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Most examples have an Application class, thus you pass self to those functions so you can access whatever the class has.
@JohnnyApplesauce not sure what you mean but perhaps the function has default arguments?
@JohnnyApplesauce Your two examples do two very different things. In one case you use the function to calculate a value which is then passed into the other function. In the other case, you pass a function itself to another function.
The miscommunication has been unveiled
I don't use Tkinter but in the back of my mind 2 things are burning: 1) you use lambda to bind functions to buttons and 2) functions are late-binding.
Let's put my thoughts on pause. What is late-binding?
Yes, event handler callbacks are a good example of when you can pass a function to another function.
@JohnnyApplesauce this
...which was the original example, I see
Okay, so if you want to pass a function into a function
With the variables that get passed into the inner function
Without passing in concrete values
How do you do that in tkinter?
@JohnnyApplesauce Use the self.
@JohnnyApplesauce In your example, you don't pass any values to the command. tkinter will pass values to it when the user clicks the button.
Wrap your stuff in a class and add self to the function def ExtendedPrice(self): and then you can access stuff from self.
But that's just a polite way to say "use globals"
Why is it?
@JohnnyApplesauce I think I know what you're thinking, but it isn't. Globals are much worse than using class variables.
So if I were making a bigger application
I take it not everything ends up inside the class
How would you even make a large project in tkinter anyway? Was it ever intended for large programs?
no, each class should be designed to accomplish a single task
@JohnnyApplesauce Well, this is unrelated to the global conversation, but Tkinter isn't exactly industry grade... So you could, but I'm not sure how good of an idea that is.
I'm not following this at all. Can you please give an MCVE. I feel like we're talking about different things
What is MCVE?
I'm not on globals anymore
I'm asking software engineering questions
What 3rd party module is "industry grade" for Python GUIs?
No, you're still asking about tkinter, based on shakey foundations from the previous question
@JohnnyApplesauce PyQt I reckon
If you don't know why you need lambda on Tkinter buttons then you're not understanding the event-driven environment, so it's gonna just get more confusing to then start talking about bigger apps
What are most GUIs, like browsers and text editors, made in anyway? C++, Java?
Yes, both C++ and Java
@JohnnyApplesauce This varies a lot. Qt and C++ is common combo. I don't know what the combo is Java. Electron the GUI that Visualstudio and Atom. Some applications have multiple code bases and are written different depending on the OS.
Java has Swing and JavaFX
@roganjosh Do you really need a lambda for event handlers? Or can you use any "callable"?
@Code-Apprentice That's where my understanding runs out, but I think it's that you don't want arguments evaluated at runtime
Good to know. Thanks
There are far better people to answer this than me in the room but I'm seeing a few red flags is all
@roganjosh I'm not familiar with tkinter specifically. I'm only extrapolating from my experience with other GUI frameworks in other languages.
and I'm not sure what you mean by "don't want arguments evaluated at runtime". AFAIK, arguments are always evaluated at the moment you call a function, whether its a lambda or a def.
@Code-Apprentice well that's certainly not true because of the mutable default argument
can you provide an example to illustrate?
I'm reading about it here as well.
If I knew tkinter, I'd be able to give a better illustration. But something something you need lambda on buttons so that it can take dynamic values
> Functions created with a lambda expression are in no way special, and in fact the same exact behavior is exhibited by just using an ordinary def
A: How to pass arguments to a Button command in Tkinter?

VooI personally prefer to use lambdas in such a scenario, because imo it's clearer and simpler and also doesn't force you to write lots of wrapper methods if you don't have control over the called method, but that's certainly a matter of taste. That's how you'd do it with a lambda (note there's als...

Observe that lambdas lose the names...
Lambdas should never have a name
>>> def f():
...     pass
>>> print(f)
<function f at 0x7f2d8eb8fc80>
>>> g = lambda x: None
>>> print(g)
<function <lambda> at 0x7f2d8eb8fd08>
If you follow PEP8
I am just saying they are not equiv.
I never argued that is was equivalent, I'm saying that late binding means that you have to change the approach with event-driven stuff. I'm not able to give a solid example myself, but I also don't want to watch the blind leading the blind. The best I can do is say "there are other considerations"
@roganjosh This is for the quote code apprentice gave.
