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>>> math.nan == math.nan
Okay, this "feature" is a pain in my ass right now
1 hour later…
This answer has almost nothing to do with the question. It is even using an obsolete python version that does not have the feature. — Antti Haapala 54 secs ago
Achievement unlocked: blocked on twitter by Zed Shaw, for daring to have an opinion on his Python books.
And the accepted answer is an unparseable mess at +194
@MartijnPieters congrats you're not doing everything wrong
@MartijnPieters though fwiw I did read lpthw3 just this autumn and it is much better than years ago
It isn't good... But I've seen worse programming books
today Zed started replying and blocked me.
I introduced python 3 in one organization 6 years ago. Didn't think it would turn against me. The problem is that that company ceased ops and we hired their last programmer. The problem is we need him to write python 2 stopgaps now and he's been python 3 only for 6 years....
who is progmofo? is that also zed?
looks like it
@wim I don't know who he is, but from that link he sounds like a flamin' drongo, to use a phrase from my parents & grandparents vernacular.
Hi guys, I am not sure what the problem is but I get this error selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: newSession
Jan 23 '16 at 10:09, by PM 2Ring
@AnttiHaapala LPTHW should be called "Let's sabotage Python newbies `cause I love Ruby"
I have firefox 0.70.1, geckdriver 0.20.1, selenium 3.141.0
Well considering that they both claim to have said the same thing I think that's Zed.
And incidentally he proves he's batsh*t crazy.
I haven't read enough Zed to be certain, but that progmofo guy does seem very similar to Zed. Maybe we can get someone to run a similarity analysis...
test = input('Move to Next Page? (Y/ Q): ').upper()
while True:
    if test == 'Y':
        payload['start'] = int(start) + 1
        r = requests.get('https://serpapi.com/search',
        for item in r['organic_results']:
trying to repeat the same question till the user insert q so it's will break.
but in my case it's just move to the next page only once and then it's keep repeat same page.
@AnttiHaapala Whoa. Forcing a Python 3 coder to revert to Python 2 ought to be banned under the Geneva convention. ;) Especially if Unicode handling is involved.
aha just inserted the input inside while loop and now it's ok
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη payload['start'] = int(start) + 1 keeps computing the same value. BTW, that continue at the bottom of that fir loop is useless.
@PM2Ring just noticed it now. same value keep repeat
@PM2Ring ^
@AnttiHaapala Yeah, that's what I read earlier.
start = int(start)
    while True:
        test = input('Move to Next Page? (Y/ Q): ').upper()
        if test == 'Y':
            start += 1
            payload['start'] = start
            r = requests.get('https://serpapi.com/search',
            for item in r['organic_results']:
@PM2Ring now it's ok. thanks for the note
The summer weather here is starting to get serious. We had a max of 29°C yesterday, 32° today. We just had a brief thunderstorm, which dropped the temp to 28°, but the pavement was literally dry again in less than 10 minutes after the rain stopped. It's now so humid that it almost feels like being in a sauna. At least it's bearable inside my place.
@PM2Ring Turn on the air condition :P
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη Now the continue is effectively at the bottom of the while loop, so it's still doing nothing.
@U10-Forward Yeah, right. I do have a fan, though. But I don't really need it at the moment. Luckily, I'm not too far from the coast, and there's almost always some breeze.
@PM2Ring Yeah
@AnttiHaapala Ok. He's basically admitting that he's Zed.
wow, what an unpleasant person
Are you still around @MartijnPieters ? I need a moderator...
@wim I'm not impressed by his attitude, or that weird strawman argument about methods & functions. I definitely wouldn't like to expose my thought processes to a whole book-full of his stuff.
@MartijnPieters Never mind, emergency averted.
Neat, I just found a way to arbitrarily fast-forward an itertools.combinations instance in O(1) time and space.
Does anybody have any experience in OpenAPI and whether or not it's worth looking into it if I'm new to implementing/using REST APIs and want to learn more?
