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Does anybody know of/have any good documentation for Mark Hammond's pywin32 package as it pertains to COM Object manipulation/communication with Outlook? I have started at a new firm and my job requires me to provide email updates to coworkers as I process their request and I am interested in learning how use python to completely replace my use of VBA (PLEASE SAVE ME FROM VBA!!!).
The main purpose of Mark Hammond's package is to make the COM objects look just like Python objects with the same interface. So once you get past LoadCOMDll and CreateInstance, the classes and methods will look just the same as you would find from looking at a COM interface inspector.
It has been a while since I worked on the Windows side of things, but you might also look into two other options: IronPython and boo.
IronPython was embraced by Microsoft at least for a time, and I think its .Net support was quite good, but I don't know about COM interfacing.
boo is a Python-like language that has excellent integration with .Net, AND has the added benefit of being easily compilable to an executable Windows .exe file. It is still dependent on the Boo.Language.dll and related dlls, but you can actually moosh them all into a single .exe using ILMerge. Again, I don't recall using boo with COM objects tho.
wow that onebox is huge
almost as bad as a github gist
4 hours later…
@AndrasDeak congrats on the Python silver!
1 hour later…
Hi Guys, how do I replace words from a sentence where the replacement comes from key/value array. A condition is to only check if key exits in sentence and replace it with value.
For example this would be my sentence.
he quick brown tox jumps over teh lazy dog
There are two typos in the sentence tox and teh.
Now if I have an array of these words
  a = [['tox', 'fox'], ['teh', 'the']]
What I am trying to do is replace tox with fox and teh with the
>>> s = "the quick brown tox jumps over teh lazy dog"
>>> a = [['tox', 'fox'], ['teh', 'the']]
>>> replacement_dic = dict(a)
>>> " ".join([replacement_dic.get(i,i) for i in s.split()])
'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
Like that?
(need to run, but I think that works)
Yeah .. :p
Let me try it
@BhargavRao Yeah, it works thanks.
Yay, I still remember Python
@BhargavRao Is there a way to store the result instead of echoing it?
result = " ".join([replacement_dic.get(i,i) for i in s.split()]) ...
How do I allow Chrome to log me back in to sites when I restart it?
Probably not enough people on this time of the night ;-(
Why logout in the first place?
not sure if I understood the question correctly, but if this is about the "keep me logged in/remember me" feature then you just have to fix your cookie settings - don't delete them when chrome closes
I think he doesn't want to manually press login button.
Because, chrome by default does not destroy cookies when logged out
I don't want to leave chrome running 24/7. So I close it. But when I open it again, all my tabs are logged out. I have my passwords saved in the default password manager, but it is annoying clicking on all the links and buttons to log back into half a dozen tabs.
and I don't see a "remember me" or "keep me logged in" option on most of the sites. Gmail, SO, and GH to name a few.
that sounds like a cookie problem
okay, I think I found the right setting
@BhargavRao meh ... your code replaces more than what's asked for it :)
It replaced (i think) new lines, pads with " "
@Code-Apprentice You should reinstall, happened to me too. It's likely a bug where chrome can't shut down properly, and all your cookie data gets lost.
I think it was just a setting.
It's either the one in chrome://settings/content/cookies or you are using incognito all along. Default chrome behavior (or any other major browser) is to save cookies after quitting.
Ok guys, I asked a question a python3 question on SO after so many years ... stackoverflow.com/questions/44994819/…
Enjoy your easy points :p
@AshishNitinPatil thanks :)
@samayo Do a split(' ')
sigh I really hope SO will revamp the formatting. Code or Quotes mess up Numbered lists, and we all know how much new users struggle to format code... and don't get me started on the formatting on chat.SO
More like, Do a split :
Bah, I am bad at this, but I couldn't find a good ascii art for it after seraching for more than 2 minutes
Although, this was quite good for some help (& entertainment / awe) - ascii-art.de/ascii/s/stickman.txt
@Rawing there are ways to fix the typical issues meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/258120/…
oh. that makes a lot of sense.
Anyone knows how to make a video downloader using multiprocessing?
Hiya, can anyone tell me if/where I can find an edit history for the sopython.com wiki?
@Dartmouth I don't think a history is maintained - github.com/sopython/sopython-site/blob/master/sopy/wiki/…
@AshishNitinPatil oh, okay, thanks for your answer though!
@AndrasDeak those are commits to the underlying wiki, not the content of the actual pages
Ah, I see what you mean, you're right
2 hours later…
I have some code that's not working.
the regex seems to be correct, but it still is returning None for each line of text (all of which have some text to be grabbed).
(it's runnable at the link)
if anyone could help it'd be appreciated.
