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02:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Really it is great to see Python chat rooms
Haha i realized there is a magic method for string formatting (i mean something that makes you not need a lambda in a map, and it starts and ends with two underscores)
Can you guys guess it?
How will I sort this list of words case insensitively in ascending order and numbers last, and put the alphanumeric strings at the last also sorted in ascending order
The examples are
actual = ["It's", 'almost', 'Holidays', 'and', 'PyBites', 'wishes', 'You', 'a', 'Merry', 'Christmas', 'and', 'a', 'Happy', '2019']
expected = ['a', 'a', 'almost', 'and', 'and', 'Christmas', 'Happy', 'Holidays', "It's", 'Merry', 'PyBites', 'wishes', 'You', '2019']
actual = ['Andrew', "Carnegie's", '64-room', 'chateau', 'at', '2', 'East', '91st', 'Street', 'was', 'converted', 'into', 'the', 'Cooper-Hewitt', 'National', 'Design', 'Museum', 'of', 'the', 'Smithsonian', 'Institution', 'in', 'the', "1970's"]
expected = ['Andrew', 'at', "Carnegie's", 'chateau', 'converted', 'Cooper-Hewitt', 'Design', 'East', 'in', 'Institution', 'into', 'Museum', 'National', 'of', 'Smithsonian', 'Street', 'the', 'the', 'the', 'was', "1970's", '2', '64-room', '91st']
sorted(actual, key=lambda x: (x[0].isdigit(), x.lower()))
wow, I didn' think of checking if the first element is a digit, I was trying a combination of isalpha, isnumeric and isalnum in the first case
so in the cases with multiple keys, how do we decide that the isdigit condition comes first, and then lower condition ?
the more important one comes first, the 2nd one is the tie-breaker
but how do we decide given the wording of the question that separating words with alphanumeric string is more important?
I don't think you can say there is a way to answer that without additional knowledge of the world; the best I can approximate is "because that's a special case which needs to be handled separately ahead of the rest"
yes, also the first one isdigit gives us a boolean which separates out words and then we apply lower of them to sort them
Back again with another problem (I think I fixed the one from this morning), I am getting the following error related to a .json file.

jnius.JavaException: JVM exception occurred: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $

but the .json file is in the correct format

"Degree" : 20,
"Order" : 20

"OceanTides" :
"Degree" : -1,
"Order" : -1

"Drag" :
"Model" : "MSISE",
"Coefficient" :
"Value" : 2.0

"SolidTides" :
sounds like your file has some whitespace at the start that the parser doesn't like
Yes, I agree but I can't seem to find anything wrong with it! Stumped at the minute
if you are getting a Java exception, why are you asking in a Python room?
oh I see this was covered earlier, nvm
@tripleee Correct! But maybe the java room may be worth a punt
hello all
would you mind helping me with this python program
If you gonna have a question, you should add it in stackoverflow
sure, please go ahead, unless you already asked it on SO, then you must wait 48 hours before you post the question
We can help but do not add question here as a link, it is forbidden
Before 2 days passed
and oh I have the link for it
I posted it on SO
I'm not allowed to ask for help on here now?
Room rules: 2 days must passed till ask here
Darn alright
People on so will help you, be patient
Okay! Thank you
@Shakespeareeee Here are the list of rules: sopython.com/chatroom Look at the section: Asking a question
Using a global boolean for an error report in python is a bad practice ?
I was very lazy to change the return of a function :)
what if someone in the future accidentally changes that global boolean somewhere
laziness should never replace good coding practices IMO
3 hours ago, by U10-Forward
Haha i realized there is a magic method for string formatting (i mean something that makes you not need a lambda in a map, and it starts and ends with two underscores)
Try guessing why not
Should i spoil the answer?
@U10-Forward oh my whatever could it be
I can barely breathe from the suspense
What kind of string formatting requires a lambda? Something like lambda x: format(x, '.3f')?
@Aran-Fey @AndrasDeak Oh sorry i forgot to say it's %
the %s formatting
Now I'm even more confused. How do you use a lambda with the % operator?
@Aran-Fey I am asking for without a lambda
I mean lambda x: x % 1
That you can do
But you have to guess the way to do the same without lambda
Oh whatever could it be will someone help us
We're stuck down in the pit of darkness waiting for enlightenment
uhhh, well if all of your x are of type X, then X.__mod__?
@Aran-Fey You got the correct answer, __mod__ it is
even strings have mod
so, uh, how do you pass the 1 to __mod__ without a lambda?
No. Way. Wow. Wow. Oh!
Haha @AndrasDeak
@AndrasDeak Justice served
@Aran-Fey By map('a %s'.__mod__, lst)
I love @AndrasDeak words, you really a word master sir!
that is not quite the same thing as map(lambda x: x%1, lst)
it's map(lambda x: 'a %s' % x, lst)
@Aran-Fey you are ruining this catarthic moment
sorry 'bout that
@Aran-Fey Sorry i meant map(lambda x: 'a %s' % a, lst)
Anyway you got correct answer man
rbrb for few hpurs
cbg folks
Greeting my lord
2 hours later…
Hey guys, Django question: is it a good idea to query my models, create a dictionary of variables I want, and print the JSON/dictionary object through a template? I want to create a sort of API endpoint so I can "GET" stuff from my own database. If this is a bad idea what would be the alternative? Django REST framework? But what is the advantage of that compared to the first method?
Greetings my lords!
I love to talk like D&D
cbg @AlperAyna
I was trying to come up with a memoized fibonacci function and came up with this
def fib(n, memo):