OpenAPI is great, I recommend it.
@wim I'm intrigued! I didn't know you could do that. When I've needed that sort of funtionality, I've rolled my own, using combination (or permutation) indices.
@PM2Ring check my latest answer if interested
@wim ok thanks. I wasn't sure how prevalent it is in real-life.
@wim Ta, I will. I need a nanna nap first. :)
hey quick q, need to check if a string is all letters and spaces. What's faster, regex or stackoverflow.com/questions/29460405/…?
@aadibajpai try measuring it by putting time before running your python script.
e.g. time python my_python_script.py <input string>
yeah no it's actually for a task so if I do it, the task is meaningless
say what, I'll add the checking part to the task as well haha
a = 'One'
b = 'Two'

print(f"hi {a}\nhi {b}")
Hi, is there pythonic way to write list comprehension containing an if between for's?
how to tell f-string to print 2 blank lines ?
@variable my_list = [fruit for fruit in basket if is_juicy(fruit)] Something like this?
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη I would just do "\n\n" + f"{greeting}, world!"
@jigglypuff got it \n\n can be repeated. well done
wow what a cool feature of f-string
@wim lol , i just were unaware about it. maybe you were but I'm not
@jigglypuff - something like this -> my_list = [slice for fruit in basket if is_juicy(fruit) for slice in fruit]
@variable I think most people would say to split this out over multiple lines for readability. I was readying Effective Python last night and it recommended not to use list comprehension to the point of incomprehension. But your list may be a good candidate for a generator, so consider that too.
I know that we can nest multiple for loops and also that we can nest multiple if loops after the for loop. But I didnt know that you could have an IF loop between FOR loops like my example above
ah ok, so your example works?
I dont know I thought Id ask before trying as I didnt come across such an example
ah ok, not sure
It does work but I want some reassurance that it behaves exactly like how I think it is
hmm, print out the contents of the list?
or rewrite it with verbosely and assert that the ouputs are the same?
Hi all
I am new one in python, can anyone help me how to start
and of course if is not a loop at all
stackoverflow.com/a/39539757/10984358 in this answer, I dont see any return but how is the dict getting printed when you print the object?
<class '__main__.XmlDictConfig'>
but when i print xmldict I get the dict
is it cuz it inherits the dict class? so to use this in a class of my own i need to have this class inside mine or as a module?
@jigglypuff thanks
@MartijnPieters Interesting how the artist sided with Zed.
@jigglypuff don't use time to profile code chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/47667697#47667697
@Aran-Fey :|
@TheNamesAlc yes, it's a dict subclass so it has a dict's .update, repr and str
Whether or not you want to inherit from it is an issue unrelated to dicts
@TheNamesAlc I'm a bit afraid to ask but how do you think the presence of a return should help?
my bad, it was a result of the cursory look I had on the code, I forgot it was actually calling __init__, it returns none :/
hi hi
is it worth it to upgrade from python 3.7 to 3.8?
or are there not to many changes?
barely any changes
:= I use this a lot, since I deal with regex MatchObjects, other than that I dont see a need
also if you have an affinity for one liners you can sneak it in just cuz its cool
so it is not worth the manual installation?
correct, 3.7 is good enough for now.
ok thanks
@TheNamesAlc please don't write "cool one-liners" (especially with asspressions) if anybody else will ever have to read your code
also there's Kernighan's "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it."
I'm trying to get the content of a website by making a request with django.For example downloading an image from instagram .How can I do without using Selenium?
@Aran-Fey I change that but still don't get results. I just get 0.0 . This is my code
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
filename = 'firstlist.txt'

with open(filename) as f:
    data = f.readlines()

filename1 = 'secondlist.txt'

with open(filename1) as c:
    data1 = c.readlines()

seq = SequenceMatcher(None, data, data1)

Can someone to help me with this? I have two files and need to compare row by row with SequenceMatcher.
what result do you expect?
