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oh, and which answer did you just read?
I'm too tired. I read that totally wrong. Still want to know what question and answer
@piRSquared one that is asking about an interesting problem in the code, not just "which method should I do to do X" or "which is best in this case a linear regression model or a tree model or a ...". I find good questions, with a mvce, but (mostly because I only really have the weekend anymore) I don't seem to find really interesting questions that often.
Q: Why does mutating the input to matplotlib's Axes3D.plot() and .scatter() methods behave differently?

Sabeer EbrahimIn the code posted in the question How can I draw a multiple 3d-curves picture by Python?, plot method is called twice and since the points to plot are not resetting, the lines are drown on top of the other. But instead of plot() if we try with the scatter method, we can see points plotted in dif...

@JGreenwell hehe, thanks :)
@piRSquared JGreenwell is way ahead of me ------^
cause we visit the same tags and you beat me to the punch (by quite a bit actually I was still messing with the 2d to 3d issue with ndarray) - that list thing is just weird
the bottom line is that mutating input arrays/lists to 3d plots will be reflected in the resulting plot, while 2d plots don't do this
I opened an issue at the matplotlib github page, but I'm mostly expecting tcaswell to hammer it saying that this is a stupid use case (and he'd be right)
yeah, but now I'm wondering what weird things I can make it do. Like when your a kid with an old chemistry kit and you just found out some of the fun things that Potassium nitrate makes
it's extra fun because mutating your data doesn't recalculate the axes limits
you can make the plot disappear without removing anything
anyway, past 2 AM here again, so rhubarb :)
night, Andras
I've been fiddling with this since 11 PM I think
hello :)
<- only knows about the potassium nitrate thing cause he found this old chemistry set at a garage sale and included in it was stuff as dangerous as that. Plus, for extra fun an "experiments" booklet which included pictures of kids stripping batteries and checking how hot electrified water was by sticking their finger in it.
I have this python question
Q: two lists interact in python

EddieThis is a Maya Python question. listA = ['mm0', 'mm1', 'mm2'.....],,, listB = ['aa1', 'aa2', 'aa3','aa4','aa5'] How do I create a for loop that make 'aa1', 'aa2', 'aa3' link to 'mm0', and aa4, aa5 link to 'mm1' here is what I have...: import maya.cmds as cmds listA = ['mm0', 'mm1', 'mm2...

per our rules, we ask question askers to wait a day or two before coming here with their question. However, one piece of advice, show an explicit expected output in your question
I'm not sure what it is you are exactly trying to achieve
Edit your question
I see, Sorry about that.
no need to apologize
so in maya, python, you can connect two lists with this command "cmds.connectAttr"
I don't know anything about Maya, sorry.
you need to edit your question: for instance, I have no idea what you mean by "connect two lists" so put in some "explicit expected output"
or what idjaw just said
yeah exactly.
you have to edit your question to show a clear expected output to define what "link" means
okok let me edit it real quick
@Eddie - I must have a better crystal ball than most - I've posted an answer to your question.
interesting. I couldn't break down what the logic of the mapping is. Granted, I didn't really read the logic in the code to try to decipher what is being attempted.
assuming he wants a list of lists and not a dict there though (also that their isn't some numeric reason that aa4 & 5 go into mm4 not mm2)...which really sounds like 3d modeling of organic molecules
I would have went the dict route
but I don't know what the matching criteria is
It yields a sequence of tuples - if he wants a dict, he can wrap it in "dict()"
*shrug* I meant that last statement as I was waiting for him to update his question as that would help him learn to ask a good question and then I would answer it as it would be clear more than you could change your answer to work. Enumerate is a good way to go if he wants his data in a structure like that (or if Maya expects a tuple to be passed)
Hey guys, I just update my question,....with pictures haha :))
@PaulMcG I am trying your answer now :)
Well you put a lot of effort into the pretty pictures, but the real meat we are trying to get at (which I guessed at in my answer) is "what tells you that the first 3 items go with mm0 and the next 2 with mm1?
hahah yes, and I am just making an example, because every mm can contain up to 3 items.
