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Haha piRSquared, same idea on the avatar tho :-)
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@AndrasDeak Ok thanks for the clarification. (The numpy doc could make it clearer.)
1 hour later…
recbg i mean
Haha i am holding my record of 4 answers in the hot answers tab for python, also first time i got to be the first place
1 hour later…
Hey there! quick question: How to make my terminal use the python version and modules that Jupyter uses (virtual env ml) instead of the importerror? conda list shows the concerned module but pydoc modules doesn't.
did you add it to your PATH?
@MisterMiyagi Should I show you my bash_profile content?
in itertools.dropwhile and takewhile, does the predicate need to hold True or False starting from the first element?
seems like that's the reason why the following doesn't work
In [44]: list(it.takewhile(lambda x: 2 < x < 5, range(10)))
Out[44]: []

In [45]: list(it.dropwhile(lambda x: 2 < x < 5, range(10)))
Out[45]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
@ankiiiiiii no, that would not be helpful by itself
but this does
In [46]: list(filter(lambda x: 2 < x < 5, range(10)))
Out[46]: [3, 4]
@DeveshKumarSingh same as for while
@MisterMiyagi pastebin.com/cM3TwfEr anyway. I would be needing more help then.
@ankiiiiiii well, add it to your PATH
@MisterMiyagi what's forwhile?
@DeveshKumarSingh mind the gap
@DeveshKumarSingh shouldn't range(10) be iterated ?
a = []
values = iter(range(10))
x = next(values)
while 2 < x < 5:
    x = next(values)
what would you expect this to do?
to never go inside the while loop?
@MisterMiyagi got it, this is takewhile, but how can I connect this to the code represented in the docs
How would it not need to be True or False from the start? How would you use it? "Take while true but only after a while..."
The pseudocode in the docs seems very clear to me
"as long as the predicate is true"
if its not true from the start, then it immediately stops
just like while;)
What's likewhile?
@AndrasDeak okay, so the for loop breaks on the first element, and the generator is finished?
@MisterMiyagi yes makes sense now, thanks :)
Hi everyone, has anyone ever worked with docker and Spyder or PyCharm? Actually, I just want use a image I pulled in Python
im not sure how the second sentence relates with the first
can you elaborate what you're trying, and what issues you have? @Mez13
Let's say there is a container, (with some python libraries for example) I did a pull image in my docker console. How to use this environment in Spyder (or PyCharm) ? Is it clearer?
Why not use a virtualenv and install those libraries there and link the virtualenv python binary to the ide
I am not sure you can link a python installation within a docker container onto the host ide
I did find this on looking up online, not sure how useful it is for you though
I agree if it's just a matter of libraries, using a virtual env is enough. Actually, I don't have any practical cases right now, I'm just trying to get used to docker
Thanks anyway
Sure no problem
Cabbage mates...
Hey guys. I've been scratching my head over this issue with my Flask app for a while now. If anyone could take a look I would really appreciate it. stackoverflow.com/questions/56739519/…
I feel like I have done everything right in my setup, yet I am still unable to set cookies in my browser
I come back with a more basic question. My windows cmd doesn't recognize the 'py' command. So I tried to set it up with the path leading to python, but it's still giving the same error. Do you have any idea?
is py supposed to be python?
That's the python launcher for Windows. It has options to launch specific versions, like py -2.7
@ParitoshSingh Yes
@Aran-Fey Can you give an example of command please?
I just did?
i see, good to know
amusing, i've never encountered it before
Hi guys
I hve a pandas doubt
# Valid postal codes
adr_data['postal_code'] = adr_data[(adr_data['postal_code'] != '')|(adr_data[adr_data['postal_code'] != '0'])]
I am trying to assign to the postal code column of adr_data the values of adr_data postal code column where the postal code value is not equal to an empty string or 0
I know that I am doing something wrong on the RHS
This is because the right hand side would give me a dataframe while the LHS is a Series
I tried doing this:
adr_data[(adr_data['postal_code'] != '')|(adr_data[adr_data['postal_code'] != '0'])].postal_code
for the RHS
@RaphX what exactly is the problem , are you getting all the rows in return?
I am trying to assign to the postal code column of adr_data the values of adr_data postal code column This sentence seems odd at best. you're trying to assign the values of a column from the same column?
