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3:00 PM
banana bird for scale
I don't understand either, don't look at me... :(
I can confirm that Ixalan is indeed pirates and dinosaurs.
It's been years since angels were decent, even when the newest angel set came out it was below average :(
I guess after "Egypt: the set" they decided they needed to do something less basic than "let's copy a real-world ancient culture wholesale"
but why pirates AND dinosaurs
I understand like both if standalone or something, but huh ?
I'm interested in the lore behind it, if any
3:02 PM
I like of like the image of a pirate ship doing battle with a dinosaur.
@MooingRawr Some angels from Innistrad see a bit of competitive play. Gisela The Broken Blade in particular.
I'm going to assume it's save to say Pirates would be blue red, black, dinosaurs would be green red black? white would be the people who runs away from the two clans :D ?
4 power and a fistful of combat-relevant keyword abilities for 4 mana is nothing to sneeze at
@Kevin innistrad was the last set I bought boxes and boxes of MTG, simply for angels :(
She attac... But she also block. </obscure_meme>
3:03 PM
hahahahhahaha :D she most importantly she stays alive :D
or she cant die (with other angels)
I'm more worried about how to optimize steel production in factorio than MtG these days...
I'm really hoping they would give us acceleration in white ... for nagels at least
I expect you're gonna be hoping for a long time.
it's okie I have other card games I can play, and 40k/fantasy
@MooingRawr play factorio
3:05 PM
I have ender, it's a huge time sink though
White doesn't do acceleration unless it's part of a cycle of cards spanning all colors. Signets and cluestones and what have you. But even then, those are colorless cards.
@MooingRawr yeah. I'm at like 220 hours now :\
have you played since 0.15?
"if white accelerates, blue should tample, and red should do nothing because 'screw' red"
Let's see, a search for "add ... to your mana pool" returns five white cards, only two of which do anything more than filter some other color to/from white at a 1:1 rate.
@enderland no because I don't have the time to sink in it again :D .... With FFXIV, Dota, Anime my weekday's free time is all used up. On weekends I usually go out and play board/card games
3:08 PM
In terms of general utility, Sunseed Nurturer is your one and only choice
0.15 is considerably more interesting as they added the ability to research some sciences for added benefit indefinitely
@Kevin honestly, if they gave white a tap life for extra mana (can call it faith) mechanic, that would make angels more playable. (maybe a bit op)
enderland have you tried stardew valley, also Kevin did you finish it ?
@MooingRawr nah I don't have time for more games, I already play way more than my wife wants...
get your wife to try it with you :D it's like harvest moon.
Exchanging life for resources is primarily a black ability. Although green got the exact mechanic you're proposing, way back in Alpha edition thanks to the super-busted card Channel
Turn 1, mountain, Black Lotus, Channel, Fireball, take 20, good game?
3:11 PM
I know it's like the drain mechanic but all I'm saying is I wish for white ramp but there's no other way... maybe sack tokens for mana ( would not be white's lore). maybe faith's mechanic could be get extra mana for each "token/human" is on board, might be a bit op.
would be a good EDH card though.
All colors have access to "sac tokens for mana" via Phyrexian altar and Ashnod's altar. Red gets access to "get mana for each creature" via Mana Echoes.
Green gets it through the super ultra busted card Gaea's Cradle.
Plus a smattering of "get one green for each elf you control" effects
The one card the is so beautiful :D
@MooingRawr No I did not.
3:24 PM
Hi there! It is me again. With another stupid question... :)
I am ready to get this chat room back on track with something, anything, involving Python
@Kevin how do you document a json spec... oh wait you said python. :P
@Kevin ok, I ll give my best to formulate a useful question... ;)
We'll be here, waiting quietly.
I ve got a class which's instances store some values, let's say:
class SomeClass():
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b

    def some_routine(self, **kwargs)
        for expr in kwargs:
            self.routine = ??