hi, guys! I need some help with a weird exception
I catch it properly but it logs out of the catch anyway
That is a crucial bit that was missing from your question description
2017-08-05 00:44:17,190 ERROR -- : Certificate did not match expected hostname: www.improving-autonomy.org. Certificate: {'subjectAltName': [('DNS', '*.wordpress.com'), ('DNS', 'wordpress.com')], 'subject': ((('commonName', u'*.wordpress.com'),),)}
really!? okok let me edit more haha
here is the full code
try :
    ua = UserAgent()
    headers = {'Content-Type' : 'text/html', 'Accept-Encoding' : None, 'User-Agent' : ua.random}
    response = requests.get(i['data']['url'], headers=headers, timeout=10)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e :
    logging.error(type(e).__name__ + ' : ' + str(response.status_code) + ' ' + str(e) + ". i['data']['url'] : \'" + i['data']['url'] + "\'")
for that I'm getting this:
2017-08-05 00:44:17,190 ERROR -- : Certificate did not match expected hostname: www.improving-autonomy.org. Certificate: {'subjectAltName': [('DNS', '*.wordpress.com'), ('DNS', 'wordpress.com')], 'subject': ((('commonName', u'*.wordpress.com'),),)}
2017-08-05 00:44:17,192 ERROR -- : SSLError : 200 hostname 'www.improving-autonomy.org' doesn't match either of '*.wordpress.com', 'wordpress.com'. i['data']['url'] : 'https://www.improving-autonomy.org'
instead of just the last log
I have no idea where the "Certificate did not match..." one come from
any help will be appreciated
@PaulMcG I edit my question :)
@Eddie - where did you add the part about reading the second list 3 items at a time until you use up the whole list?
I think I didn't......lol
I zip the buffer list to newlists, so in the end of my code, it will print ['buffer0', 'buffer1', 'buffer2'] ['buffer3','buffer4']
anyone knows how to handle a CertificateError exception?
Sorry I don't..
What do the buffers have to do with the other 2 lists? You've added more confusion to this question, not more information.
@DanielGarcíaBaena - it looks like you are trying to connect to one site using the certificate for a different one. That's what the "doesn't match" part of the error message seems to be saying.
yeah, I know
the only thing I want is to don't log that exception
but it seems like some Python module is logging it by itself
Probably somewhere down in requests.get
I searched for the same message and it seems to be related with CertificateError exception, but I don't know what's it parent class
it seems like it is ssl.CertificateError
You can catch the exception in an except, and then look at its __mro__ which will give you the chain of superclasses
I know, but here it seems like it's the ssl module by itself who is logging this
check my snippet from above, I'm logging just once and I'm getting two different logs
I'm just trying to avoid unnecessary messages from my log
just tried catching ssl.CertificateError and still logging twice...
2017-08-05 01:26:49,157 ERROR -- : Certificate did not match expected hostname: www.improving-autonomy.org. Certificate: {'subjectAltName': [('DNS', '*.wordpress.com'), ('DNS', 'wordpress.com')], 'subject': ((('commonName', u'*.wordpress.com'),),)}
2017-08-05 01:26:49,160 ERROR -- : SSLError : 200 hostname 'www.improving-autonomy.org' doesn't match either of '*.wordpress.com', 'wordpress.com'. i['data']['url'] : 'https://www.improving-autonomy.org'
just for clarify my question, I don't understand why I'm getting the "Certificate did not..." line if I'm already catching that exception by myself
There appears to be an exception handler down in requests.get the catches the exception, logs that message, and then reraises. You are catching the reraise and doing the second log. You could just not do your your log message
Then you would only have one
the thing is that I would like to don't have neither
Probably need to fix that certificate problem thing then
I can't
my app is requesting a third party URL
Somehow you are using the certificate from wordpress.com and trying to validate against www.improving-autonomy.org - maybe you are seeing a man-in-the-middle attack. Which site are you trying to get to?
Try using an http URL instead of https
it is automated, the app decides the URL by itself
cbg everyone :) I have an issue using python's mysql connector. Please note that what I'm trying to do is NOT exposed to the user, so there's 0 chance of a sql injection. It's maintained only by me, and I am aware there are other solutions for this.
I think I am at the limit of my ability to help on this, sorry
there is no way of stopping the other catch from logging?
Is there any way one can format the string in incremental stages? Like "%s %s" % (3,) will give us 3 %s.
I am formatting before I execute the sql statement because parametrized table names do not work.
I thought if you catched an exception by yourself it was that last catch the one that was finally handling the exception
You might be able to get the logger for that module with logging.getLogger('ssl') and set its logging level to a level higher than logging.ERROR.