So I wrote a function that would convert specific values to 0
Apart from this I have some values that are empty strings in the postal code column
I want these values to be not considered in the postal code column@ParitoshSingh
do you want to treat/convert the values in postal code column which are empty into 0?
I am running out of memory @anky_91
or, do you want to drop the entire row where postal columns are invalid?
Yeah I want to drop them @ParitoshSingh
so something like adr_data[(adr_data['postal_code'] != '')&(adr_data['postal_code'] != '0')] As always, think in terms of "selecting" correct values instead.
Yeah but that just returns a new dataframe right?@ParitoshSingh
I need to use that dataframe for further calculations @ParitoshSingh
@RaphX what about adr_data.loc[~(adr_data['postal_code'].eq('')&adr_data['postal_code'].eq('0')),'postal_code']
is there an equivalent to functools.singledispatch for methods?
it dispatches on self, not the actual argument
which is kinda useless :/
from functools import singledispatch

class Foo:
    def bar(self, other):
        return 'base'

    def _(self, other: int):
        return 'int'

foo = Foo()
assert foo.bar('bar') is 'base'
assert Foo.bar(2, 'bar') is 'int'
assert foo.bar(2) is 'int'
@Aran-Fey Ah ok, then your example doesn't work with me
cbg for 5 mins
Ok I will try that @anky_91
@MisterMiyagi 3.8 has singledispatchmethod stackoverflow.com/questions/24601722/…
That helped thanks! @anky_91
I have yet another doubt
@RaphX sure, Cheers..!!
postal_code_level = adr_data.groupby(['postal_code']).agg({'district':'nunique', 'address':'nunique'}).rename(columns = {'district':'AID', 'address':'address_line'})
postal_code_level.reset_index(inplace = True)
postal_code_level.sort_values('district', ascending = False, inplace = True)
postal_code_level.to_csv('AID count at postal code level.csv',sep = ',', index = False, encoding = 'utf-8')
This is a code block/kernel in jupyter notebook
I am getting the following error
@AndrasDeak thanks for digging that up!
no problem
Uh I accidentally ran it again , I guess I will just tell what the error is, its basically saying that 'district' is undefined
writing Python really gets tiresome lately...
every week another problem crops up with some builtin/stdlib that will be fixed in a version 4 years away from deployment :/
However there IS a district column in my dataframe
@MisterMiyagi well functools is a weird animal to begin with
Also, this problem has been happening after I added the rename section after agg
@RaphX undefined how? KeyError or something else? When will you start posting actual error messages when asking for debugging help?
@AndrasDeak it's a similar story with writing async code... can't wait for PEP 533
Sorry, I accidentally I ran it again @AndrasDeak I will post in a while
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-70-9edafc2a6984> in <module>()
      2 postal_code_level = adr_data.groupby(['postal_code']).agg({'district':'nunique', 'address':'nunique'}).rename(columns = {'district':'AID', 'address':'address_line'})
      3 postal_code_level.reset_index(inplace = True)
----> 4 postal_code_level.sort_values('district', ascending = False, inplace = True)
(see full text)
Sorry I should have pasted this in some other site
.rename(columns = {'district':'AID', 'address':'address_line'})
Does that not rename your 'district' column...? Honest question, I don't know pandas.
I'd check 'district' in postal_code_level to be foolproof
Uhh When I am doing a postal_code_level after this I am getting the changed column names
so...why do you expect 'district' to be there still for sorting?
Ok my bad, this was a dumb mistake :)
Thanks @AndrasDeak
cbg @PaulMcG How are things?
An additional question not related to pandas
How do I become good at solving DP problems? I know most people would say practice but if you are stuck on a problem for like days, what should you do? Should you go ahead and see the solution or read some more on it?
I think it's fine to look at the solution.
@Dodge same same
And this is coming from somebody who loves to reinvent wheels from first principles, so you know I'm not against the idea of figuring things out for oneself

can anyone help with this ?
@HarnishShah Someone already has. If you can't make use of the answer your question is either unclear or you need to learn some basic python before doing web scraping. Have you read a good python tutorial yet?
@HarnishShah Looking at your comment on that answer, I interpret it to be saying two things: "will this still work if the data is slightly different?" and "how do I get the entire json data, not just the 'kushpate' string"? The second one is easy -- the entire json data is in the js object.
The first one is hard for anyone to answer because we don't know how the data will be different.