@roganjosh Thanks for the info. I'm not familiar with the gotchyas of late binding. I haven't done event-driven programming in Python. My main question/comment was if lambdas specifically are required. From what I can tell they are not and defs can be used as well. Most likely the scope where the def is defined will matter more than I originally thought.
@roganjosh this particular example is showing how to delay the evaluation of the function call by putting it into a lambda. You can do the same thing with another def.
@Code-Apprentice I don't doubt that lambda is a convenience here and that it couldn't be achieved in other ways. However, I think it's idiomatic
although, variable someNumber would have to be in scope and have the expected value at the time of the call.
so to summarize: My question: "is a lambda required by event-handlers in tkinter?" Answer: "no, but it's idiomatic"
Has anyone converted from hexagonal q,r (axial coordinate system) to Cartesian x,y (e.g. for bokeh HexTile, for creating a hextile map)? I've been following the redblobgames' tutorial but my choice of axial coords is causing severe grief when plotting. Need some advice
Equally, just binding the function to the button wouldn't work because you weren't considering how the arguments would be evaluated. So it does answer your question, but it doesn't directly help JohnnyApple
I have a lambda which sometimes raises TypeError or KeyError. I want to wrap this lambda in a decorator to ignore such errors, how would I do this?
Can I pass a lambda to a lambda?
@jigglypuff Wrap the current code in a try..except clause inside your lambda definition (it'll need to be more than one line long)
@smci hmm yeh that's one way
I have 8 of these lambdas though, and they all need the same type of wrapper, I was hoping to make it look pretty at the same time
@jigglypuff Passing lambdas into lambdas wouldn't solve things, and would just obfuscate a five-line function.
I was thinking decorators?
@jigglypuff Oh, like a decorator. But first, try to eliminate the possibility of throwing the exception in the first place. e.g. use exception-safe methods like dict.get() rather than dict[key]. It's generally a bad practice to write exception-happy code.
I forgot to mention that I'm accessing nested dicts in a JSON, lambda r: r['fields']['status']['name']
If status doesn't exist, I'll get a TypeError because it won't be able to access name. So get() or setdefault() won't help me I don't think
dict.get().get() would still raise a TypeError to complain about NoneType not being subscriptable
dict.get(something, {}).get(). But this is getting ugly territory
@jigglypuff What roganjosh says. You need a recursive safe get() operation. Anyway you can probably refactor your code more cleanly (i.e. the accesses to the subdicts) so you don't have eight separate nested dict lookups, all of which can be throwing errors. If you know d['fields']['status'] doesn't exist, then skip code that tries to access its children.
@smci ok thanks, yeh I had cooked up a recursive function earlier but got rid of it, I'll re try it and see how it goes.
@jigglypuff Eight separate lambdas sounds like spaghetti. Refactor them if possible. Refactor to parameterize the level-1, level-2, ... keys, default value etc. If you still need eight of them you're probably doing something wrong, post them here and we can advise.
```FIELDS = [("key", "Key", lambda r: r['key']),
("summary", "Summary", lambda r: r['fields']['summary']),
("status", "Status", lambda r: r['fields']['status']['name']),
("customfield_9975", "Severity", lambda r: r['fields'].get('customfield_9975', {}).get('value', {})),
("priority", "Priority", lambda r: r['fields']['priority']['name']),
("components", "Components", lambda r: [c['name'] for c in r['fields']['components']]),
Ignore the severity line, I was trying something..
it's a list of tuples, first value in tuple is used to query the api, second is its display name, third is the function to get the value from the response.
What's with all the lambda's? :/
Also, please see the formatting guide
I guess I solved it, I wrote a recursive function to access the dict while handling the exceptions.
Each tuple is unique so there are only as many lambdas as there are tuples
there could be 8 or 5000, and each one would need a lambda
lambda r: r['fields'].get('customfield_9975', {}).get('value', {})), I created a monster :P
I've tried that, get still throws exceptions
def get_nested_dict(a_dict, *keys):
    keys = list(keys)
    key = keys.pop(0)
        value = a_dict[key]
    except (KeyError, TypeError):
    if len(keys) == 0:
        return value  # it was the last one
        return get_nested_dict(a_dict[key], *keys)
I came up with this
38 mins ago, by roganjosh
Also, please see the formatting guide
def get_nested_dict(a_dict, *keys):
    keys = list(keys)
    key = keys.pop(0)
        value = a_dict[key]
    except (KeyError, TypeError):
    if len(keys) == 0:
        return value  # it was the last one
        return get_nested_dict(a_dict[key], *keys)
I'm trying
thanks @AlexanderCécile
It doesn't handle the case when the dict returns a list, it can probably be done but then you'd have to handle nested lists which might get hairy.
