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That code creates Python dicts, not JSON
python dicts != json
I'm too use to JS... xD
If you want JSON, then convert dict to JSON using json.dumps
If this really is going to be a mainstay of your BigData work going forward, then it would be good for you to run thru some Python tutorials
yeah you want to also make sure that you are also not changing the nature of your data based on the layers it's going through
Paul, just doing coursework. Temporary thing.
But I'm looking forward to formally learn python in the future ;)
I like it.
This is pretty darn hilarious
3 hours later…
I have a file in my apps static folder, /swagger/dist/index.html
how can I serve this file?
via its own endpoint, e.g., /docs?
I cannot decipher this message
HA! nonot that one butwas on here lol ! thanks bud! — scriptso 49 secs ago
2 hours later…
today or at latest tomorrow @IljaEverilä is going Lee Harvey Oswald ehm Haley Joel Osment.
@IljaEverilä you need 57 rep :P
asker: "help, the pdf files I'm downloading are corrupted"
genius in the comments: "You need a pdf library to download pdfs"
cbg guys!
the grouper function does not produce the result it claims to produce
Am I missing something?
is there a way to assign the same string to multiple %s placeholders, when we don't know how many placeholders we will have in the string? Example -
sent='in this other things we have foo case of a foo(+) in the town'
string_regex=r"((?:(?<=^)|(?<=[\W_]))(((?=.*\b%s\b)(?=.*\bother\ things\b))|(%s\ mutation))(?=[\W_]|$)"
mo=re.search(string_regex %gs1,sent,re.I)
Here the regex has two '%s's, so I need to write %(gs1,gs1). But in case I don't know how many placeholders there are, can I do something? (other than counting the number of %s beforehand and using that number)
@Ev.Kounis What's wrong with it? Did you expect it to output strings instead of tuples?
@user1993 There is, but use the new-style formatting: "{0} {0}".format(gs1)
forget that the old style formatting ever existed
ok, if you say so :)
but whats so wrong about the old one?
@Ev.Kounis what do you mean
it returns an iterator
@Ev.Kounis it returns tuples
>>> list(grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x'))
[('A', 'B', 'C'), ('D', 'E', 'F'), ('G', 'x', 'x')]
the docs there are a shorthand
they don't show the actual datatype
@AnttiHaapala@Rawing I was expecting (if cast to list) ['ABC', ...]
why would you expect that.
The documentation kind of makes it look like the output is strings
it doens't even know that the input is a string
@AnttiHaapala Because they say: # grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"
they're cartesian products.
@Rawing but my string is a regex, and it already uses {} for specifying the number of times an entity repeats, like (([\w]+\s*){0,3}). Therefore, I think the new format may mess with that
@user1993 double those { } in the repetition
ugly, maybe...
so the new formatting method won't recognize this?
It'll turn them into singles
"{{}}".format() == "{}"
so, that can be problematic in this case, right?
why? you double all your curly braces, and then .format will turn them back to how they were originally
but yes, your regex will be harder to read
@Rawing ok. so format actually will convert it. so its something that modifies the entire string. OK
But doing the following gives this error - sre_constants.error: missing ), unterminated subpattern at position 0
sent='in this other things we have foo case of a foo(+) in the town'
string_regex=r"((?:(?<=^)|(?<=[\W_]))(((?=.*\b{0}\b)(?=.*\bother\ things\b))|({0}\ mutation))(?=[\W_]|$)"
mo=re.search(string_regex.format(gs1) ,sent,re.I)
@Rawing What could I be doing wrong?
I think that very first brace shouldn't be there? r"(?:(?<=^)|(?<=[\W_]))(((?=.*\b{0}\b)(?=.*\bother\ things\b))|({0}\ mutation))(?=[\W_]|$)"
The similarity to salad in this question is surprising.
I'm using pandas to read csv and need Diff column to be of type int64, so I do d1=pd.read_csv("MY.csv",dtype={'Diff':'int64'}) but get OverflowError: Overflow
@poke You have a bit too much salad in your answer there: opertator.itemgetter
@Rawing thanks
Has anyone actually tried to filter a date in Django like mydate__month__gte in the admin? Surprisingly their changelists marks then as an error and returns a e=1.
