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It's-been-a-long-period-of-time cabbage
"The Hardest Logic Puzzle in the World" is a pretty ridiculous claim
it's not hard at all for someone familiar with mathematical induction
or modal logic
@wim That's highly illogical
the blue eyes one is not that tough
For my money the hardest puzzle is the variant of the liar's puzzle with the three gods that tell the truth or lie or randomly choose an answer, and they all speak a language you don't know, and you have to determine their identities with three yes/no questions
if you reduce the problem to 1 blue 1 gray and work your way up
@WayneWerner oh btw, i dont remember If I thanked you for that git linked reading thingy... so thanks for linking it. It was a nice read
I used to read puzzle books by Raymond Smullyan. Now some of those were excruciating.
The Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever is a logic puzzle so called by American philosopher and logician George Boolos and published in The Harvard Review of Philosophy in 1996. Boolos' article includes multiple ways of solving the problem. A translation in Italian was published earlier in the newspaper La Repubblica, under the title L'indovinello più difficile del mondo. It is stated as follows: Three gods A, B, and C are called, in no particular order, True, False, and Random. True always speaks truly, False always speaks falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is a completely random matter...
that one's really hard
@Kevin was just about to mention that one
@MooingRawr The git parable by Tom Preston-Werner?
@WayneWerner yes sir. thanks for it
I think the trick to that one was that you could get their identities but not necessarily what the words meant
@MooingRawr You're very welcome - I found it extremely helpful myself and I always like to share so other people get the chance to really grok what's going on ;)
Heh. I clicked on the link and the first sentence in History begins "Boolos credits the logician Raymond Smullyan as the originator of the puzzle[...]"
@Kevin Holy truth tables, Batman!
For password = "iamthebest" and
key = "zabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy", the output should be
permutationCipher(password, key) = "hzlsgdadrs".

Here's a table that can be used to encrypt the text:

|| | || | ||
vv v vv v vv

def permutationCipher(password, key):
table = ...
return password.translate(table)

