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    import collections

    d= collections.defaultdict(dict)

    exec("d[key[0]][key[1]][key[2]]" +"= query")
can someone help me with this why i am getting keyerror b here even though the value exist
@Kevin thanks for the tip earlier for me as well :) for that MVEC
Because you have a defaultdict that makes dicts by default. You want an endlessly recursive defaultdict.
thankyou @KevinMGranger
6 hours later…
@JGreenwell yea I could agree with @TemporalWolf that unprepared cloudberries could be an acquired taste ;) but jams not that much. However if you don't like the "arctic rasperry" right from the ground there's something wrong with your palate :D
unfortunately those flavours get destroyed easily when heated
hi i'm getting os error [Errno 2] No such file or directory. i googled above issue...yet not fixed, any idea?
i'm using django-wkhtmltopdf for pdf generation
@SaravananN That's my name, don't wear it out.
It's btw considered a bit rude to randomly ping people with @. Read the room rules: sopython.com/pages/chatroom
@IljaEverilä Sorry..
2 hours later…
@AtharvaPandey please tell me you're not going to use exec, especially not for this exact use case
@AndrasDeak I just did
what you have there is exactly d[key[0]][key[1]][key[2]] = query, no exec needed; and don't use exec!
if you "need" to use exec or eval, your approach is wrong
well yes but that was just a use case my actual problem was I dont know the array length so I am appending the above as string according to array length and using exec
why not loop over the keys?
well I tried that but its not working out for me i dont know may be i might be missing something as I am very new to python
then you're definitely doing it wrong
d = fancy_defaultdict()
itemnow = d
for k in key:
    itemnow = itemnow[k]
# now itemnow = d[key[0]][key[1]][...]
OK, in order to assign to that item, you need to stop at the last step
because you can only mutate the original dict if you say itemnow[key[-1]] = query for the last level of key
ohh yea I fixed by using this infinite dict lambda
thanks for this I will try your approach now :)
are you sure you need an infinite-depth dict for this?
For instance, can't you use a regular dict with tuple-of-strings keys?
the difference is that you can't access subdicts of a given level if you use a regular dict, you can only access individual lowest-level items
I am not sure actually when I was trying to use regular dict when like if had 3 values in my list it could parse upto 2 values only while trying to do it for the 3rd value it gave me key error that is why i was using this infinite depth i.e
infinite_defaultdict = lambda: defaultdict(infinite_defaultdict)
fancy_defaultdict['a']['b']['c'] = 3 and regular_dict['a','b','c'] are equivalent, but while you can do fancy_defaultdict['a']['b'] and get a dict, regular_dict['a','b'] will give you a KeyError
@AtharvaPandey when I say "regular dict" I mean "regular dict", not "regular defaultdict"
gotta go away for a while, I'll be back later
thanks man i got to learn alot from this i ll work over it now @AndrasDeak
*"equivalent" in the sense that if you're only assigning/accessing individual items, they both work fine
Hello guys ,I am having some trouble with my python/django app .Can anyone pm me to help?
@DanaeVogiatzi Hi :-) I'd recommend isolating what the problem is into a minimal, complete and verifiable example and posting the question on Stack Overflow, assuming you don't find an answer there by searching
1 hour later…
working cbg
Hi there! I'm a relative newbie in both Python and VBA. Do you think, with a relative tight schedule, that Python is the right tool for verifying that the 10 cells are entered correctly in 150 Excel sheets? Or should I go with VBA? I have to check the cells against tables in other workbooks.
(It's not the ten cells. There are hundreds of cells that are filled out. I need to check ten in each sheet.)
The principal challenge there would be installing/configuring whatever third party library that Python needs to read Excel files in the first place*. VBA has an advantage here in that it has an out-of-the-box capability of executing directly inside Excel.
Hey, @Stewie:) Welcome back to the world of the living!
