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2 hours later…
hello guyes
anyone is online?
I am new to Python and want to learn it. So I have some questions about it. Could anyone is here to answer it?
@Laxminarayan Just ask your questions. If someone knows the answer, and has time, then they’ll respond.
Sorry to say it may be a silly question for you guys.

I wanted to know that I am a JAVA developer and I like to learn new technologies from time to time. If I learn 'Python' as a new skill then how I will be able to use it in JAVA related technologies or in web technologies? Can anyone answer?
I think most of the time people use either JAVA or Python rather than using them together. There are many ways to use python in "web technologies" but I'm not sure there are many platforms to build python driven mobile apps.
@Laxminarayan as @W.Dodge says, java and python are not commonly used together
Early morning cabbage, all
1 hour later…
\o cbg
o/ cbg
for the first time, I picked up some wireless earbuds, I didn't realized that you have to turn it off or the battery drains even if u dont feed it a source. I guess if the bluetooth is still connected, it will still use the battery. Sad life... Came into work and realized it's out of juice lol
Modern technology can, will, and must be destroyed
I should have bought a wired pair and treat them right, instead of just the same ol' bundle them in a ball and chuck em in a dark pocket or something.
The next evolutionary stage of humans will emit an electric field for wireless charging
I am sure
oh use our own heartbeat to power system
take that matrix, we will learn to use our own body as a source of power for our own wants
Any animal with a brain or muscle produces electricity, but they typically don't do anything cool with it
Just lame stuff like thinking and moving
that's so 2017
bio-hack to charge earbuds!
Kudos to electric eels and migratory birds for bucking the trend
Random related fact: Humans in societies that are extremely absolute direction oriented are shockingly accurate about directions.
e.g. there's a society somewhere on earth where they don't use "right" or "left" - they don't say, "I caught the ball with my left hand," they say, "I caught the ball with my North hand" - and they are fantastic about knowing which way they're facing at basically all times.
Related random related fact: Humans can acquire an absolute directional sense (like a compass) by exposing them to a belt that constantly vibrates in, say, its most northern spot.
How do you suppose these kinds of cultures would write a manual for assembling furniture? Would it always start with "first, face north..."
IKEA does a pretty good job of not needing R or L in their directions
What if you're a member of that culture and you're trying to assemble some furniture, but by facing north you're exposing yourself to the glare of the hot summer midday sun? Could you face south and mentally substitute every direction in the directions with its opposite direction? Or would that be like writing with your non-dominant hand, confusing and wobbly?
Just to be clear.. They are all North-handed!
Does the existence of the term "southpaw" imply that absolute-directional humans had a hand in the formation of the English language
Are you ppl doing advent of code this year? I think it was much more advent-of-cody on the starboard around this time last year
(cbg all)
I intend to
what's a nice way of categorizing the values in pd.Series (or for that matter columns in pd.DataFrame). For example, you have a pd.DataFrame like pd.DataFrame({'a':[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.1], 'b':[0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.9]}) and you have a list like: [0.1, 0.3, 0.5], which should be a variable that tells you what categories to assign the numbers from the df to. So if val in a col is < 0.1, then 1, if 0.1 <= x < 0.3, then 2, and so on?
I want to do it. So long as the topic has been brought up, I'll start laying the foundation of excuses now. I'm a super good/leet coder and I'd likely be #1 if it wasn't for kids/work/lack of ability. That said, you should observe what ever is my eventual place on our local ranking as very impressive considering all that I have to overcome.
Likewise, I would be at #1 if not for the constant efforts of Dark Kevin to thwart all of my actions
@isquared-KeepitReal here's a hack/cool way df.apply(np.array([.1, .3]).searchsorted)
@piRSquared woah O_o
@piRSquared mindblown
@piRSquared that is some cool stuff! It finds indices to preserve the order of the array. Thanks
(-: you're welcome
stackoverflow.com/questions/53400410/… Too broad/asking for tutorial
@Kevin how is this model
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.array([.18, .20, .22])
>>> bill_total = 29.99
>>> fudge_factor = 1.26
>>> bill_total * a * fudge_factor
array([6.801732, 7.55748 , 8.313228])
Not bad, not bad
frustratingly approximate
quick poll, what's your platform and do you get /root or your username for this:
sudo python -c "import os; print(os.path.expanduser('~'))"
C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>sudo python -c "import os; print(os.path.expanduser('~'))"
'sudo' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>python -c "import os; print(os.path.expanduser('~'))"
10244 ◯ : sudo python -c "import os; print(os.path.expanduser('~'))"
any windows equivalent of "sudo" to try?
