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… I should maybe just close all SO related tabs for today… >_<
Enjoy the weekend @poke. :p
You get only one per week.
… as if that would work…
thanks for that FGITW hammer earlier, BR ;)
The 6 answers typo?
That was a bit too late. :(
Bhargav, if you’re bored right now, you could burn this one.
never too late as long as we have delvotes :D
Bhargav has all the time in the world now that the community has made the best possible choice ever giving us new mods ;)
“best possible choice” huh?
nice tags there
@poke done.
yay \o/
mod-cv-pls are fun :P
Ah, that one, so I did get the reference correctly :P
we should get Andy to lurk here more to raise the mod ratio further
I feel like with every mod we gain, we’re losing one normal cv-pls vote though… :P
@AndrasDeak @Andy is pingable here. ;)
yeah but I don't like bugging mods for no good reason :P
Let’s ping all of our mods “MODS ASSEMBLE!!!” xD
@poke but then every once in a while our entreaties fall upon open ears and something gets hammered
How is it already 8pm!? wtf
@AndrasDeak Aww, don't say so.
@poke time flies when you're having fun
oh what “fun” I was heaving
@BhargavRao lurkers / mods, even worse :D
@poke typo typo typo :P
or too subtle humour
Btw, if you've got a set of really bad questions that aren't getting enough attention (to get closed), just ping me with those, I'll try to close them if they merit a closure. :)
@BhargavRao Number 1, number 2, number 3, number 4 – thanks :D xD
Argh, the only one that I could conclude was ninja'd by Martijn. :|
inb4 poke drops 150 tabs
Yeah, can't judge #1, the other 3 are closed now.
"are closed now" :D
haha, Martijn xD
these things happen
First one is mostly based on this by OP:
1 is a bit tricky.
OK. Sorry for not clear explanation. I will add more information tomorrow. Thank you. — Klick 36 mins ago
Looks OKish.
Martineau decided to reopen this obvious duplicate to post a typo-answer…? stackoverflow.com/questions/45523247/…
What?! I only ever see him editing everything
Hammer-opened the question and posted an answer
eeeeh that sounds bad
just reopened, lol :D
2017-08-05 16:18:06Z 	history 	reopened 	martineau python
2017-08-05 16:15:05Z 	history 	closed 	poke python 	duplicate
2017-08-05 16:04:43Z 	answer 		martineau 	timeline score: 0
that’s even more ridiculous
the first one might have been apropriate, if he thinks that you misunderstood the question
someone hammer it back…?
this is just bad form
@poke or go to meta
I don’t have enough energy today for meta.
don't know whether hammer wars are a thing...
@Bhargav Opinions?
we have at least two kind mods in our midst who can chip in
@poke checkin.
But generally many users do dupe-reopen and add their answer.... (Not that mods can prevent it, we can only tell them not to do so). :/
the question is whether this is OK and if we can do anything about it (other than re-hammer)
without looking closer at the Q&A I have an inkling to close it as non-dupe and delete it all :P
s/inkling/<what I actually mean>/
I mean I also sometimes post a highly-specifc answer for a highly-specific question and the immediately close the question… but that’s more to avoid follow-up questions in the comments to just get OP’s specific problem solved.. And I would certainly not reopen a question for that reason.. or even open if AFTER I already posted such an answer >_<
@AndrasDeak Yeah, I would also rather close it as typo and get it deleted… ^^"
Hmm, @poke, Doesn't look like a dupe there. More like a typo, or in the worst case a "no mcve". Going with the typo there.
Works for me, thanks :)
I need a unicode symbol for "any key", any recommendations :D
hmm that is all keys.
You could always just say “Place your head over your ⌨ keyboard and smash down on it”
You could also just lie and tell them to press a specific key.
Hey @AnttiHaapala You might like to throw a CV on this C / Python/ C# question stackoverflow.com/questions/45521409/…
Weekend cabbage
@PM2Ring UM WAT :d
FILE *file1=("file1", "r");
That's what I said. :)
those tags lol
and they didn't get any warnings from the compiler? :D
Shouldn’t that be an error? :P
@poke that's not an error
it is just undefined behaviour. The only error is the missing ; after the return statement
If anyone is interested, my meetup today will be live streamed on YouTube. Check out youtube.com/c/RichardGarciaABL. We should start in about half an hour.
@AnttiHaapala Are you doing C?
@Code-Apprentice yea that too
@AnttiHaapala They're using the invisible version of the open function. It's very handy for high security applications.
How would Python or C# help you with a C issue? — alk 7 hours ago
I don't have any gold badges ;-(
If you take a C# solution and blur it enough, it becomes compilable in C.
(get it? get it??)
@Code-Apprentice You've got 10 goldies, that's more than me. But yeah, you don't have any gold tag badges, and they're the ones you need to get the dupe hammer.
java is close though
I love how Martijn has a whole collection of gold tag badges, most of which aren't language specific, eg string, list, unicode. But I guess it's not so relevant, since he's a diamond mod. stackoverflow.com/users/100297/martijn-pieters?tab=badges Still, it does look impressive when he dupe-hammers a question. :)
The csv one is a bit sad
does ordinary cpython do any compiler optimizations at all?
yeah, there’s the peephole bytecode optimizer
Eg, constant expressions will be evaluated at compile not, not run-time.
i had this idea, mainly working with JS, that the dynalangs like python, ruby etc weren't terrible in comparison to C++/Java etc because compilers were pretty smart and could convert objects to native types where appropriate etc
but this is mainly just a V8 thing?
@zounds Unlike some OOP languages, plain Python doesn't use native types for numbers or strings. All objects are fully-fledged objects.
that's a language semantics issue, not an implementation issue
plain numbers in JS also support methods and other weirdness, but v8 will convert them to machine ints or floats if it sees it's just being used as an int, not a full fledged object
@zounds I guess so, but an implementation has to ensure that (for example) that a Python int has all the attributes & methods that a Python int is supposed to have. I guess some short-cuts are possible in some situations, though. And of course, things like Numpy are perfectly able to manipulate arrays of native datatypes.
Here's a little example of the kind of optimizations I mentioned earlier:
import dis
def f():
    a = 2 + 3 * 4
    b = (5, 6, 7)
    return a, b
 31           0 LOAD_CONST               8 (14)
              2 STORE_FAST               0 (a)