(*assuming they aren't csv files, which are easily parsed using only built-in modules)
I've seen openpyxl mentioned multiple times, and never with the bottom line "I can't get it to work"
Best case scenario is: installing the library will take ten seconds and no labor other than pip install libraryname
the openpyxl docs claim that is the case, yes
I'm using Spyder, so conda install but yes... :) I think openpyx is already installed.
I haven't used excel in any form in the last 10 years so I can't be of further help
@AndrasDeak Thanks :)
Work again, at last :) New job, and I was handed a job that people have performed manually... No way! :)
If the library is already installed, then I would prefer to use Python, but obviously I'm biased
Another potential consideration: if you want this script to run on machines other than yours, then again VBA has the advantage of already being installed on every machine that has Excel
For the record: Python skills, VBA skills.
@Kevin That's a good point! I have to consider it...
VBA would be my first choice, given its built-in-ness with Excel
Does your co already use both Python and VBA?
I don't see a big advantage for Python given that the source and reference data already reside all in Excel workbooks, and you are verifying while entering data
VBA uses = both for equality testing and assignment? Wow
@RobertGrant Nope, no programming at all...
@PaulMcG Well, if you want to update the validation you might have to change it in 150 places, if it's embedded in each one
Python way won't give you instant feedback, but you can control it in one place
Not if the validation went to a common VBA function
Which you would probably do with a system call out to Python too
@RobertGrant Yes, the msgbox in Excel is quite nice: "Are you sure this is correct?"
My biggest problem with VBA has been to make it run flawlessly on 150 files in one go, instead of opening the workbook, run the script, and exiting again. (I know there are ways, and relevant SO-posts, but I messed it up)
I think working the kinks out of your VBA external access to other workbooks will go quicker than introducing Python to an otherwise Python-free Windows environment.
Especially if you will be packaging this up for others to use
Best solution: make two separate projects and see which one is better.
till we figure out how to spawn and control multiple parallel realities
Threaten to chop the solution in half and see which language says to give it to the other one
The time you save not manually inspecting scripts thanks to the first project can be used to make the second project
I never understood the story about Solomon proposing to cut in half a baby, because I'd expect even the fake mother to say, "uh, no, we're not doing that"
fake mothering wasn't such an elaborate art back then
Perhaps she was playing brinksmanship with the real mother, who she thought would cave
A sufficiently determined fake mother is indistinguishable from the real one. The fact that the court case escalated all the way to the ultimate king of wisdom should demonstrate that she wasn't an obvious charlatan
It's probably an easier trick to spot after having been embedded in Western culture for 3000 years
or she literally only wanted the baby for one of its kidneys, so half a baby would've still worked for her
That's true - or perhaps she was just hungry and wouldn't have finished a whole one anyway
it's just that Solomon was the first to ask "do you really need the whole baby?"
that's why he's a wise king
Maybe she's like a penguin that loses their egg due to an accident so they find a sufficiently egg-looking rock and try to lay that
In short, not quite playing with a full deck
cbg \o
hey got a naming convention question if anyone's willing to help me take it on
Please read our room rules sopython.com/chatroom
It's usually best to just ask the question rather than get someone to commit to helping you before they know how difficult helping you will be
It's like when your friend just bought a new place and they say "hey, can you do me a favor?" and you think about the piano they own that's going to need to be carried up three flights of stairs, but really all they want is a dollar for the vending machine and it would have saved you a panic attack if they had just said so to begin with
Hmm, 90% of the time when I give this speech, the person that was going to ask a question ends up not asking a question.
I need to find a formulation that causes the reader to think, "ok, I'll ask my question now" rather than "it's too much hassle for me to read all of this, I'm out of here" or "if you're going to make a big deal about it, I'm out of here" or "I assume because of my transgression that you're going to refuse to help me on principle, I'm out of here" or "I feel intimidated, I'm out of here" or whatever reaction it is that makes people give up
hmmm it's not you... it's them :D feelbetterman
Maybe they are off reading the rules they were linked to - it's not always about you
"It's not always about you" -- I know all of these words, but when they're put in this order it just doesn't make any sense to me
Anyone picking up Destiny 2 on the PC ? I kind of want too, but the early reviews are saying it's basically Destiny 1 but on the PC and Destiny 1 had bad reviews.