I expect 0.9990243902439024 and similar
@AndrasDeak "Anybody else includes yourself six months in the future:-)"
@Pijes have you verified it with synthetic data?
@tomsgd I often use that very statement to get a point across to people whenever there's a place that should be refactored
@MisterMiyagi Yes I tried row by row 3-5 times
@Pijes allow me to doubt that, because with synthetic data it works flawlessly.
@MisterMiyagi Can I ask you what is synthetic data? I have language barrier
data you have manually created with a known difference
for example, SequenceMatcher(None, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2]).ratio()
are you actually looking for differing lines, or for differences inside lines?
Differing lines
then you should provide a sample data set, because your code is fine.
@MisterMiyagi Maybe a made some other mistake. I need to check
@MisterMiyagi Basically this is test example what I need. test with test1, test1 with test2. You can see here pastebin.com/S0x9DPLK
Not working for me. Don't know why
0 out of 4 lines are identical, so that's a ratio of 0.0
@Aran-Fey That's just example. I don't work with that
@Aran-Fey test and test1 0.8888888888888888
test1 and test2 0.8
you're not comparing "test" to "test1", you're comparing ['test', 'test1', 'test2', 'test3'] to ['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4']
test != test1, test1 != test2, test2 != test3, test3 != test4 = ratio 0.0
@tomsgd yes, but you are free to dig your own pits to fall into
@Aran-Fey From the start I want to compare row by row, not whole file
Can you help me with that?
ratios = [SequenceMatcher(None, line1, line2).ratio() for line1, line2 in zip(data, data1)]
avg_ratio = sum(ratios) / len(ratios)
@Aran-Fey Thank you I will try with that code
Hi with your new code https://pastebin.com/8s0DS5sF I get this results in my experimental test 3.375757575757576 and
4 . Basically the second one just give me number of rows. I still don't get row by row results. I need that
@Aran-Fey Soory I didn't mention you
Oh come on. The results for the individual rows are stored in ratios.
@Aran-Fey Sorry. You are right
Thank you
probably prefer something like repl.it/repls/RightBrownProtools over these static pastebins
:| can i hide an url inside the code ?
@Aran-Fey Turns out I didn't spot that Zed is wont to use multiple accounts. I guess he needs to keep the ad-hominems separate from the public brand.
@PM2Ring glad things worked out, I guess? :-)
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη yes, and people will probably be able to find it
@MartijnPieters The problem was a chat message that linked to code containing an API key. My first instinct was to ask a mod to delete the chat message. But it turned out that it was easy for the OP to edit the code. :)
I find it amazing that anyone would want to learn Python from Zed, with his strong negative attitude towards the Python language and towards Guido & other core developers.
people love underdogs
In what sense is Zed an underdog?
he goes up against Big Python
i keep hear about Zed ! but i never understood what's it ?
he's a person yea ?
the guy who wrote Learn Python the Hard Way and a series of related books
@AndrasDeak Oh ok.
many of them rather reviled
and most people probably aren't aware of him or his status, they just hear about LPTHW which is a default for many people (which is credit to the book's marketing)
(like pipenv)
i will go ahead and watch his course on Coursera
it's useful guys ?
I have no experience but I know many people have objections to how he presents Python in his book so I would suggest you don't use him as your primary source
In case like me anybody else lives under a rock, the 2019 python dev survey is on
from what I've read of LPTHW, it's like "Learn to use a screwdriver the hard way" -- because it is hard if you refuse to hold it the right way around
and painful...
I don't know, reversed screwdrivers can be pretty useful for driving wall plugs (anchors) into holes...
LPTHW is lots of copying code you don't understand and teaching yourself stuff. It doesn't actually teach you much, it mostly tells you what you should teach yourself
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη I wouldn't advise anyone to learn Python from Zed.
8 hours ago, by PM 2Ring
@wim I'm not impressed by his attitude, or that weird strawman argument about methods & functions. I definitely wouldn't like to expose my thought processes to a whole book-full of his stuff.