I could... Right click the cmd icon and select "run as administrator"?
Same output.
ok. interesting.
@wim is this a hunt for a weird bug or something?
I am writing an app that will get its secrets from ~/.config/myapp/credentials
the file in root's homedir should have read-write credentials and users homedir should have read-only credentials
when run with sudo it should use root's credentials.
I see
fortunately I don't need to support windows, was just curious
I was just the victim of OP confusing my answer with another answer that is incorrect. #SOProblems
Am I just being extra grumpy or has the python tag taken a horrible nose dive these last 2 weeks? Is this the period of coming to the end of term or something?
I haven't seen any truly fun questions for a while, myself. But now the question is "Are roganjosh and I just being extra grumpy, or...?"
This brings up troubling questions about the nature of reality. Even something that everybody agrees on may simply be a very widespread bias.
There are not many new features in 3.7 so there is not much grounds for new questions. This is not necessarily a bad thing.
A banner drops down from the top of the page. "You're done! All useful questions have been asked."
It doesn't even have to be new features, though. There are still problems to be solved. But now I feel I log on and just keep voting to close or asking "What is your question?"
But it seems to have distinctly got worse in the last week or so, so I'm wondering if it's seasonal or something
Intellectual winter is coming
@roganjosh challenge. Think of question that needs a canonical and write one.
I already have one that I've been totally negligent in writing
But thanks for reminding me, I'll start work on that tomorrow. Meanwhile, though, I do wanna try keep the main feed decent and something just seems... off... from the last 2 weeks. A lot of nonsense,more than usual.
@roganjosh What if you’ve somehow become twice as intelligent and everything now seems silly or nonsensical. Been bitten by any glowing spiders lately?
Go and answer one of these ;)
That's an explanation I can live with. I must have transcended
Stack Overflow is about five years overdue for the vicious cycle of "front page has a lot of crud -> mods feel like their cleanup efforts don't have a real impact -> front page, now even less moderated, accumulates more crud"
But on a serious note, I've already been warned about being unwelcoming and the main feed is starting to agitate me so I'll probably have to drop the main feed for a bit
@wim the chance you have a question I can answer is.. low
We mere answerers cannot answer the question of another answerer. Only a superanswerer can answer it.
Pity the superanswerer, for there exists no superduperanswerer to answer his questions.
Pretty sure Abarnert said he posts his questions on obscure forums or under an alias :)
Whatever martijn takes to deal with his mod duties, he needs to patent and sell.
Posting a question which you know will never be answered... Like the mating cry of an animal that's the last of its species.
well, at least he's already blue
That's tragic. That's not an article to lift the mood...!
52Hz groan
Did Boaty McBoatface reach you guys in the news?
Greenpeace submitted a name too; Mr Splashypants
TIL that when ppl don't laugh at my jokes... retell it at a higher frequency.
They opened a competition to name a whale to track by GPS
I love the fact that they got bitten and submitted that name in someone else's competition
suppose you're matching on string prefix
We have mystring.startswith(("create", "read", "update", "delete")) which returns a boolean
what if you want to know which matched? the only thing I can think of is a lame if/elif chain.
numpy (-:
This is an API client proxying thing .. don't want to pull in numpy
Maybe something with any and assignment expressions?
I hoped you could pass an iterator of strings to startswith, and then call next() on it to find out how far it got, but passing it to startswith just raises a TypeError :-/
We are assuming this is worst case and want to improve on... correct?
def f(s, a):
  for b in a:
    if s.startswith(b):
      yield b

a = ('create', 'read', 'update', 'delete')
mystring = 'reading'

next(f(mystring, a))
you can assume I don't have overlapping prefixes
sorted(a, key=mystring.startswith)[-1]
yeah I reached similar, but using max
it accepts a default!
max is better
unfortunately you still have to filter out the falsey items
If a contains an empty string, then sorted(a, key=mystring.startswith)[-1] won't ever evaluate to a value that isn't a mystring prefix... Dunno if that's useful
>>> prefixes = ("a", "b", "f", "")
>>> print(max(prefixes, key="foo".startswith) or None)
>>> print(max(prefixes, key="wim".startswith) or None)
empty string is impossible in my context
@wim what do you mean? What is a problematic example and desired output?
