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While reinstalling pandas, I read "Collecting pandas" on terminal and just somehow died of laughter
It's been a long day
when you realize that your pandas are already satisfied
Ready to brew pandas?
Might be a questions better suited for another room, but does anyone know the command line switch to turn off double quotes for SQLITE export to CSV? I see its an option in the DB Browser gui...
basically this persons exact question: stackoverflow.com/questions/44175809/…
confused 4.5-yo question about MS-Word string length mismatching result of Python string len() Function and .rstrip Method. Not a Python issue. No code given.
For comment:
Q: Canonicals for "Why isn't len() a method in Python?" and Python len()-related things

smciThere are several questions on Python new-user confusion about why len() is a function not a method, and related: Why does Python code use len() function on strings instead of a string length method? renamed from "Is there a reason Python strings don't have a string length method?" a good que...

2 hours later…
Also for comment:
Q: Canonicals for Python: are objects with the same id() the same object, `is` operator, unbound method objects

smciWe need a Python canonical for the following category of questions, but the titles are pretty non-obvious and search-resistant, so we also need more dupe targets to be identified (or written). What should our canonicals and dupes be? Current canonicals: Unnamed Python objects have the same id ...

3 hours later…
Can StackOverflow be hard forked so we have a SO-classic, without all these use silk gloves and honey newby nonsense?
Happy Bday @PM2Ring, sorry I missed the day! :)
@ReblochonMasque nope, but you can have userscripts to disable all that garabage.
I don't know a lot about SEDE but is "new contributor" a flag that can be analysed?
hi , so i have list of list and i want to compare third entry of each list element , and then print the list which third element is max
IS this possile
[[('1', '1', '13')], [('2', '1', '23')], [('4', '1', '53')], [('6', '1', '73')], [('7', '1', '43')], [('1', '1', '46')], [('1', '1', '13')], [('2', '1', '23')], [('4', '1', '53')], [('6', '1', '73')], [('7', '1', '43')], [('1', '1', '46')], [('3', '2', '43')], [('5', '2', '63')], [('1', '2', '43')], [('3', '2', '43')], [('5', '2', '63')], [('1', '2', '43')], [('8', '7', '43')], [('8', '7', '43')]]
i want to compare 13,23,53,73,43... and finding the max and then print the corresponding list
Have you tried anything?
yes .. i tired max function
So the output should be [('6', '1', '73')]?
max function is not able to scan the tried entry of each list
But you need to add extra checks to max, like converting to int and taking a specific index
Sounds like a job for a lambda function
The max function has a handy key parameter.
ok, so I tried lambda-like lambda x:x[2] where 2 means third element of each list ... but i was not successful
You can use int() in the lambda key too
is it necessary to use int
Because you have lists with tuples inside. You need lambda x: int(x[0][2]).
can you write entire max statement ? , what is x[0][2]
Well the point of this discussion, at least from my perspective, is to try make you think about the problem and get to a solution yourself rather than just give you code
Uh, max(your_list, key=lambda x: int(x[0][2]))? And x[0][2] is list indexing, which you obviously know because you used x[2]?
And yes, you do need to use int:
>>> 13 > 7
>>> '13' > '7'
@roganjosh yes i tried many times with with max ,map and lambda .. i guess i missed this int method ... thanks @Aran-Fey
last night i was trying this only ... max(list, key=lambda x: x[2])
The issue you have is the extra tuple inside the list
And you also need to convert the values to integers to get a numerical ordering rather and a lexicographical one
thanks a lot .. i think i have to read diff between tuple and list and more about lambda
The tuple here could just have well been a list. The point is that you have a nested structure
Is there a term for x[0][2]? I want to say 2D indexing but that's more a numpy thing I guess
stackoverflow.com/questions/51998565/… unclear. It looks like the OP tried to make a self-answered question
@roganjosh "he's a new user, be nice" lol
Yes, the contribution is indeed significant
@roganjosh I'm not going to downvote the poor guy
