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@Code-Apprentice if he checked out the changes locally before I did that, he will have a different commit.
I pulled like 15-20 minutes ago, so I'm fairly confident I've got your latest
@davidism yah, there's that...
Since github shows "an hour ago" for latest changes
Should be fine.
Kevin, the simplest way might be to merge your changes to master locally, push master, and close the PR.
That's really not the easiest.
GitHub allows pushing to PR branches. Commit and push to davidism package, then go to the PR and click merge.
thus why I qualified with "might" =p
git is like the antithesis of There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
They allow pushing to PR branches? I'm almost certain they don't
Ok, I pushed to the davidism branch. Uh, I think
But Kevin could find this out really easily
I pressed the "push" button and the label turned green, and green usually means "good"
@Kevin nope, something has gone wrong
Now github says " Your recently pushed branches:
kms70847:davidism_fix (less than a minute ago) "
perhaps I should have said "the way I know will work". I haven't played with any PR branches beyond pulling one.
@Code-Apprentice I do this every day
But the page still says "1 hour ago" so maybe I made a branch of davidism's branch, or something.
you made your own branch called "davidism_fix", you should have checked out and pushed to my repo
git push davidism package
Assuming you added me as a remote.
git remote add davidism https://github.com/davidism/KevinScript && git push davidism davidism_fix:package
does he have permission to push to your repo?
2 mins ago, by davidism
GitHub allows pushing to PR branches. Commit and push to davidism package, then go to the PR and click merge.
c:\Programming\Github\KevinScript>git remote add davidism  github.com/davidism/KevinScript && git push davidism_fix:package
ssh: Could not resolve hostname davidism_fix: Name or service not known
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I thought you meant the origin/pr/* branch in his own repo
But he didn't add your repo as a remote, he pulled the pull/6/head ref
@Kevin he edited in an extra davidism there
@Kevin I messed up, do git push davidism davidism_fix:package
"Next time I will contribute to a project whose maintainer already knows how to use their own tools", thought davidism.
I'll shut up now...too many chefs making the soup here
@Code-Apprentice yeah, I'm sure you know git but there's like three different competing and very different conversations going on.
@KevinMGranger Ok... I'm seeing a lot of "100%" messages here, which is usually a good sign
I should send a PR to git to replace those with :100: emoji
@Kevin yep, you got it this time
c:\Programming\Github\KevinScript>git push davidism davidism_fix:package
Counting objects: 7, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
Writing objects: 100% (7/7), 743 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 7 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (6/6), completed with 6 local objects.
To github.com/davidism/KevinScript
   9a88fac..7705b5a  davidism_fix -> package
and I jumped in later than the rest of you.
Now that will be shown on davidism's branch, and thus the PR itself. If that's all, you can click merge
so for my own learning...this looks like an owner of a repo that has a PR can push to the branch in the contributor's repo. Is that right?
I think davidism had to grant Kevin permission. If not, then that's a feature I didn't know about
I didn't know there were any cases where you can push to someone else's repo. That's good to know.
Ok, things look good on my end.
@Kevin 🎉
Can/should I delete the davidism_fix branch I accidentally made?
Accidentally? :P Sure. git branch -D davidism_fix
I think Kevin is asking about the branch he accidentally pushed to gh
He didn't push it
he did
If you want to delete the branch you pushed, either use the GitHub interface or do git push origin :davidism_fix. The leading colon means "delete".
I just deleted it from the Github interface, so I guess I did push it, or else it would not have been visible there.
Oh, I checked after you deleted then
@Kevin you can do git fetch --prune to get rid of remotely deleted branches.
Well, this has convinced me to switch back to svn
It's really straightforward once you already know how to do it. :-P
I know, I learned git before svn. It's broken me. I guess I should learn mercurial some day
@Kevin FYI, you can put "#<issue number>" in any comment (either a commit message or comment on the GH website) to create a link to the issue.
I think version control might just be inherently complicated as soon as you want to do something more than keep track of files along a single linear timeline
Have you read through Pro Git? I find it to teach enough of the "low-level" details without being too much to handle
A lot of the problem is that all the tutorials are written with the "one person having a backup" mindset. You really need to dig in to figure out multi-user workflows.
Merging branches is like that scene from Back to the Future where Doc uses a blackboard to explain how Biff took over the city
When I taught git to classes, that's the exact screenshot I used
This is actually one of the problems I need to solve before PyCon. It's really not obvious for new users what they have to do to create a PR, let alone fix it in response to review.
