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12:04 AM
looks like that might be what you need @AmagicalFishy
1 hour later…
1:17 AM
@AndrasDeak just gone back through my FB and re-found this. It still makes me chuckle :P
1:31 AM
cambridge analytica... they disbanded.. but regrouped under another company name. back again to influence the masses.
Is that in relation to my link or fact?
Err. I see they got to you first!
I need sleep but I've lost all perception of time. Coronation Street is rationing episodes the spread across the weeks. I never watch it unless forced, but I think it's skewed my temporal chakra
1:43 AM
what you need is a good strong drink
2 hours later…
3:58 AM
i believe i've found a flaw in the new := operator. It's listed on python.org as having the highest precedence, but I see it behaving as if it's lower than 'and'
>>> if x := [2, 3] and 4 in x:
...     print("ruh roh!")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
Isn't it interpreted as if x := ([2, 3] and 4 in x):
Looks like it has the highest to me
oh, you're right
ugh.. i was hoping it would be lower I guess. My view on it was inverted. I just have to use parenthesis to group.
I was confusing the order of evaluation with precdence
I found this cool module that allows you to easily put together a mountable filesystem on linux, and an abstraction layer that provides the same interface it uses on Windows. And normal users can mount it without sudo
4:36 AM
List comprehensions are a little confusing about how it works from right to left
Especially when you're used to working the other way
Also how does precedence work in the list comprehension?
I compared category_list = [[categories[sku] for sku in sku_list] for sku_list in df_SKU] and category_list = [categories[sku] for sku in sku_list for sku_list in df_SKU]and I realized the output was different
by precedence do you mean for instance [a for z in long_list for a in z] ?
oh.. you mean nested comprehensions
one of your examples builds a list of lists.. and the other one should be a flat list
[cat[sku] for sku_list in df_SKU for sku in sku_list]
i know.. it seems backward
a good tip I read was to imagine it as a loop:
for sku_list in df_SKU:
    for sku in sku_list:
the indentation indicates the order it takes in the comprehension.. the more indented one goes behind the less indented loop
flat_list = [a for z in list_of_tuples for a in z]
5:28 AM
I actually do what you do and break it down into a for-loop
I just realized i'm just not so good at keeping my train of thought
Maybe I have to spend more time lol
Maybe why i'm a horrible chess player
that's a good angle if you're a chess hustler.. oh no.. I can't hold my train of thought.. why I can't play chess.. want to play? let's bet..
Yeah chess is really being able to calculate several levels ahead lol
Lots of mental work
well.. yes and no. if you play consistently you learn patterns and positional awareness
A lot of chess grandmasters can play blindfolded though think that is tough lol
it takes about a week or so to get though the compulsive blunder stage.. but once past that, you can focus on building up a repetoire of tactics and openings
yeah.. but they play every day for the majority of the day.. and spend their lives doing it
they probably dream of chess when they sleep
5:43 AM
watch magnus carlsen
play 3 guys blind folded lol
or 10 people at some point i forget
10 would be astonishing
that's pretty good
I was once so into chess that I could read chess notation and easily see the moves in my head
I think it's a waste of time
But respectable lol
once you get to the point where you're sitting at your desk surrounded by chess books, and realize you haven't been out for exercise or done anything social for weeks except play chess.. . then you know it's a problem
if you read a few books, you can become a decent social player
beat your friends and family.. that sort of thing.. microsoft press has an excellent series of about four easy reads by this guy named sierawan
if you read through those, you'll be the best player in your set of friends.. unless one of them is a serious player
even if you lose a lot of games.. having some knowledge of the game makes the games more enjoyable
6:03 AM
Yeah being good will definitely make it fun lol
if you understand some basics about the positions of the pieces on the board.. you don't have to calculate moves ahead
well.. not as much.. you rely less on thinking out the moves.. and more on the overall structure of your pieces
1 hour later…
7:12 AM
Only need 3 more silvers for a palindrome :-p
@shad0w_wa1k3r nice observation :)
7:38 AM
    res = []
    arr = [1,2,3,4]
    for i in arr:
can anyone help with a one-liner for this
check out list comprehensions
thanks @Aran-Fey
res = [i*10 for i in a]
res = [i*10 for i in arr]
tnx @Pherdindy
Np still learning like you lol
8:22 AM
hey guys I try to understand this line of code
`b = [random.randint(1,2) for i in range(3)]` how to rewrite it into ` for i in range(2) ` form ?
for i in range(3):
thanks what I dont get is that you dont need to use the i
Yeah in this case it wasn't used in your code. It just signifies where in the loop you are in
Although you can ask the others for more in depth advice lol i'm just learning as well
@HoboCoder It's not uncommon to not use the iteration variable of a range. The Python grammar still requires you to name it, though. It's idiomatic to use _ (a literal underscore) for such unused variables.
