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@smci actually you did miss the fact that I posted a recursive function earlier and that I had already solved my own problem. Even after these facts were pointed out you still attempted a patronising reply which is not welcome in this chat room.
@PM2Ring cool, thanks, I'll check it out :)
1 hour later…
If I have a np array/torch tensor of shape (10, 60, 17, 3), how would I make it of shape (600, 17, 3)? Basically the first shape is (batch size, sequence length, num features, feature size), and id like to compress the batches into one long sequence
Oh wait I think I got it, is it just arr.reshape(batch * seq, num feat, feat size)
1 hour later…
Hey, i am running python 3.8 on windows 10.
pip install works fine with most stuff i install but now im getting error thrown installing github.com/ccxt/ccxt

I use both pip and pip3 install package
same result
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:
TypeError: stat: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or integer, not NoneType
TypeError: stat: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or integer, not NoneType
Command errored out with exit status 1: python setup.py egg_info
python\python38-32\lib\site-packages\setuptools\sandbox.py", line 154, in save_modules
I also tried easy_install *link to latest version*
exactly the same error
Please help
Its really annoying because the error is not giving me anything to work with and i dont have enough experience with python
everything i found on stackoverflow was irrelevant
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
@TheGarrus You are probably better off posting an issue on the ccxt GitHub repo.
@TheGarrus Also, make sure you have the latest version of ccxt - 1.19.72 - it looks like the commit from 12 hours ago fixes some None type values, which is what your error message is telling you. Something is trying to stat() a file (probably using Path.stat()), and the filename given is not a valid string but None.
@PaulMcG when I'm seeing someone with 50K, i just understood that I'm too late :(
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη too late for what?
1 hour later…
Hi everyone
I am trying to access an excel file that is stored on the local drive using google colab
import pandas as pd
import io
import matplotlib as plt
%matplotlib inline

from google.colab import files
uploaded = files.upload()

funnel_data = pd.read_excel(io.BytesIO(uploaded['Copy of Gachibowli Funnel Tracker.xlsx']))
This is the code I used
However I am getting this error
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-c9798d64a822> in <module>()
----> 1 funnel_data = pd.read_excel(io.BytesIO(uploaded['Copy of Gachibowli Funnel Tracker.xlsx']))

9 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/xlrd/xlsx.py in do_row(self, row_elem)
    747                     else:
    748                         bad_child_tag(child_tag)
--> 749                 value = error_code_from_text[tvalue]
    750                 self.sheet.put_cell(rowx, colx, XL_CELL_ERROR, value, xf_index)
Any idea why this is happening?
download the xls file, look for broken cells with #ERROR
Outside python I mean
Has anybody used the shelve module?
I want to send mail via python through the gmail server.

I have opened less secure application access

But it gives the following error.

"TimeoutError: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not respond properly after a period of time

the codes are here: dpaste.com/0WCG46C
Is there anyone who has experienced the same problem ? There was no such thing when I tried 1 week ago
Thanks! @AndrasDeak
1 hour later…
Hi everyone, I'm trying to plot a Sankey diagram using ploty here (plot.ly/~alishobeiri/1591/plotly-sankey-diagrams/#). But when I try to reproduce their examples, I get an error saying "Authentication credentials were not provided". Do you know what should I do to solve that? I though plotly was opensource
3 hours later…
@Mez13 I think the issue is that using their servers to plot stuff is not free. Have you seen this? In the notebook you have, have you tried switching to using your local machine and possibly switching import plotly.plotly as py to import plotly.offline as py
@jigglypuff Yes a while ago, what is your question about it?
@PaulMcG Lol true. Im better off posting it in ccxt.
And yeah i have tried the latest 1.19.72 version each time
@PM2Ring I seem to remember that you mentioned that they radiated thermal radiation so I guess they're "exothermic" but I don't like the definition in terms of a body and not the reaction
@TheGarrus Probably. Some details of CPython's C API changed for Python 3.8, see python.org/dev/peps/pep-0587 So some 3rd party libraries need updating to work with 3.8
@roganjosh I agree. Exothermic & endothermic should describe reactions, not bodies.
@roganjosh that would imply that all objects are exothermic
@AndrasDeak how so?
The fact that they radiate out thermal energy?
I think the broken definition is going to make this debate a little silly because I don't think it makes sense for bodies to be described as exo/endo thermic.
@roganjosh yes, all T>0 objects, which covers everything
@roganjosh yes
@roganjosh I'm curious as to what that Femto is actually after... seems to be a curious thing to do
Be super efficient
Ohh, I misread sorry, I happened to mention femtoseconds for the first time in years yesterday
years is a lot of femtoseconds :)
this is very true
it's painful seeing the guy struggle with that defaultdict (non) answer
It was a "typo". All fixed now :P
I think there is something of a weekend effect where people get away with answers that just flatly don't make sense but they can get upvotes for showing something that the readers don't know. Hard luck, there's a few regulars on the prowl right now
I do feel for this one though... one generally doesn't want to do that :p
@JonClements "half of my OS doesn't work anymore" conjures up mental images of half a screen just being blank :P
Not sure about unclear... I mean it's doable... but maybe just unclear as to why...
something like:
d = {
    'abc': [0],
    'bc' : [1],
    'c' : [2],
    'b': [3]

