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@overexchange I would choose something other than Dive into python 3. It is a good book, but it has information on version 3.1, and python has changed since then, now in 3.6.1
4 hours later…
@Code-Apprentice which book would u suggest?
@Cole128 which book would u suggest?
1 hour later…
Another hilarious lover of lambda stackoverflow.com/q/43714967/674039
guys, Can someone provide me a link where i can learn python in object oriented way, I'm not new to python but new to object oriented python. I just would like to understand the object oriented way of doing stuffs with python. Which help me to be a better programmer.
I want some real world programming examples of object oriented python. need to compare with the beginner way so that i would understand and code in a better way like some expert programmers do.
@Sundararajan check this book, composingprograms.com which tells you, both functional and oop,
SICP is best way to learn write abstractions using oop
@overexchange Thanks a lot
I actually write simple programs but still finding difficulties on writing in orthodox way.
I guess its time to learn them
I know all the basics in python but couldn't take it to the next level
thats why I asked
Learn SICP on YouTube, ca 61 A
That will let you start thinking about real world programming, luckily it is taught in python
Cs 61 a
@overexchange :) sure will let you know once I checked them out
Thanks again
How do I visualize slicing?
Is it a deep copy or shallow copy?
@overexchange Why not try slicing a list of lists and see what happens?
@Sundararajan The very first step is to make sure you understand the fundamentals of Python's data model, as discussed in the articles I linked here:
Mar 21 at 8:27, by PM 2Ring
@Drizzy In the mean time, here are a couple of articles that explain a very important difference between Python and most other languages. Other languages have "variables", Python has "names", and Facts and myths about Python names and values, which was written by SO veteran Ned Batchelder.
@AnttiHaapala Can it be done without using tkinter or other gui libraries ? I know someone who did this with c++ (13 years ago)
@PM2Ring i checked with list code it is shallow copy
But am not sure why myList[2:-1:-1] does consider at least element at element at index 2, it gives empty list
@overexchange That's correct. The general rule is that Python doesn't make copies if it doesn't need to, unless you explicitly tell it to.
Why shouldn't I expect element at index 2?
@overexchange That's a side-effect of the way that Python handles negative indices. The usual behaviour, where -1 refers to the last element is handy in most situations, but it's annoying with extended slices with a negative step parameter.
Annoying u mean not much practical in usage
Of negative steps
So if you have a list of 10 elements, then myList[2:-1] is equivalent to myList[2:10-1]. And unfortunately myList[2:-1:-1] is equivalent to myList[2:10-1:-1]
myList[2:9:-1] is an empty list because we have a negative step and the stop index is higher than the start index.
The usual way around this is to do it in two stages, eg mylist[:3][::-1]
Step applies after start index element is processed, isn't it?
Positive or negative step should be applied after start index element is processed, this is how I understand to happen
@overexchange I guess you could put it that way. Slice notation works the same way as range parameters. So seq[a:b:c] creates the same list as [seq[i] for i in range(a,b,c)] assuming that i is a valid index. However, slice notation allows you to specify indices outside the list bounds.
So a more accurate equivalent to seq[a:b:c] is
[seq[i] for i in range(a, b, c) if 0 <= i < len(seq)]
That if test doesn't handle negative indices, but I think you get what I mean. :)
Hi @AndrasDeak
I've been converting plain Python code for computing the nth prime to Numpy. My plain code for finding the nth item in a boolean list of primes is
    k = 0
    for i, b in enumerate(primes):
        if b:
            k += 1
            if k == num:
My Numpy version is
i = np.nonzero(primes)[0][num-1]
Is there another fast way that doesn't create a huge temporary array of indices?
FWIW, the plain code is faster than the Numpy version, upto about num==100000 or so. But for num=5000000, Numpy's about twice as fast.
2 hours later…
Not that I know of. Numpy speed mostly comes from vectorization, so at the cost of memory. So the temp array is what makes it fast I think...
There's .flatnonzero which might spare you an index (never used it; on mobile now)
@AndrasDeak Thanks. I'll take a look at it.
Also: cbg:)
primes is already flat, so .flatnonzero isn't needed. Using .nonzero is certainly faster than the enumerate loop.
nonzero gives you a tuple of 1d indices; flatnonzero a single array of indices. So [0][n] vs [n]
Implicitly calling .ravel shouldn't make it noticably slower either
Wonder if something with itertools.takewhile could be comparable
Unfortunately I'll be on mobile all day
@AndrasDeak Ah, of course. That'll save a tiny bit of RAM, but tuples don't take up much space. :)
That moment when you're doing some pandas and you find a @DSM answer from 5 years ago...
