Sorry, I have no idea. I've seen cffi mentioned here a couple of times, but I had no idea what it was until a few minutes ago. It does look interesting and useful!
What you ask sounds reasonable, so I expect there is some easy way to do it. Hopefully, someone who does know cffi will respond to your question later. This room is generally fairly quiet this time of day but it should start getting busier soon-ish.
Basically I've wrote a library that wraps mmap with an Array-like interface, I'm trying to use it on windows but there's no native implementation of mmap on windows. That's led me to want to use this C library: for windows support.
Instead of having to make a complicated installation I'd really strongly prefer if I could wrap this with CFFI.
The standard mmap module has a string-like interface. I guess that a more general array-like interface could be handy. Of course, you could build an array-like interface on top of the string-like interface, but I assume that'd be less efficient than a direct implementation.
Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about and I should just shut up and not reveal my ignorance. :)
Static methods aren't very common in Python, and a Python class that only has static methods seems rather strange to me - Python isn't Java, and slavishly copying Java patterns in Python tends to produce ugly, bloated code. Why not just make them into normal functions defined at the module level? You can put them into their own module to group them together. — PM 2Ring6 mins ago
@AnttiHaapala The Python 2 docs say "Memory-mapped file objects behave like both strings and like file objects. Unlike normal string objects, however, these are mutable. ", the Python 3 docs say "Memory-mapped file objects behave like both bytearray and like file objects.". I assume that shuttle87 wants a convenient way to treat the buffer like an array module array .
@GrizzledSquirrel you've got 2 possible outcomes. Either you accept that this should really be a module, or we'd close this as "primarily opinion-based" - "Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise." — Antti Haapala13 secs ago
when I read my exam papers from 9th grade from biology or geography I am like... "well, I didn't know that... hey but I did know that back then... wtf."
Which is not amazing, and they're way too keen to have the men strip off their tops and the women to be in their bras, but apart from that it's actually not bad
I was trying to learn some stuff by doing, which is how I've always approached Python/Java.
Dunno, I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but it seems inordinately difficult to test Fetch requests from your local machine, for example. gave up and moved to Axios for it.
Yeah I'm doing some research (was it you who recommended that React course?) before attempting to propose we create a new product (and I run it, and thus get pulled off the consulting rat race a bit)
Maybe we should revitalise the discussion around it
I'm definitely more able to take on additional stuff these days now we've stopped moving continent/having a baby/working hundreds of extra hours/moving house
@Withnail I'm also interested in the GraphQL stuff, where it can just query the exact fields it needs out of a bigger API
That seems pretty awesome
Might not be worth doing for most things, but if you're shoving around relatively large amounts of data then it means you don't have to hand-craft queries as much
Some of what RobCorp does is integration, and there's always a tension between APIs having big enough data models to make them reusable and maintainable, but also being fine-grained enough that they don't do loads of unnecessary querying. GraphQL solves that, if I've understood it correctly.
i don't want them to do it, they're human and very fallible, I want to do it automatically, with error checking, every time a new order comes in! this is not, I feel a ridiculous use case.
I'm at best a mildly competent programmer. I'm fairly good at Business Process Schtuff around that. This seems to make me demand things that suppliers find totally ridiculous and 'I've never seen anyone ask for that! WTF"
It's scary to think how many office workers waste vast amounts of time manually doing stuff that could easily be automated, like manually transferring stuff from Excel spreadsheets into other software. I can understand doing it as a one-off or rare thing, but to spend hours on it every week is insane.
I know it happens a lot. I assume business practices in Australia are fairly typical. Several years ago I was involved in marketing top-end business software. Part of my work involved surveying the existing practices of businesses who could benefit from such software. A large majority of companies that weren't already running integrated systems (IOW, potential clients) mostly ran their businesses on a disorganised pile of Excel and Word documents.
@Withnail change management is hard. Go to the CIO and tell him you're doing to digitally transform his/her business and you need the mandate and budget and it might start happening :)
A friend of mine works for a Fortune500 company who make devices that put ink on paper... their entire MIS/Data Warehouse system is built on a complicated system of spreadsheets that pull together progressively higher level reports (he maintains this system.) Those spreadsheets sit atop, at last count, 9 Access databases. Why 9 databases? Because Access has (had) a practical 2Gb limit on size, so every time it got full they just opened up a new one and pointed the spreadsheets at it.
