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@wim haha i do some pyqt, i could maybe answer some question, i did one yesterday, but eyllanesc is way to fast, he answers 99.99999999999999999% of the pyqt question.
It will be even funnier to see what it actually run away from.
My PyQt answer yesterday was accepted and up-voted.
But that was not that hard
pandas question, arising from this. If we groupby column 1, then take mean (of column 0), then reset_index(), there is no way to prevent the column order being changed from [0,1] tp [1,0]? without adding the explicit reordering [0,1]
...actually it's an optimization problem, the OP wants to maximize total score for the team. Anyway I had never seen those libraries used.
1 hour later…
i'm doing some tree algos online and i'm finding some rudimentary behavior of objects/references in python are mysterious to me
my question is why doesn't this swap the left and right nodes of a binary tree?
r = tree.right
tree.right = tree.left
tree.right.right = r
tree.l = None
1 hour later…
@AlexBollbach Why don't you just use the standard Python idiom for swapping two things without a temporary: tree.right, tree.left = tree.left, tree.right?
Also, what is tree.l = None supposed to be doing? Even if you meant tree.left = None, how is overwriting it with None supposed to be doing a swap?
(It helps a lot when asking a question if you say precisely what the wrong behavior is. Then try debugging it on a depth-2 or depth-3 tree, you should find your bug.)
New dupe target: I rehabilitated reset_index() to original column indices after pandas groupby()? (tags, title, rewrite, remove irrelevant context, simplify variable names). I think it's nearly useable now.
2 hours later…
Cabbage, gents
Cabbage dear pythonista
NMT has replied; they are considering what to do @PM2Ring
So, I have a huge query return from an sql
I want it fast and search in it fast, I use numpy ?
I am not sure, I am asking :) I take query return as a list and will look up in it for search
What would be the best way to have a mapping with identical key-value pair? I need the multiple elements as they denote order.
@aadibajpai you mean identical key, different value?
It's basically a song lyrics section title along with the content. So like {'Verse 1': '...', 'Chorus': '...', 'Verse 2': '...', 'Chorus': '...'} except the values will be same for the Chorus
identical key identical value
a sequence of tuples?
Use list-valued values perhaps, or rethink your design
List of (verse, chorus) tuples might be better
I.e. what Reblochon said
@AlperAyna what kind of result? What kind of search?
haha, kevined' on that last question!
@AndrasDeak I'm thinking a list of dicts, then the array index could denote the order and the dict would be the key value pair of section title and content
Dicts have no advantage over a tuple in this case.
Of course it depends on what your full structure is and how you want to do lookup
Does a tuple have an advantage over dict here?
You could even have a list of namedtuples
lighter and unmutable.
@aadibajpai tuple over dict
Hi All, I am currently new to python. I wanted to know if there is a way to get a list of all the existing list in a program. For example:
my program generates a number of list like l_1, l_2, l_3 and so on each containing its own elements. Is there a way I can get a list of all those existing list. Something like L={l_1,l_2,......}
yes, NamedTuples
@AndrasDeak noted
@ImdadulChoudhury sounds like an XY problem. That's why one shouldn't use variable names like that. Can you explain your use case? Odds are your issue can be solved earlier.
l_1 is only second to lst as far as a lack of imagination for names is concerned!
@ImdadulChoudhury you should probably create those lists inside a list to begin with. And never, ever*, use eval or exec.
that was just an example. I want to create a new list that will have all the existing list. I found out how to create a list of all the existing dataframes so I was thinking if there is a way to create a list of all the lists
Alright, keep your secrets then.
@AndrasDeak You messed up the meme caption :P
@ReblochonMasque yep, going with this
A dataframe is an object that you can query for attributes - hence, it is possible to extract a list of all the lists...
A "program" cannot really be queried for structures used, and these structures might be fleeting!
You could 'maybe' monkey patch `list` to an object that tallies the ids of instances created, but I don't think you can override the `[]` constructor, so you will miss some.
As I write this, it feels like a bad idea anyway!
Yeah, it sounds like a bad idea @ImdadulChoudhury
that being said, if your whole program is in a single file and doesn't use functions, this might work:
L = [l for n, l in globals().items() if type(l) == list and n.startswith('l_')]
@ReblochonMasque you have access to all names, you know
@Arne why?