Hey, it's a Fizzy! Welcome back, stranger.
Hey up
Wotcha @Ffisegydd :-)
Yeah, as I said, you can only spare the index
Hey up Zero, long time no see. Nice flower :P
How's it going?
Fizz fizz
@Ffisegydd Swimmingly. A glorious victory is undoubtedly on the cards ;-)
I tried to explain to my friends that "I'm part way between Conservatives and Labour, between blue and red, so I'm just going to vote purple" but they didn't seem to approve.
(For the record I'm not actually going to vote purple...)
That would have been a little surprising, from what I remember, yes :-)
It could lead to purple reign
King Nigel I.
That's a truly terrifying thought.
Yesterday on a local community radio world music program I heard some music by Welsh band Calan. They're a happy-looking bunch. ;)
I'm working on a Kaggle competition but the whole dataset is filled with NaNs. So many nans. So much hassle.
@PM2Ring They must be from North Wales. People from the Cardiff/Swansea end are happy-go-lucky scamps.
You still in Chile Zero?
Over here in Oz, most of the Welsh people I've met are permanently manic. Or depressed. Or both. :)
@Ffisegydd That I am.
How long have you been abroad now? I remember hearing something about the voting rules changing.
But can't remember how they were changing
Was just wondering whether you're able to cast a postal vote
I think the rule is 15 years, and it's been 12, but I was in the UK for six months in 2009/10, which I think would reset the clock anyway.
Ah nice
I believe they're looking to remove that rule FYI
I can vote, and have even registered to do so. I am, of course, dependent on Correos de Chile being able to get the ballot papers to me in time, which isn't a foregone conclusion.
The clock only resets if you shout "home base!" as you cross into the territory. Little known stipulation.
wonders whether anyone will remember/find/post my previously enunciated views on expat voting
That's only if you're American, if you're British you have to scream "CRICCCCCCCKKKKET!"
I'm trying to use selenium for scraping data. driver = webdriver.Chrome("/usr/bin/chromium-browser") opens a chromium browser for me but terminal gives the below response
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/chrome/webdriver.py", line 62, in __init__
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/common/service.py", line 96, in start
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/common/service.py", line 109, in assert_process_still_running
    % (self.path, return_code)
What have you tried to fix/research your issue so far?
I went through this answer but could not get a clear understanding stackoverflow.com/questions/8255929/…
So you've tried the top answer there and it didn't help?
it says chromedriver = "/Users/adam/Downloads/chromedriver" #does that mean I download the setup of chromium and give its path ?
os.environ["webdriver.chrome.driver"] = chromedriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver)
Yes you need to ensure you've installed the driver and configured where it's installed so Python can find it.
If you google something like "selenium chromedriver installation" then you'll find appropriate docs/instructions.
morning everyone
Apr 28 at 12:25, by Kevin
user image
Ok, last time I'm going to bring that up, I promise.
I think I am going to switch to "hello there", to maximize insufferable memeing
@Ffisegydd: I've actually wondered if I should take some time and update all my old answers -- pandas has changed so much that some of my early answers predate a lot of today's best practices. :-/
Monday have-to-be-in-the-office-today cabbage for all.
\o foggy cbg :D
how come tristan is never in this room anymore?
@corvid: he's "concentrating on his other interests", as the saying goes.
If we have a dupe target for "what should I use instead of nonlocal when writing 2.7 code?", this could use it: Python- Using global. cant use nonlocal in python typing game
Kevin do you know if the c# room answers sql questions ? cause the sql room seems kinda quiet and inactive
I asked one or two sql-related questions in there (that were also related to C#). They didn't outright tell me that I was being off-topic, but I didn't get an answer either.
So it seems likely that the de-facto policy is "not forbidden, but not a useful way for you to achieve your goal either"
@ZeroPiraeus Ok, thanks, I'll use it.
I dimly recall Martijn writing a quite nice answer about the problem, but a non-Martijn with 89 points will do in a pinch ;-)
\o cbg
@DSM, thoughts on the Jays ? We won 2 in a row for the first time this season, at the cost of another starter on the DL... Are we going to be like the 2002 Angels :D granted they ended April with a 11-13 (?) record....
