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12:28 AM
1:22 AM
1 hour later…
2:27 AM
why am i keep posting messages after another
2:53 AM
what a yummy fractal
Do questions marked as a duplicate with no answers and 0 (or some low score threshold) get deleted at some point?
3:40 AM
4:02 AM
@ALollz only if they receive very few visits etc; see meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5221/… for details
wait, the criteria are stricter than that - I think negatively scored duplicates qualify for deletion after some time; see also stackoverflow.com/help/roomba
Well the votes did get reversed (I was serially downvoted yesterday 9 times) But I got serially downvoted again twice lol
4:36 AM
@wim the most correct action would have been just removing the clutter
Does anyone have any experience with scholarly? I'm trying to figure out how to iterate over all articles on Google Scholar
1 hour later…
5:52 AM
Hi All,
I am reading about typing in python3.5,
Just queries, is this also checks the validation?
no, you have to use an external validator like mypy
is this mypy comes with python standard package or need to install it?
you need to install it
@AmanJaiswal Install it with pip or conda.
6:02 AM
is any other way to check this dynamically as I don't want an extra dependency ?
it's usually not that bad of a dependency because you only need it in your dev env, and not during runtime
also, cbg all
and no, there is no easy way to check/validate types (is there a difference between the two?) without installing a third party library that does it for you
@AmanJaiswal Here is the link, just simply type
pip install mypy
in your command line
actually my script is going to use by multilple usres on there env
thats why I am prefering not using 3rd party lib
they don't need to install it in order to use your script
you just annotate your types, and during development run mypy myscript.py every now and then to make sure that the types are alright
you don't need to use mypy in your code in order to use it.
but how this mypy will work if they don't have this?
6:08 AM
I see, i guess it's a little confusing.
yes, think so
What's wrong with installing...
so, python does not rely on types. it just doesn't. and everything that 3.5 added with the typing module was the option to annotate a variable with a type. this annotation is completely non-commital, and just because you say var: int = 'not a number' doesn't mean that your program will crash, python just doesn't work that way
don't want to make things complicated for other users, as most of them are black box testers
@Arne yes agree, but as Aran-Fey said to validate the types I can use mypy with this typing and it will validate the arguments based on typing
while the python runtime happily ignores your type annotations, `mypy` doesn't. if you let mypy run your script, it will tell you something like

"test.py:1: error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type 'str', variable has type 'int')"

, and you'll know that you need to fix that line.
6:14 AM
@Arne Arne, that's a cool thingy, you thought me something, : with =, before i only knew : without = :P
yeah, you can put both on the same line
@AmanJaiswal do you see why your code has no dependency on mypy?
Lol, i always misspell __annotations__, i always say: __anonnations__ for some reason
mypy performs static code analysis. If you let mypy check your code and it doesn't show you any warnings, you know that your program will never assign an incorrect type to a variable. So you only need mypy during development, not during runtime.
@Aran-Fey I actually don't even have it installed...
neither do I, I never use it...
6:20 AM
@Arne ya, thanks got the point
@Aran-Fey Cool :)
@Aran-Fey Exactly.
>>> import mypy
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#11>", line 1, in <module>
    import mypy
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mypy'
Might not be the case for others...
6:34 AM
what happens to bounty question that don't have answers when the time runs out?
@StephanS Amm.... you wasted whatever the amount of reputation you gave out...
And nothing else...
6:49 AM
7:00 AM
if my function works heavy on string index does is it better to make the index into an array? like s = [*s] and then iterate over the list or it does not make a difference in performance
@0x2bad Well, maybe with very big lists
@0x2bad The answer is to use timeit to decide whether it's significant
from string import ascii_letters

def iter_string(string):
    for item in string:

def iter_list(lst):
    for item in lst:

my_string = ascii_letters * 1000
my_lst = list(my_string)
%timeit iter_string(my_string)
1.31 ms ± 36.6 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

