@AndrasDeak is this an endorsed canned comment or your own? Seems pretty reasonable, just wondering.
I say "endorsed" but there's a few common "Welcome to SO.." type comments that I see doing the rounds, which I assume come from some Meta post, but I haven't seen that comment before
i have multiple csv files with same number of columns & column header, but different rows. I want to compare each file to the others based on matching values to columns 1 and 2, but if the value in column 4 is bigger, i would delete that row from that file.
Ok, so you're not being clear on how this should work. Tbh my first thought is that I'd use the csv module and dictionaries, but I really have no idea what I'm shooting for here
This doesn't make sense to me. How can a series of lat/long have different distance values? Also, you're now trying to match dataframes based on float values.
My brain is too caught up in the scenarios that lead to this I guess. Maybe a pathfinding algorithm that chooses different routes from a lat/long to a fixed coordinate, and taking the best.
@roganjosh, forget about the device location. if you have 2 files with 3 columns in each (Lon,Lat,Distance). delete douplicate from file1 based on matching (Lon,Lat) and furthest away by Distance.
@user2031063 yes, so sort by distance and drop the duplicates
It's literally just that. Doesn't matter how many locations we're talking about, just sort on distance and drop the duplicates, keeping the first value
You know, this whole thing would be much easier with the csv module and just keeping a dict of minimum values. The convenience of read_csv is just falling apart in this case. Just ditch pandas for this.
Use the built-in CSV module to iterate through the file and only store lines that have a value less than what you've already seen for a set of lat/long
import csv
import os
seen = {}
for file in os.listdir('some_dir'):
reader = csv.reader(file)
for lat, long, distance in reader:
if ((lat, long) in seen):
distance < seen[(lat, long)] = distance
seen[(lat, long)] = distance
Completely untested, but use lat/long as a tuple key, and store the minimum distance
import csv
import os
seen = {}
for file in os.listdir('some_dir'):
reader = csv.reader(file)
for lat, long, distance in reader:
if ((lat, long) in seen):
if seen[(lat, long)] > distance:
seen[(lat, long)] = distance
seen[(lat, long)] = distance
import csv
import os
seen = {}
for file in os.listdir('some_dir'):
reader = csv.reader(file)
for row in reader:
if ((row[0], row[1]) in seen):
if seen[(row[0], row[1])] > row[2]:
seen[(row[0], row[1])] = row[2]
seen[(row[0], row[1])] = row[2]
Must admit that I'm getting a little bored of this discussion by now though
@user2031063 the others have spent way too much effort trying to help you. Please learn how to solve problems yourself. Read and understand what a help vampire is and don't be one.
what exactly are you trying to test? How do you plan on checking whether argparse handled the input correctly? Like, are you going to check whether a specific function was called with specific arguments?
You want your function to do things. The only way to control it does things properly is to create a Dummy Dataset. Since you want to test argparse, you must use the CLI... OR. Mimic the way it evaluates things.
You create a parser that basically parse for you the sys.argv.
And it returns a dict if im not mistaken when you use .parse_args
You've got to test all that separately. You want to test if your parser works. And you want to test whether the functions you're working with will produce the output.
Exactly, but you don't even have to test EVERYTHING.
Like : Does it go in this if, or in this one, etc...
If you had to test everything everything everything... you could never have time to code. But you want to test the big parts of your code so that you know where your Application bugs.
But you want to test small enough parts so that you don't waste time searching through a too big part.
you just need to push yourself initially. Its just part of the learning curve with anything. Assume for a sec that you wont be able to find such a person for a one on one.
Theres definitely enough resources available online to piece things together, but it may just take some initial effort to find the right resources, and understand and apply them.
I get the error "ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found" for Bokeh. I tried this solution (stackoverflow.com/questions/20201868/…), but it didn't fix the problem. Is there a quick fix for this?
I'm looking at some sample code. The author uses : a lot. For example, there's a line that reads imgEye = imgEye[:,:,0:3] - I think 0:3 means items in the range with indexes from 0 to 3, and therefore guess an empty : means the entire range. Is that right?
Here, If I'm not mistaken, but haven't verified it, it means : Get all the items in the first dimension, the second dimension, but only the 3 first element of the 3rd dimension.
hello, i have a quick question. I have "binary" string like "10010100100111", how can I create another string but with each 10-th element of original inversed? Like "10010100110111" and so on.