    if n <= 1: return memo[n]
    memo.insert(n, fib(n-1, memo) + fib(n-2, memo))
    return memo[n]
It works perfectly, but I was wondering is this a right approach for memoization using python? using mutable lists and pass it around in the function
memo = [0, 1]
for idx in range(10):
    print(fib(idx, memo))
I can also define memo as a global and use it but not sure how better is this from the first approach, apart from not passsing list as an argument but updating the global list
memo = [0, 1]
def fib(n):

    global memo
    if n <= 1: return memo[n]
    memo.insert(n, fib(n-1) + fib(n-2))
    return memo[n]
You should reset it at the start of the function maybe?
reset it? sorry I didn't get you
If you run time, would you get same values over and over again?
if you run twice?
That memo most certainly does not work perfectly. You insert a value into the memo every time the function is called... you're filling it up with garbage
It seems that it would stuck when your ram finished
@Aran-Fey you are correct, the size of memo is growing out of bounds, so what would I do to fix it
there's something really wrong going on here, i have no idea what though. i ran fib(1000) and my system seems to want to die.
i assume the inserts are the real issue
@ParitoshSingh are you two cousins or something? same last name :)
okay scratch that. the inserts are the issue.
yes that's the culprit, inserts are the issue
@AlperAyna nope. :)
but how do I create the memoization step then?
So, while i'll add i've never really done any memoization. the idea of memoization is simple. if i've solved something first, i know the "result" of it.
That basically screams "dict"
I dont like you using a list for this in the first place. I'd just use a dict, and keep storing the correct results as i go along
Especially default list is slow
def fib(n):
    if n >= len(memo):
        value = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

    return memo[n]
memo = {0:0, 1:1}

def fib(n, memo):