I don't think you've linked the right code. There's no regex in that
yup, you're right, sorry about that - this is the correct code.
whoa, what is that? siteslst[str(keyVal)]:str(i) how is that not a syntaxerror
python 2 things I guess
that is what is called bad practice =P
i think that should actually be = not :; I fixed that here
well it's expected that the regex doesn't match - you're looking for word characters followed by a dot. And since you're using re.match, it's applying the regex at the start of the string. http:// obviously doesn't match that.
what's the regex supposed to match?
the text before .stackexchange.com?
well, the text between http:// and .stackexchange.com.
then it's an easy fix - use re.search instead of re.match
oh, okay.
match applies the regex at the start of the string. search applies it everywhere until it finds a position where it matches.
well, it's a little better now, but still not quite right - repl.it/JTBY/3
it's printing something, but it's not text.
ah, yes. Use keyVal.group(1) to get the text you want. str(keyVal) gives you a text representation of the match object, which is not what you want.
okay, that's perfect!
wow, thank you =)
you're welcome :)
now I shall find out what on earth siteslst[str(keyVal)]:str(i) is valid syntax for
heh, it actually should have been siteslst[str(keyVal)] = str(i), but in a nutshell, it's assigning the link as a value to the text it found (which is the key) in a dictionary of sites.
the regex was used to get the site "title".
yes, it makes sense if it's an assignment. But that colon in there is giving me a headache.
yeah, I don't know why that didn't give an error.
If you try something like a:b or 1:2 that's a SyntaxError, but for some ungodly reason siteslst[str(keyVal)]:str(i) is not
oh, I'm testing with the wrong version of python. oops.
Apparently that's an annotation. TIL annotations are weird.
What does : do?
different things, depending on the context. In iterable[start:end:step] it creates a slice object. In variable : type it's a type annotation.
In 1:2 it's a SyntaxError.
At the end of a block introducer (def statement, if, else, while, for, class, try, except, finally), ':' means "here comes a block of indented statements that are associated with this one"
I'm very curious of all my cyclic import woes are due to my poor design... I'm running into them a bit too much
Is siteslst[str(keyVal)]:str(i) a syntax error?
what version of python were you using that let it go? @Rawing
I used python 3.6 here
lol, I thought that was a link to your actual code.
or an example at least...the blank page confused me at first
I was too lazy to type 4 lines of code :p
heh, no problem. I don't need the extra distraction anyway. God knows I have enough of those.
You just need to initialize the 3 variables so that they don't throw an error. In the end it's just a more convoluted form of a simple type annotation like a : int.
yesterday, i asked how to get an output that have aspect ratio of 1:1. A guy gave me a solution with matplotlib but now i can not apply the solution to my server. i cannot install matplotlib and i actually don't want to also. is there any alternative to matplotlib that i can use to save plots.
Does sympy's plotting even work without matplotlib?
matplotlib was installed with anaconda in my personal pc, so i can see proper version of output in my pc
i couldn't try the solution due to import error in my server but there is also a problem i think, plt.ion() might give an error on a gui-less server since it creates a window
i have doubts about installing anaconda to server. does it mess the env? i installed my packages to a virtualenv including sympy.
If you're using matplotlib directly, you don't need plt.ion
you don't even need plt.show, only plt.savefig tosave to a file
as i said, i couldn't install it to the server properly
Ah, OK
14 mins ago, by Andras Deak
Does sympy's plotting even work without matplotlib?
let me test it
or are you looking for a completely new solution?
yes, i have problems with matplotlib. another plotting module could be appropriate
That's the only one I know for plotting functions
hmm, understood
well then, do you have any advice to install it inside a viirtualenv
why the yam doesn't python support import .file? from .file import cls is a cyclic import and so is from . import file. What the yam am I supposed to do?
I'm tired of dealing with this. *deletes toplevel import and moves it into the function where it's used*
import .file as something
python needs to know what to import .file as since .file would not be a valid name
fyi, import .file as x and from . import file as x is exactly the same, so if you get a cyclic import with one the other will also fail
I tried that, but it didn't work (SyntaxError). I have python 3.4, is that not supported in this version?
but it's not the same thing if you have a __init__.py, is it
if you have a __init__.py, it imports from that file's namespace. Otherwise it imports the files in the module directory. Am I wrong?
@AndrasDeak I think i successfully installed matplotlib on my server
I'm very, very confused by python's import mechanics right now
hmm, I think I get it. from . import foo imports the name foo from __init__.py's namespace, unless no such name exists, in which case it imports the file foo.py instead, except if somewhere higher up on the callstack another from . import foo was attempted, in which case it throws an error. Makes total sense now.
