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oops...almost created
@MonaJalal Done. Please edit your question, state it concisely, reduce the code to the absolute minimum needed to reproduce the issue ("when writing a PIL.Image file, long lines are truncated with dots/ellipsis, like [0.22 1.54 0.40 ... 0.15 0.56 0.22]"?), strip irrelevant tags and unnecessary context, or at least shunt it into a footnote.
Let's continue in the question, not here.
@Code-Apprentice type(name, bases, namespace) where name is a str, bases is a tuple, and namespace is a dict...
cbg, trying out Python for fun, I've been at it a few days. So far I like it; seems like it's pretty widely used for ML and I'd like to do some ML in something that isn't Matlab / some locked down library.
@AndrasDeak like creating Images or Templates like photoshop or illustrator but much more basic.
@Code-Apprentice Now go and read the second-most upvoted python post on the site
Wow, this answer on there might be the strangest answer I've seen on site.
> In the python world, there is an eternal truth, that is, "type", please remember in mind, type is the truth. The python ecosystem that is so vast is produced by type. one came from truth, two came from one, three came from two, all the things came from three.
I was just reading that as well and it caught me off guard. 15 up votes. The extended metaphor is apparently helpful to some
hello, can you please guide me how to create a txt file that would have the same format as github.com/vmayoral/t-sne/blob/master/mnist2500_X.txt ? I wonder if it is tab separated or how has it been written
overall, are there practices to figure how a txt file is made if we are given one and would like to create something similar? thanks
@MonaJalal I think you want a FWF fixed width file, basically space delimited output at some increment. pandas does not support this at the moment naively I believe
I have used code like the following to produce FWF outputs with specific and varying spacing:
fmt = '{year:4.0f} {day:3.0f} {radn:5.1f} {maxt:5.1f} {mint:5.1f} {rain:5.1f}'.format_map

with open('my_fwf.txt', 'w') as fh:
    fh.write(df_wanted.apply(fmt, 1).to_string(index=False))
W.dodge are talking about the question I asked in Stackoverflow or the one I just asked about the format of MNIST_X.txt ?
filenames = glob.glob(input_path + "/*.*")

for filename in filenames:
img = Image.open(filename)
nd_arr = img2vec.get_vec(img)
np.savetxt('resnet50_feature_vectors.txt', nd_arr.T, delimiter='\t')
The text file formatting question you asked here in the chat room. I recently needed to produce a similar space delimited file and thought you might find that interesting
oh you are using numpy? there is a numpy answer to that in the question I linked.
in this code, I expect to get a file named resnet50_feature_vectors.txt which has 89 lines (as I have 89 images in that directory), and each line would have 2048 items (an nd array which I transposed). however, after I run the code, I only get a txt file with 2048 lines each having only one single number. Seems that transpose is not working and only the last image feature vector is getting written
@W.Dodge do you know how I could solve this problem?
I'm not sure. I would break it up. run np.savetxt() on a single image until you get it right, try assigning the transposed image to a variable outside of the np.savetext call. I don't know what img2vec.get_vec(img) is doing.
@W.Dodge can you please have a look at lines 38 to 44 here github.com/monajalal/img2vec/blob/master/example/get_img_vec.py I do not know why even though I am transposing the lines, they are not transposed also I am getting a txt file with each item of the vector in one line instead of having ~89 vectors of length 2048
I am noticing that numpy transpose is not converting the vector in shape of column to row
I just decided to use reshape somehow transpose didn't work
@W.Dodge No. I suspect robo-voting or even automation (people writing upvoting scripts and letting them loose on popular questions, to try and get a badge about it). You often see many upvotes on even totally bogus answers if the question is a famous one.
> Ordinary people will not be able to speak at birth, but some people will say hello, “hello” and “sayolala” when they are born. This is the power of talent. It will give us object-oriented programming to save countless troubles.