I got a little off-topic question ... how much does 8GB of ram weight? Someone told me it weights around 20g, is this true? (Yes, I have tried searching for it on Google)
If you're really worried that this answer will only work on the sample data you gave in your question, and will break on any other kind of data, then you could edit your question to add more samples. Then hopefully the answerer will feel inclined to make sure his solution works on all of them.
@SebastianNielsen 10 g - 90g
    Yes @Kevin and @AndrasDeak  my previous JSON data is this


Now I have read this JSON data in Outlook email through imaplib, but that data is converted into HTML form , that converted HTML data is 
(see full text)
Is any of that different from what you asked in your question? My point was that you need to add additional detail to your post if you want the answerer to give you a more robust solution.
Just copy-pasting your problem in here won't accomplish anything.
I have already tell this problem to that person in chat.
since you are asking us, it would help if you told us as well
In any case, I feel like I already answered the question you asked in the comment - you can get the entire json object instead of just "kushpate" using the js variable.
As far as I'm concerned, the problem is solved until you can provide additional sample input that proves that it isn't.
@HarnishShah So let's get back to that we ask not to ask for help here with questions recently asked on the main site, exactly to prevent parallel discussions that end up wasting everyone's time. Try to explain your problem to your answerer, you might also get other answers in a day or two.
yes you both right. thanks
@DeveshKumarSingh why did you retract yours?
self-duped now
Is it possible to execute an Excel Macro from a Python Script? I have an Excel Macro to upload some Data from an Excel to my SharePoint site and I'd like to run my PythonScript that already handles some previous steps to then execute the Macro once it's done sorting the data.
I don't know but (ew :D) is it possible to just reimplement the macro's functionality in python?
Possibly but my only concern figuring out how to send data to a SharePoint in the first place was a painful experience and that was utilizing a VBA Macro. When I tried accessing our SharePoint in Python back around Feb. I couldn't get it to accept my credentials.. which is not good.
I see :/
In the long term you'd probably be much better off with leaving VBA behind, but I wouldn't be surprised if microsoft wouldn't want you to be able to do that. <3 vendor lock-in
Yeah, I can understand that. My only issue is the credentials I need are a mystery (Technically we log-In based on our windows session) and it has been a nightmare navigating stuff as in.
What exactly does the data end up in once in SharePoint? It's not something I've really used, but is it an online spreadsheet?
Presumably not googlesheets? I don't know how far MS is willing to go to reinvent all the wheels
It ends up in a giant List that we use to communicate item status/changes between teams/departments in our facility.
It can end up in a lot of things like Spreadsheets and various types of lists that are customized for various purposes.
To be honest you could accomplish something similar with GoogleSheets.
but Microsoft just integrated this with Explorer and a lot of things like Access, InfoPath and they use to have a tool called SP Designer to handle workflows and heavy behind the scenes design of the sites.
In googlesheets you could use gspread and it's relatively easy (I had it running just a few months into my programming life for real-time updates). Presumably your road-block here was just the authentication, though? I'm not sure exactly what VBA can do that another language couldn't (if the API exists), it just might not be as well documented
slightly related, may help or hurt you but i've used vbscripts to process some portions of a pipeline if i could not replace it in python
in my own research, i never found a reliable way to "write" macros or interact with macros directly when creating an excel file via python. I'd assume that similar issues will exist when it comes to "accessing" a macro inside an excel file too
So, A clean solution for us was to just utilize vbscripts for portions that had to use VBA, delegate the task to a subprocess call with the script.
I think since VBA is coming from excel if authentication issues arise it's passing my Windows session while Python I tried defining my Windows session where applicable or providing my credentials but it never panned out. As how what I'm doing I'm just passing the data using ADO. As far as I've seen SharePoint isn't the funnest thing to use with Python I've seen many questions but no discernible solution that has managed to work for me.
I'd have to admit my VBA knowledge isn't great I work mostly in Python but there's only so much I can do when constrained by IT.
I've had to fight to get some libraries to process my Excel Reports (See my Previous Questions a few months back)
I think Paritosh is probably better informed than me on this then, so maybe you really are stuck with the VBA :/
If I found a way to access the SharePoint using Python I'd happily just make a Python script for everything but things have proved difficult and I'm not exactly a wizard so I resorted to a simpler solution.
just for the benefit of others who might know these things, did you have trouble using this library?
I don't think I attempted using that Library, I'll see if I can get it setup and make some attempts at it.