Well, triple backticks don't work in chat and the rest is in that link. I'm too tired to make sense of it. rbrb
@jigglypuff I'm late to this conversation, what's going on with your code?
just highlight the code and hit ctrl-k. That should do the trick.
def foo(test):

oh ok thanks @idjaw
@AlexanderCécile I access parameters using nested dicts but some values may be missing so it'd raise exceptions. I want it to look pretty so rather than having a function for each parameter I use a lambda as part of a data store for that parameter.
My lambda now looks like lambda r: get_nested_dict(r, 'fields', 'status', 'name') which is good enough
Originally I hoped to make it prettier by using some sort of a decorator for the lambdas to ignore the exceptions.
@jigglypuff I'm guessing that doing if _ in _ got too verbose?
I hadn't considered it, but yeh doing it 3 times may be a bit verbose.
@jigglypuff You could also use my_dict.get(curr_key), no?
that will also throw exceptions if my_dict is NoneType
@jigglypuff ooh, right. Although if your dict came from another dict itself, then you could .get() it's "ancestor" ;)
@jigglypuff 3 times doesn't seem like much. Have you shared more of your code?
I tried dict.get(a).get(b).get(c) but if the first get returns None, then you'll get an exception when trying .get(b).
I shared all my tuples earlier, but it's ok, I think I've got a working solution for now.
@jigglypuff Ah if you're chaining them, then of course
@jigglypuff Good :)
@jigglypuff Just write a recursive method find_nested_keylist() which takes a list_of_keys as input. It looks for d.get(list_of_keys[0], {}), and if that returns something that is not None, then it recurses (calls itself) with list_of_keys[1:]. No need to catch exceptions, ever. It's easy and it's probably been answered on SO many times already. I'm busy right now otherwise I'd find the dupe link.
@smci that's exactly what I did, see above for my function
No it isn't what you did, you just chained .get() calls, that will fail when it hits its first None. That's not writing a function. What you need to do is define a function def find_nested_keylist(list_of_keys) that recursively calls itself find_nested_keylist(list_of_keys[1:]), when it successfully finds d.get(list_of_keys[0], {}) and tests that returns something that is not None
@smci, mate use your scroll wheel, scroll up a bit and check out my get_nested_dict function
How do y'all determine whether an edit is worth approving?. Now that I am doing these reviews most edits just look like people trying to gain rep, they are mostly irrelevant. Some clean the code or prose up a bit, but in an insignificant way.
@smci I believe that @jigglypuff was referring to the code further up than that:
def get_nested_dict(a_dict, *keys):
    keys = list(keys)
    key = keys.pop(0)
        value = a_dict[key]
    except (KeyError, TypeError):
    if len(keys) == 0:
        return value  # it was the last one
        return get_nested_dict(a_dict[key], *keys)
I'm wondering to what extent does async/await compare to Haskell
@AaronHall you are the person here who should be best suited to answer questions comparing Python and Haskell, no?
if that's the case we're all in trouble...
We're in trouble then
@Dodge don't be stingy with approvals, if it's something that makes the post marginally better, I'd put it through.
Okay good to know. Also, are we okay with code-only pandas answers? I see the low quality post queue now and code-only pandas answers are common, so common that I think just leaving them alone is probably better than suggesting the answerer add some explanation.
I've been trying to get up to speed on async/await... reading code and docs is giving me some intuition, but I don't think I'm 100% there yet.
@Dodge code only can be ok, especially when it's the only answer, but if there's already a lot of answers, and the code is basically the same as other answers, it's deletable...
So the help center states "If the issue is too complicated to explain in a custom flag reason and you have sufficient reputation, you can try contacting the moderators in chat.", and links to chat.stackoverflow.com. Where in the chat am I actually supposed to find the moderators?
@AaronHall got it, thanks. Been a while since I have been in the Haskell room but I've been so busy lately I can't even pretend to be learning any Haskell :)
@AlexanderCécile idk, mods are sometimes here and there.
