/2.0.1/bin" instead of "c:/projects/mycoolapp/2.1.0/bin"
@LinkBerest-GoodbyeSE I appreciate this would I be able to do internships inbetween jobs, as I am trying to do all this while working as an english teacher
Pycharm? May need to check File->Settings > Project > Project Structure and see what the current content directories are
no idea, that would depend on you and offerings you find (I'm an adjunct/data engineer/author so its certainly possible)
@Kwsswart Ok. 2) I don't know if there are any guides for deploying to web hosts. It seems like most people just jump into the deep end and flail around until they get it. 3) VSCode is probably fine for HTML, CSS JavaScript, Python and SQL, since it describes itself as including support for most common programming languages. 4) cool, you've picked a good framework. Now you just have to find a flask-compatible web host.
Hmm, I'm trying to remember if the free tier of pythonanywhere.com supports flask apps...
@roblox ...I mean I don't know if/why Pycharm would exclude the directory you put this in (usually its just the venv by default) but it can happen
everything is correct when i click on the file the path is correct
I'm serving a pdf for a group project that gets rebuilt and moved to the serving directory. Here's my main (for the semantics) - tell me if I'm doing this stupidly:
def main():
    while True:
        if git_pull():
should probably rename cp to move...
Insert obligatory recommendation here to use a blocking query instead of time.sleep if the API allows
and I'm also building html, so should probably rename build_pdf to just build()
while True:
I'm doing this:
def git_pull():
    proc = run(split("git pull"), cwd=WD, capture_output=True)
    return b"Already up to date." not in proc.stdout
I'm also assuming that git_pull only returns if the data you can pull actually differs from your local files. If it pulls unconditionally then manual rate-limiting is probably prudent
Ah, so my assumption is unfounded
I guess you could redesign your git_pull function so it can block until there's new data, but then you're just moving the sleep call from one function to another, so it's a wash
I presume git doesn't download unnecessarily, and I figure it's better to let the expert do it than program it myself.
I agree, Git is probably smart enough to compare hashes or whatever before it pulls anything substantial over the network
github's API allows more than one hit per second by my off-the-top-of-my-head calculation, so I figure 5 seconds is enough to not get punished...
it's using my user perms, and my ssh keys so I don't have to give git a password
I had to chown the server directory to my user, but it works.
I certify your pseudocode as "probably does what it's supposed to do". Whether this is the consensus-recommended idiomatic approach, is a question I am not qualified to answer
def build():
    run(split('nix-shell --pure --command "make project.pdf"'), cwd=WD)
def move():
    new_name = f'project{datetime.now()}.'
    for ext in ('pdf', 'html'):
        new = SERVEDIR / new_name + ext
        (WD / 'project.' + ext).rename(new)
        (SERVEDIR / 'project.' + ext).symlink_to(new)
I could have done it in shell but Python felt righter.
The directory is being served by nginx.
I tried symlinking to the build result from the served directory but nginx doesn't like that, hence my chowning...
nginx not liking that is probably a good thing for security purposes...
This is my first "real" CI on my own personal server hence my desire for feedback here.
We're comfortably outside my area of expertise, so I'm going to recommend putting flame decals on the side of your server to make it go faster
I hear mauve has the most RAM...
I get that reference
In high school I felt like my teachers were pointy-haired bosses... It came full circle when the pointy-haired boss started wearing a whistle (because he's the "coach" manager)
I could get symlink to one line...
Interesting case-study on the vulnerability of PRNGS that use a static seed: How We Solved the Worst Minigame in Zelda's History
I found the solution for my problem
Q: Google app engine: security of cron jobs

Randy TangGAE provides cron jobs for scheduled jobs. How do I set some security to prevent someone from executing the http GET directly? In the following example, I can type /updateData anytime in the url field of a browser to execute the job in the following settings: cron: - description: daily update of...

you just need to check X-AppEngine-Cron header
Condolences to the 40% of the speedrun community that thinks a Sploosh Kaboom autosolver is too cheesy to use, and who must continue to suffer under the thumb of Sploosh Kaboom forever
I remember all those times I used to play Super Mario Bros and looked at those pixelated blocks and thought, "man, one day we'll be able to watch someone play this frame-by-frame perfectly... I wonder if it will be in my lifetime"
I'm not entirely clear on why they say that predicting the rng state is "more than frame-perfect". I understand that each frame can have a variable number of rng calls, but if you enter the shop, save and quit, reboot the console, and load your save with frame-perfect input, then surely the number of calls is deterministic?
Man I don't know - probably the input is more real-time than frame-by-frame, so you have to be more perfect than that?
