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@FĂ©lixGagnon-Grenier Classes as in, I had to build a small scale version of google for one assignment. Here's a screenshot: i.sstatic.net/8tVbg.png
The client was made using bootstrap and jquery. The backend uses PHP to interact with Solr, which has 25,000 indexed pages from LA times that I scraped.
PHP works good, but I don't think we can make it work together
how should one reason about directed and undrected graphs problems?
@Rick in one direction or the other
But seriously... do you have a particular problem in mind?
yes I do, one sec
inputs are 2, [[1,0],[0,1]]
There are a total of n courses you have to take, labeled from 0 to n-1.
Some courses may have prerequisites, for example to take course 0 you have to first take course 1, which is expressed as a pair: [0,1]
Given the total number of courses and a list of prerequisite pairs, is it possible for you to finish all courses?
I first impresson is that this is a directed graph
and I am looking for a circular dependancy
I am correct so far?
@code you there
4 hours later…
Seems pretty legit to me
cbg all
cbg @shuttle87
my bad, voted. didn't check on the answer.
3 hours later…
hi all. i want to make a package which is a thin wrapper of a subset of features from a lib (pygame). i also want to be able to share this wrapper in a modular way (packaged nicely). i am new to python packages and libs so i don't know what approach to take. some questions: should i include the underlying lib in my package, or is there a way to depend on it externally? also, what is the precise name of the package i'd be making (package, module, lib)? and how can i share this with others?
please and thank you
thank you
Anyone here good with Selenium ?
1 hour later…
@JonClements I have no concrete plans atm. Will you be?
No: that one is martinjin
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel it's a bit presumptuous for answerers to just answer with Use: + a block of code? Maybe it's due to a language barrier (in some cases), but it seems to imply there's only one solution that's right ("my way") and the questioner shouldn't try anything else.
The regulars here probably know the main culprit, but this is not targeting anyone in particular, more a question on whether my interpretation has any grounds.
Hello I'm having a weird problem with the most_common() function: I have a list of float values and plotting the histogram I clearly see that the most common entry in the list is -10 (occurring say 1000 times) followed by -30 (occurring say only 10 times ) ---> The problem is that the most_common() method is returning me -30 rather than the expected -10. Anybody?
@Employee, Can't reproduce, I suggest you post a question with a [mcve].
@Employee do u have a text or json output for the same?
Wild guess: when you look at the data, you see a lot of floats that look like "-10.0" when you print them, but actually they're all slightly different, so they don't get counted together.
I would provide an example of two floats that aren't equal but have identical string representation, but my first five attempts to produce some didn't work, so. But I'm pretty sure there are some.
Does NaN count?
Only for scoring Technical Correctness Points, which are worth even less than our usual imaginary currencies.
Possibly I've fallen into an alternate universe where all floats that represent a rational number have distinct string representations. Normally one would feel existential horror at being separated from their home dimension, but honestly this is an improvement
Have you noticed any other differences between the two dimensions? Like, I dunno, an extra pair of arms?
No, but I found it odd that my coworkers had two eyes today instead of the usual ten million. I thought it was a belated Halloween costume.
Well, that certainly sounds like an improvement to me, then
gotta go, rbrb
Think of the savings re: contact lens solution
C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>py -2
Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec  5 2015, 20:32:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> print(0.47000000000000003)