Probably something like:
>>> prefixes = ("a", "b", "f")
>>> print(max(prefixes, key="wim".startswith))
desired output: None, or perhaps an exception
Can I get some help with this? I am playing around with multi-threaded TCP servers and it works most of the way until this. I have the thing recieving data asyncronoous-ish ly. The thing is that is sends the data in a reply then send everything in a huge chunk, which is not what I want.
Is this code golf? Why not next(pref for pref in ['create','read','update','delete'] if 'reading'.startswith(pref))?
Ex: k , k ,k is 'k' then I send a message back and it sends 'kk' back
Any common problems that might lead to that? I am not looking for a code solution, just a hint since you are all busy at the moment.
Do you have a minimal example of this ? I haven't been doing async programming much but
I don't think that's, like, a common pitfall of TCP servers or anything. Sounds like a regular old bug in your code.
@Aran-Fey what if none start with? otherwise this is the same next(filter("wim".startswith, prefixes))
Sure, the thing is under 50 lines, but I'll share just the important parts.
The thing is that it also prints the thing on time correctly which is confusing me even more.
If you declare a string before-hand, you might do all your operations on a string. If this is it (I'm really unsure), have you tried a Queue ?
@piRSquared In that case it's probably better to use the filter and pass a default value to next
there you go next(filter("wim".startswith, prefixes), 'blah')
@wim we're done here
@IMCoins are you talking ot piRSquared?
Oh... I just iterate through a list that sends the message to everyone except the sender. Since this is TCP I go through all the socket objects
I don't think i'll be able to help you on this one sorry. You should investigate on what Kevin said :p
So it might be a fault in the TCP server? I am really scracthing my head when it is printing everything on time and not sending on time.
What I meant is, it's probably not a fault in the TCP server.
So it's essentially saying 'git gud'?
Perhaps it's wrong of me to assume that "your code" and "the TCP server" are separate things. I will rephrase. Whatever library you're using to initiate a connection and send TCP packets to another computer, is probably working as designed.
(This doesn't exclude the possibility that you're using the functions of that library wrong, or sending correctly-formed packets that contain data that you didn't intend to send, etc)
I am using the standard socket library. Like I said, the printing shows that it's recieving everything correctly,but just doesn't want to send. I think I should maybe look into the client more than the server since The server is working correclty according to the print statements I used to test it.
IIRC the socket documentation has some simple example code for clients and servers, which you may find useful during troubleshooting
Does input lock the thread by chance? I think that might be causing this.
If your client can't talk to the example server, then the problem is probably in your client. If the example client can't talk to your server, then the problem is probably in your server.
As in, the built-in input() function? I don't think it blocks other threads from executing...
I think I should rephrase that as recieving the data.
I feel like this debugging session includes far too many occurrences of the word "probably"
I/O operations in general do not block other threads
@NiNisanNijackle: It sounds like you're expecting one send operation to correspond directly to one receive operation, which isn't how TCP works. We can't really tell what you're doing, though. Post a question on main Stack Overflow with a proper MCVE.
@piRSquared kevin showed it
in practice, I was able to avoid that situation with a carefully placed if statement
def __getattr__(self, attr):
    crud = {
        "add": self.post,
        "get": self.get,
        "update": self.put,
        "delete": self.delete,
    if not attr.startswith(tuple(crud)):
        # this next line just triggers an AttributeError with the correct context
    key = max(crud, key=attr.startswith)
    method = crud[key]
    proxy_method = functools.partial(method, route=attr)
    return proxy_method
This is what I ended up with. Yes, I used partial, even though I've called it a steaming pile of garbage before.
@user2357112 let me debug some more and I might try it by then. I always get grinded when asking questions on here.
@Aran-Fey when you offer a bounty again, the 2015 answer here could do with some love: How do I override getattr in Python without breaking the default behavior?
