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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

12:21 AM
12:34 AM
I've been doing a dictionary search but no luck so far. :-P
7 hours later…
7:50 AM
was the room silent for 7 hours? o_O
8:02 AM
I feel like a ghost here
8:26 AM
not doing enough Python
9:07 AM
my kingdom for holidays
9:19 AM
@BhargavRao sorry, I was in the C room
WTH, What happened to you? @Antti ... You look like a spooky magician now
had my mugshot taken and this was how it turned out to be in a haste
Nov 23 '15 at 17:42, by Bhargav Rao
The person on the bottom left looks like Antti :P
Now this is invalid
sorry :d
I don't even look like in this pic :D
Yep, the full wide smile has reduced. :P
9:24 AM
I don't smile. Finns are deadpan. I was tricked 10 years ago
Haha..Antti looks very different in new pic. Cosmetic Surgery? :P
Nope, just the aging process ;)
10 years and 15 kg
actually bad framing too, that pic isn't supposed to be a square
May be. But still his skin is shinny like a new born. Anti is aging by age, but it looks like his body is not accepting that fact :D
Come on, Antti, you're not ugly
9:29 AM
Antti, you may take this as a compliment. It remind me of Chinese actress Liu Xiaoqing who still looks young at the age of 59
damnit I changed it already, that pic doesn't look good in a square, and there is not enough material to crop it wider :(
9:52 AM
>>> word[:2] + word[2:]
>>> word[:4] + word[4:]
Why would you ever do that?
and what exactly does it do seems to work no matter what number is put in there
of course you would never do that
What exactly is it doing?
I think I get it
it's taking the first 2 elements of the string, adding with the last two elements
I'm just curious why any number you put inside of it works.
Even if it's larger than the string
@Tokencodingnewbie how about:
@Tokencodingnewbie it is called slicing
Q: Explain Python's slice notation

SimonI need a good explanation (references are a plus) on Python's slice notation. To me, this notation needs a bit of picking up. It looks extremely powerful, but I haven't quite got my head around it.