The problem of "the distribution of possible rng calls made by the time a speedrunner reaches the minigame is very wide" would also be made easier by rebooting. Maybe there's a rule I'm not aware of like "you can't reset your console"
Or maybe resetting the game costs a lot more time? I never played the Link 1st person games though...
My favorite speed-run game to watch is Diablo II, which randomizes maps, drops, enemies.
I'd say it takes about ten seconds to get from "power on" to "normal gameplay". It looks like it takes about five seconds for a speedrunner to intentionally lose a round of Sploosh Kaboom so the autosolver can find the rng state. I guess the twenty rupee entrance fee isn't worth as much as an extra five seconds of playtime
hmm....I seem to come to the decision of multiple graph databases vs. sqlite databases (for processing) a lot more often now-a-days
@JibinMathew please don't ask for help here with fresh questions on main as per our rules
2 hours later…
@AaronHall If this is with github.com (or github enterprise) then, yes, a git pull in a loop is doing things stupidly. They have nice webhooks that you can subscribe on when commits are pushed upstream, use those APIs instead of polling.
So I have a class with a __new__ and an __init__ method, and apparently autodoc uses the signature of the __init__ method. Unfortunately there's a bunch of parameters that are only used in __new__, but because of autodoc I can't define __init__ with *args, **kwargs. Is there any option that lets me avoid having to write all the parameters twice?
I thought of slapping a @functools.wraps(__new__) onto my __init__, but that doesn't work because __new__ has cls while __init__ has self
hmm, although, autodoc chops off the first parameter anyway...
@Aran-Fey (Bullwinkle voice) This time for sure! (max depth is 6)
hmm, I'm at l @= k and no error yet
oh, one more did it.
Hm, still seems like a lot more than 6
Ok, trying to reassign a throws an exception as it should. Good job plugging that hole
how does this terrible answer have 1000+ upvotes stackoverflow.com/a/730778/674039
I assume it's for the same reason that all terrible answers with 1000+ upvotes have 1000+ upvotes
every python developer and his dog knows that catch-all except is bad ..
What's wrong with the answer, then?
My spies on the outside tell me that normies hate it when SO regulars tell them "you should not be doing the thing you're trying to do". It would be easy enough for them to locate the one answer that doesn't chide them, and upvote it out of spite
it should mention that you only catch errors you intend to handle
Well it's the answer to the question...but then again half of that answer is just the reiteration of what OP is already doing.
As we all know, on the Internet, hate is a million times more powerful than love.
or as the philosopher says, "What is love? Baby don't hurt me no more."
Honestly, I don't see the problem. The only thing inside the try block is a stdlib function call, and to make things worse I'm not even 100% sure what kind(s) of exception(s) that function can raise. I can't blame anyone for using except Exception: under those circumstances
I've retroactively changed some except SpecificException: to except Exception: on more than one occasion
@Aran-Fey imagine that it is busy rmtree'ing a path, and user says "oh heck, wrong path" and hits ctrl+c
I've done except Exception: before, but only when I put the error information somewhere it can be seen/retrieved
I'd probably take extra pains if I was performing irreversible actions on the file system, as in wim's example
which is also the asker's example
@wim You'd end up with a half-deleted directory, I guess? What would you do about it? Catch KeyboardInterrupt and delete the remaining files, too?
Don't forget to print "Nice try >:-)"
eh, mistakenly deleting whole directories (especially ./ vs /) is not a "might as well finish the job" kind of deal
if you catch it before it reaches /home it might be a bit different
at least my stuff vary a lot in value
Reminiscent of the mailman in ancient China who started a revolution because the penalty for revolution and the penalty for delivering mail late were both death, and one day he was delayed by rain
you could also spare some time restoring from a backup if only half your hdd is wiped
In for a penny, in for a pound
The point is that you'll have a half-deleted directory regardless of whether or not you catch KeyboardInterrupt or not. The only way to change the outcome is to specifically write code for that purpose in the except block... and I'm not sure what that code would be
No, if you don't catch KeyboardInterrupt you'll get a 100% deleted directory. What am I missing?
Hmm, are you saying rmtree isn't atomic? I don't know much about this
As soon as the user hits Ctrl+C, the exception stops the execution of rmtree. Whether you catch that exception higher up or not makes no difference to your hard disk
@Aran-Fey won't an except: pass prevent "the exception [to] stop[] the execution of rmtree"?
silently swallowing that precious KeyboardInterrupt, which I thought was wim's whole argument
^ yes that's my argument
Variant of wim's scenario: the programmer is unaware of the rmtree function, and instead has written his own recursive implementation using listdir. If this function catches and silences all Exceptions, it will delete everything that is not a direct parent or descendant of the directory it was in when you pressed ctrl-c.
you don't want the program to proceed then, because it's in an unexpected state
@wim can you link me to the docs on that?
