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5:31 AM
First to finish 18.2 on the local leaderboard B-) God I'm tired.
pfft :F
dunno what's wrong with my .2
Wild guess: make sure to use a FIFO queue rather than a FILO stack
I think I liked days 16 and 17 better, as they both had fun opportunities for optimization. This one doesn't seem quite as fertile unless you can optimize adjacent arithmetic operators into single pseudo-instructions. I think they did that last year.
Turn N instances of "add A to B" into one instance of "add N*A to B", that kind of thing
append and pop0
5:47 AM
Hi guys
i wrote this script to fetch email and the company name from the directory
this is working fine
any suggestions to improve my code ?
@Kevin there is something fishy here...
I am using threading and I get different numbers depending on whether I busy-loop or sleep :D
Append and pop(0) is how I did mine. Spoilers I guess
pft :F
@underscore You can save yourself the trouble of writing out that long pages list by doing import string and pages = string.ascii_lowercase. You do string composition more concisely if you use f strings, like the_file.write(f"{index+1}, {company}, {email}\n"), or str.format, like the_file.write("{}, {}, {}\n".format(index+1, company, email)), rather than regular addition.
(f strings available only in recentish versions of Python 3)
It is generally preferred to iterate directly over the elements of a list, rather than the indices of the list: ex. for page in pages: rather than for index in range(len(pages)):. If you need both the page instance and the index, do for index, page in enumerate(pages):
It's not always the best idea to create a list of dummy values with the intention of filling them in later. Rather than do pages = [None] * len(company_details) followed by pages[i] = company_details[i].get_attribute('href') in a loop, perhaps you could do pages = [detail.get_attribute("href") for defail in company_details]
I'm suspicious of most of those try blocks, because it seems like when an error occurs, most of them just go ahead with the rest of the program anyway. But if the web driver can't find the page, then it's not going to be able to do work on the page afterwards. Ex. How is company_details[i].get_attribute('href') going to execute if company_details doesn't exist, because driver.find_elements_by_css_selector raised an exception? You're just going to get a NameError that way
You could either re-work each except block so that it actually handles the exception sufficiently that the program can continue, or you can decide that the error is unrecoverable-from and not bother catching it
Oh I think you left. Well, I was pretty much done anyway.
6:05 AM
thanks for the such a detail explanation :)
i'm very new to python and this will help me a lot
thanks again :)
It's all pretty minor stuff. None of it really affects the behavior of your program, so they're stylistic concerns primarily
that was aaaawful
it turns out my threading conditions were somewhat bad :F
oh well.
not gonna up this code anytime soon, it is so damn ugly
Except for the part about try-catch, which would change how the stack trace looks when your program crashes
But hopefully the user won't see that either way ;-)
@Kevin some index doesn't have correct urls so program getting crashed so many times
that's why i used so many try catch blocks
TR : 4736 CD : 306 PC 306
Error Timeout Line: 305
Error Element not found Line: 305
Hmm, OK. I think you could still consolidate a couple of them together. Like maybe have just one try inside the for index in range(len(pages)): loop. You could still have multiple excepts if you want descriptive logging.
6:13 AM
@AnttiHaapala I tried to avoid all the headaches of that nature by not using threading. But maybe I'll go back and try it for fun, when I'm not sleep deprived.
@Kevin the problem was with my code for deadlock detection
I got a context switch in exactly there :D
I use an algorithm of my own invention which I will call "selfish multitasking", where thread N only gets to run if threads 0 through N-1 are all terminated or blocked
I lost > 30 minutes because of that :f
@Kevin is the exception occur can we try that again for at least one time ?
