I'm using a Color class from a 3rd-party module in my own library, and I've also defined some color-related utility functions in a file named color.py. Should I create an alias for the Color class in my color.py or should I import Color directly from the 3rd-party lib?
The former has a slight smell of "exposing your internals" to it, with #2 you could hide details that the users of your .color module do not need to know. Unless of course you must use that 3rd party thing all over anyway.
And by "users" I mean you and your other modules :P
I'm still debating whether I want to wrap the 3rd-party Color or not. On one hand I'm pretty happy with its interface, but on the other hand, if I ever had to stop using it and find an alternative, I'd go with a slightly different interface
After python executes insert_direction = root.left, insert_direction contains an object (the value of root.left). It does not remember where that object came from (root.left) and consequently has no effect on it
@wim Agreed. Assertions should only be used to validate program logic. That is, if the assertion is raised, your program logic is broken, and you need to fix your code. But that's kinda what's happening here, since it should be impossible for side to not be 'left' or 'right', since it's an instance attribute of a tree node.