So in your case that would be [random.randint(1, 2) for _ in range(3)].
Similarly, if you want to sum the count of lines in a file, but don't care about the content of lines, you'd do sum(1 for _ in file).
@MisterMiyagi I have sawn this liteal underscore used but didnt know why, thanks for explaining !
8:40 AM
I have a pandas series with the values for each row being a list of item codes (as shown in the 1st image). I have a dictionary (2nd image) with the item codes being the key and description of that item code as the values. What is the best way to replace all the lists of item codes in the series into a list of descriptions?
It might be easier without pandas, depending on how you got that df. It's gonna be "loopy" either way
Right my friend suggested the same thing. Told me to forget about pandas for now maybe i'll restructure it
I'll fire up my laptop and have a play. Where does the data come from?
Comes from a csv file
Had to do groupings on the data
Ok, so what does it look like pre-grouping?
8:51 AM
do you actually need to apply any pandas features? Python's own types still perform reasonably well when you can do stream processing.
It's individual transactions prior to grouping
Each item code per order has 1 row
so in the excel file a list with 4 item codes will have 4 rows
Ok, so drop the grouping. Look up "wide to long" for pandas first
That should give you codes over multiple rows but only a single column. You can then map your dictionary to that column
@MisterMiyagi you might be right my friend told me to just go look at python features first
@roganjosh Will take a look thanks
8:57 AM
Pandas can actually help here, you just hamstrung yourself by grouping into a list
Yeah reading on wide to long will get back after i play around a little
I'm struggling to piece together the two screenshots so I'm not sure I could build a representative example myself to help you. Where does order number come from?
It's actually on the right side of the sheet lol. Too much columns to fit
The items are filtered by the 'Fee Name' column to the criteria of 'Item Price Credit' only
Ok. But hang on. The first sheet only lists a single "supplier SKU" per row. You've also said that there's only 1 row per order. Given those constraints, it's not possible to get your data frame of a list of supplier categories per order.
There can be multiple 'seller SKUs' per 'order No.'
9:11 AM
And you said that that's prior to grouping that each order has 1 row
So there can be 4 of the same SKUs for 1 order
What does that look like?
I actually removed the other columns. It appears like this
22 mins ago, by Pherdindy
so in the excel file a list with 4 item codes will have 4 rows
Right exactly like that
9:16 AM
Ok, so that isn't the case. Order numbers can appear on multiple rows
Yup order numbers appear multiple times
In which case, you don't even need wide to long. There is no transformation to be made, you just do a mapping on the supplier category as-is
Just do df.map on "Seller SKU" after just reading the data in
Thanks lol I over complicated it. Will try it out
It's fine, I conflated "order number" with "item number" but I understand the format of the data now. It's not so easy piecing together screenshots of spreadsheets on a phone. In future, it's much easier if you can give some code that constructs an example df as a MCVE
Right screenshots can get really messy haha. Didn't think grouping it prior could cause lots of issues later on
Was kind of looking for some iterative way to go through the list in the series and replace it there
9:27 AM
sunday cbg :)
Absolutely it will. You want scalar data in dataframe columns. Having a list makes things much more complicated and basically bars you from using any of the pandas optimisations
cbg Jon :)
ooo ecommerce data - got some of my mine to be working on today lol
Thanks a lot will go read the documentation more lol
Yup finding ways to automate things it's a drag doing lots of spreadsheet manipulations
Does somebody know where I can find a complete list of setuptools directives? I mean the complete list of what we can write inside setup{} in the setup.py file?