6:16 AM
My advantage was that I knew straight away that I couldn't detect deadlocks if I did it the fancy way :-P The trick is to have no self-confidence
just use goto keyword kind of thing
@underscore We haven't got goto, but you could use a loop:
failures = 0
while True:
        failures += 1
        if failures == 3:
            print("Failed too many times! Giving up...")
            raise Exception("Couldn't do thing")
            print("Failed! trying again...")
maybe i can try this when index doesn't have correct url
Now I must really be getting to bed
ok thanks for the information
it will help me a lot
good night then
6:30 AM
If I have exactly 2 lines of code that look like this,
df1 = df1.reindex(i).reset_index().bfill().ffill()
df2 = df2.reindex(i).reset_index().bfill().ffill()
Then, does it make sense to abstract out the functionality to a function?
So as to call df1 = foo(df1); df2 = foo(df2)? Or is it not worth the effort?
6:56 AM
Can anybody help me with this
Question is about the way to proceed further and the way I tried is correct.
Also if anybody can help to let me know If this is off topic and any community who can help to verify/helphere
7:08 AM
@jamesorc Hi, your ask is against our room rules since the question is not even an hour old. Plus you haven't really addressed the concerns pointed out in the comments (no code, just output).
That is a question which is more generalized and I am seeking just the idea of my availability calculation is correct/incorrect
Since I am new to stackoverflow , I am not aware of this thanks for sharing it.
Then it makes it non-programmatic and off-topic. I don't know which sister site would be apt for that. Good luck.
okay , thanks
1 hour later…
8:14 AM
Any ready GUI menus that actually looks good?
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ Maybe put it into a lambda if you don't use it anywhere else in the code? The good thing of making a function out of it is that you can name it, making your code more readable and maintainable
8:33 AM
9:04 AM
@PM 2Ring and all friends. Tysm for the guidance. It really helped me.
9:17 AM
Can I have things like lambda x: a += x and call that function in order to manipulate some outer scoped a?
only if a is mutable
if it's immutable you have to make a real function with nonlocal a at the top
hmm, still doesnt work the way I expect it to. I think I will stick to def for now and have to spent some time learning lambda from the ground up.
Well, you can't use += in a lambda, because that's an assignment, and assignments are statements, and statements can't be used in lambdas. But if a is mutable, there's usually a function you can call that does the same thing as +=, for example if a is a list you can do lambda x: a.extend(x)
@Rawing one can assign new values to variables in lambda in Python 2.
you just use a list comp
but not for outside.
uh........ I'm not sure what to say to that.
9:31 AM
you can use
I guess I'll say "Please don't"?
% python2
Python 2.7.14 (default, Sep 23 2017, 22:06:14)
[GCC 7.2.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> a = 5
>>> incrementer = lambda x: [1 for globals()['a'] in [a + x]] and None
>>> incrementer(6)
>>> a
the "best" reason to use Python 2
this cannot be done in Python 3 :D
though in Python 3 you can use
% python3
Python 3.6.3 (default, Oct  3 2017, 21:45:48)
[GCC 7.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> a = 5
>>> incrementer = lambda x: globals().update({'a': a + x})
>>> incrementer(6)
>>> a
That's even more horrible than I imagined. What the yam even is that for globals()['a'] in [a+x] xD
@ArneRecknagel here ^, you do these and I would never touch your code :D
@Rawing it is doing an assignment :D
@Rawing how about a = [1,2,3]; [a[1] for a[1] in a]; a
But that only lets you update global variables. You couldn't update an enclosing function's local variables, right?
How in the world does that result in [1, 3, 3] :/
Oh, I get it. I was totally overthinking that.
9:58 AM
lambda x: globals().update({'a': a + x}) this looks only marginally better than straight up using exec
Indeed. global a is definitely the best choice. (That, or eliminating the global variable.)
Hows it going @ArneRecknagel
10:06 AM
I ended up just putting it all in a class und def instead of lambdas. This day's AoC code is hard to debug already
@Daruchini Good enough, thanks
Great. I just read an interesting paper on modeling time-varying data using forests. Pretty good
Mind sharing it?