@wim only extremely talented people say "hello" at birth, duh
> rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes only on 47 days
that was 48 the last time I checked
I hate people getting themselves removed
@MonaJalal cbg, doesn't T just change the shape but doesn't actually alter the storage
hmm no
1 hour later…
@AaronHall like I said, I learned how to do it. And I should have said, I actually did it, too
@AnttiHaapala thanks I found some piece of code that when I feed my data does not work as expected stackoverflow.com/questions/52961790/…
@wim that's interesting. A bit over my head, but good to know it's a thing when the need arises. I've been considering checking out django source code.
@Code-Apprentice it's interesting that namedtuple has a similar signature.
On the subject of OOP, anyone know where the idea that subclasses should only have more or the same functionality but less or the same possible values comes from?
I think it's interesting that bool/int is an example of the latter...
@AaronHall I understand "more or the same functionality" because you can add methods to a subclass but not take any away, typically. But what do you mean by "less or the same possible values"?
oh...if you have Foo extends Bar then the set of all possible instances of Foo must be a subset of all the possible instances of Bar...
I haven't heard this idea before and so have no idea who first stated it...but it seems to just be a logical consequence of the nature of inheritence.
@BlackThunder cbg
@AaronHall You mean the Liskov substitution principle?
and I made my first pull request to someone else's open source project!
:44364810 Was that a joke?
@BlackThunder I attempted to post a funny picture about Liskov substitution, but Google & my phone conspired against me.
@wim What a convoluted mess. I think I understand less about python after trying to read it.
Does this qualify for a "not an answer" flag? Because I certainly feel like it isn't.
@Arne Wow. That's a lot of... spaces.
Maybe we could shut it down as non PEP8 compliant? :)
@PM2Ring this?
@AnttiHaapala Yes. Thanks.
it wasn't your phone but the CDN or sth.
> translated and corrected by me.
It seems to me that the translation into English wasn't very good and a lot of the original meaning was probably lost because of grammatical issues. But then maybe the original wasn't well written in the original language.
@AnttiHaapala Ah, right.
@Code-Apprentice I suspect that it also lost cultural context. It probably makes more sense & has more impact if you're familiar with the mystical notions from Taoism & Confucianism.
@PM2Ring yes, the loss in translation is likely due to more than just the words and grammar
Hmm...this was closed as a dupe but the answers in the dupe target don't seem to apply to the question. From what I can tell, those answers are all py2-based but the OP is using py3.
Dupes apply to questions
the questions seem different to me as well. One is "How do I do X?" The other is "When I do X in this way, I get this error"
of course...the closed question has relevant answers to solve the problem...so this is probably a non-issue
anyway...I need to go to bed...gnite
Hey you all good morning
@AndrasDeak The OP of the new question is using the exact code from the accepted answer in tbe dupe target. There are Py3 answers on that page, but you do need to wade through a fair bit of stuff to find the best solution.
@Green hello
Another one of those cases where it's unclear if you should solve the OP's problem or fix the OP's code. I hate those.
I just added a comment with the best code to make the translation table, and mentioning one of the dupe target answers that contains that code.
@Aran-Fey Why not do both? Sure, people should research these things in the docs, but we can't expect newbies to know that the old string.maketrans function has been replaced by the str.maketrans method. And then there are the issues that arise due to the Py2 vs Py3 string handling differences. So tons of newbies who try to use .translate are going to get misled / confused by Python 2 answers.
My problem is that those kinds of questions lead to tons of semi-duplicates. "I want to do X and I tried A". "I want to do X and I tried B". "I want to do X and I tried C". 3 questions where each answer has to address an X that's already been addressed a hundred times before.
@Aran-Fey Ok. But you can (mostly) ignore A, B, C, and show them how to do X. Yes, it means the A, B or C is a bit of a distraction when you want a good dupe target. But that's the price we pay for insisting on a MCVE.
Still, too many things get in the way of high quality Q&A around here
Hello all
wondering if some one has experience with beautifulsoup4
We have to be practical though. Yes, we want Q&A to help lots of people, but we do also want to help the OP. And we just have to deal with the fact that the average OP probably doesn't have the skill or knowledge to write a perfect question.
Otherwise, we're like the bus driver who insists on sticking to the timetable to the point where he doesn't stop to pick up passengers.