 32           4 LOAD_CONST               9 ((5, 6, 7))
              6 STORE_FAST               1 (b)

 33           8 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
             10 LOAD_FAST                1 (b)
             12 BUILD_TUPLE              2
             14 RETURN_VALUE
@zounds No, it’s very much an implementation thing. Python could be implemented in a way that Python strings use just thin C strings
for example
@poke, i agree. i'm saying that pm 2ring's objections are about semantics, not implementation
nvm, misunderstood what you were saying
yeah, I agree
@poke What, so str.__len__ would have to call strlen rather than just doing an attribute lookup? That's not going to improve execution speed... But I guess it could store a Python str instance as a fairly simple struct... which is kinda what it does. :)
I expect that methods like str.join don't do their stuff using pure Python objects. They work at the C level, manipulating whatever elements of the object that they need to get the job done ASAP, then turn the result into a proper Python object at the end.
Well.. considering the core Python objects is probably not the best idea to consider optimizing them.. ^^"
anyway, I think what makes JS faster is because they have an actual JIT
the JIT is the main thing, i'm sure
numba all the things
but even without JIT it seems there are things you can do with static analysis
Q: Remove items from a list while iterating

lfaraoneI'm iterating over a list of tuples in Python, and am attempting to remove them if they meet certain criteria. for tup in somelist: if determine(tup): code_to_remove_tup What should I use in place of code_to_remove_tup? I can't figure out how to remove the item in this fashion.

Is there any consensus to which of these methods is the fastest for lists?
Tag me if you respond, plz
@10Replies I've actually favorited this question, mostly because of Alex Martelli's (superior to the selected answer) answer.
Since removing items in-place involves shuffling down of higher-indexed entries, building a new list and assigning to original_list[:] avoids all those shuffling shenanigans.
Of course, this is sensitive to how much of the original list will be deleted - if just a few entries will be deleted, then building the new list just about doubles your memory space. If all or most entries will be deleted, then building a relatively tiny list and assigning to [:] is a big win.
I'm also going to be modifying each element in the list at the same time (in the same function), will that effect the speed since I am already looping through the list?
is there a reason why you don't want to just construct a new list while you're at it?
better yet, construct a generator
The function I'm writing is a "move" function, that takes a list of line objects and then adds a vector to them.
If the line goes outside of the the boundaries specified by the user, the line is deleted
Should I construct a new list?
It seemed like it might be faster to just modify the existing list
unless there are other considerations (memory for huge lists?), I'd probably do whatever's most natural
is this actually a performance bottleneck?
Well, I need to do this at about 60 fps, for an unknown ammount of objects
Ha! ^^ first question we should have asked!
(might get pretty big depending on how cool I make the graphics)
I'm trying not to make it ridiculously inefficient because it might need to run on long lists.
since we're talking about simple alternative solutions, perhaps you should implement "all" of them and time them
Deleting entries from a list is deceptively costly - for now use the standard idiom of creating a new list, assign back to the original using [:], and then revisit if performance needs it
yeah, I have a superstitious aversion to deleting stuff from lists
I found this relating to timing each function stackoverflow.com/questions/21510140/…
Not sure how fast those are compared to self.linesList[:] = [i for i in self.linesList if i.isCollision()]
If I wanted to also do i.move(vector) in the same loop, how would I do that?
well [i.move(vector) for i in self.linesList if i.isCollision()] for starters, but moving should affect your filtering
assuming that i.move doesn't mutate i but rather returns it
i.move(vector) changes i.x and i.y
returns none
then you can't do that in a list comp
you could modify it to return i too, but mutation+return like that always seems icky to me
side-effects like that don't play well with listcomps/genexps
you could make it work, but it leads to unreadable/confusing code
I think I'll just loop through the list backwards, call list[i].move(vector) and then list.del if it is colliding
That seems like the best way after looking through all the possible options
Unless there is something I am missing
if you have the time you should time that against moving once and then filtering with a listcomp
or just, you know, using a loop, moving, and appending to the result --> then mutate the original
tmplst = []
for i in self.linesList:
    if not i.isCollision():
self.linesList[:] = tmplst
Do mutative functions work inside of a for each?
I just assumed they didn't, but, maybe they do?
there's no foreach in python, and yes they do
I'll try implementing it both ways and see which works better. Thanks!
if that is a question, you should probably read these:
Mar 21 at 8:27, by PM 2Ring
@Drizzy In the mean time, here are a couple of articles that explain a very important difference between Python and most other languages. Other languages have "variables", Python has "names", and Facts and myths about Python names and values, which was written by SO veteran Ned Batchelder.
i refers to each line object one after the other, so there's nothing stopping you from using their methods
but if you would rebind i by saying i = i*2, you wouldn't be able to mutate that i anymore
but this has nothing to do with the loop; this is basic python behaviour
@zounds alas Python is very different from JS :/
many trivial JS optimizations are almost impossible in Python...
and now pypy
I love js
@10Replies ops
@PM2Ring yes, I meant tag badges
@AndrasDeak isn't far behind for me. Hopefully I'll have the in the near future.
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