A = SomeClass(0.6, 42)
A.some_routine(A.a, '__add__', A.b)
So I want to define some_routine by giving an equation to it, in this case A.a + A.b = 42.6...
is there a way to do it? I thought about going with eval and lambda...
3:36 PM
lambda or the operator module seems like a sensible approach
One moment
Ok, thanks :)
import operator

class SomeClass():
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b

    def some_routine(self, f):
        self.routine = f(self.a, self.b)

A = SomeClass(0.6, 42)
It becomes more complicated if you want to be able to perform an arbitrary number of operations on an arbitrary collection of variables, instead of just running one function on a and b
def f(*args):

yeah poke :)
ok, thanks alot Kevin!
import operator

class SomeClass():
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b

    def some_routine(self, f):
        self.routine = f(self)

A = SomeClass(0.6, 42)
A.some_routine(lambda self: self.a + self.b)
A.some_routine(lambda self: self.a - self.b)
With this approach you have the freedom to put whatever you like in the lambda
... Although it's not clear why you would need some_routine at all when you can just do A.routine = A.a + A.b at the global scope
3:40 PM
That's the most complicated assignment to a member variable I've seen in a long time.
No point in passing a callable to a function when you can just run those same instructions without passing them anywhere
You could also do some_routine('a + b') and run ast and parse a tree and evaluate that on top of self.
There's no problem that can't be solved, or created, by adding another level of indirection.
Perhaps in your actual code you want to defer execution to a later time...? That would be a reasonable justification
Wish Python had lamdba expression objects.
3:42 PM
Come over to Julia! The water's fine. ;-)
I have C#
@Kevin yep, I am constructing a calculation routine before the iterations (several millions) of my calculation start and I want to have everything prepared in the iterations
@JonClements @MartijnPieters just wanted to say thank you for handling the meta situation earlier. That is all <3
so I just have to pass the new values to the class and update the some_routine
@Kevin thanks for the way to do it with lambda. I guess that is the easiest and cleanest way. Didn't know it was working that easy, I guess I was thinking too complicated with eval and such things...
@SterlingArcher np. It was as entertaining as removing a screaming toddler from the sandpit for a time-out.
3:48 PM
@MartijnPieters that's the best tl;dr for moderatoring I've seen in a long time
@MartijnPieters Yeah... we should have let them consume more Red Bull for a proper laugh :)
im just so happy xD
also, recursing binary search trees in python... that... that's challenging.
@SterlingArcher why is it challenging?
No harder in Python than it is in other languages. Easier, I'd say.
3:51 PM
@MartijnPieters well, i guess that's misleading. BST in general are challenging
Binary search traversal is harder in Python if the trees have depth greater than Python's recursion depth ;-)
I dunno if anything involving recursion in.. aaargh, Kevin!~!
@DSM Interesting, on my machine your message precedes mine.
@Kevin only if you don't know how to use a stack ;-)
3:53 PM
@Kevin: maybe my secret request to our SO-employee-visitors to introduce the Kevin Lag(tm) was finally implemented!
Using a stack manually is One Standard Frustration Unit harder than lazily relying on the C call stack, though
@DSM it shows his before yours on my machine though... ;-)
@SterlingArcher I cannot run my code without submitting, but this is my 30 second submission for the task:
def checkBST(root):
    prev = -1
    for node in getInOrder(root):
        if node.data <= prev:
            return False
        prev = node.data
    return True

def getInOrder (node):
    if node.left is not None:
        yield from getInOrder(node.left)
    yield node
    if node.right is not None:
        yield from getInOrder(node.right)
Might be completely broken, no idea.
@poke I'll run it and see how it looks!
  File "solution.py", line 31
    yield from getInOrder(node.left)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
lmao that's py3 syntax isn't it
Python 3
3:59 PM
unfortunately they only accept python 2, like the savages they are
Can be made backwards-compatible by replacing it with for x in getInOrder(node.left): yield x
i doubt they can handle es6 as well
... And similar for the other yield from
Huh, I was able to choose Python 3 from the drop down at the bottom o.O
oh you're right, my scroll messed up
4:00 PM
hah :D
Maybe that's part of the test..
> Congratulations, you passed the sample test case.
lets see how it does against the unit tests
They should have put Python 3 above Python 2, to make it hard to use Python 2.
@Sterling If it actually compiles, I’m pretty confident :P
> Congrats, you solved this challenge!
you're smart
4:01 PM
nice job
Pineapples for poke.
Thanks :)
checkBST could also have been return [n.data for n in getInOrder(root)] == list(sorted((n.data for n in getInOrder(root))))
my room-6 digest for the last 15 minutes...