%timeit iter_list(my_lst)
763 µs ± 3.31 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
cool! thanks I should have a template for timeit to do compare functions!
7:15 AM
Shouldn't you measure for item in list(my_string)?
I use Spyder so I have access to a timeit magic method courtesy of IPython (calling it with % on functions), otherwise you have the module
@Aran-Fey my interpretation was that they were gonna do this repeatedly, but sure, I'll throw the conversion in
def iter_list(string):
    lst = list(string)
    for item in lst:

my_string = ascii_letters * 1000
%timeit iter_list(my_string)
1.73 ms ± 44 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
@Aran-Fey Yeah, that makes roganjosh totally wrong...
52000 characters. It seems for a 1-off iteration, keep it as a string, then. If you need to iterate multiple times, convert to a list
@roganjosh Yeah
Aran-Fey was right to raise the point
7:21 AM
see ya guys in around 18 hours...
7:37 AM
<rhetorical> "Why is iterating the string slower here?" --> Comes across this. It's far too early for this kinda thing, I better put the kettle on for a brew.
I'd rather take the short version by tim peters =)
That seems to be disproven :/
because of interning?
For someone to go up against Tim... is Veedrac a core dev?
I'm not sure why it's wrong yet, I got about half way through, but a skim did show me "We can actually rule out Tim Peter's 10-times-upvoted answer!"
Ok, the second half of the answer kinda descends into "Here's some C code, it's boring, I don't know what's happening". I shared the journey.
7:59 AM
@roganjosh I don't think so. But even then, I'd have imagined Tim to be even higher up the python hierarchy
They almost certainly aren't, but they opened a can of worms on themself. Once you get to the second part of the answer, it becomes clear :)
8:26 AM
A question, is groupby an overkill for this question here: stackoverflow.com/questions/56144013/… and my answer is here: stackoverflow.com/a/56144259/8591431
> Looking for a fancy one line solution
yes, its overkill imo, but not because of the groupby per se.
Oh no, this can't be good...
@Aran-Fey exactly my thought :P
8:29 AM
ohh, why is groupby an overkill here, any thoughts
The answer with the least attention was actually my initial thought
i take an issue with the complexity of the groupby solution, because you're forced to sort first. if i read this question correctly, this is literally just a counter solution.
and when you use a tanker to blow up a nail instead of using a hammer, well.. i prefer the hammer. :P
But... explosions? You'll pass on explosions?
Yes, my aim was to use groupby somehow lol, but yes counter is the perfect answer for this
I guess I should delete that answer to avoid further embarrassment!
@roganjosh well, depends on the mood i suppose ;)
No embarrassment, you can leave the answer up if you like. heck, perhaps add a comment about the complexity, and maybe it will help someone down the line.
8:32 AM
btw, is there a way to sort the length when we use groupby, a lambda function which can be passed to groupby key for it, I supposed not
I wouldn't say groupby is overkill, I'd say it's the wrong tool for the job
so when would you say groupby is meant to be a good solution
no sarcasm intended, when you need to group things.
when you need to group consecutive things
its actually pretty handy when you need to get "groups" from a list that all share some behaviour.
aye, consecutive things.
8:34 AM
but we might need to sort things if we need to group them right
otherwise there will be groups of similar things lying away from each other
Yes, groupby doesn't work if you don't sort, and it's the sorting that makes them consecutive
Counter doesn't care about the order
and we can sort say on anything, lexicograhically, on length, on an item in a dictionary etc
But it's costly
The docs do say: which is why it is usually necessary to have sorted the data using the same key function
So the lower bound is always O(n log n) with groupby
8:37 AM
I really wish python had a function that groups non-consecutive things. waaaay too many people use groupby(sorted(...)) because they're too lazy to write 3 lines of code with a defaultdict
always? nah, depends on whether the data comes sorted for your use or not
I should say worst case then? worst case lower bound is O(n log n)
say, quick example, suppose youre collecting log dumps of activity on your server
the data is already in the right order. if you need to do aggregations say, daily activity, count of hits etc, then you just need to apply the groupby on the datetime
that's essentially what groupby is a precursor for. some form of aggregations.
yes similar to groupby in sql, which is what the docs refer to, and you have sorted for order by in sql
mhm, bingo
so, its not fair to tie a complexity of "preprocessing/data wrangling" to groupby itself, groupby is just O(n).
8:39 AM
@Aran-Fey could you expand on that, in what case groupby sorted will change to 3 lines of defaultdict?
basically, counter again.
got it, I hoped they came up with a flag of sorting the data while grouping, since we can essentially group elements together, like binning and that will end up sorting as well as grouping things together too
if you just need to collect data and separate them, you can do it in O(n) time with counters/default dict.
bucket sort + groupby, but ofcourse that is inefficient then pre sorted list and groupby
groups = defaultdict(list)
for x in lst:
^ this groups in O(n) time, as opposed to groupby(sorted(lst))
8:46 AM
and lst is any integer list ?
Why integers?
any iterable of anything hashable
I just got this Q in my close review queue: stackoverflow.com/questions/56135768/…
The suggested close reason was "opinion-based". But it is asking a very clear and (imo also useful) question that has a definitive answer. How is that opinion based? Simply because the word "should" is part of the title?
In [29]: lst = [1,2,3,4,3,5,6]
In [38]: [list(group) for _, group in groupby(sorted(lst))]
Out[38]: [[1], [2], [3, 3], [4], [5], [6]]