@PM2Ring alright.
Maybe I've been spoilt by reading programming books by good authors, like Kernighan & Ritchie, P. J. Plauger, Nicklaus Wirth, etc. Even the PostScript manual is pretty good. Good authors have a clear methodical presentation, and do their best to introduce the material in a logical & linear fashion. Bad authors jump all over the place, and don't impart a clear sense of direction.
The survey is not smart enough. I told it that my primary editor is vim, yet it offered emacs as an option for an additional editor.
They're just questions, @AndrasDeak. It's a test, designed to provoke an emotional response...
it'a a Turing test - if you say you use vim and don't turn into a fuming monster when a better editor is offered to you, you must be an AI
*hovering over chat flag button*
careful, the star button is very close
It was surprising that jupyter lab and jupyter notebook was offered, and ipython wasn't. But I guess ipython really isn't that useful as an editor. (Arguably neither is a jupyter notebook)
ipython is my go-to solution for editing code-snippets before they end up c/p'd to some editor-free server.
editor-free server??
bare vim without customisation
that's practically the dark ages for me ^^
what's scary is when they only offer nano
Calling bare vim as "editor-free". I see where this is going.
Why not copy over your favourite vimrc and make it custom? :P
it's a bit surprising to me, because when I copy from ipython I either have to select full rows (in which case I have to get rid of the >>> and ... prompts) or I select a column with ctrl+click, in which case I end up with a bunch of whitespace at the end of lines
when I know I'll end up running the code from a file I usually write it in a file to begin with, and maybe %run it
I'm not the only admin on these servers (well, technically...) and frankly I can't be bothered keeping vimrc in sync on so many machines.
I meant ~/.vimrc
~ is /root ;)
lame server :P
Do you not have a personal .bashrc and friends either? You might be using linux wrong.
I find that I amend my vimrc at most once a year
they're all puppetized. direct access is just for troubleshooting.
I'd be in favour of just pushing a sensible .vimrc to all of them, but that means convincing the emacs crowd...
does puppet need a different vim config?
And why is emacs bothered by a vimrc?
the emacs crowd is bothered by vim. :P
that's silly
that's "mandatory review by the configuration managers"
"don't litter the shared directory with your personal gunk" isn't silly, but then the solution to that is to not be root
There could easily be a .emacs and a .vimrc, I wouldn't find them to be "personal gunk". Then again if everyone's root it might as well be in /etc
oh, don't get me wrong. I don't disagree.
it's simply not my decision.
What is the answer for: "Why is it easy to make a list class attribute, but hard to make an int class attribute?"
they're literally the same operation
I thought so but it appears here: nedbatchelder.com/text/names.html
the comments clarify that it's about using them properly, not about making them
I know that class attribute means class variable. I also know that mutable class variable can be mutated by instances and the change gets shared at class level. But wanted to know if there was anythign more to it
since lists can be mutated, you are more likely to accidentally share mutations between instances
Ah ok
for what it's worth that wasn't entirely clear to me either
I guess he means "when accessing the attribute via an instance"
The set of rational numbers is countable because the set of coprime natural number pairs is countable, and you can convert from one to the other. But is there a more efficient ordering of rationals? With the method listed on that page, it takes a long time to calculate the trillionth rational, because you have to increment through over a trillion natural number pairs, skipping the relatively prime ones.
I'm only familiar with that ordering, which means nothing
I guess you can also do a depth-first search of decimals?
whoops, that only works for a bounded interval
If you can find an efficient ordering of, say, the rationals in (0,1], then I'm pretty sure you can do some diagonalization magic to extend it to an ordering of all rationals
Since we already know that the natural numbers have the same cardinality as the natural number pairs
Yeah, that works. [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ..., 0.9, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, ..., 0.09, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13 ...]
I worry that sequence will only contain numbers with finite decimal representations. So 1/3 = 0.333... will be absent.
enumerate numbers with n digits for n in count(), just skip those with a trailing 0
@Kevin in finite time :P
that's also true for any other enumeration, it's just that you leave different numbers to the end
To reach 1/3, do you need countably infinite time, or uncountably infinite time? Does this question even make sense?