first google match from "how does python slicing works"
Yeah I'm reading the python docs.
10:04 AM
Have you tried putting in a negative number? That's my fave
Where the example was from
Negative still prints the whole word
@Tokencodingnewbie it is there as an example
no one uses "word[:4] + word[4:]"
because that is a stupid thing to do.
only those parts. word[:4] or word[:4]
Right so it looks like I can use any number because it stops counting at the end of the string?
Ah if I kept reading.
However, out of range slice indexes are handled gracefully when used for slicing:
Very cool
10:39 AM
@Tokencodingnewbie if only you'd keep reading...
Ah, well sorry, I'm a question guy. I try to understand something before I continue on.
This all turned into a simple code academy extra credit thing I've been working on for weeks.
I didn't want to do them at first, but I knew I had to, to learn anything.
10:55 AM
anyone converted from mysql to postgresql lately?
@Tokencodingnewbie Just my 2 cents - nothing wrong with a questions guy, but it can be irksome if you're always asking questions at the workplace. I'd read through the python docs, write down the questions and keep reading. Then read the document again and I tend to find that the majority of my questions have been answered on the second read through :)
Feel free to ignore/disregard if you did that ;)
No, I tend to stop, ask question if I get stuck.
Maybe I'm doing it wrong.
I'm not at work, but if you guys are I'm sorry to bother you.
This has just been one of the most helpful communities I've been in.
I didn't say stop asking questions :)
That doesn't make me feel like an idiot :(
Was just making an off-hand comment about the workplace. Ultimately, this is a chat room and if we didn't want to answer questions, we could just ignore the heck out of you ;)
11:00 AM
Oh I wont stop, sometimes I get too anxious for an answer and just ask before looking into it deep, so thats my bad.
Patience, virtue, etc.
Hrm I wonder if there were any famous games made in python, gonna look that up.
I think Wesnoth was made in Python?
Ah, maybe not.
Eve online looks like the biggest one.
(The guys at CCP games are really nice. Although if they offer you rotting shark and/or black death, decline)
11:23 AM
frets on fire :P
1 hour later…
12:27 PM
cbg, no ì̸̜ṉ̸̎t̶̰̚e̸͍̾ȑ̶ͅn̵̠͒e̸̳͋ẗ̷̲
I'm alright, I'm alright. Breath deeply.
@Tokencodingnewbie Yes, CCP are a big Python user. I visited them a couple of times to deliver training.
btw, "IPython" isn't so much a language (though you can think of it as extending Pythonin some ways) as a specific environment. When running programs in production it's customary not to rely on IPython's presence.
1:10 PM
morning guys
just to get some opinion, is Cython worth using?
im thinking of using it because i thought it could speed up my programs, but it doesnt seem that popular
1:23 PM
@excaza That domain appears to be unresolvable for me, but downforeveryoneorjustme.com/talkpython.fm says it's OK. Maybe I'm caught in a DNS vortex?
Curiouser and curiouser ...
bmll-dev@bmlldev-desktop:~/Development/github/repos/monovirtual$ whois talkpython.fm
This TLD has no whois server, but you can access the whois database at
cleared my cache and it's still working on my end
@mingsterism what for?
Never mind ... one of those days
@khajvah for general performance improvement
is it good?
1:29 PM
do you have performance issues?
Hi there!
Link and page works here
@khajvah its not that i have performance issues. but i thought if can make it faster, why not
i mean it desont hurt if it can be run faster. thats my train of thought
Cue Knuth quote
Plus python is not for speed quotes
1:44 PM
In that case you may instead want to try pypy - speed.pypy.org
ah. so im guessing then that Cython is not really used
so people dont really use Python projects for speed? @AndrasDeak
yeah heard about pypy. just wondered whats the dif that and Cython @AshishNitinPatil
No. If you want speed, use fortran. (Minor hyperbole)
1:48 PM
@mingsterism I am not that aware of cython, but pypy can be used (most of the times) as a replacement of regular python and things would be faster, just like that. e.g. pypy abc.py instead of python abc.py
@mingsterism There are several well-known quotes that apply to this situation, but I won't spout any of them
Speed may be around 5x better, but there are limitations to pypy which you can check up on their website. Cython would require you to do much more customizations and changes in general
Suffice it to say that time spent speeding things up is time not spent adding new functionality, which is sometimes an important consideration