In [39]: groups = defaultdict(list)
...: for x in lst:
...: groups[x].append(x)

In [41]: list(groups.values())
Out[41]: [[1], [2], [3, 3], [4], [5], [6]]
guess you are right @Aran-Fey
@Arne I agree that's not opinion-based. I think people close far too many useful questions as opinion-based. The question is clearly asking what the correct action is in the context of semantic versioning, and there's a definitive answer to that question. Even if that answer is "semver doesn't specify what the correct thing to do is in this case, so you can do whatever you want".
The "opinion-based" close reason should be removed IMO, to be honest. Most really opinion-based questions can be closed as "recommendation/tool request" anyway.
8:59 AM
I'd gladly trade it for "lacks minimal understanding"
Waaay too offensive for today's climate
But isn't stackoverflow already one of the bad boys of the internet?
too much global warming
might as well embrace it
I had my comment deleted on this answer last night, which I'm a bit miffed about. I got first comment; "of course there is a way; remove the 'for' loop". I don't see that as any different to the factually-incorrect statement that the answer opens with. I assume it was flagged but it was removed somehow, so the poster got a downvote instead. Much more welcoming.
So saying "lacks minimal understanding" is a no no :)
9:06 AM
@roganjosh that's ridiculous
wait so
there's an answer, off of the wrong code of the op. and the op has not provided actually what they want to do, and no input/output
<shrug> That was the entirety of my comment. Someone (whether a flag or just a mod) deemed it inappropriate to challenge the accuracy of the answer.
i dont think there's much to work with here, just move on.
the mod/reviewer probably didnt spend the time to understand what's going on
it happens every now and then i presume.
That would suggest a flag, then
aye, that would be my assumption
9:12 AM
Lot of times people ask a question, and when they get an acceptable answer, they keep adding new things to the code and ask questions in the comments. Is it inappropriate to tell them that what you are asking now goes out of scope of the question, and a newer question is warranted ?
@DeveshKumarSingh yes, almost always, if you think the follow-up questions have worth to stand alone and not be a dupe
he tricked you rogan :P
he asked if its inappropriate to suggest asking a new question. you said, yes :P
Oh, man. No, it's not inappropriate. Damn negatives :P
yes I think you read is as appropriate
@DeveshKumarSingh Tell them to ask a new question or whatnot. Or just leave it be, or choose to keep answering the "moving" target. Its your call, but at that point, its best to tell the op to ask a new question, or atleast make them aware adding requirements on top is not a good practice.
I usually take it on a case by case basis, and how much the question has changed.
9:16 AM
Some people will use SO as a help-desk. There can be some drastic changes to questions, to the point that they invalidate all the answers that actually worked for the initial problem. In those cases, a rollback might be needed. Different people push the boundaries in different ways
Yes if a question jumps from saving a json to using that json to call a REST API
I would say a new question is warranted lol
btw @roganjosh is your name josh rogan ? Because your name confuses me sometimes :)
also they changed MVCE to MRE: stackoverflow.com/help/reprex
@DeveshKumarSingh My name is Josh, yes. I probably couldn't even eat a Rogan Josh without going bright red and sweating :)
also changed the URL. when did that happen
haha @roganjosh you got where I was getting at, yes that is what I was referring to :D
btw just tell them to prepare with a lower spice scale, then you can bear it for sure :)
I am just terrible with spicy food in general; I don't understand why anyone would want their food to hurt them :P But, I grew up on stew and cottage pies etc. so I never got used to it, I guess
england or the states?
9:22 AM
Manchester, UK
aah my first guess was UK when I heard pie, but spicy food is a staple there, hell Butter Chicken is the national food lol
shepherd's pie i presume
Cottage pie is generally made with beef, Shepherd's Pie is lamb, which is more expensive
understood :)
But Manchester is "up north" and we have a thing for pies
And pasties
And don't get me started on "pudding"
9:33 AM
Those comments have just given me a flash-back to someone trying to pass the citizenship test and asking the difference between a flat and an apartment, in this room. I was as useful as a chocolate fireguard.
Yamming hell
Q: Min-Reprex: a less awkward name for MCVE