Meh, whatever, I don't really care
@ReblochonMasque understood
Yes @AndrasDeak - names are a weak identifier for type, i/e I don't have this level of discipline in my naming of variables... You still miss unnamed lists.
@ReblochonMasque no, see Arne's monstrosity
LOL - yes, I saw it... it still relies on the naming of ducks!
Remove the filter and that goes away
@AndrasDeak I query the database, it returns 180k row with 4 columns, I need to search in it and get the corresponding row like 2k times.
Row of whats?
Anyway, sounds like pandas
Rows of strings
Definitely not numpy
Thank you very much, I am trying to improve it
No problem
Snakeviz is great to monitor runtime of scripts, just for the info for all.
1 hour later…
Excuse me please. How do I test this class using mock and patch?
it doesn't really provide any logic, so what's there to test?
I'd only test it in integration
The company where I work has a rule to not accept the PR unless there's a unit test for it. :(
do you use unittest or pytest?
unittest rocks!
well you need to mock the client. either you have a fixture for that, or you just monkeypatch it in. if it's a unittest it's output doesn't matter, so something like this would be fine imo
def AthenaWrapper_test():
    response = 'whatever'

    aw = AthenaWrapper()
    aw.__athena_client.get_query_execution = lambda _: {
        'QueryExecution': {'Statistics': response}
    assert aw.execute(1) == response
this is how it would look in pytest, for unittest you need to at least adapt the assert statement of course, and maybe they have a different naming philosophy
Hi guys I have a question regarding efficiency
for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
for i in range(1, 5):
@Arne Mabe instead of unittest, I need to write integration test that calls the actual athena client and returns result.
Which one is more efficient regarding performance or are both equally efficient?
@sgiri If you want to ensure the behavior that you intend it to have, yes. What I wrote was just restating the little logic that it did in order to appease colleagues that say "you need a unit test"
@RaphX In general, their performance is more or less the same, both in high amount / small size as well as small amount / big size settings. So readability should be your concern rather than performance.
But if you care a whole lot about performance, lists will most often win out in comparisons. Why not just test it?
python3 -m timeit "python code that you want to time and fits onto one line"
@Arne Thanks didn't knew we could check like this
@Arne Maybe I should convince them on having integration instead of unittest. Writing unit test for boto3 client without using library like moto is pain.

`>>> print(timeit.timeit(stmt='[i*i for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]]', number=100000)) # 0.041821808`

`>>> print(timeit.timeit(stmt='[i*i for i in range(1, 5)]', number=100000)) # 0.07545599700000001`
Thank you @Arne
For your help
No problem, glad if it helps =)
Thanks to you too @sgiri
What is the motivation of good programmers to help others?
It is really weird actually, it really takes time, a lot
Passing the help you get before to others like a tribute to elders
Or do we all seek the ultimate truth? :)
it's fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
not that I'm particularly good, but I hope it's still fun once I am
It's the best way to learn something: explain it to others!
hello.. I have a question of python pandas...
@Master03Skywalker RO please delete, only 16 hours old; room policy dictates you can ask here when your question is 48 hours old
also, a picture of text is almost universally disliked
"Whatever you do in life try to end up among people who can say "I don't know" ", wise word, so deep and wise.
I just recently saw the right side of this page
@AndrasDeak seems serving justice around here, lmao
@AlperAyna the developer who comes back after a short time asking for help because they don't know is more valuable than the one who spends several days saying they are fine before telling you at the last minute they need help. ;)
@Tim This is actually a different aspect, I think he thought we should end up people who have no ego so they can say "I don't know", we have a global ego problem I believe. The people have no ego both fun to work with and cooperate with. You can trade information with no hesitation. I have people who are very cocky even though they might know knowledge of God's, it is worthless for me (and I believe they are worthless for most of the people too)
@AlperAyna Those are the worst kind of developers! :p Knowledge hoarders. I've never understood why you shouldn't share knowledge. You don't really lose anything, explaining something to somebody helps to re-enforce your own knowledge. In the end knowing how to use a concept is where the real skill comes in and that only comes from practice.