@MooingRawr is it more than gossip now?
Idk :D
@Kevin why do you consider it to be bad if an asker who doesn't bother reading doesn't end up asking?
> PC Beta Early Access period begins August 28, 2017. PC Open Beta period is August 29-31, 2017.
Answering questions is the only good deed I do all day and I need a steady flow to counteract all of my regular sinning
I'm sure 3 days of beta should be enough to hammer out the rough edges
> Minimum 68 GB available hard drive storage space required as of September 2017.
I love video game culture
Not saying the game is full of bugs or glitches, was talking towards the gameplay, but then again it's early beta so too hard to judge from it. Maybe will give it a month....
FFXV on PC will be 170gb
I know it's all about texture rendering and whatnot, but wat
Sound files, uncompressed sound files
This is why I primarily play indie games that can run on a toaster
Oh I want a group to be able to play modded Terraria with :\
MC gets real sluggish on my laptop unless I use the worst graphics options
Does the graphics become pixellated?
I enjoyed Terraria up until I got up to this one boss that reliably killed me five seconds into the fight, despite my best efforts in creating an arena with healing campfires and what have you
All the bosses prior to that one were a cakewalk because I found an overpowered sword in an underground grotto, which I later learned only appears in one out of seventeen games.
Killer DPS and knockback doesn't help much when you get reduced to watery putty by unblockable attacks
I just learned that the early 90's puzzle game The Castle of Dr. Brain has a bunch of sequels. Time to dust off my dosbox, it seems
I only knew and played and loved the original
what a slow friday. Hit a bug with our system and I need Engineering to look at, but they aren't in yet, and the other piece of work has another bug that has to do with our framework which Engineering was looking at since yesterday... :\
Friday morning cabbage for all!
cbg DSM
stackoverflow.com/q/45993059 spin the wheel of reasons
Had a scary moment -- came in and found that my notebook wasn't locked away, and it wasn't on my desk. Finally realized that I had it with me in my backpack -- I forgot that I brought it home with me because I had some end-of-day Python conversations in the building next door. Was very relieved, and now it feels like whatever else happens today it'll be a win.
Wait, is security that high at NumberFirm that you have to lock away your laptop every night? I'm envisioning a line up at 5pm to this little caged off room where two big buff security people are only letting one person in at a time.
We lock them in our desk cabinets, not in a secret room. But yeah, we're supposed to lock away our dual-password encrypted-drive notebooks, on a locked floor, in a building with manned security. #numbers #law
All of the actors in my workplace's training videos lock their computers in a cabinet or whatever at the end of the day, but AFAIK my office is exempt from that because our office has a door that locks
Oh man... those types of company kinda scare me. I have a friend who "lost" his laptop when he brought it home and he was freaking out. Turns out his sister moved his laptop from his room to the guest room thinking she can use it for web surfing, but didn't ask him. Life is scary when legal stuff comes into play.
Hypothetically speaking, the ease with which I've been able to socially engineer my way into various locations when I've forgotten my keycard and/or it's flaking out may make me worry that a lot of the security precautions aren't actually that effective.. but unlike in some situations, at least the goal here makes sense, even if the implementation can be lacking.
Wish I could upvote my own answers. Just hit a problem myself and found my own answer really really useful.
@poke That's who we usually answer for! :)
perhaps you should downvote yourself for running into the exact same problem again
SO is just a giant clipboard for me.
In my office, we have a common security card that opens the gates to get in and out of the building, to move the elevators to the floor you have access too, to open the door of said floor... The downside. it's a common security card, no identifier on the surface of the card, so security doesn't actually know if you are the actual owner of said card.
I wonder how many of us just violated a security standard not to discuss security standards...