Well, I hope this bus driver isn't actually a gondolier who's sinking his own boat by picking up every passenger he comes across
Never mind, I just busted a sock.
@MartijnPieters I was going to say: kill it with fire.
@MartijnPieters Any thoughts on this bizarre answer Wim linked earlier? stackoverflow.com/a/50927431/674039 I guess it's kinda cute, and it did get upvotes back in the day, but do we really want it on such a high profile canonical?
That answer is waaaaaay down the list?
@RobertGrant True, but it's still visible, unlike many other answers on that page. And although its score isn't large compared to the top answers there, it's still substantial enough to make it look significant.
@PM2Ring I deleted that post now. It's basically a wholesale copy of someone else's work, even if translated and 'corrected' (we can't assess how much was changed even).
Posting semi-coherent answers under super-popular questions is the 'fast track to rep' path these days.
@MartijnPieters Thanks. I didn't notice it was recent. I assumed it was historical. :oops: I usually check stuff like that...
@MartijnPieters Should we ping you if we find something like that, or flag it somehow?
Opinion: is this a good an ok way to lazy-load?
>>> def get_foo_lazily():
...     try:
...         return get_foo_lazily.foo
...     except AttributeError:
...         get_foo_lazily.foo = 'foo'
...     return get_foo_lazily()
It is if you change the last line to return get_foo_lazily.foo :p
but that would repeat the try block, just calling the function is DRYer :p
but yeah, It's probably better
return get_foo_lazily.foo := 'foo'
if only to avoid recursion errors
problem solved
572 to the resque
@Arne But Aran-Fey's way doesn't re-enter the try. Why would you even want to recurse there?
You could do rc = get_foo_lazily.foo = 'foo' followed by return rc
@Arne Generally, no. I do sometimes go in to such posts and delete any recent stuff that doesn't add anything new, but there is no official policy on such answers.
@Arne And mostly the community can deal with no-value answers, so we don't need to bother the mods with them. But that one was different, due to the high score, which makes it a lot harder to delete without mod powers.
Tough crowd this morning. Very little voting, and a recent question that included an MCVE (input, wrong output, expected output) still got downvoted, perhaps because the MCVE wasn't quite 'tight' enough yet? Surprised that the edits the OP made didn't then help reverse the trend.
I don't get the people who say a separate "Stack Overflow for beginners / students" wouldn't work. People *love* answering simple, endlessly repeated questions that generate easy reputation / upvotes. Remove the duplicate restrictions / downvoting and go nuts.
Isn't that just reddit /r/learnpython?
No, SO has much better features for a QnA system. Reddit is more likes "news".
but essentially, yeah. If it's that laid back, then the difference would be quite less I guess.
@PM2Ring "Liskov" is the general principle that a subclass must be substitutable in your program without breaking the program. These principles that I mentioned earlier are different - they are than subclasses can grow additional methods and can become more restrictive in the values they represent, but not the other way around. Could restricting possible values break your program? It seems to me that it could.
@A-O In that case I have no idea. That depends on what your "dreamland" consists of, and what you have in the way of education, your life so far to recommend you.
@AaronHall Ok. LSP says that when a child instance calls a parent method it must look like a parent instance to the method, so any args it passes must be in the range the parent expects. But if the method mutates the instance then it could attempt to set an attribute to a value outside the child's accepted range, and I agree that's broken.
@toonarmycaptain Hmmm, About education I have to say I have been learning programming for a long time, Even once I went to Google Foobar challenge but they didn't call me because I was an Iranian person ): Anyway... And about the academical education, If I study hard maybe one day I can be a doctor or something like that! But right now..? Have nothing to say. I'm sure if I weren't here I would be a great programmer in a good company!
So if the child does have such attributes, it needs to implement setters for them that can handle that. Or it must make sure that it's never in a state where a parent method would attempt to set an out of bounds value on its restricted attributes.
And that's why I'm wanting to hunt down the source of that idea.
Fair enough.