C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>py -3
Python 3.6.3 (v3.6.3:2c5fed8, Oct  3 2017, 17:26:49) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> print(0.47000000000000003)
I've been playing with xlwings to read data from an Excel document into a Python environment which is working great. I wonder however, if it is possible to create some sort of event listener which fires a Python function from Excel? I guess there's probably ways to do this through command line but wondered if any of you guys knew of a cleaner/safer way?
IIRC Excel can invoke arbitrary .NET code, so if you can find a way to call Python from C# (or Visual Basic), then you're home free
Not sure what kind of event listener you're envisioning. Like, a button on the spreadsheet that the user can click on?
Yeh something like a button
support.office.com/en-us/article/… confirms that you can make a button that executes VBA code when it's clicked. From there, I suppose you can use something like stackoverflow.com/questions/5964123/… to execute a Python script.
Possibly there is a more direct way of doing this. I haven't looked very carefully. I searched for "Python" in the Excel add-ons store and got zero results, so I gave up.
Possibly you're now thinking "yeah, I know about all that. That's what I meant when I said 'there's probably ways to do this through command line'. I want to do it without manually creating a Process object". In which case, oops, I wasn't helpful at all.
@MartijnPieters I'm not happy about reverting Werkzeug's SpooledTemporaryFile either.
Do you think we should patch it instead?
I don't really want to maintain compatibility code. :-/
\o cbg
Semi-interesting problem I've been playing with this morning: you are an aspiring cryptocurrency baron. You have one miner, which produces one dollar per hour. Every hour, you cash in all your money and purchase as many miners as you can, at $N apiece. How many miners do you have at the end of each hour?
@Kevin compound interest?
For n=2 I calculated the progression as [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 14]. Initially I thought this was Fibonacci(n) + 1, but then I noticed the next numbers were 21 and 31, which don't match what's on OEIS. Turns out, it instead matches oeis.org/A005428.
Long story short: cautionary tale about making assumptions from limited data
@davidism I don't think Werkzeug needs to patch, necessarily.
I patched SpooledTemporaryFile locally.
Since Werkzeug already proxies attributes, you could handle this in that same wrapper; if there was an attribute error on a known attribute (say, readable), dynamically provide that, and cache the decision?
Just go straight for self.stream._file.<attrname> inside the provided shim.
@AndrasDeak Call it compound interest with rounding. If you have 3$, you can't go out and buy one and a half miners. So you only get as much interest as if you had 2$.
(supposing N=2)
That way you don't patch SpooledTemporaryFile directly (you don't interfere with other code that may do so elsewhere), yet Werkzeug's file objects are then properly io.TextIOWrapper() compatible regardless of whether or not Python has fixed the issue.
There probably is a caveat somewhere with writing through methods other than .write() and .writelines(); those probably should be cast in terms of self.stream.write(), to ensure that the rollover functionality is still going to be tripped.
@Kevin right
Hmm, interesting
So FileStorage.__getattr__ should try stream, then stream._file?
It sort of ties FileStorage to the assumption that stream will be a SpooledTemporaryFile, or at least that it has a _file attribute, but that probably isn't an issue.
except AttributeError:
    if hasattr(self.stream, "_file"):
        return getattr(self.stream._file, name)
cbg all
@MartijnPieters I don't think there's any methods for writing besides write and writelines, which Spooled already implements.
Unless I'm missing something in the io docs.
@davidism nope, just looked too, so that's easy then.
I may have gone overboard with the unpacking stackoverflow.com/a/53542091/2336654
Well, I just learned a thing: stackoverflow.com/a/53542567/344286
turns out there are some very valid and nasty email addresses out there lol
Hah. But gmail doesn't like that valid address
The RFC describing what a valid email address is might just be the most ignored technical document ever
I like very."(),:;<>[]".VERY."very@\\"very"[email protected]
I think I’m going to use that as my new email prefix
@Kevin I'd have a hard time disagreeing with that statement
I don't think I could find many counter examples
The RFC describing a valid email address can be summed up into one sentence: "send a test email and have the recipient click a confirmation link"
That's the only correct approach
Truth Table Problems. Typo - trying to use paren-less print in Python 3
Is that like FirstWorldProblems for logicians?
IIRC regex can be used to parse URLs, but it can not be used to parse email addresses because they are not "regular" enough or something.
According to ex-parrot.com/pdw/Mail-RFC822-Address.html, regex can't parse 100% of email addresses because comments can be arbitrarily nested. That's pretty wacky.
I suspect 95% of websites that try to validate emails simply reject commented addresses right-out, so it's not a practical problem for them
a regex parser for email addresses is quite limited, too. You can have a completely valid email address that goes nowhere.
If I'm reading the specs right, foo(((((())))))@example.com is a valid address but foo(((((()))))@example.com isn't. This pretty much torpedoes any attempt to write an all-encompassing regex
0 quatloos for anyone that points out that the regex module can parse recursively nested paren pairs
@Kevin that's not very regular
import ire
fastest Python json library? I've had good results with ujson, but that was 4 years ago - maybe the state of the art has changed since?
Random question, Im new to the whole github community in terms of trying to be involved. But I have an issue connecting to a database with the [PyODBC](https://github.com/mkleehammer/pyodbc) library. Ive ask in here before about it but we couldnt find an answer to this [error](http://www.imagebam.com/image/02fa1f1047873544)