Ah, I see now. Was a bit confused because KeyboardInterrupt doesn't actually inherit from Exception :P
def delete_everything(path):
        for filename in os.listdir(path):
            if is_directory(filename):
                delete_everything(os.path.join(path, filename))
@AaronHall first google result for "github webhook" developer.github.com/webhooks
Remove the try-except, and ctrl-c will save the directory currently being iterated over, some of its descendants, and all of its siblings with a lexicographically greater name
(assuming listdir iterates lexicographically, I can't be bothered to check)
So I agree that except Exception: would be bad if KeyboardInterrupt was a subclass of Exception
@Aran-Fey I couldn't remember whether that was the case, so I was being a bit evasive
@Aran-Fey ok here's another example, there is a file under there that user does not have permission to remove. then code squashes that error, and continues on assuming path is not existing. what happens next is anyones guess, it's an uncontrolled failure mode.
Sure there are situations where except Exception: is bad. What I'm arguing is that there are some situations where it's ok.
@wim I'm not set up to accept POSTs yet, and this is only useful for the next few days anyways... but for a future project probably worth doing
@Aran-Fey Agreed. I do worry that the kind of person that would find that question/answer helpful are not yet savvy on what situations are the ok situations. In a perfect world, the highest voted answer would take advantage of its visibility and give some guidelines on the topic.
I'm less gung-ho than wim about whether the answer is objectively Bad without those guidelines, but I sure would have liked them to be there
more worrying for me is that only 0.8% of voters downvoted it
We're outnumbered and we always have been :v
less than 1% of voters downvote what is commonly known as poor practice (explicitly mentioned in both import this and in PEP8)
why are people so afraid of using their downvotes?
Every time I downvote something, I forget a cherished childhood memory
I had a dog once, what was her name? Started with an M...
@wim it costs 1 rep :'(
definitely rep loss
@Kevin Agreed. I'm in the "this is not the right place to teach people how to correctly catch exceptions" camp, but it's not like I'd mind if the answer contained some guidelines/advice
that's 1 rep well spent!!
false negatives sacrificed on the altar in the war against false positives
I don't even know what my rep is on SO (not near any thresholds) so don't care here but I remember there being a point when if I downvoted I would lose a privilege on other sites (Meta) so "well spent" vs. "cost" can vary
I'm living on a fixed rep income, passively generated by old answers, so I need to pick my targets carefully if I want to remain net positive
says the guy who has 2 community wiki answers in his top 5 highest voted answers :P
I will award you a bounty if you promise to spend it all on downvotes...
nah, mustn't do that
I try to get out of the game, and they keep pulling me back in
I'm the Jon Wick of guys that got a C in gym class
okay, found the question wim was pointing out - yeah, downvote deserved (now its .8001%) :P :)
someone who worked with flask here
I think we've got a couple flaskers lurking around
getting import error while using BluePrints, I am using 2 BluePrints. general and auth. For Auth it's working but for general it throws import error. Code is same in both
@Kevin is that the politically correct term?
we've got a couple people of flaskness lurking around
first one was better i guess
@1UC1F3R616 that's not your question, is it?
Looks like I need to unlink before I do my symlink again...
My friends question, we are working on same project
9 minutes is a little bit below our usual "no solicitations of new questions for two days" guideline
I see.
@AndrasDeak Keen Observer
pathlib is very "look-before-you-leap"
Oh? I'm quite fond of LBYL so maybe I should give it a second look
[I hum loudly to drown out protests of "if path.exists(): with open(path) as f:... is decidedly not atomic"]
Everything is atomic if I only run one program at a time
at least the .unlink() method has a missing_ok argument
Why doesn't Python just do what I mean instead of what I code?
@AndrasDeak what is this 1 message moved to Python Ourboros- The Rotating Knives ?
My intent is clear...
@1UC1F3R616 it means your message has crossed the Rainbow Bridge to the farm where messages go to rest. As Kevin noted, we ask that you don't ask for help with fresh questions here.
@AaronHall IDK, but it does that anyways
@AndrasDeak Ok, I didn't knew that.
@1UC1F3R616 room owners don't have a "delete post" button but they can move messages to the designated "nominally deleted" room, where people can still see it if they are curious. I think the purpose is transparency.
indeed it is
Every timeline where Do What I Mean programming is invented, eventually gets destroyed by terminators.