There is nothing you can do about the behavior of lower level exception handlers
I didn't try that!
But this hacking of the ssl logger is a band-aid over a bigger problem
it's true...
but it's pretty weird cause I'm catching the same exception
I will have to break off for now - good luck!
2 hours later…
@idjaw oh, thanks for posting that Q, it just cost me -18 rep ...
@wim ?
a question about style: if i have a bunch of small functions which are only ever called by a single larger function which does a complicated thing, should i just make those smaller functions local to the larger function? it makes the function body huge but those small functions don't make sense outside of the larger procedure
Dunno @zounds
Can anyone explain to me why max('27', '1', '9') gives '9'?
I understand it's the highest first digit.
Well yeah, that's exactly why. That's how strings are sorted, from left to right.
So max here is operating as a last in alpha (or what passes for that in ABCZ1239abcz -ASCII?) ordering?
Yeah. I think it sorts by unicode code point, which is a superset of ascii
I believe max() is returning the the string with the highest index?
Neh , i was wrong
I tried a bunch with mixed numbers, strings, strings with cap,lower,num first characters
hey, you can pass max(list or whatever, key=len) to take the longest
the keyword is "lexicographical"
>>> sorted([(2,7),(1,),(9,)])
[(1,), (2, 7), (9,)]
@toonarmycaptain ^ forgot to ping
thanks :)
Finished what I was doing: gist.github.com/toonarmycaptain/…
@toonarmycaptain You should rewrite all those for col in range(len(table)): table[col] to for col in table: col
ah, I guess the 2nd loop is a bit different.
I'm wondering if assigning the length of the table, number of rows to variables would be better than referring to them each time?
@Rawing I don't understand what you think I should rewrite?
for col in range(len(table)):
    colWidths[col] = len(max(table[col], key=len))


for col in table:
    colWidths.append( len(max(col, key=len)) )
So start with an empty list?
colWidths = []
for col in table:
colWidths.append(len(max(col, key=len)))
I understand. Why is it better?
It's more readable, generally speaking. Not very much so in this particular case, but it's a habit you should get into.
I read about list comprehensions in another tutorial I'm doing, but wasn't sure how to use one to generate the list in situ.

I'd welcome any other critiques/advice. Not going too far beyond what I've covered in that text so far.
No, wait, I think I got it:
colWidths = [len(max(col, key=len)) for col in table]
looks right
One time you accidentally used tableData instead of table btw
I think I since fixed that, but thanks
There's not much to improve I think. You could reduce the function to a 3-liner with list comprehensions, but that wouldn't exactly improve its readability
def printTable(table):
    col_widths = [max(len(word) for word in col) for col in table]
    for row in zip(*table):
        print(' '.join(word.rjust(width) for word, width in zip(row, col_widths)))
I haven't done zip yet, lol
Hmm. If you say "zip it" in a programming chat then it's advice, but if you say it anywhere else it's rude.
Sorry to run...falling asleep. Thankyou for your advice :)
watermelon and rhubarb
Note that min and max now accept a default keyword-only arg to use when the iterable is empty. I think that's new with Python 3.6
"New in version 3.4: The default keyword-only argument." docs.python.org/3.4/library/functions.html#min
@toonarmycaptain zip is awesome. I strongly recommend spending time experimenting with it. There's heaps of cool stuff you can do with it, but you need to build up some familiarity with it so that you'll get a feel for what situations you can use it in. There's also a zip_longest in itertools. OTOH, it's also quite possible to write overly-complex code that uses zip when simpler non-zip code does the job; I was guilty of doing just that the other day. :)
Here's a classic example where zip is the right tool for the job:
>>> [''.join(t) for t in zip('abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl')]
['adgj', 'behk', 'cfil']
@OneRaynyDay Well, you could do "%s %s" % (3, '%s'), but that seems rather silly. Why not create the format string in sections and concatenate them? I guess I should also mention that it's probably better to use the more modern format rather than %-style interpolation, but I'm a fan of the old %-style, having used it in various languages for decades, and I'll be sad if it ever gets removed from Python.
@zounds The other problem with nesting those small functions inside the large function (apart from it bloating the large function) is that their definitions get executed each time you call the large function. That can be handy in some situations, since you can re-set default args in the nested functions, and they have read access to the parent function's locals. But if you don't need that stuff, re-executing the definitions slows down the execution a little.