@MooingRawr: on the subway in LargeCanadianCity the other day I saw a whole bunch of geared-up fans looking happier than I was used to seeing them, so I knew something good had happened.. but I'm still pessimistic. You can't get away with a ~300 win fraction in the AL East. :-/ Even if we were at 500 we'd only be roughly tied for third. :-(
AL East imo, is the hardest 'section'/'group'/standing (? don't know what you call it sub group?). And I agree with you..... This year is going to be really hard. If we don't make turn it around, I want our GM to do what the Yankees did last year, ship all their vets and what not for trades and young guns. But we depleted our farm system 3(?) years ago, so not looking good :(
Division. I'm not happy having to reboot after being so good and so much fun just the other year, but looking at the team right now it doesn't scream "World Series Champions".
I rather restart like the Leafs did rather than patching, I really hate managers who rather apply patch jobs, instead of doing it right :( But yes It's painful, we got so close....... we could taste it, if the empires calls were neutral a bit more we could have beat Cleveland :(
The Leafs aren't a great comp, though -- you're not going to luck into an Auston Matthews that often. It's as likely that you'll be bad for a while and then bad at the end as it is you'll be bad for a while and then better afterwards..
@Mikhail Not sure if you got an answer to that, but yes
processes need to be killed the right way, and "right" depends on how they were created
@MooingRawr s/empire/umpire/
@DSM For the last 6 years all the first rounders and second rounders are great. some may need a bit of development in the minor league, but overall they are all good... But I agree... we super lucked out on a top center.... I don't know how I feel about giving Matthews 'C'... though...
@Code-Apprentice they're evil! empires!
An empire of umpire vampires.
Or vampire umpires
I tried to make an empire-based joke but couldn't come up with anything.
I spent about 15 seconds deciding whether "vampire" or "umpire" should go first, but couldn't come up with definitive reasoning for either one.
The "quantity quality size age shape color nationality purpose" ordering system doesn't work as well for nouns as it does for adjectives
A vumpire?
@JRichardSnape I've just discovered the wonderful Welsh group Calan. Here's a lively little tune about the "fair" folk. Apparition. If you listen carefully you can hear the delicate harp notes floating above the driving fiddle lines. Also check out Tale of Two Dragons / Chwedl y Ddwy Ddraig.
I aspire to inspire an umpire to perspire climbing the spire of the vampire empire, where it will transpire that he conspires to have them expire with a faint suspire.
Hmm, I didn't know it was possible to reach semantic satiation for eleven words simultaneously, and yet here I am
buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
TFW when you have to pick one and only one of the summer events your company is hosting... :(
I got a TV recently and it came with an HDMI cable, but when I plug it into my cable box, the TV says "no signal". If I use a different HDMI cable, then the cable box works fine. I'm trying to figure out if the cable is broken, or if it's just... I don't know, an HDMI 2.7 cable and the cable box requires HDMI 3.5.
@WayneWerner shī shì shí shī shǐ shí shì shī shì shī shì, shì shī, shì shí shí shī. shì shí shí shì shì shì shī. shí shí, shì shí shī shì shì. shì shí, shì shī shì shì shì shì.shì shì shì shí shī, shì shǐ shì, shǐ shì shí shī shì shì. shì shí shì shí shī shī, shì shí shì. shí shì shī, shì shǐ shì shì shí shì. shí shì shì, shì shǐ shì shí shí shī shī shí shí, shǐ shì shì shí shī shī, shí shí shí shī shī. shì shì shì shì
Those poor lions.
stone cold brutality.
import time

text = 'shī shì shí shī shǐ shí shì shī shì shī shì, shì shī, shì shí shí shī. shì shí shí shì shì shì shī. shí shí, shì shí shī shì shì. shì shí, shì shī shì shì shì shì. shì shì shì shí shī, shì shǐ shì, shǐ shì shí shī shì shì. shì shí shì shí shī shī, shì shí shì. shí shì shī, shì shǐ shì shì shí shì. shí shì shì, shì shǐ shì shí shí shī shī shí shí, shǐ shì shì shí shī shī, shí shí shí shī shī. shì shì shì shì'

for word in text.split():
    print(word, end='   \r')
@WayneWerner lol :D
-tears up- that was so beautiful... clap clap. What a great ending
for word in text.split():
	print(word, end='   \r')
	if word.endswith('.'):
	elif word.endswith(','):
got to respect the punctuation :D
Wildly off-topic: on Saturday I found a store which had shirts in exactly my favourite style wildly discounted. Wound up buying six of them and I'm considering going back for more.
I hate clothes shopping enough that if I can avoid it for another few years in one day it's worth it.
totally understandable :D
yea. I spend enough time in women's clothes shops already... :(
I'm sure thongs become you, Antti
awww, I was wondering who's the first to drop a line like that... but you!? popped in out of nowhere.