So my question about github: Is the Issues tab of a project a good place to ask the contributors of the repo? Or will I forever be shunned if I take that approach?
I suspect there isn't much progress in json libraries, since json keeps getting supplanted by a succession of flavors of the week
seems like rapid-json is a newer contender that's faster than ujson. and msgpack spanks json in general... hmmm....
@ZackTarr I'd say it all comes down to the quality of your MCVE. If you can pretty conclusively prove that the problem is coming from the library and not your code, then the Issues section is the correct place to put it.
Reaction should vary somewhere between gratitude and begrudgingly accepting that a problem does exist. Shunning will only occur if the maintainer is a jerk.
Sadly, I dont think it is their code. Might be mine. But I think its an issue with the ODBC drivers on each machine. I dont know what config piece is different. I have a meeting now to go over and test for an hour on another machine with co worker.

Sadly the issue is only on other computers, not mine. Making the issue a huge pain to trouble shoot haha
If the MCVE isn't very good, then you might get "please don't clog up my project page with problems that arise because you're using my library wrong"
An issue like "I think this library doesn't work when the environment doesn't have the right drivers" might get polite indifference like "ok, let us know if you find a fix for your problem and we'll patch it in"
Ill keep that in mind. Thank you @Kevin !
If we have a dupe target for "how come strings look different in the REPL depending on whether I print them or not?", file.read() output differences could use it
High quality crystal ball work in that second post
asker: "hey, how come my code, `return x`, isn't working right?"
answerer: "hold my beer" [proceeds to get 26 upvotes]
hi everybody maybe someone can helpme please..why django dont acept "#" on the url for media files... when on the url has "#" get error page not found
example url that getting error: "media/Documents/my_file #2.docx"
I don't think that's specific to django. Don't all web browsers assume that a "#" signifies an anchor link, which is not part of the url proper?
For example, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_address#Overview does not go to a page called "Email_address#Overview". It goes to a page called "Email_address", and scrolls to the element with the "Overview" id.
If you try to access example.com/media/Documents/my_file #2.docx, your browser will try to open example.com/media/Documents/my_file, and scroll to the 2.docx element.
ups.. sorry dont know this..maybe exist a solution for this problem...because exists maybe 1000-2000 files with this names
hi if I have a bunch of X,Y,Z coordinates can I cluster them using K-Means by distance?
Perhaps you could only use urls that have "nice" characters. Instead of my_file #2.docx, use my_file2docx.
(maybe don't remove the characters outright, but encode them. Pretty sure there's something in urllib that does that)
>>> import urllib.parse
>>> urllib.parse.quote("my_file #2.docx")
>>> urllib.parse.unquote("my_file%20%232.docx")
'my_file #2.docx'
@ex080 If you can do it with just X,Y coordinates, then you should be able to do it with X,Y,Z coordinates too.
ok cool thanks
Wikipedia tells me that the runtime of Lloyd's algorithm is linearly proportional to the number of dimensions, so expect it to take 1.5 times as long to run on three dimensions compared to running on two dimensions
@ex080 Why couldn't you ? haha
Ok but thing is I dont have labels, so I have no way of knowing how good the clustering is. I'll just have to look at a plot and tell.
There are some kinds of problems that are easy to solve in two dimensions, and hard to solve in three or more.
That's how Machine Learning works most of the time.
Nearly nobody can afford to have massive training and testing set
@Kevin I had a hard time going from the intersection of 2 circles in 2D to the intersection of 2 spheres in 3D haha
Yeah geometry problems get trickier when you can't draw them with a compass and straightedge
thanks @Kevin
@Kevin I just imagine anything greater than 3 dimensions in my head.
I'm actually not sure if clustering is the right approach for me. I have data about houses namely price score, location score, and amenities score. each score is between 0 and 10.
I want to kinda break the houses in 3 sets, good, ok, and bad
I was thinking clustering would help me determine a region in 3d space which can be considered good, ok, and bad
A decision tree seems better to me :)
ok but my data isn't labeled, I thought decision tree was supervised.
You can't label it ?
I suspect clustering would only be useful if your data has actual clusters
too much to label
What does too much to label means ?
I have 10,000 of X, Y, Z ratings 0-10 each
If the house ratings are relatively well distributed, then k-mean won't give you very useful info
That's where clustering is tricky.
This is true even if there's a strong correlation between the price/location/amenities scores
hmm so what do I do?
You could have, say a very good clustering algorithm to predict 3 different possible outcomes but with, say 15 different clusters.
But it just means that you would have multiple possible clusters for one outcome.
The philosophy behind Machine Learning is to learn pattern.
You got to seek them.
I can label them by trying to program labels by measuring magnitude and treating it like a vector
M = sqrt(x^2, y^2, z^2)