@PM2Ring I really don't, my implementation got updated accordingly
my next comment was also supposed to mean "It's probably better to not recurse", in case that wasn't clear
Anything worth cursing is worth recursing
you can say that again
you can say that again
Any quick method how to return index no if value is 0 in a pandas column ?
df[df['column_name'] == 0].index
It's working , Thanks :)
so i'm using python 3.6 in a docker container. i'm having it read data from a csv that contains "é" and formatting it to a data structure, then writing it as json where it seems to transform the é to \u00e9...
writing it to a .json file
i seem to have a problem when reading back the .json file... but i don't really know if it's linked
>>> json.dumps("é")
>>> json.loads(_)
^ Shouldn't be a problem
Wow. This SE.Physics question has an accepted answer on -7, but a top answer on 31.
what is the voting split on that -7?
@Jarede The json module is doing its best to ensure your JSON won't get mangled by broken systems. If you can guarantee that it won't get mangled, and that all software you pass it through can handle UTF-8 properly, then pass the ensure_ascii=False arg to json.dump.
i think i need to experiment a bit more
@piRSquared Dunno. I'm on my phone, so I can't see vote counts on that site, even if I go to the desktop view.
no worries
@Jarede Good idea. It's convenient to have readable text instead of escape codes, but escape codes are more robust, especially if the data has to work on multiple systems.
hmm running it on my docker container in isolation seems to work fine...
i'm getting a weird error though
when run as part of my program
@piRSquared +4/-11
Thanks, Andras.
/-: thanks AD
starboard is weird
PM 2Ring comment shows only 1 star but when you click on it the original msg has 4 stars
the linked msg is from 2015 having 4 stars; the quote from yesterday has 1 star on its own chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/44359722#44359722
Apr 30 at 23:33, by wim
"stack overflow student" SOS , I like it
(boy, this was hard)
huh. right you are.
@Arne I had actually already flagged it ..
the flag got declined
ironically, martijn then deleted it for reason which as far as I can see is the same as what I originally flagged for ...
NAA/VLQ flags are a gamble
@MartijnPieters are the community moderators all on the same page about whether content copied from external sources should be flagged for deletion or not?
@wim We generally agree on copied works; I haven't asked about wholly translated posts.
@wim: the guideline is stackoverflow.com/help/referencing: Do not copy the complete text of external sources; instead, use their words and ideas to support your own.
Also, the central FAQ states: Remember, you still have to write an actual answer, in your own words. A post that consists only of copied text, even when attributed, is not your work either. Use quotes sparingly, to support your own words.
@wim I'll talk to that moderator, seems they misunderstood the flag. Make sure to state up-front you think this is a case of plagiarism / wholesale copying.
ok, thanks.
@davidism: hope you don't mind too much, but I unpinned the itsdangerous 1.0 announcement. I don't think we need every package release to be pinned, that'd be a bad precedent to set I think.
(The stars were not cancelled, just the pin).
Woot, I'm pictured on Jeff's blog! :-D
(he took a screenshot of the top 9 users this year)
That's fine, I forgot it was still up.
I fail to understand why it is so hard for this company to make their preemptive duplicate search a little better.
dev hours
busy working on the HNQ list
dev hours?
you mean it needs a lot of them?
Hours currently under development. Hours not ready to be production hours.
10 years, you'd think they'd have had some amount of time to budget to building a better version of what they have now... ;D
time to budget, or have enough budget to add ample more time (to budget & to build) :-p
oh, of course. A better duplicate search system means spending more money, more time, and less people asking crap questions and ... oh my gosh we wouldn't want that now would we!
Any pythoff unicode gurus here? How would you turn u'\xc3\x84' into u'\xc4' (that's Ä)?
Would be easy if it were a byte string:
>>> print('\xc3\x84'.decode('utf8'))
What encoding would I use though? Everything I tried threw an exception
how did you end up with that?
Got it from this OP
didn't I tell you to always start with that? :P
Apparently that's iso8859-1, not utf-8. Who knew?
latin-1? yes, start with that :D
not terribly surprising for an umlaut
Why can't people just use utf-8?