<Darth Anakin meme>
@DSM In the '90s, Kevinson The Elder purchased 12 pairs of identical Converse sneakers when he discovered the model was being discontinued. Through prudent management, they lasted until about 2010.
Wise. Wise proceedings indeed.
Shoe shopping is extra hard for me
My feet are extra nonstandard :(
My shoe size is a non-integer, which is a small difficulty.
Go metric
I'm about a 9.75, which can be inconvenient.
(Aside: my favourite clothes-related conversation in the room. Starts here..)
I usually take a 9.5, but my most recent pair are a bit roomy at the toe, so I'm pondering whether I should have gone down to 9.
I'm 45
It's hard for me to make these deliberations at the store since I can't distinguish between permanent discomfort and discomfort that will go away once I've walked a couple hundred meters in them
Perhaps shoes are less like baseball gloves than i think.
@AndrasDeak you've got a Finnish foot? (and another)
The last time I bought a pair of shoes I didn't notice that the bit at the back was going to cut into my skin. Took weeks to heal.
My previous pair 1) was 30% mesh, which was frigid in cold weather; 2) had a tacky pattern of a bare foot on the sole, which I didn't notice until I brought them home.
Shoes are hard, let's go mathing
wat you guys have small feet
Selection effect. If I was a size 13, I would be on the basketball stack exchange instead.
mine are at least 10.5, 44-45 european
are we talking about shoe size?
Astonishingly, yes.
I know someone who gets special order because they never have their size. Size 17
I thought about witholding my true size, but I figure it's pretty hard to doxx me with this particular piece of personal information. (this is not a challenge to doxx me)
*knock knock* Kevin #3553? Please show me your foot.
Accidental palindrome is accidental
But if I went to the ball in my current shoes, I'm safe from being identified, because as previously established they don't actually fit me.
Unless fairy magic can make them go down 0.5 sizes.
Until midnight
I think the Good End of that particular story is being identified, not escaping detection.
Hmm, that's a plot hole in the original story, innit? Why did the glass slipper keep on being glass?
Finns have wide feet, and those sadist Italians make shoes that are always way too narrow :F
Will 3D printing revolutionize shoemaking? Will we all finally get shoes that fit? #storyateleven
if they're going to take over the shoe production in Europe then damn they should manufacture shoes that fit.
@Kevin Glass is metastable. If the prince had hit it too hard, it would've popped into the original state.
In the future, all shoes will be made of lasers.
I defer to Fizzy on all materials-related questions.
me in shoe shop. I start from the cheapest good looking shoe, and go upwards in price, and I end up buying the cheapest Finnish shoe.
Like one of these?
Prince Rupert's Drops (also known as Dutch or Batavian tears) are toughened glass beads created by dripping molten glass into cold water, which causes it to solidify into a tadpole-shaped droplet with a long, thin tail. These droplets are characterized internally by very high residual stresses, which give rise to counter-intuitive properties, such as the ability to withstand a blow from a hammer or a bullet on the bulbous end without breaking, while exhibiting explosive disintegration if the tail end is even slightly damaged. In nature, similar structures are produced under certain conditions in...
idk why I bother to even try the others.
Oh those drops are amazing
Only learned about them few weeks ago
The prince picks up the glass slipper by the pointy end and it immediately explodes into a million pieces. Welp. ~Fin~
People don't use the word "lachrymose" enough anymore.
I like the Rupert's drop vs bullet videos
But what if you cut one in half with a -1000 degree knife?
Thx Antti :P
Youtube standard stress testing:
- Hydraulic press
- 1000 degree knife
- drop a red hot ball of nickel onto it
- will it blend?
I remember the will-it-blend fad, where people lay down face-first on various objects and then asked if other people could still see them. Or something like that.
Plus emotional stress testing in the form of modern kids reacting to the object with derision, if the object is from your beloved childhood.
@DSM Yes, I think I remember that. It came between temperature-sensitive jeans and the mannequin challenge.
Don't get me started on *challenges
I think I remember reading that the Ice Bucket Challenge was actually quite successful in raising money for, uh, whatever it is they were raising money for. ALS?
I never understood the "how to basic" trend.
