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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

Is returning a tuple of None not valid? Say I have a function a() that has a return None, None but if I do x, y = a() then I get an error TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
nothing wrong with that. We're gonna need a MCVE
let me investigate further
yup, can be done, my bad
i have the following:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
it returns this:
      File "main.py", line 772
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Press any key to continue . . .
i have
the error's probably on the line before that (the except, not the try)
are you sure? it says line 772
MCVE please
I'm sure it's not on 772
I'm confused. You have gone from apparently having --more-- in a print-out to an exception
I already solved that one
I just flushed stdout and removed | more
Is it still the same code?
You are absolutely right. Unexpected unindent.
no wait
Do I smell a hint of garlic in the air?
@Sam you can edit/delete messages for 2 minutes, make good use of the feature
I do smell garlic too
stop, you guys are making me hungry
I just checked, and garlic is not so tasty.
I beg to differ
:D I wonder why.
Garlic as seasoning
is garlic seasoning?
And I just checked again, the next error was because i removed the exception
more like repellent :d
regardless of that, can you put together a complete example please?
Let's forget about garlic. @Sam please make a strong effort to make our jobs easier when you're asking for help. You'll find that patience is a non-renewable resource, and your supplies are wearing thin. Please do better if you want help.
Well, the room between is 500 lines long so ill try to sum it up:
@Sam No, don't sum it up. Boil it down to an MCVE.
Aug 20 at 9:35, by PM 2Ring
Imagine that you won a competition, and the prize is a free session with a Python think-tank who normally charge $1000 per hour. Don't waste that prize!
That little sentence about patience is starting to violate DRY principles
aight aight sorry sorry ill do again
Aug 8 at 9:01, by Andras Deak
@MJB please see our code formatting guide to chat and practice in the sandbox if necessary
^ hope that helps
that too, thanks
	while 1:
		r = request.get("https://example.com").status_code
except KeyboardInterrupt:
that seems... fine? If there's an IndentationError there I can't see it
ok that would work, for "some definition" of working.
Mixed tabs and spaces perhaps? What python version is this?
that should not allow a mixture of tabs and spaces (right?)
i dont have, only tabs
i fixed it, i dont know how, and i dont know what caused it, i dont even know if i have fixed it, its just gone
you should have only spaces and 4 of them per level</hint>
@Sam okay
and you should have a proper code editor
thanks for thinking along
i am using notepad which came with my windows installation
jkjk, sublime text 3
notepad is entirely unusable for programming.
he's jkjk
If you're on Windows, I suggest downloading Anaconda
Oh, in that case im rbrbing
cbg patch
should i use python 3.8 or 3.9
fell asleep typing that question...
3.7 is the newest stable, 3.8 is in beta.
The more experimental the python the more likely some third-party library will break. And there might not evem be wheels on pypi.
and 3.9 is just nightly I think at this point
@anky_91 tbh i think that looks fine
there isnt quite a less broad form for that question that I can think of
How to fix this?
so you mean we list down every difference between pandas v/x xlsxwriter , well in my POV , this is way too broad :)
In[49]: ( math.sqrt( 1 + 8*math.sqrt(760549629722541157)) - 1)/2
Out[49]: 41763.0
that output is wrong
@anky_91 I mean that's just exaggerating the question to absurd lengths. A specific functionality in Pandas, but not xlsxwriter, that is extremely useful for handling excel files would be sufficient.
exactly, don't you think the OP should specify an usecase
"when working with excel data." doesnt do so
@anky_91 excel data is pretty boilerplate like 95% of the time
i mean you can ask for a specific example to improve the question but its not much better more insightful then just opening some random excel doc and rolling with your pet example
Any help?
what is the correct output
Agreed. still i would demand a usecase.. may be I am wrong
and the docs I think should be sufficient :)
I mean feel free to suggest specific improvements instead of just labelling too broad and moving on. Even better, if with a justification. I don't really think its way too broad relative to a specific example but that does slightly improve the question so its worth suggesting
@Skyler 41763.000000000000013728065323379949638728521213825122785074399806856961892856979716526160368240518804372263058971084458191650383458228294820282
@anky_91 i mean have you tried searching for a word you dont know in a dictionary
not a very effective strategy
>>> 41763.00000000000001
Looks like floats aren't big enough to support it.
So there are not any way to do this?
@AjayMishra not easy ones.
i think there is a library for large float and large int right?
@Skyler no and no. There is a decimal for large decimal floating point yes, but it doesn't work.
Actually I have to do that for this problem: Your task is to construct a building which will be a pile of n cubes. The cube at the bottom will have a volume of n^3, the cube above will have volume of (n-1)^3 and so on until the top which will have a volume of 1^3.

You are given the total volume m of the building. Being given m can you find the number n of cubes you will have to build?

The parameter of the function findNb (find_nb, find-nb, findNb) will be an integer m and you have to return the integer n such as n^3 + (n-1)^3 + ... + 1^3 = m if such a n exists or -1 if there is no such n.
so many people do scientific computing of large numbers in python, what method are they using there on problems that involve combinatorial explosion or irrational numbers?