Idk, I never had to sign anything when my company moved to this new building, nor does my contract states anything about discussing building security (only software)
So just a few days after the Great AIX Bug Discovery, I'm attending a meeting today where we'll be talking about people who use Python on AIX at NumberFirm.
"People who use Python on AIX: the first against the wall"
I must have missed you talking about the Great AIX Bug, time to go read the transcript, or do you care to give me a tl;dr version ?
tell them you have 7.:0 reasons why they should be careful
@AndrasDeak: heh. @MooingRawr: this
Oh wow... your numbers are deep :\ guess they don't call you NumberFirm for nothing
I've heard good things about the stability of AIX systems, but to be honest, while it might make sense as an OS for large proprietary applications, I find it hard to think it makes that much sense these days for internally developed applications. The benefits from stability seem outweighed by the headaches of working in such a gated environment.
I've worked in healthcare and K12 education for the last decade-plus. Never been unable to work my way into a facility or area yet. Bearing in mind that I usually have worked agency or sub/float, this would concern me (more) if it weren't so handy.

I also got through security to the gate at a major US airport without a ticket once. As a foreign national...win? (This was actually days after the shoe-bomber thing too.)
4 Digit Captcha Bypass is amusing to me because putting the captcha's solution in the page source seems like something they'd teach you not to do on day one of Security 101
I'm not sure whether to rebuke you for explaining things, or figure that if they're being that stupid, it's better they be cracked by someone who's obviously also an idiot. I guess it could be an assignment, though, in which case it's deliberately easy.
yeah, that reeks of "do my work for me"
voted too broad
I left that comment, confident that it would not actually help the OP at all, who I expect is waiting for someone to write them a complete solution
"javascript php python" is not a combination of tags likely to bring joy and happiness into the world.
the only relevant tag is html and it's missing
I also like the mental image of, like, a debonair international spy and a scheming supervillain, who are both really really bad at their jobs and don't know it
@AndrasDeak: ten thousand spoons
google led me to Alanis Morissette's song
god has a good voice
Most of the examples in Alanis Morissette's song about irony are not actually irony, and are merely unfortunate. "A black fly in your Chardonnay" is actually ironic, because it's supposed to have insect repellent properties. #TheMoreYouKnow
That's the meta-irony she was going for! Every Canadian knows this. #themoreyounorth
I got distracted from my earlier thoughts -- has anyone here used Python on AIX? (I'm not counting this as "asking to ask" because that's actually the question, I have no follow-up with anything more specific.)
I don't even know what AIX is. I'm going to guess... An operating system.
IBM's unix os, I think..
My friend who was in IBM had to "use" it but he doesn't know Python nor does he work for IBM anymore :\
The fact that printf can be broken on it makes me consider it an obscure OS
@Kevin What if the site dev named the png incorrectly, and thus they know the fake numbers people would try to enter, and thus know who may be trying to bypass their system ?!?!?! It's still a bad idea to do what they are doing but still..
Wheels within wheels.
So bearings ʕ •ᴥ•ʔings?
Bearings have no bearing on this conversation
all the bear puns are slowly clawing up in me.. trying to resist...
^ hugged bear!
(which might actually be a rabbit or something, but it was the closest I had at hand)
I can't find a citation for my previous Fun Fact so maybe I imagined it
^ definitely a bear this time
Hey Guys. Im new to python
soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
Have a qq. What does variable.pack(....) do?
Depends. What is the type of "variable"?
It calls the pack() method on variable variable
The vast majority of types do not have a "pack" method
>>> variable = 23
>>> variable.pack()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'pack'
Yeah, don't do that
tk at 4:1?
tk is my first guess and my second guess is the struct module
Imma try this calculator tutorial here.
Give her our best.
he uses the pack method. but i have no clue why
see my link
basically it means “place this in the UI”
Oh. that makes. sense. I tried googling. but it returned results related to struct(Which again I have no idea what they are)
I put calculators in the same category as text adventures, being things that people assume are quite simple but only if they've never written one before
Python struct is just a way to serialize data in a very compact binary form
Usually "language/library/object name" is good for searching. So something like "python tkinter pack" should work.