@KevinMGranger you were a teacher? For how long if I may?
I have about fifteen minutes of formal git tutorial reading under my belt. The rest of my knowledge is from pressing buttons to see what they do, and copy-pasting commands you guys give me after I screw something up.
I have no idea how people learn this when they don't have a support network of friends that are surprisingly tolerant of my buffoonery.
@MooingRawr No, but I knew git better than some teachers in my program, so they asked me to show how to use git for one class each semester
impressive, nice :D
If you need a really, really quick but comprehensive coverage of git concepts, there's The Git Parable
@Code-Apprentice I was trying to do the reverse: creating a link to the merger in a comment on the issue page. But I couldn't figure it out.
Every PR creates an automatic issue, so the same thing applies.
Oh, I just needed to paste in github.com/kms70847/KevinScript/pull/6
@Kevin hidden concept of github: issues and PRs are the same
Just find the Issue # for the PR.
Kevin'd by the Code-Apprentice
I got it now, I think
"Issue: your code is lame, use this code instead"
Slightly more advanced: Write a comment in the PR that says "Closes #<issue number>" and GitHub automatically closes the referenced issue for you.
Several synonyms and variations of "Closes" invoke this feature as well.
Ooh, that's fancy.
but don't do closes: # because it won't parse it grumble grumble
The colon confuses the parser?
the js room has an awesome bot
should we make an awesome bot :D ?
and then have them fight to the death?
or combine to take over the world
I choose the latter
Whatever happened to said rabbit?
@Code-Apprentice nvm, it seems like they fixed it
maybe it was GitLab
I got real frustrated trying to design a database schema for r.a.b.b.i.t., or trying to understand the database schemas that were being handed to me, or integrating the latter into the former, and said "I'll work on this later" and then I did not work on it later.
Today's the day! Seize the moment, or not. :D
Now you can use what you've learned to make it a proper package too!
@Kevin just order a rabbit maybe you will get some coffee too :D
How to make a package: put __init__.py everywhere, then revert all that mess and accept davidism's pull request.
If you can document some of the goals of the bot, I could contribute a bit
We've got an issue list up on Github, if only I could remember where it was.
I think a lot of it is already documented in GH @KevinMGranger
hold up
Ah, gotcha
wait this is a thing? I thought it was just a run on joke or something
no sir. It's real
the "kill all humans" aspect is undocumented
> Deal with it, IE users.
I never joke about rabbits. This is serious.
the true nature of rabbit cannot be documented in the public domain.
fit's David's display picture too well... :D
Those who know its true intentions know...those who don't....run
it's alive!
"feed me a stray cat"
Still works
I love his face in that scene. The perfect capture of "that's a strange request but sure, why not"
Ok thanks Terry, that was all I needed.
please don't turn me off again. It's like being dead.
oh my god... it's chat history.... I didn't know I needed this in my life =O
Ok thanks! Bye!! Gosh!!!
How do we get it to post cute bunny pictures ? Terry please
Let's see... It only posts bunny pictures if someone gets kicked. And only if it's running, which it isn't right now.
oh I was about to "I volunteer" for the sake of cute bunny pictures :\
squeee Thanks Terry :D
The problem with developing rabbit is that it's a solo effort unless I'm willing to share the email/password for terry, which I'm not; or unless the potential contributor is willing to create their own bot account and lurk on the main site long enough to get 20 rep, which they're usually not; or unless they use their own main account to host the bot, which probably has weird effects when two sessions (the bot and the user's browser) are using the same credentials.
Does it return video tapes?
I wouldn't be opposed to the latter two. What's the 20 rep requirement for?
Terry finds analog storage mediums "offensive".
@Kevin Could I merge the bot and use my account on a test room. Just to dev and play with it ?
@Kevin how about a test bot/channel with a git hook into a test branch
Alternatively, if you share the credentials, you can still say that only Kevin has the credentials
then make terry hook into the master branch
@KevinMGranger It's 20 rep for the "send messages in chat" privilege. Or was it 30? Or 10? It's not 1, is the point.
So when people come in here and drop their new, poorly-formed question, they've already managed to get 20 rep? 0_o
would still require someone to host one or both but it keeps terry locked down
I want to run my own instance so I can name it glenda after the plan9 bunny. That would be important to me.
@MooingRawr Yeah, you just have to supply your credentials in config.py, and change PRIMARY_ROOM_ID in main.py to the id of your test room.