@tripleee I'm sorry I didn'T know thanks!!!
Just testing mutationobserver
Hmm, puppeteer works way faster than selenium
faster as in how much faster?
seconds faster
@abruski comparing what to what. I mean do you have a numerical example: this takes x with selenium and y in puppeteer
@Master03Skywalker it's OK, you can read our rules here
in completely different news, there was another SO blog post, this time in defense of veterans, kinda.
yaay 🥳
I've heard multiple interpretations, haven't read it yet
HI guys I have a problem
Here is the link:
I couldn't align the final output but basically BLD and BLD_clnd are having similar values and are still returning them when they shouldn't be displayed
What could be the possible reasons for this except leading and trailing spaces?
Needs MCVE. Code currently crashes with FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] File b'austria_full_chunked_cleaned_matched.csv' does not exist:
I spent literally all day yesterday begging help-seekers for an MCVE, so today I think I'll limit my involvement only to fully reproducible problems
It reads like corporate propaganda that was reviewed by lawyers one time too many! @Arne
Too much teflon, nothing sticks any longer!
Yeah sorry its ok, can you just tell the possible reasons? I am not sure even if I create a dataframe with similar data it would behave similarly or not because until today it never happened
Sorry, no. I spent way too much time yesterday speculating about problems that turned out to have nothing to do with the OP's actual code.
@Arne yet that is already being interpreted by some to mean that the veterans will have to be teachers and mentors to n00bs! Go figure.
@RaphX Coming up with an MCVE is the bare minimum for this kind of help requests for a reason. It makes it much easier for people to help you, and as a convenient side effect you will stumble over the solution while writing the MCVE ~3 out of 4 times, in my personal experience.
(some people just want to see the world burn, or are reading very selectively)
While I'm being unreasonable, I also request that all MCVEs today be exactly one file. Ain't nobody got time to download a .py file and a csv.
Is it possible to put a file in any site@Arne?
what does that mean?
I currently have it as an excel csv file
If you're asking "are there any sites online where I can upload files for free?", pastebin is a popular choice
OK so I can upload this csv file there and you can read from it using pandas?@Kevin
no no, you can just paste it as a string
@RaphX Sorry, I have decided that I will only help today if the MCVE is one file.
lemme search for a post that explains how to treat it as a file
@Kevin RaphX also has multiple pending warnings to not waste our time
Please create the data in the script itself.
@RaphX Stop. Now.
Jul 9 at 14:24, by Andras Deak
Jul 4 at 11:59, by Andras Deak
Jun 27 at 11:26, by Andras Deak
Jun 6 at 11:37, by Andras Deak
@RaphX Please try harder. And read how not to be a help vampire. You are seriously depleting patience of the users here, which is a non-renewable resource.
please go away now
ok, I'll stop engaging as well
Request #3: when making corrections or additions to an MCVE, please upload a complete copy of the revised script, rather than posting a single line of code in chat with the implication that it should be pasted somewhere into the existing code.
@MartijnPieters I can see how someone could try to read it as that, but imo the context and intent in that post is pretty clearly something different
I interpreted the article as "new users and veterans have competing needs which can't both be satisfied by asking either side to change their behavior. Maybe we can reduce unhappiness by improving site design; stay tuned."
Ask new users to put more effort into their questions, and they'll feel like they need to meet an impossible standard. Ask veterans to be more permissive of not-so-clueful new users, and they'll feel like they're coddling the undeserving. The solution to this tug of war is not "pull harder"
All snark aside, is it really that difficult to ask a good (i.e. "well received") question on SO? I regularly see people claiming 10+ years of programming experience say that they have a really bad time posting on SO.
I don't think our question standards are anywhere near impossible. But evidently there is a very vocal population that disagrees.
Sorry @AndrasDeak and everyone
it's OK
I'm still willing to help just as soon as I get that single-file MCVE :-)
Thanks @Kevin, I figured it out
Ok, cool
@Arne I believe there are two main reasons. The first one is that many not-so-dumb people lack the empathy to realize that the information they are providing is nowhere near enough to answer. They merely don't consider it that other people are not in possession of all the context and background that they as askers do.