I didn't downvote, I'm asking for it to be closed
@roganjosh oh sorry wasn't what I was saying lol. but yeah probably should be closed
No need to keep pinging me, I'm watching chat :)
But I'm not sure they will get any rep for answering their own question
And the answer isn't particularly insightful
sorry bad habit. We do that a lot to clarify the conversation chains clear
Yeah, no worries, I also do the same :P
(you probably already know this) you can hover and see what message it links to.
I thought I found the book of the dead when I read that question and it automatically translated the Vonerich manuscript in my console.
AHA! The Voynich manuscript is simply a byte string. It all makes sense now
yep, it happened when bitcoin finished and went back in time. It was all made to create the Voynich manuscript which is really just bytecode to print "42 isn't the meaning of the universe, it's 41, but 0 is an index so it's only technically wrong."
when i run var1 = re.findall(pattern1,line) , i am getting [('1', '1', '46')] , i think this is incorrect it should be like ['1', '1', '46'] , plz suggest
You expect to find 3 matches of pattern1? 1, 1 and 46?
yes pattern1 = re.compile(r"(\d+)\s)\s(\d+)\s\:\s+(\d+)\%")
i have list of 100 amazon product page, I need product title and price and all pictures
is it possible with python ?
why i am getting ( ) braces
@user2262511 probably. I think you need to be more specific
@user143252 So that's a no, because (\d+)\s)\s(\d+)\s\:\s+(\d+)\%" can't match 1 or 46.
@roganjosh more specific in what sense
Imagine that I asked you that question and you had no idea of the problem beforehand. What questions would you have?
re.findall returns a list of tuples with the values of your capture groups. That's documented. What I don't understand is why you would expect to get ['1', '1', '46'] as output.
@user2262511 This is why we ask for an MCVE
At the moment I'm going to err on the side of "yes, it's possible". I can't add much more than that without more info
@roganjosh I only said if it's possible, I didn't asked for how to do it yet, any specific reason for being arrogant this morning ?
My arrogance detector is at 0, and the answer to your question is "almost certainly, yes".
developers.google.com/edu/python/regular-expressions#findall on this page it clearly returns it return list and list format is [ x,y,z] not [(a,b,c)]
I'm not sure where you've read arrogance, that certainly wasn't intended
@user143252 Yes, it returns a list of matches. If the pattern doesn't contain capture groups, each match is a string. If it does contain capture groups, each match is a tuple of string.
I don't understand where MCVE kicked in then from ?
Because I assumed you wanted more information than "yes, it's possible"
Yes, but for information don't need MCVE either
I don't think we're going to move forward in this discussion. I did not intend to be arrogant, I apologise if you felt chastised.
ok thanks
is it just me, or does google always bring up Python 2 documentation by default?
Not just you; that's a well-known first-world problem :(
And yet I commented not long ago that Google was prioritising 3.7 documentation
And that seems to have been reversed
it is so annoying when googling something and Python 2 results always come first
They're almost certainly intervening with the results. Kevin speculated that it was because we hit 3.7 so the .7 was significant, but it's not working the same now
will have to file a complaint with google, it is a legitimate annoyance :|
Start an online petition that I can click on. They are very effective. Just make sure I don't have to do anything other than click a button to change the world.
There's a handy userscript that automatically redirects you to the python 3 docs, and it only takes a click to install (:
@PearlySpencer Yes. And every time you click the Python 2 link you reinforce Google's tendency to keep delivering Python 2 results. I usually do: python 3 docs topic. That works most of the time, but not always.
please bear with me and tell me where i am wrong
max(list, key=lambda x: int(x[0][2]))

we have list

[('1', '1', '13')], [('2', '1', '23')], [('4', '1', '53')], [('6', '1', '73')]

to find maximum value , we are using a function , in our case it is lambda

what this lambda function is doing, it is going to third element of each list and converting it to integer