    if n <= 1: return memo[n]
    memo[n] = fib(n-1, memo) + fib(n-2, memo)
    return memo[n]
Yes the dictionary works well @ParitoshSingh
One other thing that im not quite understanding is what this code is trying to memoize. I fear that's more of an issue with my understanding of things more than anything
The earlier one was a failed attempt at me trying to write memoization, since I am preparing for interviews now, I am trying to use memoization to compute fibonacci numbers
Ah, Aran's version is nice, makes things easier to understand
I believe you can not add with same key in dictionary so it wont need to reset the values
@Aran-Fey So what I understand is that the that the list gets mutated in every recursive call, so we need to stop that from happening, by not appending it beyond n?
@AlperAyna here the key is n for nth fibonacci number, which is always unique
@DeveshKumarSingh Yes, if the value already exists in the memo, the memo shouldn't be modified and no recursion should take place
Recursive calls have a stack limit so it can stuck
It ll be stuck at large numbers
I remember like it have 60.000 stack or 80.000 stack limit at ram
@Aran-Fey got it, and that is taken care by n >= len(memo)
It either crush or wait stack limit to resolve itself, it would be highly inefficient at some point
yes, that's what was happening in my first approach
@ParitoshSingh but what about things like dynamic programming, if I need a 2-D table for memoization, will I create a 2 level deep dict there? or a list of lists?
Sounds like a design choice, either can work really.
I personally prefer dicts just cause i prefer dicts :P but indexing a list is also O(1) so if you know the n i don't see any benefits of preferring dicts over lists, and heck, dicts take up more memory. But i like dicts, so call me biased ;)
hmm, I thought when you said, "That basically screams "dict"" You were pointing to some additional advantages of dict
the good thing about dicts is that they don't only work with integers, unlike lists
Essentially, if you're working with a number like n that you can index with, there's no real advantage
you mean in terms of keys being any hashable values?
hmm, also wondering why the dict approach I wrote up didn't run with the issue I had before on memo list growing out of bounds
is it because the keys can't be duplicated so the values just get replaced for the same key?
because you were re-inserting aka overwriting the value for the same key.
ohh yes, it's a fool-proof solution if someone forgets about default mutable arguments in python and uses a list
The logical relations are clearer and easier to follow when it comes to dicts though, atleast imo, so unless there's a real memory constraint, i'd tend to prefer using dicts for any "relationship mapping" kind of information. However, i must admit that in this case, dicts would have hidden an issue with your approach, making Aran's version superior on two counts.
Now that i think about it, i've yet to see a use case for an insert on lists that was justified. Strange how that works. Im sure it's justified in some cases, but i've never come across any yet.
You are correct, the ideal approach using dict will then be, going with @Aran-Fey suggestion
memo = {0:0, 1:1}

def fib(n, memo):

    if n <= 1: return memo[n]

    if n not in memo:
        val = fib(n-1, memo) + fib(n-2, memo)
        memo[n] = val

