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That was an impressive pile of debris.
I watch Poirot at least every week, and Hastings is much more visible in the TV than in the books... but I must admit I've never heard of sisyphus
yes, it is true :D
it's a very basic proverbial thingy here
But he was in a commercial for red bull.
same with dudes like Icarus
mind you, some of my folk will think that "sziszifuszi" (Sysiphean or however it's called Sisyphean) is written as "sziszi-fuszi" :D
Sisyfos as transliterated into Finnish... Never heard.
Everyone and their grandmom knows about Ikaros tho.
so, I went to google, and entered sisyfos...
and from 3rd page forward the results were in Swedish :d
OK, I like Greek mythology a lot, and read a lot about Greek myths in my youth. I even thought that the story of Hades and Persephone and the pomegranate seed was common knowledge
@MooingRawr I don't know, but us adults did! This one is a bit out of the way for kids to find.
Woooow I've just learned that the new Thor movie is made by Taika Waititi! Awesome news:D
@AndrasDeak and everyone has at least heard the names Haades or Persefone
but Sisyfos :D na-a.
What about Zeus? Chronos? Thanatos?
not knowing Zeus would be weird
like, weird
yes, yes, yes
Hephaistos Hephaestus?
Silly English transliteration. Or maybe silly Hungarian.
silly English.
Argos? (not a deity)
Ancient Greek: Ἥφαιστος Hēphaistos
hmm, there's several movies about the Argonauts, so it's probably well-known
Such cool names
@AndrasDeak no, though I did remember seeing a part of Jason & Argonauts when I was a kid
Eris? All the storylines leading to the war of Troy are really great
but again, as I said, when I enter Sisyfus into google I get next to nothing.
the session instance, should it be local to your function, or global to the app?
@AndrasDeak I am more familiar with Odysseia
@AndrasDeak that's where I got the transliteration :D
cute cat break everyone
@AndrasDeak and I don't even try to be ignorant :D
it is just that Sisyfos... I've not even read about him on Wikipedia
@idjaw weenie goof
@AnttiHaapala celebrities in Tartaros: Sisyfos, Tantalos, the daughters of Danaos
Yeah: nothing.
All three are subject to eternal suffering in hell
The Danaids are really similar to Sisyfos: they have to move water using leaky urns. Similar while True: pass
Their sin was murdering their husbands; I don't remember what Sisyfos did to be punished
sometimes it's enough to love a women who grabs the attention of Zeus in some weird animal form:P
@idjaw I hope teaching pets these tricks didn't cause em any harm :\ probably just positive reinforcement with treats.
@MooingRawr I don't think it's taught
except in a "stupid humans find this entertaining, so whatever, I'll keep doing it and get more treats"
I once read a story where an owner hit the pet until it would perform tricks :\ but I guess it's just one case out of many...
Most of them are like what Andras says... I remember seeing a post about how a dog would blow bubbles and it's owner would laugh. Guess the dog just did it cause it makes us happy.
it was just a picture of a cat being cute
I always thought that forearm waving thing was some kind of vestigial reflex.
@MooingRawr dogs are different, they were bred to be human-friendly, and they aim to please humans
:D hey man, sometimes you have to go deeper :D
@AndrasDeak this is why Dogs > Cats imo :D
training a dog is easy, and it's easily fun for them too (depending on training and trainer and dog)
Oh and choke collars are now officially illegal in my city :D
and if you want a cute gif, trending on /r/aww right now is Sir Patrick Stewart and his new pit bull.
second trending post is, idjaw's cat post :D
lemme see that pit
Dogs had a five thousand year head start on domestication compared to cats so it's no surprise that they're different
I love how the bubbles 'stick' to the underside of it :D
It stores the bubbles just in case it needs to use bubble beam :D
\o cbg
@wim what's wrong? is the lack of cute badger pictures getting to you?
^ axolotl emoji
I was just trying to figure one out
hmmm can't use backticks :(
so cute these things
And they're all babies!
well, sort of
I herd u liek mudkips axolotls
I'm not sure I've ever seen these creatures before. They're quite cute.
@DSM bonus biological trivia: they don't mature throughout their life span. They become fertile in a juvenile state, but they never fully develop into adults (which probably means stuff like them never losing their gills)
(since adult salamanders don't have gills)
The same might be said of humans, who do a poor job of developing the attributes typically held by most adult primates
silver-coloured fur on the back?
@Kevin ook.