@Pherdindy the docs are quite tough to get through if you don't have intuition on what you're searching for. If you haven't done so, I suggest taking a bit of time working with numpy to get familiar with array programming because this underpins pandas and you can learn that without all the added complications of data manipulation that pandas throws on top
9:34 AM
@Pherdindy I'm syncing data between shopify and etsy and not on the high street (which doesn't actually have an API - and uses a really old extjs app - so have had to look at all the end points that uses and go from there...)
You would quickly find that numpy just cannot work with "jagged" arrays
@bad_coder PyPA lists the most useful args
AFAIK in principle setup can support any keyword via plugins
@roganjosh thanks to covid-19 i'm actually able to learn python again. On normal days i'm too busy and exhausted to even learn I guess it ended up resulting to skipping through a lot of foundations terrible idea
@JonClements you mean you scrape data from each site then try to match them?
@Pherdindy Not really... shopify/etsy have an api and for noths I'm just using the product update/creation end points the webapp does and I've got a lookup table of existing IDs that relate to the same product across the platforms..
So i'm guessing you're drop shipping? Hah
The site I sell on also has an api had someone make the web scrapping script
Use it for competitor analysis and consumer behavior insights
9:50 AM
meh... have already get price comparison stuff in place for a few clients... think between 'em they're probably pulling down about ~1 million records a night now...
I have a time delay between each pull
It times out when I don't for some reason
I used a proxy server but I probably didn't use the rotating IPs properly
but doing it programmatically as they've got all the products updated in shopify but the interface for the other two sites is so bad - it takes a good 10 minutes to enter a new product into each of them... so that's a lot of data entry for ~800 products
@Pherdindy I've got a few proxies that do for now but for larger scale then crawlera is well worth paying for
Right I can imagine how tedious for 800 products lol
Using luminati.io now
Will check it out but i'll probably focus on improving my python first
I'm too bad to even make use of a lot of tools hah
you'll get there eventually I'm sure :)
Hopefully if this quarantine lasts for 2 months in our country
I'd probably be able to do quite a bit
10:03 AM
that's one way to look at things I guess!
@MisterMiyagi thank you @MisterMiyagi for your help. I've been having a hard time reading through the packaging documentation...It's so much stuff I just hadn't found the list you linked.
No worries that you didn't find it, kudos for trying. I'm afraid packaging documentation is a mess. :/
Also cast a dupe vote for it but answered here to complete the loop :)
10:18 AM
flagged it for that now, but not sure if people make the connection that write and read have the same effect
Just did a quick scan of those answers and I'm surprised not to find the "tail of crap" (I think that's what wim calls it) of terrible recent answers. Either it's already been purged or we have a new benchmark for the complexity of issues that are vulnerable to this scourge
I have this code how gives me a list of list of 2x2 numpy arrays
`x = [np.random.randint(2, size=(2, 2)) for _ in range(what_range)]`
why does this function gives me only a list with one element / it looks the same for me `def glubber(what_range):
z = []
x = [np.random.randint(2, size=(2, 2)) for _ in range(what_range)]
return z`
@roganjosh I'm guessing it's a bit of a niche topic indeed. Especially since most beginners just .read() the entire thing into memory once. Many people seem uncomfortable streaming data.
@HoboCoder Please see the code formatting guide
Note that your fist code creates one list, the second creates two lists and nests them.
10:35 AM
Why exactly are you building this structure? You're using a list comprehension to make a list of multidimensional arrays, and then appending that to a list. What is the end goal?
I want a list of list of 2x2 arrays
x = [np.random.randint(2, size=(2, 2)) for _ in range(what_range)]
this output only in a function
I mean this format
# like this?
def glubber(what_range):
    return [np.random.randint(2, size=(2, 2)) for _ in range(what_range)]
@MisterMiyagi this will work thanks
10:58 AM
@HoboCoder looks like np.random.randint(2, size=(2, 2, what_range)) would also be an option
So I have `Lifecycle` class, which provides a decorator:
@lifecycle.on(stage, priority)
def do_something():
print('on stage')
But I cannot use this decorator on class methods!?
class Lifecycle:
@self.on(stage, priority)
def do_something():
Like, @self. doesn't exist...