now max function is finding the max value based on third elements of each list

my question is what is x[0][2] why [0] , it should be [:]
I'm not sure I understand "it should be [:]"
Should it?
>>> list_element = [('4', '1', '53')]
>>> list_element[0][2]
>>> list_element[:][2]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
this will always point to the first list list_element[0][2], i.e zeroth list, not all, how it means all list-third element
The lambda function is applied to each individual list element, not the list as a whole.
@roganjosh Correct you get no rep for accepting a self-answered question. And of course you can't upvote your own answer either. See meta.stackexchange.com/questions/116090/…
@PM2Ring it's still not closed:/ But I was pretty certain they couldn't get rep for it
max(list, key=lambda x: int(x[0][2])) , so what this [0] signifies
@roganjosh I close-voted it a while ago, as no MCVE, IIRC.
@user143252 You know that. It takes the first element of x.
It's still open here
Or maybe we're crossing wires here :)
@roganjosh now it is not :-D
Yey, my first successful strikethrough :)
@PM2Ring i would expect the folks at google to know better but they probably still use python 2 mostly
@user143252 Please don't use list as a variable name, even in examples. It shadows the built-in list type, and makes it confusing to discuss your code. But why do you have a list full of single item lists?
@PearlySpencer I doubt it. But they don't like to manually tweak the search algorithm. Not only would it be a never-ending job, it would make them open to accusations of unfair bias in search results.
@PM2Ring i was being sarcastic haha
Ah, rightio. :)
python 2 will die hard like most bad habits do
FWIW, there are plenty of Google devs who are (or were) SO regulars.
i know, that's why i said it. i can't help it sometimes :-))))
We should welcome them back. If they start new accounts they get a friendly wave (Meta has destroyed the idea that it's a hand about to administer a slap)
I'm sure people will still be running Python 2 legacy code in 2025. There are people even now writing new Python 2 libraries.
I don't think the google people use python much. The official google drive module has the most unpythonic interface I've ever seen. It's like java, but in python.
finally i got it ... so there is list of list , in the list ,the first element itself is a list ,so to access the first element we are using [0] .. I NEED TO LEARN A LOT
@user143252 that was....deep..!
@user2262511 please don'tt assume bad faith and go out of your way to be offended. We're here to help for free and when we ask for more input it's usually not because we don't have anything better to do. You need to help us help. Nicess cuts both ways.
@AndrasDeak cbg and thanks
@AndrasDeak from your lips
FWIW, I learned about SO from amber, who works for Google, and who used to be a regular on the xkcd forums.
Also cbg
thanks @Aran-Fey
user143252 you're on the correct but scary side of the Dunning–Kruger effect :)
@user143252 much to learn, you still have, my young padawan
A quick feedback request: which of the two, if either, would be nicer:
@post("/", as_json=True)
def create_item_json(item: Body(dict)) -> Response: pass

# ... or

def create_item_json(item: Json(dict)) -> Response: pass
Personally I'd like to avoid the 1st one, because additional serializations would require adding new parameters.
But the latter might be doomed when and if annotations move towards typing-only.
Hmm, both of those look weird. What's Body(dict)? Shouldn't those be square brackets like Body[dict]?
It's not a type annotation, but something different. Serves as a marker of sorts which informs the client generator that this here parameter is the body of the request.
I prefer the 2nd one, on the YAGNI principle. But write it so that it's not impossible to add other serializations if you really do need them further down the track.
Agreed with PM2. Subclassing Body seems better than adding a million parameters to the post decorator.
The idea is that one writes an "interface" class, from which the concrete client is then created, based on the annotations.
It's all very Java-esque...
Speaking of Java-esque, I saw an XML question last night, where the OP wants do add an element to a very large XML file. I figured a streaming reader & writer would be a good idea, so I had a look at the Python xml.sax docs, which I've never studied before. (I don't do much XML, and I've only used ElementTree a few times).
I soon realised that the xml.sax docs are almost completely useless to someone who isn't already familiar with SAX. But the original SAX docs presume you are a competent Java coder. And I've never touched Java.
So those docs are going to be pretty useless to people who know Python but don't know Java or the Java way of doing OOP. IMHO, Python docs shouldn't presume that level of knowledge in the reader. Especially when the module uses concepts that are very foreign to the usual Python way. And I didn't see a single line of example code in the SAX docs. All in all, it was a very disappointing experience.
Heads-up: someone asking about canonical Python posts on Meta;
Q: Canonicals for Python: are objects with the same id() the same object, `is` operator, unbound method objects

smciWe need a Python canonical for the following category of questions, but the titles are pretty non-obvious and search-resistant, so we also need more dupe targets to be identified (or written). What should our canonicals and dupes be? Current canonicals: Unnamed Python objects have the same id ...