Let me know what you think :)
10:56 AM
@ReblochonMasque /o
11:50 AM
cbg - what is the order of magnitude the number of values sent by prog1? After 630.10^6 steps, there were 70.10^6 values sent; both prog0 and prog1 are in synch +- 1 or 2 messages...
It is unclear if this is ever going to terminate.
12:12 PM
if you send your input i can check
i had only ~7k values sent
.. and also had a loop-check for debugging :p
its funny how a lot of people are stuck on second star :D
I was struggling for 30 minutes because I didn't notice that register p has to be initialized with program number :(
i was stuck debugging on 1 for ages, reading comprehension got me good this time
today's AoC destroyed me
       -------Part 1--------   -------Part 2--------
Day       Time  Rank  Score       Time  Rank  Score
 18   04:50:01  2145      0   07:18:34  1483      0
soooo many infinite loops :'(
at least I was forced to write a decent (by my standards and abilities) version, so I'll push soon
12:21 PM
part2 was a bit tricky, at the beginning I tried to do it synchronously but ended up with threading as its just easier
Hey Guys, I want to use GigE vision camera in my opecv python application. how can I do this?
openCv doesn't support GigE Vision cameras
@ArneRecknagel, thanks, here is my input: adventofcode.com/2017/day/18/input
Terminating nicely between 6k and 7k.
@ReblochonMasque I think you pasted my input instead of yours
haha, here is a paste; pastebin.com/axhTrSB5
Thanks @ArneRecknagel I have some debugging ahead of me.
12:33 PM
I'd like to help, but got to go right now =(
Hi guys
In change password scenario,does it make sense to compare old password in database before updating it to new one?
Yes, It reminds user that he might be typing the wrong password to login
Did anyone get any winter hat?
1:04 PM
Yes, I got 3 without even trying and with hardly any activity on SO.
1:18 PM
Hmm, not often that I get to write an O(sqrt(N)) time algorithm
I made a moustache out of my winter hat!
@marxin Interesting. For me it was just the opposite.
late-lunch-cabbage (yuck)
Suppose I have a pandas dataframe and a 6 element Series. I want to map each of the elements to a new column in the dataframe given the index of the dataframe. How can I do this without resorting to a dumb for loop?
1:36 PM
what would the for loop look like?
@Kevin aoc18 spoiler: dpaste.com/34F2PE8
why are you using dpaste for spoilers?
@marxin Sure, that's certainly a good approach. What I'm wondering though, is view spoiler
I can do it quite easily in my synchronous implementation since I have complete control over both state machines and can introspect any data at any time
Actual Thread objects, AFAICT, don't have an isblocking attribute I can check from other threads
Hmm, maybe I could make my own subclass that does have that feature... Not sure how I'd make it atomic though
I suspect this problem has been solved a million times, and not even in an AoC context, and I could get a solution in one google search. But that's not fun.
In [29]: for i in df.iterrows():
    ...:     if i[0] < 30:
    ...:         df['label'] = series[0]
    ...:     elif i[0] > 30 and i[0] < 50:
    ...: ....
@AndrasDeak I was thinking about something like this
OK, so some information might have been missing from your original question :P
1:48 PM
:D yeah I guess so
so how do the rest of the series values come into play...?
I should learn how dataframes work. Hmm, I see the documentation has 221 attributes and methods. Maybe I will learn how dataframes work some other day.
you can probably use logical indexing
by the way in python you can say 30 < i[0] < 50, it's called operator chaining
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3], 'b':[4,5,6]})
>>> ser = pd.Series([-1,-2,-3])
>>> df['label'] = ser.where(df.index < 2, 2*ser)
>>> df
   a  b  label
0  1  4     -1
1  2  5     -2
2  3  6     -6
of course you can't do this directly because you're doing who-knows-what with your series
the rest is left as an exercise to whomever has all information necessary to answer
@jjj Seems like you're looking for np.select
2:04 PM
Sorry, had to leave for a while
Thanks Andras, this already looks much better to what I had in mind.