Another option is to encapsulate the functions into a class. Or put them into a separate module. Personally, I probably wouldn't worry about it, and just have a comment saying that all these little functions are only used by big_function.
@DanielPrinsloo I don't know what networkx can do, so this info may be totally useless for you, but GraphViz is pretty good for creating graphs. It can create output in a variety of bitmap and vector formats, and their are various programs that can display graphs in the GraphViz DOT language. There are a couple of GraphViz modules for Python, but I've never used them, since it's fairly easy to generate DOT files directly.
1 hour later…
This is linear, right? With respect to N that is.
@Rawing Yes. The number of loops in each part is proportional to log(x).
Good. It took me surprisingly long to calculate that, but at least I got it right.
I must admit I originally overlooked the OP's error:
Other hint: You originally state that N = log(x), so log x / log 42 is proportional to N, not log(N). — PM 2Ring 1 min ago
@Rawing On second thoughts, it's not linear in N, because the 2nd loop executes sqrt(c) times. So the total complexity is O(N+sqrt(N))
Yeah, but who ever cares about an addition in big-O? O(N+sqrt(N)) <= O(N+N) = O(2N) ~= O(N)
Oh-oh. rep=544, plus 3 gold badges. :activates HV alert: Let's see... member for 4 years, 11 months. Questions = 66, Answers = 0. stackoverflow.com/questions/45520591/…
somebody should write a userscript to issue a warning when it spots a disproportional rep/badges ratio
"Careful, this code modifies d1" Well spotted! I didn't even think of that. :oops:
He's now deleted that answer. But I guess he's probably going to undelete once he's repaired the code.
I'd be surprised if he did
But it'd be nice if he's changed his mind about feeding the HV.
I suppose we should close it...
Mureinik happily feeds another HV that posts a homework dump. :( stackoverflow.com/questions/45521067/…
Yup. Sometimes hard to resist the temptation, but it just encourages them to come back with more of the same, so I downvoted the question
Not my best day today: waiting for the emergency plumber because I just drilled through a water pipe... :-(
At least I knew how to shut off the water
@holdenweb Yikes!
Yikes indeed. Quite a waterspout for half a minute - took me quite a while just to mop up
@holdenweb I understand the temptation, but when it's a pure homework dump I like the OP to add some vaguely relevant code attempt before I post an answer. Although sometimes I'll post a hint in the comments to help them get started.
Yeah, my usual (though not ivariable , depending on how cluefully the question is asked) is to suggest they provide attempted code.
In this case the OP has the answer, so I also voted to close
@wim lol...so many bad answers in there.
saturday cbg friends
If I have multiple threads in a program that uses multiprocessing, will that affect the efficiency of multiprocessing? It won't, right?
Great, neither multiprocessing nor multithreading has an effect on my runtime. Sigh.
What the... I haven't looked closely at this wall of code, but it looks like they're raising an exception to print normal output: stackoverflow.com/questions/45521268/…
1 hour later…
[tag-cv:pls] stackoverflow.com/questions/45522311/… pls hlp cls thx
somehow I managed to downvote two answers in a random old question I was looking at and I don't remember ever doing that and now they are locked in
so frustrating
at how much rep does one unlock the "changing your mind about that vote you cast a few minutes ago" privilege? :/
Please don't answer blatant homework dumps. Especially not in full answers. You're not helping anyone in the long run. — Andras Deak 8 secs ago
it would be more effective if I weren't the only one doing this :P
@idjaw if they're unmerited downvotes, edit them
@AndrasDeak Very true. I almost posted a comment, but I had to abort them because they were all too snarky.
looking at that question, there's no such thing as too snarky
It's literally a copy-paste of the assignment. It could only be worse if it were a screenshot.
@idjaw I've accidentally done that once or twice on my phone. Now I try to be more careful when I'm scrolling.
if they do this a few times in the near future I'm going to meta :P
@AndrasDeak Wait...I can edit an answer and that counts as an edit for me to remove the vote?
for realz?
of course
votes are stuck until the post is edited
because after the edit all bets are off
I'm not aware that you editing it matters anything
you can try with a post of mine if you're wary
ah. I was under the impression that the voter editing would not count as an edit and never bothered to test
nah....I'll go ahead and do it in "prod". :D
famous last words
"So there's this 100k+ rep user who keeps writing homeworks in ..."