Yeah, smci is trying to do a herculean cleanup of the Python tag.
Canonical-related meta posts are a hobby for smci
Should we be responding though? Can we expand our list of canonicals and make it easier to search?
It's a very worthy hobby. And I guess this room could do more to assist smci in this endeavor. But it's a big & scary task! We really need to have a bunch of people who have the time and energy to look at the questions that smci finds (and other we might be able to discover), discuss the relative merits, make decisions, do editing, write new answers, ... etc.
There is still no good dupe for in-place methods imo
One that actually explains why it works the way it does
OTOH, as Nick Bolas commented on one of those meta posts, a good canonical dupe target does not have to be a one-stop shop that covers everything on a topic. SO Q&A generally works best when it's focused. Broad questions with vast tutorial answers can work in some cases, I guess, but as we learned a couple of years ago, trying to make SO a Documentation repository doesn't work so well.
@Aran-Fey upvoted that answer, the accepted answer falls short, but now I have a dupe target, thanks :)
@PM2Ring True, but how many "contributors" are reading docs these days?
If they try to learn everything from SO without reading actual docs (and an actual textbook / tutorial), they only have themselves to blame.
Doesn't stop them posting questions
The point of canonicals is to have a quick and easily-accessible dupe target, no?
@roganjosh True. But we don't have to answer them on their terms. OTOH, it's fair enough if someone has consulted the books & the docs but still doesn't quite get it. And I'm more than happy to help them if they have a focused question, preferably with a MCVE.
Yes, the primary reason for canonicals is to act as dupe targets. So they need to cover the duped question adequately. But they don't need to cover the topic exhaustively.
I'm not disagreeing with that at all. I learned so much from SO and I keep looking for problems that will challenge me to learn more. But I do feel we're getting swamped with basic questions that could be answered either by some personal debugging or a bit of thought. Our canonicals don't cover all the eventualities
Well, I don't want to suggest we could cover all eventualities
Yep. It looks like too many newbies simply don't have the required basic knowledge to do what they're trying to do. In the early days of SO there was a close reason: "Lacks minimal understanding", but it was removed because it was over-used. Many people consider that this was a bad move...
@PM2Ring *Nicol
Yeah, him. :)
@Aran-Fey: yeah, something about the comments in the code there felt unlikely, so I searched for the first one, and guess which famous answer came up? :-/
Saturday morning cabbage for all.
is it possible to make reusable iterator like range object does? or implementation is written on C side?
@MaxLunar Yes, it's possible to make a re-usable iterable in pure Python.
However, when you call iter() on some iterable, or iter() gets called implicitly on an iterable that you put in a for loop, then an iterator is returned that can only be used once.
like, if I define loop with yield, it would stop as soon as the loop ends. If I put it inside infinite while loop, it would generate infinite repeating stream of items. Also I found that range object has no next, and it is not quite an iterator, but iterable
@DSM You know something's fishy when a 500 rep user specifically mentions version 3.4 in their answer ;)
@MaxLunar Yes, range isn't an iterator. But if you do iter(range(5)) or for u in range(5): then an iterator is created.
@MaxLunar: the trick is that when you're looping over an object, Python calls that object's __iter__ to get something with all the right methods. So just make an __iter__that returns something new, like `def __iter__(self): yield from (1, 2, 7).
There's a simple example in the tutorial: docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html#iterators
so, I have to implement my own class, that has getitem, and iter like that
what about slice? when I slice the range, it doesnt returns the list or tuple, but another range with different step
Each time you call a generator function it returns an iterator that can only be iterated over once. So if you need something different to that simple behaviour then you need to make a class.
Yep, they implemented that behaviour by defining a __getitem__ that returns a new range instance with different start/stop/step.
ah i see now, if I use slice on object, it just passes an slice object
thanks anyway
OH, theres also slice class in builtins. I didnt noticed it before
I discovered something new today :D
>>> slice
<class 'slice'>
>>> slice(2,3,4)
slice(2, 3, 4)
>>> s = slice(2, 3)
>>> a = list(range(10))
>>> a
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> a[s]
>>> s = slice(2, 6)
>>> a[s]
[2, 3, 4, 5]
so, i can even create my own slice-quacking type which would work in getitem