@mingsterism It was originally designed to simplify the process of using C extensions in Python, but there are some downsides, as mentioned here quora.com/What-are-the-disadvantages-of-using-Cython-vs-C-C Disclaimer : I've never used Cython myself
1:52 PM
Speed really depends on what is being done though, and completely agree with holdenweb on this, don't touch things if not needed.
Depending on what you're doing you may be able to get faster performance in Python by using existing modules that do the heavy lifting with compiled code, eg Numpy.
@davidism I didn't manage to reproduce the flask-SA inheritance problem in a minimal testcase so maybe it's something related to other tables having FKs/relationships to the model with inheritance/polymorphism. however, i'd still consider using an approach similar to the one in 2.1 that doesn't use a __tablename__ declared_attr on all models simply to stay as close to vanilla SA as possible.
the SA devs already don't like flask-SA very much and i doubt they'll like the current magic very much, especially if they end up getting people asking about problems with it in their channel ;)
thanks for the feedbacks guys. i understand better now :) @PM2Ring @holdenweb @AshishNitinPatil
Or if you're already a competent C programmer you can write a DLL that does your CPU-intensive operations. It's pretty easy to call DLL functions from Python using the ctypes module, although there is the overhead of converting back and forth between Python objects and C data types.
thanks. im still a beginner in C. but will check that out @PM2Ring
2:13 PM
@mingsterism In that case, I advise you not to check it out at this stage, just be aware that it's an option for when you've acquired the necessary skills, and have the need for speed. Writing a DLL isn't hard, but it's certainly not for beginners, and even advanced coders can make a mess of it if they aren't careful.
what book do you recommend i need to learn to be able to learn before I can consider myself advanced coder for C
\o cbg chilly morning
who left the cabbage in the freezer ? So wonderful... frozen cabbage salad
@mingsterism Sorry, I learned C several decades ago, and I don't have any book recommendations; besides, this is the Python room. ;) But the main thing is to study code written by good programmers, and to write lots of code yourself.
2:22 PM
ah ok. thanks @PM2Ring appreciate the advice
How long have you been coding for and what languages have you studied so far?
Hi, Marcus.
@MooingRawr Frozen cabbage is handy when you want to make coleslaw. Instead of grating it, you just hit it with a hammer and it shatters :D (Note: may require freezing with liquid nitrogen for maximum effect).
@PM2Ring Wouldn't the sharp shattering pieces go flying and might cut you? I would be terrified at that :\ Otherwise a good idea...
2:30 PM
@MarcusS what are your plans today?
(not my video but it reminds me of this dessert at this restaurant)
@MarcusS Will click when I get home :) thanks.
Still trying to figure out a better way to design some app UI elements
I find UI design to be really tough
really easy to second-guess every single decision
There's a reason why many companies have their own UI team section. It's cause it's hard work :( To think of a design that is user friendly but still align with what the consumers and producers want... I would not be good at that job :\
morning snakes
2:40 PM
waddup Joe. Did you enjoy the trade deadline yesterday? Also did you enjoy TSN's announcement for the new co anchors coming back ?
it was boring
French client is having issues. It's always the french that causes issues :(
Also, UI stuff is literally in the user's face, so everything you do has to look good and be pleasant to interact with. Whereas backend stuff can be ugly and inefficient and as long as it works and isn't too slow, the users won't know or care. Of course other devs may criticize your crappy code. :)
system question for you folks. I'm looking over some of the glue scripts we have here and it's all in bash...very common. However, as I'm looking at how complex it is starting to get, I feel like it might be worth it to use something that allows a bit of a nicer structure, and maybe incorporate some tests. Any thoughts against taking this approach?
I don't have anything wrong against bash, and it's fine to use as glue in your project to bring up your stack, etc.....but I feel like it's approaching that level of complexity where it's just not nice to deal with after a while
What would be an alternative?
2:46 PM
well, the alternative I'm looking to go to is pretty much do it in Python with tests
@ThiefMaster I feel like I'm going to lose no mater what I do. The declared_attr is causing problems, but going back means not recognizing primary keys in declared attrs without causing SQLAlchemy to throw warnings.