@lapinkoira if you're going to be running the code for a long time then I think all(v > -1 for v in c1.values()) is slightly faster — new_to_coding 22 mins ago
Oh what the hell. Compared to v >= 0
@Rawing that was it. thanks!
@poke Would love to see sources for that claim.
@IljaEverilä "I think all(v > -1 for v in c1.values()) is slightly faster" Source: That person's imagination
@IljaEverilä I tested it myself with time but it was not much faster, if he was running the program for 5 minutes I think it would only be a few seconds faster — new_to_coding 6 mins ago
Or if the moon was full, or...
“only a few seconds faster” sounds far better than what you would actually see
There is no actual relevant difference.
@poke they did say they're new to coding. Be thankful they weren't suggesting eval.
and the comment has an upvote, woo
Technically, they didn’t say it.
The upvote was already there before I linked to it here
I didn't say it wasn't
I don't expect anyone here to upvote that
Ohhh this has been a while
welcome back? :P
hi Katya
I knew you seemed familiar, but I couldn’t find any logs from the past, so I wasn’t sure if you’re the same person I remembered – but I guess you are xD
haha yep @poke it has been over a year or so :)
Welcome back then :D
Thanks alot :)
@Катерина If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to the pregnancy topic? ^^ I think that was the last time I’ve seen you around here
Let me invite you in a different chat, im sure not everyone is interested haha
today is a bad day. today is a JavaScript day
do you even have non-JS days?
I mostly do Java
I don't know how to pronounce "cicada" and it's becoming a problem
congrats @IljaEverilä for Haley Joel Osment mode.
@Kevin see-KAY-duh
with a short "see"
@AndrasDeak that's weird
I stopped judging years ago
I blame liberals
I didn't stop judging because of liberals
@khajvah How is today a bad day then?!
I heard David Attenborough call them "ci-cah-duhs" but the next time I pronounced it like that my friends looked at me like I was a British nature documentary host, so maye that's not the correct localization
@AndrasDeak for real? >_<
that's how I heard Americans pronounce it, yes
@poke I enjoy Java
@Ilja now:
first two hits: see-kay-duh in US, see-kuh-duh in UK
@AnttiHaapala lol:D Congrats, @Ilja
let's hope Antti's serial votes don't get reversed ;)
dead posts?
10k rep
not only me :D
(it seems to be see-kuh-duh in Austrialia too)
Ilja always answers the questions of hopeless SQLA noobs...
the only "see-kuh-duh in US" entry is downvoted :D
Oh, Ilja! Congrats
Thanks all
@AnttiHaapala don't judge. There are a lot of ninjas in Python tag world
@poke your dictionary should add "old sport"
or "jolly good" or something
I don’t even remember delvoting that
it came from your brain stem, instinctive reaction to the question
Not unlikely
A great day this. SAFe certified and 10k :P
@poke the brain tends to repress traumatic memories
Why am I getting an unboundlocal error in python? quotes a tutorial saying "If a function needs to bind or rebind some global variables (not a good practice!), the first statement of the function’s body must be: global identifiers." and this is not strictly true and I'm trying to decide if that's a hill I want to die on
def f():
    x = 23
    global y
    y = 42
This is perfectly cromulent code*, despite what Python In A Nutshell would have you believe
(*insofar as any usage of the global statement can be cromulent)
def f():
    x = 23
    nonlocal y
    y = 42
Doesn’t even use global!
Hmm, PIAN is penned by our very own Holden, isn't it? Perhaps I could offer him cat pictures in exchange for a revision in the next version.
Now that I remember that the author is someone I like, permit me to backpedal a few feet. In principle I agree with the sentiment that global statements should be at the top of the function. But it's a convention not enforced by the interpreter (at least, not the CPython one). So "must" is a tad strong.