As Kevin said, you gotta find the correlations. And to do this, you either got to have a huge huge set of data to find something, like a "trait" or a set of trait, that would define a situation.
Or to learn the actual business :)
Because our brains do computations we can't even begin to understand
ahh ok
but 10,000 is probably not enough
It depends of the tunning of your hyper-parameters and how the data is structured.
Suppose all human had the same face. Like the same exact one.
It would be really easy to learn how a head looked like with say 100 photos. Probably less.
Ahh I see.
Google itself said that Machine Learning is the meeting between Mathematics and Philosophy. :)
yeah I get what kevin is saying
it is highly probably that price, location, and amenties are highly correlated.
For some location, it sure will :)
I guess I dont really need machine learning then?
You could try to do the calculation by hand if you want :p
See you in a some hundred years
haha why a 100 yrs?
I can just arbritarily pick thresholds right?
The essential is : if it works, then, do.
so max magnitude is 10 sqrt(3) is 17 ish
so I can say 0::5.6 bad, 5.6::11.2:: ok, 11.2::17 good?
I was just trying to use ML to find the thresholds for classification without a labeled set.
These thresholds will give you a % of success. Like True/False Positives/Negatives
When these fits you, it works.
Ahh ok so it's what I'm ok with.
1 hour later…
Oh I'm late on the comment for email address. but I find that really interesting, I wonder how many sites/servers allows it. And does it mean that if I have somethingToTest(commenting is fun)@gmail.com i could use the email as [email protected] ?
In theory, but who knows how real-world mail servers would react to such a thing
Oh now I do want to test this. and I wonder what would happen on some sites that doesnt know about the comment and allows you to register with an existing email, but adding comments to it, I wonder how that would react...
I used to sign up for stuff with [email protected] and [email protected] All mail was sent to [email protected]'s inbox but I could see by the "+thissite" that it originated from when I signed up at thissite. This was when I was super upset at spam and I wanted to track down which lame site was responsible for leaking my email.
100% of the sites I've tried the +thissite trick with, simply rejected any email with a plus in it.
time to try with a comment lol
Anti spam tactics don't work good once the spammers implement antiantispam tactics
I haven't tried it in years. But it did work
that's how war starts :D
It's been a while.
Oof, last time I sent a msg. was November 3.
Looking for some help on a previous post of mine stackoverflow.com/questions/53509647/…
Anyone available to take a look?
I need a post that explains why locals().update(mydict) is bad form
I am visualizing sensor data using a plotly example code. I needed capabilities such as zoom, autoscale, hover, select/ unselect channels..all was taken care of by plotly. But I have too much data (per second data, 20-25 channels, need at least few hours of plot at a time, higher granularity is better). Where do I go from here to speed up the visualization?
One idea is to initially load only last 15 mins of data from the dataframe, and then enter a time range of desired log.......If I could get some tips in which direction to look, that would be great. Do I need to work on a faster db, what do I research for that? do I need to look into javascript for this?
@piRSquared Mostly because it's not guaranteed to do anything.
Or, are you saying that you know that already, but want a Stack Overflow post so you can use it as a dupe target and/or a way of winning an argument with an internet person? Haven't got a link handy, sorry
@pyeR_biz I'd look at dash which is a flask app that runs plotly. Then I'd write hooks that dynamically rescale the resolution and slicing you want to present.
@piRSquared I usually link the big fat warning in the docs
@Kevin yes, want a post. @wim thanks looking up warning.
@piRSquared Thanks, I'm hearing the term hooks and dynamic rescaling for the first time. But I'm eager to learn and will look it up (more google keywords related to these 2 terms will be great). I am looking into dash samples right now, can I use it for commercial app and does my data stay private?
Commercial yes. Private yes. Their business model is to provide an open source tool and sell services.
Those terms are what I just came up with. I wouldn't expect them to be generally accepted jargon. All I mean is that if you have too much data to be visualized, you may have to handle some meta data about what is to be presented, slice your data appropriately, then feed back to the plotting library. Ploty/Dash is a good way to go.
@piRSquared I'm going to use it to visualize the data for my benefit, come up with analysis, being a domain expert in this sensor data. The app is not meant to be published anywhere
Either way. I stand by it. Another interesting library is Altair. I like it but would have limitations in regards to your data size.
@piRSquared It has an MIT license. thanks a lot for your help. I think one of the examples in dash will already solve my problem.
@n8_ I looked at that yesterday evening and the formulas in the output were working "okay" in the excel file. By that I mean there was no error like #NAME which is what errors in excel formulas look like
@pyeR_biz great!
@W.Dodge, so you actually got the formulas working? What do you mean "okay"?
I have the following:
# create list of formulas to insert into Meds column
length_of_df = len(df_final)
list_of_formulas = []