"hahahaiwishiknewifthatwasfunnyornothaha" is actually quite funny

Look up conversion of "Standard Frustration Unit" to "American Frustration Unit"
hm. interesting, this fails pretty hard a few times, I suspect because of duplicates...
def checkBST(root):
    return not checkNode(root)

def checkNode(node):
    if node.right:
        if node.data >= node.right.data:
            return True
        return checkNode(node.right)
    if node.left:
        if node.data <= node.left.data:
            return True
        return checkNode(node.left)
probably hits a recursion limit or two, too
4:22 PM
@enderland If there’s a right node, then you’re only checking the right node. You need to check both sides.
oh funny I didn't even notice that and since roughly 1/2 of their fail cases are apparently in the right node a bunch of cases pass anyways haha
FWIW, here's a tree traversal function that can do any of the 3 types of traversal: stackoverflow.com/a/41630387/4014959
@enderland Also, it's slightly weird because checkNode returns True or None.
yeah I'm giving myself a headache looking at this
ok I'm obviously missing something, but I'm in a pre-lunch state of confusion:
def checkBST(root):
        return False
    return True

def checkNode(node):
    if node.right:
        if node.right.data >= node.data:
            raise RuntimeError('nope')
    if node.left:
        if node.left.data <= node.data:
            raise RuntimeError('nope')
4:45 PM
in an ideal world the only kind of pre-lunch confusion is whether to have pizza or gyros for lunch
oh reading comprehension ftl
@enderland is that new in 3.7?
TIL there are people who don't have finger prints
local news: 65-year-old lady can get a passport but she can't actually travel anywhere because she doesn't have finger prints
Hmm I wonder how this impacts the travel rights of double amputees
Maybe there's a form you can fill out and it has a "no hands" checkbox but not a "hands, but no fingerprints" checkbox
Christian Dean's doing another canonical: stackoverflow.com/questions/45740182/…
that might be pushing it
5:00 PM
I should make some canonicals to rake in the rep :thinking_emoji:
with OP's high-fives with coldspeed there I'm starting to doubt their intentions
I wish I knew how to emoji translate to know what Kevin just did there
I've always believed intelligent communication between individuals didn't require the use of emojis. Perhaps this is a message from the gods? — cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ 7 mins ago
Do I have to start talking exclusively through those emoji over-use memes? Because I will.
5:03 PM
I've added Christian Dean's new Q&A to our Common Questions: sopython.com/canon/98/typeerror-x-object-is-not-callable
emojis are the dumbest thing to spend your disapproval on.
Also, intentions are irrelevant to goodness, no? If the canonical is valuable, it's good.
It's hard to feel too badly about someone whose message is "Python is :thumbs_up_sign:".
Disapproving of those who disapprove of emojis, though...
@Kevin ಠ_ಠ
5:05 PM
🐍 python2⃣ versus 🐍python3⃣ ⁉ I'm waiting for 🐍python 💯 👏
Or, hmm, maybe I should have used the cosmic brain meme.
uuuugh drake
lunch thoughts knowing that you can just check a binary tree via an inorder traversal makes the previous traversal question trivial >.>
Hey, now. Don't be a hater, idjaw. He started from the bottom, and even overcame being in a wheelchair.
Something has gone terribly wrong.
5:09 PM
windows 8)
How are unicode boxes still a thing in TYOL 2017
Windows, buddy, pal: if you're going to perform weekly gigabyte-sized OS updates, maybe spare half a kb on complete character sets for system fonts
apparently microsoft doesnt promote diversity that much and only introvert devs work there
they dont see emojis as important feature
@DSM The Year of Our Lord. It is a minor Internet meme to include the acronym in completely secular contexts.
5:12 PM
Isn't that true everywhere
Referring to a year as part of CE (Common Era) is also weird because it brings up the thought of Windows CE
That post looks almost ok on my ancient Firefox on ancient Linux, although the boxes around the 2 & 3 lightly overlap the previous chars. But that's nothing compared to MathJax on my fairly new Android phone, which has horrible overlap problems with any previous non-MathJax text on the same line.
@Kevin: wow, must've missed that one. For my part if I wanted to emphasize the Dominical nature of time I'd just use AD..
It's distantly related to the gimmick of talking like a fifteenth century peasant.
what's the most pythonic way to remove nonascii characters from a string?
Filter by ord result, perhaps? Wait, does ord even work on arbitrary unicode?
5:24 PM
Uh, I should probably know this, but that depends if strings iterate over characters or code points
@wim Do you just want to drop the non-ASCII chars, or do you want to attempt to convert them to ASCII equivalents first, and only drop them if there isn't a good equivalent?
Let me just play around with it in the repl...
c:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>chcp 65001
Active code page: 65001