@Dodge I got myself a new Kotlin t-shirt, myself, and I need to read some Scala and Clojure source code to get up to speed on Apache stuff... but Haskell is always there, waiting for me to return...
@AaronHall Ah, okay, thanks. I guess I can always use the contact form if it comes to that
@AlexanderCécile you can ping me if necessary - my name in blue means I'm a mod.
I'm falling asleep, however, so I'm off to bed!
@AaronHall Oh, alright. It's about an incident (spat?) with some guy in a post, who should I speak to about that?
@AaronHall Goodnight then :)
@jigglypuff I'm busy, at a meeting. But that code ignores what we all recommended you earlier to USE a_dict.get(key, None) DON'T USE a_dict[key]. roganjosh said it first. Then you do what I said: inspect the value you get, and if is None, don't recurse any more, just return None
from selenium import webdriver
import time

fox = webdriver.Firefox()
# find part of the page you want image of
element = fox.find_element_by_id('yw1')
png = fox.get_screenshot_as_png()  # saves screenshot of entire page
but nothing saved !
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη The last line of that answer is im.save('screenshot.png'), are you forgetting that maybe?
And this line before that: im = Image.open(BytesIO(png))

from selenium import webdriver
import time

fox = webdriver.Firefox()
# find part of the page you want image of
element = fox.find_element_by_id('yw1')
png = fox.save_screenshot('screenshot.png')  # saves screenshot of entire page
fixed now.
I am writing code in a new module and am in a dilema whether to use class or not. This module will hold around 15 utility functions and couple of constants variables. I cannot think about any use case of of having a need to have instances or instance variables. So is it a good choice to write a module or is it better to stick to a class for future extensibility?
@smci Then I suggest you concentrate on one thing at a time, that way you're less likely to miss important details before feeling compelled to contribute to the conversation.
Hey, i am running python 3.8 on windows 10.
pip install works fine with most stuff i install but now im getting error thrown installing ccxt
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:
TypeError: stat: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or integer, not NoneType
TypeError: stat: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or integer, not NoneType
Command errored out with exit status 1: python setup.py egg_info
and bunch of lines like this
python\python38-32\lib\site-packages\setuptools\sandbox.py", line 154, in save_modules
I use both pip and pip3 install package
same result
I defined 2d number list with zeros
arr_board = [[0] *3] * 3
printed the list. It returns as below
[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
Now I want to set every [i][i] to '1'. I wrote following code.
for i in range(0, 3):
arr_board[i][i] = 1

But it gives me
[[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]

But I am expecting
[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]

Why it is working other way around?
@SmithDwayne closing as dupe see answer
^oops, fixed
@ParitoshSingh: Then How can I arrive what i expecting?
There's a link to a full answer which also tells you how to do that. Essentially, you need to iterate instead of just multiplying
Are these both statements the same, or is any better: # if lst[3] in string.ascii_uppercase versus if lst[3].isupper()
If you just want to check if a letter is uppercase, then use the latter.
It depends on what lst[3] actually is, and what you're trying to do.
lst[3] is an item in the list whcih could be number or string. I want to ensure it is an uppercase letter.
both serve by purpose. Onwhat basis do I decide which one to use
cool, use .isupper() if they're all going to be strings (even if it's a string representing a number)
Is there any preference amongst using: 1) if lst[3] in list('AEI') versus 2) if lst[3] in 'AEI' ?
When faced with choices like that, opt for readability. I'd take the latter.
any performance differences in examples that small are inconsequential.
and if you wanted to spell it out probably use if lst[3] in ('A', 'E', 'I')
@jigglypuff I didn't miss any details, even though I was busy. Me and several others had already told you how to fix your code. And I didn't "feel compelled", you asked us for help. You're welcome.
Is entire file loaded in memory or does it work like a generator when we use: with open('example.csv') as csvfile:
@variable that simply opens a file handle, it doesn't read anything from anywhere
if you do csvfile.read() then you read it all into memory; if you do for line in csvfile you read one line at a time and that's a generator-like loop
@Code-Apprentice you can use any callable, python never cares. But you typically need a lambda for functions that don't exist elsewhere, or when you want to temporarily curry functions to become callbacks
@tripleee - Ok when doing for line in csvfile, if I append to a new list, then that will be memory intensisve right?
data = []
    for line in csvfile:
this means if csvfile is very large and computer memory is low then the program can crash if we use the above code
@Dodge most aren't
@variable you're asking completely random questions again. I'm asking you as a room owner to stop now. You are abusing the patience of this room's regulars. We can't hand-hold you until you become a python expert. Go out there, read tutorials and learn in other ways.