todo = set(d)
while todo:
    key = todo.pop()
    matches = [v[0] for k, v in d.items() if key in k]
    d[key] = matches
would do it
but then stuff about ordering and what not... shrugs
... and then what? :P
I don't see how they can make use of that dict, but maybe
you apt-get uninstall your system Python and then you don't have to worry any further?: p
Well, I know only how to disable half of my OS and I can't even do that on Windows
If you want to disable half the windows, Just jam shut one half of the glass frame.
That's a lie. I'm getting flashbacks to my grandfather telling me the computer was broken. He stumbled over win32 and deleted all the files with odd names because it's a virus
Just like all those stupid looking values in the registry - they're clearly not needed for anything good :p
Viruses, viruses everywhere
Yeah... Windows is quite wide spread :p
haha. I don't even know what to say <insert witty retort here>
Though I do have a question: Does anyone use CUDA on a laptop GPU?
CUrious, is there a follow up in your mind if someone says yes?
I don't use CUDA myself but I imagine I could make use of it. I'm looking at new laptops to buy
But laptop versions of graphics cards are usually a bit poop. I was wondering whether I might see the real CUDA benefits here or whether the graphics card is a pointless factor
Im not in a position to answer that right now. I highly suspect the latter
I do too
Or well, depends on the gpu and laptop specifically too ofcourse
if you whip out $5000 for an Alienware or something, then you're set :P
Sure, I'll see what else I can poop out after I put that money down :P
@roganjosh I imagine cooling is a problem
Aye, laptop GPUs usually are different compared to the same model in desktop version actually, to the point that it's effectively a different card.
They are usually undervolted and other adjustments are made to keep thermals in check, which gives up performance
Hi All
And power. The gaming laptops seem to be ~£1400 but I'm not sure whether it's a sound investment in terms of the graphics card (in case I want to use CUDA). If CUDA isn't going to actually work properly on the laptop, then I've messed up
can you tell me please how can I convert JSON file to YAML with python?
Sure, but what have you tried?
@roganjosh this seems to indicate there might be some benefit actually.
so far I saw mainly thread on the opposite way (YAML to JSON)
But it's a fairly outdated article. So perhaps a newer test might help
@arielma it makes almost zero difference
@ParitoshSingh Thanks for that. The laptops are around 6GB in memory terms for the graphics card, it looks like it might be worth having, even on a laptop
for YAML to JSON I can use PyYAML
And the same for the opposite direction, no?
@roganjosh One issue that i can assume that article doesn't account for is whether the performance stays that way on longer sessions or not. Im not sure how long the model training was run on the laptop.
syntax for yaml to json:
import yaml, json