> Within weeks of the challenge going viral, The New York Times reported that the ALS Association had received $41.8 million in donations from more than 739,000 new donors from July 29 until August 21, more than double the $19.4 million the association received during the year that ended January 31, 2013
... Despite 5 out of every 6 participants not actually donating any money
So kudos for this particular bizarre trend actually having more of an impact than "1000 likes and Timmy gets his operation"
My favourite is the Inappropriate Media Documentation Challenge, in which someone with a really irritating voice who can't type spends 15 minutes screencasting what should have been two paragraphs of text instructions.
youtu.be/DqI9caqBHkg?t=5m27s Doing something similar left a scar on my face :/
There are some real IMDC pros out there.
My favorites are the ones that can't afford a mic or editing software so they just type instructions into Notepad and record that.
One time in college we were doing a practical experiment involving heating metal rings to see whether they expand or contract, and the kindly old professor wanted to borrow my tongs and I accidentally poked him in the arm with the hot end :-( Sorry, kindly old professor.
He didn't react as though he was hurt, but maybe over the course of his long career he learned to suppress all indications of pain so as to better preserve the innocent curiosity of students that poke him with hot tongs.
Experiments are deadly, no wonder I'm a theoretician
theorists repRE-SENT!
> well, it worked on paper
See, there's your mistake, you tried to run the apparatus in an environment with an atmosphere.
The No True Spherical Cow fallacy
Air resistance is such a drag, always messing up my trajectory parabolas.
but I make parachutes, I need an atmosphere :p
What if we made a parachute out of... Magnets.
Sure, with an appropriate neutron star.
Once we're done terraforming mars we should try to get all the iron in the Earth's core to spin in the same direction.
I wonder how large and distant a mini black hole would have to be to act as a parachute.
Hard to say because it would accelerate the Earth too
Bonus points if you can get it to fizzle out due to Hawking radiation just as you touch down.
is (obviously) not at all expert in this field
Let's see, terminal velocity is proportional to the square root of the force of gravity, so...
I put off reading Kingkiller Chronicles for about 5 years because I knew book 3 hadn't come out and I knew I'd want book 3 immediately so I just put it off. I got bored this bank holiday weekend and decided to start though. I'm now 50% through book 2 and I need book 3 oh god why patrick rothfuss please write faster D:
Nobody would stay an expert long in that field
That reminds me, Too Like The Lightning's sequel came out last week. I should see if my library has it yet.
The first novel established a dozen or so plot hooks and then handed me a big ol' "To be continued"
Reading sucks, amirite?
It's the worst form of entertainment, except for all the others.
Hmm, but terminal velocity is also inversely proportional to the square root of the density of the fluid you're falling through, which might change if you've got a black hole yanking it upwards
It's just F=ma :)
Rather than solve physics problems, I like to overcomplicate them until they become impossible to do on paper.
That, in itself, is also a fun puzzle.
if it can't be done on a whiteboard in color or in a M&S environment I don't want to do it
.. Marks and Spencer?
markers and sand?
modeling and simulation
make and sudo
Morg & Stanley
Nice. I see what you did there.
I wanted to create a video game recommendation system that would filter by genre and desired number of players. Metacritic has this information, but it doesn't have an API and its ToS forbids scraping.
Why is the world so discriminating against RoboAmericans ;_;
Just scrape it anyway, it's on the internet and therefore it is free.
Is this where I should post if I think a question was closed as a Duplicate but the wrong Duplicate was used as the close reason?
Can do
@excaza Yeah pretty much
Give me a sec then to put it together
@PyNEwbie Sure.
Co-Optimus has a nice interface but I don't think it goes as far back as I want (NES-ish at least)
This question is a dup stackoverflow.com/questions/42546511/… but I don't think the flagged question is the right one I think there are several better ones - the flagged question is really more a NLTK question
Oh, here it is in the "classic" submenu.
I think this is a much better
Q: Best way to strip punctuation from a string in Python

Lawrence JohnstonIt seems like there should be a simpler way than: import string s = "string. With. Punctuation?" # Sample string out = s.translate(string.maketrans("",""), string.punctuation) Is there?

@PyNEwbie Looks good to me. I changed the target.
I was going to say "Doesn't look good to me as doesn't actually solve his compile issue" :P
I agree it's a better "general" example of how to do punc stripping though.
Thanks have a good one
Some of these NES games are listed as having 4 player co-op. I'm curious how this is possible when there are only two controller ports.
1 cheerleader per team
"single player, except you pass the controller around" doesn't really count as multiplayer in my book.
Sorry, Mario 3. I'm not impressed by your ability to palette-swap Mario into Luigi on every second stage.
@WayneWerner So, if I launch a bunch of process that can raise exceptions what is the correct way to ensure that the parent and all the children die?