I guess I did it's already on my system.
I'll scroll through the documentation see if I missed anything.
Sure thing. It was the top google hit by far so I wouldn't be surprised if this was already something you've tried.
Oh that's why. I didn't "Know" my credential which is where my attempts failed I can give it another go now that I've worked in the Site a lot more since then. Still don't really know what they use as my "Credentials"
you're probably stuck until you can figure that out
as I understand excel authenticates on your behalf so if you want to omit excel you have to authenticate yourself
Yeah, I know what I use to login to my Windows Session but I'm not sure if there is something else that is added or used instead of what is used to login to our windows session
yeah, I understand
You might also be able to generate an API key. Depends on how they handle authentication, but that's something to search
aye. and with all this said, always keep one thing in mind. IF you can replace the vba portion entirely in python, always opt for that or attempt to get that working first. And if you can't help it, reduce the amount of time/work you need to do in microsoft ecosystem if you're bringing python into the mix.
Hmm, it's annoyingly hard to undo a git rebase foo bar when you intended to do git rebase bar foo
@Kevin not really
Well, I know they have it setup so if you're on the network and if you go to a site that requires a login based for our company it auto-logs you in based on your session I've seen the term okta pop up in between authorizations from time to time.
you can look at git reflog and put the branch back into its original place
I followed the instructions at stackoverflow.com/questions/134882/undoing-a-git-rebase but it's hard to tell if it did anything.
Instead of reset I'd just create branches manually, but mostly because I never know how to use reset
i.e. something like git checkout -b original_bar HEAD@{5} based on the log
then make sure everything is where I want it then delete the rebased branch and recreate it at original_bar
pedestrian solution but it's guaranteed that no magic can happen
I think I un-borked it.
phew :)
One problem with the tutorial I learned git from is, I can't easily go back and double-check the order of arguments of the commands it teaches, because in some cases I have to click through three pages of interactive exercises to get back to the part I care about.
Of course I can always check the official git docs, and pray that I can determine which of the thirty different forms of git reset is the one that I've actually used before
I want a compromise between the two where I get a plaintext description of the one or two most common forms of each command. Where "most common" is determined by what I personally use them for
Jun 17 at 18:40, by Andras Deak
my level of git use which should probably suffice for Kevin relies on commit, fetch, checkout, merge and sometimes stash
that's also the reason why I only use those ^
it might be more work to chop down a tree with a wooden axe but a chainsaw is much more likely to tear my arm off
git devs, please implement a git undo command that exactly and only reverts the single most recent git command, no matter what it is
Notepad has had ctrl-z for twenty years, try to keep up with the cutting edge of user experience tech
mmm, wasn't it you that lamented that "replace all" could also work on every single open file simultaneously in Notepad++? :P
Yep, Notepad++ also needs to take notes from Notepad.
Ah, nm, that's what the ++ is all about I guess. I don't think regular notepad does that
None of you are free from sin... Except you Notepad, you're doing great sweetie
What about LibreOffice?
LibreOffice reminds me that I'm not multilingual every time I look at its name
libreoffice is the worst of all worlds
@AndrasDeak I know "reflog" is some kind of log, but I can't help but read that as "flog again"
"The beatings will continue until morale improves"
Working with git definitely makes me feel like I'm being endlessly flogged, heyooo
This Q&As deserve the Yahtzee badge for all having scores of 5. stackoverflow.com/q/56757092/2336654
reflog is amazing
I only discovered it recently
^ Only for those doing the flogging
Hey, good morning.
Somebody in here as production experience with scrapers? I've done multiple scrapers but I'm wondering what is the optimal process for this kind of things.... In a serious company, how this process normally runs? How is stored?
I don't know if I'm being clear with what I want to say.
scrapers meaning web scraping?
How does the PM always request the features that aren't easily supported by the framework and libraries that were chosen to make building this app easier?
@ParitoshSingh Yes
Normally I download the data and save it into a CSV
After I while I started saving this CSV's into a couple of tables in a PotsgreeSQL
But, I don't know how is the optimal or best practices in companies dedicated to this.
Storing the data doesn't really have anything to do with the scraping process itself
Frankly, it's really up to you. No one really has set guidelines on scraping, especially considering scraping should ideally be frowned upon in any serious company. You know, legal issues and whatnot. :P Regardless though, if your setup works for you, you seem to be doing fine.
