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here is my actual use-case. I may be polishing a turd here, but oh well.
(Yes, I know asserts can be disabled and I should implement my argument validation with regular exceptions)
Dec 14 '18 at 10:44, by Martijn Pieters
@Arne never mind the boilerplate, holy mother of if..elif..else switching! :-D
/me going back to bed
I need at least seven if/elifs unless I overkill this problem via a symbolic math solving library. I could probably do it in less than fourteen, though, since the math for the x dimension is identical to the math for the y dimension, modulo variable names.
What am I going to brush my teeth with now?
For this question, specifically on the second part, what makes more sense here? My guess was to use isinstance to check for the different data structures and check whether or not the values are numeric in one way or another depending on the kind of structure. Any thoughts?
that sounds fine to me. that'd be my first instinct too
regardless, i imagine this can get pretty complicated as you keep adding weird datastructures from external libraries. trying to solve this problem "open ended" seems like more trouble than worth
Yeah, but have you noticed the question would like to include [1, 2, 3] and np.eye(3) as "numeric" elements. I left a comment and voted to close.
So this is what I went with. Not very nice but I think covers most cases. Wondering if this is a bit of an overkill, or indeed as you point out paritosh more trouble than worth
def check_numeric(l):
    for i in l:
            if isinstance(i, (list, set, tuple)):
                    list(map(float, i))
                    yield i
            elif isinstance(i, np.ndarray):
                    yield i
                yield i
Here is the seven conditional version. Surprisingly less horrible than I thought it would be. Even without namespace hijinks, it looks a lot cleaner without the inline string literals.
couple of bare excepts to fix i suppose, but on the whole this seems decent enough as anything. since you've still kept the problem "close ended" by making some assumptions against nesting, or dicts, etc etc.
Actually realised the initial for should be included in the first try/except
which, in this context, is a good thing imo.
actually no, should be ok I think
thanks for the feedback @ParitoshSingh
no worries
I think it would actually be easier to validate that a data structure contains only numbers or collection types, nested to an arbitrary* depth, than to validate exactly and only the examples that the OP gave
this is not really a python related question but if I am moving all my local function variables into the init function is there a way I can easily add self. to everywhere the variables are used?
(*... As long as you can reach the deepest level without exceeding the maximum recursion depth)
say I have moved 5 variables a,b,c,d,e from three functions to the init, any convenient way to add self.a self.b in all places they appear?? regex replace or something?
old school ctrl+F ? i usually am scared to blanket replace without watching each instance one by one in any text editor or the like
I don't think regex is powerful enough to match all variables named "a" without falsely matching "a" in other contexts, for example inside a string literal such as "I have a coconut"
You don't want that to become "I have self.a coconut"
that is what I am doing but I have so many button references used and these are now a pain, I have like 50+ occurrences totally
@yatu Bare except is rarely a good idea. But except: pass is the Python equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears & yelling "La la la, I can't hear you!"
that sounds more like perhaps you could have used a dict/list to hold all buttons maybe?
well I meant 'a' as an example in my code I have legit names like 'knnBtn, kmeansBtn and so on'
@ParitoshSingh I am pretty sure I am doing something messy here, I have a couple of lists to hold the radio and check boxes
but buttons are standalone as of now
if you're confident that nothing will go wrong, you could always go with a replace via code. but you should be careful that youre sure the names will never mis-replace something else.
I'd just do a regex replace \b(knnBtn|kmeansBtn)\b with self.\1
@ParitoshSingh my paranoid self has already saved the code in a new file :)
for any and all names that are uniquely named, i don't see any issues.
haha yes @PM2Ring this is a little simplified though, indeed this should include the appropriate exceptions and perhaps raise warnings accordingly
@Aran-Fey I guess this is what I will be doing
what's the \b?
word boundary. avoids matching things within a word
essentially atleast you wont turn a cat into a cself.at
ohh makes sense
thanks for the assist everyone
see ya
On second thought, maybe regex can distinguish between string and non-string contexts. You can't arbitrarily nest string literals, so the usual roadblock of "regex can't recurse" doesn't matter
well that worked peachy
on a python related note, would you suggest I have like 20 objects, buttons, text label under the init function ?
