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Gee, this room was dead tonight
2 hours later…
flu cbg
Cabbage :-)
@IljaEverilä Take rest and get well soon
@thefourtheye Will do. Yesterday half the office was coughing and people sounded like something risen from a grave
That sounds bad... :(
2 hours later…
cbg all!!
@IljaEverilä not to be a pedant, but if there's mucus involved then it's not (in)flu(enza) ;)
hope you get well soon
@AndrasDeak Lots.
As a Finn it's easy to mix cold and flu, since we call cold "flunssa" :P
you're a really sloppy people, aren't you?:D
you're not at work, are you?
Home office.
close enough...
@AndrasDeak well... here cdc.gov/flu/about/qa/coldflu.htm they seems to suggest you can use one or another term based on severity...
hmm, interesting
I still consider the flu to have high fever and fatigue as primary symptoms...
thanks for the link
yeah. i was surprised reading in that post that flu might not have fever... i thought the same as you on the fever :)
youtube comments are amazing
@PaoloCasciello perhaps the CDC is wrong :P
and they might just be trying to avoid false negatives in very rare types of cases
the typical flu infection will lead to high fever instead of all your orifices leaking
here in italy for example cold (we call it 'raffreddore') is referencing the act of sneezing (i hope i've used the correct english term here.. :D ) while flu (influenza) is the whole tiredness, fever and such...
it doesn't help that both languages and their users are confused in many cases
This cold is a bit on the more annoying end of the scale. No clear fever, but muscle ache and really sore throat compared to just runny nose
most likely a viral infection of your upper respiratory system
I tend to develop those into proper bacterial bronchitis after a few weeks :P
The joy of having kids that go to daycare / clubs
oh yeah, little containers of biohazard on feet
Before I was pretty much never sick. Now...
@AndrasDeak One of the best definition ever!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D
@IljaEverilä but then this gives you a whole new perspective. Hooray for cold: at least it isn't projectile vomiting this time :D
Indeed :D
We had that just a while ago
good luck, man :D
How is this possible!?
There is an answer that has a somewhat big copy/paste error
Upvoted 3 times
I post a comment about that issue
Before I can even look, it gets two upvotes within seconds
shy users?
And another user points out an even worse issue with the answer, yet it gets even more answers
even more answers?
not upvotes?
perhaps a mod flag is in order
@poke will you flag it?
Sorry, meant more upvotes
But people realized and it’s getting downvoted now.
yes, but different people realized
that doesn't say anything about possible fraudulent voting
Yeah, it’s +4/-3 now
I'm only asking because if you're not flagging, I am
why fraudulent, just bad
@poke that's why we have mods, to figure it out :)
I gather you won't flag, so I will
I’m just going to close the tab before I get frustrated…
yeah, the answers just keep on coming...bleh
so many awful answers, so few warnings !
please tell me there's a good "don't use dynamical variable names" canonical
@poke agreed, added your comment before my alternative suggestion of using str.translate. — Christian König 23 mins ago
Because adding an alternative solution in addition to the bad suggestion makes the bad suggestion good?
@AndrasDeak gone
danke schön
Ugh, wasn’t quick enough
so many answers
downvotes all answers that mention eval
join the club :P
Which was the one where you shouldn’t set variables with? locals() or globals()?
dunno, perhaps the dupe target helps with that
I don't like messing with globals() either
2/3 eval answers pressured
Don't forget to mention that you can't modify variables through locals() (docs.python.org/library/functions.html#locals). — Glenn Maynard Sep 3 '09 at 18:43
less "shouldn't", more "can't", apparently
actual quote in the docs suggest that it's UB
> Note
The contents of this dictionary [i.e. locals()] should not be modified; changes may not affect the values of local and free variables used by the interpreter.
that regular expression solution is one of the oddest of the bunch
del voting is now possible
for 20k :(
only motivation I have for getting more rep
Oh, you’re still not there? :(
nah, not even 14k yet
I've been slacking off for a year or more
it also doesn't help that I only like to answer nontrivial questions :D
I like that plateau at 10k :D
@AndrasDeak me too but I can't answer nontrivial questions, so I am kinda stuck
well 3k comes with a lot of chores
delvotes are fun
@AndrasDeak “Oh fuck this, I don’t need more rep for what I want to do!” – (2 months later) “Okay, maybe I do want to get to 20k eventually…”
hehe, basically, yeah :D
Greed is good
"Whooo, deleted stuff and delvotes!" - (2 months later) "Oh, I can't actually use my delvotes on most posts. Great."