Python 3.5.1 (v3.5.1:37a07cee5969, Dec  6 2015, 01:38:48) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> s = "¥"

Oops, Windows decided to arbitrarily terminate my session
@PM2Ring aren't all unicode characters with "ascii equivalents" just... ascii?
Microsoft doesn't like making sales in Yen, I guess
just drop them
@KevinMGranger No, you may (for example) want to convert accented chars to the non-accented version.
5:26 PM
Or small caps to regular caps
inb4 someone else mentions how handy the unidecode module can be
I suppose the ''.join() thing with a list comprehension is best
@DSM Heh, I was just looking at that module.
I don't know what sorts of cool powers it has beyond providing human-readable name descriptions for a variety of characters
Oops, I misread, I thought we were talking about unicodedata
s = 'hi¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿbye'
print(s.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode())
5:28 PM
For comparison:
In [6]: unidecode.unidecode(s)
Out[6]: 'hi?AAAAAAAECEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOxOUUUUYThssaaaaaaaeceeeeiiiidnooooo/ouuuuythybye'
I want a solution that outputs bytes if given bytes and outputs text if given text
the encode decode thing will coerce in python 2
Are you a badger or a chameleon? ;)
looks like comprehensions behave correctly
>>> b''.join(u'a')
>>> b''.join(b'a')
result = s.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode()
if isinstance(s, bytes):
    return bytes(result, encoding="ascii")
    return result
5:35 PM
yeah I don't like to use isinstance unless there's no other way
Try to relax your standards to "unless it's the easy way" :-P
type-checking is gross
(in python)
the last typechecking I had to do was to validate that a json object type was correct for whether or not a type of rule could apply to it... not sure how else do to that :P
result = s.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode()
    return type(s)(result, encoding="ascii")
except TypeError:
    return result
5:41 PM
I think isinstance is alright when you're writing a function that does different things depending on the type of the argument given to it
"which is a code smell" --wim
... Although one may or may not argue that wim's function is not doing different things, it is doing the same thing: returning an instance of the same type as the argument
What a cute duck
Shame it can't spell
5:44 PM
That'd be asking a bit too much of a duck, wouldn't it?
(Yes, I recognize that only recognizing one's local culture's spelling of an onomatopoeia is the dumbest thing to be pedantic about)
@Kevin Well, with that nose - it looks like it can definitely smell :p
You don't need to be smart if you've got looks like that
@Kevin starting with the spelling of onomatopoeia
I can never spell onomatopoeia right on my first try because I expend all my mental energy getting the final vowel quartet in the right order, that I forget that one of the first three vowels in the word is supposed to be an A.
Language gods, please change the spelling to onomotopiya
5:47 PM
or hangutánzás for simplicity
Maybe let's just go with "sound effect word"
Is that closer to a dystopia or utopia
Then you only need to worry about whether it's "effect" or "affect"
6:00 PM
Semihypothetical problem. I have a SparseMatrix class that one can use to associate objects with two-dimensional coordinates. I want a method that can yield each object in the collection, or each coordinate, or both. How should I design it so that... Actually, hmm, I think I answered my own question in the process of writing this. Never mind.
Dictionaries accomplish essentially the same thing by having keys, values, and items methods. I can just copy that interface, perhaps changing the names a bit