I honestly thought we'd have to somehow turn that unicode string into a byte string without applying any encoding and then decode it
>>> print(ast.literal_eval(repr(u'\xc3\x84')[1:]).decode('utf-8'))
what is the silliest named object you've put into production?
When unbaking emojibake, latin-1 is often the best bet because of stupid Windows users
in fact, the unprintable chr(56553) I discussed yesterday was actually from a baked french filename
Yes but what about the smart windows users?
>>> print(chr(56553))
UnicodeEncodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't encode character '\udce9' in position 0: surrogates not allowed
>>> print(chr(56553).encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape').decode('latin-1'))
@piRSquared they don't make mojibake as often
cp-1252 is also a good contender, used by many legacy windows components
early afternoon cabbages
also, I'm thinking, lately, that I don't understand why Javascript is famed to be a language with which you can do anything, that also being its greatest flaw. So far, Python really doesn't put fences in the way of doing anything in any way.
there are, indeed, a lot less crazed out implicit conversions going around in Python
Yeah, javascript lets way too many things silently "succeed" instead of throwing an exception
I am enjoying Python as my first language, no complaints about it, I'm assuming once I venture into JS I will feel your pain
Crap, opinionated is not an exception to the 10 minute rule. Anyway, there's zero chance of that becoming a useful question
Didn't hear about that "10 minutes rule". That some new idea from meta?
no, it's in our rules sopython.com/wiki/cv-pls
ahem whistles quite innocently
well, cv-pls rules
gets linked much less
> * Serving Flask app "flask_server.py"
* Environment: development
* Debug mode: off
* Running on
should that ^, running on a linux vm in virtual box, be seeable from host machine as <vm ip from the host machine>:5000?
probably not
try running the server on instead of
flask run --host=
isn't that what would make it visible from the LAN or something?
yeah, I do it all the time
It's like my primary development model
BUt I'm not running from a vm, I run from a laptop
@IljaEverilä I think I found another bug with sqlalchemy :-/
do you know what a 0 means in the context of an IPv4 address?
Isn't it broadcast?
sort of
it's like "listen on all"
yes, the definitely worked, thanks!
I would have presumed the local ip would have felt concerned by the general call, but oh well
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it did that to my console however...
That is weird
It looks like utf-8 rendering problems
are you serving http or https
http, but client somehow defaulted to https (I work other projects on https with that same ip from host)
well there you go
the https initial call did that
https will look like garbage if your server was expecting http
if you need https support you probably shouldn't be running the flask dev server in the first place
use a real web server
it literally changed the cli pwd being shown before the $
hmmm, right, I believe I have some nginx config with a self signed https cert somewhere
Is possible to use code inside the Django templates? I'm looking for something like: {% for item in string.split("x")}, but that doesn't work.
I think you're missing a % sign
@EnderLook don't do it
very bad idea.
@malan In my code I have that missing %. I just don't write it here, sorry
@wim is it impossible?
no. but it's really bad practice.
@wim Why so bad idea?
because logic belongs in code, not in templates
the template single responsibility is to render in a context. it should be presented with its context fully prepared for it.
that is, split the string in the code, and expose the looping material in "items"
Ok, I will do that. Thanks
This reminds me how much I enjoy not working with templates like this.
awww ;)
the closest I get to templating is when I have to do it with ansible and similar tools
in an effort to keep busines logic separated from framework code, I've decided to keep two files, flask_server and pyramid_server, that respectively create the same app, from the same files, so that the app code be completely decoupled from a specific framework. so far, I have no idea if that's a terrible or excellent idea.
A noble goal.
I'm not a fan of any type of "mono**"-type design
Even if you only intend to use one framework, it's still good to have such decoupling.
Makes testing the code so much easier
it's unreal how testing first is a last thought on a lot of people's minds when architecting/developing solutions like this.
heh, you need to keep going, always ;)
@coldspeed not seen a lot of you around recently, all well? :)
@roganjosh All good thanks :) Just sorting out some coursework and on campus work, etc etc...
lunch time cabbage
without the lunch ;-(
cabbage cabbage everywhere but not a bite to eat
They starving you into action? Reminds me of a sign a uni friend had; "The beatings will continue until morale improves"
@coldspeed good good :)
my boss has that sign in his office
wednesdays are usually company lunch day...today seems to be starve the developers day until the boss gets back
mug status:still pending. And all because I had to go and email support to request them to ensure the delivery company doesn't leave the package outside on the street where anyone could steal it ;(
@coldspeed T&Ps for your coffee mug :)
They probably put a gigantic flag on the delivery drone and its off decaptitating people on its way to you.