@Kevin if you change the ordering, doesn't that mean that the trillionth rational also changes?
But wait, you're right that in infinite time that would also give you the irrationals, which is not good
@MisterMiyagi of course
@Kevin I don't know but I suspect countable.
Yeah. There's no "objectively trillionth rational", it varies depending on the method. And I'm OK with that.
Countability has a taste of discreteness to me (that non-rationals lack), and decimal digits seem discrete. But IANAM
if the n'th items depends on ordering, finding an ordering suitable to find the n'th number appears to be nonsensical.
either way, it seems with the suggested ordering, the index grows along the lines of n**2 or n! and should be computable if one could be arsed to do it.
which may allow for a binary search
Hmm, maybe you can take advantage of the fact that infinite decimal representations can be represented in a finite number of characters. E.g. 1/300 = 0.00(3)
@MisterMiyagi I think the point is to be able to jump ahead
So you iterate over the natural number pairs (a,b) and combine them as 0.a(b). Or is it a problem that 0.1 == 0.(9)?
so any ordering where n->n+m is better than O(m)'ish?
I guess you'd need a bijection between the natural numbers and "natural numbers that don't end in 9"
I am refactoring some code and looking for quick help on a question. Original code is:
for item in lst:
        if re.findall(MY_REGEX, item):
            is_flag = True

if not is_flag:
New code is:
if not any(re.findall(MY_REGEX, item) for item in lst):
I want some help on use of any here... presently any has findall - which returns a list. So is it good to use any? Or is there any alternative?
I think I am right
re.findall returns a list, but it is part of a generator of lists.
I don't think it's a problem that findall returns a list here. The behavior is well-defined, since empty lists are False in a boolean context, and non-empty lists are True.
There's no requirement that any's argument must yield only bools.
any is used to short-circuit the generator, not the findall
and as shown by the two answers, your question is not very precise
pattern = re.compile(MY_REGEX)
if not any(map(pattern.findall, lst)):
might be faster, by the way
@MisterMiyagi I'm pessimistic. Since we're discarding everything but relatively prime natural number pairs, I suspect efficient index computation would require efficient prime computation. And finding primes fast is notoriously tricky.
do you actually need the n'th or is any n'ish'th number fine?
Cthulhu getting closer
I have no practical application in mind for this puzzle, so I don't "need" anything, strictly speaking. But I would like the nth number exactly.
Revisiting variable's problem for a minute, I bet it would be faster to use re.match instead of re.findall. Ultimately, we only care whether the pattern appears at least once, so there's no point exhaustively finding all occurrences.
cbg guys o/
@roganjosh Is it okay to use redis for cacheing instead of flask-cacheing? Any idea?
@roganjosh I am gonna use that, looks promising to me.
Agree with match. Instead of findall. But then still use any or is there any better option
Any is the best option.
Is it MongoDB thing?
Rule of thumb: if you have an approach, and it works, and it's fast enough, then it's a better option than any approach you haven't written and tested and benchmarked yet.
I think my scheme for mapping natural number pairs to 0.a(b) is no good, since 0.12(34) == 0.123(43)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… May be useful... Coprime pairs can be represented as nodes in a ternary tree, and nodes in an infinitely large N-ary tree are countable iff N is finite. Unclear whether there's a fast mapping between natural numbers and node addresses though.
@Kevin Yeah but technical debt though.
It's equivalent to asking whether there's a fast mapping between integers and strings constructed from an alphabet of N letters. This is a problem that has frustrated me before. "Just convert the integer into base N and assign each digit to a letter" doesn't work because leading zeroes are lost: with N=256, using the ASCII alphabet, "A" and "\0\0\0A" both map to 65.