Make sure that the children have been properly forked, unless you want the parent to manage them, in which case make sure that the parent is managing them, which means you need to do things like trap exceptions and handle return codes or something.
child = make_child_process()
    code that might crash goes here
I never used finally until I had some volatile resources that needed to be freed by any means necessary
@Kevin and now you should use a context manager
Can we at least be thankful that I'm not leaving temporary files hanging around forever
(Yes, I know there's a context-manager'd temporary file/folder module in the standard libs)
@AndrasDeak Reminiscent of PanicSort
Mobile late edit, sorry
had to bust out hacker's keyboard for multiline
I feel so productive now :D
@Kevin you any good with qpixmap commands?
Hmm can't say I've ever heard of such a thing
22k answer :|
qt designer comands
I'm going to guess that I am not any good with them.
self.label_21.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap("test.png")) when I set the label, the file is huge
takes up the whole gui
trying to find size constraints on it, but I'm not having much luck
Spydes has got @author in the template. Is there something along the lines of @purpose too? Is there a list of available @s?
Interested to know what people think of this, a software for visually building and testing artificial neural networks. github.com/casparwylie/Perceptron
@PM2Ring Hold on a sec, I did not get, when you say, unfortunately.
@CasparWylie hmm :)
I got it working, did some more digging, I just get so lonely here by myself :*(
@Kevin I disprove your basketball.SE effect! I have (US) size 13 feet but the only dribbling I can do involves needing a bib.
Then again I'm not exactly active on SO, this is but a flying visit before I disappear for months again. I'll probably be back next on 9th June.
so more frequent than a Tristan?
Infinitely more frequent than Tristan.
Does anyone know what's going on with Effbot?
He'll come back...he's one of us...
Maybe. He's still busy focusing on his startup.
He's able to get his fix through other channels, so I wouldn't be surprised if he never returned.
@Augusta The website? It's up for me.
Nothing appears to be going on with effbot.
@Kevin Can I retire to an empire of umpire vampires? Can I expire in an umpire vampire empire? I aspire to retire to a vampire umpire empire. Please forgive my vampire umpire empire expiration inspiration perspiration.
I was very confused for a second because I thought @Ffisegydd was talking about effbot, not tristan.
His Tkinter guide hasn't changed since I first looked at it five years ago. Not that I'm complaining, as I am owed nothing.
Has Tkinter changed in five years?
Well, I am complaining in my tkinter_grievances.txt file, but not on here
Hm. Strange. I haven't been able to connect to it for days and a couple other people haven't been able to connect either.
Oh well! :y
@KevinMGranger Only thing that comes to mind is that the module name changed from Tkinter to tkinter during the 3.x migration.
How's the room doing anyway? Any drama? Anything I missed?
Everybody ceased to exist, until you returned.
I had davidism crying to me in a PM the other week saying he missed me. Actual true story.
There was a freaky friday / every-other-anime -esque body-swapping situation between the Kevins but we've just become used to our new lives.
I imagine it was nice to have a break for a while, after all you're all actors I hire to interact with me online.
@KevinM I thought you were funnier than usual. That makes sense now.
@Augusta Climbing the incline requires feline dexterity. At the peak, they may invite you to recline, but you must decline with crystalline discipline, lest they end your bloodline.
Is it a fine Alpine incline?
It's asinine to climb such an incline without a rope line, especially when it's Alpine.
I'm not sure any of this is happening. I took a lot of mescaline.
American Gods is out in the UK :3
Did you do nine whole lines in a short period of time?
@Ffisegydd whoa, didn't even realize they were making a show.
Ian McShane as Mr Wednesday. Can only be amazing.
I need to go back and re-read that, it's been a while. Also, I keep confusing it with Good Omens because I read them both around the same time.
@KevinMGranger It was sublime, but let's not chime too loudly about my crime, or thanks to the intolerant political clime I'll be doing a dime in the dank and grime, unless I escape to the seas crusted in rime
Is anyone else watching The C Team? It's a weekly D&D stream by the guys from Penny Arcade, set in the Acquisitions Incorporated universe.
@Ffisegydd do u recommend them ?
@Ffisegydd I always pictured him as Jeff Bridges meets Colonel Sanders.
@PM2Ring Oh you mean, start index should be greater than stop index, for given negative step. This is why python does not slice myList[2:-1:-1] but does slice myList[-1:2:-1]? is that what you are saying?
@MooingRawr I would recommend all of the Acq Inc content.
Both the "main" content and the C Team
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