fill ...
you shouldn't post your password like that, SO chat is public
@AmanJaiswal: it's starting to seem like you're just posting questions from some online tutorial/test, which I'm pretty sure isn't the intent.
it's just a dummy one
@AmanJaiswal this one seems rather silly and simple. it's just a simple text shift... you can google the answer im pretty sure
I am trying to solve that thing and when I am not be to solve it then only I posted it here like previous one
@AmanJaiswal stackoverflow.com/a/8895517/4099813 google came back with your answer
The point of this problem is almost certainly just to learn how str.translate works, so I'd start with the documentation and then find a few examples.
also: that's a pretty crap answer to that question
Weird to read an ancient question and find one of us:
Ok is any one know my previous question's answer listbutifier problem
Two people posted answers and two others commented on them. You're not really showing much effort here..
No I am continuously watching here and did not find any thing
@AmanJaiswal buu buu, you aren't looking hard enough.... scroll up about 45 msgs
do solve_my_problem(res)[:] = res... this one ??
Hey guys. Whats the use of python at all? Mostly i mean.
Mostly CGI and answering online puzzles.
@DSM Not you pls
I only accept commands using fully spelled-out words and beginning "Simon says".
If this is meant to be a snarky response to the jokes from before, I recommend stopping
But I'm a doctor, not a room owner
my go to user name for testing is bob hope. Or userface
what's yours?
You guys just spend your whole days in this chat room?
@idjaw Roscivs Bottia...
Fred, for reasons I can't explain. Maybe Mr. Rogers from childhood?
@WayneWerner is that a reference to something? I don't get it at all
Because my (late) brother Ross used "Roscivs" as his name in Latin class
Bottia is latin for "Boss"
he used to go by "Ross the Boss"
Must have been a pretty awesome guy if he could pull that nickname off. :-)
2010-08-14 is my go to date. Any guesses what that corresponds to? :P
@DSM Well, mostly with all of his younger siblings :D
@MooingRawr can you please explanation about _, *res, _ what is this and how it works I saw it first time
although he was a team lead at Amazon for several years... ;)
@WayneWerner: that's "{close relative}'s" birthday. Not birthdate, though, which would have been even more surprising.
@AmanJaiswal look up "star args" and "argument unpacking" with Python
@DSM well, you're just at the wrong end of the days.
@WayneWerner Can you pls explain what is python good for?
Chatbots, markov chains...
@Matarata You've been asking this question all day.
@idjaw But you didn't answer it
@WayneWerner: okay, actual physical laughter is happening so it's hard to type
@WayneWerner only?
Fun fact: The Instagram website is running on Django.
Good for puns, too
and trolling
@MartijnPieters I think I learned that recently as well. I was surprised as well!
speaking of trolls...
getting annoying
Is python good for programming?
it's one big joke
@idjaw 600 million active users. And counting.
It's hard to program without fingers
@idjaw damn, I've been living a lie these past 17 years then?!
@idjaw Why are you trying to be jerk?
I'll go cry quietly in a corner now.
Everyone laughed when I took up ActionScript on Barbie's recommendation. Well, WHO'S LAUGHING NOW!?
and they just hiss, so pythons are going to have a hard time with Dragon Naturally Speaking
@MartijnPieters Sadly. But hey. You managed to fool everyone for quite some time staying employed coding in it
maybe someone should write Python Naturally Hissing
do want
I'm sure if you machine learn a neural network of python hisses you'll come up with a language
@WayneWerner reminds me of -> trextrying.tumblr.com
@AndrasDeak Lol. epic.
lol, that's too good
Wayne, Is there anyway to run python codes on apache web server without CGI?
is this a for real thing that's happening
@AndrasDeak I must have one now.
@Matarata Sure. There's ways to do whatever you want. It's all a matter of how much effort you want to expend.
@excaza: it's been a long day.. some of us have given up and are letting things go off the rails. :-)
@WayneWerner Can you help me a little? explain pls
I've been coding PHP today so I'm being extra lenient with my sanity
I have to
@idjaw at least you are rolling in the '$'
truth man. truth
I'm using this to make things go faster, because I just want to be done with it
@AndrasDeak Right, I'm off to the nearest Spaceology centre now!
Wayne, Pls explain to me that whats the way to run python without cgi.
Free personality test? Sign me up!
@MartijnPieters you just need to stand with your back towards the starry sky, write down what you wish for, then order it
You can probably photoshop it
wait, is photoshop cgi
it's all connected, man
wayne@arglefraster ~
⚘ python2                                                      $? 127  15:46:28
Python 2.7.13 (default, Dec 21 2016, 07:16:46)
[GCC 6.2.1 20160830] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
That's how I run Python without cgi
@excaza Why you guys are such a jerk?
@Matarata Perhaps you want to check out the chatroom rules and stop repeating questions.
poor @excaza always getting the blame:P
so rude
Hey guys, I've got a question if anyone is willing to help.
wait a minute!
@AndrasDeak You can create photoshop files with the gimp, which you can script using Python!
php -a
I can't believe I forgot about php -a
I'm the greatest ever
@MoAli check the room rules... just ask the question
everything is coming up milhouse!!
@idjaw There is a reason for that. You don't want to remember PHP. Full stop.
@MartijnPieters tsk tsk tsk.
@MartijnPieters My brain was trying to warn me. It tried really hard....and I brought back all the bad things.
Can I charge getting a large plush snake to my team's development budget? Questions, questions.
@FlorianMargaine I'm allowed to say this. I work at a company famous for trying to forget about PHP and failing.
@DSM you can use it for rubber duck debugging
@WayneWerner Will do.

My question is that I can't get my packages set correctly. My directory setup is more like this.