Each of your questions can be investigated by googling at worst
Is there any built in function in numpy that lets me slice the image array in equal tiles while also keeping the reference of the tiles so I can stitch it back?
I don't understand the question
What do you mean by "reference"?
reference as in say image is a (2,2) 2D array and I slice in 4 equal parts, so I should be able to tell (00, 01, 10, 11) slice of the array
It is doable in numpy, but I want to see if there's any specific inbuilt function for this purpose
Whatever method would do that should naturally give you the slices in a well-defined order. Probably row-major.
Aye, if you are modifying a matrix, it's generally your responsibility to keep track of what operations you did. Things like flatten are really easy to reverse if you know what shape you started from before flattening.
right now, my image is mxm, so if i want n slices, I'm just going row by row (row is m/n) and then slicing the row, but I think there's some better way for this
because if m increases, it'll become a problem
If you're ever iterating in numpy, there's probably a better way.
If you are cutting into equal-sized subarrays there is, otherwise not really. There's np.array_split but I don't think it works on 2d. Worth looking at, though.
For example:
import numpy as np
arr = np.arange(10).reshape(2, 5) #print these out to see what's happening
arr[:, 3] #for just picking one section
arr[:, 2:4] #for slicing
Numpy supports some pretty powerful techniques for working with arrays
If n is a divisor of m you can do something like arr.reshape(n, m/n, n, m/n).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3) to get a 2d array of 2d arrays (not tested)
This is what I'm doing at the moment. But the number of slices is variable. Say I have a 2048x2048 array. Depending on the situation, the solution involves slicing it 4x4, 16x16 and 64x64 while keeping the reference of each block and then reassembling them.
I need the reference that's important first
If you have powers of two, see my last message. The first 2 dimensions encode the position. You can transpose-reshape back to stich together
Just keep everything in that 4d array
If you pick them apart instead, well, it's your job to keep track of logistics
@AndrasDeak that. is. wicked cool.
@AndrasDeak should be m//n
Thanks guys. Cheers.
Had to make some tweaks but it worked, better than iterating over rows
@variable well then yes you might as well read it all in one go
In python3, to iterate over files in a directory is it preferable to use Path(path).iterdir() or os.walk
print(f'"\b"*140{x=} {y=}',end='') this line in an infinite while loop should delete the previous 140 characters and just print x and y right? I still get all the lines
@variable those two functions are pretty different. but pathlib.Path is usually preferred over os.* operations
link typo/mis assumption.
^ closed.
Huh, in searching for a past answer, I find I only have 9 tagged with Flask. I need to pull my finger out :/
just saw a "kindness" upvote on a question that was a blatant dupe. It negated the rep effect of 4 downvotes. I have decided to mentally add that as a downside to the question upvote bump introduced recently.
Good thing it's still visually a -3 though
@ParitoshSingh if you'd rather do more than mentally tuck that dissatisfaction away, there's a meta thread for exactly the same thing
@jigglypuff Please see stackoverflow.com/a/41778581/4014959 and the other stuff I link to there.
Hi all is there a concept of auto imlemented properties in python. A C# example: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/… - It auto creates the backing private field.
^ closed
The passive-aggressive star is an unexpected chuckle
@roganjosh Perhaps, but it's gone now. A bit of snark in the context of banter between friends is ok, but I wasn't happy with that star.
@TheNamesAlc I haven't tested your code, but backspace probably can't back up past the start of the line. Are you on Linux or Mac? You may be able to do what you want using ANSI control sequences. If you can organize your output so it's on a single line then you may be able to do it just using \r (carriage return) and spaces.
