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@Aran-Fey (I am back) Doesn't it return Good? If I replace print(addition(sum1, sum2)) with addition(sum1, sum2) None doesn't appear.
I just got an answer edited for using "i.e.". Isn't it something used in English?
it is
uuuuh, edited by Ned Batchelder, time to ask for an autograph :D
I have no idea why he edited that stackoverflow.com/posts/50555247/revisions
Oh, you found it
It's fine to me, I was just wondering if it was wrong in English
I think he objected to the way you phrased it.
Should I know them?
oh yes!
I think he objected to your suggestion that "modify its class <=> write a metaclass"
Ahahah! Ok, worth knowing
so it's not a grammar thing but a semantic thing as I see it
Yea, I am perfectly fine with the edit. I was just wondering from a linguistic point of view
I found this related question, but I wish there was a more generic one... I don't want to have a separate question for every dundermethod...
I'll never get the "Good Answer" badge... all my good answer seem to cap at 8-9 upvotes
you posted that 11 minutes ago...
You'll see, it'll cap at 9
I'm sure!
aaand vote fishing succeeded
I got it!
who said what 11 minutes ago?
The answer I complained was caped at 9 was posted 11 minutes ago
Nah, it's just that it took me 8 months of activity on SO to get it
I'll give you an upvote if you add a link to that "What are metaclasses in python?" question
The amazing one that everyone should read?
That's the one
Yea sure, everyone should read it
@OlivierMelançon It's fine, but it may not be so suitable for an international readership who aren't native speakers of English, or otherwise familiar with Latin abbreviations. I tend to use "i.e." a lot, but lately I've been trying to avoid it in favour of simpler constructions.
Thanks for the heads up about that! I use it a lot and will try avoiding as well
meh, it's not that advanced, and whoever doesn't understand it should use a dictionary
canvas.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event: linePress_check(event, left_pt1, left_pt2.x - left_pt1.x)) Is there any way I can get the return variable from the linePress_check function?
{"i.e.": "that is", "e.g.": "for example", "cf.": "compare"}
@Chenny what do you mean?
oh, I don't think so, but this is just a hunch as I don't know tkinter
"In other words" works well, and a lot of people will recognise IOW as an abbreviation for that, but I guess it's probably a good idea to avoid that too, and other informal Internet abbreviations, on SO.
IOW << i.e.
@Chenny Get the return value where? What are you planning to do with it?
So I want to change the left_pt1 variable after doing the linePress_check()
which will be activated with the left click
so mutate it in the function?
wont that only be local to that function?
if I change it in there
a return value in an event handler doesn't make sense, because it doesn't go anywhere. An event handler should just do what it needs to do. No point in returning anything.
@Chenny I do know Tkinter. And what you're asking doesn't really make sense. You bind a callback to an event, and whenever the event occurs your callback gets called. Where would the callback send the return value to?
@Chenny not if you mutate it. Speaking of Ned Batchelder: nedbatchelder.com/text/names.html
I suspect you need to define a full (non-lambda) callback function, which first calls linePress_check and then mutates the value of left_pt1, optionally depending on the return value of the former
@Chenny If you want changes to happen when the callback is called then those changes need to happen in the callback, or in some other function that the callback itself calls.
Okay I think I can think of something, thanks
@Chenny If you get stuck, write a MCVE: a tiny little program we can run that illustrates your problem, so we know exactly what you're talking about, and that we can edit to make it do what you really want.
I see an interesting python HNQ on the right this morning :)
what's HNQ?
hot network question
oh, that explains the upvotes
or the upvotes explain that, who knows
it had 11 upvotes at 28 page views or so...
the one you answered
I was actually only seeing the other one in the HNQ
I'd like to have a canonical for "I tried to pass a function as an argument to another function like add_event_handler(my_event_handler(x)), but the function got called immediately". Is there anything like this, or anything that can be edited to be similar to this?
I think there is one
@Chenny I've been looking through my Tkinter collection for something online that might help you to learn how to use .bind. Here is a program I wrote last year. It might be a bit too advanced for you at this stage (and I admit it does use some fancy mathematics), but you might have fun playing around with it.
I have this tkinter one but that's too specific about buttons and tkinter IMO. And then there's of course some generic stuff like can I pass functions as arguments? and how do I pass a function with arguments as an argument, but I'd like to have something better
(i.e. something specifically about the mistake of calling it like add_event_handler(my_event_handler(x)))
@Aran-Fey AFAIK, the only stuff we have like that in the collection is related to Tkinter.
@Aran-Fey Found this
@OlivierMelançon no
@coldspeed yes
Oh, right it's not exactly it. That one is about not unwrapping
dispatch dict is typical for this
how about adding it here?
@OlivierMelançon Yeah, that's different
One of my pet peeves with Tkinter is that it doesn't have a built-in mechanism for passing args to a callback, so you have to use a partial, or a function with default args.