Do serious companies even write web scrapers? I usually think of them as being the purview of boiler room operations that scalp airline tickets.
@roganjosh Yes, you are right, what I want to know is the whole process.
@ParitoshSingh I get it... That's a good point : )
I think it's going to be too broad for us to answer
@Kevin Yeah, I understand that. But there a serious companies that must obtain the information in one way or another.
scraping is actually very common for training catalogues in public research
apparently, we suck at providing metadata
Currently I'm doing some projects where I extract - Trying not to harm - some websites
The "right" way to get information from other services is via their public API. No scraping required... Ideally.
API... that's Italian pasta, right?
sobs silently
I thought it was a kind of sushi
i googled api italian pasta.
it was..interesting
Yes, but not all the websites have API's. I understand what you say, but that is an ideal world, I would like to be like that... But unfortunately is not.
roganjosh kinda hinted at one practical way of looking at it. When you're doing the scraping, it's just the program for scraping that's running. Once the request for scraping goes through, you get data. storing data is a pretty common task. How to store data is a relatively simple question to think over. the answer usually being "well, how much data do you have, and what do you need to do with it?"
So, its no longer about "how should i store data that i get from scraping", but simply one of "how should i store data".
I suppose there are scenarios where the service lacks an API, not because they want to prevent people from accessing the data, but because they just can't be bothered to design a formal interface for it.
In any case, I endorse all the previous messages that suggest that the best practices for storing scraped data are the same as the best practices for storing any other kind of data
@Kevin Yes, and in my experience there are more sites without a formal API. An API is not so normal in most companies.
Probably because they don't want you to have the data
(and that's not me getting on my high horse over scraping, which I don't think is inherently bad)
On scraping (ish); I was watching Dragon's Den earlier and saw an episode about Brand Yourself. I used the tool and couldn't understand it properly - it doesn't seem to do anything useful, and then gives me a slightly-below-average score :/
All but 1 of the references that it thought were me, weren't. Then I get a low score for having a small internet footprint against my actual name; it's Black Mirror coming to life.
Hi again guys
I am importing a csv with the argument dtype = str
When I am doing this doesn't this not convert all values into strings in pandas?
@roganjosh target market: consulting firms who'll buy it in bulk for their employees, to simulate treating them like humans
@RobertGrant After their pitch I was skeptical, but kinda hoped it would throw something up on me so I can kill the bugbear in the back of my mind :P
@RaphX did you try googling it? this was my first hit.
@AndrasDeak I know this really isn't the point, but I'm kind of excited that that blog post links to my meta question
@roganjosh Welcome to the Future!
@RobertGrant Old Yeller I hope
Hah! No.
But I'm pleased someone remembers that :))
@WayneWerner At least Blender might give me an angle into green-screen so I can be sipping champagne on royal yachts and golfing with Nobel prize winners in my downtime
Ah! MSE.
Got it thanks@ParitoshSingh
NO GOOGLE: Pop Quiz: In the movie "2001 A Space Odyssey", how was the character HAL's name derived?
wasn't H. Something Algorthim?
oh i havent seen that movie, heard about it a fair few times
no, I think it got its name from a real-life something
funnily enough, i know the answer
unpopular opinion: you didn't miss out on anything
I cheated in the end. I wouldn't have got that.
oh really? i've always heard the movie's mention in positive light
I forget, but I'm pretty sure at one time it was in my mind
though that's mostly in the backdrop of stuff like interstellar so i dont know whether the movie was put under the scrutiny it deserved
Okay Google time
okay then
I was right but i havent seen the movie since middle school
Not least because one of the words doesn't even appear in the acronym :/
that is kinda tricky
@AndrasDeak Open your pod bay doors heart, HAL Andras.
@ParitoshSingh yes, because <3 Kubrick <3 sci-fi genius <3
also unpopular opinion: Kubrick's The Shining is also one of the worst movies I've seen
@WayneWerner You've made a new Ship of Theseus with that quote :P
@roganjosh laurel
@AndrasDeak guess not.
@roganjosh okay, this made me google too...apparently i was wrong.
this makes me half suspect you probably got it wrong as well @piRSquared what answer were you looking for?