“X doesn’t work, Y throws the following exception” *only shows code for X* – MEH.
3/3 eval deleted
I see a lot of unclarity in this question and its comments, without any improvements being made by OP. Yet, there is only a single close vote on this question (mine). Can we please get this closed for now to avoid guess-answers? — poke 7 secs ago
I just hate the C# SO community
I would think they fear the mighty Skeet
Skeet is one of the worst offenders
yeah, I don't find that too surprising
I have a lot of respect for a lot of his answers, but he is a pretty bad SO citizen considering his experience with it.
(Note how his name does not appear in the close list)
yeah, I figured
maybe he's using the app which is missing moderation features :>
Yeah, that’s surely it
Why functions return single element tuple? a, = (12, ) why can't I just write? a = 12
it depends on the function
def foo(): return 1
that returns a single value ^
if a function sometimes returns a non-single-element tuple, then it's much better to stick with tuple return values all the time. Ideally functions return objects of a given, known type.
I mean, that's preferable when you implement a function
otherwise you have to keep testing the type of the return value
as for your edited question: I believe a, = (12,) and a = 12 are functionally equivalent, so you're most likely facing an XY problem
a, = f() despite f returns (1,2,3) or (1,2) or (1,) this syntax holds good? but only captures first element from that tuple. Is that correct?
forget the function call; put your tuples on the right hand side and see for yourself
>>> a, = (1,2,3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: too many values to unpack
>>> a, = (1,2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: too many values to unpack
>>> a, = (1,)
good job
So, what is the advantage of writing a, = (1, ) instead of a = 1?
but if (1,) comes from a function call, you either have to do a, = foo() or a = foo()[0], and the former might be prettier to some people
as you saw, the first one will also fail for non-length-one tuples, which might or might not be what you want
@overexchange There is no advantage at all.
So, the only compliance is f must return tuple type (1,) instead of int type 1
a, = foo() is fewer characters than a = foo()[0] but anyone not immediately familiar with the technique will take more time puzzling it out, so I wouldn't use it if your goal is readable maintainable code
"Which techniques become a maintenance problem because they won't be understood by your replacement" is an ever-shifting line but I think this one falls pretty firmly on the far side
I've seen this pattern a lot, so it shouldn't be that rare...then again there are several methods in matplotlib (which I use frequently) which usually return length-one containers
Unless there is an actual reason to return a tuple (i.e. having the possibility to return multiple values), functions shouldn’t return one-tuples just for the sake of it.
So, f must return single tuple and nothing else.
No, it can return other iterables too.
>>> def f():
...     return [1]
>>> a, = f()
>>> a
Even more exotic:
>>> def g():
...     return {4: 8}
>>> a, = g()
>>> a
>>> def h():
        return (x for x in f())

>>> a, = h()
>>> a
So, the advantage of keeping comma, is for some diff reasons
I'm interpreting that as "The advantages of using the comma must be something different from what we've discussed so far". But consider this: perhaps there are no advantages at all.
>>> a, = (1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
>>> a, = [1]
>>> a
>>> a, = {2:3}
>>> a
(1) is not a tuple
"There are no greebles in this basket" does not imply "there must be greebles outside of this basket"
>>> type((1))
<type 'int'>
>>> type((1,))
<type 'tuple'>
as expected
exactly, because (...) doesn't create tuples (except () for an empty one) - , does.
Does the python room have good memes?
