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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

9:01 PM
i've been wondering why all my double triple quote-ticked strings have been failing =/
If you don't triple the single quotes, you get a syntax error
9:15 PM
oops, misread s, let me think some more
>>> ast.literal_eval('"""\b"""')

>>> ast.literal_eval('"""\n"""')

>>> ast.literal_eval('"""\r"""')
yeah, I'd say that's buggy
@PaulMcG looks bug. very weird, how did you find that?
eval has same bug.
@roganjosh so I'm finally back in front of a laptop (although leaving soon again). I can look at your server but I know absolutely nothing about administration. Especially network stuff: I've always been behind a modem with an ssh server disabled by default. I have no knowledge of infosec whatsoever. Again I'm just saying this because it seems like you need help with securing your server and/or making sure it's secure. I can do none of that :(
@AndrasDeak no worries. I think it can be covered, I just had a "moment". I apologise for that; it's not good for me to be confined, plus an undefined task. That's my bad :(
9:32 PM
Mostly because I was too obtuse to just do ast.literal_eval("{!r}".format(s)), which does the right thing. Getting filenames from my test client with embedded control chars after decoding with latin-1, passed over REST. It's quite a tortuous path.
To make matters worse, I just spotted that Star Wars was on... then I saw that it's VII
Meh - ast.literal_eval("{!r}".format(s)) just gives you back s. <grumble>
Actually, I just realized a better question about ipynb
What is the purpose of Jupyter Notebooks? I want to research computer vision with a professor and he was like "okay, you know Python right?" And I was like "yeah." He was like "Study these files and I'll get back to you." I'm not seeing it after a cursory examination, that is, what's the purpose. What is being done with the notebooks that you can't do using an ordinary Python environment?
It just looks like a REPL session that you save.
by ordinary python environment do you mean running from terminal or from Spyder
yeah you can save the output of each cells
9:44 PM
each cell can be a part in your code flow
By ordinary environment I mean running scripts or applications
you can choose to run a specific cell without having to run the entire code again
Oh, that's efficient
lets say you have preprocessed a csv and this took 10 mins, this is in cell 3
the next time you can just run cell 4 or any cell without having to run cell 3
9:46 PM
@JohnnyApplesauce have a look at Martijn's work on advent of code here. That will give you some idea of how they are used
It's also nice when doing training to edit code in-place and then rerun the cell to show how your change worked
anyhow I came here to ask a clarification myself lol
Sure you can do that in the regular repl, but the notebook is a little more visually pleasing
I find them slow and clunky
not sure why they're so popular 🤷
when you do a regex search, you often do if match:=re.search(r"foo",'bar') if there is no match found it returns None, but the checks for None must be is None? I understand the truthiness when is is a match object
9:49 PM
"must be" is strong
that's only really important when there is possibility of other falsey values like empty containers
Do if match:=re.search(r"foo",'bar') is not None: if you prefer, but is not necessary.
I was always told when I was learning that None must be checked as is None and not not name_that_has_None
yeah people say that but it's not really a big deal most of the time
so this is like that interview question that was shared here, depends on what the data is
Had a professor suggest that
I do remember that he said it could be something other than None
9:53 PM
not here, re.search is either gonna be an re.Match or None
thanks for clarifying
just curious, is anyone in room 6 participating in the Hackathon? I have never done one but I would love to see what you guys did
read your comment
@TheNamesAlc pardon, what's funny here?
nothing to see
11:06 PM
Kill Bill has made my urge to visit Japan surge. That's the first thing on my list when this is over :)
When this is over, I want to start a band
I've been wanting to do that since August, but now with other people desperate for social contact, maybe I won't seem so insufferable
plot twist: it's a band of robbers
11:23 PM
NO silly
You do that during pandemics, not after them
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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