these buttons are used across 3 or 4 functions for the most part
From a software engineering standpoint I don't see a problem, but I doubt a widget with 20 buttons is good UX
better than the 400 tickboxes someone had recently ;)
not 20 buttons are displayed at the same time, I guess like 5 tops at a time?
doesn't even have to be python related. it's good to have objects initialized in the constructors in just about any language. The only issue again is 20 individual variables, perhaps a logical grouping in a dict/list?
how'd you do that in a dict? never tired that
:D 480 something iirc
fwiw, they're all inside a list!
oh, much better than :PP ;)
and have a text filter to boot! :P
but yeah, that's just about one of the worst must-have ideas you can have in our use case. there's just that many values to choose from. to make life easy, we also added a preset default for them.
so essentially, no one really would have to change them...until the day someone does. i feel for that poor guy.
so he wasn't exaggerating when he said you had 400 of those, thought that was a hyperbole
@AndrasDeak bah, s/than/then/
@TheNamesAlc oh, it's nothing special, its just that self.some_container is the defined attribute, and you use your variables normally as key value pairs inside this container.
the idea being, if you know that self.screen_one_buttons is the dict being used, all the buttons belong in screen 1, or something like that. Just nice to group things that belong together
so my button object would be the deafultdict argument?
c:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>type data.txt
a = 23
x = a + 2
s = "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts"
q = 'It\'s a beautiful day' + str(a)
c:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>type test.py
import re
pattern = re.compile(r'''(\ba\b)|[^'"]|"((\\.)|[^"])*"|'((\\.)|[^"])*\'''')
with open("data.txt") as file:
    s = file.read()

result = pattern.sub(lambda m: "self." + m.group(1) if m.group(1) else m.group(), s)
self.a = 23
x = self.a + 2
s = "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts"
Todo: make the pattern ten times longer by supporting triple-quoted strings and f strings
@TheNamesAlc doesn't even have to be a defaultdict, but sure if you want it to. that would depend on you really.
>>> np.array(list('1234')).astype(float)
array([1., 2., 3., 4.])
and doesn't even have to be a dict either. if a list makes sense, a list works too. or a class, or some other container. named tuples? who knows, knock yourself out.
its just grouping for the convenience then, if people here see my code then I am sure they'd go nuts, I am refactoring all the variables as of now, after the assessment is done I will go with your idea, thanks!
no worries.
Devil's advocate: sometimes UI code really does require fifty different variables referencing fifty different window elements.
I am surprised how a simple question from me made someone here code a full fledged code
don't be. Alc, meet Kevin. Kevin, uh, carry on
@Kevin sometimes I think I can getaway with using some object I used for the login button
If you're writing a calculator, then absolutely you can turn your button_0 through button_9 variables into a single digit_buttons list. But if all of your buttons do different things and have no logical way to be grouped, then do you really gain anything by sticking everything in an all_my_window_elements dict?
twas a nice way to greet :p
@Kevin funnily enough, i don't think that's much of a devil's advocate kind of statement. If they really don't belong together, then it is okay to keep them separated really.
Though i will say im having a hard time imagining a usable UI that would need such a thing
well I for now I am making a simple GUI that can browse a csv or excel and then it gives the user a choice to select which columns he needs for training the model and then I display buttons for like 7 algorithms
oh gosh, you've just made me remember a UI interface from hell that was actually a really useful tool.
@Kevin \b(a)\b|("""|\'\'\'|["\'])(?:(?!\2)(?:\\.|[^\\]))*\2 not 10 times longer
Don't get me wrong -- if a UI displays fifty different elements at once, it's probably not that good of a UI. But let's distinguish between bad requirements and bad fulfillment of those requirements
I guess I can group buttons on the basis of supervised or unsupervised model
I personally would be against clicking 50 buttons, pretty much why I don't like DoTA
bask in all its glory!
If your boss says you need to display fifty elements and you have no say, then it may be that the best way to fulfill that requirement is to have fifty variables.
@ParitoshSingh ah yes, the "help, we don't have bash" tool
guilty as charged :P
but still I must learn to minimize the use of variables, anything can be grouped under something
@TheNamesAlc they are all grouped under globals() or locals(). You're welcome.
the last time I was interning, the 'boss' had no idea what he was expecting
that's not unique to interning.
and much more common than it should be. :P
@Aran-Fey I think f strings specifically might be impossible since it would be hard to turn f"I have a coconut and {a} apples" into f"I have a coconut and {self.a} apples"
@ParitoshSingh trade you for a "than"
deal! or no deal? ;)
I have to learn what it actually means, I have stumbled across them, also decorators is next in my study list
@TheNamesAlc what is "it"?