Yes! Play with it. It is much fun. :)
Hello all, I was just looking at the solution for this question stackoverflow.com/questions/13881092/… whereby the first part shows how to use url retrieve with report hook.
I have been trying to find a solution, to customise the reporthook to pass the name of the file I am trying to download, but unfortunately struggling to make it work. I want to do this because I have multiple files I am trying to download and I therefore want the output in the following format [{file-name} Percentage {Bytes Downloaded / Total Bytes}] e.g. if the file is called "Hello" I want the progress bar to show the output as "Hello 5% 500/1000"
I'm shocked that PEP 572 seems to be the trigger for Guido's leaving.
Now I know much of this room is against that PEP. But the fact is it can be used in a "good" way, and misused.
He did say that it was a long time coming, and for what it's worth, trigger isn't necessarily the entire cause.
Yeh I know there were some health issues and perhaps other personal reasons
Not just that.
But I believe he did say that he never had to fight so hard for to get PEP through
I'm not against that PEP. I find it very useful in some cases
Parallel to lambda. Useful in some cases. But can often be "misused" to create correct but very ugly, unmaintainable code.
every aspect of syntax can be used to make the code ugly, I think
While that's true, I think we all agree that some are more likely to be misused.
like, you can write multiple statements in one-liner with semicolon
For example, f-strings only seem to improve syntax / clarity.
But yep you're right, I'm all for PEP 572.
why just not remove the semicolon if it is not recommended to use and makes the code ugly?
Hah, you can say that he was the creator of a parseltongue and may also have a hidden "chamber of secrets" somewhere...
you're not forced to use the assignment expression, like type hints. But it often can be really useful
like, I need to instantiate the variable with image size, instead of accessing the img.size, when I can just use a single assignment expression to do that
That's not particularly convincing. No one is forced to use (say) list comprehensions, but you need to understand them to read other people's code, because they do use them.
I agree with @DSM. Just bcause there's one good use, doesn't make a feature useful.
Since code is read more than it's written.
Come to think of it, I seem to prefer "Parselmouth" over "Pythonista" somewhat, but very unsure if everyone will get it :( Muggles...
Semicolons are handy in the REPL. But I can't think of a good reason to use them in an actual script.
I use them when passing code to python -c, but that's about it, and I could work around that if they weren't supported.
The main thing I don't like about PEP 572 is that "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it". I've always thought that was one of Python's great strengths. It reduces development time that could be wasted trying to decide between similar alternatives.
Sure, there are a few other places in Python where we have alternatives, in particular the multiple ways of formatting strings, but I don't think it's good to add more alternatives that we don't need unless they're a major improvement over the earlier construction (like f-strings).
Guido's argument, I believe, is, if used correctly, this feature can make cleaner code. e.g. So often i see people write (x, f(x), f(x)*2) to save the effort of writing a function.
While (x, y := f(x), y*2) is more likely to be seen in the future.
Only time will tell if it gets misused more than it's used as intended.
@jpp Well sure. We do often see duplicated calls like that because people try to force stuff into a list comp. And maybe assignment expressions will eliminate that. OTOH, we see plenty of newbie code with the same thing calculated multiple times (instead of calculating it once & assigning it) that doesn't involve a list comp.
It's no big deal if it's a cheap call or expression. But I've seen plenty of code on SO that calls max or even sorted on the same list multiple times in a loop. :(
also I like the given block PEP, which is deferred right now
you can write some multiline code to use in expression under temporary name ?
can be treated as multiline lambda
lst.sort(key=?.sorter) given:
    def sorter(k):
sometimes lambdas isn't enough to use, but when you need this function only once, you dont need to delete the instance after usage, it is already destroyed after usage (i think...)
I don't like. It adds complexity to the language without bringing much benefit. And it dilutes "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it".
With that logic, shouldn't while loops be removed altogether?
@jpp How does that follow?
well, can't you rewrite while loops as for loops?
you can create infinite for loops too, if that's a concern
Sometimes, but most of my while loops are while True:, and they aren't looping over a (simple) iterable.