I think that's typical for GUIs
or a better GUI toolkit :^)
Tkinter has the worst documentation
for a stdlib module that is
isn't most of the docs "go look at the Tk docs"?
@AndrasDeak Maybe. But GTK gives you the option of passing a tuple of args, or None.
note that I have very limited experience with GUIs
@coldspeed Nice find. I'd like to have a function with arguments, but maybe I can make it work
yeah, I'd need some vaultah-level googlefu to find stuff that specific... given the crappy titles people use anyway :-(
GTK callbacks also have a boolean return value. If it returns True it means that handler has dealt with the event, if it returns False, then the event can bubble up to the widget's parent. But it's been a while since I used GTK, I might have that convention reversed. :)
My rusty GTK knowledge agrees with your rusty GTK knowledge
Oh, good.
My non-existent GTK knowledge says "no comment"
Trying to find a good way to extract words from dictionary of word in xml file. If I got them comma separated I could go from there, and tags removed
Some input and expected output would help, along with any code you've tried. If there's a lot of it, put it in a dpaste.
to list_ = ['örinö']
I don't see a dictionary there.
There is 40000 entries
That doesn't mean it's a dictionary?
I can actually do it the hard way if I take 24 hours :(
okay, good luck.
Sorry, I try
I apologize
but if there is just something that makes a comma linux I can get it, oh no
in linux*
if you want to parse XML use an XML parser
Thank you for pointing me into right direction
@coldspeed It's not a dict, it's a collection of words.
Hey, @coldspeed Check this out: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/368651/…
@PM2Ring Oh, the hard life we smallcaps folks live...
they should just normalize the unicode to ascii, and allow fuzzy matching
takes like 20 minutes to implement, probably
@PM2Ring haha, might not be too helpful right now, but I appreciate it. My program is pretty messy right now, so I think it's going to be pretty hard for me to make a small program to show you what I'm having problems with but I'm moving along a bit by bit
@Chenny Fair enough. :) Chaotic coding starts out fast, but as the program grows progress slowly grinds to a halt. It gets harder and harder to remember how all the bits & pieces interconnect. Try to keep things as modular as possible by using classes, or at least functions.
Wow... that must be intimidating to come in the chat like that
So I ended up adding an answer to the question coldspeed found, but I think it's still not a good dupe for this one
I'm unsure if the solution is to make a variation of that question with arguments, or if I just need to stop caring too much
@Aran-Fey There are 2 problems there. I'm going to post an answer.
To which one?
Aw. 2 separate issues means I won't be able to use it as a dupe target in the future :(
I hate how StackOverflow Jobs doesn't say how much it costs to post. You can only find out after calling and talking to a sales rep.
@Aran-Fey Maybe you will, since it's pretty easy to misunderstand how to use .after.
I hope my explanation is sufficiently coherent for the OP. It's 6:40 AM here, and I'm starting to get a little vague. ;)
I rarely ever see people use after ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What's an after-shrug? :P
An after-shrug is a smaller earthquake that occurs after a previous large earthquake. Wait, nevermind, that's aftershock.
@Aran-Fey Generally, you don't need to do that ent.after(1000 * j, ...) thing because the .after callback is the function that the .after call is defined in. Hmm. That sounds confusing. :) Here's a little example. stackoverflow.com/a/44372709/4014959
Yeah, queueing other functions (and multiple other functions, at that) is pretty rare
I want to troll saying that "1000 * j can be written more simply as 1000j"
@AndrasDeak You're imagining things.
@Aran-Fey Tcl &Tkinter guru Bryan Oakley just informed me that .after can be passed args for the callback, so we don't need that lambda after all. :) Pity that .bind and the general Widget command arg don't support that.
Hooray for consistency. And of course it doesn't support **kwargs.
Love the new title: "Why do my functions automatically execute themselves?"
Sounds a little morbid when you say it like that :p
Hmm. If I change that to "Why do my functions automatically call themselves?" then it sounds like those functions desperately need some friends, so I'm not sure if that's an improvement
I'm sure Tkinter can do all sorts of amazing stuff that I have no idea about. There's obscure stuff buried in the docstrings that I have no idea what it means, the sort of stuff that only makes sense when you already know what they're talking about. I guess it might make sense to a Tcl programmer, though.
And on that note, it's time for me to say rhubarb.
does anyone here have knowledge of git hooks?
Yes, what do you know it?
I'm implementing some git hooks using Python and I'm having trouble getting them to work on Windows AND MacOS
Can I explain my problem here?
You Can write git hook scripts as if you are linux os because git is running in linux os
For exemple, several command inux is work on other os if you run it in git terminal
Therefore, you write your script python that Will call for exemple post-commit (linux Shell) and it Works for ail os
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