You can't hold the rest of us up to the standard set by the Librarian ;-)
the one truly happy man
omg so many freaking scopes in sqlalchemy
Now with MultiScope(tm)!
you've got the sessionmaker ... which you would think makes you a session right?
wrong, it makes you a session factory
Yup, because you want to have access to multiple sessions in your code.
I prefer SQLAlchemy's red dot sight
then you make the Session (capital S) from that Session = scoped_session(session_factory)
But you need to configure the factory.
then to get an actual freaking session you call that thing a_session = Session()
and then you can start a transaction scope
Just accept it, and move on. :-)
Yes, the wording isn't very intuitive
@wim actually, you should be able to treat scoped_session as a session without calling it, I think.
what next, a sessionmaker_maker ? :P
boilermakers do make boilers, or they did.
@DSM Yeah but this sessionmaker makes session makers :-)
Having said that, int() makes you an int, so who knows
@RobertGrant hmm, that's actually a quite good explanation for the name, damnit
Having said that, I think int() is more meant to convert to int than be an int maker per se
like type tells you the type of an object, but is also a maker of types
x = int()
y = float()
Can't say I've ever been fond of type having two uses.
Seems like a violation of encapsulation. I like my callables to do exactly one thing.
@wim those commenters unfortunately seem to be missing the point of your question.
@wim actually the scoped_session isn't a necessity.
it is just another example of the "threadlocal" antipattern proliferated by many web framworks.
I've stopped using that
Yeah, you don't have to use it, you can just use session maker (or just make sesisons yourself) if you manage it right.
I think there's some implications for pool management, but I'm not really familiar with that component of SQLAlchemy.
no implications. You just need to clean it up as you would clean up with scoped_session anyhow
. o (you have to clean up scoped_session?)
@Kevin yeah, happens
the comments did give me an idea though (and I added an answer about it).
just speculation
Hello everyone , Could anyone please have a look at github.com/zvodd/Youtube-Watch-History-Scraper and tell me where I am supposed to save "Youtube_cookies.json" as I havnet really cloned anything from here
So how are you using it if you haven't cloned it?
I'm guessing "here" actually means "the current working directory", but there's no way to tell because you haven't told us anything about your issue.
Yeah from reading that page I can't tell what directory it's talking about
But I haven't tried it
Yes I am following readme.md and it mentioned to install dependencies using "pip install scrapy lxml sqlalchemy" and then I installed the extension "editThisCookie" . After which the instruction just mentioned to save "youtube_cookie.json" in "this directory" .
which leaves me clueless
OK, but you have to download the software to use it, you can't just follow the instructions for installing its dependencies.
That seems obvious.
Should I be cloning the repository? I am quite new to working with open source projects
You should have a copy of the program locally, yes.
That has nothing to do with "working with open source projects", that's just how computers work in general.
I get it . Thank you
yesterday, by PM 2Ring
@AshishNitinPatil Old programmer saying: "Nothing is so smiple that you can't screw it up." :)
Is there something special about try that causes cleanup to happen, e.g.
  x = X()
# x gets cleaned up before this line?
x doesn't get cleaned up, python doesn't have block scope
if X() fails, x will never have been assigned because that point in the code won't have been reached, if that's what you mean by "cleanup"
I guess I should have written like this:
  x = X()
How is that different from:
for _ in range(0,1):
  x = X()
If X() fails, and all you do is catch anything and re-raise it, then it's pointless. What are you actually trying to do?
When I put the object in the try block, the behaviour is different. x gets "cleaned up" (x.__del__ is called). When it is in any other context, it appears it does not get cleaned up.
I can't reproduce your issue. Please include a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example.
x.__del__ is called when the last reference to a thing goes away during garbage collection, it has nothing to do with try blocks.
Relying on __del__ to actually run is never viable, there's no guaranteed that it will run in a timely manner or at all.
cute :D (you didn't give feed him/her more pineapples did you?)
his older brother used to do the same thing
hah, no pineapple hair this time :D
def f():
  x = X()
Can't we write an X such that it is guaranteed to be cleaned up when f finishes?
No. You can make a context manager.
not like that, no
with X() as x:
    # do stuff

# x.__exit__ runs guaranteed
which us about the best guarantee you can get. A core dump will bypass that, or kill -9
but under most conditions all is well
Curious what X is or why it needs to be "cleaned up" before a certain point in the code
Forget about kill -9. I need it to guarantee cleanup even if all the power to the machine is lost. Can Python do that?
X is a user defined type, a class.
Nothing can do that.
