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6 hours later…
Python: where it's OK to build strings to use to do timing tests on various methods for building strings... and then import an external library that builds a custom object with it's own __str__ that builds a string (and likely building that string out of strings that build strings within the process) out of all the results of your timing tests. — Mateen Ulhaq yesterday
Sunday cbg, and happy weekend!
@shad0w_wa1k3r that reads like the script to Inception
6 hours later…
What is the best way to delete the brackets from list of dicts:
fuel_price= [{diesel:1.25}, {super95:1.30}, {gas:0.50}]
fuel_price= [{diesel:1.25, super95:1.30, gas: 0.50}] I want it like this
You want a list with one single dict inside? Either the list or the dict seems redundant there
yes I want a list with one dict inside
just to store it as a json file
thank you
1 hour later…
@AhmyOhlin you can save it as JSON without putting it inside a list though.
1 hour later…
Q: Why must a new global variable be created to reference the current class instance in "exec"?

LogicalBranchI have a class that contains many methods (~20), and in def __init__(self, ...): I have to call many of these methods (~9) but I didn't want to have to call each individual method one by one. So I took the easy way out and created two list list comprehensions, that use exec to call each method: ...

Lately, I’ve been receiving notifications for triage in the review queue. There are several options including both “Unsalvagable” and “Requires Editing.” Isn’t anything technically salvageable through editing?
@LogicalBranch No repro. MCVE please.
nvm, can repro if it's in a list comp
I doubt the triage portion of the review queue is critical but that seems a bit ambiguous to me
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Good grief I'm doing a little bit of a Javascript and the build tools and transformations are going to be the death of me
2 hours later…
@W.Dodge requires editing = someone other than OP can fix it

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