@AjayMishra isn't that easy, you just fill the cubes forward. You don't need sqrt or anytihng.
@AnttiHaapala and what do you mean doesnt work?
@Skyler that it. does. not. work.
@Skyler its not any strategy
@Skyler There used to be 'large ints' in Python 2, but IIRC they made them just normal ints in Python 3.
@AjayMishra so what is M?
@AnttiHaapala fill the cubes upto what extent? In any way the problem with these class of approaches is that they are computationally expensive.
consecutive cubes get large very fast
reading a bit more I see that python 3 silently makes long for ints
@AnttiHaapala n^3 + (n-1)^3 + ... + 1^3 = m
... cubic growth
but when you say doesnt work is it that many math operations are not supported by decimal type
I thought to implement a formula viz. Sum = ((n(n + 1))/2)^2 = 1 + 2^3 + 3^3 + ... + n^3
from itertools import count
def find_dbn(m):
    n_ctr = count(1)
    total_volume = 0
    while True:
        n = next(n_ctr)
        total_volume += n ** 3
        if total_volume == m:
            return n
        if total_volume > m:
            return -1
@AjayMishra bs.
what is bs?
my point is I am not okay without any usecase when OP asks why not use xlsxwriter instead pandas, i dont see any reason why we should list down every single differences what xlsxwriter does vs what pandas does, this calls for an iterative comment section which I am sure no body is okay with sigh anyways time up.. rbrb
that took 0.34 sec already
if you've got speed problems and repeated applications, do memoize the results
You could get rid of a lot of the noise with itertools.accumulate btw. for total_volume in accumulate(i**3 for i in count(1)).
when you get 41763.0 and want 41763.000000000000013728065323379949638728521213825122785074399806856961892856979716526160368240518804372263058971084458191650383458228294820282 is a good sign that you have an XY problem
@Peilonrayz true dat, I just opened it.
@AjayMishra if you want to calculate the result instead of searching it, use sympy to solve it analytically, or mpmath for arbitrary precision floats.
@AjayMishra anyway, you can use that formula and the approximate values to find the n near m and check it in the other direction.
by the way, since you are looking for integer solutions... 41763.0 is correct.
You can probably have more precision than you'd really ever need by using Decimal and numpy.sqrt together. Though i do think it's already overkill at that point.
import numpy as np
from decimal import Decimal
( np.sqrt( 1 + 8*np.sqrt(Decimal(760549629722541157))) - 1)/2
Out[37]: Decimal('41763.00000000000001372806532')
@ParitoshSingh I was working in codewars environment, I dont think they would installed numpy in their enivironment.
How to selectively change the lower case to uppercase? I tried capitalize(), title(), upper()
like for word, I want wOrd
what's your rule for the transformation? by position, character, ...?
Split a string into words, and turn the second letter of each word into uppercase. For something uncommon, you just have to write your own logic.
@MisterMiyagi By both actually, I have a string say "Hello this is the world", my goal is to make this "Hello This Is The World"
I'm guessing that isn't really your goal, or you'd have just used title for that?
did you assign the result back into a variable?
Thanks! I used that somewhere.
@AjayMishra compared to "word" -> "wOrd" that is... entirely different.
What to do for that then?
@ParitoshSingh Are you in India?
I'm currently located in the NCR region.
@AjayMishra that depends on what is the rule behind it. Is the rule to change position 1, the slice [1:-2], the first vowel, the last vowel, all vowels, the letter o, ...?
@ParitoshSingh Oh, that's abbreviation of New Common Room, here.
Huh, I've never heard New Common Room before, what is that? In context of India, NCR is Near Capital Region. Essentially near Delhi.
1 hour later…
heya, so if I am writing a program that can create, delete and or rename both files and folders, and revert all these changes, say if 2 files are renamed and 2 folders are deleted by the program, after a certain function is called these should be renamed back to the original name and the deleted folders must come back
Currently using 3 separate dicts to keep track of copied renamed and deleted stuff and a list which functions as a stack to backtrack the operations, the dicts have the Path from pathlib objects hashed as the key and the value being the temp location I am moving these to
does python have anything better for this approach ?
I am using Path to perform the rename or move or mkdir stuff
I'm assuming you're only "pretending" to delete, since you'd have to keep the file somewhere to be able to "undo" the action.
well you could say so but the end user should not have access to that once it is deleted
"deleted" to him but is present in a temp directory I choose
I move it so it appears deleted and he can do stuff he want, at the end it should move back
btw having said you are form India, isn't it like midnight over there?
Makes sense. For such a niche use case, you probably need to write your own logic, i presume python most likely won't have something out of the box for you.
It is.
Wouldn't a single stack work? If you can make a delete and rename function then you can put those on the stack and if they want to revert then you go up the stack doing the inverse. (I don't see a need for dicts here)
someone is burning the midnight oil
well I have dicts so I can perform the remove operation accordingly
Just wishing for the weekend to not end. The usual.
the stack can have content like 'removedFile' 'removedDirectory'
so when removedFile is popped I can call the removedFile dictionary and do a os.remove
if it is a removedDirectory I will call shutil.rmtree or something
I am open to suggestions
since dicts in 3.7 are ordered doing a pop would replicate a stack??