@TheLittleNaruto yes it's made for that. we use it for that too
@Kevin pretty much how I do it too. And necroposting :P It only showed a time no date, so no clue how old that message was :P
Wow Zed Shaw seems obnoxious as hell. I always wonder with such people if that is their marketing scheme or if they are really like that
gosh. code path a) is 20% faster on cpython, but b) is 40% faster on pypy. this is a cruel day.
@MartijnPieters pretty much the first thing I did with Twitter was call out Shaw. After a discussion in this room. :-)
Sep 29 '16 at 15:45, by davidism
The real question is if I should tag Zed.
META I just took the "through the loop" survey and I answered one of the questions in regards to what I find most frustrating. I said that I think people need to vote more in order to get a more accurate scoring on answers. Good answers rising to the top only works if people vote. So I thought to myself, would a "Use it or lose it" policy work? Meaning, each day your number of votes vary based on how many votes you cast from before.
I haven't thought through the exact formula, but does that sound ridiculous?
And... wife is calling rbrb
enforcing something like that will usually lead to a lot (or maybe even most) of people doing a mindless sweep of upvotes to get it out of the way.. something like the "please vote if this helped you" banner superuser uses might be better (disclaimer: I hate that banner).
@piRSquared this is how funding in science works generally. The TLDR is that it does not work.
yes, bad system
by the way: what survey? did I miss the newest outcry?
prepares to run around, screaming madly
4 hours ago, by Andras Deak
In case like me anybody else lives under a rock, the 2019 python dev survey is on
This is part of the administration's master plan to overhaul and/or kill Meta
is the /64 part of the ipv6 address?
since it means several addresses, it's not part of "the" address
@Kevin the dev survey? oO
Yes. Unless I'm confusing "the survey that the administration said they would be sending out in order to get feedback on their master plan" with "the survey they send out every year"
The survey Andras linked is the PSF Python survey, not an SO survey.
Here's the start of the Meta kerfluffle:
21 hours ago, by PM 2Ring
The beginning of the end of SE Meta? https://stackoverflow.blog/2019/11/25/introducing-the-loop-a-foundation-in-listening/
The master plan feedback survey is at surveymonkey.com/r/Z2YDMRD. I see that the URL is different from Andras' link, so I guess I was mistaken.
surveymonkey.com/r/Z2YDMRD is the survey pi is referring to, I expect
huh, that was quick
i expected something long and tedious
that was shorter than expected
@JonClements cbg 0/
@Hakaishin Thanks for confirmation :-) Anything in particular I should take care of before adding redis cacheing?
Only this:
There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.

-- Phil Karlton
@TheLittleNaruto side note: the noun is cache, but the verb is caching, see shouldiblamecaching.com ;)
@Hakaishin I always thought the quote was "There are two hard CS problems, cache invalidation, naming things, and off by one errors."
It is actually: There are only two hard problems in distributed systems: 2. Exactly-once delivery 1. Guaranteed order of messages 2. Exactly-once delivery
@AndrasDeak Thanks for correcting :P
Is there any tool to make our localhost public for testing purpose?
@TheLittleNaruto firewall settings and bind whatever to a public port?
@JonClements Okay I'll have to check how to do that.
@TheLittleNaruto there's also a service that's fairly good for some things: ngrok.com
Me: "We have to code defensively here because the API might return malicious data."
Coworker: "I wrote that API, and I promise it returns only nice data."
Me: "Ok, let's code recklessly then."
@JonClements Yeah!! ngrok is the one I was looking for. had forgotten the name. Thanks a ton melon :)
I think, had used it 3 years back.
@TheLittleNaruto watermelon :)
anybody got an idea how i find my external ipv6 of our fortigate? I only see a ipv6 prefix, which is not a valid ipv6 in itself
@Hakaishin When I need to find the public IP of my router, I can usually find it in the output of ipconfig /all. Not sure if that works for your network architecture.