and since it is getting big enough, maybe make it its own project.
But, I also want to be careful not to over engineer it
@davidism Hmm.. maybe check with the SA devs whether there's a good solution for both?
Just wondering if anyone else has gotten to this point as well and how they justified one decision over the other
And there were problems even before my original fixes back in 2015, so I can't just revert the whole thing.
2:48 PM
zzzeek is usually super-responsive on the mailing list
@idjaw Sounds good to me. Bash is great for simple housekeeping tasks and to glue stuff together
@PM2Ring In the sense that moving towards something like Python would be good, or to stick with bash due to the responsibility of what the code is currently doing?
Complex in which sense exactly -- getting too long / hard to read / hard to understand / taking on too much responsibility / overextending itself to perform tasks for which it's not well-suited / etc?
@ThiefMaster thanks, I'll message him after work today.
bash has its serious limits. Rewrite it in python sooner rather than later.
2:55 PM
@idjaw Sorry I accidentally hit return. I was going to say that if you try to do too much in pure Bash you end up building a crazy unwieldy MacGyver contraption that's hard to understand and hard to maintain.
@MarcusS good point. I would say definitely too much responsibility and hard to understand/read. For example, one script will be responsible for crafting some ephemeral scripts off of a template that is actually integrated in the script itself, which is used to then leverage docker_compose to bring up different containers, which then makes calls to several other bash functions to help provision all these boxes, which are initially triggered inside a pom file via maven
that's one example
Have you heard of our lord and savior ansible?
@KevinMGranger So, this is exactly why I think bash is starting to get too involved. We use puppet and ansible (depending on the project)
this currenty project in particular is using puppet
these bash scripts are initial scripts that need to run to help package the project, to give to puppet, so that puppet can properly deploy it on said box
Bash is like duct tape - very useful for its intended purpose, but if you build a complex device that's mostly duct tape you're doing it wrong.
starring that too
2:57 PM
sounds like a lot of that could be redone in a better framework, yeah -- sometimes I think projects start out simple enough but it quickly becomes a "everything looks like nails to a hammer" scenario
Yep....I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy before I start PoCing this
There's no hard and fast rule, but separating them off into separate executables is a good first step.
and throwing it up to the team to see if we can start moving towards something more sane
@KevinMGranger Yeah. So, FWIW, it is separated nicely...but each "nice" component is mutating in to ugly bash
Rewrite it in perl to decrease its readability more!
which in turn is causing the sum of its parts to be a very ugly....It's not the Voltron I would imagine it to be
Alright. Thanks for the input everyone. You've confirmed the direction I want to go down.
3:05 PM
f"Room 6: Reaffirming Your Opinions Since {startdate}"
f"{get_time_of_day_phrase()} cabbage!"
stackoverflow.com/q/42558992 typo form('key') is not form['key']
Does this room have a gang and are we called the tunnel snakes, urgent question
I'm not sure if I want to be called that.
3:15 PM
I'd rather not a) be a tunnel snake, and b) be part of a 'gang,' which sounds exclusive and potentially unfriendly [to me, at least]
this has been discussed before. I have always been a fan of this, and I think we should adopt this.
I think knowledge of where tunnel snakes came from would help here
Oh wow I've made that exact joke before. I'm predictable. Help.
quick, do something unexpected
starts writing ruby
@KevinMGranger We are definitely not a gang, and we shall strike down anyone who claims that we are. ;)
@MarcusS Maybe write a question for the UX Stack Exchange.
3:45 PM
Are we a 'den', 'pen', 'pit', 'bed' or 'rhumba'?
Yes. Definitely motivated to pay off this debt now. Starting to plan out how to re-structure this in a test driven way
<3 TDD
so much
How do you make text like this? B̤̘̖̦̏̄ͅr͈̼̗̦͎̱ͮ̽͐ͭͧͤ̈͜i̢̦̣͇̭̗̳͋ͨ͛̐ͪ͋ͣ̇̐͘͢n̲̞͚͕̙̲͋g̡̬̪̯̮̯̙̬̙ͫ̽ͤ͐͂̿͊͠ ̤͖̙̬̥̫̮͎̑̊̈͒̌̔͛̚͝m̥͕͚̣̻̹͕̄ͤ͠e̡͔̖̘͐̉ͦ͗͊͒ͪ͝ͅ ̧͍̖̤̩͍͔̊t̙͍͓̫͋̓̔̀͝͡oͮ́ͣͫ͞҉̭̼̠̲̻͚̯̤̗ ̬̫̲̠͓ͫ̿͛̋ͦ̀ṭ̡̱̝̐̐̽̾̍̾ḧͬͫ̾͏̛͚͈̳̜̱͙̟̲͙͡e͚͚͎̱̺͚͖͑̉͟ ͎̖͖͚̾̑̌͋̄̊̈́̕ͅv̤͖̪̜͔̮̠ͤ͛̾̔̂̍ͣͦ́o̢͔̦͉̹͍͗ͤͩ̽ͬ̑ͩ͊́͢i̧̢̮̙̣̩͊̈ͣͤ̚͘d̵͊̽ͧͮ̇͂̀͏̮̙͙
TDD is love, TDD is life
Q: How does Zalgo text work?