@AndrasDeak There are a few high rep users who like to just give the codes and they don't give a yam.
they are FGITW pros
I know, but we were just talking about Mureinik (yet again)
if I were Kevin my jimmies would be quite in a port-rustle state
woo @AndrasDeak it worked. Thanks.
I knew it would
but you're welcome anyway ;)
Hi guys. What is the easiest way to create a Block Diagonal Matrix in numpy?
wait, I saw something for that
I was going to say "np.kron" but that's harder
it's new (numpy 1.13) but seems handy
Mureinik self-deleted on that python dump
Ghm.., no.
A block diagonal matrix, also called a diagonal block matrix, is a square diagonal matrix in which the diagonal elements are square matrices of any size (possibly even 1×1), and the off-diagonal elements are 0.
Oh, so when you said "block diagonal matrix", you meant "block diagonal matrix"?
@AndrasDeak He did it yesterday too. Give me a couple of minutes & I'll find it. In the mean time, here's a typo question he & a bunch of others wrote full answers for:
coldspeed, what a surprise
the FGITW voting ring
regardless of how much better the FGITW get, they are still bad
@MaksimSurov you can also google yourself if you prefer
they didn't choose the FGITW life. The FGITW chose them.
As far as I see, numpy.block doesn't allow to create a diagonal matrix
of course it does, it just takes some work
you need to insert the zeros yourself
a lot of
but there's a scipy function for this
it's the first google hit for me
@AndrasDeak Yes.
Braces look like this: {}. Parentheses look like this: (). — PM 2Ring 56 secs ago
@PM2Ring as demonstrated by from __future__ import braces
I wouldn't hold it against them if they weren't prone to being mean to users with bad English
I can hardly wait to delete that question
needs 2 more CVs though
Here we go: the homework dump from yesterday that Mureinik posted an answer to in about 3 minutes after the Q was submitted. stackoverflow.com/questions/45488627/…
Ah. You voted to close that one. :)
yeah, and I have it open; delvable in 2 hours for me
@AndrasDeak Excellent. We only need one more then.
2 is enough, a third one will come eventually via 10k tools
@AndrasDeak Good point. But I'd rather it die sooner than later. :)
I was rather pleased to get this comment on my answer. But I don't think it'll ping the OP:
@EricLues This answer explains in detail why your solution was wrong and how to fix it, you should read every single word of it — Moe A 2 hours ago
it indeed won't
what's the proper way to handle the question of "I am running this in py3" but they are actually running it in py2 and did not realize?
cannot reproduce
in case the problem doesn't arise in python 3
lying OP = no repro
@idjaw Ask them to paste the result of print(sys.version)
Of course, getting them to run print(sys.version) in the same environment that they're running their problem code may not be easy. :)
Oh you mean "how do I help them"? What a curious notion.
oh no....how do I categorize it to close it
My comment is enough
but I want to abolish it because that is the problem
@idjaw Oh, right. In that case, definitely "no repro".
@idjaw Good.
I get you fam
I didn't choose the best reason, but then again this is just bad
I cant stand when answerers write back to me to justify their reasoning for answering a lowish quality question
like...great...you answered it...just hush and move on.
I was not expecting that
I was just about to post a snarky comment about there being no such thing as a tuple comprehension, but Jon edited that out.
hi @idjaw Thanks for your answer!
@DanielGarcíaBaena Cheers. Hope it helped.
I read the question you just linked me but it seems like setting requests logger level is not enough cause what requests is logging is an error...
right. But if you change the level it won't log .error I believe
or you can maybe see if you can suppress it entirely?
it's not coming to me now to see how requests logging can be toggled. But maybe the docs might have a mention of it?
I have been reading the docs and I found this: "The term ‘delegation to the parent’ means that if a logger has a level of NOTSET, its chain of ancestor loggers is traversed until either an ancestor with a level other than NOTSET is found, or the root is reached."
maybe doing like this?
logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + 'request.log', level=logging.ERROR, format='%(asctime)s ERROR -- : %(message)s')
logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime
try it out.
what happens?
just a sec
this is driving me nuts... xD
real poltergeist
nothing changed...
logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + 'request.log', level=logging.ERROR, format='%(asctime)s ERROR -- : %(message)s')
logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime
I'm gonna try with CRITICAL
I'm reading the whole doc but I find nothing about disabling logs for a module
I tried with: logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) But still the same...
what I'm doing wrong?
sorry....I'm not able to do anything on my end...not on desktop anymore.
thank you anyway!
just for clarifying my question, I'm trying to disable log messages from requests module
here is my code:
logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + 'request.log', level=logging.ERROR, format='%(asctime)s ERROR -- : %(message)s')
logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime
but I still get the same log message: 2017-08-05 15:17:13,334 ERROR -- : Certificate did not match expected hostname: www.improving-autonomy.org. Certificate: {'subjectAltName': [('DNS', '*.wordpress.com'), ('DNS', 'wordpress.com')], 'subject': ((('commonName', u'*.wordpress.com'),),)}
any help will be appreciated
life is hard
it was the path!