Rewriting a while to a for is much harder than rewriting a for to a while though
Just grabbing an example at random, how would you rewrite this as a for loop?
def collatz(n):
    ''' Generate the complete Collatz sequence for n '''
    yield n
    while n > 1:
        n = n%2 and 3*n + 1 or n//2
        yield n
Devil's advocate, something like for _ in count(): n = blah; if n > 1: break; yield n ?
Ok. But if you don't need the count, that's wasteful. And it's merely hiding the while True: loop inside the implementation of count.
Sure, I guess this is the one occasion it works (infinite loops). Otherwise, I believe you can always add an if + break.
In fact, i'm used to use if + break instead of while. Out of habit more than anything. Is that bad?
You mean if + break + for?
Exactly. For finite loops.
I'd say that's bad, yeah. What do you even iterate over?
Trying to find some examples: 1, 2
3, 4
I thought for + if + break was a common idiom.
Oh. Nevermind, that's fine. If you actually are iterating over something, a for loop is definitely better than a while loop.
Yeh, of course I do agree with PM2Ring that for infinite loops while is better than itertools.count.
Honestly, I wouldn't even compare for and while loops. Their use cases are just so different, it's really like comparing apples and oranges
Funny, I came across this abomination while looking for those answers: list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x < 7, iter(lambda: int(input()), None)))
who needs a while loop when you have takewhile ?!
iter(lambda: int(input()), None) <- what the yam
Can that code ever not crash?
Oh, I'm dumb. It doesn't crash because the takewhile stops iterating. *facepalm*
Speaking of takewhile, I guess some people may not like a few of the things in this code. But I bet they'll have trouble doing a faster version in plain Python. ;)
You're right, these functional tools do wonders with built-ins
I sometimes use map with __getitem__ or similar to prove the point.
Must be a great point
Not particularly :). It's usually when someone says "look, I have a list comprehension, can I make it faster?"
Calling dunder methods directly is frowned upon, but passing them as args seems to be ok. There's plenty of that happening in the stdlib. And I'm sure I've seen Martijn do it more than once...
I guess that's because calling them directly is a less readable way of using their proper equivalent (e.g. the operator they are used for), but when passing it as an argument that's not an option
It's also fairly easy to introduce obscure bugs into your code by calling dunders directly. foo.__iter__() isn't exactly a replacement for iter(foo), for example.
>>> (3).__gt__(2.0)
Both good points. Calling a dunder method directly tends to undermine the magic.
A fairly extreme example of using dunders in the stdlib is in heapq.merge, which puts tuples containing __next__ methods onto the heap.
They had to rewrite that when python 3 came out (: (because __next__ used to be next)
Yeah. And it's still a bit naughty, shadowing next. But I love that yield from next.__self__ :)
✝_(º_º) I didn't even see that...
Hey @DSM (and other blues fans), here's a tasty electric blues jam featuring Marcus King, Kirk Fletcher, Josh Smith, and friends, on the Keeping The Blues Alive cruise.
Do I get an achievement for making a JoJo Fist of the North Star reference in my answer?
Matrix multiplication is more similar to a cross product than a dot product. If you're trying to support vector operations, it would be better to use * for dot and scalar products and use @ for cross products. — chepner 19 mins ago
I don't think I agree with that ^
But it's so inconsequential I don't want to get into an argument
yep that's bogus
>>> x,y,z = np.eye(3)
>>> x @ y
>>> np.cross(x, y)
array([0., 0., 1.])
They mean that's what they'd find logical for a vector API
But matmul can change dimensionality just like a dot, and cross (when defined) doesn't change dimensionality like *
good answer from aran-fey
@jpp so what wrong with
Thanks :)
y = f(x)
(x, y, y*2)
Ew, 2 lines
more readable, no assex needed
"But in a lambda"
non-sequitur ... guido wanted lambda removed from the language
lambda x: (lambda x,y: (x, y, y**2))(x,f(x)) # fixed
I still haven't heard any convincing argument for the PEP 572 use case ..
the reference implementation seems borked, the leaky listcomp example doesn't work
@AndrasDeak tone is hard to decipher online.. but I think you're trolling ;)
Inb4 I'm flagged for sarcasm
Sarcasm is against the CoC 🐓
@AndrasDeak Yeah. Sure, cross product is useful when you're doing 3D stuff, but it is an anomaly. Dot products and matrix products have sensible definitions in any number of dimensions.
I vaguely remember that differential forms are general, but the catch is that you can't represent them in the domain space in other than 3d
Streaming another coding session: twitch.tv/codeguru42. Plan to continue for the next two hours. Come watch and chat.