MikeI've seen weirdly formatted text called Zalgo like below written on various forums. It's kind of annoying to look at, but it really bothers me because it undermines my notion of what a character is supposed to be. My understanding is that a character is supposed to move horizontally across a line...

3:49 PM
I tried pasting it into chat and it couldn't parse it
C̹͕̺̑͘a͛̓̔͏̣͉̟̩̗ͅǹͬ͌̓͑͛҉͍͖̪ ̘͔̝͋ͧy̺̤o͎̫̞̤ͪų̖̩̪̰̙̻̋̔ͯ̽̈̾ͅ ̵̭͓̐ͨ̍̐͒ͩͅm̙̤͔ͅa͍̻̱͓̤ͪ̽̈́k̰̬̈́͌̾͐̃̊e̺̰͕͐͐̃ ͬ͆̒҉̞̥s͕̜̲͙̱̱̲̐͂͋́ͧ̾̚u͍̖̟͚̹ͅr͇̥̪̹͈͑̈́͌ͯ̊͑͊r̜͙͇̿̒ͪ̇͞ͅẻ͛͏̙̜͇̣̥̗̳a̦̲̪͕̬̳̼ͥ̍̂ͪ̏l͙̤͖͌ ̮͓͖͓̹̋ͫ̓̚tͣ̏̆҉̙͇̲͖̹e͓̦̦̖͡x̾҉͓̖̪̙͍ṫ̑ͮ͑̌?̯̞̠̄͛ͪ̿ͅ
zalgo is so cool
4:13 PM
@Cody sopython.com/chatroom read the rules please.
@Cody welcome, please read our room rules: sopython.com/chatroom. In particular, please don't post recent questions here.
More Yahoo hackery, friends
Why do you hate me sqlalchemy? Is it because I abuse you?
:( Why is there no engine.bribe() function?
4:19 PM
because it's on to your trickery.
it knows
Maybe it just needs to accept my badly designed database queries and do it faster. It needs to go to a gym
You need to use session.bribe(). It's linked to the session because it might ask for more per-transaction.
Ah I see. I need to grease more palms the further I go. Makes sense.
I see an O'Reilly book for SQLAlchemy under a similar title being made
4:34 PM
Even better is the answer that wasn't deleted:
> the technique of teaching from Learn Python the Hard Way,
4:47 PM
@idjaw Geeze. Hasn't Yahoo seen enough abuse yet? Well, I guess they probably are into that, cause they don't seem to be fixing their problems.
slowest sinking ship, ever.
It's crazy, because they were such a juggernaut in the '90s
Then they put those stupid toolbars everywhere ;)
Have you ever seen the history of Yahoo's financial offers and their rejections?
or even their rejections of acquiring others?
no... pretty bad?
oh..hold on
@WayneWerner observer.com/2016/07/… I suggest going down reading the part with "Terry Semel"
His decisions are by far the best.
5:42 PM
I really dislike working on legacy code
@idjaw It's a really interesting history, to be sure -- lots of places where things went wrong
I have a riddle for y'all, based on some surprising behavior I experienced yesterday.