@ParitoshSingh the deal's off
@ParitoshSingh its not worse as in media companies, buying coffees is actually a thing, I thought they were making it up for the comedic effect
You can't just try to detect starting and ending curly brackets, because then you'll choke on f" I have a coconut and {{a} + {{{{b}}}}} apples"
@AndrasDeak locals() and globals()
@Kevin Oh. Yeah, regex can't do that by itself, I don't think
with the power of Tony the Pony perhaps
he comes!
as a gratitude for what I learnt to any gamers here the steam summer sale ends today so you might want to get anything if you have on your wishlist
Hi everyone
@RobertGrant its mumbo jumbo for me, font issue or ?
It's supposed to look like text with random lines drawn on top of it. It's a reference to the Dread God Zalgo, who corrupts reality whenever anyone tries to parse HTML (or any other language with nested elements) with regex.
@ParitoshSingh btw you could consider using one of these things instead of 400 individual check boxes
ohh I was warned of that once when I was asking something about scrapping here
I want to create a link to values within a pandas column
I am surprised an answer like that actually is an answer
The link should be to google maps but the value should be as it is
	address_lines	                       city
0	31 Stuart Road Highcliffe	      CHRISTCHURCH
1	33 WEST STREET	              RINGWOOD
2	66 PINE ROAD	                     BOURNEMOUTH
4	9 MAYFORD ROAD	                POOLE
@Aran-Fey what are those things called? I wanted them in my UI but I didn't know that name, shame on me
It's a great gag but the kernel of truth lying within is: it's impossible to write a regex that matches the language "any number of instances of the letter A, followed by the same number of instances of the letter B", and by extension any language with nested matching brackets/parens/whatever.
I knew something like that existed but for the life of me I couldn't name it
@TheNamesAlc I don't know either :(
For some funny reason I am unable to align the values within city
@Aran-Fey ours is technically a multiselect dropdown. but that's a pretty good suggestion too.
I want to make all the values in that address_lines column as hyperlink to google maps
I tried :/
@RaphX so do that
@RaphX Sounds like you have two problems: how to take an address/city and create a url that goes to a google map of that address; and how to add a new column to a dataframe. Which of those are you having trouble with?
although I'm not sure why you'd want to put URLs in a dataframe
Jul 4 at 11:59, by Andras Deak
Jun 27 at 11:26, by Andras Deak
Jun 6 at 11:37, by Andras Deak
@RaphX Please try harder. And read how not to be a help vampire. You are seriously depleting patience of the users here, which is a non-renewable resource.
@Raphx you are not asking a clear question. So please stop and work on this more.
I am not going to add a new column @Kevin
I want to make all the values in that as hyperlinks which should directly open on Google Maps
Ok, fine. Then the second problem is "how to update each value in an existing column in a dataframe". You still have two problems and you still need to tackle only one of them at a time.
2 mins ago, by Andras Deak
@RaphX so do that
I tried @AndrasDeak and failed miserably
Then you have to try harder. You're not yet in a state where asking for help here is worth our time measured in signal-to-noise ratio.
If you tried and failed, then your code and stack trace should have been in the problem statement in your first message.
We should not have to tease this information out of you.
I will create a MCVE
I fear it
You should have constructed your MCVE before submitting your first message. We should not have to ask for it.
There is no error message, just that I am not getting as I want
you don't need to import numpy
@anky_91 read the context please
i cant access the pastebin, guessed it :)
never mind
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import HTML
a = pd.DataFrame({'address_lines':['31 Stuart Road Highcliffe', '33 WEST STREET', '66 PINE ROAD', '37 PRIESTLEY ROAD', '9 MAYFORD ROAD'], 'city':['CHRISTCHURCH', 'RINGWOOD', 'BOURNEMOUTH', 'BOURNEMOUTH', 'POOLE']})
def make_clickable(val):
    return '<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format('www.google.com/maps/place/' + val, val)
# This is not giving the required data as hyperlinks
that's the pastebin's contents ^
I don't think that IPython.display import is needed either
@Kevin it might do magic
@AndrasDeak Thank you
I'm unclear whether the question is "how do I make it so that the excel document created by to_excel has clickable urls when I open the file in excel?" or "how do I make it so that this data structure has clickable urls when I print it in IPython?"