Possible failure modes: maybe firewalls don't tell you their public ip. Maybe it tells you its ipv4 ip but not its ipv6 ip.
hmm, yeah one router has a nice cli webinterface
but this thing doesn't, looks like i will have to get to it by ssh, which is always a pain on windows why :(
@TheLittleNaruto not sure I follow the distinction. Flask-cache already supports a redis cache
@roganjosh melon /\\
lol it doesn't run a linux, it runs fortios, that's why no commands work :P
And a goodbye one for today
there's two hard problems in computer science: we only have one joke and it's not funny.
cya ppl
I have determined that the trillionth positive rational number is 4173501552/938500349. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. pastebin.com/WcyHmxiw
I suspect there are variations of n_to_sequence that give more intuitive orderings, but I couldn't be bothered to write one
@variable You've been kicked because I've asked you not to bring random problems here. Multiple times. What you just asked can be answered in two minutes if you open up a python interpreter.
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη the old one is not a good dupe target
I did try and it works. But haven't seen such a usage in online examples so was doubting whther it is legal method
14th question!
@variable what do you mean by "legal"? either it works or it doesn't
The syntax of list comprehensions is documented at docs.python.org/3/reference/…. If you trace the grammar, you can see that you are permitted to chain any number of fors and ifs in any order, provided you start with for. It's not a quirk of the CPython interpreter that this is allowed -- it's in the language specification.
You can do [x for x in range(10) if True if True if True if True if True] if you are inclined
I saw examples like nested for's: FOR FOR FOR... and also nested if's after for: FOR IF IF as you have mentioend above. But I didn't find any examples like FOR IF FOR so was bit confused when I used it and it worked.
Rule of thumb: if you use it and it works, then it's legal syntax.
Nov 22 at 12:57, by PM 2Ring
@variable BTW, there's no such thing as an if loop. You can call it an if statement, or if block.
Oh wow, not even the first time asking the same thing. This gets better and better.
@davidism Fun fact: I'm blocked by Zed now, so I can't see what they responded with :-D Not that I am keen enough to open an incognito tab on my browser and find out what loving message he shared in response, mind.
From the previous conversation: "I dont know I thought Id ask before trying" is the opposite of the recommended order. Try before asking. It takes you five seconds to see what your interpreter does, and five minutes for someone to give a constructive reply to your query.
@Kevin Related to your rational number thing, see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farey_sequence which gives you all rational numbers in numerical order, upto a given denominator. Producing Farey sequence is fast, but unfortunately I don't know a quick way to jump directly to a given member. So this doesn't exactly solve your original request. ;)
I am perpetually confused by this "ask first" approach because it seems as though the asker does not respect the value of their own time. Surely they would want to get the answer as quickly as possible, and the answer is most quickly attained through personal experimentation?
@variable That is a fair question. It is good to ask others if you think your understanding is faulty. But you have a track record in this room of asking about stuff without any evidence that you already tried it yourself. So you need to ask your questions in a way that shows us that evidence.
Aug 20 at 9:35, by PM 2Ring
Imagine that you won a competition, and the prize is a free session with a Python think-tank who normally charge $1000 per hour. Don't waste that prize!
@PM2Ring Ooh, that's neat.
How do I use black to format something real quick. For example, I'm using my jupyter notebook and I have a really long list of things that is non-pep8 formatted. Instead of manually adding all of the newlines, I want to black("['itemA', 'ItemB']")
Farey sequences are magic. :)
Oh wow. That Farey sequence article has a bunch of new stuff that wasn't there last time I read it. Either that, or my memory's getting worse than I thought. ;)
zero upvotes :D I guess if I changed the title to "NameError: name 'tpyo' is not defined" I would get a stellar question in no time :D
@piRSquared if it's just a once-off snippet then you can use black.now.sh
@wim can I ask you to look at something
import requests

url = 'http://pixplot.yale.edu/datasets/bain/photos.tar'
with open('photos.tar', 'wb') as out:
  r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
oops, the with block should be indented obvi
this is throwing:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "t.py", line 7, in <module>
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
I am not sure why
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