    #some statement goes here
    print("Oh no, something went wrong!")

#Oh no, something went wrong!

#some statement goes here
#output: nothing
Determine the contents of "some statement goes here" so these programs produce the output described
That's it. You diagnosed the problem about ten minutes faster than I did ;-)
Or, view spoiler if you're stricter about the problem ;)
5:54 PM
I made a mistake of buying a condenser microphone, without a phantom power :\ surprisingly it works off a 3.5mm audio jack..... but it sounds really monotone and quiet ><
I'll accept the first answer even though it would also require an import.
Whenever I see something funky with exception control flow, I immediately think of that
I had a problem this morning because I was decorating functions and hacking globals() from within a loop. Should know better, but obviously don't.
I choose to believe you had a good reason. "Because I'm lazy and it was the easiest solution given the constraints" counts as a good reason.
5:58 PM
@idjaw That's fantastic
I feel like most of the time newbies use global, it isn't the easiest solution available, it's the easiest solution that they were capable of thinking up. Important distinction there.
Was working with someone else's code and I wanted to know some information about all the input arguments for every function in the module, ideally just by forwarding him a function to insert at the end of the module which he could then call.
"But I'm not going to need a whole class..." Later: "I should have just made a class"
If the "right" way involves steps that the other guy would be more likely to screw up than if you had just told him "here, insert this function at the end of the module and call it", then that's entirely justifiable
Human action is the most failure-prone component of your problem by several orders of magnitude so minimizing its possible impact trumps ordinary coding standards
This is why most of my programs require no user input beyond them double-clicking the program's icon
Not to be too mean, but I really wish this user wasn't quite so ready.
6:05 PM
What is meant by "Conto"?
Conto? Isn't that the fake company that Microsoft uses in its documentation?
I have no idea what a Twitter conto is.
Contoso Ltd. (also known as Contoso and Contoso University) is a fictional company used by Microsoft as an example company and domain. == History == Contoso and its website, contoso.com, are used in documentation and help files for many Microsoft products. Contoso's website redirects to microsoft.com. Examples of its usage include: A February 26, 2010 Microsoft whitepaper examined "the potential outcomes of a pilot implementation of Google Apps from the vantage point of a hypothetical company" called Contoso Ltd. It is used as an example app in the Windows Phone documentation for Flip Ti...
I was close.
Maybe account?
Perhaps it's a typo for "convo"?
Conversations are things that happen on twitter, sort of.
Not that it makes sense in the context of "I can't add this hash tag to my profile unless I have this thing"
6:11 PM
Seems more likely to be a form of the word "account", to me.
Every letter in conto is also a letter in account, so a particularly spastic typist could potentially write one in lieu of the other...
I was thinking that it could be the word for "account" in another European language.
"bill" in Italian, apparently? (and account, check, and toll as well)
According to google translate, "bank account" in Italian is "conto bancario", so it's not impossible.
I was just thinking it might be another language. That's twice in the last five minutes that you've Kevinned me before I could type a single letter.
6:18 PM
I can see Conto Bancario being the name of a Pixar villain
Bancario to me sounds like what an uninformed American would guess to be the word for "bank" in Italian. It's only by coincidence that it's actually right.
"Bank in Italian? Uh, 'Bank', hmm, what's an italiany suffix... How about 'ario'? Bankario? Wait, I'm right? Are you serious?"
Super Bancario Bros
Somebody photoshop the Koch brothers into some NES cover art
Kevin....making me snort since <date_i_showed_up_here>
So I spent the morning in the C# room and I've learned that I've been doing everything wrong.
Because my ten-year old work project hasn't been refactored in ten years, it's still using ten year old technology. Also, it's using it incorrectly.
6:30 PM
Pretend like you never found this out
and just keep on truckin'
It is written, "That which can be destroyed by the truth should be", so I'm going to try not to mourn the demise of my comfortable bubble of ignorance
strengthen the bubble with more ignorance
Wow, I like that quote
I'm dropping in just so I can learn too
I am going to keep on truckin', because I don't have enough man-hours to do anything else, but I'm going to truck on with the ever-looming specter of knowledge behind me
Fig 1. Kevin IRL
taking that
6:35 PM
The C# room appears to have moved on to arguing about the fundamental nature of logical predicates and their position in modern society, mostly by calling one another A-holes. So this is what non-Python rooms are like when there's nothing programming related to talk about.
It looks to be all in good fun though
I guess our equivalent would be "hissing"
Does anyone know of a way to get around the fact that itertools.groupby() discards its individual _grouper iterators as it's iterated over?
> The returned group is itself an iterator that shares the underlying iterable with groupby(). Because the source is shared, when the groupby() object is advanced, the previous group is no longer visible. So, if that data is needed later, it should be stored as a list:
Asking in reference to this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/42560404/…
I usually just convert the inner iterators into lists.
6:50 PM
^ that
If you're thinking "Yeah, I know, because it says 'it should be stored as a list' in the quote I just gave. Do you have any suggestions other than that?": no, I don't.
Yep, me too. Was just wondering, because (per my answer to that question), the iterator magic in the docs' roundrobin() recipe becomes more hindrance than help when playing with groupby objects.
More hip-hop listening. Currently listening to:
groupby is a pain in the butt
what you have in yr answer looks fine
Yeah, it's not especially friendly.
6:55 PM
impressively coherent question for a < 100 rep user
I thought so too. Wasn't altogether sure where to pitch the answer in terms of what-they-would-know ... hopefully if anything is unclear they'll comment.
Tempted to use a deque in fact, but in the end thought not worth the potential confusion.
Explanation of what happened with S3: techcrunch.com/2017/03/02/…
@PM2Ring I once built an RDBMS in bash. Happy days ...
Not a very good one.
7:01 PM
"cloudsplains"? rolls eyes..
^^ yeah
That rain's from pain is mainly unexplained.
7:17 PM
The downside of putting a bounty on your question ... it attracts idiots
TL;DR .. question asks how to re-enable a disabled plugin in pytest. Answer describes how to ... run a python file in notepad++ ..??? wat
what the eff
The electronic frontier foundation has little to say about notepad++ or python, I imagine
Effbot has been fairly loquacious on one of those subjects, though.
7:44 PM
Strange, the bs4 documentation says that find returns None on a failure, but when I run the code in stackoverflow.com/questions/42564390/…, elems is -1, not None.
Which is consistent with OP's experience, going by his error message
@Kevin it is a string
@Kevin you're calling str.find
Ha. So I am.
is it :?
Or, hmm
col is a "NavigableString", whatever that means
It's a subclass of str with some extra bits & pieces.
7:51 PM
I am mildly irritated by the lack of rigor in the bs4 documentation. What class does .find belong to? Who knows!
Trying to remember which thing isn't a NavigableString or subclass of it that causes ugly guards to be necessary ... comment, or CDATA section, or something.
@Kevin they should have used find_all above
> NavigableString supports most of the features described in Navigating the tree and Searching the tree, but not all of them. In particular, since a string can’t contain anything (the way a tag may contain a string or another tag), strings don’t support the .contents or .string attributes, or the find() method.
And yet, there is find, right there in dir(col).
Or is CDATA a subclass of comment? Something like that.
@Kevin from str
@Kevin the code should have used find_all above
7:53 PM
Maybe it means "it doesn't support bs4's find method, but does support the builtin str's find method" which is not the first interpretation I would have come up with
or not use a for loop
@AnttiHaapala Yeah.
<built-in method find of NavigableString object at 0x7f43e8302d70>
"Return only the first child of this Tag matching the given criteria."
S.find(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int

Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found,
such that sub is contained within S[start:end]. Optional
arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.
I'm upgrading my mild irritation to "rustled"
S.find(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int

Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found,
such that sub is contained within S[start:end]. Optional
arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.

Return -1 on failure.
7:56 PM
isn't it beautiful ;D
@Kevin this is yet again a PEBKAC error
analogous to:
I have a list ['foo', 'bar']`. What's wrong with my for loop here:
 for i in l[0]:
Antti, I thought your new picture was a cat face looking at something on the table :\
Antti...I'm disappointed you gave up on your new picture
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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