Have you attempted to write a text adventure?
morning cbg
Never in Python. I did so in BASIC as a kid and played around with Inform back in the mid-nineties (I haven't used the modern version.)
I wrote one as a pyparsing demo for PyCon back in aught-six
I have a dream thatl one day, I will create a chatbot that identifies stupid questions.
You mean before they get posted? That would be great!
There are no such thing as stupid questions, just duplicates, and off topics
I once wrote a file parser that could read ASCII-art boxes and turn them into a connected graph. Useful for turning room maps into actual data structures.
Example: a document containing this:
|       |
| Foyer |------+
|       |      |
+-------+      |
            | Grand Hall |
Would become {"Foyer": {"east": "Grand Hall"}, "Grand Hall": {"north": "Foyer"}}
When you said ascii art I thought of those 90s game tutorial with a picture of a character in asscii art... you got me confused
This is what mine looked like
roomMap = """
   . |
rooms = createRooms( roomMap )
rooms["A"].desc = "You are standing at the front door."
rooms["b"].desc = "You are in a garden."
rooms["c"].desc = "You are in a kitchen."
rooms["d"].desc = "You are on the back porch."
rooms["e"].desc = "You are in a library."
rooms["f"].desc = "You are on the patio."
rooms["q"].desc = "You are sinking in quicksand.  You're dead..."
rooms["q"].gameOver = True
As for the actual game, I got as far as being able to navigate between rooms and pick up & drop items, but it turned out I had zero ideas for actually designing locations and puzzles
> east
You have entered the Grand Hall.  You pause in awe of its magnificence.
> north
The foyer is empty.
> inventory
You are carrying an ASCII art map, and something your aunt gave you.
Now I'm caught up in game nostalgia, right before an important meeting.
:D Treat the meeting as a text base game :D
I saw a really cool text adventure library at a PyCon open space, but I can't remember the name of it. :-(
Related: Zork source code is a master class in game developer trolling. TLDR: if you got the message "You're holding too many things already" when you try to pick up an item, you can try again and it might work the second time.
This is seemingly intentional game design from back before the idea of fairness was invented
@Kevin I love it
graeme.50webs.com/infobugs/zork1.htm may also be of interest. My favorite one is that you can feed anything to the troll, including the abstract concept of "east"
Hmm. Maybe instead of nanowrimo it should be naintficwrimo..
Rooms/6 interactive fiction where you try to get an MCVE, and it turns out to be harder than the babel fish puzzle from HHGTTG
@Jean-François spoon-feeding askers of homework dumps is far from "nice". Please only encourage behaviour that's helpful for Stack Overflow. — Andras Deak 32 secs ago
@Kevin: at least it wouldn't be too hard to implement, because interacting with visitors often makes it seem like there's not a whole lot of parsing happening on their side anyway. :-P
> Get MCVE
Sorry, I don't know what "MCVE" means
> Link rules
I don't see anything like that here.
> ask guest about problem
"It doesn't work."
> guest, show code
The guest pastes some obviously broken code which can't possibly run, much less reproduce his problem -- whatever that is -- and waits expectantly.
@AndrasDeak Forgive me, I'm confused. What is going on in that question/answer/comment? I don't follow what the issue is
@piRSquared New user: "here's your work done for you". JFF: "Nice job, keep up the good work". Me: :|
laurel... I appreciate the compression
Spoon-feeding answers to effortless questions is bad. Praising such behaviour is even worse
(I'm on mobile)
I think "eben worse" is more expletive-ness than "even worse"
as it turns out I was partly wrong
dunno what to think of this cake then :d
wife made a cake that's one's ordinary cream layer cake on bottom and topped with pork, salted egg yolks and fresh cheese :D
To clarify: "cake" and "pork" both mean the same thing among Finnish speakers of English as in standard English? This isn't something like how subcontinental speakers use the word "doubt" in an unusual way?
cake is cake and pork is pork
this is like "dry pulled pork" on top, not that much of it
cbg, slippery snekkers
Cake. Cake and pork. Nope, can't see myself doing it, even though I like them both very much.