This may or may not be completely wrong. I don't know differential geometry.
Same here. I know next to nothing about differential geometry. But yeah, cross product is peculiar to 3D.
That much I know
I did this in Numpy last night. grid is a 2D array of np.int32. yx returns a y, x tuple. Is this a sensible way to increment the numbers in grid?
y, x = zip(*[yx(i - 1) for i in collatz(n) if i <= maxi])
grid[y, x] += 1
Probably. Fancy indexing is fine.
Oh, good. The program's a bit slower than I expected. But that's probably because I'm converting grid to a PIL Image, resizing it, then converting it to a Tkinter PhotoImage.
Depends on whether or not you need to worry about duplicate indices.
(Thanks for the link, BTW, will listen when I next have headphones :-)
@DSM No. The y,x pairs produced by a given [yx(i - 1) for i in collatz(n) if i <= maxi] will always be unique.
Right, for dupes you need np.add.at
Then AD is right, you're good.
@AndrasDeak Cool. I'll try to remember that for situations where I could have duplicates.
Here's a slow minor blues by the incredible Manx guitarist Davy Knowles. What In The World, recorded at the World Cafe in Philadelphia.
@wim, I'm sure you've seen on SO the unexplainable preference users have for one-liners. If it stops people putting a few lambda expressions in a single line, it's not a bad side-effect.
@jpp the side-effect will be to enable more silly one-liners.
@JonClements cooool, how magic code, you are python god! — pwxcoo Aug 11 at 11:45
Honestly, why would anyone recommend list(iter(lambda: int(input('enter a number: ')), type('foo', (object,), {'__eq__': lambda self, i: i >= 7})())) over a while loop? It saddens me to see JonClements (who has almost 100k rep, and is a moderator) encouraging such one-liners unqualified.
He did call it "absolutely vomit inspiring", but of course something like that isn't enough to scare people off...
That was edited in later, IIUC.
@wim, You may be right. Only time will tell!
@wim side note: being a mod has little to do with technical stuff (beyond the high-rep limit)
Maybe we'll see a new breed of questions: "how can I use assignment expressions to make this fit on one line"
I think the comment in its current form is fair
@AndrasDeak I'm not saying it does
I honestly don't understand how you read that as Jon encouraging such unreadable one-liners. But of course, I can't see what that comment looked like before he edited it…
I think becoming a moderator should come with a responsibility not to intentionally recommend "clever" coding practices, because having that glyph implicitly gives your comments added authority and weight. A beginner user to Python could misunderstand such code, that was probably intended to be "silly" in the first place, as something cool and magic
Yeh I'm with PM2Ring, but mainly because I see JonClements every day selflessly commenting to improve other people's solutions (even if they are poor), and never see his answers promoting poor practice.
Mod elections are anything but rational
@jpp I've many times seen Jon answering simple questions with unnecessarily clever code. It's not a new habit. To his credit, the code was always working correctly, but it's posted on problems that really don't call for clever code in the first place
morning folks
good afternoon :)
ah sorry, long night. it is later than I usually wake :p
it's morning somewhere!
It's morning here. 4:35AM, to be precise.
IMHO, the best answer of that question comes from jpp. The OP asks how to do a simple task in a one-liner, and jpp's answer tells them a one-liner isn't a good idea for that task, and shows them the sensible way to do it.
SO @ 4:35AM, now that's commitment!
I really don't get why anyone would think it's a good idea to call input in a list comp, unless they're doing code golf.
I'm a fairly nocturnal person. :) It's easier for me to concentrate on stuff at this hour. It can get pretty noisy here during the daylight hours - I'm near a busy main road and almost directly underneath a flight path near one of Australia's largest airports.
I used to be a nocturnal person as well. But I kinda laid off that lifestyle after my health started degrading :P
@PM2Ring I sympathize...we used to have pretty much noise from Tupolev planes even though we're at least 20 kms away from our airport
I can't imagine what it must be like living near an airport
(of course notion of nearness might be different in a country as large as Australia :)
I'm less than 5km from the airport, so some of the planes are very low when they go overhead.
2 hours later…
hi.. I was wondering if there a way that you can add a list of values to a cell in a numpy matrix? do anyone know?
Question regarding Django's model. I am trying to implement a voting system, however, in my models.py I currently have an Article class which has a ForeignKey to another class called Vote. The issue I am having is that when I instantiate Article() it should set the vote to a new instance, but it's not doing it https://dpaste.de/5FO9