I wouldn't put the global or nonlocal statement on anything but the first line* of my function

*where first line is whatever comes after the definition and docstring
even if it's legal to put it somewhere else, that's not the kind of pain that I want ;)
[appears in a puff of smoke] Did I hear someone mention PIAN?
what if you have both a global and a nonlocal statement in the same function? You’re violating your own rules then!
@holdenweb Nice trick there
1. Is this a quote from the 3rd edition?
2. Are you asking whether nonlocal can also be used for globals?
@poke Trick?
Appearing out of nowhere with smoke
1. It appears to be. Googling the phrase reveals this document which says "3rd edition" on the cover
Ah, that's easy enough - omniscience
Re the question: in this context I suspect must might be a little strong, and we should have used should - clearly it's not an interpreter-imposed rule
I guess you need more skeptics to take on proofing the 4th edition ;)
At least by following the rule people will be kept on the straight and narrow
Devil's advocate: in some circumstances I might prefer the global statement to immediately precede the first use of that name, ex:
def f():
    global y
    #one thousand lines of code not involving y go here
    y = 42
    #another thousand lines of code

def g():
    #one thousand lines of code not involving y go here
    global y
    y = 42
    #another thousand lines of code
You might prefer g over f, so when reading the code you have all the context relating to y on one page.
However, this is a contrived example. If your functions are considerably longer than a page, you're probably shooting yourself in the foot in more ways than one anyway.
Rearrange those deck chairs on the Titanic a little more, why don't you
@Kevin I kind of wish global y = 42 was a syntax that was allowed.
this looks like the discussion we had a couple days ago
Though you can already (?) have int: y = 42
global statements should be as painful as possible so as to discourage people from using them ;-)
If just one newbie avoids it because they don't want to have to write y twice, then the awkward syntax has done its job.
I can agree with this statement
Also I'd point out that we specifically say "in the absence of nested functions, which we'll discuss shortly"
there was also, which I think you pointed out a couple days ago Kevin, but
foo = 1
global foo

works too
which is ..weird
Interestingly, foo = 1 followed by nonlocal foo doesn't work, so you can probably guess that the language devs regret doing it that way for global, and doubly regret not being able to change it due to compatibility obligations
@idjaw I remember that being pointed out a while back too
[disappears back to planning meeting]
Oops, I misread the documentation. You can put a nonlocal declaration after an assignment.
"Names listed in a nonlocal statement... must refer to pre-existing bindings in an enclosing scope" only means that the name has to already exist
whereas you can do global x even before x has a value in any scope
I just read that a few days ago, by accident
\o cbg
Slipped on a banana peel and fell on your keyboard in such a way that it entered https://docs.python.org/3/reference/simple_stmts.html#the-nonlocal-statement into your browser's address bar by complete happenstance
That's how I do most of my learning, as well.
@Kevin That's because otherwise it wouldn't be obvious which stack frame to create a non-existinet name in
woaaah...where did you come from!!
how did you do that!!
Yes, I see... And there's no ambiguity for global because there's only one place it could be
@idjaw I don't know if our Five Guys are the same, but our Five Guys is okie at best.... :\ Oh well Maybe one day I will visit your city and taste what you guys have to offer. My friend goes on and on about how smoked meat there is the best in Canada.
Mr. Steer is not the place to go for smoked meat though....but yet...Montreal is the king for smoked meat
@Kevin I don't remember the specifics, unfortunately. But one likely reason for this is the concussion I got from the keyboard.
Always take the proper precautions before performing a faceroll
Oh, I remember now! I was trying to look up the grammar for advanced unpacked assignment when vaultah found the copy-on-assignment oneliner hack.
hmm, we don't seem to have a canon "check whether number is even/odd in a list of numbers"
hammer with a tutorial
I think Python Programming: 15 is displayed as an even number and the last number in the range is not considered is about to get a half dozen answers telling OP to indent their else one level further in, and most of them will not be aware that it's perfectly valid to have an else after a for.