Quick question on python type hints (import typing). The foll. code imports Dict type hint from typing library. But is it OK to just use str/float directly. I cant see any str/float in typing library:
import typing
x: typing.Dict[str, float] = {'field': 2.0}
@PM2Ring I ended up giving that as two different arguments print('\b'*140,f'{x=} {y=} ',end='',sep='') and it worked, it was all in the same line I believe, as end='' wont print \n's right? Windows btw
@variable yes it's fine. But you can also test it yourself by annotating types that way and then run mypy on violating code
@TheNamesAlc Sure, that should print on a single line, unless x or y have newlines in them, which I assumed must be the case since you said "I still get all the lines" ;)
it was supposed to print in the same line whenever x and y (both ints) changed, they still printed in the same line but since the \b*140 didnt work they just appeared next to each other, it was not a '\n' next line, it was a "not enough width here next line". I didnt realize this when I asked it here.
Yamming post-closure grace period
@TheNamesAlc Have you tried "\r" instead of the "\b*SOME_BIG_NUMBER"?
@TheNamesAlc Ah, ok. I'm not too familiar with the mechanics of the Windows terminal. I have used Windows a little, but mostly just as a plain user, doing stuff in a Web browser or Excel. I have very little experience of doing programming on Windows; it's a rather alien environment to me, and doesn't gel well with my coder intuitions that were developed in quite different environments.
(and you can't mix fixed font with non-fixed font in the same chat message)
meant to move both, but it seems the edit kicked out the first message from selection in the UI
6 hours ago, by Andras Deak
@variable you're asking completely random questions again. I'm asking you as a room owner to stop now. You are abusing the patience of this room's regulars. We can't hand-hold you until you become a python expert. Go out there, read tutorials and learn in other ways.
was that moved due to a hand holding type questions or due to formatting
@PaulMcG (nothing against you, of course)
cbg - I just checked in (to see what condition my condition was in) - didn't see the previous history
@variable BTW, there's no such thing as an if loop. You can call it an if statement, or if block.
@PaulMcG Love the musical reference.
@TheNamesAlc You might also have to print '\r' + ' '*SOME_BIG_NUMBER + '\r' to blank out the previously displayed text
@variable Probably a bit of both. But yes, those 2 ways are equivalent.
@PaulMcG will try this out now
@TheNamesAlc Another option, if you know the max string length of the stuff you're printing, is to specify field widths, and then the padding will blank out stuff automatically.
@PaulMcG works! I have to look into \r at last. always knew it was carriage return but never knew what that is
@PM2Ring those % formatted strings?
@TheNamesAlc It comes from the olden days of manual typewriters, when the typist had to reach up with their left hand and manually hit a lever and push the paper carriage back to the left margin to start the next line. (The lever actually did the advancing of the paper up one row, but it was the manual push that returned the carriage to column 1.)
Next up - what does 'cc:' mean in an email?
carbon copy. I know this :)
@TheNamesAlc All of the Python formatting techniques give you ways of specifying field widths. The width parameter is a minimum field width, so the field will be expanded if it's too small. That way, the printing may look messy, but at least the data won't get chopped off.
is it just me or do you guys also get 2.7 docs when you google python "library" docs, itertools, collections all give 2.7 as first result -_-
@TheNamesAlc You should take a look at docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#formatspec It applies to the format function and the format method, and also to f-strings.
@TheNamesAlc It's annoying. So I do python 3 docs some_topic
@TheNamesAlc with duckduckgo it varies
Every time you click a 2.7 docs link a kitten catches a cold
Google makes it a huge pain to edit links without clicking them
Google is gradually getting better at bringing up Python 3 docs, but those old Python 2 docs still have a huge amount of momentum.
I used to just click the Py2 doc link, then edit the URL in the address bar. But these days I try to avoid doing that because it just adds to the momentum of the Py2 results in Google's algorithm.
@AndrasDeak When Google started doing that was when I decided that they'd turned evil. Why should I have to fetch a page in the search results just to get its URL...
Can't you just copy address and edit?
ddg gives you the link fair and square
@TheNamesAlc link texts are usually abbreviated, and links are URL encoded fluff
@TheNamesAlc You can, but it's annoying, especially on a phone.
And as Andras said, you have to hand-decode the percent-encoded stuff.
in my phone i get the weird google url, but I dont see what you guys are telling on a desktop
It's been a while since I bothered with google
This is the link I get when I search for wiki python
ohh the omnibar URL, I had the search results, my bad sorry
Ok, that's not too bad, since there's no percent-encoded rubbish.