with open('./file.yaml') as f:
so I just need to replace it?
Your thinking is absolutely correct, but you've tried to compress it too much
so can you share the correct steps? :)
I can, and I'm waiting for my IDE to not crash, but you can do this yourself
You need to do it in 2 steps. First, deserialize the JSON file to a python object, then write it back out as YAML
Sorry, the other way round, but the principle is the same
okay... what dupe do we have for stackoverflow.com/questions/59010544/… ? It's basically the accumulate values to a list thingy...
No, that's a bad example sorry
Yeah... it's the one that's basically something like
d = {}
for k, v in dictionary.items():
    d.setdefault(v, []).append(k)
or using defaultdict
I think it should be answered and not duped, but maybe I'm missing a good dupe. As to the answers, time will tell
heck, I'm fairly sure I've answered it a few times :)
Then dupe with your own answer :P (I'm sure it is dupe but whether we can point to a single source, I'm not so sure)
hey guys, for some reason reading this: https://instagram.fftw1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/fr/e15/s1080x1080/68794428_725369407899531_8120961834841866425_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fftw1-1.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=103&oh=e2f349f9f7e7fa68eaf92a6c44e39f5f&oe=5E7D6CCF ||| Photo by Jasper Doest @jasperdoest | Some comment here ||| 296435 likes ||| 1242 1242
with this: pd.read_csv("natgeo/2019-09-19_18-51-27_UTC.txt", sep=' \|\|\| ')
seems to not be able to recognize the ||| and crashes
@PM2Ring it doesn't handle duplicates
@PM2Ring isn't that what @roganjosh linked? It's got a valid answer in there, but it's lost
giving the error ParserError: Expected 2 fields in line 7, saw 3. Error could possibly be due to quotes being ignored when a multi-char delimiter is used.
the files is only 1 line...
so that error message makes no sense
I have no idea what you're asking
@JonClements Oh, sorry I didn't see that. Yeah, the top answers don't handle dupe values. And the answers there that do handle dupes aren't ideal.
But I just added the python tag, so it's now easier to hammer. ;)
@roganjosh me?
@Skyler yes, you :)
i have a one line file where when I try to read it in with pandas it says theres an error on line 7
it has a multiline seperator
the full code and data sans import pandas as pd is there
There is no code?
pd.read_csv("natgeo/2019-09-19_18-51-27_UTC.txt", sep=' \|\|\| ')
the file content is:
`https://instagram.fftw1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/fr/e15/s1080x1080/68794428_725369407899531_8120961834841866425_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fftw1-1.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=103&oh=e2f349f9f7e7fa68eaf92a6c44e39f5f&oe=5E7D6CCF ||| Photo by Jasper Doest @jasperdoest | Some comment here ||| 296435 likes ||| 1242 1242`
I posted both snippets like a couple of minutes ago...
maybe the chat channel wasnt updating on your end?
Oh, it was
probably missed it cause of too many posts spread apart. 1 or two coherent posts helps convey things better if you have the text and code snippet prepared when asking.
i did 1 post for data, 1 post for code, 1 for error
It's okay, but 1 post is the ideal setup. Anyways, carry on, just an observation
cool got it
There's this: stackoverflow.com/q/55706508/4014959 which handles dupes, but there isn't an answer using setdefault.
@Skyler FWIW I read the first post as a GET request and not you literally trying to handle that string
my bad
the accepted answer is fine too
I like simple if statement better than setdefault
@roganjosh can you try give me the correct syntax?
@arielma You already know how to read files
I'm being deliberately obtuse because I know you already know how to do this
shame you can't close as exact dupe of the docs
@wim any particular reason why?
(that's kind of why it exists and all that - would appreciate your thoughts though)
You'll learn more from implementing yourself than me just telling you
@wim Looks good to me. Feel free to hammer it. I can't do it because I added the python tag.
@JonClements it's not Pythonic, it has a bad name and a bad interface. The if-statement is just as efficient and more readable.
basically it just adds a weird way to compress code down to one-line, which makes your test coverage suffer (you can no longer see in the coverage report whether or not you are testing both branches of the logic there)
Regarding the "not Pythonic": it's both a setter and a getter. setters should not return a value, getters should.
not sure I agree with "not Pythonic" as for simple defaults it's a reasonable common operation but one thing I have seen people do is think that the second bit only gets executed after the membership test...
I'm apparently not the only one with this opinion
Apr 18 '18 at 22:51, by abarnert
Yeah, especially since that name encourages you to think of it as an unpythonic, fluent-programming-style kind of thing—it does, after all, mutate something in-place and return a value to be used in the rest of the expression, and the name says that's exactly what it's doing.
So, I mean no big deal, but that's just a weird method and doesn't seem to fit in the usual Python code style. Perhaps it sneaked into the language before the right way to do this (default factory) was added, and they couldn't remove it for backwards compat?
sounds 'bout right :)
also quite interesting running in a REPL as well
I like setdefault, but I concede that Wim & Andrew Barnert make good points. And also the nasty bugs that Jon alluded to if you think the default doesn't get evaluated if the key already exists.
the main difference is if you want a keyerror or not when accessing a missing key
so for this reason, setdefault is not a good replacement for defaultdict, and it only adds another (worse) way to do the same thing when compared with if statement.
Curious now as to how it came about... I wonder if people were doing things like: dct['key'] = dct.get('key', []) + ['something']
dude, where's my value?
did you leave it in the car? :p
hey neat, when you (removed) a reply, it's still a reply
meh, I think we can agree it's not a big deal, certainly not one of a potential wart in Python I could get particularly enthused about :p
@PaulMcG It was because i used 3.8.0 version of python.
3.7.5 pip install works fine, with no errors.