# loop to create list of formulas based on cell
for i in range(2,length_of_df+2):
formula = '=IF(COUNTIFS(Sheet2!A:A,E{0}>0,1,0)'.format(i)
I get this error when I open Excel: `We found a problem with some content in 'final.xlsx'. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can?
I used a few dummy data frames and the results were zeros which indicates the formulas are returning a value rather an error.
Then...'Removed Records: Formula from /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part`
I get zeros too, but the formula is not in the cell.
Hmmm. I use Ubuntu and, as a result, LibreOffice Calc. It can handle excel files. The formulas were inserted fine but all returned zeros. When I clicked on a cell the formula appeared fine. I have dual boot system and could try Excel proper.
That's strange. I'm using Windows and Spyder IDE.
Just at a loss for how to proceed
Any help would be awesome
The problem is that I do not have a solid grasp of the data and the Excel side calculation that you are trying to make.
So each csv has a unique RecordKey. The first tab (where we are inserting formulas) contains multiple columns for each RecordKey. The second tab (where the formula is counting) contains duplicate keys associated with a value. I'm trying to count how many times the key occurs in the second tab
An MCVE would probably be helpful here. Which is to say, providing the exact contents of the csvs you're operating on would be good.
`So it's like this...

first tab

RecordKey column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Meds

second tab

RecordKey Meds
I researched IF(COUNTIFS(Sheet2!A:A,E{0}>0,1,0) a bit to see what that does in Excel yesterday and stopped because I did not want to invest too much time into that. Are you sure you need both IF and COUNTIFS? You are sure this formula works fine?
Correction, I'm not counting how many times the key appears, but just if it does and if it's great than 0, return 1, otherwise 0. I just tested it out in Excel and works fine.
Found an issue, I had column E in the COUNTIF statement, but needed to be A. Still didn't fix the problem though
I am going to try to slim my code down and try again
Note: "xslx" and "xlsx" are not the same thing
The solution I provided to your question is just an iterative manipulation of that formula. Tinker with the way that loop generates the incrementally changing formula and you should be able to get it to work. Now, the fact that the Excel does not like the resultant column of formulas is puzzling.
coincidentally I've been working with Excel today, too
Your loop works just fine. I've printed out the formulas and all are accounted for (row 2 through 7700-something)
it's just getting them into excel
Puzzling indeed!
@n8_ I'm totally okay with you unaccepting my answer in the hope that the question draws more attention. Sometimes people just pass up questions with accepted answers.
Well, you did answer my question perfectly. It's just my follow-up that is the problem. Don't want to take credit away from you
I'll probably post another question for this specific issue if I can't figure it out
Thanks for trying and helping with the original post!
Ok, good luck to you!
can we see last years AoC leader board?
Started 2018 section for AoC wiki sopython.com/wiki/Advent_of_Code
I only joined those two AOC so I don't have 2015 but I'm sure we can find it in the transcript
No need, thx. That's what I needed.
I can't wait for this year :D
I'm trying to get my company to play along, but no one seems to want to "code" on their time off :\
Me too. I think I've got one... might get 2 or 3
already has a poo answer

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