Finally found a similar question, almost, but mine manipulates stuff on the same class stackoverflow.com/questions/50634303/…
Most likely you can do self.on(stage, priory)(self.do_something) in Lifecycle.__init__, but that's a very strange design. Consider adding another way of registering callbacks in addition to that decorator
Yeah I really want to avoid having to register them in __init__
I might have something... using @staticmethod, possibly...
11:23 AM
@HoboCoder Err, why do you want a list of list of 2x2 arrays, it's going to be a pain to use? You could use a 4D array. Or else a pandas dataframe. What are you ultimately trying to do?
11:36 AM
@Axiom please see the code formatting guide
@Axiom Can you clarify what self.on is supposed to do? Using a partial Lifecycle.on may be more appropriate.
stackoverflow.com/q/60799078/4799172 typo. I've explained it in the last comment. Just browse caching.
Aha, and my lurker sense was right. Wait till the issue is fixed in comments and then pounce!
Closed, thanks
1:15 PM
Are we seriously doing Minecraft here now?
Anybody here?
@mathematics nope
Guys i was installing tensorflow 2.0 which didnt contains avx but its not installing
1:18 PM
showing error like this

(base) D:\>pip install tensorflow-2.0.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
ERROR: tensorflow-2.0.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on thi
s platform.
What version of python do you have?
whl is available in here github.com/fo40225/tensorflow-windows-wheel , i tried 2.0
I'm guessing just plain old pip install tensorflow2 won't work?
oh i am running 3.6
1:20 PM
@mathematics well that's at least 1 issue :)
i will upgrade python guys
There is a 3.6 version here before you potentially go break your setup
Thats 1.9 though @roganjosh
guys that avx instruction not supporting in my laptop is killing me since i started deep learning
1:24 PM
@Simon oh, oops. I missed that, thanks
should i upgrade guys
I am installing anaconda , come back later,
Thanks for support guys.
1:41 PM
You don't realize how poorly made some websites are until you have to deal with slow internet... I swear to god if a reddit post is too long to fit on your screen, it doesn't let you read the rest of the post until it's done loading the comments
Yup. Reddit isn't even that bad.
I'll see you tomorrow, by the time it has loaded
If you are on reddit on mobile I advise the App, speeds stuff up hugely
nah, I'm on a laptop... (un)fortunately?
Install bluestacks, then get the app :p
1:53 PM
ha! This thing is so ancient, it'd probably explode if I just tried to download an emulator
2:22 PM
Completely random, but interesting read if you are into graphics stackoverflow.com/questions/40543176/…
@Aran-Fey Is it a Windows, Mac or Linux? You might do well to install Linux if you can. I installed it on a 9 year old laptop with overheating problems, and it's run like it's 5 years younger ever since
2:47 PM
I have both Manjaro and Win10 installed, and to be honest I'm not sure which one of them performs better
Windows does a lot of stuff in the background, but Linux is awful at swapping
they're both bad in their own way I guess
Yes. At least all your CPU isn't used up by background tasks, unlike Windows on linux
I only see that on linux with MS products...
I forgot a comma there,
Aaah, OK.
I read the "on" as "or" due to the lack of comma
@Aran-Fey linux goes all gaga over the Ram thing
3:55 PM
hello all, wondering if anyone could spare me 10 minutes (via screenshare) to go over a basic program I'm writing? trying to use my quarantine time effectively!
@Datanovice That's quite an ask. What advice are you looking for?
There's also codementor.io
just some feedback, tips generally what I'd ask at a meetup
@roganjosh ^
people don't generally like to sign up for an unknown amount of work =)
also signing up for one-on-one video tutorials
4:01 PM
Nothing ventured, nothing gained ;) @Todd thought i'd try my luck - Thanks @AndrasDeak making an account
4:14 PM
"Martijn's tenacity to help superseded fiscal contexts in his outreach to assist a question posted on a free-forum." I don't really know what that means; it sounds like a line I'd hear on Judge Judy where people just use overly-formal language in a clunky way. To be fair, I think I'd be the same if I had to discuss my code with Martijn :P
seems a verbose way of writing "AWESOME!!!"? :)
@JonClements I think so. Context-clues from SO certainly point that way :P
Wow... a home work assignment that actually requests they post screen shots of their code...