I changed it by: logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) , and now it works as a charm
thank you again!
now let's all stop doing work and watch Mr. Robot's season 3 trailer
I hope this season is better than the second one...
the second season was wild and went in to a completely different territory/direction of the first season.
It did take me a few episodes to get in to it
done @poke
me too, but I still prefer the first season
hammer hammer hammer hammer retag retag
Thanks @idjaw
@idjaw holy shit
@poke yes....yes....I can't wait
I was midly furious about the ending of S2, so yes, I cannot wait either.
I disliked that S2 didn’t really bother to explain ANYTHING of those S1 questions, so I’m hoping to get some answers now…
exactly, same here
S2 is more like a transitory one
and seeing Elliot just fighting against himself and doing almost nothing more...
I can't wait to watch him hacking again
@poke done
Thanks <3
pinging herr @poke
@Andras Deak : Have you gone through the question correctly ? Have you tried the above commands ? Did you try the same process on jenkins as well ? Marking as duplicate is very easy without any solution. Could you please help me here. — Jackie 9 mins ago
I'm OK with it if you're "meh" and will ignore it
you're not supposed to see pings aimed at me :P
Thanks, Andras, replied
don't mention it
I was resisting to reply “Doubting people to read the question is very easy without actually bothering to think”
that just wouldn't Be Nice :P
That’s why I didn’t write it :P
they pinged me again so perhaps I will ;)
Wow, we have a hot meta post that is deleted.
I'm planning to write a small Monte Carlo simulation program. Is it acceptable design if I leave it mostly imperative with top-level functions, and only use a class to gather together data that gets passed around? I can add details in case this is no MCVE/unclear
Meta post link?
as far as I can tell no drama, just a dupe
Does anyone have a good intro tutorial to event-driven programming? I think this OP needs to read one. ;) stackoverflow.com/questions/45524210/… I was almost going to link to the Wikipedia article, but I guess it's pretty useless for a raw beginner.
Well that was boring. 😔
Did’t say it was exciting. Just “hot”
I have several classes each of which inherit from the same abstract base class. Conceptually, each of these classes deals with a different file type (there is an abstract property in the base class which represents this). Ideally, I'd like these classes to register themselves as being associated with their respective file type upon creation (perhaps in some global dictionary). Any recommendations on the best way to do this? Or am I going about this all wrong?
Oh, I love it when others instead of OP answer clarification question requests based on what they believe is correct…
flag them as "no longer needed" :P
I am reading the python documentation. Why someone would want to use compilleall? Compile a file only make it faster to load, not to use.
@chad That sounds reasonable. You could have a data structure (eg a dict) stored as a class attribute of the base class that holds the filetype-subclass association data.
> This module provides some utility functions to support installing Python libraries. These functions compile Python source files in a directory tree. This module can be used to create the cached byte-code files at library installation time, which makes them available for use even by users who don’t have write permission to the library directories.
that's what the docs say
That makes me think that the point is that the sys admin can compile the libraries which the users can use with only read permissions
sure, it is your right to vote but I would still try to help the person and not to be so hard. At least give him a chance to clarify. He is not replying may be because he went to sleep already :-) Not every one is on the same time zone :-) — Yuri S 26 secs ago
I'm not sure how much that correlates with reality
People just have the wrong opinion of what closing means…
will you instruct them?
@poke Sure, agree — Yuri S 2 mins ago
le sigh
Today is somewhat exhausting
@PM2Ring thank you! my question was really about how best to do the automatic registration. I know I could define a class method e.g. BaseClass.register and call it immediately after defining the class, but ideally it'd be automatic. Normally I'd use a metaclass here, but the base class already has the ABCMeta metaclass
OK. Sorry for not clear explanation. I will add more information tomorrow. Thank you. — Klick 41 secs ago
What a day.
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