Shog9Five years ago, we set out to write up some guidelines for folks asking debugging questions on Stack Overflow. Andrew Thompson, author of the much-loved guide to writing a Short, Self Contained, Correct (Compilable), Example, gave us a solid start; with a few tweaks and updates over the years thi...

I can't even
South to me ;)
"All in all, a solid set of improvements, I think..." Um
If people struggle so much with MCVE then I guess xkcd is doomed from the start
9:50 AM
A: Min-Reprex: a less awkward name for MCVE

jpmc26You haven't defended your claim MCVE is an awkward name. The full title is long, and the initialism is... Also long. No, it isn't. MCVE is incredibly short. The full title isn't short, but it's hardly a burdensome length. Heck, I had to add a little blurb at the bottom just to help folk...

upvote gazillion
time to go all voting ring :D
The more I look into Meta, the more convinced I am over the fact that SO took off is more to do with luck than how it was managed.
just realized you linked the answer, not the question :D
@OldTinfoil well, they've exhausted all of the useful feature requests so they have to find some way to improve the site </sarcasm>
True that. How could I have been so blind?
Test [mcve]
9:56 AM
that never worked here, only Aran's userscript
and Shog said that it'll keep working in comments
Ok, so we keep pinning instructions to visitors, but [mcve] can't work here
@roganjosh like, yes, they've converted all old blockquote dupe posts into editable ones. Oh wait...
@roganjosh chat has always been a bastard child. Or maybe an orphan.
9:57 AM
they're complete idiots
mcve can be found using google
But the Product Manager needed work
it does not have any other meaning. It expands to that being spelt out... if anything the expansion should say Minimal Verifiable Correct example (MCVE)
Correct? :P
you see, you don't even know what it stands for :'(
The justification is pretty lame to begin with, also the question was downvoted and now stands at -24 points
> The use of “reprex” for Reproducible Example was inspired by Jenny Bryan’s reprex package for R.
we're lucky they didn't name it regex or django then
10:02 AM
It sounds like an medical ointment though, or maybe a weight supplement for gym goers :D
Ugh, I've just realised that REM "Everybody Hurts" has been playing in the background for this discussion. It's not helped my evaluation.
Reproducible Example Minimal? :P
... Why are you not working for them already?!
@AndrasDeak I was testing you ;)
MRE = Meal, Ready to Eat
MCVE: Minimal Concise Verbose Exercise
...that's an oxymoron
"Milk for Cheese Value Equivalent" <- lol
10:08 AM
wonder how they even thought of min-reprex, that's half an acronym, or atleast call the url /help/mre
the link has reprex, and I quoted the reason for its name
screams incoherently into the void
hmm I saw it, but why take a name from a package of R
one of many questions raised on the meta post :P
as far as I can tell, the package exists to help people create MCVEs
10:11 AM
By using R as an example they are exlucing python and php users. I'm offended.
unless they are using that package on the website in the backend, and taking royalty for it, doesn't make much sense
hedging my bets that discussions for "why" are not really going to lead to logical answers
Because, people.
It must have been the result of yet another "business meeting that ends up rational person being thrown out the window" meme situations
R - one of the worst languages for SEO. "Nobody can find MCVE". Let's take inspiration for the new phrase from R for SEO reasons.
R is not even in top 10 tags on SO, it's placed at 18th position
10:14 AM
I think they took the name for the name, not for SEO.
both MCVE and MVCE have fine SEO
MRE has no hits on google for that page, not does reprex