And the other reason is that boiling down your problem (debugging or not) to an answerable state very often leads to enlightenment, so the ones that actually end up asking a question are those who have difficulty with analytical thinking, which strongly correlates with pains in interaction with the community.
(and of course the hordes of plain lazy people who didn't bother trying to search first)
I didn't consider your second point, that's a good one to keep in mind
related to the first point: People don't have the right mindset to realise that the same error can be caused by multiple different approaches. From their perspective, they think it should be enough to say what went wrong and that's enough. But they don't appreciate how open-ended the backtracking gets.
I was going to say "and of course, since autism is so much more prevalent in STEM than in the general population, the diminished ability on both sides to convey and interpret tone are going to lead to misunderstandings" but then I got distracted trying to calculate the actual proportion of autism in tech
@ParitoshSingh Isn't learning that a bit of an essential skill, though? Can you get around that throughout years and years of coding?
Easily im afraid.
1 in 59 children have autism, and 34.3 percent of students with an ASD gravitate toward STEM majors, compared to 22.8% of the general population... Solve for X
@Arne I'm having a bit of an issue with multiple people trying to read it like that at the moment.
Er, atleast it seems like that to me
hello, inside of a dictionary I if nothing is inside it I wanted to add an empty dictionary, how can I do this?
There appears to be a contingent that will read anything SO does these days that way. It's a bit of a meme.
@erotavlas Like this?
>>> d = {}
>>> d[1] = {}
>>> print(d)
{1: {}}
so something like

                if(str(ent) not in ent_dict):
                    ent_dict[str(ent)] = new values_dict
I've stalked around SO for 10+ years and I've only ever written a small number of questions for precisely that reason. I usually solve the issue myself (especially with Python when you can literally just read the source or debug into a library) before I need to resort to external sources. However as a team leader, I often answer similar questions to those that appear on SO, and these are not newbe developers.
>>> ent = "coconut"
>>> ent_dict = {}
>>> if(str(ent) not in ent_dict):
...     ent_dict[str(ent)] = {}
>>> print(ent_dict)
{'coconut': {}}
@erotavlas that looks fine to me, just change new_values_dict to {}
what about this

                if(str(ent) not in ent_dict):
                    values_dict = {}
                    ent_dict[str(ent)] = values_dict
You might also consider using a collections.defaultdict(dict) for this, in which case you don't have to bother checking for the existence of the key, or adding a new dictionary
@erotavlas Sure, that's fine, but there's not much point in doing it in three lines when you can do it in two
Whatever you do, don't create values_dict outside the loop and assign it to multiple indices. That way lies disaster.
values_dict = {}
ent_dict = {}
for ent in ["foo", "bar", "baz"]:
    ent_dict[ent] = values_dict

ent_dict["foo"][23] = 42
{'foo': {23: 42}, 'bar': {23: 42}, 'baz': {23: 42}}
@MartijnPieters I don't envy you that kind of work at all =/
now I'm curious to know how I read it
of course
I like the ambiguity in the tense of "read" there. One possible interpretation is that you already read the article, but you no longer remember how you did so or what your reaction was
It must have been Dark Andras that read it. He takes control sometimes.
You know when you wish you could forget about an art piece so that you can enjoy the thrill of encountering it for the first time again? It's pretty great.
You have to invent new Andrases if you want to do it more than once per art piece, though
"I'd like to play Mario 64 for the first time again... World, say hello to Andras the Gray"
instead of whispering to a butterfly in my palm I whisper to the cartridge to dust it off
Light and Dark Andras are forever locked in battle. Gray Andras would rather just catch up on Netflix
is this correct if I want to set my variable to a new dictionary with keys (each of which have an empty array for its values)

ent_dict[str(ent)] = {'p': [], 'r': [], 'f': []}
That looks fine to me :-)
ok thanks
@erotavlas not arrays: lists
(just terminology)
and do you really need to convert your keys to strings?
Here's a quick demo of how you might use defaultdict to save yourself the effort of checking for the presence of keys in your loop:
I don't know, probably not, but I did it to be safe, because I was writing them to file later on and needed to concat them with some other strings in the file write method (which will complain if anything inside is not string)
from collections import defaultdict
def new_collection():
    #you could write this as a lambda to save two lines, but...