LOL! No, I was wrong too (-:
/me googled
And yes, I remember knowing that
haha, i had a feeling ;)
I googled to make sure I was right... and I wasn't
but it's such a weird name that it didn't have anything to stick to
the shift would have been much nicer if it was not like cake. :)
though now this fun event has provided somewhere for it to stick, so it's possible I'll remember it
Fun fact: at one point I knew there was an arrow in FedEx, and then I forgot. And then I read a post that said once you know it's there you can't forget, and now I can't
but, I did.
Pub quiz for me tomorrow night, I feel sure this will come up. Thanks for helping me with my prep
Because I didn't care about FedEx
Quick: how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
Also the bear in the Toblerone logo (probably mostly European reference)
@WayneWerner i got to this point because of a book. :P funnily enough, i had forgotten about it by now until you mentioned it
Ah. Interesting. What do bears have to do with chocolate, and/or Toblerone?
But next time you see it it will trigger an interrupt that reminds you
"In modern usage, the term has lost its theological context and is used as a metaphor for wasting time debating topics of no practical value, or questions whose answers hold no intellectual consequence, while more urgent concerns accumulate."
Isn't that bike-shedding?
I'd never heard the question/phrase before, but it seems superseded
@roganjosh what is this referring to? or is this like a quiz?
@roganjosh what was that definition for?
Ah. Reductio ad absurdum. I thought that was just reducing things to the silliness, rather than just wasting time
Which is, in fact, bikeshedding
It's how I would describe Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - Reductio ad absurdum. Spare yourselves if you haven't seen it.
A crime against eyes and movie goers
I have seen it :(
Was that the newer one?
Yes. And just truly awful
What was the problem(s)? I wasn't really /watching/ it
I read the original books growing up. I'm not a big fan but thought it might pass an evening
eh. i just sat through it with zero expectations. i wasn't disappointed. cause zero expectations ofcourse.
and the sound was really low, so I couldn't really hear any of the dialogue, so maybe that's where all the terrible bits were
The lack of any kind of plot might be a start? :P
I usually try to go with zero expectations. There are some movies that manage to disappoint then
yes, if you've read the books, you'll probably not want to put yourself through such torture. we all know it's all about milking money now.
What, bad guy is evil and building an army of followers isn't a plot?
I mean, it's not imaginative, sure
Well, he isn't really that bad because his motives don't really make sense. It's more like he tried to set up a trade union or something
Such as...?
The easier pitch would be to tell me the evil things he did. I can't cite evidence for things I didn't think happened
He cleared a house with a kid. It ends there, doesn't it?
In the first movie.... hmmm, is the spoiler obfuscator broken?
I think imdb reviews will save me legwork here. I didn't read them until after I watched it and was left with the "what the yam?" feeling
@WayneWerner I mean Grindelwald in the latest film. That's kinda the end of his crimes and it, I assume, deliberately tries to reference the Harry Potter incident
Ah. Well, yeah, he does some evil, but not a lot of evil?
... but it's the title of the film that he does bad stuff?
He may as well have been pulled over by the police for having a break light out and then failing to pay his fine
That's fair enough. Arguably the crimes in the first movie were nastier crimes than what he did in the titular movie, though.
Sure, and I was being half facetious :)
random, could someone explain what im missing here? why does this user have so much rep considering they seem to be new? no answers, 1 question
@ParitoshSingh trusted site bump
they have 300(?) or more rep on another question in the SO network
so, we trust they know how to comment, vote, and in general not be a dick
You would get the same if you join another SE site
i see
and rogan's assessment is pretty spot on
the movie was essentially filler
drop some names, get people excited, create hype
I wonder if you can hide some of your site involvement? I don't know, cause I've never tried it
@ParitoshSingh and make it pretty
yeah, visually the movie was pretty good.
@WayneWerner yep, i think that explains it. here
No, I don't think that explains it
It says they've been a member for 2 of the sites since today
Why are they getting rep boosts if they hide their account and then joined 2 more sites?
They're on Data Science and also have no posts there. I don't follow why they should be getting fast-tracked privilege. There is something weird here
i'd presume rep boosts would still apply, whether one site is hidden or not
they just have their accounts hidden, that doesn't make the association bonus go away
If someone wants to detatch themselves from every bit of their content, should they really get the bonus?
They aren't detached from their content. You just can't see their profiles on other network sites.
I didn't think anything like that was possible, huh
sometimes i feel like having a word with the OP face to face.
violence is not the answer
i was only going to talk, i promise!
alright, resolved in a manner not helpful in future/typo link
Cicadas are really loud tonight. They usually don't dominate the background noise here.
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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