I mean if you have a function delete then you do stack.append((undelete, path)). If you store the inverse then you you don't need any extra stuff.
@ParitoshSingh well Monday Blues is it??
well if am renaming a folderA in the path /Users/userX/Downloads/folderA to /Users/userX/Documents/newlyMovedFolder
I need to know the original path dont I??
If you save more information about what you did, inside the list/stack itself, then you should have all the information you need.
also I have to do a search
take this as an example
when deleting a folder I need to take a backup, but a backup should not be taken if the folder being deleted was created as part of the runtime
doing an "in" a dict is O(1) I guess?
if I am using a list of tuples wouldn't that be O(n)?
I don't see why you need this search. I can't think of a situation where you need it if you store the contents of the stack correctly.
One question real quick though. What's the overall aim of this solution? Is it simply providing a user with a kind of "sandbox" so that all changes are undone?
So, essentially, you aren't giving the user control of undoing X number of actions, correct?
YOu're just undoing everything they did.
@TheNamesAlc "membership testing"
during the runtime he can do anything he wants
he can delete even stuff he created or stuff before the code was run
after the program stops it should be like it was before
Not what i meant. This "undo last action" is an internal thing, not something exposed to user, right?
@AndrasDeak got it!
he needs to call say a object.cleanup() method
in the event he doesn't call that well I haven't thought of a scenario as such but from what I have been told it was made clear that it is the last line in the program
if you just want to undo operations at program exit, have a look at the atexit module
There's the X in our XY problem. edit: maybe?
it might make sense to model it as a transaction as well - i.e. some context manager at an outer scope
@MisterMiyagi this feels like an awfully handy module, will see how I can make use of this
what avenues should I be looking at? atexit seems like a great start
as mentioned, context managers are neat to model transactions. They can also be easily combined to a stack. docs.python.org/3/library/contextlib.html#contextlib.ExitStack
folks, yet again, I need some best practices help
I maintain a python library and I need to review a PR that refactors some stuff. I had a few ideas on how to do things differently and apparently those are anti-patterns
While I understand that those patterns are not extensible, I feel like the use case here is justified. Would appreciate another perspective
you should at the very least use except Exception:
why do you feel the need to return None, None instead of an exception?
there is generally little point in pretending you have correct data when that is not the case
my rationale is that the user would need to seed the values as None after catching that exception so it makes sense to do that already
would they?
does the PR actually leave anything of the original code intact? oO the changes seem... massive
I think so, to avoid processing things separately you just need to handle if your song, artist values are None. Eg. if you're polling at some interval to check if track changed and then do something with the info, then you don't need to handle the exception once initially if nothing is playing and then later at every poll.
@MisterMiyagi I wish they had just changed the parts they proposed to, I don't think I'm complicating stuff like setup etc.
what about adding the exception but also a parameter to suppress it maybe
@aadibajpai but they do need to check for None, None every single time. you never know when the player stops.
dupe needed for this, do we have any target for "[python] why is indexing 0-based? / IndexError: list assignment index out of range?". I searched SO and only found bad and non-generalizable questions.
..like, how on earth did this not very generalizable question get +166 votes/43 stars over 8 years?
@aadibajpai the way to suppress exceptions is wrapping them in a try except. no point re-inventing what is already there
@MisterMiyagi I made the library to work with the other application, so I think a real use case is here github.com/SwagLyrics/SwagLyrics-For-Spotify/blob/…
@MisterMiyagi fair enough
@aadibajpai erm, you check neither for None nor errors there...
either way, frankly I would reject the PR - it basically replaces the entire API, plus fiddles with lots of unrelated stuff
... dupe this ->Why does range(start, end) not include end? I suppose. Unless any of you has a better suggestion.
@aadibajpai that has a race condition
@MisterMiyagi also, the None values get passed to the lyrics function that handles it then github.com/SwagLyrics/SwagLyrics-For-Spotify/blob/…
hmm, I think raising an exception does make sense
@MisterMiyagi what do you mean?
the values that you actually use are never validated: github.com/SwagLyrics/SwagLyrics-For-Spotify/blob/…
@MisterMiyagi I'll just tell them the parts that do make sense and hope they edit the PR
@MisterMiyagi aye, the lyrics() function does it github.com/SwagLyrics/SwagLyrics-For-Spotify/blob/…
then why do you validate it beforehand as well?
@MisterMiyagi to make the lyrics persist in case the music is paused so if it's played again then the lyrics aren't fetched once again
that's the only time it's validated other than by the lyrics function
I'm not completely sure how it will be refactored with the exception
Nice answer on sympy vector to matrix @AndrasDeak
I guess with the Exception, I wouldn't need the lyrics function to validate it since it would be caught beforehand
also, thanks @MisterMiyagi! I have better ideas now
^wrt refactoring
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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