Common misconception: Tuples are actually not created with parentheses but by commas.
we are all serious and sh**
Step up your meme game, bros
@ndugger Unlike other rooms on Stack Overflow, we do not have time for fun but actually are a productive room where we talk only about serious Python stuff.
also note the negligible flag rate compared to some rooms on SO chat :P
There is always time for dank memes
- Using botany terms nonsensically in place of ordinary words
- Me making a post one second before someone else makes that same post
- Martijn is a robot
^^ Official running joke power ranking ^^
that's a no-op
@khajvah “Kevin getting onto the starboard out of nowhere.”
:D that's true
I'm impressed by poke's weird fancy quote marks
Windows users are fancy
TIL python developers are the least dank type of developer. Y'all need memes.
@poke Right now! Stop that! Silly. And a bit suspect, I think. Time for a cartoon.
@ndugger Are you from JS room?
he's a room owner
RO of JS
well, memeing is natural for JS guys. JS is a meme itself.
@AndrasDeak Those are not weird. They are proper, and sometimes called “fancy” because people building content management systems are odd.
JS is the ultimate meme
But I’m somewhat disappointed that you only just now noticed that, Andras :(
from now on I'll call them "proper German" :P
PHP would win byt that logic though
I have been using proper typographic symbols for eternity.
I prefer ``typesetting'' to be done by software
@AndrasDeak as long as you don't mention the war ;)
My keyboard does not have a fancy quote button. The only way I can get them is by writing in Microsoft Word and letting it convert the nonfancy quotes on my behalf.
@AndrasDeak Major cringe.
@poke you have to pass it through latex first
I somewhat hate LaTeX.
that's a shame, it's the best thing that can happen to typesetting nerds
Latex is pain
you define the content, and it does the typesetting for you
I wrote my resume in Latex
that's the most I did
``this'' will compile to “this” in English, but „this” in a Hungarian locale
Armenian version is like <<this>>
It took me forever when I used LaTeX for my thesis to make it work so it wouldn’t break completely when I use proper characters in my text.
French influence?
@poke you were using it wrong :)
No, it expects you to dumb down. That’s bad.
no, it expects you to define content only
And in return, it makes assumptions on what you enter. That’s dangerous and bad.
the same way you leave kerning and spacing to latex, you leave locale-dependent fluff to latex
It’s not locale-dependent fluff.
what did it assume?:)
@AndrasDeak Armenian is older I think but maybe grammatic stuff was taken later on
wait, is it <<this>> or >>this<<?
It assumes that it is able to correctly tell when to use which symbols
@AndrasDeak Depends on the language.
yeah, I meant Armenian
@khajvah weird
@poke still talking about quotation marks? Or more generally?
because I don't know what you mean and I'm curious
Defining content only reminds me of those trust exercises where you put on a blindfold and your partner has to give you verbal instructions to navigate through a cactus patch
but I don't insist on everybody using latex, it has its best use in scientific writing
In maths, yes
I'm just going to keep using Notepad, ok
for most other stuff, it’s mostly a configuration pain
@Kevin I would love me some ascii art initials
@AndrasDeak I read that some people prefer LeAtHeR :)
Makes you feel like you’re setting up a JavaScript build system. Except a very outdated one.
I can imagine that if you're writing a book and have very different notions of how things should work than the compiler, it's a pain
For someone who comes with a big typography and typesetting background, it’s a terrible tool.
fun fact: if you randomly star Kevin's messages, there is a high chance that it's actually starrable
I'm very happy with minimal so I usually agree with the compiler
maybe we should calculate the probability
fun fact: Kevin has painted himself into a star-generation corner by now. He'd love to talk about buttered toast and other menial things, but he has a reputation to uphold.
...or he really does feed on stars and he has no need for buttered toast for sustenance
Let’s be completely honest here: We would totally star Kevin’s messages if he would start talking about buttered toast.
Star vampire
Poke is Kevining
And I’m pretty sure we starred lots of menial things from him as well…
Dec 19 '16 at 15:34, by Kevin
Happy solstice, here's a box of uncooked spaghetti
There are sporadic situations where I feel like the conversation has been set up that my next message has to be star worthy, but I've got nothing in the tank, so I just don't post anything until the conversation is over

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