Also: I might be looking for np.select, I'll see into it. Thank you @cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ
@Kevin could be something like that (aoc spoiler) dpaste.com/22DZ7FB
Here is my situation. I have not activated Windows XP yet. And it won't let me log on now after three days (That is another thing). And I went into Safe Mode to see if I could change that by going to MSConfig. I accidentally left /SAFEBOOT and the option where it boots on the alternate shell checked. And now because it is the alternate shell, I cant log on PERIOD
on safe mode anymore. I tried every type of Safe Mode, Boot Option, everything, but I can't find a way to get back to MSConfig to undo what I did. Can someone help me fix my mistake?
i am not a bot
Hmm, can't say I know anything about that sort of thing
@EgMusic not many people using windows here, unfortunately
And I suspect that the kind of person that uses Windows is least likely to know how to do fancy OS-manipulating tricks. Because the first thing they'd do with that knowledge is install a better OS :-P
2:21 PM
Early morning cabbage for all!
cbg \o, hope you had a safe trip in DSM
My avatar makes it hard to see my cool new planet-based hat.
I'm so behind on AoC, Here's to hoping for catch u pweek :\
I'm way behind too. I figure I'll try to do a few every morning over the next couple of days to catch up.
2:25 PM
It's not easy to adorn an identicon with a hat. I just went for size and visibility.
\o/ finally got a bronze badge for
Pineapples for the apprentice!
@Kevin You just need a new avatar
Nooooo, too confusing
wtf is your hat for, DSM?
that's the best one I've seen so far
2:27 PM
It's a secret hat but I think it was for earning the enlightened badge.
Yeah, I got enlightened and the planet hat on the same day, so that's likely
That's pretty persuasive.
Data points = 2, that's enough for a nice trend line. Perfect fitting.
I already have that badge ;-(
One's enough if you're pretty sure you know the slope. #astronomy
2:29 PM
or can it be awarded multiple times?
I apparently have 160 of them.
Actually I guess we need another data point in the form of a user that does not have the hat, and who hasn't acquired the enlightened badge this WinterBashMas.
oh....so it can...I have 8x
It's basically a bonus for answering first. Eventually old answers accrue enough votes.
@Kevin that would be me
Now just 900 more points for a hammer
2:41 PM
@AndrasDeak: ah, that makes sense-- under the circumstances the connection is strong. :-)
How do I publish important discoveries
Send it to the arxiv. Do you know TeX?
I know a transient named Tex that hangs out by the local Qdoba, does that count?
[goes to google qdoba]
2:45 PM
Eh, that mexican chain?
"Yes, arxiv is the name of my home planet. Come with me into the alley and I'll take you there"
There are apparently only five Qdoba locations in Canada, none of them in my current province.
Wow academia must be tough up there
what I love about TeX is that it'd probably took me a month to plot a picture like this in tikz (or is it spelled TikZ)
I want to see a graph of "complexity of data" vs "difficulty of plotting" for 1) TeX and 2) MS Paint. I suspect Paint wins initially but rapidly slopes upward once you need to draw a line that isn't a multiple of 45 degrees.
2:59 PM
@Kevin so only for difficulty of plotting a linear fit?
cabbage @AnttiHaapala
Any kind of fit, I suppose. I rank "drawing a parabolic curve in paint" at one million units of difficulty.
Or, one centiDarkSouls, to use the SI unit.
DarkSouls should definitely be the base unit for measuring difficult tasks
let's submit that to ISO or whomever is responsible for standardizing SI units.
They'll probably insist that we first create a license-free reference version of Dark Souls
3:09 PM
Your tkinter expertise will come in handy.
ouch, Dark Souls in tkinter?
How many Dark Souls will that reimplementation be then?
Well, I'm not doing it in in pandas. ;-)
1.21 gigaDarkSouls
How much is that in Flappy Birds?