What role does the flag play here?
Anywho. To change the topic, I've realised I don't know how modules are loaded from the system PATH in an order. Is it OS dependent? From This question that I guessed an answer to, it seems that the issue of shadowing modules extends beyond your current script name sharing a module name.
Since I broke my mug last week, I took those swag stickers I got and put it on my MalloMe
Naming your own script something like csv.py would trump the actual csv module every time (I think, I can't test atm) and then, after that, it defaults to some order presumably.
first name resolved in sys.path wins
And that's consistent across OSs?
@piRSquared nice. Is that a coffee flask?
@roganjosh yes.
I use it as one
Thanks :)
^ exactly what I was thinking. Awesome.
@malan Hmm? What's it related to?
@IljaEverilä On a standard many-to-many table like configured here if you initially append a bunch of the same child to a particular parent's children, you can commit multiple copies of the same child
Subsequent appends do nothing
And when you actually access the children relationship you only see one copy
but they're there
And when you go to delete them by replacing children with an empty list, there's an error
I don't think that's a bug, and I think I've seen a Q/A here on SO that covers the issue.
At least partly.
But it may be that I did not fully understand the description.
It may help if I explain what I was trying to do
Ah. Now I think I get it. So that's a "transient" child, right? One that does not have a primary id yet?
I was trying to set up a user flag system where every time a user got flagged a new copy of the particular flag got appended to that user's flags. So in testing in flaskshell I appended a bunch of copies of a spam flag.
And when I committed it, the copies disappeared
Ok, I did not get it :)
but in MySQL the entries in the intermediate table were still there
Is that the "secondary" table in SQLA parlance (the association table)?
I'll use the terminology in the many to many section of the docs
If you initially append multiple copies of a particular Child, c1, to a particular Parent, p1, before any copies of c1 have been committed on p1.children, you can db.session.commit() and it will commit as many copies as you append.
After that you can't append any more entries
Copies of c1, or duplicate rows in the association table?
duplicate rolls in the association table
That's not a bug, it is a feature ;P
It causes an error down the road, though
Trying to find the related post right now... But that's something you get because SQL tables are not really relations :\
I wanted to be able to enter duplicate rows forever, but it won't once a single row has been entered for p1 and c1
Again, was c1 a transient object? As in it did not have a primary key identity yet, before the commit?
I changed the model anyway to be an actual class called UserFlagEvent, which is a better more detailed method anyway, but I wanted to mention this to someone
c1 is an actual entry in Child's table
Can't remember how that checking of whether or not an object is already related happens, but yeah it does check at some point.
I.e. I created c1, ran db.session.add(c1) and db.session.commit() and then appended c1 to p1.children multiple times
But then again, why did you want to enter duplicate rows?
In case multiple people flag the same user for the same thing
It was a bad model anyway
It didn't record details like the timestamp or the user flagging, etc
So I changed it
Yeppers, you should avoid duplicate rows almost always.
c1 = Child()
p1 = Parent()
I'm going to try to type out the code
And if you're using SQL in a more relational way, you can drop that "almost".
Please use a paste service :)
It was just going to be like 5 lines
@malan ORM over many to many makes my head spin more than a huge joint
it's so much simpler to write sql to manage many to many
to me and my general inexperience with ORMs, that is
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Lol, you should have seen how difficult it was for me to write this question that Ilja helped me with
... now that I think of it, I don't think I've ever had a single experience with ORM that made me think I actually saved any time
@IljaEverilä dpaste.de/WN5C
The actual computer responses are written by me (I didn't just run this code because my model is different and gone)
But if you mysql you will see a bunch of duplicate rows
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