Yeah excel is the final thing @Kevin
@RaphX again, not an answer to Kevin's doubts
googling for the answer comes up with this
this assumes something that you failed to clarify to Kevin so far: that you want the urls to be clickable in excel.
You mean googling for the actual problem gives us an actual solution? WOW
I'm not sure whether "excel is the final thing" means "I only care about whether the url is clickable in excel, and I don't care what IPython does" or "Ultimately I care about excel, but making them clickable in IPython would be nice to have too"
(not snarking at you, Paritosh)
( i know. hang in there )
@Kevin "Ultimately I care about excel, but making them clickable in IPython would be nice to have too" > yeah this one
Ok, progress is being made. IPython gives me a headache so I'll leave that to someone else.
I will look through that @ParitoshSingh thanks!
I actually came up with this while googling: stackoverflow.com/questions/42263946/…
I need to work on my googling skills
no worries. be more careful with how you explain problems, that will help both with google searches and with other folks
this was the last strike
especially considering you never said "Excel", but said "pandas" when talking about hyperlinks. if you're curious, this is what i googled. "pandas to excel how to add hyperlinks"
add what you want to do in the right context, and usually google does a pretty good job throwing useful results. add function names and usually you're good to go.
Thanks@ParitoshSingh@Kevin , I found out the solution
OP: How do I convert a nested JSON to a csv file? ME: Change the name of the file.
Man, state machines are a pain in the butt when time doesn't elapse in discrete units
as in a continuous-time simulation of something?
Yeah. Rather than progressing simulation state by abstract "ticks" every sixtieth of a second, I'm measuring the difference in wall clock time between frames and progressing simulation state by delta seconds.
@Kevin I was away at a meeting, so I missed the earlier discussion. Here is an if-else-less version using a pre-defined dict of lambdas to be selected by the provided keys, each lambda computing the 2 primary values for each dimension: pastebin.com/KsLPCu3k
@Kevin these often call for event-based engines
This gets tricky around "piecewise" behavior such as "move forward for 10 ms, then turn right, then move forward for 4 ms". If the first delta happens to be 12 ms, then you have to notice that it's larger than the duration of the first state, and the remainder is halfway through the final state.
If your bookkeeping is sloppy, then you might move forward for 12 ms and turn right
@PaulMcG I considered a dict-based approach and I do think there is merit to that design. I never got around to actually writing it though.
I wish I could have my cake and eat it too by creating a dict of callables without using lambda or def
@AndrasDeak I used simpy for something like this a while back, it looks like it is still active (last commit was last month)
@Kevin It cleans up considerably if you pass kwargs->d as a namespace instead of a dict
I could also do the "for loop over each dimension" thing I did earlier, which largely makes namespaces unnecessary since the dict-based approach looks better when there are no inlined string literals
I have a PyQt window in which at the click of a 'Browse' button an excel or csv file is read and its columns are displayed as checkboxes allowing the user to select, but when I click browse again for the second time and select the same or different file, the old checkboxes are deleted but I get an error
once these checkboxes are generated I get to select them and click another button which checks which checkboxes are checked using
colFeature=[x.text() for x in checkBoxes if x.isChecked()==True]
it is at this like am getting an error
RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type QCheckBox has been deleted
every time the "browse" button is clicked I delete the older checkboxes using
[x.deleteLater() for x in self.checkBoxGroup]
and I also do self.checkBoxGroup=[] to ensure the list is empty each time
Sounds like the underlying resources that the QCheckBoxes require are being deallocated prematurely, and/or you're retaining references to old QCheckBoxes instead of the new ones. It's an interesting problem, but there's not much I can do without an MCVE.
well I tried hide instead of delete but I am getting an index out of error
I'm going to go to lunch, and if there's runnable code waiting for me by the time I get back, I will inspect it with great enthusiasm.
alright I will make a small example with an excel file and link a pastebin
thank you!
Well this schmucks :/ my dorm room ran outta power and so is my laptop. Will it be okay if you can look into it the next time you’re free after I upload the code. Everything in my possession is now clinging to the last bit of charge.