    #Let's teach one thing at a time, please
    return {'p': [], 'r': [], 'f': []}

ent_dict = defaultdict(new_collection)
values = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "foo", "qux"]
for idx, val in enumerate(values):

for key, val in ent_dict.items():
    print(key, val)
# foo {'p': [0, 3], 'r': [], 'f': []}
# bar {'p': [1], 'r': [], 'f': []}
# baz {'p': [2], 'r': [], 'f': []}
or a dict comp (for new_collection)
As in, def new_collection(): return {k: [] for k in "prf"}? Yeah
"I convert my entries to strings to be safe" is a bit of a yellow flag to me... Ideally you should have a pretty solid idea of the potential types of all your variables. If you don't know what type ent might have, then this may indicate a design problem earlier in the program.
On the other hand, "I know that ent can be any type that json.load is capable or returning" is a valid design, even though it means that ent can be like five different types
true, ok I'm pretty sure they are strings I was just being a bit OCD
even if they aren't strings you could have integer-valued keys in a dict without issues (as long as you don't want to have distinct float-valued or bool keys)
defensive programming, aka angst-driven-design
If you want to be OCD about the code, be OCD about the opposite. everything should be perfect or i shall reject it! aaaah! It can get messy if you blanket convert things and try to work with whatever is given to you.
As always, I am of the opinion that unexpected program states should be detected as fast as possible and cause an obvious crash, rather than be silenced in the hopes that the program can sort of half-work. To that end, I propose using assert to confirm your expectation that ent is a string
assert isinstance(ent, str), f"expected ent to be str, got {type(ent)} instead" will ensure that surprising data doesn't worm its way into your dict
i suppose I kind of think of python in the same way as JavaScript
thank god it isn't.
thank Guido
Well, they're both implicitly typed... But js is far more permissive of type coercion, IMO to its detriment
^ detriment is a kindness.
Abomination sounds more appropriate :P
eh, @ParitoshSingh got triggered! :D
deep breaths
No, i dont want my code to run for 600 lines with an undefined as input, thank you very much.
I'm sure we've all seen plenty of js questions with a hundred upvotes and titles like "how come this wacky thing happens when I try to add an int to a (string | array | null)?"
The answer usually being "this is a quirk of javascript's object model, and is in fact perfectly consistent behavior and necessary in order to make type coercion work in the most common and intuitive cases"
If you can't handle me at my [1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6] == '1,2,34,5,6', then you don't deserve me at my 1 + "1" == "11"
also 1 + + "1" and 1 - "1"
(for this joke to work, let us charitably assume that the ability to concatenate strings and ints is a desirable feature)
do any of you have work from home policy?
Not as weird as [] + {} = [{}] and {} + [] = 0...
I telecommute one day a week.
@erotavlas yes
is it pretty widespread?
I mean common
Every programmer within 100 feet of me also telecommutes one day a week. I don't know anything about trends in other companies.
depends on country and industry. In my case. germany + IT, it's pretty common to have ~1 day a week without much hassle
do they force you to do it, or can you work the entire week in the office if you want
Other than frontline staff it's usually 1-2 days a week from home in my company
noone forces us here. I also never heard of it.
force you how, deny you entry into the office on a specific day with a specific moon alignment? :P
:) yeah something like that
They have "Agile working", which is basically, "we have less desks than staff".
it makes sense if the company wants to save money on workspace
Yeah, i imagine only very few cash strapped startups would even consider such a thing. If a company has proper offices with adequate seating, it's never a thing
At one point we had an intern who didn't have a permanent desk, so he sat at the desk of whoever was working from home that day. It would have been troublesome if everyone had decided to forgo their telecommuting day, since the intern would have to program standing up.
sounds kinda fishy imo, but again, depends on country/culture/industry
But we never made coming in forbidden.
rbrb, happy weekend!
they should have telepresence robots for people who work from home so they can interact with staff as if they were really there
"Instead of going in to work to sit in your cubicle, put on your VR helmet and control a robot that sits in your cubicle" is some kind of dystopia
@AlperAyna I could not call myself a good programmer if many others hadn't helped me to get there. So for me, helping to make good content on stackoverflow is about paying it forward.