Perhaps it takes some resource, such as a temporary file. Cleanup means to release that resource (e.g. delete the temporary file). Temporary file is just one example. A resource could be anything.
Nothing short of a pit of molten lava :D
I guess with is the right way.
@Brandin you're going to have to stop being so abstract if you want any further help. See the help center on MCVE, as well as the meta post on XY problems.
I think the question was answered perfectly. It is not too abstract. How can it be more concrete?
To say that it is too abstract, is too abstract.
@Brandin how can python do that when python isn't even running anymore
import magic ?
from magic import survive_power_failures
which frameworks associates request with threads? I know flask and django do, twisted and tornado don't ... what else?
@Brandin you could make your application highly event-driven, and route all the events through a guaranteed delivery messaging bus
what is "RTFM" close reason (if any exists)? stackoverflow.com/questions/42728058/…
That will potentially be very slow, depending on what's needed
@wim all WSGI servers are "one request per thread". Thread can also mean "eventlet" in this case.
What about SocketServer
I used "questions for recommending a tutorial" reason, but not sure if correct
I use unclear for those, because it's unclear what problem they're having.
The documentation already says how to use it, so they need to ask something beyond that.
It's clear they haven't R (past tense) TFM, though
I bet in a Google fight that'd lose to RTFM'd
Which makes me sad
R'dTFM dead'ed in Googlefight
I was a little surprised not to find a good dupe target for this:
Q: What is the comma doing in this assignment?

j.doeI am not very familiar with Python syntax, and was wondering if anyone can explain to me how the variable match is taking on a string found inside the for expression in this function: def find_project(project_name): projects = get_projects() try: match, = (proj for proj i...

Anyway, it doesn't matter in this case because Google is terrible at searching for words containing punctuation. I mean, it can usually find them, but it sticks everything under the same umbrella sometimes. As if no punctuation is there.
... so I tried to write something that could serve as a canonical answer (somewhat tricky, as the Q has "beginner" written all over it, and there was a fair bit to explain). Anyone think I missed something important?
For example, Qapla and Qa'pla return the same top result and the same bolded results, but the counted number of "results" are different. It's clear Google is just serving up a bunch of crap in response to such queries.
@ZeroPiraeus should probably add the answer to one of these: encrypted.google.com/…
"single comma" is just a special case of "comma assignment" in general
hmm, I am sure there is one I've seen it
It is, yes, but from a beginner point of view the single comma looks "weird", so it seemed to me this was justifiable as a specific question.
I don't like when people do the single comma thing, too easy to miss.
[var] =
^ better
I'd lean on the side of consolidating the concept in one place, but I don't feel strongly about it in this case.
Ah, stackoverflow.com/questions/16037494/… is good. Not sure how I missed that one.
It's just that most of your answer is explaining unpacking in general, so it seems to fit on the other ones more.
@wim if it's a single item I usually use indexing instead
Awesome, ta :-)
@davidism unpacking is better, because it raises exception if you thought it was a single element iterable and it wasn't
@wim Agreed.
if indexing, your incorrect assumption can just flies by
Ah, yeah, I'm usually only concerned with if it's 0 vs 1, as opposed to 1 vs more.
I use all the time in beautiful soup this thing:
[anchor] = soup.find_all('a', ...)
really useful in tests!!
really think @MartijnPieters' answer there could use some improvement if you are going to start using it as a canonical
Because this is not really anything to do with tuples, it's literally the grammar. I think the docs call it "Sequence unpacking" or something.
@davidism Thank you very much . Got it working !!
@wim which one?
I had a poke around the docs. They call it sequence unpacking, iterable unpacking and multiple assignment, and they don't really explain it well anywhere IMO.
I like sequential destructuring
@wim found it, added a list option too.
hopefully find a better dupe that doesn't pull in numpy, matplotlib, and all that stuff
@RobertGrant Ooh, yes. [female robot voice] "Sequential destructuring in 5, 4, ..."
it's a fundamental, basic, and important thing in python and the matplotlib stuff is a distraction
did someone say numpy and matplotlib??
> Or you could make it a list:
ah, I see
^ that's kind of misleading though
@ZeroPiraeus yes. This.
because you don't make a list anywhere. you only "make it a list" if it's on the right hand side.
"make it", "unpack it into", potahto
"unpack it into a bunch of names that looks just like a list but isn't actually..." doesn't have the same ring to it ... :P
haha, Martijn responds to a comment after 3+ years:D
almost 4
I had trouble with that myself, went with "treats it as".
@wim same applies to the tuple syntax. It's just syntax, you are indeed not creating a list.