SyntaxError: not a chance
is it possible to make python code with an odd number of curly braces that actually runs?
print("{"), but I get what you mean
Excepting strings and comments, I think they've got to match
What is the metaphorical significance of the blue and yellow logo snakes, anyway?
As I understand it, there used to be a logo of only one green snake. Is this mitosis in action?
@Kevin: imagine knights by a bridge being asked their favourite colours..
When combined in an additive color system, you get green the default color of sneks. There are two for symmetry
Foreshadowing the community split into 2.7/3.X camps?
Oh ffs I get Kevin'd on contrived jokes
@DSM Heh. I rewatched that just last week, actually :-)
"There are some that call me... [forgetting his line] ... Tim"
True Why Not Visit memes use a religious occupation for the center bottom square.
In Java, I usually use fully qualified imports like import java.util.List and then use just the name List in my code. AFAIK, this is the accepted Java convention even though you can use fully qualified names directly in the code. You can also do import java.util.* to import all names from a package, but this is usually frowned upon unless you are using more than X names, for some reasonably large X.
What are the similar Python conventions related to imports?
I am in the habit of import package and then using fully qualified names: package.func().
from whatever import * is a no-no, import whatever and from whatever import a,b,c are OK
@Code-Apprentice @Code-Apprentice That's the preferred way as far as I read it. This avoids duplicated commands/variables later that can be hard to trace.
@Kevin from package import * definitely makes me cringe. I'm on the fence about from package import func_a, func_b.
Thanks for the input. I'm trying to develop "good habits" (for some reasonable definition of "good") in my python coding.
<--- patience is strong with this one!
how can I add inplace=True to your suggestion? Many Thanks, — Carlo Allocca 25 mins ago
python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#imports doesn't have much to say about using one over the other, besides "try to avoid local name clashes"
@Kevin \o/ PEP is always a good place to go for reference material
from whatever import * and from whatever import a,b,c both add names to the local namespace, but the crucial difference is: for the latter, you can tell exactly which names are being added without having to look at the documentation of the module
I view from whatever import a, b, c identical to defining those names yourself. Meaning you need to worry about name clashes to the same extent you do when defining your own names.
My thoughts exactly
import * is ok in __init__.py files imo
otherwise you have to duplicate the information from __all__ of each submodule, that's not DRY and you'll forget to maintain them.
The PEP does say there are a small number of cases where import * is acceptable
The farther you are from "regular" code the more likely you're in an odd situation that justifies your decision
I suppose you can import all the __all__ variables literally and sum them up ... but I find that uglier than just using the * import
all good points, thanks
Another question...in pytest, can I put shared fixtures in a single fixtures.py file? If so, how do I use them? A parameter name cannot be fixtures.some_fixture. I can from fixtures import some_fixture. Is that the only solution?
Or should my reusable fixtures be in conftest.py?
...maybe this should be a SO question. Much less "opinion based" than the previous question about imports.
NumberFirm is super-quiet today. Monday's a holiday, so almost everyone but me decided to take a four-day weekend.
This means that there's almost no one to ask what these strange constructiony noises are that keep weirding me out. :-/
I'm here with you DSM, :D Its the same here too... All but one engineer took the day off, yet there's 4 major tickets engineers have to fix... I feel bad for the dude.
They are just a figure of your imagination that you've created to break the dreaded silence in your office.
@Erich: see here
Hey hey - what do you call a snake that's exactly 3.14 meters long? answer here!
gotta try from . import *
ahh that transcript made me remember that PyCon.... Also the fact we could have had that cliche where we would've walked past each other and not knowing who was who...