Thank you
@PM2Ring I didn't know the "a" was Andrew... for some really weird reason I thought it was "Alan" and I've no idea why I thought that
@JonClements I think I first saw his full name on a blog post. But it's also here github.com/abarnert and various other places.
@TheGarrus No worries.
is the author of stupidpythonideas blog, or nah?
(answering myself, yes - is listed in profile)
Yep, that's the blog I was thinking of. :)
very knowledgable user and clean coder. it's sad to see stackoverflow haemorrhaging talent like that (with the disclaimer that I don't know why this particular user left)
Possibly this post about dynamic variables stupidpythonideas.blogspot.com/2013/05/…
@wim Very sad. He was quite prolific when I first joined, but he just disappeared. He re-appeared a year or so ago, and spent some time in this room, but then he disappeared again. :(
Lets say I want to compare 2 variable.
x = 5
y = 6
But, the comparison lesser than comparison operator is of type string.
op = '<'

How can I do something like

if x eval(op) y:
print ("success")
@wim It seems that SO Inc are more interested in quantity than quality... Physics has lost a lot of good people too. We used to have a Nobel prize winner physics.stackexchange.com/users/11205/g-t-hooft
@SudharshannD You have to eval the complete expression, not just the operator. But are you sure you really want to do this? Can you guarantee that the op string is safe? Or is it coming from user input?
thanks for the response.
yes, it really is a string.
i *dont* want to do something like this:
eval(str(x) + op + str(y))
any other eay @PM
we can recommend other ways after you answer the remaining 2 of PM2's questions
@SudharshannD how complicated are these expressions? Are they just binary ops?
For instance:
import operator

x, y = 5, 6
op = '<'
ops = {'<': operator.lt}
result = ops[op](x, y)
Hi again guys
I have a problem statement asking me to get all details where credit card expiry year is 2025
I am just sharing the relevant code portion
ecom['CC Exp Year'] = ecom['CC Exp Date'].apply(lambda x:x.split('/')[1])
ecom[ecom['CC Exp Year'] == '25']['Email'].nunique()
So I have exp date in the format 'MM/YY' format
I am creating a different column for getting 2025 details
so the date's a string?
yeah @JonClements
My question is can the code be written in a single line? In other words can it be optimized further?
single lines aren't necessarily optimisation :)
and that .nunique() seems to make no sense
Yeah I know its bad practice but I still want to know just for knowledge
oh wait, misread... my bad
Surely ecom[ecom['CC Exp Year'].str.endswith('/25')]['Email'].nunique() should work?
yeah that would work in one line! thanks! @Aran-Fey
@RaphX you should also consider making it an actual datetime type and then just ignoring the year
I need to generate django password a simple password
and coy the resulting hash
Is there a django fiddle online that can assist me in that
@objectiveME not sure what you mean - django already stores passwords for users as hashes
@JonClements I need resulting hash of this def make_password(password, salt=None, hasher='default'):
I dont have django installed and i need someone who does to share a samle hash
well, that's asking a bit isn't it? Any reason you can't install django and do it?
I thought there is a django fiddle i can readily use
I dont have my machine with me and i cant seem to find any resultimg hash of the django default password anywhere which is strange
why do you think there's a default?
if you can't install django, then look at its source for where it creates a password hash?
i am looking for a simple assword most commonly used in tutorials
err... that doesn't help explain what you're trying to do though?
To generate a hash that i can store in the database
Why does a function named make_password take a password as argument? That's some really bad naming right there
I rest my case
Installing django now haha
Just saw JFF recommend os.path.basename for extracting a segment of an URL. I'm done for today, good night
Which segment?
If it's the same post I'm looking at, The Url looks like this "https://www.instagram.com/liltecca/" and i would like to get "liltecca" as example
something like:
from urllib.parse import urlparse
s = 'https://www.instagram.com/liltecca/'
pr = urlparse(s)
# ParseResult(scheme='https', netloc='www.instagram.com', path='/liltecca/', params='', query='', fragment='')
but you might still need to do a bit of wangling with the path
@rogan won't link anything at the risk of being moaned at... but "Ace Of Base" - rummaging around in the attic and all that - trying to actually find a latest one
oh that one makes sense - from the title though I got a little bit afraid of breaking so much
nah, it's good riddance
I'd (and I'm possibly missing something) rather a rather strict mode
How strict?
allowed converted types or something?
Well if you want a specific type just be explicit. The problem with object was its hiding bad bugs
I wouldn't think "choose from these types" is a common use case

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