you're welcome
You get 50% of the credit. The other half goes to the rubber duck on my desk.
Before anyone asks, yes I have a good reason to write a custom class for this instead of just using a dict keyed by x-y tuples
@Kevin does that one go "Quaak" ?
@JonClements what does the dog say
It hisses when I squeeze it.
6:07 PM
I don't have a rubber duck. I have a quantum duck. It goes "quark".
why do we call baby ducks ducklings and not quacklings? :(
I suppose we would have to call ducks quacks but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to take.
@enderland ooo, I feel I should know this.... umm... "blub"?
@PM2Ring not muo?
Well there's always going to be some measure of uncertainty
oh no wait... is it "toot" or "tweet"?
6:09 PM
Also I got permission to bring a rubber duck in to help debug stuff :D
@JonClements WOOF!
@enderland nope - not sure what you're going on about now... are you okay? :p
(or has the mentoring stuff finally driven you over the edge?)
6:11 PM
Didn't realise you had blue eyes...
@Kevin the butterfly effect?
Bird effect, surely
I feel fairly vindicated by the mentoring results so far @JonClements tbh
but it seems like it's actually intended to increase conversion rates rather than affect question quality so whatever
so I've managed to create a Python file that is also a jar archive, but it only works as the main file when invoking the interpreter. If I try to import it I get 'source code string cannot contain null bytes'. I had never considered that to even be a possible difference in behaviour between these two cases
cbg @Flexo :)
6:14 PM
cbg @Jon
@Flexo how are you invoking the intrepreter where it works?
python3 combined.py
where python3 is python 3.4 from Debian packages
and file combined.py says?
and combined.py is generated by running cat test.py test.zip > out; zip -F out --out combined.py
hang on, I'll post a hexdump
@Flexo stackoverflow.com/questions/3760970/… looks like a starting point
(this is definitely I've never tried it territory)
6:23 PM
basically there's a comment in the EOCD record of the zip file that's '''
yeah that totally works, but I'm trying to break this to the next level
There's a few people here very good at breaking things... I'll leave them pipe up if they think they can help you while I go grab dinner :p
good luck with that -like I said - not something I've even thought about trying - let alone use :)
I feel like concatenating a python file and a zip file is an unusual thing to want to do
I'm just shocked that there's such a difference in behaviour between import and invoking as __main__ in the interpreter
I am a little surprised that it doesn't just crash regardless of how you try to execute it
well it's syntactically legal except for the null bytes inside the '''
6:26 PM
Yeah I'd expect it to just always barf and die on a zero byte
i.e. the whole zip file is wrapped inside '''PK...''' from Python's perspective
(the motivation for this is that I'd been working on a toy project called jtypes that was meant to be at least as fluid as ctypes but for Java, but come to the realisation that I'm going to need to bake a few Java classes in to get cross language inheritance to work. So I was largely just being lazy)
C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>py -3 test.py
  File "test.py", line 2
    s = """
SyntaxError: EOF while scanning triple-quoted string literal
When I try to run s = """NUL"""; print(s)
So the "always barf and die" behavior is what happens, at least on my machine
you'll need a \n as well
@Flexo it sounds like you are trying to solve this problem of mine :P
i.e. \0\n'''
6:31 PM
Alright, I'll try that...
C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>py -3 test.py