@AndrasDeak "exlucing"? What hope do you have with "mcve"? :P
@DeveshKumarSingh it's brand new...
min reprex comes up with the meta question as the second link, guess it will take time to bring it on top of SeO
@roganjosh :P
10:16 AM
yes my point exactly @AndrasDeak
Your point is that a brand new page is not highly ranked in google? :P
good point
I was just on the wind-up
at least I'm going into grading the rest of the mid-terms with the right mindset
sorry I meant to say, since it's brand new, it won't be on top of SEO as you said @AndrasDeak :)
Like the old american shows where teachers stamp work with a red "F", you just need a "reprex" stamp
10:20 AM
The problem is long-term outlook. We'll end up with a page for reprex and someone looking for an mcve won't find it.
And if we leave the old name for SEO...why did it have to be changed in the first place?
If it ain't broke, don't fix it
Age old rule
well their premise is that SO is broken in very many ways, but they aren't good at finding the cracks
So let's water the skylarks?
minreprex sounds like ministry of reproducible examples from 1984. An euphemism for department of gimme codez homework dumps
10:42 AM
10:57 AM
Say I have a class Context that stores a Config object (composition). I want to be able to access the config's attributes through the Context instance, so I've added a __getattr__:
def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return getattr(self.config, attr)
    except KeyError:
        raise AttributeError(attr)
Now the problem with this is that whenever something goes wrong in one of Context's properties and an AttributeError is thrown, python doesn't show me that exception and instead silently tries to call __getattr__, leading me to get stupid errors like 'Config' object has no attribute 'foo'
So... what's a sane way to get this kind of attribute pass-through mechanism without __getattr__?
but but but, config object has no attribute foo!
have I complained yet how annoying __getattr__ vs __getattribute__ is?
@ParitoshSingh Let me clarify: Context has a foo property that has a bug:
class Context:
    def foo(self):
        return None.bar  # oops, a bug
so then __getattr__ is called and produces that 'Config' object has no attribute 'foo' that's completely useless for debugging purposes
I can work around the problem by creating a bunch of properties, but... it's ugly
11:02 AM
doesn't the exception carry any information that it wasn't a Context that raised?
I suspect not
Wouldn't __getattribute__ only be called for existing attrs?
is there a way to achieve list.extend using list comprehension ?
If it does have a context exception, pytest doesn't display it
@DeveshKumarSingh lst.extend(your_list_comp)? :P
@DeveshKumarSingh why would you need that?
you could concatenate your list with the listcomp
11:05 AM
__getattribute__ is called on any attribute access. __getattr__ is only called for missing attributes. There's no method that's called for existing attributes :P
Ah, silly python :(
okay I will try to exemplify it with an example
In [1]: li = ['hey', 'hello.bye', 'hi']

In [2]: res = []

In [3]: for item in li:
   ...:     res.extend(item.split('.'))

In [4]: print(res)
['hey', 'hello', 'bye', 'hi']
please tell me we've already pointed you to the formatting guide
ctrl+k, sorry, so I want to split strings in the list on ., and append the result to a new list, which I can do in the above code by a simple for loop and list.extend, my question is how to achieve this using list comprehension, and can it be achieved ?
res = [word for string in list_of_strings for word in string.split('.')]
anything more complicated than this in a nested list comp should probably not be a list comp, especially on SO main
11:13 AM
could perhaps also do it with a normal split, and flatten the result, if you wanted to use a comp.