We're getting there. I'm getting to expand the team, for one. It seems the throwaway comment I made when told how much we were paying supplier X for shitty service Y about "..or for half that amount you could hire two developers and we could just build it in house and have control over it." found some traction. :D
If a company like YouTube managed data like many companies do, it'd probably take a week for uploaded videos to become available, and they'd have to employ most of the world's population just to achieve that speed. :)
The API from this morning. It only lets me process individual items - no lists of items.
It can handle about 4-5/second. Great, except I have 11k items to process, for just one order.
And 800 odd orders to process, at least the first time.
So now i'm just going to brute force it, by processing the jobs async and bashing their server from 10 worker clients, assuming that they can process that many requests.
\o/ waiting on a supplier's team implementing a ticket to absorb lists, only takes... 4 weeks.
@PM2Ring Yes its just a wrapper around mmap to make the API easier to use. So I wrote this library: to do that. The main reason for doing this was to avoid needing to have a dependency on numpy, but I'm very open to reconsidering that.
@AnttiHaapala By this: "the point is that, they can only do worse with any mmap library..." are you suggesting it's worth introducing a dependency on numpy?
@PM2Ring I suspect I've already reinvented the wheel with that library... I've looked at the memoryview docs before but maybe I missed something. The main requirement is being able to dump the array to file and load from file efficiently. If there's something with an Array like interface that does that I'd be willing to use it.
In [146]: df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,3,4],'b':[10,11,12]},index=[-2,-3,-4])
In [147]: df
a b
-2 1 10
-3 3 11
-4 4 12
In [148]: df.iloc[1]
a 3
b 11
Name: -3, dtype: int64
In [149]: df.iloc[1].name
Out[149]: -3
Recently I came to know about SHTML. And also I have look at site having extensions as .shtml.
What is the purpose of SHTML in what ways it differ from HTML and DHTML
Didn’t know where to put SHTML when you mentioned it, so I googled, found your answer, was able to put the pieces back together and upvoted your answer… 🙄
It worries me that if a wizened mentor figure appeared and told me that magic was real and I was the Chosen One and we were destined to embark on an epic quest, I'd probably have a moderate breakdown about the fact that everything I know about society and the natural world was based on false or woefully incomplete information, which would really spoil what might otherwise be a good time.
Is this what it means to be an adult? When your reaction goes from "I'm ready to go to Narnia whenever" to "how will this impact my stock portfolio?"?
I dunno, even as a physicist I'd be fine with the world as I know it having an incredible hidden world underneath. My issue would be embarking on an epic quest. Can't we do it across the internet?
I guess it depends on precisely how different reality is from what I thought it was. If it's just "you know the four fundamental forces? There's also a fifth one generated by the human pineal gland which causes telekinesis", that's not so bad. If it's "science doesn't work", I'm going to have a hard time going to my job the next day and pretending it matters
Hello I have a problem in my code. I have a method where inside I use the set() function but it seems like it is considered a variable. Indeed I get a UnboundLocalError . I have no clue on how the problem could be solved.
Choose a different variable name and the problem should go away
This happens because assignment to a name anywhere in a function, indicates to Python that the name points to a local variable, and this indication applies retroactively all the way to the beginning of the scope
@WayneWerner Ok, I'll concede that. Perhaps I should have said "lose their conventional meaning at that scale". An electron is sphere shaped, but not necessarily in the sense of "there is a readily distinguishable barrier between points in space delineated by a constant distance from some central point"
@WayneWerner Na+ and Cl- ions form a cubic structure in the crystal, which leads to a large-scale cubic symmetry. But the ions themselves in there are spherical
You can put together something big from elementary particles and it can be any shape, even elephant-shaped. Like, an elephant.
@khajvah Well, my preference would be either something more along the lines of GitHub where when things are merged to master because all the tests pass and someone has :+1:'d the PR, or maybe something slightly less automatic, i.e. someone has to push a button that says "deploy the most recent code"