Either via high caliber guns or temporal paradox
Doc concluded the paradox thing wasn't a problem, though.
I've always wondered at how crossing Bifröst became a way to help explain pets dying - one of those that boggles my mind a bit
The elders of my clan tell me that the rainbow bridge was a thing when they were kids, so it must go a ways back
@LinkBerest-GoodbyeSE ha, I never made that connection. Is that canon?
I think if you go back in time and successfully prevent yourself from going back in time there's just multiple paths of causality that are true.
Our pets never crossed a bridge, we just buried them
Canon? I don't know, I just remember those poems from the 80s (90s?) and it connected at several points based on my study of language
@AaronHall For every universe that's paradox-proof, there's an alternate universe that isn't. The former get destroyed by guns.
@LinkBerest-GoodbyeSE perhaps it's just an example of convergent evolution of sorts
when I hear "rainbow bridge" I imagine a crayon drawing with clouds, not Bifröst
I originally thought it was from Wizard of Oz
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_Bridge_(pets) says that the specific term "rainbow bridge" dates back to 1981, and the idea of a pet-exclusive paradise is at least as old as 1902
@LinkBerest-GoodbyeSE there can be no final rest in a universe that hosts flying monkeys
which I know has been connected to Bifrost by a lot of people (don't know if that was the author's intent but certainly a thing in literature)
@AndrasDeak Valhalla would be rest not Asgard :P ;)
@LinkBerest-GoodbyeSE Are there cultures that have the opposite directional associations to the 'when people(/animals) die, good ones go upwards/to the sky/etc., bad ones go downwards'. (And nobody say 'Australians').
@ChrisP please don't ask for help here with fresh questions on the main site as per our rules
I envision our Rainbow Bridge to the Ouroboros as more of a "send them to the cornfield", as in It's a Good Life (but then all mods would need to change their name to Anthony).
s/mods/room owners/. Mods can delete messages just fine.
@smci hmm...that's beyond my studies (don't really look into religion much just languages). I mean Buddism & Hinduism would have to have pets in an afterlife (at least in some sects) due to reincarnation beliefs they have but don't have as defined a "hell". While Judaism doesn't even define if heaven and hell are a thing (very fuzzy rules we have) so not sure about people let alone animals.
@LinkBerest-GoodbyeSE Uhuh. I'm just wondering if there's always a 'natural' ethnological association between directions 'good' -> 'up' / 'bad' -> 'down'. (For the subset of cultures that associate directions with an afterlife).
people can't even agree whether left/right or up/down nodding is "yes"
searching for anthropological (or whatever) constants is the wildest of goose chases I think
@AndrasDeak There's NSF grants in that, sirrah...
@thefourtheye hey, what's up?
Long time no speak!
I have a gist:

When I try to run `raindrops.py` it shows me an error:
`add() argument after * must be an iterable, not Raindrop`
I'd be glad to get help :)
Raindrop is probably not iterable
How do I fix it?
Make it iterable, or create an iterable from your raindrop. What do you want add(Raindrop) to do?
add a single raindrop to the fleet, including drawing it to the screen
how can I make Raindrops iterable?
hold on, I missed that you have all your code there in multiple files
ok, I'm waiting.
OK, so raindrops is a pygame.sprite.Group, whatever that is, and the add that raises the error is on line 30, right? raindrops.add(raindrop)?
this is why just the error message is insufficient information
there's a lot of additional debugging info in a traceback
yes, the error is found in line 30
I'd recommend double-checking your variables... I'm pretty sure you've confused raindrop/raindrops in multiple places
In addition to what Aran said, if raindrops really is a Group there then you must look up the documentation of pygame.sprite.Group and see how its .add method must be called.
but what does it me that it's not iterable?
I checked the docs for Group.add as well as Sprite.add, and both of them should accept an arbitrary number of anythings (as varargs)
it would indeed make sense to be able to add anything to a Group
incidentally, the traceback would reveal what kind of object raises that error
raindrops keep crashing on my head ... 🎵
come to the python room get an interesting cultural discussion while trying to fix broken graphs - just another day in SOPython
it's also a bad idea to define modules with such similar names as well as variables that coincide with some of these names
I'm out for the weekend though - hope everyone here has a good one - adios all
laughs in datetime.datetime
@LinkBerest-GoodbyeSE rhubarb
@wim it's not lke that causes any kind of issue ever....
laughs in datetime.strptime
laughs in PIL.Image
@AndrasDeak I will take care of it next time
Never put off til tomorrow what you can put off to the day after tomorrow

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