And in fact, the indentation as-is may be exactly what it's supposed to be
@idjaw perhaps the edit-dupe-list-by-gold-badger feature could be abused to combine "checking each element of list" and "check parity"
I'm curious how OP could write a functional prime sieve without knowing the word "prime" or perhaps even the concept
@Kevin Yeah, my question was about that question as well.
the answer dumping has commenced
I'm torn about how this question should be dealt with, because it's an XY problem of "what does this code do?" and "how do I get a list of even numbers?". If you hammer, the first question goes unanswered; if you close as too broad, the second question goes unanswered.
@Kevin Reminds me of the novel "Blindsight"
@Kevin this is why I'm stuck at what to cv it as
Comment from OP indicates that he really just wants to test for evenness, so maybe that should be the tiebreaker. Close as a dupe of some even-tester Q.
6 mins ago, by Andras Deak
@idjaw perhaps the edit-dupe-list-by-gold-badger feature could be abused to combine "checking each element of list" and "check parity"
It's hard, there are many misunderstandings to correct there.
Any one of which will have a dup.
@AndrasDeak Not sure I follow what you're saying?
Q: Gold tag-badge holders and moderators can now edit duplicate links

Shog9As of a few minutes ago, if you have a gold tag-badge for a tag associated with a question that's been closed as a duplicate, you can edit the duplicate links to replace, add, remove or re-arrange them: These changes are tracked in PostHistory to allow anyone to detect abuse, while the res...

@AndrasDeak WHAT THE?
How did I never realize that this exists?
it's fairly new
ah. thanks @AndrasDeak
March 3rd?!
apparently you're not alone :D
the fuck
it was even discussed here, I'm pretty sure of that
But how did I miss that edit link!?
Do you want the nice or the true answer?
I'll give you one: "It's easy to miss."
sorry Freud got the better of me, I wanted to write that ^
Hm. But it actually is hard to miss :/
if you don't expect this in a familiar interface, you don't really look at the fluff
@davidism: why not rebase to fix this kind of git screwup?
Mar 3 at 16:30, by vaultah
This is useful http://stackoverflow.com/questions/originals/42583645/edit
found it ^
page not found
@ThiefMaster I think you still rebase, but it's not as simple as just changing the name and email because then you get the different committer displayed still.
There's a way to actually overwrite the author and committer.
@idjaw look at the transcript around it, was my point
I'm also not sure about encouraging force push for new committers, because if I were to go in and push commits to their branch they might unwittingly overwrite my work.
Q: Change commit author at one specific commit

MicTechI want to change the author of one specific commit in the history. It's not last commit. I know about this question - How do I change the author of a commit in git? But I am thinking about something, where I identify the commit by hash or short-hash.

Need to use commit --amend at each commit during rebase.
@davidism I think he just forgot to add his email to github, not to set it in git
So no need to rewrite the commits - the rebase was just about fixing the commit msgs
and I think usually forcepushing feature branches as the owner should be fine - it's kind of rare for others to also add commits there (even though upstream maintainers can do it by default nowadays)
Sometimes you don't want the email you originally committed with linked to GitHub. Not sure if that's the case, but it looks kinda silly anyway.
I think my duplicate is correct here. Anyone want to confirm -> stackoverflow.com/questions/44761693/…
@ThiefMaster @davidism It was actually even dummer what I did, I had set my user.mail instead of .email!! In the road I ate the 'e' it was tasty, but I paid for it :P
@JohnMoutafis well, it's all fixed now
$ git rebase -i HEAD~2
$ GIT_COMMITTER_NAME='name' GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL='email' GIT_COMMITTER_DATE='original date' git commit --amend --author 'name <email>' --no-gpg-sign
Wish they had a better command for that.
good to know @davidism :)
It saddens me to think of all these terrible, terrible questions that I cannot downvote because I'm not familiar with the modules they use. On my honor, I swear I shall teach myself pandas/django/jinja/etc and bring these questions the score they rightfully deserve
if it's bad enough you can downvote :P
don't need to be a Michlen-star chef to tell that food stinks
Ack, I deleted that rebase comment chain and now GitHub adds a marker for every deleted message. Annoying.
nah, I can't do that if I don't have any knowledge of the module/framework they use. For all I know, the questions might be decent. I don't do half-baked downvotes
hey I just realized that while Python doesn't "support" the "right-pointing arrow operator" -->, it does support <-- :P
@Rawing it's usually easy to tell whether they have an MCVE. Many unanswerable questions don't need full domain knowledge.