How can I accomplish this? I want to every time I create a new article, I create a new vote row containing a new ID + score set to 0. Currently, when I create a new article, it sets score in Article to NULL.
@WendyVelasquez what are you doing exactly? Sound like you have object-valued elements in a numpy array, which is usually to be avoided if possible
but anyway an MCVE does wonders as always
@seds You need to override the save method on Article and if it's a new instance (does not yet have an id set) then instantiate a new Vote and assign to score.
@shad0w_wa1k3r hmm.. Tried, but now getting a save() prohibited to prevent data loss due to unsaved related object 'score'.
@shad0w_wa1k3r this is what I did: dpaste.de/7xt4
ah, you'll have to do it after the actual save then.
@shad0w_wa1k3r but where exactly?
Do it after the super() (check if it's already populated so that you don't overwrite), and then save again
@shad0w_wa1k3r Yeah, but in a nutshell, you say something like this?

def save(self, **kwargs):
super(Article, self).save(**kwargs)
self.score = Vote()
with the last 2 statements under an if self.score is None:
Hmm, tried, that, yeah

def save(self, **kwargs):
super(Article, self).save(**kwargs)
if self.score is None:
self.score = Vote()
(the last two are indent inside the if)
Ok, now this is odd. Article has no score.
Tip - you can't format multiline code & comments together, just separate both :)
ah, thanks
@seds hmm, you may wanna try it in the interpreter shell so that minor nuances like this are taken care of
@shad0w_wa1k3r it's giving me a weird error now, when it if self.score is None, stating Article has no score.
Hm, I see
Lil busy watching TI8 finals ($15M on the line in this last Bo5 Dota2 match)
stackoverflow.com/q/50425774/6901259 I just tested the sizes of each frame of gif, and it show 500x500 size only for first frame and varying ~150x200 size for other frames. How I can edit the gif correctly, if this happens? I dont want to meddle with files (I use BytesIO), so gifsicle doesnt suit me.
I remember that one
I think I've said this before, but gifsicle can work 100% in-memory
Exact sizes are (500, 500)(129, 209)(128, 209)(130, 213)(129, 214)(130, 214)(130, 215)(137, 215)(154, 213)(155, 209)(156, 208)(156, 209)(154, 210)(154, 213)(138, 215)(132, 215)(131, 215)(129, 215)(129, 213)(131, 209)
Jun 2 at 21:29, by Aran-Fey
You can avoid writing stuff to disk with gifsicle, but you have to jump through a few hoops. You need to encode each frame as a static gif and send it to gifsicle through stdin
i still dont understand how does it work. If it stores only changing part of frame, it should also contain the way to remove the pixels which didnt changed
I cant believe theres no good pythonic tools to assemble a gif properly.
not enough people assemble gifs, apparently
if you're feeling adventurous you could look into gimp's python-fu...but first you'd have to check if what you want can be done with gimp without the fu
the one time I used script-fu (which is basically scheme which is a lisp) I first did it in gimp then I sweat blood trying to reproduce programmatically
@AndrasDeak I feel like I'm always taking the wrong path!!. I found a way to solve my problem, although i got an answer too. the one I'm working on is purely numerical so I want to have something like this. M[0][0][0] = [1,2,3,4,5,6,6] so each cell of a matrix is a list of numbers
@PM2Ring helicopters are the worst (airport is a few blocks from me)
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