@PM2Ring I get https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwivxeKb-_3lAhWSmIsKHciLBdIQFjAAegQIAhAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FPython_(programming_language)&usg=AOvVaw2BukyCCe-5crhZoVjPWlrr
@AndrasDeak Interesting. Maybe my browser (Samsung, which I think is a fork of Chrome) is decoding the percent stuff for me.
Samsung has a browser?
oh they do that Internet Icon.
Samsung can create bloatware that your mind can't even conceive of
@Dair One nice addition to the Samsung browser is that it pops up a floating "fast jump to top" button on long pages, so you don't have to scroll.
I actually love Samsung stuff but it comes with things I don't want. I've been looking at laptops in the black Friday sale and i7 processors are way more expensive than I expected
I'm also bogged down in researching whether black Friday "deals" are actually deals. I'll probably decide in February
@roganjosh They also know how to cargo-cult code from SO. Just ask Code-Apprentice, or read about it on xda-developers.com/…
Please could you suggest me an article to understand the python data types - like float int numeric digit. I have always used x=5 or x=5.5 without going into details of the type - now I am dealing with usage of isnumeric, isdigit, isdecimal, etc so I need to understand some concepts first - any superb link like one of the nedbatchelder ones?
Related: I had a similar discussion in the pub yesterday about the direction of technology. My grandma happens to be blind and so was a relative of the other person. They're using Alexa to control things like lighting for guests entering the house, and I had my reservations about what they sacrifice for that convenience e.g. things listening. Then I wondered whether I'm just being jaded
So I was curious; the more I learn about modern tech, the more distrustful I'm becoming. I'm curious whether people here use smart TVs (that listen) or other such devices
@roganjosh The biggest argument I've heard against this is that your phones can already do this anyway. So Alexa is not anything special because your phone could do the same thing. You have to take severe caution and go out of your way to avoid this.
@Dair No disagreement here. But then it raises a sad question of why blind people have to take on the caveats of that for something that is obviously useful. I guess that most wouldn't even question it, but it has started my thinking
Obviously it's not just blind people, that's just the immediate example that I can relate to
@roganjosh You could try to make an opensource version of Alexa. But even then... Opensource is not total security either.
@roganjosh the dumber my home is the better
I'm trying to find it but there is a Turing Award winner talk that is really interesting about this...
in CHATLAB and Talktave, Jun 26 '18 at 10:59, by Dev-iL
Words of wisdom: The "S" in IoT stands for Security.
@AndrasDeak oh, I'm totally with you on this. I'm the same. But people with an impairment have an extra weight on the scales of whether they adopt the tech
similarly, we're all here on SO, which is a proprietary piece of software that could be doing just as bad as the rest of them...
@variable good news: those are all string methods so you needn't worry about python data types. What you need is the string docs.
@roganjosh yes, but I'm not one
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

r = requests.get('https://mgm.gov.tr/?il=Ankara')
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')

for tag in soup.findAll("div", attrs={"class": "tahminMax"}):
    for span in tag.findAll('span', attrs={'class': 'deger ng-binding'}):
it's should print the text inside the span but it's not
@AndrasDeak that's quite a flippant remark, no?
any idea what's wrong in my code ?
@roganjosh you were asking "whether people here use smart TVs (that listen) or other such devices".
Right ok, in that context, it's fine. Sorry. I didn't express myself very well
Oh here is the speech i'm thinking about: If you thought opensource was good enough you should check this talk out.
@Dair I've gone through the first page and I honestly don't get the connection
My thrust, I guess, is more along the lines of "there must be a way to get a Raspberry Pi to do these things for people with impairments rather than them take on a commercial product"
The crux: "We install this binary as the official C. We can now remove the bugs from the source of the compiler and the new binary will reinsert the bugs whenever it is compiled."
Speech recognition is a barrier, but they don't necessarily have to speak to do stuff
@Dair The real followup should be, does this line of code still exist? And then, a thought experiment: what if this was a thing in a closed source setup?
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη the class is not 'deger ng-binding', not even 'deger ng-bind'. The class is 'deger' and 'ng-bind' is another attr
@roganjosh The one huge argument that these companies make about collecting your data is that you need a lot of data to have ML learn. Having someone do it from scratch isn't enough data.
@Dair it's a valid argument
for span in tag.findAll('span', attrs={'class': 'deger', 'ng-bind': True}): seems to work @αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη

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