But as always, this is entirely your call. I'm just explaining my own stance.
>>> input <----- 42
Python 2 <3
let it be documented that Antti just admitted to loving Python 2
>>> import sys
>>> sys.version <------ 3
On another note, You have a dark theme chat room ?!
@MooingRawr yup...courtesy of a semi-regular here (rlemon) -> github.com/rlemon/se-chat-dark-theme
Nov 17 '16 at 20:55, by Kevin M Granger
user image
@idjaw oh I see.... hmmmm I was hoping there was a setting where we can customize it without going through a plugin, oh well :P
@Kevin hacking too much time!
Also I remember almost choosing my UI design paper on 'Dark vs Light theme' where I wanted to write about the health benefits and their effects on our eyes, mental state, and other factors. But I ended up choosing another paper... now I kinda wish I wrote that paper.
stackoverflow.com/questions/44762388/… welp I wonder if OP actually ran that command...
Glad to see you did not run that rm -rf command @matt-333 — idjaw 11 secs ago
I'm expecting some of that chatter to be swept up by the keen mod flying by
bash protects from that
you actually need --no-preserve-root
fine then I'll pass that too
you can't stop me bro
I will rm -rf
please do
fine I wi..........*flatline*
btw that's why I usually mention rm -rf ~: no sudo needed either :P
If you're writing a program with an interactive prompt in the shell, then odds are pretty good that your computer is physically in the room with the person running the program. No point protecting against them rm'ing your hard drive when they can smash it with a literal hammer.
If only literal_eval could protect against literal hammers
one solution would be creating a user who only has write access to a subdirectory tree
I don't expect anything to be prefectly bulletproof, but it's likely that no infosec people will be sitting in a python hands-on tutorial
on a legal level, "I didn't know I could break it from inside" is much better a defense than "I didn't know I could break it from outside"
I guess if you're doing an infiltration & sabotage & exfiltration kind of thing, you'd prefer rm over a hammer because hammers are loud.
Feature request: When executing rm, the computer should scream at maximum volume.
"Really delete? To confirm, place pillow over ventilation slats until it stops struggling"
raise ValueError(
    'If an instance path is provided it must be absolute.'
    ' A relative path was given instead.'
I started putting the space at the front of string continuations because I kept accidentally removing it if I left it at the end.
@ThiefMaster thinks this looks weird
it reminds me of what some JS people do (commas at the beginning of a line)
Is that a JS thing? I always associate it with functional programming.
var foo = {
    a: 1,
    , b: 2,
    , c: 3
never seen it outside the JS world
and the broken indentation pisses me off every time i see it (same if the comma is farther left to keep at least the keys aligned)
but i'm not really active in the functional programming world so maybe they like it too
wouldn't surprise me :D
raise ValueError(
    'If an instance path is provided it must be absolute.'
    'A relative path was given instead.'
    .replace(".", ". ").rstrip(" ")
Problem solved B-)
PEP-8 says binary operators should be split before the operator. That probably drives you crazy too. :-)
@ThiefMaster I've been doing this all over the place as I reformat stuff. :-\ When we get a lint module set up we can change it all back.
Luckily my personal style guide permits lines of length 160 so it's extremely rare that I need to use string continuations
I was annoyed at 79 chars originally but now that I'm used to it it's not bad.
raise ValueError(' '.join(
    'If an instance path is provided it must be absolute.',
    'A relative path was given instead.'
The only tricky one is assert with error message, where you have to remember that that's not a tuple, don't put parens around both parts to enable continuation.
The vast majority of my lines are under 80 but I like to have the freedom to cross that line in the sand
@davidism nope, since it doesn't look so broken :p
Yeah I was surprised that assert didn't get changed to a function at the same time as print was. I suppose it's because the name assert shouldn't be rebound, and they wanted to preserve ability to remove assertions at compile time
the 79/80 char thing is retarded IMO
120 is much more sane IMO ;)
i've seen so much code that's less readable due to "forced" wrapping
I use 120 too
If a line is long, that's a red flag that I should refactor. But sometimes on review I say "nope, it's perfectly understandable, just wide" and I leave it as is.