    return memo[n]
You would definitely have a memory-constrained, either way, a better solution is to store the intermediate values at the same time while calling all the recursive functions over and over again
& I have no idea how to do that
Or memo.setdefault(n, fib(n-1, memo) + fib(n-2, memo)) instead of the if condition and the block after that
@AlperAyna that's the definition of memoization I think, storing intermediate values of recursive calls and looking them up
If you call 1.000.000 stack, you would get 2.000.000 stack
It resolves at the bottom of calls
This is the main problem of all recursive's actually :D
@DeveshKumarSingh That still recurses even if n already exists in the memo
okay, then the if condition I had is better if n not in memo: ?
yeah, you can't do it without an if
Anyone is using Pycharm for markdown documentation and preview ?
Reminds me of someone on SO trying to illustrate the short-circuiting behaviour of all/any using a function called destroy_world() as an example, in a way that would actually call that function
@DeveshKumarSingh If you're preparing for interviews, one thing regarding memoization/caching you should be prepared for is if you're asked "doesn't caching violate the single responsibility paradigm principle?". Do you consider that?
mind does a what the heck is that. I must google moment.
@Arne what's that, never heard of it!
I'd ask "how is that relevant"
And would probably still get the job
@DeveshKumarSingh I think what he meant is cacheing data will add another responsible component other than function ? (I might be wrong)
other than the function*
@vaultah How that is relevant to the function in question? well, it computes fib numbers and it caches. that's two things, one more than a function should do.
You cant google at google
Or do you mean how single responsibility itself is relevant?
although If I was asked that, I would probably say, Could you please repeat that until the time of interview runs out, then I will run away
well, if the function wouldn't cache it would slow your PC to a crawl. Would that be better?
@Arne yeah
question. is there some unspoken rule that i break if i use memoization using mutable default?
yes I saw that this is the S of SOLID, and applies to OOP concepts, but I never even heard of that term since someone told me about it here on this group
@ParitoshSingh use a global mutable object instead lol
ew, no.
@Aran-Fey no, but it presupposes that you ascertained that it actually does slow the PC to a crawl, which trumps any kind of "pure programming" rule.
at least, that's what I would say as an interviewer
@ParitoshSingh it's a bit of a hack, but it's ~aight~ in some cases
in other words: "it does violate, but that's ok in this case"
I was using Java before in my interview preparation, but now I am using python, so these surprises do jump up
@vaultah And those cases would be ? Any example will be appreciated!
the upside is that I can solve questions faster with all the builtins and other modules packaged in python
I suppose my question is specifically with memoization in general. Is it better to maintain the "memoized" list/dict in a variable separately or have it as a part of the function's default arg
but still manage to get rejected lol
Looks like nobody is using markdown for documentation on PyCharm
I mean, it's one of those questions that's used to open up the interview for some more interesting discussion. Like using middleware to cache server routes instead of writing the caching into the code, and why that might be a good or bad idea.
@TheLittleNaruto I prefer .rst, so yeah
re. Arne, as long as the interviewer isn't asking that question with a "stance/correct answer" already in mind, i think the question is fine.
but I guess these questions only come up when you have a good enough job experience, perhaps 6-8 years
I'd be worried about the opposite cases.
@Arne Never used that; are the syntax same ? I mean how different is it from markdown?
@TheLittleNaruto What is that actually
@AlperAyna a markup language like html used mainly for documentation
def fib2(n, memo_lst = [0, 1]): #is this good? bad? okay?
    if n >= len(memo_lst):
        value = fib2(n-1, memo_lst) + fib2(n-2, memo_lst) #i suppose at this point i don't need to explicitly pass the list anymore
    return memo_lst[n]
@DeveshKumarSingh I saw one google starter level interview question quite like this one and you must be master of algorithm quite well to tackle the question good
Damn, google hits like rocky bilboa :)
well the FAANG companies are out of my reach anyways, so I don't bother applying there :P
@TheLittleNaruto it's similar in usage, kind of different in philosophy. md is usually better if all you're doing is including a readme, but I prefer rst because I always end up wanting to create a complete documentation for my projects, and sphinx likes rst a lot more than md
personally, I wouldn't want the memo to be a parameter - what if someone accidentally passes two arguments to your function? It could crash in unexpected ways. I'd rather use functools.lru_cache.
@DeveshKumarSingh They love python btw
Adore anyone who got good python + algorithm
yeah, but I am a relative starter in python, only 2 years
plus below average algo skills lol
@DeveshKumarSingh Same