Yeah, I'm in no hurry.
Main Code : https://pastebin.com/5ip7g71J

Necessary Import : https://pastebin.com/h6r7BLem
alrighty done, had to go into a different room but I hope that is enough its kinda big I reduced it from 400 lines to 160, the other file is just 10 lines
please make sure you select any one excel or csv file at the start and then select the another excel or csv file and then click the KNN button
it doesn't matter what I have checked or selected
the error is reproducible there
I need everyone to clap their hands and believe in my router or else it won't stay alive long enough to download pyqt5
just ended up rewatching Forrest Gump
@Kevin sending postive vibes to your router
Some movies are worth watching, or rewatching. Such a masterpiece. There's so many things that i can appreciate about it even more now.
@ParitoshSingh well I was about to binge watch the final destination series until my laptop decided to sleep
@ParitoshSingh my leave seems wasted. Will start binge watch something after 20 min
Ah, sorry for the rains. :/
idk if you guys know about this German show
its called Dark
season 2 came out last week iirc
oh i've heard really good things about it
don't be,, its not you ;)
I watched season 1 earlier this year and being a fan of the genre it is I ended up liking it
won't say much, people have different spoiler tolerances, some even hate to know the genre
aye, knowing and avoiding potential spoilers is always appreciated. :)
well if you have time I suggest you give it a shot, I watched the English dub but the original is the best or so they say
I'm 6 episodes into Stranger Things 3 and, spoilers: there are some strange things going on
now you ruined it for me
I thought you were helping me with PyQt
My main thing acting as a barrier is the language.
I find it very hard to watch dubbed or subbed shows
My attempt to install Pyqt5 failed with 23 seconds left on the download. I need everyone to clap and believe about 15% harder
English dub isn't bad bad
The mismatch between words and the motions just keeps distracting me
@Kevin doesn't it come preinstalled? I have the anaconda version
@ParitoshSingh yeah I know a lot like you, attention to detail !
Dang, timed out a 1:01 left. I guess everyone's arms are tired
everybody put your hands up
funny enough thats a line from a anime opening (not a weeb)
Maybe I can download a wheel... I usually have better luck using Firefox's download manager compared to pip's, when my connection is spotty
oh sorry, i wasn't participating. hands ready to be spared now
I used to go with whl when pip was blocked in my college
they just straight up block terminal internet access
riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download5 helpfully indicates that I can download a wheel via pip install. No help there.
I heard installing PyQt on your own is a pain
thats why this YouTuber (Sentdex) suggested he did videos with PyQt4
it started raining again in Manchester (sobbs)
installing a lot of things on its own* gets painful honestly.
its for that reason that conda impresses me many times with how easy it makes things seem.
the last time I had trouble installing was Hadoop for a course I would later drop
never knew Hadoop was a java nightmare
Hmm, maybe if I put a huge number into pip's default-timeout option...
no offense but dont you guys have like corporate level internet speeds?
makes my uni the size of my pinky
if i had to take a guess, i'd say Kevin does not at the moment. :P
just call it a hunch
I always assumed the people here are at jobs and hence had good internet
Blanket assumptions always go wrong. And it's also a question of where someone is at a given moment.
timelines !
Even if someone has a job, they may not be at work at that time. People from all timezones :)
timelines would be... too fancy even for room6 i'd imagine
though i shouldn't put it past Kevin i suppose.
I just wanted to say that word :p its not every day you get to use that and not look like a comic nerd
can I stop clapping my hands now?
I'll just say that not all workplaces have good internet and leave it at that.
fair enough, dont ask a man about his internet speed
or his paycheck or his age and a gazillion other things :p
@Kevin agreed. ;)
Setting a huge timeout has caused the installation process to not crash during the last four half-minute internet outages I've experienced. Only eight or ten more and I should be good
if you're allowed to add some browser plugins or whatnot, you can try something that buffers downloads.
i think there were download managers that could do that
But i'd imagine you probably would need permissions to install extensions, so meh
is PyQt installed on Colab?
I mean its easier that way if it is
i'd imagine not.
let me just take a look
I can install extensions. But I don't think there's any extension that alters pip install's behavior.