I wonder how PyCharm came up with the 120 char limit, since it's not in any style guides I know.
@davidism That's what I do for precisely that reason. Also it's a bit of an explicit reminder that it's a string continuation and not a list/tuple
I have a strong preference for shorter lines, but longer lines are not the end of the world
@ThiefMaster that's because you don't have three terminals side by side ;)
79 chars?? f*** off and buy a bigger monitor
@WayneWerner I have a 27" screen ;) fits perfectly nice with 2x 120 chars and some IDE stuff
120 here too
keeping it to shorter lines means you have more room for more open files at one time
I only wrap code documentation at 80
Like a goldfish growing to fit its environment, your IDE will grow to have however many 80-character tabs can fit side-by-side on your monitor.
I'd rather have another extra file open than longer lines
I have a 34" ultra wide screen monitor. I can have three files next to each other and a YouTube video playing…
Off to squash, rhubarb you later
I have 4 x 30" LOL
synergy is a lifesaver
some of the guys at WimCorp have literally a monitor cave like a freaking hemisphere that they sit in
I usually only have one source file visible at a time. I tile two horizontally maybe 5% of the time.
it's insane, looks like they're sitting in a solarium or something
The most monitors I've seen in person was eight, at the options trading company I interned at
I installed Python on that workstation. It took ten minutes and the whole time I was wondering how many hundreds of dollars I was costing by spending an extra second deciding whether to uncheck "add shortcut to desktop"
Hopefully the labor-saving script I wrote for that guy made up for it.
hundreds of dollars per second? Wow.....
Estimated using the highly scientific formula of "pulling numbers from thin air"
for a trading firm, it's not far off
Monday morning cabbage for all.
IIRC we discussed ahead of time that I would install the thing, and that he would approach me when it was a convenient time for him. So it was probably during a lull in the action, assuming lulls are things that happen to the stock market.
when the central AI is busy looking at cat pictures
His visible impatience was probably because he wanted to sit back down on his exercise ball to get his reps in
just found out bash brace expansion supports start/stop/step syntax like {1..100..4}
never using seq again!!
if the bash is new enough
cbg @DSM
and rbrb from me
rbrb Andras \o
I guess I will hit 100k sometime this week
do they still do the swag thing?
stackoverflow.com/questions/44760881/… off-topic, can't remember which one I went with
Super Mario World, Earthbound, Star Fox 2 + 18 more games? Now you’re playing with super power! #SNESClassic launc… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/879369032947847168
^ SNES classic, including the until-now-unreleased StarFox 2
Is this going to be like the NES classic where demand hugely outstrips supply and then they cancel production a month later because they succeeded at their goal of clearing out their inventory of last-generation hardware that had been collecting dust up to that point?
I hope not, I don't want to have to fight someone for Star Fox 2 (which I will)
making an executive decision
Is there not a built-in way to rebin a histogram in numpy? 🤔
Travis-CI is so slow.
Kenneth Reitz got tired of it, bought a server, installed Jenkins, and is now running CI for Requests out of his house.
Oh no... it started to thunder and the sky got dark, I have to walk to get lunch.... Anyone know a counter rain dance ?
@KevinMGranger Was Star Fox 2 really that good ? I've never played any Star Fox games, closest has to be from kingdom hearts (if that does it any justice).
I don't know, since it never came out :P there were half-finished ROMs floating around and it was pretty nice. It had a movement-command-map like in Star Fox Command (but... it was good) and it had all-range-mode with a tranforming arwing like in Star Fox Zero
I wonder how projects like Travis-CI gets funded. Is it by donations or just advertisements.
Oh... I only went to travis-ci.org ... I see.. interesting.
Can we bring back the system where wealthy Venetian merchants patronize you with sculpture commissions so they can show off how rich they are? Except with programming.
I want to write a Facebook but for dogs on behalf of the Pope
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