@MooingRawr s/figure/figment/
Right. Thanks for the correction. I have a long history of not proofreading my messages :\
Sigh even with that message too :( <- not this one. :D
I think most people do that on a regular basis.
Like a bad habit, I keep telling myself I will change on the next opportunity, but it never happens :\
And in a global community such as this, a non-native English speaker may be familiar with an idiom, but not get it exactly correct.
@WayneWerner what about 3.14 inches/cm/miles/yards/feet? And why exactly when pi is irrational and cannot be expressed exactly in any other way than just pi?
I'd phrase like : "what do you call a snake that's ~3.14 multiples of an acceptable unit of length long?"
And it's totally funnier that way
While we're at it
Two hydrogen atoms were walking down the street when one says to the other "Hey, I just lost an electron!" The other asks "Are you sure?" And the first replies "Yes, I'm positive!"
Such a good one :D
That joke is great because it's a good example of iony
Ok Dads, back to "work" :p
Is it wrong that I put my 4 year old in time out for 100,000,000 micro seconds
@piRSquared Well that is a very short time-out if you ask me.
Unless you had them count that out.
I do that sometimes...takes longer than 20 seconds to count to 20, plus it's educational ;)
God damn ... I hate documentation
I love Django, Flask, Wagtail but I spend more time trynna remember where to import things from than actually programming
I haven't really learnt to document yet :D <- hence
@Code-Apprentice that's exactly what conftest.py is for
you shouldn't need to import fixtures, under normal circumstances
if you need to use a fixture, opt-in is via dependency injection (i.e. you just specify it in the def of your downstream fixture)
.........was the issue simply that you didn't know fixtures could use other fixtures?
earned at least 200 reputation on 85 days
tracking badge?
🥇 27 🥈 198 🥉 304
I just got my bronze:)
pity it doesn't come with a raise
we got 3 new gold badgers in august (see here)
umm wat, 4thi got a legendary in '14 :D
omg jon nearing 1M rep
it is quite clear that earning rep is getting harder and harder all the time...
@AnttiHaapala ;-)
@WayneWerner I wanted to see who earned that first
but alas 8 was awarded that on the very same day...
the whole shebang
apparently an 8-way tie
@poke There have been a >3 number of times that I've come across a question that suited my problem perfectly and when I went to upvote it, surprise! I was the one that asked.
and a non-zero number of times when it's been my answer that solved the problem
@WayneWerner likely the day the badge was introduced, rather than a true 8 way tie
@wim thanks!
Related question: If I have a fixture in conftest.py, can I override it in a test file?
what do you mean by override it
your questions are kinda weird, makes me think you're maybe not structuring things the pytesthonic way ..
@wim that is highly likely
by "override" I mean that I have in mind a fixture that provides a default value for many tests but individual suites can provide a custom value when necessary.
I probably need to make a MCVE to illustrate what I have in mind.
good idea
I ask for an MCVE from most people that I try to help. I need to follow my own advice!
I will revisit this at some future time. I'm trying to figure out another issue right now.
how do you do multiword positional args
this didn't work
parser.add_argument('arg-name', dest='arg_name')
Argparse I assume?
The arg strings I pass to argparse always start with '--' or '-'
honey badger don't give a yam ;)
well that's not a positional arg then
that's an option
was the problem the minus? (I've never used argparse)
found it
parser.add_argument('arg_name', metavar='arg-name')
kinda lame that it doesn't have same name mangling behaviour as --option-name
arguably a bug
how can a python silver badger with > 10 k rep have never used argparse
that's mind blowing :P
lemme dig into your tags and find something relevant :D
106k rep gold badger with no interpolation tag score? wow
hi there :)
Anyone know if there is a possibility to get hottest question from specific tag from stackoverflow once in week or month or something? Is SO do something like that?
I even started write bot for that but maybe there is already sth like this....
hmm I found hottest of week but without tag for specific tech...
2 hours later…
@Surrerstry this sounds like a question to ask on Meta Stack Overflow or Meta Stack Exchange

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