Depends on the current value of Bitcoin, and the local humidity, and the phase of the moon
3:19 PM
Hello, I have a string in a python program with the datetime library structure: "2017-12-18 16:15:45.768596". How would I change the time of the operating system to this value from within the python program?
The use case is that the master sends the time when a client is connected, so all clients are in sync
I suspect that the method to change the OS' time will vary based on the OS
Its raspbian
I'd try "set system time python" and see what that brings up.
And if that doesn't bring anything up*, I'd try googling "set system time linux" and use subprocess to execute whatever command-line command is needed
(*but I expect that it does bring something up, since this seems like a fairly common objective)
I'm actually not sure offhand how to do it outside of the command line. I'm not even sure what system library the set time function lives in.
3:42 PM
I found a pandas tutorial and so far I have learned that a data frame is a 2d collection of data. I think I knew that already.
It's a bit slow-going because in lieu of actual code samples, the tutorial has interactive challenges where I have to guess what the correct syntax is.
# Take a 2D array as input to your DataFrame
my_2darray = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

# Take a dictionary as input to your DataFrame
my_dict = {1: ['1', '3'], 2: ['1', '2'], 3: ['2', '4']}
Ah yes, very useful, now I know exactly how to make dataframes from 2d arrays and dictionaries, yes
@Kevin is that a decimal gigs or a binary giga?
Different tutorial styles work for different people. Personally I find that style insufferable.
@Code-Apprentice Probably decimal. Since it was a riff off of the "1.21 gigawatts" scene from Back To The Future, which is an analog-ish measurement
@DSM Yeah but it still beats a Youtube tutorial, by my reckoning
@Kevin or you can just read the entire documentation until you find the correct syntax
@DSM, was sep='\t' what I should've recommended OP?
3:46 PM
@Kevin I knew there was some reference in there. Just missed it by that much.
I could have made it one Standard Subtlety Unit less subtle if I had spelled it "jiggaDarkSouls", I think
But I'm not going to let Doc Brown tell me how to pronounce my hard and soft Gs
Nor tell you which to use
Oh, there's a "solution" button that fills in the blanks for me. I'm dumb.
I thought it meant "solution" as in "collection of code and related files that comprise the project", which is how Visual Studio uses the word
4:04 PM
@Code-Apprentice did you figure out AoC day 7 yet?
Tutorial complete. I now know that a data frame is a 2d collection of data that has lots of helper methods to view/manipulate parts of the data in lots of different ways. I think I knew that already.
I got as far as the explanation about melt before my brain started to melt
Melting and pivoting and stacking and unstacking and all that are just different ways to move information around between indices, columns, and values.
Yep that's about the level of specificity at which I could explain those concepts, if I were forced to do so
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ: I think so, yes. delim_whitespace=True might work for tab-delimited numbers but is wrong semantically, and "as a TSV, you can use pd.read_fwf" doesn't make much sense to me. If it's a TSV, you can't use FWF.
4:15 PM
When you get close enough to the metal, then everything just becomes different ways to move information around :-)
Cabbage for @AndyK and the puppy.
@DSM well, I know I've seen fixed width files, whose last character of each field is a delimiter as well, so they can supposedly be read in multiple ways...
@DSM , Okay, thanks. I stand corrected, and I believe my answer should reflect that.
@DSM I meant Rb ;)))
@JonClements: :-P We can construct files which can be read in different ways, just like we can construct sentences which read the same in English and Frisian, but that's not going to work in general..
4:17 PM
Indeed... but always find myself surprised that people go to the effort of doing such things and sending you a fixed width layout but with an extra character for each field for tab "for your convenience" :)
with open(fname) as fin:
    return sum(int(n) ** 2 for n in (next(fin, '0').strip() or '0').split())
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ reckon that'd do 'em? :p
4:34 PM
Microsoft Considers Adding Python as an Official Scripting Language to Excel. Brace yourselves for a permanent increase in the number of data munging questions from users with ten minutes of programming experience
I see the star, where's the "sad react" on so chat?