Welp time to have some super happy fun time with the bot :D (when I'm not busy at work)
"Catering - Kevin"
Right now all it can do is say the things you tell it to say, and do some boring administrative things (but only if it has RO privs). But you could probably extend it fairly easily to do the usual frivolous bot things. Hangman and what have you.
Unrelated. Physics question from my coworker: "how do I find the resistance between these end points?"
@Kevin probably need to use voltage nodes or mesh currents
Oh wait, I remember this one. The Pythagorean theorem.
I did a bit of resistivity calculation in college but that was only on circuits with obvious directionality, and any connection point only had three wires connected to it
Here we have three red dots that each have four connected wires.
I see 5 red dots...
2 of which have 3 connected wires
rbrb all. bbl
There are seven red dots. Two of them, labeled A and B, have one wire. Two of them, on the left and right, have three wires. The remaining three, collinear with A and B, have four wires.
I would use a ohmmeter
Intuitively I guess that the horizontal wires will have no current flow because it's not the path of least resistance. But I don't know how I'd assert that symbolically.
So I'd expect the total resistance to be the same as if there were no horizontal wires: 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2.
But I think {coworker} wants a general algorithm for finding the resistance of arbitrary graphs.
Uh, (1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2)^-1 ?
Yeah. Sorry, forgot the ^-1.
@Code-Apprentice I'm looking at the Wikipedia article for "Nodal Analysis" now. Looks relevant. Thanks for the tip.
Perhaps, although I'm puzzled that they can calculate the final resistance without knowing the resistance of any of the existing wires
I think some magic may be happening at "express the currents in terms of the node potentials"
Oh, those fractions are the resistances, aren't they...
I'm not sure how he decides which currents should be negative and which should be positive...
Yeah, that's what I'm trying to find out as well
I'm guessing it has to do with the direction the current is flowing, but I don't know how to find that.
Current flows from B to C, because I foresaw that it would be so through my crystal light bulb
The arrow?
For instance I am not sure why he would say that one flow is A->B->C->D -- why not A->C->B->D?
Oh, true
I don't want to think about this merge problem, so I'll think about electricity instead.
I think it doesn't matter as long as you're consistent
@MarcusS: he's not writing the equation in terms of streams, but in terms of flow into and out of a node.
@KevinMGranger Oh, yeah, maybe.
If you write +Iac instead of -Iac, then when you solve the system of linear equations, you'll still get an answer, just one with a different sign.
... I think.
@DSM Yes, but my question is why does he say it flows from B to C, as opposed to from C to B
I bet if you switched the signs on both of the I\sub{BC} s, it would still work
interesting, looks like it may not matter
Oh, then yeah, he doesn't say it flows from B to C, he just gives a name for the flow from B to C. If it happens to be negative, who cares?
In the real world, if it does flow from C to B, then the flow from B to C is just negative
Aaargh line endings
dunno if anyone else is still looking at it but I got 8/3, unless I messed something up somewhere
brain fart here
anyone get something different?
is there a format mini language for indent ?
i.e. equivalent of ' '*n + my_str
where n is some positive integer
For the graph in the question, or the graph my coworker gave me? I got a quarter of the way through the latter and then decided I didn't want to solve a linear equations system with five unknowns.
graph from your coworker
f'{my_str:???}' i.e. what goes in ???
@wim Not that I can recall, no.
ok, so i'm not going crazy
You can pad with right justification, but then the number of spaces it inserts is dependent on the size of the string
yes, I noticed that. not what I wanted.
why not add indent before the format specifier?
I only ever format in terms of the width I want, never a specific padding, unfort.
@AndrasDeak example?
Well format strings can have arbitrary expressions, right, so how bout f'{' '*n+my_str}'
f' {foo}' :P
@AndrasDeak lame
@Kevin it only works if you can add my_str to string
@MarcusS I'll probably take another crack at it tomorrow.
my_str is actually any old object here ...
@wim oh, true.
If you want to add n spaces before your thing, add n spaces before your thing.
@wim: f"{' '*n}{my_str}"?
yeah, I guess that works
f'{' '*n}{my_str}' auugh beaten
how is that less lame?
it is still lame
but less lame than yours
@AndrasDeak: to be fair it's hard to know how many spaces you typed.
I'm somewhat surprised if there is no way to do this like f'{my_str:???}'
I guess I'm the only one who knew that I meant " "*n instead of those spaces, but got lazy
I'm not a fan of the usage of "don't" for a message to end-users. example: You don't as opposed to You do not
am I being too picky?
contractions are less formal, so no
Depends. "You do not" can sound overly mannered.