@AbdullahUYU good job:)
(I'm not aware of any magic that would be necessary to install it in a virtualenv)
@Rawing you're probably aware but anyway relevant PEP
I've actually never read that. I guess I should.
well, I learned a lot about outdated import mechanics, but nothing new about the current ones. Didn't go into quite as much detail as I'd have needed.
I thought that one was the current one
Yes, but it also recaps the "current" (at the time) mechanics
some more PEPs here but they might not be what you need
that's quite a read.
with pyqt5, do you have to have a mainwindow in order to promt user with a dialog window?
What could this be encoded with?
Is figuring that out not part of your task?
My guess is base64 with the use of salt. But I am not sure, and I have sadly no idea to check whether I am correct.
cryptography is not my strongest field
That's not what I asked.
No it's not my task
@SebastianNielsen definitely base64
"with the use of salt" doesn't actually make any sense when you are asking about encoding. Salt is used during the actual encryption which is separate from the encoding.
looks like openssl compatible encryption to me, 'cause it starts with Salted__
@Rawing wait how did you figure that out?
what is your task?
@SebastianNielsen by decoding the base64 to binary then converting that into ascii
how did I figure what out? That it starts with Salted__? I b64-decoded it. That it's openssl encryption? I stole copied openssl encryption off an SO answer once for one of my projects.
@SebastianNielsen so what are you trying to do?
I am trying to log into a website with python
I just need to figure out what I should encrypt and send as the encodedparams
What protocol does the website use for logging in?
Have a look
It's a simple game
In which you can win stuff
It's like a scratchcardc
No, I won't cheat in it - I can't.
I just want to automate it.
hahahaha, "indtast" sounds hilarious if you speak german
So that my bot would automatically scratch the card for me
I am danish :p
maybe its just me....but that feels like cheating
No it isn't
You can win stuff for...doing stuff, which you don't want to do but still win.
"normal" people have to log in, click 50 links, wait for an animation, then some ad, then do the scratch off.
It's just a simple app people can downlaod
(also playable on desktop)
If you get 3 signs that look alike. You win. You can play once a day for each phone number
A way for the different companies to attract costumers to their shop.
To make the costumers buy more, now that they already are there anyway.
do you feel that you increase your odds by automating the process?
would they "already be there" if they used your program for automating it?
1 min ago, by Sebastian Nielsen
A way for the different companies to attract costumers to their shop.
wouldn't your "app" let people not actually go to the shop and still be able to play?
Dude, it's only for personal use.
I simple automate otherwise manual work.
thats what were getting at
The server determine whether you win or lose as soon as you log in with your phone number.
Have you thought about why a company would be giving away stuff for free?
And are you familiar with the concept of "no free lunch"?
Im just giving you crap because its cheating. Not trying to come down on you like your in trouble.
It's not cheating...
though the company might not appreciate a bot that automates the process
Have you played the game?
Well one thing that would be bad for the company that I automated the app, would be that I wouldn't see their brand every day.
If 10 people have to dig a hole before they find out if they win a prize and 1 guy builds a machine that digs the hole for him every day the other people will point a finger and say "that dude is cheating" and then ask how they can do the same.
It's a scratchcard...
I just want my bot to scratch it for me.
thats what Andras was saying. The company gives away free stuff in return for showing you ads. If you are avoiding seeing the ads then your cheating the system they've created
Is that really such a big deal
hehe...dont we all
And they won't be able to tell.
@SebastianNielsen wow, nice argument there
Like I said, im just poking fun. The company may think otherwise if they find a bot avoiding the ads
Sidnical do you use addblock?
@SebastianNielsen honestly, it wouldn't be such a big deal if it wasn't you who had this idea
same concept
Why sidnical?
yeah, and alot of sites tell you "your using adblock, we get paid for showing these ads so please view them"
because I understand the reason behind the ads. They get paid and it keeps the services free for me
Are you serious :/
for example, I use pandora free version. If I found a way to alter my browser so it skipped the ads then im cheating pandora out of the money they make from those companies by showing their ads.
honestly if the ads were getting so bad that it was in my way then i'd use an adblocker. I just haven't felt the need
Meh, I don't really care about most companies.
So addblock is the way to go for me.
I can't stand adds, I find them so annoying
so if I was "cheating" the pandora site and getting the benifits of a paid account without paying then pandora is losing money. If enough people start doing the same thing then it hurts pandora and they have to push harder to make money
That would be their issue to deal with.
Haha, that's amazing code-apprentice
and THAT is the point im making. You dont care about the company so your fine with cheating them. I could care less what you do but im trying to help you understand why the sites put you through all the ads and stuff to get something free. Its all about money
and by getting around what they've put in place you are cheating
I get it, I am just not the best at expression my point of view in english.