@Arne how do you interpret it as in "defense of veterans" ?
shh, he's on his happy weekend now! :P
@wim There's a bit in the article that goes like "newbies complain about mean veterans, but when we ask them to provide specific examples, they usually can't find any" and that's fairly pro-veteran
and on that note, rbrb!
Or, hmm, maybe I'm applying my own bias to the passage
> when our more experienced users hear this feedback they ask us to provide them with definitive examples of WHERE EXACTLY people are being unfriendly? There isn’t a lot of name calling or anger, why are they being accused of being unfriendly?
This isn't actually saying "... And the more experienced users are completely correct that they are being friendly enough, and the new users need to stop being so irrational"
OK I see now.
I am curious about this part
> About three months in, on a Friday afternoon, we introduced a new company-wide policy that I felt was relatively benign. What happened next was that, from my point of view, the engineering team completely lost it. No one agreed with this policy, and they made it known over seemingly hundreds of Slack pings.
There is a difference between being hard ass demanding, and unfriendly.
I think the author is trying hard to describe how each side feels, without taking a stance on whose feelings are correct
It is stated upfront that there are requirements to meet - the contract and the exchange are clear.
As I said earlier, this is lukewarm corporate BS
The problem with their unfriendly nonsense, is that SO decided unilaterally that it would no longer be who it was.
That broke the contract, and voided the exchange.
@ReblochonMasque yes, but a lot of people have to learn the former without being the latter
@ReblochonMasque there was never a contract
what is dead may never die etc.
I wondered what the unpopular "new company-wide policy" at stack exchange was, but they didn't elaborate any further.
Yes there is: ask a question that follows the effing rules and guidelines, and receive an efficient and appropriate answer.
That is the contract
I'm trying to be hardass&friendly today as I test out my "no help without a one file MCVE" personal policy. Success rate is currently 0%, unless you count "I didn't get a headache working on a problem I didn't fully understand" a success.
@wim check if the welcoming blog post was on a friday :P (I still haven't read the new one though)
@Kevin I do count that as a success actually
April 26, 2018 was a Thursday, so no cigar
^^ [was meant for @wim's post]
Ok, 100% success rate then.
@ReblochonMasque ah
It never said that it would be served with a side dish of chocolate and flowers...
It never said it would be served for non complying questions.non complying
@ReblochonMasque please edit that into something milder
To the contrary, bad questions were fair game to downvote & delete and close...
Devil's advocate: back in my pupal stage I was pretty lousy at googling, and I frequently ran into problems where I literally could not do enough research in order to construct a satisfactory question.
If my first google query provided me with 1 unit of knowledge and each subsequent query gave me half as much knowledge as the last, and a SO post requires 10 knowledge to be considered a good-faith effort, then I'd never come close.
ok, I am done venting, sorry for the outburst of energy.
Back in my shell now! :D
is that possible in older versions of pickle protocol, or is OP just stupid/confused
Nowadays my amount of accumulated knowledge tends to diverge as the number of google queries approaches infinity, so that's no longer a problem. But I remember the bad old days.
@wim there were exploits via pickle. Not sure if they were fixed.
I think I'm in those days lol
Basically just started SO
@wim (dragged back into room 6 on my commute) i'm judging it based on the change in tone given their last couple community directed posts. It would be silly if SO did a 180 on their newbies vs veterans policy (conflating the issue a lot here), so what i am currently seeing is a slightly more responsible treatment of newbs and a reasonable consideration of veteran's perspective
@pjmaracs Well, hang in there. Even if you feel like your research hasn't taught you anything, in fact it is teaching you how to research a little better.
@Kevin yeah I'm pretty self aware about it. I've got a tiny amount of experience, and I can speak english properly if required, so I suppose I could craft an above average question, but only because the average is so low
Any post that uses complete sentences and makes sure their code block is properly formatted is already in the top 10% of questions
And even better if the codes been through black.now.sh
If the post contains a sentence ending with a question mark, and if the code runs with no modifications, that's an automatic upvote from me
@Tim "uncompromising" sounds so extreme these days!

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