Project -> package
-> tests
I'm trying to import packages from my package directory to my tests.
For some reason it works in pycharm no problem, not via shell though.
@MartijnPieters I work at a company hiring people coming from yours
@MartijnPieters yeah but at least they're retroactively making the memories rosier
@Matarata It's apparent that you probably have a language barrier and English isn't your first language. That being said, it's also pretty obvious that you're probably not bothering to think for yourself. If you are then you're just not transmitting your thoughts properly, so patience that people have with you is probably all used up.
@FlorianMargaine how's that going for you? :-P
@MartijnPieters not bad
I don't do much php, if any, so I'm fine
I can import packages within the same relative directory, but not when I have to move from one parent to another.
How come this room is so active today? Switch the tab for 2 mins, and BROOM - everything vanishes (becomes history) from here :/
I suspect others have tried to explain such things to you, with no success. Rather than getting angry, trolling is a lot more fun.
@MoinuddinQuadri troll sprouting
it's ike mushrooms, just more verbose
@MoAli It's your PATH(s)
@WayneWerner Please elaborate.
PyCharm is probably doing something for you... how familiar are you with how python imports actually work?
@MoAli Why do you want to move from one parent to another? Aren't they taking good care of you? :P
I'm guessing on a scale of 1-5, 1. Or less ;)
So I know how to import on a relative path, been taking examples from here. github.com/spulec/moto/blob/master/moto/ec2/models.py
If you look at the python console in PyCharm you'll see that it's appending your project directory to PATH when the console starts
But I can't import something similar to line 3 here github.com/spulec/moto/blob/master/tests/test_ec2/…
@excaza checking.
at least it does for me
I don't see that.
@FlorianMargaine did u ever figure out your issue ?
Okay, time to go get some errands done before rooting for Clemson. Gridiron rhubarb for all!
@DSM \o rbrb
rbrb @DSM
welp im leaving too ... gonna be a rebel and leave 3 minutes before 5, even though I came in early xD \o rbrb take care y'all
@MoAli python imports look on your PATH. Also I believe the PYTHONPATH variable? Yeah, looks like it
@FlorianMargaine Don't know if your profile is current, but what you are working on now, that sounds similar to heroku. Is it pretty much similar to that but heavily specialized in PHP support?
And I guess you are aware that you need __init__.py file in the directory in order to make it a module
@MoAli The first file that it finds there gets imported.
>>> import sys
>>> print(sys.path)
['', '/usr/lib/python36.zip', '/usr/lib/python3.6', '/usr/lib/python3.6/lib-dynl
oad', '/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages']
@WayneWerner I see, that makes sense.\
So in that case, how would I get it to work without using PYTHONPATH.
Or does that have to be set?
you can actually see this at work if you pass -v
@idjaw it's like heroku, but better :P
and although we have a lot of PHP history, we support other languages, e.g. py3.5
(no 3.6 yet.)
but heroku is free :)
@FlorianMargaine Something like AWS Code Deploy and Code Pipeline?
@MoAli Python looks for modules in certain places, if you read the link
@MoinuddinQuadri somehow, although it looks quite different
@excaza we have a free trial, but we're mostly interested in paying customers, yes
The first question that I have for you - are you trying to create a package to be installed (e.g. pip install yourpackage)?
Sorry have to find the linux equivalent.
@WayneWerner No.
I don't want this to be public as of yet.
You don't have to upload to pypi to pip install a thing
Which if that was the case I'd want it to be in site-packages, that much I understand.
That's correct, I'm not looking to do that.
ever, actually.
Even my personal stuff I still package up and pip-install it. It's the easiest way to put it on your path.
Okay so if I don't want that yet then I must set the PYTHONPATH variable to the root of the project it looks like.
and if you're using a VCS (if not, oh dear), you can python -m pip install -e <your directory> and it will install it in "editable" mode.
You don't, though! Pip lets you "locally" install a package in a "development" mode
^ that
or run your application in the project root
because the current directory is on the path
oh, that's what the -e is for
but it's better to just install it with -e
Oh I didn't know pip can do things locally.
And yes I'm using git.
If you've got a local directory with a setup.py in it
I will create a setup.py with the requirements and installation.
python3.5(6??? :D)
So something like this.
Q: "pip install --editable ./" vs "python setup.py develop"

PeterEIs there any significant difference between pip install -e /path/to/mypackage and the setuptools variant? python /path/to/mypackage/setup.py develop

Yeah, presumably you've got to this point: github.com/waynew/simplest-python-package
but if not, there you go
Lost in translation
"Kids loved to watch our staff toss." Blimey. — Lightness Races in Orbit 5 hours ago
@WayneWerner Thank.
is pytz builtin or 3rd party ?
3rd party
I would think it's third party
to double confirm, I can't import it in any of my versions
python sadly doesn't have good timezone batteries included
oh goodness no
I mean, you can tzinfo
but you can't America/Chicago or anything like that
woo....I just did me my first abstract public function in php
look at me. I'm all like..PHPing and stuff
I'm killing it
rolling in the $ yo
and thank you to this answer for giving me even more PHP power.
My code is even more PHP'd?
wow 2009....I'm in it to win it
making the world a better more zalgo place, one ṗ̸̹̇͆̇̇ȯ͓̇̅̇ṅ̶̇ẏ̷̇̉̇̇̆͡ pull-request at a time
wtf is happening there
this is wacky and I love it
zalgo text is so fun
heheh it really is
Alright. I finished my PHP subtasks.
I leave you with Stanley Jordan
Necessary @PM2Ring ping ^^
and now you can use python3 to gen your zalgotext
life is even better now
@idjaw tapping ftw
so good

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