I cheat in my own ways so I have no right to tell you that your a bad person because I dont feel that way. Just know that its cheating and the sites dont want that to happen
But please not that out of all the people that use the app, I would be the only one automating it. - consequently it wouldn't make a different for the company.
max. 100 other people would do the same.
thats what people thought about xbmc
...Sebastian, do you vote?
well, I take that back. xbmc was targeted to the public. Your doing it for your self
oh boy.....lol
*player 2 has entered the game
I think we've discussed this enough and Sebastian should try his luck elsewhere.
I am 17 so no
Sorry 'bout that. I wanted to stay out of this, but I smelled some delicious hypocrisy.
I didn't think moving from tkinter to pyqt would be so confusing. I didn't see a QT chat room here, does anyone know a good place to discuss qt ?
it's only natural that moving from tkinter to a useful toolkit would be confusing ;p
how is life?
Hot, thanks for asking. How about you?
I can't sleep at nights it's so hot
what does "hot" mean around your parts?
it's about the weather
I mean in terms of degrees Celsius
forecast here for tomorrow is "35 degrees, feels like 42" but that's pretty extreme
@khajvah bleh
I sympathize
91 here, feels like 100
it is pretty dry in here so it doesn't feel too bad
40 feels 40 :D
if it feels like 40, it feels too bad :P
@sidnical 100 is horse temperature, right?
"What should my scale have as reference points? Let 0 be the coldest temperature I can produce consistently, and let 100 be the body temperature of an average horse"
lol, what is this from?
paraphrasing him, of course
lets just call it freaking hot
> Fahrenheit proposed his temperature scale in 1724, basing it on two reference points of temperature. In his initial scale (which is not the final Fahrenheit scale), the zero point is determined by placing the thermometer in a mixture of ice, water, and ammonium chloride (salis Armoniaci [6]) [...] The second point, 96 degrees, was approximately the human body's temperature (sanguine hominis sani, the blood of a healthy man).[7]
but he initially used a horse
silly wikipedia doesn't mention that
So @sidnical are you a native?
I did not know this. Learn something new every day
as in native English speaker
yes, born and raised in Texas
in that case
@sidnical you couldn't care less :P
Why do you say that?
Because "I could care less" implies that you do care to some extent. What you were likely trying to say is that you didn't care at all, so you couldn't care any less.
(I try not to grammar nazi non-native speakers, that's why I asked that beforehand)
you only help native speakers improve their english? that's discrimination
considering how providing grammar nazi services rarely registers as something helpful: yes :D
true, people tend to have a not-so-positive reaction to being grammar nazi'd. for some reason.
I've always been horrible at it and welcome the corrections
For the most part the point of communication is transfer of information. The quality of the channel only starts to matter when one doesn't have better things to worry about :)
@sidnical it's a deal ;)
I have to admit im still confused. I do not see what I said that you are correcting :-\
follow the reply arrow
57 mins ago, by sidnical
and THAT is the point im making. You dont care about the company so your fine with cheating them. I could care less what you do but im trying to help you understand why the sites put you through all the ads and stuff to get something free. Its all about money
> I could care less what you do but im trying to help you understand
ohhhhhh, that was over 30 minutes ago so I didn't think you were talking about something that far back.
Sorry:D I see you here often so I thought the directed reply would be enough for context
and I didn't know you could click the reply arrow to see what it was referencing.
"knowing is half the battle"
@AndrasDeak are you familiar with pyqt?
no, sorry, otherwise I'd have responded
k thanks
what is "cabbage"?
oh my
at least its a healthy language
didn't realize the chat had so many code words
cbg and rbrb are the most common, sometimes a melon, sometimes a garlic - the rest I look up when I see them
did this originate from somewhere or was it created just for the python chat?
@sidnical see the link above
I did but its sopython.com so I assume that its just for this room. Im curious if the idea came from somewhere else or if its only used here
Did you read all the page?
@sidnical - could you just read the link fer yam's sake? (yam is another one)
I apologize. I read the top and thought the rest of it was the words and meaning
1 hour later…
Greetings and cabbage. I'm trying (perhaps unwisely) to get HyperGAN working under Windows, in Anaconda. Tensorflow is giving me errors and I'm not sure how to try to fix them. Specifically: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_pywrap_tensorflow_internal'" dpaste.com/2D7F6FA
Umm. I'm reading a few similar Tensorflow issues that mention making sure cuDNN is installed correctly. I don't have cuDNN installed at all, and I see online that cuDNN is required for Tensorflow. I'm going to see if I can get that installed, and come back here if I'm still having problems.

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