I prefer "don't"
except if it's about fight club
I don't like software to address me as "You" though
It should address the user as "Foolish Human!"
Imagine it's in the plural. Because there's so many of You. Along with some mushrooms.
@wim Would you accept pleb?
@Kevin did you solve the resistance?
Chat history looks like you made some progress
What is positive or negative is arbitrary just like any programming convention.
As you say, consistency is the important part
made a crappy little resistance solver -- gets 448/129 and 8/3 for the physics.stackexchange grid and Kevin's grid, respectively -- which seems to match
@Code-Apprentice s/plebe/pleb, goddammit.
vive la resistance
that reminds me that I need to but a slide switch
Do any of you guys pay subscriptions for Git? I'm undecided if its worth my paying. I want to use it but I don't like the idea of my projects being public
git is free, as far as I know, and you don't have to buy a subscription to use it. If you're talking about github, then you pay if you want private repos
Github I apologise :)
I believe Bitbucket has free private repos if you'd prefer that instead
It seems to me that running import mylib does not reload the changes in mylib. I need to use reload instead (or the Python 3 equivalent). Is this expected? Can anyone explain the rationale behind this behavior?
It's by design.
reload in py2, importlib.reload in py3
You don't generally need to expect your modules to change during execution, right?
this is almost always a question of convenience when you're fiddling in the interactive shell
usual disclaimer: I don't know why and how python works :P
there's possibly something in the docs of importlib
you're right about me working in interactive shell
but if a re-run import, shouldn't it import whatever is the latest version of the module?
as you see, no
if you want stuff to be reimported, use (importlib.)reload
sorry, I mean "shouldn't it" as in "shouldn't we expect it to do so"
I cannot comment on the nature of our expectations:)
Yes, it would be convenient for you, but there's probably a practical reason for why it's this way
I would have to understand at least the basics of how modules work, which I really don't :/
perhaps the python-savvy regulars can help you out
right, I'm trying to think why the designers decide for import to not reload the latest version. There ought to be a case where that behavior backfires
it doesn't backfire, because in usual use you don't reload anything
if you're working in the REPL and use a stale module, that's not really the language backfiring, it's you being sloppy
Importing exact same (large) module multiple times would be inefficient
but that's obvious, I guess
if I'm iteratively developing my program, changing mylib which is used in anotherfile.py, simply re-running anotherfile.py won't use the latest mylib
so every time I edit mylib I have to reload? Just curious if there's an easier way since mylib is gonna change many times during development
@Heisenberg sure it will, if you exit the interpreter before running anotherfile.py again
I often just restart the whole interactive shell to be sure :P
I see -- I think this is a difference between Python for programming and Python for data analysis. Starting a new interpreter makes sense for the former.
for interactive data analysis with python you should be using ipython/jupyter anyway
there you can %reset
which might or might not bite you in the butt sometimes
right -- I'm actually doing regular python development at the moment but didn't have the habit of restarting the shell
I'm using emacs with a persistent shell, and from my data analysis time I got the habit of just sending code to that long running shell
@Heisenberg how do you run anotherfile.py?
For a clean environment you should start a new shell. python anotherfile.py
@Code-Apprentice In emacs, I hit C-c C-c, which send the content of anotherfile.py to an already opened shell
^ 2 unit tests, 0 integration tests
@MarcusS you should join us in chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/15/android
@ZeroPiraeus my dictionary does not recognize "pleb" as a word
@Code-Apprentice How strange. All of these do ;-)
those liberals libels
Heh … no idea whether the Police Constable concerned is a liberal, but the former Chief Whip certainly isn't.
I don't need to fact-check for a bad attempt at a pun
@Code-Apprentice joined
“Best you learn your fucking place” – Andrew Mitchell
Silly man; you're only supposed to think that, not say it.
Hi, why isn't my little factorial program working?
def factorial(n):
    i = 1
   while n-i > 0:
       result = n * (n-i)
       i = i + 1
return result
it's setting result equal to n*(n-i) every time
I think it should be:

result = n
result *= (n-i)
might be easier conceptually if you iterate from i=2 up to n and then multiply result by i each loop
OK thanks i'm going to read what you both wrote slowly, it takes forever to get my head around these things. Will let you know how it goes once I've understood what you both said
oh neat, I realized I can write a prod() using reduce+mul by heart
at times like this I'm starting to feel like an advanced noob :D
You forgot range ;)
that's for the factorial, not the prod()

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