Still, adjusted the wording.
as exemplified by {x}=... not working on account of it being a literal
unless my view is wrong and that's a different issue altogether
Heh, {a, b, c} = 1, 2, 3 as de facto variable shuffling, like it :-)
set unpacking is like a box of chocolates ...
you never know what you're gonn.. SyntaxError
this discussion reminds me of a cool dict copy trick, let me see if I can remember how it went ...
You won't believe what happens next!
>>> d1 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> d2 = {}
>>> for k, d2[k] in d1.items():
...     pass
>>> d2
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
yeah, way clearer than d2 = dict(d1) :P
( •_•)>⌐■-■
What's that, another new LISP variant?
py-lisp, or lithp
Definitely lithp
hahaa, lithp
lythp, shurely.
surprised no one's grabbed pypi.python.org/pypi/pynapple yet
seems perfect for some macOS python thing
@wim that's not limited to dicts of course.
@wim nah, Python bindings for wifipineapple.com
I got a new desk
I'm tempted to write them just for the pypi name ... how sad is that
@wim your claim is for wimpy :P
Shoulda been a hamburger menu for some GUI toolkit.
? I don't get it
Is there any easy way to know the downloads count from pypi?
@wim interesting
J. Wellington Wimpy, generally referred to as Wimpy, is one of the characters in the long-running comic strip Popeye, created by E. C. Segar in 1934 and originally called Thimble Theatre, and in the Popeye cartoons based upon the strip. Wimpy was one of the dominant characters in the newspaper strip, but when Popeye was adapted as an animated cartoon series by Fleischer Studios, Wimpy became a minor character; Dave Fleischer said that the character in the Segar strip was "too intellectual" to be used in film cartoons. Wimpy did appear in Robert Altman's 1980 live-action musical film Popeye, played...
Wimpy is the brand name of a multinational chain of fast food restaurants that is currently headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa. == History == === Origins in the United States === Originally called Wimpy Grills, the Wimpy brand was created in 1934 by Edward Gold when he opened his first location in Bloomington, Indiana. The name was inspired by the character of J. Wellington Wimpy from the Popeye cartoons created by E. C. Segar. Although the Wimpy name is most closely identified with the city of Chicago, Gold did not open his first Chicago area location until 2 years later in 19...
Wow, it's headquarted in joburg now
I was going to comment that Wimpy in SA is really nice (it's an upmarket fast food place), and nothing like Wimpy in the UK
the first time I heard "hamburger menu" I had no idea what element they were on about
those things looks nothing like a burger
Wimpy UK was slaughtered when McDonald's and BK hit the UK.
Slaughtered like... cattle?
@wim object_pairs_hook, not ordered_pairs_hook
Hi, often said that unit test forces high quality code. How?
Good unit tests enforce correct code. Lack of tests doesn't. Correct code is higher quality than incorrect code.
They only test some things, but they are very useful.
And they double as regression tests, which is also handy.
@ZeroPiraeus oh, thanks. feel free to edit my content directly next time.
to play devils advocate, unit test doesn't necessarily force high quality code
you can have correct code, passing all unit tests, that is bad quality
IMO, it's writing the tests at the same time as writing the code that forces high quality code. because in order for things to be testable, they need to be written in a way that has nicely decoupled components.
that's borderline TDD
you say that like it's a bad thing
like I've got borderline TDD disorder
No:) I'm just wildly unfamiliar with these software design concepts, and trying to localize myself
TDD (well, what I think TDD is) sounds a bit weird to me, but writing tests at the same time as writing code is straightforward to me
what do you think TDD is and why does it sound weird ?
my $0.02 ... I'm passionate about testing, but not really a TDD preacher
I think of TDD as the name suggests: test-driven development. I imagine that this entails first having a very well-defined specification to develop against (which might happen to be something else that is a good thing when engineering software), in order to come up with adequate tests a priori, which then you can use during subsequent development to realize the original specification
Being an inorganized, haphazard-code generating layman, I would find it much harder to come up with proper tests before doing the actual implementation
I'm getting a little better at it
Trick is to start writing code using pen and paper/whiteboard to design it first
Then after a while you can do that in your head
pre-meditated programming, sounds horrible ;)
that's not what TDD is , no wonder you think it's weird
@wim I'm not really surprised:D
writing tests before you've written any code sounds impossible to me, I can't see that ever working
@wim OK, that's reassuring
That...is TDD
Uh-oh...let the first what-is-TDD wars begin:P
Isn't it? o_O

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