li = ['hey', 'hello.bye', 'hi']

from itertools import chain
res = list(chain.from_iterable(item.split('.') for item in li))
['hey', 'hello', 'bye', 'hi']
For what it's worth the nested listcomp I wrote is exactly a flatten pattern
Andras's version is pretty readable though
aah a double for loop why did I not think of it, good thinking
Are both O(n), the double for and the list comprehension approach
both and neither
they are probably something like O(n*k) with n items and k dots in a word
I assume someone here will break this very easily, but why does out = [*item for item in li.split('.')] result in SyntaxError: iterable unpacking cannot be used in comprehension?
11:17 AM
Which part is not clear?
@roganjosh that was my first approach too
That unpacking can't be used. It's not clear to me why it needs to raise an exception. Presumably it can give wonky behaviour
is it because you don't know how deep the iterable can be ?
because iterable unpacking was deliberately prevented in list comprehensions to prevent abuse.
i vaguely remember reading this in some PEP.
yup, there was some ambiguity, maybe for a genex
Also is the time complexity of l1.extend(l2) O(len(l2)) ?
what he said
yes, i believe so. time complexities for common operations have been nicely compiled on the wiki
that Andras just linked. :P
thanks @AndrasDeak that is helpful :)
although, why a moin in the URL, is that the person who wrote this wiki?
@ParitoshSingh Thanks. So it was blocked on the basis that it does open the door to abuse
11:25 AM
morning all
I constantly get this issue with VS code, can someone help? TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
I'm always using tabs, not sure why its conflicting.
never use tabs and it will go away :P
you have spaces in there somewhere
Can't you configure VS code so that pressing tab will inject 4 spaces?
stackoverflow.com/a/49865883/4799172 ? Do these settings help?
Why would anyone ever press a key 4 times, when they can do it once.
11:37 AM
hint: they don't have to
Urm, maybe @AndrasDeak
This seems to be what I need.
// Insert spaces when pressing Tab. This setting is overriden
// based on the file contents when `editor.detectIndentation` is true.
"editor.insertSpaces": true,
seems good
Now I have to write my whole Python app again because I can't work out where the conflict is.
It seems to do this all the time and I can honestly say I only ever use tabs.
just replace all tabs with 4 spaces
I don't know if and how VS code can do that but there are plenty of tools that can
Why would you have to rewrite the whole app?
11:40 AM
it would be a single call to sed, for instance
Because VS code has weak support for determining if space are spaces or tabs @roganjosh
seems like a weird stance but you do you
I don't buy it tbh. Surely fixing the settings and re-saving the file will work. Hell, if you can post to pastebin and it respects indentation, I'll just load it in Spyder and send it back to you
I wouldn't bet that it auto-replaces the tabs that are already there
It hasn't complained to me yet when I c/p code from questions with this issue. No idea, but it has to be better than "I'll just rewrite the entire thing"
11:48 AM
when you copy-paste it sees the tab as a new addition and inserts it as a space
try saving a tabby source into a file in notepad and opening it with vs
I'm not saying it's impossible, just that one has to be careful with assumptions
A confusion and is this a general trend: This question here, although a dupe had two answers, one is mine where I explained the issues in the code, added the code with the fix, and added another optimized code, and someone else pointed just one issues
My assumption costs me 30-60 secs. It may fail. The current situation is someone being a bit dramatic and rewriting the app
also yes
11:52 AM
Is that something wrong on my part, to be more descriptive, or it is something general in SO, being more descriptive harms you, I don't care about the upvotes though, just asking about the general tendency of SO users so I can make my answers more meaningful in future
OP's problem was a typo-grade issue of looping over dict items wrong. A blatant duplicate. Someone posted an answer solving the problem. You posted a long answer. Things happen.
aah okay, so it's case by case basis, and not a generalization
the general rule is that people will vote
@DeveshKumarSingh The more effort you put in to an answer, the less likely you are to get the active viewer wave. In this case, though, you should have seen that it could be answered by the accepted answer and gone looking for the dupe instead
makes sense, so more concise the better is a general rule, or just how the site works lol
since brevity is better than essays
11:56 AM
No. Don't answer blatant duplicates is the general rule.
Depends how you want to be regarded. There's plenty of people that will score cheap answers like that, and get good upvotes, but it is generally remembered
aah okay that is the no. 1 rule too, don't answer duplicates, aah remembered as how @roganjosh ?
It's a rule some people think exist, others don't. Your work so far falls in the category that doesn't care about the rule.
@DeveshKumarSingh in the memories of people you will interact with, whether here or on the main site
fair point @AndrasDeak and @roganjosh I think as you grow on SO, these things can bite you in the back
11:59 AM
I've suggested to you already not to answer blatant dupes and low-quality questions so I have little interest in trying to convince you. You can take or leave what we think is right and wrong.

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