@JonClements first of three. We're in for a treat
Let's just hope that the OP understands the format better for the second and third installments... At least he's given it a shot and not "do my homework plz"
4:21 PM
Guys i have installed tensorflow 2.0 in my pc that dont support avx instruction.
thanks :)
Hello again. Glad to hear you got it working 👍 :)
:) thankyou simon.
I was suffering from this problem from 6 months ,after i found that i can install 2.0 version i was just jump from sofa
And installed successuflly :) .
4:24 PM
@Simon reading through it, I think that they just posted skeleton code that was given to them
I had the same thing with Discord.py, `async` was introduces in 3.6, and discord.py was broken for ages because they used it as a variable
@roganjosh Awww :(
oh :) . Cool , bye guys, I start learning :) .
just my interpretation. I could be wrong ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Oh cool, I picked a bad example and my right arm escaped itself. These are indeed strange times to be alive
Reading it a second time, it does say snippets of code snippets of code. BTW How did you break your arm?
You should get immediate medical attention. that looks serious
@Simon we don't talk about it
4:35 PM
You know you are going to see a good question when you see the title "See where Class is from Class (Python 3)". That's the closest you get to clickbait on SO
4:47 PM
what are some good indemand skills for Python? I've had a look through various sites and a lot of them recommend machine learning or data science.
I don't feel I could do data science at a high enough standard, as I'm still studying mathematics, and I'm not sure the it will suit my level of
understanding at this time. Machine learning also seems to go along the same lines. Any recommendations?
Are you comfortable with numpy and pandas, though?
I sometimes use Numpy, when I have to deal with lists. It's OK, but I only use a handful of functions anyway. Pandas I ended up giving up on, because I didn't really have any use for it when I was learning it for fun
I'm confident I can learn to use any library. Actually doing anything useful is a different thing altogether...
whats your current vocation @Simon
"when I have to deal with lists" is a bad use case, probably. Think linear algebra instead
A 4000 pixel image split up into indivitual bytes. I was using numpy to create a grid and manipulate it
But there were probably other ways of doing it
5:03 PM
No, that sounds reasonable. Numpy and scipy.ndimage.
I just don't think of such problems when someone says "deal with lsits" :P
I could have sworn that an access token you get from Google OAuth2 sign in is a JWT. Is it not?
I think it's gonna be dependent on your industry. For me, personally, I go on the factory floor to find production or logistic issues, and build custom approaches for that. In that case, you can do everything with numpy, pandas, some kind of database, and a web framework. All of those would be transferable, but they give a complete stack to build stuff that fixes a huge body of problems that'll keep you going for years. The majority of manufacturers or logistics companies can't even... TBC
Comprehend implementing the exploding technology in the data science space
@AndrasDeak Nope. I parse the file myself (actually super easy) :3
@Johnston I happen to have a google drive token lying around, and that one only contains one . character. So if I'm reading wikipedia correctly, it's not a JWT
Right. That's what I figured. @Aran-Fey I saw the same thing.
But I know something in the auth flow of Google is a JWT. I could have sworn that they did everything with JWT's
I just decoded one yesterday
It had an iss of accounts.google.com.. But now i can't figure out what part of the auth flow it was
I think it might have been the identityToken. Thanks @Aran-Fey!
5:17 PM
fresh cbg everyone
@roganjosh I see. 'm not exactly very mobile with having to study ect, and unfortunately there I are no large software firms/large companies that I can go to on a daily basis for a job, so it's looking like a work from home kind of thing. Is not having a very deep understanding of mathematics an issue in your option (by deep I mean university level)?
6:16 PM
:48919866to the last question, no. There is a big divide between the magic that tech companies can do, and the reality for manufacturers. There are some really basic things you can do that have high value if you have just common sense (whatever that may be)
@Simon I also watched data science teams do all sorts of weird stuff. They had fantastical models that did really quite cool things. They fall down when someone asks "how do we implement this?". Which, ultimately, has to consider human behaviour and financial return. Neither of which the data scientists considered from the outset; they just got given a playground
"If everyone puts does X before Y, then Z". Yeah, but people don't work like that. Classic example was my vehicle routing; if the driver got their full run sheet and could see another location, even if it was supposed to be 5 deliveries later, they just went for it. All the time
Hmm so it looks like I need to focus more on practically solving stuff, and getting stuff done. Thank you. Definitely a great encouragement for me @roganjosh
Anyway, I'm rambling. But machine learning seems to work for companies that get things right. 90% couldn't even hope to adopt it properly because... people
6:33 PM
Final question before I stop. Should I go for the very in-demand skills (like machine learning ect), or maybe something more obscure, that fewer people with have the requirements to meet, and companies have less demand for, but I truly have a great depth of knowledge in?