... Interesting. :-I
@enderland it should pretty much work for that at this point, I'm currently working on letting Python implement Java interfaces and then extend any non-final class
Is Python interpreting the null byte as an "end of line, don't bother scanning past this, just skip to the next newline (or crash if there is no next newline)" signal?
good question
It's just funny timing since I asked that yesterday and now someone is trying to do black magic with python/java packages from the same
but if you do import test.py it'll whinge
6:33 PM
s = """foo(NUL)bar
C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop>py -3 test.py
Aha! So your real name is Kevin! The mystery is solved.
s = """foo(NUL)""" This sentence I'm typing now is obviously a syntax error, right?
Result: fooqux
I wonder what other discrepancies there are between import foo and python3 foo.py
I could attack this the other way and try to make a zip archive with no nul bytes
Incidentally it's kind of tragic that the answers to superuser.com/questions/61742/… are correct, diverse, and helpful... For a question that the OP was definitely not asking.
Currently wrestling with the ethics of quietly editing a couple plus-plusses in to the title/body/tags
I highly recommend 010 for editing stuff like this
It's a hex editor and I don't hate it
6:44 PM
I'm pretty happy to learn that the ASCII Insertion Panel is a thing, since I occasionally need to insert tab characters into my scripts for SO IndentationError question answering purposes, and you simply can't do that with just your keyboard if you have the "convert tabs to spaces" preference enabled
Going one menu deep to get the insertion panel is four times better than going two menus deep to disable the conversion option, then going two menus deep again to re-enable it after typing a single character
7:31 PM
50 bucks for a professional tool, hmmmm
something something winzip and total commander
If I ever win the lottery, my first purchase will be a winzip license
your first purchase? really?
Yeah, it has to be the first
he'll have to play it cool so all his human appendages don't sniff out his dough
7:34 PM
for real, I think the first thing you should do is get yourself a lawyer if you win a lottery
and leave him a "fund" (don't remember the term for it).
Maybe "retainer"? You tend to talk about putting lawyers on retainer if you want to hire them part-time if something comes up.
@MooingRawr and hope you live in Delaware, Kansas, Maryland, North Dakota, Ohio or South Carolina... if you are in the USA at least
Heck, if the relevant local laws allow, I would get a lawyer before claiming my winnings, and get him to claim the money anonymously on behalf of my anonymous shell company
oil business, eh?
7:39 PM
You will not find pictures of me smiling with a giant check, because, y'know, I like walking down the street without people coming up to tell me their hot new business idea
@DSM that's the term
> To top it all off, Whittaker had been accused of ruining a number of marriages. His money made other men look inferior, they said, wherever he went in the small West Virginia town he called home. Resentment grew quickly. And festered. Whittaker paid four settlements related to this sort of claim. Yes, you read that right. Four.
@enderland why?
@MooingRawr you can claim anonymously
7:40 PM
Oh I see, yeah that would be mighty useful
It's hard for me to believe someone would settle a "you make me feel inferior" claim. If that's viable, I'm going to be suing a lot of 300k+ rep SO users.
lmk if that works out. because then I can sue you! haha
I assume it needs to ruin a relationship of yours in addition to just making you feel bad. This is the only way to prevent infinite loops of lawsuits.
Bonds between two humans are finite on the order of 6 billion squared
New humans are being born all the time but this is not a practical problem because most friendships stay within your own age bracket. Newborns cannot hope to defeat me in Super Smash Bros.
I'm not sure any girls have refused to date me on the grounds I don't have Martijn levels of rep.. but they might have avoided telling me if that was the real reason to spare my feelings.
Mm hmm, they only talk about it in the private mailing list that exists for that exact reason
7:55 PM
I wish science would let us download knowledge straight into our brains :D
be careful, your job security might go away
@Kevin: that's nightmare fuel, that is.
Dystopia premise: you can download a year's worth of college education instantly, but the process has corporate sponsors, so it comes bundled with ten times as much information about the mouth-watering taste of a fresh Whopper (tm)