I am working on lame tools too
@Arne I see! But I can't move to that atm. BTW currently I am facing issue when previewing sequenceDiagram on pyCharm. It prints the texts as is, instead of showing the diagram.
These things won't make you move in any directions
@Aran-Fey oh, i'm not familiar with that yet, i should explore it further.
I just thank the company which chooses to hire me from the bottom of my heart lol
anyways, thanks Aran, Paritosh and Arne for the lovely feedback, I learn a lot whenever I ask something here
You're welcome
@TheLittleNaruto is this pycharm documentation part helps a lot?
I heard it the first time, from you
@AlperAyna of course! One must document whatever code they write, remember this joke: i.redd.it/hwqj7yx9vm211.jpg
@TheLittleNaruto lmao, this one is excellent
ikr :)
@TheLittleNaruto Ofc documentation is a must but writing document for tools written by others is a pain, this pain is for salvation, salvation from inefficiently managed companies to better ones.
@AlperAyna We follow one pattern for that when multiple developers work on a single python file
We add at the bottom of top comment; something like this:
"""changelist 07/24/2019: 1. converted cat to dog
                                    2. added dog gif API
This format helps in tracking the changes made by different developers
@TheLittleNaruto This is a good one
My problem is that the tool has no design document(I was referring document as design or specification documents or etc), I wrote that for the first time, not the original author, this is real pain
Yeah I got that; that's why I mentioned how we should document every single file from the start
@TheLittleNaruto This reminds me of an article about inefficient programming, author was one of the ex oracle programmer
@AlperAyna I see
When he try to tackle the big main oracle db management program, which is keep written for like 20 years or something
He try to find a bug and found in one month
After that he try to solve that and it took 3 months because of the huge mess in there, this is a real deal btw
Oh i found it, good thing that i am good with google news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18442637
That's a long thread
heya @TheLittleNaruto
Been a while!
@TheLittleNaruto You just need to read the one at the top
Started with "Oracle Database 12.2."
Ugh forgot to check this room and i see like 100 more messages...
@Катерина Hey!!! 'sup ???????????????? I am fully involved in Python development for next 1 month
Nothing much man :D Trying to learn a little Python 3 :P
@AlperAyna ok checking
@Катерина Oh Nice! We chose Python 3 only for our project.
good, good
Hey Andras o/
nice @TheLittleNaruto
Can you maybe tell me how I can loop through an array and get the average age from it?
like I have an array with 1994, 1998, 2012, 2015
and now I want to generate the average age.
Perhaps look at this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/9039961/…
this has a lot of ways you can use to get average age
excellent thanks!
Although this is different as we work with years like 1994 etc
@Катерина In which part you want my help ? Is it looping or getting average age ?
Getting the average age from the years
loop is just syntax
I would keep a sum variable outside the loop and will sum it with difference b/w current year and the year in every iteration and after loop i'll just divide this sum with length of the array. Easy-Peasy!!
sum = 0
for yr in arr:
   sum = sum + (current year - yr)
avg_age = sum/arr.length
A pseudo code ^
that's weird
weird in what sense ?
Cuz I think I was already close then :P
something seems off though
@Катерина That's wrong
Notice the indentation of avg_age in above example and in yours
It should be outside the loop
but it gives the error: AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'length'
because there is nothing like length exists for a list object
That was a pseudo code
is there not like
like in c#
Do this instead: len(arr)
this is also correct checked_numbers.append(int(user_numbers))?
like the right way to add something to the array
  if int(user_numbers) == 0:
            for yr in checked_numbers:
                sum = sum + (2019 - yr)
            avg_age = sum/len(checked_numbers)
returns 0
yr is 0 somehow
Check year from local time maybe, for best practice :)
Dont if it ll be hard to do
Fixed that :D
now = datetime.datetime.now()
year = now.year
punishes @Катерина for making silly mistakes
Okay bye o/
wait what lol
I mean I fixed the date instead of hardcoded :) don't know why my array is still 0. So.. which silly mistakes did you found @TheLittleNaruto
cbg folks
is there suppose to be any difference in the output type of these two things, assuming they are the same target:
print df[df['quotes']==k]['wordmap']
print df['wordmap'][123]
this is the output:
123    {u'a': 1, u'claim': 1, u'erroneous': 1, u'arou...
Name: wordmap, dtype: object
{'a': 1, 'claim': 1, 'erroneous': 1, 'around': 1, 'that': 2, 'sun': 1, 'is': 1, 'revolves': 1, 'jesus': 1, 'assert': 1, 'born': 1, 'as': 2, 'cardinal': 1, 'bellarmine': 1, 'of': 1, 'not': 1, 'earth': 1, 'the': 2, 'was': 1, 'virgin': 1, 'to': 2}
I've almost figured it out
print df[df['quotes']==k]['wordmap'].values
print df['wordmap'][123]