Obviously I will want to know what I'm doing ect, just I mean a skill that I know the exact ins and out of
I can't answer that, nor do I have eyes on every sector (or even more than a partial view). Maybe someone else can weigh in. I can only say that I think numpy, pandas and a web framework can solve a yam load of problems
No worries. Thank you anyway :)
Oh, and a database, but I couldn't make a call between SQL no-SQL. You can always use trends
6:53 PM
thank you for that. That would give me a good indication
7:17 PM
we haven't had a riddle for a while!
There is one stdlib package, XXX, for which "from XXX import spam" works. Find the XXX
would've been fun if it had been email or mailbox
7:41 PM
@wim after some testing, I found only two... not sure if you mean those.
8:13 PM
oh, I was only aware of one
from ham import spam im disappointed. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ham'
@ParitoshSingh typo :/ from can import spam
1 hour later…
9:51 PM
NM it's closed
How am I supposed to flag a question like stackoverflow.com/questions/60805050/… ?
Needs more focus? It might be a duplicate too, though.
I'd go for needs focus because of the second question
@roganjosh ugh indeed
what is even the point
Rep. I've had run-ins with that answerer before. He goes for the dregs in terms of questions
10:06 PM
I have decided that I will be asking for a "an answer to this question would amount to a tutorial" close reason (which I found in this meta answer) until it happens.
Day #1 of asking for a "an answer to this question would amount to a tutorial" close reason/flag thingy.
that's just "too broad", isn't it?
I miss the old way of flagging. Guess I must just be used to it right?
No. The new flags don't really make sense IMO
@AMC as Aran said that's "too broad"
Also I must have broken 2k flags earlier today
10:11 PM
clap clap clap
is there no way of seeing any stats on the kind of flags we raised? (off-topic, needs more focus, etc.)
Don't believe so no
@AndrasDeak That's what I would usually do, but I feel like those flags are never as successful
Close flags are never successful. Get to 3k and cast votes.
@AndrasDeak What do you mean?
10:16 PM
Mar 5 at 18:15, by Andras Deak
When you soon get to 3k rep you'll get a "close" link that casts actual votes rather than flags. 3 votes close a question these days.
Right, but in what sense can close flags "never be succesful" ?
In other words, your vote gets reviewed. Rather than counting as a direct vote. So it takes more people to review it to be sucessful. It's kinda useless since they could flag it in the first place
in The Ministry of Silly Hats, Feb 13 at 21:55, by Andras Deak
Now you're just walking around planting little red flags in every dog poop lying around in the park. Imagine if you had an actual shovel and a bag.
Ah, I see what you mean
That's true, they certainly aren't as effective.
Ah I forgot to mention that I'm still looking for feedback on my attempt at a canonical/reference/cleanup Q/A on web scraping dynamic content. I think I'll try to post it tonight, you can find a draft here.
I'd try rally you to get your 3k, but I'm struggling for my 10k with the amount of garbage you have to go through to get an answer in that might be useful
10:23 PM
@AMC my general advice is that you should make very very sure that there isn't any acceptable Q&A on the subject
@roganjosh Rally me?
@AndrasDeak I've tried! I'll give it another shot now.
@AMC /inspire. You "rally" troops to go fight a war
lmao alright I appreciate the thought
I don't know how effective a motivational speech would have been, but I don't want to underestimate your abilities
Oh, I had the horse lined up and bought a sword for the occasion :'(
@BenMann If you know this isn't the right place then don't ask. Try on chat.stackexchange.com
(and on a workday)
10:38 PM
10:58 PM
Hi guys, wondering if anyone can help with my SO question: stackoverflow.com/questions/60767255/…
TIL: import antigravity

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