The government subsidized version doesn't inundate you in this way, but it does come with a mandatory politi-facts pack which pretty much guarantees you're going to become a lifelong supporter of whichever party is currently in power
I could see a nice magazine story or just a world-enriching few paragraphs in a novel coming from that idea.
tbh I would like to download Martin's knowledge in coding :D but I doubt the ninja would release that info :P
8:01 PM
you need to steal it from the ninja without dying
The ninja just kevin'd/ninja a question I was going to answer. At least it's good to see my answer was correct I suppose.
Poor @DSM and his measly 150k rep...
Poor @Code-Apprentice and his measly 35k rep
wow I have more rep than you @MooingRawr? that's surprising to me :o
I usually don't answer questions for some reasons : a/ too slow b/ not confident in my answers / skills / solutions. c/ I comment answer a lot. d/ shrug :D
Here's a general approach to a question for me. 1/ Read question. 2/ Think of a solution before finish reading. 3/ Got a solution and question myself if it's the solution. 4/ go verify the solution, it works... 5/ comment if the solution is proper. 6/ start typing up an answer. 7/ someone either already answered or I end up deleting my answer and just leaving. (8) might come back and answer if no one answer in x days or if the person responses to my comment.
8:08 PM
that's a really well sum up, exactly the same process here
@MooingRawr I'm not the one with the inferiority complex
I was just teasing lol ...
@MooingRawr *Martijn
right sorry T.T see this is why I nickname people, so shameful
i should use the @ trick you told me :\
yup :)
8:17 PM
AndrasDeak but then where's your personal space :()
it's zero-width
and you can always delete parts of the name after you had it expanded
like the j from MartijnPieters
I suppose I should :\ wow lol
Have you played Half Life before, Andras?
do you agree with the quote "science isn't about 'why?' - it's about 'why not?'"
no, I haven't; and no, I don't
I believe science (well, I mostly mean physics) is about "how?", but on the everyday level the answer to the hows translates to "why"s
as in "why does it hurt to fall on my head", "why does cigarette smoke look blue", etc.
@PM2Ring wow
I suspect that the word order got a little scrambled in the translation.
on the one hand it was within 10 minutes, on the other hand there's no way that can become a proper question
@MooingRawr You need to learn how to condense that process a little. Start writing the code ASAP and test it to make sure it works on the OP's test data; if the OP doesn't supply some you'll need to make up some, but don't waste too much time on that. Post it with a small amount of accompanying text - code only answers tend to attract downvotes. Then immediately edit your answer, expanding that accompanying text, adding links to docs.
Here's a recent question I'm sure you could've answered fairly quickly. Ok, you may have taken more than the 90 seconds that it took stybl, but hey, it's worth a shot with something that basic.
Thanks for sharing a quicker process, generally I see the question I have a funny feeling I would know the answer and go verify it but I just don't enjoy posting answers :\
rather just lurk and problem solve the question on my own, and if no one answer maybe I will answer then,.
8:48 PM
you mean you don't like FGITW?
That, and I don't like posting answers, it's scary :D I rather just see if I'm right or wrong in the shadow of the lurk corner :D
Me - I have a degree in computer science, I've been using computers since grade 6, I've built many little fun project, I have a job as a software dev, yet I still think I know nothing and everything I know is googleable and thus makes me obsolete. I don't value what I know that highly since I view as basic stuff.. Editing hex files, problem solving etc etc, I view lowly. I see people like Kevin, and the ninja and I know I'm not at their level thus until I am there I am weak :D but that's okie
more room to learn :D
@MooingRawr Fair enough. I do that sometimes too. Earlier tonight I spent almost an hour working on a Tkinter program that was inspired by a question, but I didn't rush it because I knew I probably wouldn't post it, but I still wanted to solve the problem for my own knowledge. Besides, the question was a bit too broad. In the end, the OP decided on a non-Tkinter solution.

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