:46848870 would you care explaining the `if int(user_numbers) == 0:` part, i can't wrap my mind around its point
[{'a': 1, 'claim': 1, 'erroneous': 1, 'around': 1, 'that': 2, 'sun': 1, 'is': 1, 'revolves': 1, 'jesus': 1, 'assert': 1, 'born': 1, 'as': 2, 'cardinal': 1, 'bellarmine': 1, 'of': 1, 'not': 1, 'earth': 1, 'the': 2, 'was': 1, 'virgin': 1, 'to': 2}]
{'a': 1, 'claim': 1, 'erroneous': 1, 'around': 1, 'that': 2, 'sun': 1, 'is': 1, 'revolves': 1, 'jesus': 1, 'assert': 1, 'born': 1, 'as': 2, 'cardinal': 1, 'bellarmine': 1, 'of': 1, 'not': 1, 'earth': 1, 'the': 2, 'was': 1, 'virgin': 1, 'to': 2}
@randomhopeful That's how I can stop the loop
anybody know how I can strip that erroneous list off of the first entry?
user presses a few years and can get the average of those by pressing a 0
it's just a practice thing though
@Катерина Oh, so it's an input related statement, in that case, why is the sum evaluation inside a loop inside that if statement ? It won't execute until the user would input a 0
yes that's the point ;)
I want to press a few years - > store them into an array
when user press 0 we will determine the average age inside the array
and return it
and then we do a simple "break"
Is it important for the sum computation to only be executed once the user enters 0 ?
ugh this is driving me insane, I just need to do something like the opposite of a xlist=[x]
the 0 input is a way to know that the user has entered all the years he wanted to enter
for some reason is yr still 0
        for yr in checked_numbers:
@Катерина How do you append user's input to checked_numbers ?
@Катерина Post back your code into pastebin, I wanna look at it
@Катерина Every time your code loops back to the beginning of the while's body, checked_numbers and sum get assigned respectively to an empty list and 0 ; )
Owwhhh man.
I should remove checked_numbers = []
from the while right?
So silly lmao :D
@Катерина You got it : )
Silly mistake
it's still not good but we're getting there
@Катерина Here's something to get you started
I have the value that I entered. with the sum I get the age. but the average is off :p
Every mistake is silly
We are wise if we learn from them
Everything is a lesson for anyone who keeps learning
cbg \o
Greetings my lord!
Wise words Alper!
@Skyler x = xlist[0]
Anyone here familiar with BERT for NER?
familiar with BERT and ERNIE
Some details I'm reading are confusing me. They talk about 'fine tuning BERT'.. it's my assumption that fine tuning occurs on some downstream task after BERT
I was on meta... I need a hug!
That was a mistake
you need a shower
That too! :D
which question? (there are a lot of fun ones now)
The featured ones: FB tracking across sites, and the removal of hot meta posts.
I voted to close the latter, as a vain act of defiance... then I left!
wow! -246 on the latter
posted by a SO employee and the top answer is from a mod
@AndrasDeak + this was pretty far inline so I guess I meant needed to do that logic. Ended up being able to pop it
the number of data-types per character typed was quite high here
Speaking about FB tracking, anyone knows if the Facebook Container plugin for Firefox is efficient ?
@ReblochonMasque Yeah, I pretty much stick on SO unless someone links to an interesting governance issue, and very rarely comment.
hehe, you are the smart one @holdenweb
Have you got a new contract already, BTW?
My experience would suggest otherwise, but thank you anyway.
Already got a contract for a notional one day a week that will yield some immediate income. Looking at keeping a day back for more consulting and a three-day a week remote gig. Two on the hook for that currently, but lots of negotiation still to steer through. Thanks for asking.
Good to know, thank you. Good luck with the negotiations. :)
Can I get a Jerk-O-Meter rating on this comment? stackoverflow.com/questions/57187905/…
I enjoyed reading your comment more than the question
2/10, it feels a little like you're rubbing the verbosity of the post into his face by being verbose yourself
but overall not jerky at all
@Arne laurel. Not my intention but definitely something I'd do. Thanks both for feedback.
@piRSquared I've seen questions that require a lot more code than that to provide a mcve
Android in particular is notorious because of all the scaffolding necessary to provide context of the one method that the question is about.
oh...the original post had a function that has since been removed
I have a huge mental block whenever I see a scroll bar. I cannot write a post with scroll bars and I can't answer a question with scroll bars. Among the first things I do when reading questions is to edit the question so I can read it.
you're weird
This is true. I had to come to terms with that many years ago.
I need a cannon for "Dynamic Variables" This is one-ish stackoverflow.com/q/14241133/2336654
the cannon is eval (footcannon, that is)
hah! whoops I missed that typo. Good to know I got two of those.
I'm trying to think of a project to code with my boys. I want to start with a text tic-tac-toe then move on to a gui. Should I be using tkinter? This will all end up with writing code to solve a Rubik's Cube (should take a while to get there)
gui programming is weird programming
02:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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