@NiNisanNijackle: It sounds like you're trying to use chat as a way to avoid the repercussions of asking unclear, MCVE-less questions.
No, that's not why.
Not sure whether "grinded" here means "abused by abrasive readers" or "frustrated during the process of composing the question"
As in "my gears are grinding together"
No, I normally run into a condescending person who assumes I know that I can add to a memory buffer to and Integer, which was something completely new to me. Or I get linked to the docs over a seciton I already read before asking the question.
"patronized" or "schooled" depending on your ego/skill level
I would say "you can count on an upvote from me as long as the post contains an MCVE, expected output, and actual output" but I'm leaving in twenty minutes, so that upvote may take 16 hours to arrive
@wim Not really a fan of that answer, to be honest. If it's only for the purpose of getting a nice error message, I'd use object.__getattribute__ rather than self.__getattribute__. It's a fine addition to the accepted answer, but I don't think it's bounty-worthy.
it's the only correct answer. object.__getattribute__ and self.__getattribute__ are 6 of one, half dozen the other..
the middle answer is OK, after I edited it, but it's not DRY
and the top answer is just wrong
how so?
oh, I see you posted a comment
hmm, maybe I'm being too harsh - the wrongness was edited in later. stackoverflow.com/posts/2405617/revisions
@wim: The middle answer used to be better before someone screwed up the error message in an edit described as "fix error message" back in 2013.
Would it be too gratuitous to roll-back the accepted answer to the initial revision?
I don't think the missing error message is a big deal tbh
@user2357112 LOL.
@Aran-Fey In the context of the question title, it's the only deal
Answering my own question, yes, too gratuitous - accepted answer was wrong in initial revision too (talks about __getattribute__ instead of __getattr__).
Hi, it may be irrelevant here but I am wondering is it possible to generate a sentence from a list of words using python NLTK
@wim what if I didn't know what error message to report or error type to raise? I thought that was the point of using _getattribute__ being that you allow something else to do the default error handling.
OK, it's like this:
- you're overriding `__getattr__` to specify some magic for a certain bunch of attribute names
- you don't want any special behaviour for the non-magic attribute names
So, what do you do? Normally in this situation you'd call super(MyClass, self).__getattr__(...) but that doesn't necessarily exist (for a good reason).
I guess I'm missing a fundamental piece of information. Like what is the difference between __getattr__ and __getattribute__. I guess I'll find out (-:
@Node.JS Look here. Is this what you were looking for?
kind of, I have a list of sentences and their key phrases. I was looking for a way to make a sentence out of those key phrases.
What do you mean by key phrases? Could you give an example maybe?
Now I'm confused(er). What gets called when I invoke the dot operator? I thought that __getattribute__ was called but my example below suggest otherwise.
class A(object):
  def __init__(self):
    self.a = 1

  def __getattr__(self, item):
    if item == 'b':
      return 2
      return super().__getattribute__(item)

a = A()
print(f"a has attribute a:           a.a                     -> {a.a}")
print(f"a seems to have attribute b: a.b                     -> {a.b}")
print(f"                             a.__getattribute__('a') -> {a.__getattribute__('a')}")
print(f"                             a.__getattribute__('b') -> {a.__getattribute__('b')}")
a has attribute a:           a.a                     -> 1
a seems to have attribute b: a.b                     -> 2
                             a.__getattribute__('a') -> 1
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-132-135eb3c9d264> in <module>()
     13 print(f"a seems to have attribute b: a.b                     -> {a.b}")
     14 print(f"                             a.__getattribute__('a') -> {a.__getattribute__('a')}")
Since a.b returns 2 but a.__getattribute__('b') errors out then a.b clearly doesn't call __getattribute__. So what does it call?
super().__getattribute__(item) is bogus
if you are in __getattr__, then the MRO has already been searched, so using super here doesn't make much sense
@piRSquared If __getattribute__ exists, it's called. If it doesn't exist or raises an AttributeError, __getattr__ is called (if it exists).
you will note that object.__getattribute__(a, 'b') does the same thing.
oh, I misunderstood the question... guess my reading comprehension needs some work
Well, I guess I still answered the question indirectly... a.b does call __getattribute__, but after that throws an AttributeError it also calls __getattr__ and that's how it gets 2

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