Add "Are you doing this from within excel, or by executing a standalone Python script?" to your pre-prepared comments list, because you know ain't nobody going to specify that in their first draft
That popped up on my phone the other day in a list of things which might be interesting to me. Since I was just playing with xlwings because one of my colleagues insists on using Excel as his interaction layer (and, TBH, I don't blame him in his circumstances), on balance I think it'd be good. OTOH we could imagine an MS Python fork..
But would letting MS make Python language decisions be any worse than some of Guido's recent ones suggest? #notentirelytrolling
MSAnything - almost compatible, but annoyingly not quite.
But realtalk: "How will this influence the difficulty and quality of the average SO question" should only be one lens of many that you use to view the value of a technological change
4:40 PM
I read that as "should be the one and only" first time through.
But smalltalk: let's discuss message passing in OOP
Realtalk: if 20% of VBA programmers switch to Python, will this affect the uptake of the new inline type annotation syntax?
heh @ KMG
@JonClements You could, but for all you know OP would accept the solution that takes the least brainpower to understand
It is their homework after all :p
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ I'm not mean enough to really suggest it :)
@DSM care to elaborate a little about Guidos' bad recent decisions?
4:50 PM
@jjj: I've been grumbling about type annotations for a while now. It's all in the transcript.
@DSM I've never used them... but when I pick up code that does... my first thought is "wow - appears to be a lot of stuff here...!"
Okay, I'm up to day 7 now. I think some people said this one was tough, let's see.
5:08 PM
That depends on whether view spoiler
5:18 PM
Is there Excel chatroom?
@jjj TikZ ("TikZ ist kein Zeichenprogramm")
@Bugboy1028 Not that I've ever seen.
Boy am I late today. I had other things to attend to before I could complete part 2.
It was fun however!
I had a sneaky bug where i had not properly read the specs for the jgz instruction, and I was assuming x was a register name...
That doesn't matter in part 1 or the tests!
if MS sits on python I'm leaving y'all for something worse
5:25 PM
sits on?
@AndrasDeak aaand there is another reason for loving TeX ;)
s[]its on
@jjj it wouldn't be very hard with TikZ by the way; and if you're plotting scientific-esque figures you should use pgfplots
yeah, you're probably right. It's just my only experience with TikZ was that I had to plot some quite complicated game-trees, and I've never seen the library before. So, you know. Not the very best memories.
I'm really behind on AoC.
You're ranked 12th out for 32 on our leaderboard! "behind" lol
5:32 PM
I haven't done the last three days. Time to catch up.
@jjj well it's really hard to get into it, but once you understand the basic logic and building blocks it's great
@MartijnPieters I had the same problem. Was it the number 1 in the jgz command? I looked at the input and thought it was register 'l'. D'oh!
Hmm. That AoC makes me wonder if there are generalized libraries / tools for building simple register-based virtual machines.
I think I had that jgz problem last year. But as the old saying goes, "fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
@Craig I hadn't even properly scanned my instruction list.
5:47 PM
I also noticed a '1' in my register dict :|
My "remember to do the problems within 24 hours of its release" plan continues to yield dividends
but I also missed/misread around 3 specifications in the task description...
my laptop was valiantly churning an infinite loop while I was at the dog park
@KevinMGranger I based today's code on my Synacor Challenge CPU implementation.
(That challenge is by the same author).
5:49 PM
I was about to post Excel question to try to find simple function
My laptop churned for forty minutes on a problem I estimated would take an hour before it crashed with a MemoryError. I yelled out loud at my screen for that one.
Then I thought about it for forty seconds and wrote an O(1) memory approach
LOL, Wim has not yet completed part 2, but still managed to keep ahead of Antti by one point!
I suspect Unihedron is leaving that one question unanswered as a psychological tactic against everyone else. "Look, I have more points than you and I didn't even need to answer every problem to do it". Cunning.
