Migration problems aren't because of knowing where things will break, it's because of architectures that depended upon old behavior, and a non-zero cost to do it at all
The problem is not just the non-zero cost. The cost to upgrade has to be worth something. Python 2.7 is a fine language. The decision to make Python 3 source incompatible was a mistake.
I mean, if you upgrade all your code to Python 3, you get nothing for the effort. You will introduce more bugs, and nothing will be better. So you have spent work for no reason.
any IntelliJ/PyCharm users here have any solutions for ensuring their PATH is always consistent between their real terminal and whatever happens inside the IDE?
I'm dealing with too many inconsistencies and the work around of manually adding PATH-things to my config gets tiring
that's my take on it as well. But my IDE is the only area where these commands are inconsistent. My local env, the VMs I spin up to run the tests and even Travis all run perfectly fine
can it still be something not set right OS-level that is causing the IDE to not grab what it needs?
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>>> from __future__ import barry_as_FLUFL
>>> 1 <> 1
It's related to PEP 0401: BDFL Retirement
Barry refers to Barry Warsaw, a well-known Python developer. The from __future__ import barry_as_FLUFL basically replaces the != operator with <>.
Oh, also, to clarify: even if you use -i, the script that is executed before you get to the REPL must follow normal Python 3 syntax, or you will get a syntax error. And if you get a syntax error in the script, then the REPL will behave as though you never did the import. (You just have to do it again at the REPL, but that defeats the point of putting it in your script in the first place.) It's OK if the script raises (most?) other kinds of exceptions though; the import will still be in effect when you get dumped to the REPL in that case. — John YFeb 24 at 22:16
As, for python, if you can iterate it - python provides a default in operator....
Funny, for the longest time I didn't understand the difference between an "iterable" and an "iterator". Mainly cause both words I couldn't translate directly to my native language.
OK...I found a different way to do this. Travis will set something to say it is running in the CI to know whether it should talk to docker...my test will look for this var...if it is not set, it will run the app locally to run the black box tests
I don't got time for this intellij path shenanigan tom foolery
@DSM uh isn't that a feature of the language: "if an object has __contains__ it uses that method, if not and it has an __iter__() it uses the iteration over all elements, and if that isn't there it uses getitem()"
I am looking for a source of above but seem to be unable to find it.
@paul23: I think you're right that __contains__ falls back to iteration, but there's nothing to prevent you from preventing that by raising an exception. That's unnatural in the Python context, and so probably Collection is the closest word to use, but it's a little stronger than what I was originally imagining.
my point is that when someone says "X is syntactic sugar for Y", I imagine that the two are the exact same. Such as "@decorator \n def function(...) is syntactic sugar for function = decorator(function)"
Considering how bad for you sugar is, can we come up with a different name for constructs that are better than the alternative but are still technically just a shortcut?
hmm what would be the correct type annotation for a "callable" of the form fun(x:str, y:int, *args, **kwargs) - where args and kwargs can by Any - Callable[[str, int, Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]], None]?
So, if someone (me) asked you about what's the main use of Python, what would you say (aside from the pretty obvious server stuff)? What do you use it for on a daily basis?
@Brandin A language has nothing to do with the way the code is executed. - I can write completely valid python code without there EXISTING even C/assembly language...
Well if you wish to lecture programming just state: "we use python for learning". I myself use it daily during education: it is completely outclassing matlab, with only "legacy" stuff still being in matlab.
Python 2.7 is just fine. Most important is to use whatever your colleagues are using. If you are programming in a team of one, use Python 3. Otherwise use what your team is using.
When I started learning Python I looked at some online materials, just to get a grasp of it. The first one was the learnpythonthehardway.something online book. I quickly realised that it isn't great after the third time he wrote "Don't listen to others, it's fine"
Well I'm forced to use python 2.7 for anything official; since "python 3.x doesn't support backwards compatibility, and hence updating might mean software taught is outdated during examns"
No, Python 3 is certainly not "shit". But I honestly don't see what's so bad about Python 2. It still is maintained and bug fixed. To me that is pretty awesome. If it is still used in 3 years, then with all likelihood it will still be maintained.
Hey our university even finds "python 3 better, it's just the lack of backwards compatibility that prevents us from updating without having enormous costs each time".
@Bálint python is great, although if it's a first language for the students, it might leave them ill-equipped when they later meet more mainstream languages such as C++
@Andras I want to teach them programming (aka. CS), not a particular language, but it's required to learn a language too, or else you get the "learning to swim from books" problem
@KevinMGranger It's not my opinion that matters - it's what our university decided after 3.0 release, and we'd have to go through the board (takes about a year of pressing onwards) to change this stance.
But in the end picking a high level language doesn't matter too much. It's like picking a model of car to drive. It's all the same nonsense over and over with slight variations.
The most common reason to pick a language usually is basically "Some dudes wrote some shit in language X that I wanna use. So I'm gonna use X so I can use that shit to make my own shit." It's almost never language features or "Expressiveness" or something like that. Second most common reason is tools. "Some dudes wrote some shitty IDE that works well with language X, so I'm gonna use language X so I can use that IDE to its fullest, even though it is actually shit."
"Humans benefit from the redundancy." It's true. Every morning I wake up and think "how can I make my code more redundant?". Because of the benefits. — ahofferApr 28 '15 at 19:23
Sometimes I write something and just want to optimize it for some reason. Even if it doesn't matter at all. That's why we have useless things like %timeit in IPython to play around with code.
No, I mean it doesn't matter to the final product. If you ship the product without that optimization, the customer will never notice. => doesn't matter. Optimized just for fun.
Still, I've heard that Python productivity starts to taper off when you get many people working on it. With just a few people doing something, it's fine. But with 15+ people at different locations...
There's one point of my code where I decorate to enforce the type annotations at runtime, mostly because it's around some ctypes interfacing with a C++ library and otherwise it's possible to cause segfaults.
Heck I think going the route of: if a variable/member/parameter has a specified type annotation, it should become "static for that annotation", would improve python. - It would still be optional as you can just selectively use annotations - but using annotations and then violating it should be "badly written code that halts".
Why else would you use annotations if you don't adhere to it? (and you could always go: typing.Union[PreferedType, Any]
Well to be frank: that single thing has been a long time annoyance in python. (That so little code is annotated, and hence for non obvious debugging I first ALWAYS add print(type(X))
there was a funny bug in matplotlib up to version 1.5.1 wherein some segmented colormaps would have their .name and .colors were swapped (among other errors)
so cm.colors was actually a string with the colormap's name in it and cm.name was the color array
now that's one of the cases where type checking would've helped
Well the biggest "drawback" that enforcing runtime type checking could create is that you get "peer pressure" (cough stackoverflow, cough) to always add type annotations. - And this will slow you down, no denying there.
yeah, I don't use python so that I can write final static void magical fancy unicorn function(something something something oh here's the variable name one)
I'm on record as being willing to take good odds on the fact that the "we don't intend to make putting type declarations everywhere the new default" promise isn't worth the paper it's not printed on.
But if your old requirement was "this argument just needs to support these 4 methods and also __bool__", there's no way to express that with annotations.