@ParitoshSingh applied leave for tomorrow too.. :P
haha. Is tomorrow the rescheduled match day?
even wheels are failing?
yep.. :D
ohh cricket?
yep.. :)
hope whoever you support wins
@ParitoshSingh my mgr is a fan too, it helps that way :D
@TheNamesAlc thank you :)
If you're saying "are you even unable to download the wheels from a web browser because of your spotty connection?", it's more that I'm unable to download the wheels from a web browser because pyqt's website does not offer any way to download wheels other than by using pip install
no no that aint what I meant, sorry if that came off as rude
I didn't find it rude. I just don't know how to interpret the question. I'm hard to offend and easy to befuddle
well if its of any use
pip install PyQt5
at least it downlaods
works in colab
That is the command I've been using. It's currently running, but quite slowly.
you could try Colab if you want
@Kevin I ended up just binging it on release even after pinky-promising myself that I wouldn't
There, it's done. --default-timeout=1000 really helped.
@roganjosh I watched four episodes yesterday despite my self-imposed two episode per day embargo. Such is life.
well @ParitoshSingh think of Dark as a darker stranger things
thats what people on the inter web say
stranger things is something i've been told to watch too, but as of now, i have a pending list of movies/shows to go through first. im focusing on movies atm
I really like the main story arc. The one-on-one dialogues became signals for a cig/toilet break by the end. I still preferred the 1st Season by a long way
Following up to yesterday's question, when linux users do a pip install xyz, does it install the package as root even when sudo not supplied?
it installs wherever your python is set up? I guess thats my belief
what does "install" mean in this context? because it's as simple as just placing files in a place.
pretty much why pip fails at times without sudo
Stranger Things is fun. Someone told me Dark >> Stranger Things but I've just watched 2 eps and not feeling it so far
I haven't watched Stranger Things, but from what I've been told by people who did both is that Dark has stories for all main characters
not just the important ones, pretty much everyone in Dark has a story though not focused much in all episodes
That is probably less true for season 3.
I don't use linux primarily, so if someone installs my package globally via a sudo pip install xyz. Then calls it normally w/o sudo then it would give an error, right? (I'll link to yesterdays q)
(And no, I'm not at risk of blurring out spoilers, I will limit discussion there)
haha may be I will start binging stranger things after I am done with dark
yesterday, by aadibajpai
I have a file named unsupported.txt in my python package that gets exported when a user pip installs it. That file is supposed to update from the server on first run. However, a new unsupported.txt gets created in the directory from where the user runs the package instead of the one in site-packages being updated.
Now running @TheNamesAlc's program... After I select a csv file, I get "Python has stopped working". That's not good.
In general I don't think any package readme says to use pip with the --user flag, in that case do you generally add it on your own or use sudo?
@Kevin well it should work, are you at least getting the box?
I'm getting a window that takes up my entire monitor. It contains two buttons labeled "browse" and "quit", and one empty text box.
well I guess the positioning might have an effect?
I used absolute coordinates
Right before it crashes, this gets printed to stderr: QCheckBox(parent: QWidget = None): argument 1 has unexpected type 'int'. I suspect this is because the csv I chose contains only ints.
how to post an image here?
I figured I could just type whatever nonsense I wanted into the csv as long as it was valid csv, since you didn't specify. Is there some particular format I should adhere to?
as long as it is an excel or csv it is fine
even if there are multiple sheets
did you get the other file as well??
the getColNames one
So if you create a file a.csv with the text 1,2,3 and open it on your machine using your program, it works? Because it doesn't on mine.
let me try
it fails O_0
the first column must be header
put some strings
this works
Ok, I'll use that data... Once I load the second file and press k-nn, I get RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type QCheckBox has been deleted. Now we're getting somewhere.
thats the error
I have a theory. Stand by...
A QPushButton can have multiple signals hooked up to its click event. Every time browseFunc executes, you add a new signal, but you never remove the old ones. So when you finally click k-nn, it will execute all the partial self.setupData calls you established, starting with the oldest one. This is why setupData is trying to access the old check boxes.
One possible solution is to disconnect all signals from the button before adding the new one.
except TypeError:
it is like a stack calls?
I mean they are all in a line waiting to be executed ?
let me try that
is a down-vote in such questions not justified?
I am only clicking the button once aint it? so shouldn't the latest signal be used?
@anky_91 what do you think?
No. Clicking the button once will trigger every signal event.

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