@Kevin: I didn't assume that. Ah, well.
Watched one too many animes where the protagonist and antagonist are evenly matched and one says "I'm only using 50% of my power right now"
That's some lifelike CGI right there, good job Japan
6:11 PM
@AndrasDeak pure beauty. Especially all the jumps
6:30 PM
Gah, always frustrating when you see people upvoting answers that 'sound' right, but are actually, demonstrably wrong.
I can only leave one downvote and a comment, and have to move on.
I saw an answer today that confidently stated that X was the correct syntax. Didn't work on my machine. Then a comment appeared saying that, actually, Y was the correct syntax. Didn't work on my machine. Finally, a second comment suggested Z. Didn't work on my machine.
@MartijnPieters well not can, but may ;)
But since the question involved unicode, one of my many weaknesses, I decided to stay quiet in case the problem was on my end
@AndrasDeak can, because my test account doesn't have enough rep to downvote!
but you can just delete the answer :D
6:34 PM
The answerer's code for detecting keysims just shows "??" when I complete the a-umlaut keypad sequence
@AndrasDeak that's true. And then say goodbye to my moderator status.
that's why it's still "may (not)" :|
Sanity has prevailed, my competing answer was accepted.
spongecake baking rhubarb
6:53 PM
So brute forcing day 17 only took 30 seconds, but I still want to figure out what the pattern is.
I've noticed that the value after zero remains constant in inconsistently-sized blocks.
I couldn't find an O(1) solution but I did end up improving my brute-forcer down to O(step*sqrt(num_rounds)). Uh, I think.
Or is it O(sqrt(step*num_rounds))... Whatever.
It seems tricky to find a closed-form solution to "how many insertions until the next insertion just after zero?" since the number of insertions you can perform before cycling completely around the buffer depends on the size of the buffer, and the size of the buffer depends on the number of insertions you can perform before cycling completely around the buffer.
And it may take several cycles until the next just-after-zero insertion, so both those values will grow iteratively. Bit tricky to hit those moving targets.
7:15 PM
Aargh, I wanted to finish 10b before lunch but I'm making a mistake and can't see it. :-/
I also struggled with 10b. After comparing intermediate results against working implementations, I determined my individual hash rounds were correct, but I was XORing the final result incorrectly.
I'm not going to admit what it turned out to be, but now I can eat in peace.
7b was definitely the most annoying so far, in terms of changing my mind several times when coding about what I was going to need to do.
@MartijnPieters Downvoting is hard, because it means your rep no longer remains a multiple of 5 or 10...
Dunno how you do it
7:30 PM
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ I usually get my rep ironed out again by more upvotes on my own posts later in the day.
Add to a list of "posts to downvote later" and hit them all when the list reaches 5
I gave up on the round 5 / 10 rep score ages ago however.
Indeed, those are sterling options
@poke Not a python question, but done :p
7:35 PM
Thanks :)
Try to loosen your requirements and be satisfied with any number that's a multiple of ten or half-of-ten in binary
Actually, it's a little easier once you hit the rep cap, as Martijn said. That -1 eventually becomes a +1 through an upvote.
8:40 PM
anybdy online?
I think I'm online
I count five active users in the sidebar
cake in the oven recbg
huh, 2+ hours
how can I wait until an concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor pool is complete to proceed with a function? I dont think im using concurrent.futures.wait() correctly
I may have finally found the configuration setting that changes how much bandwidth gets consumed by my coworkers' Windows Updates. Subjectively it seems like it's gone from 99% to 80%.
Which is a big gain in terms of "amount of times slower my connection is compared to normal". That's 100X down to 5x.
9:08 PM
Are your coworkers suitably impressed?
9:42 PM
These hats are throwing me off. I don't know who's saying what until I read their name :(
you're welcome
10:01 PM
slow week...
10:26 PM

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